The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 10, 1953, Image 1

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    ciiireooeir t
. Foio of a Gfat Midwttm Vairnitr
vul. pz-iNo. no LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Friday, April 10, 1953
hrty-11 turee St ydeof s 1 Compete
Poir SC Posifroiius n May 41 iallot
J Casses To Be Dismissed
Monday For 11 A.M. Speech
SUff Writer
Jean-Jacques Servan Schreiber will address an All-University
convocation Monday at 11 am. in the Coliseum.
All classes will be dismissed for the convocation which will
feature Schreiber, foreign editor of the French newspaper Le Monde.
He will speak on 'What are Russia's Plans for Western Europe?"
Schreiber is considered one of the outstanding French journalists
of today. His work appears regularly in the leading European news
papers. He also writes a monthly article for the magazine The Re
porter in this country and frequently contributes columns of polit
ical comment to the New York Herald Tribune, the Washington
Post and others.
During the war years Schreiber served as a fighter pilot with
the Free French Air Force. He received his training in the United
States. After the war he studied
Eligibility checks on candidates for Student CouncU membership have been com
pleted by council and University officials.
Dean Linscott, council elections committee chairman, announced those eligible
to run for council posts in the May 4 election. B
T-1nrTrrrUDg1n?imcil Pst from the College of Agriculture include:
Lincoln Symphony Winners
bership chairman. Alpha Lambda 'Eomics cluD
Delta, Home Economics Club' A1"1 and Science
Council, YWCA, and Coed Coun-' Alana Ackerman, Kappa Kappa
Euildrs Worker, Red Cross, and Ag Buil.der Bd Cross and Homelhislorian, house manager and rush
. , , " i Economics Club. chairman
Home Economics Club. Norn Westcott. Ixve hall, Tas- ShWey Lanh Alpha Phi,
-"i'f" ujcui- 5 iiu nome ,ii;a caoinet and Ked Cro
Jerry Eoe, Phi Gamma Delta,
Corn Cob Worker.
Bernie Wish now. Ricma Al-nVia
-- uu, JVHJJUa JVdUpa - .rr.m..I . ,s -T-f
selors-. INUCWA . J section head and Band. 1 V
junior tvnoDt I, farmhouse. Az Jnpi r.nrHn c;m, n Jack Korers. Gamma Lamhda
Union, Builders Board, Band, Cornhusker, XUCWA, YVk'CA and Band University debate squad
Gamma Lambda, and Corn Cob Builders and University Singers.
Jean Sandctedt, University
Theater, Aquaquettes and YWCA.
Paul Scbeele, Corn Cob worker,
Beta Sigma Psi secretary and Uni
versity debate squad. j
Business Administration
Dan Fopel. Sigma Alpha Mu,1
i. orter. j Marianne Hansen, Delta Delta
Elaine Millrn. Chi Omega rush Delta, Daily Nebraskan staff
chairman, Home Economics Club writer, AWS, Builders Committee
Council, Ag YWCA cabinet j worker.
Mary Jeanette Moore, Alpha' Mary EUxabeth Boose, Gamma
Chi Omega, Ag Rodeo Club WAAJ?" Beta. VWCA, Builder and Red
cTuH - MUCauoni Gail Katskee. SiEma Dell. Tau. f? YeU King, Red Cross and
. , , Universitv Orchestra Anna in'on committee chauman.
Art Ban. Alpha Gamma Rho ttes ALT and ffi En,ke- Lu'an student
l-I ',r7..UJnr . . XaUlie KatL Tovme Cluh l?rS2Von . iounB Kepuoiicpns,
lnu iuJ5 v-juo, iHuiaers iwara,!Gamma A5nh rh5 rH r:" iiuuM and Builders worker.
-rn cob ana Xosmet Klublorc Tassles. RaH rvrc vwri Jn Hawthorne, Alpha Chi
worter. nai- 01cV, '.r" Omega. Red Cross and WAA.
Betty Sisson, Alpha Omicron PL) Ired Kidder. Sirma Phi Ewsilnn' .Martn HiU. Delta Delta Delta,1
. jice presiaeni oi rta cni i neta.
Union worker. j
Ann Lanner, Kappa Kappa
Gamma activities chairman, Phi
Chi Theta, Builder, Coed Coun
selor and NUCWA. I
Karl MuomrL Beta Theta Pi
Three out of eight class offices! president of Acacia, rnm rK rush chairman, treasurer of ATJF.
have the necessary two candidates active, Junior-Senior class coun- Kosmet Klub worker and Union
for the all-University elections cils, IFC. NUCWA and varsity 'budget committee chairman.
May 4. ! tennis team, I College of Drntistrr
Student Council elections chair-1 Treasurer Marshan Kushner 1 " Cibbs. Delta Upsilon. Xj
man. Dean Linscott, made ZeU Beta Tau historian Kosmet Psi phi Pafi Hed Cross member,
statement when be released the; Klub, Publications Board "and iFC.'Pas AUF member and past Union
lists of candidates for the Junior i ' . worker.
and Senior class offices, Thursday r?J?lnuPln Arden Means, Sigma Chi, Xi Psi
i ;r,, awnrHino ai"na DeJta, Kosmet Klub.'..- i H
to councu Dy-iaws, ejections couia - -- , - - i N
not be held unless there were at Ui J
Tiree Cass Offices
Have Eligible Filings
i r
I,, ,44,-.! - V
Winnie Owen,
second from left, audition winner, was honored at a reception at
the University Club after appearing in a concert with the Lincoln
Symphony orchestra Tuesday night Pictured, left right, are:
Arnott K. Folsom, president of the Symphony board; Soloists Miss
Owen, pianist, and Wayne Wiegert, bass, and Symphony Con
ductor, Leo Kopp.
Tassels Announce
Independent Filings
engineering at the Ecole Poly
technique of Paris.
Schreiber began writing articles
for Le Monde after the war. He
'was soon offered a position on the
staff of the paper as special cor
respondent and was sent on for
eign assignments. He has traveled
in North Africa, Scandinavia,
South America, England, Ger
many, Italy, Yugoslavia and the
United States. In 1950 he eeme to
America to take a Smith-Mundt
Fellowship for travel and study
in this country.
Schreiber 's reputation as a journalist is international. He is the
first political commentator of major stature to arrive on the French
journalistic scene since the war years and has been credited with
being responsible for the creation of the High Atlantic Council for
Barry Bingham, president of the Louisville Courier-Journal who
recently spent a year in Paris as head of the EGA Mission to France
said, "I was much impressed by Schreiber and quite amazed that
such a young man should have so much prestige and influence in
thoughtful circles in France." Senator Estes Kefauver commented on
Schreiber 's "clear snd concise insight," and James M. Farley wrote
enthusiastically of "his personality, his ability and his accomplish
ments." SnSS Pefeimenfe
Granted On
Class Rank
Bids for University construc
tion and remodeling were submit
ted Thursday.
The Commonwealth Electrical
Companv of Lincoln submitted
the low bid of $111,837 for elec
trical work on the rew Men's! . . , . ..
Dormitories. Other Dormitories , Students may ask then- local
v.,ric -Vrr,;ori t Tj.r.tA ,- an CThil boards for deferments on
Tassel applications for unaffili-Applicants for each of their affili- xbe electrical bid will go before "e ot their class landings
at e or aie-a vacancies in 1 asseis. !, vt rst nf . ior weir lasi iuu academic year.
ciiy campus union activity inces. j The applicants will be invited to provaL
ated girls are available at
Those interested who are sub
ject to the draft, should fill out
cjfipe j Junior class officer candidates
-There will be no -"JPnt. ,rH. str. ti o tomjmn, Sigma .Alpha Ep-
as 10 wnemer eujniuus j ku - -- "r f.-r.- .. V silon and Phi Delta Phi.
ellicers will be ceia until a ttu- tr'lXl v uc
dent Council meeting Wednesday ,c J)Tesin' University
(April 15)," Linscott said. jThest Cora Cob worker Kos-
Candidates for senior class ct-Klub worker and NUCAA;
fices, their activities and affilia-.K Scholia. Builders worker,
tnsare: Vice pre?id?nU Elchw-d Fae,.
! pr.hinTp "IZZ: Do.Sorby. Kappa Psi secretary
jaa umef. P''J -;r- r-Kiand APA treasurer.
nT-iiin sarin Tranjr nun arm " m " - -"---
TFf! renrsenlative. (president and Ag YMCA.
Hhnzs opened Wednesday and the Tassel tea Aoril 19 st the Fnr remodelinp the Plant 7n
will continue until April 16. j Alpha Phi house. idustrv at the Coilese of Arri.ul- a draft data form so the Univer-
Dick Wieland, Phi Delta Theta!, ",J".-?1 rariJ;i The pledging ceremonv and a re, me waiter J. tfroer com- sny can iiie a siuceni cercacaie
and Xi Psi Phi. a Y??1"? lZ- Jf"1"5 and picnic for me new members will Par.y of Lincoln submitted the with local draft boards, giving
Collrr at Ijv "v ol jcoji o-o wosuxu vcj- jjg ne,j Anril 20 Jlow Did OI $e,38U. tJi ulJ!UilJg lur toe scnooi year
;c "6""' fWflt; ti Via urn -nWrrerl after A-WOSOn CrOS. OI UDCOIU SUO-i
.?!Ia5f?L??0Jii23!L the low bid of $3350 for Draft Data Forms can be ob-
Cfaarles Wright, Beta Theta Pi, 7
v l,,v rv,: Tvnit- -dv,; '
College of Pharmacy
Lynn Brady, Kappa Psi, APA
Big Sister'
iynn erany, j&appa isi, afa .
andScruple (Pharmacy Pf-AppllCatlOnS
Open Monday
a year Later if they participate ,V."JS. w wct """" al me mce. oi your couege
in all Tal activities and earn Dairy buildings at the College ofjdean or at the office of Veterans
a required number of points. i Agriculture.
and Selective Service
(room 109 Temporary L.
Highlight of the Tassel's activi-' f I.I J"?T .
ties is Homecoming. The pep or- f VeWiiUfl WI UDS, xou Tr&y cusregara tins notice:
eanization and Corn Cobs snonsor
and the Homecoming parade. jTT A f f
Five Tassel members are nomi- " rlijwi IIUI w
nated as Pep Queen candidates.
rC renresentatjve. ,mjji x'.rir ri nr? , ... , . maxea as rep vueen canaiaaies.
Vic7Snt, Jame. Collto.,! Treasurer. Jim Hofstetter. Deltatg Clau8'n' S33 051 and Monday will mark the openmg University students elect the A CnnUfnfmn
' jUpshm housemanager. varsity ASCT. ' for flings for Coed Counselor ,quccn bom this slate. Ml WOfiVeniOn
! track and -N" club. Da id Oboa. Delta Tau Delta Bj2 sisters." r . . .
SUff Writer
A farmer with a cummer aftcr the first closing date because
boarder, was driving his hr-se to ony one candidate per office had
tov.-n. The horse stopped so ire- turned a completed filing blank.
Cjuently as to lead the boarder to
ask, " What ails your horse that be y r n Cf U r 1 ADC
ttops so often? Is he lr .kyT 1 1 U" OLDULAKO
'No," repJie:" tne ip- ner, "nes
an right Iff -imj.. he's too
darned afraid t.tbody will say
"Whoa, and he won't bear it, that
he slops to listen."
Secretarj-, Tom Woodward, 60' cnairman.
w r,nr rr WUljam EasdaL Sigma
worker and Daily Ne'braskan staff :AIJE. iladrigal Singers and Corn!a m. 5 p m- in Ellen Smith Hall
member. i'-'" "':-J'
Linscott noted that filings for!, r - -ornnusKerl filings will be accepted in the
class officers had been extended coop ara aill. ;Home Economics building.
Members are recuired to attend
Cbi'luniOT eoeds mav annlv from S,1U amf rallies, they striates Province of Newman Clubs
11 OIJ11U1 JlriJJ (rtt, "1 , a T- i ir: - -1, i i i
Inp-irt nwlr On hj Air ratrniiw - uj'c-j jwujjjiiia uju;ifciiaias, ana iiiuoun wiii oe cejtij
Cornhusker!fiij hi. avt in Wus"er t University functions. April 24-26 in St Louis, KissourL'
1. If you have not reached your
18th birthday.
2. If you have reached your
35th birthday.
3. If you are a veteran of World
War n and are classified in IV-A
The thirteenth annual Central or VIA.
4. If you have more than one
5. If you are a member of, and
T.crfiV a rv,m. Th fhpmp nf ht wk mn. nsve oeen oeierrea cy.ira Army
S w 7r iCt,,p 1 vention will oe "The Educed OTC, the Air Force ROTC or the
Teachers College
Bonnie A It man. Gamma Phi
(continued to page 4 column 1)
Law Banquet To Reveal
Order Of Coif Awards
Armlirant must have a J1 av- ary, jSz4.
erage. They will be reouired to 'chapter of Mortar Board.
attend weekly meetings with their
board member, assist with Penny. rx, CvLjL;!,
Carnival and Friendship Dinner LcSiy II CXnlDlTIOn
preparations, be present at New Ail f
Student Week, write letters Jur-UPSnS AT JOSlVn
l tVn ntiV. 4Valrl
Apostle, ana tne su eject oi tne
i series of conferences to be beldj 6. If you are a member of a
will be taken from the adapted reserve component of the armed
theme, "Knowledge, Love, and forces and are classified in I-D.
7. If j'ou have been disqualified
by Selective Service for physical
Wise beyond his years was the
-ollese tudents who paused be-
ion answerine a charming widow , ,. . ,v,; T. t r -;,,,,. ?,.
who had asked him to guess ncr University Law Coilegelpreme Court Judges Paul E. Bos-! first time, interviews wiU
ae- . . sa"'wiil be revealed at the annual laugh, El wood B. ChappelL Fred held for applicants and fewer ap-
cuiyw iiw Asoeiation banquet Sstur-,W. Llessmore, Adolph E. v.enke.
che insisted. . . at 7 nm at fh Ho- John W. Yeaaer. Edward F. Car
"Vm I have 'eraL" he an-
.7 :v --rilo "V.'hiit I
twem w'ui . Seniors in
carrt oecioe is : t of j,. clafi( wiJ1 awarded
you len years memberships In the Order of the
of your looks, f Ja f . llO.if, a natmal bonoray law so
tn account of your intelligence.
me i Certilicaws ana Keys win dc
That Viven to members of the 1952-
53 Nebrafka Law Review at the
wognition banquet. Members
are: John M. Gradwohl, editor;
i Wi'liam H. Grant, Emwy P. Bur
inett. Robert W. Green, Robert J.
:SVjjfi)fi"er. Jean A. Caha, Donn E.
Tavis. Ronnie W. Hunter. Warren
ft Wise. Patrick W. Healey, John
. VUnn, Donald T. Rock, Jer
rA4 L Strasheim, and Eleanor L
! Knoll
The 1952-53 Allen Competition
ter and George Turner, Clerk of
the tipper ten per the Supreme Court i
Action." This series of conferences
will be led by different confer-
ins the summer months to their ' ' r'" t"a"J:" "'fu,or otner reasons.
little sifters a. id attend all t wi uu rui.uau u.uuij o. n you an suta -vmo is
Campus Knov-how sessions anditarian Design displaying tega" . vT l- 7l !inot 10 tfle
WeTn fo' chse a more se-&L"l!w SiH-if!: I Pan-American Day
WvfVf f Sr - iTaH lh Jos-yn Art Museum in Omalia. tion will be included in a flat rate' Pan-American day, which is
lvTrwin rfSvS The exhibition will be on dis-I S!9-9. This includes staying at Saturday, will be celebrated by
lyn Erwm. president said. For the! ,A 5. . "V,n oe on cwan w,.ti -b.-w- v, th mmK Psn-Amwiran Club
bo piay uniii April ; . V. , ; v d
The articles, displaying the c""iL'IC" V.V" '"'v""1- " '
Those interested may si?n up" There wiU be refreshments and
plicants will be selected. Inter-work of artists from a ten state
vinrwB win zyi? jjtiu om-uiuay. icirea, j.'iciuuirs ceramics, ejieiiicii
Kain, rain, g away,
a xain ume other day.
it what the weather man said
as he emptied the water btuktt
the best substitute he had for
a new rati n Brace Lab. How
ever, after studying some chart
and graphs, be smiled and said
that it wwa't rain n Saturday
vr Sunday. This doesn't mean
that we should rspect fair
weather, just n rain.
The captain made his entry In v,mner. wjji be honored, and tee
the ship's lo?: Mate drunk w-0niiit)n will be given to the beard
duy.H When the mate became so-f advi;rs which supervised the
ber he vas furious to see his nti-rompei()n. Brard members arc:
demeanor on record and begged jjarry Curtiss, firrt semester
his uMkxt to strike it out; h,r).iajrman, Hyanms; Walter G.
flajme5 it was bis first ffcuVf Anderson, second semester chair-'
and promised be would never be ljnan gjjjjnj. Rjrtiard M. Dux
intozicated again. The captain b ' lsj,,. Charles E. Dill
said, "The exact truth has to be man ford, Rhard L. Spang
writVm in this log." !w Lincoln; John C. Dean, Glen-
Miffiftf- APrU 20 -di jS Wn PrmCDt " 'SS cent,
jUnion Spring Show Set For April 19
Engineering Students Honored
im.n.iui iJiiMpinwnaiii, iiiiiiiiiiii iiiiii im n i 11 iiiiii "M i
-r-iA nc. ', ' i
i 41 ' ' 'Li i ' -fc ,n i,mm2ZrZ'A
With 'Shades Of Tin Pan A!!e Theme
"Shades of Tin Pan Alley" will phrey, Delores Garett and Mar
be the theme of the Union's Spring shall Christensen; Dick Pickett
. . , ... , . .-Jan Harrison, Mary Robinson and
Show to be April 19 at 7-30 Betty Stratton, Carol Unterseber
tj5i. in live Kjumu uwiwui, land Al Helbert
Eight acts, pertaining to ihei Ben Polk wili be the master cf
Tin Pan Alley theme are sched- ceremonies.
uled. j Stanley Sipple is chairman ot
Participants will be; Alpha Om- the general entertainment com
icron Pi chorus line, Jery rlum-imittee.
Starlight Terrace Ball
Scheduled For Saturday
turn to keep the log and hi ; entry ;aiaoiron:''iYWm n. Yost, Fre
read; "Captain sober today. Imont; Duane W, Acklie, ?.'orfo!k
A regal looking woman SJtting w;'uy "
ttie diner of a Twentieth Century Frd J. be.
Curtis, Imperial;
chroeder Jr, Curtis.
train was asked by a waiter vlrZiuiSi the
tent over her solicitously, "Par-Kansas City, Wo. m address the
don me, are you the cold "gffiS XiU: Kebra,ka
. SelecUd for membership tn SUrma TirTenturTnT1 j!".
honorary o the basts l scholarship, leadership and practicality are: rlrst row from left Lumir
Rlpa, sophomore; Wesley Kchultz, junior; Eicuard Ayers, junior; Walter WiU, senior; Simon Del
fad, junior; Darrrl Grothen, sopbomore; Karaurl Tbaut, junior, and Ben Eudinkow, junior. Second
row from left Tini Anvelt, junior; John Fitzgerald, junior; Charles Y. Anderson, senior; New
man Foley, junior; deruld L. Fiebarty, junior; Leslie Martin, senior; John Snowden, junior, and
Orrln Thomas, Junior.
A rock garden centered around ichestra will wovide the musie for
a wishing well will be the setting the dance.
.f-i.ifd iTr, The intermission entertainment
nail tM"W"iJ " '-'ifill hp hi Oii Cjmpoa trin nm-
Aiviti building. d of Di;jne Teaster zytey
The dance is scheduled to begin ; rn( rw,,,i, '
at V p.m. and last until 12 mid-i
nijfht Dave Baun and bis or- .Tfj801" dance may be
j obtained from the Ae Union of-
ilwer or from any union commit-
Traffic Violations
A. a pan of Tne Nebrakan's safety wfn; yur
studS Jwir tapuli'hlnr the names of .11 student, and
faculty members convicted of traffic U"TJT ? Se
ah n.mM he run. The Netrakan t not iryine
UemJlTmVt Zr everyone for the need for
Join The i$0 far
Crusade For Safety
Here Is My Pledge
Itimittw) li.
I tin arimitM ta tmrUmtmm m4 niriwMiMM tnrlnf omtdri Ml an
Mlfslt to mr a4 ttw mi mt tumf t ttHmw smb.
I tter mrvHf twflvr to Mnm Itv w mt mM br vrt ! mM
Gogela Addresses
Nu Med Society
pKuM fulit to'f7, SlltlKIMS OR BIMAL BOITS HO.
University Students
have signed
The Nebrmkan
Safety Pledge
tee member. Admission is tl.50
per couple.
The general chairman Is Junior
V ir t i . . t
Dr. Louis J. Gogela, Lincoln ''V' KllV'uma m rBe
neurosurgeon, spoke on neurolo-,M ""'" co""'iJllee
gical surgery at the Wednesday J The committees are: decorations,
meeting of the Ku Med Society. jBill Carlson, Don Leising, Jim
Surgery of the central nervous Johnston, Gerald Langemcicr,
system and cranial region was Joyce Taylor, llartha licuermann,
emphasized. Dr. Gogela showed Phyllis Dudley and Janet Hamme
fslides of tumors and X-rays as man; tickets, Vern Youngman and
illustration. He al displayed In-! Junior Knobcl; cauring service,
utruments used in neurological Lou.5i Zemanek; publicity, Jean
surgery, 'ette Selk, Iiuthie Ernest, Caroline
Annual Pre-Mcd Day at the Col- Hoss, Jenny Shilhan, Dale KitzeC
lege of Medicine in Omaha is to. I van Althousc, Sharon Egrer and
be held May 2. The next y;u-Barbara Clark. Llarilyn Pelikan Is
Med meeting is scheduled for May in charge cf interrnksion enter
6 in the Union, italnrient.
Said TCne
0 cJci Sal
t. A tiki 1 1 V J
r I I I ill."
Li V