a.. an- jv.y-.W-- Page 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN las? u elmsn Us... Friday, April .10, 1953 y rrerER "Tey have taken the iniUative can we help mem roitow through?" ...v una umrcraiijr iivi snown a inavs wner Jim Pittenger stands on the smsuiar lac or interest m a very important Held matter. And where do our students stand' of leadership class officers. Enough interest cannot even be aroused to run Only one student had filed for each of three a valid election, senior office and there is a chance that the Stu- I am not convinced that everyone interested dent Council might say that there will be no offi- in running for a class office did file. I think that cers for the senior class next year. Filings have many with interest lost that" interest when they k", ic-vjieueu ana ciosea again, uiougm or trying to get elected under our Doliti oiiu wugr uno siuutnv ns mea ior eacn oi tnese cat set-up. No one wants to be a posts. This is an excellent example of the apathy lamb. WORLD REPORT Loiters Protest Offshore Oil Bill KniTOR XOTK: TT tMtewie ar. rt kr TtMMaa Ntnkn, WktkNw'M Rir- J" A tr4a rn-.) WASHINGTON: What has the aospects of a crass-roots move- sacrificial !ment is beginning to reflect itself .nere in letters to members of the on this campus. There is no legal bar to opening filings again. Don Noble, judicial chairman of the Council, told What ever tha rpacrtr, .e..u 5- pruiesung aeuvery oi ott- . . . ' . Uldl wc snore on lands to the states. The imvc senior ciass oiiicers next year. Pittenger brought out one of the reasons why correspondents are appealing to the Senate, which is now dphUn - Ul issue, to retain nwnprshin nf roe Thursday that the decision concernine another this would h had twv t .... ,ine oil-producing lands in the; -"'- v . o oiiviiii, LciM j celt 1 r pHra 1 rArnmo ! re-opening would be up to the student legisla- the University decided to let the students help! This moveS which has! .6u..r.it fstuisi uukuj u.anc aaminisa-aiive decisions, students were al- s'auuy accumulated force as the filings. If no one has taken advantage of a lowed to sit in on faculty committees in 8omeicitizeTs,1both RP"blican and Dem- secona cnance, men why even worry about the committees, the student reoresentstiw w. .Uri..".' "avT up ro wn is campus? But let's not be that resigned. There lowed to vote. The senior ct . SL T? V !15 I V V V ...On The Social Side Social Light Hits Marriage, 4 Engagements ST - ' ' V f The senior class m-pciHont i are iLn rnm irminwri iff&inM v- - . ... o , B&uul ,lv,i ii. uij ovii- Hiciiiurr ui uie roramencemea' committee a com- jor ciass omcers next year. mittee with a direct concern to seniors iius j car, ciass oiucers ana councils nave ne- This idea has had very favorable results and gotiated with the alumni society and far-reach- the faculty members of the committee think that ing plans are being discussed. There is a possi- student representation is a good plan. The senior bility that financial difficulties the biggest prob- class president will introduce the commencement lem class government faces might be fixed up speaker, in this case, Herbert Brownell. He will by the alums. These negotiations must be car- also participate in preparing the seniors for ried on in systematic order or the whole idea is marching into the Coliseum, shot. Jim Pittenger, secretary of the Nebraska Alumni Society, has been most co-operative with Another reason. The senior class president the present officers. traditionally plants the ivy at Ivy Day. Of course.! someone else could do it. but traditionalJv. it is! As secretary, Pittenger is editor of the Ne- the senior class president oraska Alumnus, news magaiine for University g.acuaies. ne naa tais to say in the last issue: will start selling announcements. the "oil for education" ment that Sen. Lister Hill (D..- Aia.) nag proposed to the bill sponsored bv Sen. Clinton P. An. derson (D.f N. M.l Drovidin thP federal ownership and control of me marginal seas as decreed by the Supreme Court. The Hill amendment would rip- vote federal government royalties; from offshore oil development to education, with distribution to all1 48 states on the basis of Donula. 1 tion, after the present national de fense emergency, during which revenues would go to national deJ fense. I The engagement ot I o a n n e Kjeldgaard and Allen Michelet was announced Sun day. Joanne is from Big Springs. She is member of Kappa Delta sorority and Is a senior in Arts and Sciences College. AI len Is from Santa Barbara, Calif. He is a member of Tan Kappa Epsilon f rater nity and also a senior in Arts and Sciences. The couple will be married In June. Courm Snnda? Journal and Star Another reason. Next week the class to 5.. trliSl This By TAT PECK Staff Writer UNIVERSITY EPISCOPAL CHAPEL Sunday 9 a.m.. Holv Com Marilyn Post and Darrel More land were married Monday eve ning in St. Bernard's Church in Omaha. Maid of honor was Jeanne Ma rie Barney. Shirley Haney and Alyce Fulton were bridesmaids. Attending the giuom were Ber nard O'Brien, Ed Berg and Gene Berg. A reception was held at the Omaha Athletic Club. Marilyn, a sophomore in Teach ers, is from Omaha. She is an Alpha Xi. Darrel, a Kappa Sig, is in the College of Dentistry. Hp is from Simla, Colo. Cngaqements KJELDGAARD-MICHELET Joanne Kieldgaard. Kanna Del ta, and Allen Michelet TKE. have announced their engagement Pic ture appears on the left LAKSEN-REIS Announcement has been mart of the engagement of Joan Lar sen and Marion Reis. Joan i from Wahoo. and Marion from Hamburg, la. He is a Jan. uary graduate of the University u a mcmocr or llvK. I SAXDS-MOREIIEAD ri!s: .nd Your Church Streets; 6 p.m. Robert. Antonides music -director. Floyd Whead. both of Omaha l?lZLlU.0: School. Floyd is a senior in Arte .nd Tonic Music of the church. . METHODIST STUDENT HOUSE GKT-MlTira -Your secretary had the privilege of meeting first time that the class has undPrtaWn thi mJfear that delivery to coastal ttPc;munion: 11 m morning prayer.L Sunday p.m.. Lesley Fire-, Jean Gray, former Hastines with this group aM w8s impressed with its ce- iect. It has tVpn . it f wv ,."Jt offshore lands would set a nre!! ST. THOMAS ACQITNAS 5Lei5 J?,.inn',I;f??- J-oilege , student, and Duane Mil- termination to da somprhino ihnnt v n,n-.- .i (Cedent for handing over to the . CATHOLIC CH.' tion f tw p,.. Zi rZSZ?'": r. " " 7" -Ke wt m. 10 -!tates. other parts of the public5. Sday-Masses, 8, 9, 10 SO, Their purpose was fuL But the senior and Junior class officers andjdomain that are now administered 11:30 " Digger tnan merely arranging for a party (the councils are doin it If thi rmwt i t r, Junior-Senior Prom). It was their ope that tinued, we must have an active group of class they could get sufficient backing from the stu- officers. tu suic an evens mai wouia proauce a oy me t eaerai Government under! eekdays Masses, 6:45, strict conservation principles. a.m. oelT p-"t ?: .'HARBIN-SIMMONS or 4c Ki 1 v j.o . .""--'" lia A WCll1- . h. f6.""L: -ti Building 4 , : " n,teTl-uley A r these activities the sale of announce-F0? group in Cleveland, Sundav-picnic at PinnPC Tllfe rnU Ckw, wanted to leave the profits for next year's board ments, the work in the commencement the plant-? alf of the An-'p COUlCl 5hOW m the hope that it could then build no sufficient in of thP iw th rrt, !?.ers?n.Jcder1 control bill with, .r..JT . Jf; IT" I i. a I, lne Ln:vers:ty in memory their class. them calls for some continuity from this vr tJdiscussir.e this issue with tPir Tuesday :15 p.m.. Karra Phi ler. er,einpprinT nmr . ik. election of officers Trsi'y. have announced that thev rnday throuch Sundav Me:hn- v.ill be marripH .Tun i n... - . , . 'dist Student Movement Confer- s a TKE. i:15 ence. Charimn Kh I . --, , . . UiNa..a UEIR-MEAD Nancy Weir passed candy at the Gamma Phi house to an nounce her engagement to Joel Mead, AGR. Nancy is a senior in Arts and Sciences from Gale t;urg. Hi. She is past Gamma From H-SU Brand Fhl President and Union hnaM We have been interested all our mbr- ,Jocl is an Ag senior in the unlimited cut,""1 L,ncoin- some universities and1 House OffiVsre - si mJ 1 iTeacher's Abilities nere is a rest project for the Alumni Asso- tend the Student CouncU meeting next Wednesday , rs would follow several al cianon. i nere is no better time to develon eood ani rwav fnr !lc"S IO nm. une woman , ... . i vf t .4, fciOM ViliLtl . . Then, go and file. It is important aiumm than while they are in school. NEBRASKAN EDITORIALS filings again, active in this grass-roots, ne'igh- hesrsal. PRESBT HOUSE oo.uiv.aj iu s m., special want .rr:. . assumption that ski-Wif k..7-.T.'Vra ai Tne e paying for their educa- 'V, ,.'c "rjr."ones. Presi. 1 tion and should be allowed to de- 't ."ey- "-President cide just how much f ,t .h erweimann. secre- 'e Don't Want To Fight Pk tr , . " ... - a . v. liin k rviir-iv 1 y . borhcod democracy wrote the sin. council rriptir.VK v.-,K rt.'V.l1 m, cd . s and Vic Hall "i k Mwurw " " , " a ia i.ni- a . liiit'T'l filT fi sec mtiAk - 4U4i. -ior aooux ner expenences: Hon, BiU Cohea and Ren Jarkn " ""ut" "i public-lands r.trnvpr sh--711 40 mennonea sjsiera nmmng the number of Delta - w- aatjt xne news commentators say peace in Korea against a force which wmiM fie "car.s ana Democrats ahke may be just around the comer. The behavior of life " ' pauea at the prospect of our pub- the Commkt .ta t-v a-,. r,... .... 'he domam being plundered. Many confronted many, many times; Sunri, wl, ZU1 2". n.JL?! ?.lfc .oth?r.5,a-w w Cornhusker Co-op dinner dance Delta SDrir.P frtrmat cuts a student mieht takrp in 9 Pi irmu dk u.. t BAPTIST AND COTNER ! was a way of protecting' ' ' Party STUDENT HOUSES teachers who could not otherwise Three out of four traffic rvi U.N. delegates But we hate ta think nf w - r..'!.j t, t- V Sunday Church vhnni bo:d a cSass. dents involve Dasseneer rart seems to suggest that East and West may soon our lives to "live- tramin . mwm. lother -steals.' These neor'e havP orn",.g worship in city churches 8t soM'5d.s lu,5e true because T. v, . settle their differences over a truce. Korea. In fact the thot hZ"!. expressed the hope that ihe tide- i?.?.?11? SUPPCT First n 5 7 voed S a, it iiS.1?: The commentator, also say that the Comma- some Chinese soldier on T "a .Tf1 S5 be, nd K," i52 w ere IrnTs , istudent attention than for h. ahead- fflc "S::gJSLbecwae empty "nd! L.t year wat the.thlrd eon- I ThP .mlimitarl m,t i. i U1 increase in we Lt vear't.- f 'ing,'Ts"we uidTbS it fo l-(nWOe .M t . i-i ear s traffic loll r,f Hps the .w. ;J .u .u. J " . . ucd conege stu-' wore man 15.000 npranni w- ... .u oi c iuuils ana can dp Kinea in week-end treated as such. dents last year. . scu luu ana open ceoaie on ine war on simply scares us even sitting in Kp v Jr.stP fwr it w.v. ar!r rin nnn nists may be calling the Korean io Knock the steam out of our economy. They University. suspect that the Communists would like tn hv T -n-.inv .v . - " ' i t a c a. f 1 in ri icnn rvivc , . . ZZLrZ Jf te . Ma naive to say that' we ASStJEisenhower.s mail uc,cic ui tUC ana me neutral world. hope the Korea trucp npentiatnr. ran c .iskinp h,m t KSro ;. .7" " a -J aj t.lt . o - fe yusi kJk'lt auu iii UI JCS sides of what is probably one of iured in week-end tra want . . - i a .ai ciuu i. . ir toome editorials suggest that the Communists war in Korea so we wont have to kill a Chinese from 515 M to federal control, most historv. nt to witidrsw from Korea in order to strike before be kills us -R-fcat'c ih w or,, OI 'K,cft came ln 3"st before ar.d traffic acci- who was Sfgpecfs DffnneJ Fo Keep Public's Respect n- of such Colleges and universities have'in wi(. tvat c t A. been faced with the wessme '!5JS! tft.w8r5..k-en blind; uprising, a general revulsion somewhere else where they have a better chance ask, between a Chinese in Korea and a ChV l a15f . ' PO L I C I K AT I IPI A' or winTiir,? j i-j- . - """""I'i nawiiK --' . T . ia njQo--nina, or some other enemy )n the General J. Lee Rankin, who was in snon, lew Americans believe that thp Tip A Mirlf!i rct told io sr.w it ,-;c v ua iod . " '.j a a ill peace teelers are genuine. In the long run they There's none, it is true. War is war anv olace. ' f I? the V" beliew that th rv,rr,Tr,.,r,. m .1. . ' . . . d an Piace-:500 letters v.-ere sent to , " t " " 'v'""" "icHi- c can nope ana here's where it is perhaps'der.t acrordirz to Rarkir se.ves farther ahead if they pull out of the naive-that by the time we are graduated fro 'SSh iTS I JSS? Korean har.le. colege ftere , hs an --u i,r7uTJr2 M logic that are taken in In othPr vnrri. if v v.i , ' One letter to President ;ser CUPcr,n .v jifl? obedience to the Perhaps these commentators and editorialists are right. Perhaps the Communists are trying put one over on us. Perhaps they will gain more from a Korean truce than we wilL . But I am a junior in this University and am ... . .. - " Hwutc luitc. nomis ton Mimormii tn lirt T .A i- .v.,.. ViWt V Z X : . anT CranCn' Y0Ul1 f C0Urse Critidze 115 for 'antiRS Pea agree with President Truman but a true search for taoOed Some se"-Jion w would say that most; 'preads of the work of T, S,?.n T ,1 rn,8ftef m? gradUa- 8t acy being satisfied for peace ifou exceedingly glad he had the qualify this with TfSZmZ dominated by precon- Tes?Bl deindert of pub tion in June. 1954. Ill be hustled off to some time, for wanting fb. him f ... 'foresight and courage to veto the the effect that each case must Hp ceEl'ons-.L . . . . . he cor.fidmr; in it ' P . . : - uisnu.c oil rctcrics roDDerv. juarea dv Jiseil sinrp cmi't ic r.i- ......... c.u n une can naraiy aeainst thp amHrm mrf -.kni war and can somehow rL'Z ,Z Jl! Aether or not to emoWCom- to.ar!y-the very vehicles" which tn tw , .u , C lJic" Jor c:m- comams mumsts as faculty members Ev V . ! in ,Br ,rujl- 1 'e must depend to take us to that w tnree or four years, thosp of s who innmrt an interesting naracrranh .-j i 'rc"ut.iT. , gut thu i a dsneprmiciw mh. " now can be throuch with our militarv Mr,.i others: answered in ?hp ti... jective doctrine on which to test rv, t': ,-. By then it wil be somebody eke's turn to fm thpL-' .Pate the Congress Most educators contend that the " a,PPd hout Pa Public resnect in order tl thi. rank r.i r rM Tr.- u"aer . "-iaeni iTuman? On Communist is shackled to a doema "B"'-v. uula Loaoiy exciuae ,ob for Ihe fftwi uiusi leacners. trom nersnna rib- :t . wi army camp in the United States for training. After that? Who knows? A couple of weeks ago they told us we would probably wind up in Korea for a year or so. It additional civilization to fall on someone else's shoulders. Sure, we're being selfish. We know it. But !er all, it's our futures we're concerned about. It's eary for thp etrv Anwn imt. nw... ,.,Mr,' V- . V,J 41 :j " ' ouuu ' c "ou. uic nia. 11 you can live IlffhTirp fnr Amwir -v NUBB through two or three tough scrapes in a year, you can pretty much live like a gentleman the rest of man or sophomore to regard he doesr. t have to luncheon carry a gun. It's even easy for the college fresh-, lor x rrtn tv Nebraska- Regional Committee should be allowed to teach. ion urgent educational problems No Confidence p.tkt. m wiiiun par- Jiii'tn r v rep f cin.A ki! u - t Hoi'iu i . ... on!l that rfmrnirmcm more favorable colors. They are1 e cannot conclude without a a?e a pSToTrf Su5 called fajth' ideals- etc- Y to tord " " dangers implicit in hsvp nro r- ' xuit-a wiLii a venemence ana rer- . .. .icuw: wc iujuk the time over there. But Korea has meant war. even if the fight ing is localized. Men are being killed there Just the same and some of them are fellows who were PDTC students in college. If it is necessary. I don't mind and I don't think many college men really object to spend ing a coupie or years in the armed forces. We war something meeiing iz-jo p tcity that differs from that of the rightJvLp0' overextension of it L-ommunist only in degree inuk ine sreas wnere it is not Diiferina rW fff- int0 "resA where tv- ,v,K, . J i me neiii-s oi inquiry snould nr0T- irie prohibition against Com- v- i. m. . ri f j.j 3 v v mi.T.iO funul, . .n iu wou. c men I Ilfic -"J "-h-jiucu. ' . j ii.xmucij ib m- ai i univnxirv tn lusm nnnir. - - - j Mttt u vwiiiuaiuus grand and glorious the saviour way of life. But there's nothing easy or . . v , - irBT B f nmmn 1. . . . . i about the little fake wars shown in th. TnTr Arl "niwt openiiif tea and re- H,r . J " "r 8t,,e l9 rent orientation to the oroblem films. And they're nothin romn, V-V. ,on' Gai1 A. Morrill Hall, 4 orior rnpntai "r"!"'!-0! In engendered by their! t- v .iia. The fact that it lends itself to ivi a.irii iin a . w at r'ot7firTp w-L ,iiuoic. a ui lvrrKi t TTiiiCT rii in une with its era. ,A wC Him we are insuring its aetense thinking of them K. R. Yesteryear At NU ... prior mental reservation anH ... .. ., ". . . . thingwe're told. , SArr irna should therefore be barred. draw iTrrVt l uocIil THAT HEAD We hope the negotiators think of us when ' Dr I!;'"T" aeromsT discussion. rJL,?J?-'ll ll'"11!! The argument 'which convinces woM, . they meet to discus, a possible truce. W-'ll pm" ,n "oin 221 Burnett. seen thp VpI r"?.."fs us f?ncema the effects which MJMIMfVMSA A. LiZJVF ' i " vt lal L Lefferip Ranch.' By DICK RALSTON Staff Writer Back in the "good old days," men were men snd also women. This was before KosmM Klnh dfldded that it could quit relying on slaps-tick to "With eichtPPr. wnrJ!L w. ... put over their show, and that women should play through' in the cast of the show it is a problem teres!!' V Jr . !rr ?indin ough apparel to properly clothe ih fe-! You y va.g some nuiKing luiiback ir. the part of a male Interpreters in the show, according to Byron . ... . owjuc i vuivjiib ias weu as many laughs) according to NU's fourth estate in 33: - Orthing 'use this immature approarh would be wrOUEht UDOn our ITr.i-." vcrsity and others over the nation OVER FT Oil "V SilowiriP rnmmnnictc tn lau.v I t is plam that in our country todav there is a vast reaction against Communism and anything which the voters think miPht Ao Better Method . : . Hi .ith tni,r . t. j06" Editor: safety pledge, sensational pic-UiT'xly resemble it. This has been ii t eitner your leet or vour should Th n4. v. i turM n-u . K . pvn-ciH rooi.. i .i , i - - - ' -i m ueen cor.sioer- "iky musi so much ;ji,y in cietuons that s too big and if it isn t that you're too broad iably impressed by your Crusade space devoted to the campaign snd poH un?il jt has become one across the hips to squeeze into a dress.' iJ01- Safety program in The Daily don't you print more articles ?the baEic facors of our political 4 v- . Does it take much imagination a. more be some problems (as well Gouldinc. chairman of th- r-,, ..." DUV arier. you are . . ... . . . ' " --"""'ll'ice Wl TO OO I lOb Whlrh flHl (inirn tKrrnrri i n n 4M .m.4. .1 . . n .. .... -i lcAiii ii til 11 LlJUbC ' ' ' ' i I "i 1 1 1 Vj sleeps In v.- . o comure tin a nirtitr r rK Tair.'v whiw 1 . .WOUJfl fiarmpn tft thi inrtit. omxn possibly be criticired ctpg tha huld be standard with Li1. ,Jtwlf UD.in opposition to -'V" " Tl u t a ft lmioorriri. -...ui : LJJC liUI W8VP fiT Dllrl tr nmr.inn - w. . V anjtaix, tJ 1 i.ir 111-" J - M t, a i, I 1 1 . J . j ana mrpn AXOAYM0VS fortunate badly and we can think if m k.i. r r . members of the cast who hao ai-... ter method. uraTj vara . . . girl is quite a problem,' decided their costumes, nniv th , one of the member, of the ponies in the forth- prevail, the blue suit with grey fur leading the coming Kosmet Klub show, 'The Bar Nothing styles, thank, to generous Nbrika coeds The Daily Nebraskan , . nrrr-msT tear mber. Associated Collegiate Press IntereoOeriate Prew Adrerualng RepreseiiUtlve: National Advertising Servlee, lac in. !. irAxAm a. ... - ..""n ito.. XOTK 17. New Tort iNebraskan and w think the pub- and editorials that are on .uBjiinE 01 me tramp v n atin future aeveiT 'SWlinP U'ill fin . ; .1 ' A hjlTiBa B ..... . . . 1 1 1. u iiirui t' 1 i'h 'ifr ir.- iii una turi'i" mn rat-. . . . " wi , . , , ., cwpooawrs BMg jirrraaa City ior Big Weekend. Se otber People. (Bi( euaie pdjt") ttea m ton.) 7hu, errrriDf at the hotel al C.....L r L I Choice, Bna iound a Line etreuhing tnough Problems wir,viiMr..tb. k. cwk The L niversity has problems H dJemtywl W tbe cWk bellow m enoUEh getting a budget through dumber One Mai ia Line: -only tea loom the State Legislature right now. Wt." Bernaa coasted the Headi ia line. for the Imagine what those problems Thirty bad. P nii'nrt urnuM Kn 1 1 a ;m C ... , . . ... this offirp in th . r. .u . V " """Huiubis were urey ecu eeeUiing, oar Here detached ..... e.f." fana 10 re ln Jne faculty. fclBlKii ltom ,k. Cron. a certainly the growth Of the Uni-! Wewem Unioa deak eero. trie lobby. 1 vent ta aend a Feat Telagraai to tbe tonal ;and cut bVun of 5 proems ST n,-; fiV- r'!PV the. very Tb. Cirl nodded ... Dear Editor: 1 wish to thank vou Capital Fire Insurance Co. co-operation that you have given would be like if Comrmir, Et. Very sinr-relv vours JNO. F. ZIKMER. JR Mutual Quest that you publish a small no- tewfek wum aenwrBx aiatwiia ao w aaft af aa """ """ a (aealn af w ammw of m etR al Th. itau. mu inaatiiii far waa) flan ear ar aa ar . Aiwawiei aa urmi 11 af dm ar-i. ana aaittawa.ua m aw Beai af FakHearMaa, ! la iTT nnwa tan aawwrainiiag wmem f t'im aeituii a 3' -4, at aa 1 ,), oaf k-M ant aN"aiurf a w anw, ew eaawmai. f2.s taaaX ar S3 tar aw anii'ra r -'. 4- rmstM. Mneia eapr Se. eublktheel aailr p-;4 tiina. tluiuM. , ttnllaa aaat 'nm aw. r '... f'a awMMhMi aann( aawaat amrk yew Or (he !.,,! ry Hrhmvim mn-f ta aupwtalaa af ilea laaamit- !'t t-iit'ii"iia. fr.ntre' ae amaf rlaaa anattar at ine In mi.i.i, )MtiMM, awaar aH af Ceaajtaaa, Marva t. s ,,. , m mrvtt af awome far ta tarttaa )nx, t n aa tte . Ivn, antfcartMd lntiaaliai l. ix KJHTOBUi, STAFF 4 '" ... ta tt-m t- 14tf E4 Ie Mar Caay 4Mare AMI Faatar f4ttm at t4Uar . j . . w . oi.mA. 1.1 kBujiy mic ivivwLii 01 ine L.ni Immature, Sensational . . . ,0 ront p,se of The wrsity would be impeded. prot- Dear Editor: ,uy rvebraskan several times ably it would be forced to curtail e. I am fully aware of the need for jnE attention to h7 ZSZL lsHfety cons.ious.nes.. Also, I firm-t"ce which I b lly beLeve that a university news-'Iw?, ' 1 beIle e' & edial M'ri-H', Thiir,ot1 wi PPer on bul-1 Some idealist, among us hold in tc"""! r"" fir' taL,',: m a' lPar!?.d- b,oards iU v?r the campus their minds a world .unruled by, a-.i. Han tainiw 7u J V"' V," a "ay or so. I believe that mo Passions where men's weas . L ' tm k. ... u.r"" laimy to the average substTirwr .... , . i... . ronn w k. aaU -i .irj ,h.A tr n.rti. t.V . ;"' i,f nhr " -1"' " ,tr' U1,ci senience in Doia- juueu ana aeoatea ireelv . .. ' BjftiU "'""" " " pOjCI o. "me ssdMeV ".'",".'. '.ff .' 1 feel that The Nebras 0 Ta Laa. UM f t t f !.L w '" Ksf icuwsg V7 sj aVfSjvnii RrfoirncKii f. vi filCB tvDP Kllf'h am I'TJlur, TJ..... Without rpfprpnfP In : riCTallOII a S Sale- You Fiilprt Dut Vnn. n. . n. ficatloriR. Thpv wnnlH r,. I A enr riioa Boon k araa. tna. ran) faflae lJ tmp81gn not OTjiV IS lmmn- fnrm" that h 1 Ti'.,...:... t 1.1 , , .. .. . 4.,-. v,, . . r V "uuiu puiiiie. . wurciiiij ri'BiBX toe1 "y uinrna m aa oaay inn "j satklnanL rd fen" You wiu be real ser-! anti-Communist hysteria" what- T.Ugr ...mm. tbey A. U. Tby M.riarm, MuMm, ,,. w . Tt i. ... , . vice to tne men students on our ulf C0EI- . ; "1r .ct tappmg tbe Saonrea T.i '"Vh- " Ahiaeawi , M.riiy, f,,r a- " trrimjJie, campus by s0 doing. Thank -vou , . e f,nare inr vision for the li!Mnt Pemit. entttng af Meea- iZiZ ttZ.; ,"' l'n""""- , ,; , ? "iiicr.ve wiai a meter ior your hr p. :X 'WZi"; iZTrJXL "SZ.-XT' :lolat,on, hasany bearing on pub-j Sincerely yours " However these vio- HARBY G, STROH ' 7 , "' b win umen, appear Actinc Dirertor Mm. - ... .wwphrn.iro P g Veterans' & Selective ,Ar l"t tS.!! i sm-Jec Affairs laiuaaw TMta aa. a. .TVl'. cl 111 I En'l CTtltd t onfnltt f t-. II IT IFF HV T"I . A n - . flM J.dlKn ft caaei. he is important. But why must you; tZTTJlhj? m .future and their hopes for such a k'"'1 Meeting, fleabing Cood hem .bout i society, but we sharulv disaeree Cr.d, or aoyinc Somelhine Nine to Some- withtheir ideas of obtaining ot. Niity. lor aar-typ Commaniqao, your Maintaain Respect Mow 17 wtiw tnioa. We can't see it crvstallizpd intn' reality by waving a red cape in I tot c, u ,l . front of a bullish public That' I2L'?0Mfh 10th fitr!rt would create on anti-intclcctual ... Trlrphone 2-681)4 0 6) 0 0 0 1 c G IC 0 5A