The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 02, 1953, Image 1

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-'lJWiiawlwh n n rT1 t . . immiim romMiiiwiiiw ini i r mm in n i ir-n i i -t i r i Trti-.BJMBWWt
Voice ol a Great Midmttotn Uairmnitf
VOL 52 No. 108
Thursday, April 2, 1953
B Uiniversiil"
Groups To Receive Support
Include Cancer,
World Service, Heart, Community Chest
The All - University FuncLthe Institute will receive, approxi-jalso many more in foreign coun-
Cancer will receive 20 per cent
of the proceeds. Dr. Donald M.
Pace, professor and chairman of I
physiology and director of the In-iinS
stitute of Cell Growth, will re
ceive 15 per cent of the amount
$iven to cancer. The money that
it happened at nu
Students in an 11 o'clock phil-
osphy class look advantage of
the significance of April 1. The
entire class left for a "legal" cut
but informed the instructor as
to their whereabouts.
' The astonished teacher found
the following message on the
blackboard upon his arrival to
class. "We are coffeeing at
Earls' April Fool!"
Prof. Potluck
Slated For Ag
Union April 12
announced Thursday t h e matcly $1200, will be used to pur- tries; 3. AUF recognizes the value
charities which thev will holrJcnase 8 Beckman spectrophoto-.of education in the development
,mwS' ft JfL? ?fi5imeter- This instrument is used to ot world peace and understand-
louoiuay vuai processes in cell ac-ine: 4. This char tv rives an in-
tivity and cell growth. The instru- ternational, as well as a local and!
ment is essemiai for the ldeniin- national, touch to the drive; and Profs" will be
cation of chemical components. 5. The program is financiallyithe Ac Union.
bince this cancer research is be-j sound. The informal dinner
conaucica in AeorasKa. mo U..t A ,-.,.:.: uod for 5-3n to 7-an
The - April "Potluck with
Wotlh 2,1 Prdposuls
Suggestions Submitted By Ken Rystrom
Crew List
The crew list for "Scarecrow
has been released bv Jack Bab-
cock, director of the play.
The list includes: assistant di
rector, Marget Hunt; stag man
agers, Ken Backer and Flefher
Coleman: sound, Jim Crump;
special effects, Ron Brandt, man
ager; Ron Becker and Dick Har
ris; secretary, Fletcher Coleman,
manager, Marty Morrison, Valeric
Hompes, Lynn Morgan, Sylvan
Zwick, Roger Wait, Ernest Enke,
Bob Tritt, and Routh Richmond.
Costumes, Kay Barton, man
ager, Katy Kelly, Beverlee Engle
breeht, Nancy Pratt
Jones; hand
Stage Preps, Ron Becker, man
ager, Jane Laase, Merrell Clute;
makeup, Diane Downing, man
ager and Marilyn Lehr.
Music Seniors
Set April 12
For Concert
A concert consisting of vocal
and instrumental solos will be
given April 12 at 4 p.m. in the
Union Ballroom by six seniors in
the School of Music.
Participants .will be Milford
Myhre, organist, playing Concerto
in F Major; Wesley Reist will play
a clarinet solo, Allegro Moderate
from Concerto for Clarinet by
Ken Rystrom, chairman of the
committee on new activities, pre
sented the Student Council Wed
nesday with 21 suggestions for its
The suggestion drawn up by
Rystrom and his committee, were
items for the Council to discuss as
the. nossible rammis artivties that
neid April li In: need council attention.
Heading the list was the rec
ommendation that the Council in
vestigate the possibility of ob
. . . n ..... 1 M rri i 1 1 MVMHiiiifnn " - " " " . - . . v. o i
u , w f 11 was 0r .y n, a rYtri, n & held 10 acquaint the students wittvtaining a traffic light at the cor
whole-hearted suDDort. The Inst - The American Heart Association i, k, iin,-- tji
tute of Cell Growth is the first the third charity which will college
research of living cancer cells to benefit from the drive. This or-! ..,., tt.ho tt.ish ,rt flft(5.
be established in the United ganization, which aids in the re-'..potiuck with the profs" mu.t
States. jsearch and education of heart di- j gjg, Jgg
m. t- .... a. mill wwnv I ME" UP ,n UlQ "lOn OUlCe
I iuv remaining q per ceiu 01 uie --, . before 5 Dm
jcanccr fund will be contributed j the total collected. The Associ- Th , , Q '
jto the American Cancer Society.3110" promotes community service 't0 all s'tudents
me American cancer society sluj wnuui.ui nwn uiaw,
TI.A 1,. I.AC
activities include; the operatior , of gjich i .greatest killer in the'nr
14 tumor clinics throughout Ne- United States. c c ,
Earl Jenkins
To Conduct
'Last Words'
Earl F. Jenkins, voice instruc-
1 Stiirlpnt host ar.ii tirxlps. arc I0r in Uie SCnOOI 01 mUSlC. Will Ol-
iiuasKH. researtn in nrai cancer. '-vij v o.vift
1S20.000 in research cancer erants i American Heart Association
-$10,000 of this amount is given one of the ch.nt are. 1. Everj- Kieckhafer is lhe Union chairmanjChoir at a Special Maundy Thurs
ito the Colleee of Med cine and one nas a r.ean. ir.ereiore, every- . - .
the remaining $10,000 to Creighton one has the chance of being af-ihe Prc7s. prn
Medical School, education of the;fjicted with a heart disease; 2. Special g uests lor the evening The group will present the can
people in cancer-TOO.000 J;"" xitJ l be the Viiiaa Board of Man-, lata "The Seven Last Words of
of free literature were distributed KlUer in the United States; 3. The: MM wwitM hDi ' Christ" hv Dubois
i . l 1-7 &CCAnl4lAM i. 1 rt n V "itvil vv.iui.invv iium.
last year. .. .:"V-"" V .-Ximen and the activities staff for
were !cll-f'1 jvu i i my vi oi mi . .
Roth rif these nrotrair.s
found to be financially sound after , and education; and A. Their pro
investigation. Jgram is financially sound.
World Service I Community Chest
The second charity to
AUF will contribute is the World!
University Service. This world
wide organization which adminis
the city Union.
which' The Lincoln Community Chest
win recvive ir cni i inc
proceeds. IT-ie Chest supports
jwholly or in part, 29 recognized
private welfare agencies and their
(branches. Last year the American
Recognition Tea
Planned By BABW
BABW will hold its Recognition
Tea April 17 from 4 to 5:30 p.m.U"L XZ
rn- citH Halt j church sanctuarj-, is open
.iic:ji oiiiiui iiau, 1x1111
A plaque will be awarded top
Christ" by Dubois
Soloists for the group include,
Barbara Bradden and Jackie
r - 3 i i t
Uranus, uoipn jensen. the University of Wyoming Dick
tenors; Aorman Francis, Mike -,.ai ivB-v
Meadows, and Jerry Miller bari-j Dickm wiU hold'
wijfb. odiiice r unci 1011. uigniiiM
will accompany the choir.
The service to be held in the
be a live-wire for student inter
ests. He emphasized that the
Council should do something con
structive, and if more funds were
made available to the Council
they could proceed to sponsor a
worthy campus project
J. Benedict however inferred
that the Council should be a
stabilizing body that works be
hind the scenes to coordinate
campus activties, and promote the
interests of the Universityv
Eldon Park brought the atten
tion of the Council to the fact that
the annual budget for the Coun
cil is in the hands of the Comp
toller's office. This problem would
therefore have to be taken care
of through that office.
The fourth item, that of adding
pressure for increased library
hours and services, is now under
consideration by another Univer
sity committee, so, was not put to
a committee.
The fifth and sixth recommend-
Guest speaker at the annual ations were also shelved for fur-
;meetingof the West Central Chap- ther consideration. They read:
iter of the American Association (that the Council investigate the
ot leachers of French to be held variety of possible honor sys
April 11 will be Dr. Adolph J. terns; and that the Councl ap
Dickman. (point a poltical action commit-
Chairman of the department of! tee to: a.) coordinate University
modern and classical languages at, elections, b.) investigate potential
election issues, c.) get out tne
vote, d.) coordinate elections with
the Daily Nebraskan.
ner of 16 and R streets. This was
referred for further study to the
improvements committee.
Investigation of the problems
arising from the present designa
tion of classes by hours, with the
object of changing the manner of
designation or eliminating the
problems in another manner, was
second on the list. This suggestion
was referred for further consid
eration to a special committee
headed by Mac Bailey.
Discussion on the recommenda
tion that the Council investigate
the possibilities for increased
Student Council funds, for per
haps projects and activities
brought a question of the Coun
cil's purpose before the group.
Rystrom defended this suggestion
by stating that the Council should
Dickman To Speak
At French Meet
The seventh item, that the
a seminar
discussion April 10 at 2 p.m. in Council sponsor student-faculty
room 321 Burnett Hall and will i seminars on specific topics, with
fn a ls.tllvA fit A n m
W we; Library Auditorium.
-rA rn.Al Unu'rcitioc i Ktv21 ll'l TAPP3VP rt
props, Joan weddie; per cent 01 ine xoiai gouu., romm,mitv Chest drive. The ,:" ' "uTX"." ""t.:" 1 n f !
Gloria Kellmorgi.n,iTfce World university icrvice ;T" rtV tWamrt 5 YWrAi T T8 . "'""i Kl fVlIJ COSliQIl
Trumble, Jim Davis.'gives aid to students in the form iChtsup IV1U
allt. 1 0:hnn t- I of food clothinc medical care,, inaiviauai awaras wiu ue viv-i m
"ghts. Al Usoon.e, 01 100a, ciom ng, - i each vear. In this wav. the stu-Ur,t t n., intmA. ft A mL. -
student housing Tit s entirely sta-ldents actually realizing a por-jwomcn w-ho have been active in
iJlSg- " 15 y Ition of their own contribution. UmouS activities.
dent benefited
World University Service was
given a place in the drive be-
cause, according 10 tiocjiy ijpp.
president, 1. It is an opportunity
for us. as
fellow students who are not
Exams Planned
The reasons given by Act tor Recipients of the awards wall be
supporting the Chest are: 1. Be- chosen bv t,e BABW board and
riiombmtOTf;- Mu Epsilon will hold their
ities: 2. The Chest contributes. Tho rxw RAP.W officers are T1 . .
students, to help Trf 6 ley' .Saturday, April 18 at 9:00 a.m.
T'a community aspect to the drive, 'HrfiTivm. rhsirmzn I ?a!!"Ilat3s.wl'.,, ?!
,,r,T-rt Thpv va,w nui icMucuu mju.u., -. "(Ktiw oresioeni ana neien wean j .11
financially sound; and 5 It pro- Utt back vice prsidef:t t a jldi MW. 17
ctiiHntii for suoBort. Ihey nave
the support of 600 other universi-j15
ties and colleges in the U. S. and
Continued to Pare 4
Icent campus election.
or 105.
Foreign Students To Tour South-East
Mebroska Jovms During Spring Vacation
A foreign student tour the first! The Chamber of. Commerce is iniHessamuddin Baluch, Afghanistan;
,r,t -it kind nn this camDus, is the charge of the arrangements for .Charles Barton, Jamica BWI; Rob-
Mozart; Pat Felger Schmidt vin-i latest project to be sponsored by j housing the students in private ert Breton, Haiti; Plutarce Castae
imict -m tiv Aivprn from TViv, lwinrtnr P,nards. These tourslhomes. Romes, Honduras; Sammy Chang,
Major Concerto. kill be held Monday and Tues- The schedule for Tuesday in- Korea; Yoshmobu Harushima Ok-
Jnhn Moran lenor win sin" div trii 6 and 7 Icludes a tour through a hydro- mawa; Moonhyung Kang, Korea;
T. TU frm f'Mfnnn'-hv I . n to electric plant and a shoe f actory in ! Naway Kapur, India; Deroetries
. ?ltJit ZJ? f,i The pUrpSe ?f l Columbus. The afternoon will be : Kourambus, Greece; John Methus-
p1 P,Miffin in Hastings touring the elah, India; Om Nyhawan, India;
2L 2 TVf"nA 'r!ii nrf foreign udente and f1) House of Yesterday and visiting jSurendrakmur PateL India; An
TfiSJl? l J rVf1s1; foreign students at Hastings Col- drew Sainten, Panama; Elba San-
Charlotte Hervert, pianist, will .nls a fir?t hand chance to isA j d , Nicaragua- neinz Schreiner,
pjay Aiicgra irwn iwiuiic-p.iwanrt Trtcct ine people i s""- tv,- rm.m will liave innw in' Austria: Takaski Shimada. Jaran:
Concerto, Opus 73 by Beethoven
The University Orchestra will
accompany the senior solisis.
both of Ljncoln, will accompany
the group on the tour. The three
rnrls arc members of Mortar
Boards. Dr. Floyd Hoover, direc
tor of registrations and records,
and his wife will act as chaper
ones. Triira-beth Gass of Seward and
Hester Morrison of Beatrice, both
Mortar Board members, are co
chairman of the tour.
The group will leave the cam
pus Monday at 7 a.m. by char
4.j v,,,r ta L-ill tour Bovs
dozers. The trees were all of large fiT)d thp 0maha stockyards
sie and were removed after . ihp mornjnc. Lunch at the
"imma nt C-3fl Tuesdav evpnitif SnV-soon Suh. Korea
Artie vestcott 01 noiarepe, jcdn-j then Teturn to the Unrversity
Loudon and Maryann Kellogg, I camPus.
By Bulldozers
Ground clearing operations to
make room for the new men's
dormitories have been progress
ing at a rapid pace.
Trees growing in the area just
west of the present men's dormi
tories have been Tcmcved by bull
The students who wn go on
the tour are: Anna Verne, Piome,
Italy; Abdul Al-Ghrary, India;
Mr. and
Mrs. George Edward Williams,
Canada; Ralph S. Metagawa, Ha
waii. Interested Lincolnites are help
ing to finance the trip.
Library Hours
. Love Library hours daring
sprine vacation will be: 8 a.m.
to 4:50 p.m. Thursday and Fri
day; S a.m. to 11:50 a,m. Satur
day and S a.m. to 4:50 p.m. Mon
day and Tuesday.
Staff Writer
Every now and then, you
in Love .invitations exienaea 10 specmc
j individuals, was dismissed on the
'grounds that the Union is now
sponsoring a similar activity.
The eighth and ninth sugges
tions were not discussed at any
length. Thev were recommenda
tions that the student parking
stickers be redesigned and that an
investigation be made of the pos
sible teachers scales.
The judiciary committee re
ceived the tenth and eleventh sug
gestions for further study. They
were: that the Council consider
necessary Student Council con
stitution amendments for action
next fall; and that they investi
gate the organizations which are
now represented on the Council
The second is pen to any student j into some mixed metaphors, per-
enroiiea m mam iut r iu.
The first prize to be given for
both examinations will be $10.
The two second prizes will be $5
run: to determine if they still deserve
verted cenmaons, or what ever
you want to call them, so today,
I think I will devote the column
to this type of humor. Some of
eacn. ine prizes wui ue awarueu inese types i denninons are
to the students who, in the pin- merely nonsensical but humorous,
ion of the judges, show outstand- isome are not even humorous, and
ing ability in mathematics. some are funnv and yet have a
Any student interested in tak-j serious underlying meaning. You'eerned
ing eitner examination snouid no- be tne judge.
tify Dr. Halfer, Mrs. Ernst or his
Married life; A period when
you make progress if you break
even. The most dangerous year in
married life is the first; then
comes the second, third, fourth,
fifth, etc
mathematics instructors.
Pi Mu Epsilon initiation ban
quet was held at the Student
Union March 31.
The following new members
were initiated:
Gerald Eriksen, Donald Gees
man, Stanley Leeses, Jack Stiehl,
Donald Traham, Donald Henz,
Jack Whitlock and Gene Yost.
Results of the election of offi
cers for the coming year were
announced at the banquet. Jean
Davis was elected to the presi
dency. Bill Doole, vice president
and Ames Aunmalis. secretary-
A special committee was ap
pointed to investigate the stu
dent wages in Lincoln and on the
campus, the twelth suggestion.
The thirteenth item was
scratched from the list as one5
that had been investigated by the
University previously. It con-
the investigation of the
merits of a student housing file
to be maintained by the Univer
The fifteenth and sixteenth
items were dropped for further
consideration. They read: that the
Council investigate the advisor
system relating to organizations
and individual students; and that
Indigestion: The failure to ad- the Council investigate the col-
just a square meal to a round ;liseum rental fee.
stomach. The next two items were also
(postponed for consideration at a
Dough: A misnomer for money: ' later date. They recommended
It Pays To Be Safe
"dozer" operators removed earth
surrounding their shallow roots.
Construction of an office build
ing for the contracting company
was completed Wednesday, and
work was begun on a large fenre ;
to surround the construction siic. i
rtock-vards and a tour througn jos
e'vn "Memorial in the afternoon
vir also be part r the trip.
Later in the -afternoon, they will
Fremont, and visit a
n-nicfil diarv farm and be guests
?. iwiriinnd Collece Tartv. The
Many students noted xnai con-, . , .,. ,,r vrPm(mt will be m-
r.truction has made long -dctourF ,rird t1 meot tne foreign students.
arouna to construction site ni
ossary, but even more have found
their new roles of "sidewalk su
perintendents" most satisfying.
Rhode Island
Offers Senior
Study Institute
The University of Tihode Island
Extension Division is offering an
Insurance Institute, June 15-July
10, to college seniors planning to
enter the insurance field.
The four weeks training course
includes a study in all fields of
insurance except life insurance
and is similar to courses conducted
by insurance companies for their
George E. lmergan, superin
tendent of the education depart
ment of the Boston . Employers
Group Insurance Companies, will
instruct the course sponsored by
two Khode Island insurance agen
cies. Registration information may
"be obtained from the Division oi
University Extension. 25 Park St.,
Providence B, Rhode Island.
Subjects covered during the 156
class hours include fundamentals
of insurance, accident and health,
general liability, comprehensive
liability, automobile liability,
Tenure Committee
Continues Meeting
The spring meeting of the
Northern Great Plains Tenure
P.fimmittee went into its second
day at the Union on the Univer
sity campus Tuesday.
VTnrfK im tit representatives of
Tnnri-pmnt ollenes and the U.b.
Department of Agriculture, uk
mmmittw is studying various
nncx- Y.f land tenure. Two Te
ports now being prepared will be
published later. They will have
to do with the family farm and
with risk and uncertainties.
Committee members attending
fhe Tuesda-v session included:
Clyde Mitchell. University: W. H
Rrnksw. University: L. S. Thomp-
Montana State: Obed A.
Wyum of North Dakota; John
Muehlbeier and Henry A. Steele,
,.f -the U.S. Department of Agri-
,..,itiirp Linrolnt A. G. Nelson of
the Farm Credit Administration
fimiiha: "W. H. Pine f Kansas
State: W. E. Rawlings of Billings,
Mnr.uina: E. H. Kristjanson of
North Dakota: Philip Tnai-
North Dakota; Allan Clark of
South Dakota State; Stanley W.
Vaelker, North Dakota; Maurice
Taylor, Montana; Kris Kristjan
son, Bureau of Agricultural Ec
onomics, Lincoln and Joe Acker
man of the Farm Foundation of
..i- - Uf r - 'if'"
. I
CnunwCanlwl Fi' m. Co, Mutual
So far
that the Council construct a per
manent outdoor bulletin board,
and that the Council investigate
the possibilities for a Student
Council sponsored Husker Holi
days. A special committee, was drawn
up to investigate the financial
status of the Daily Nebraskan.
Consideration f the suggestion
that the Council improve bus
service to Ag college or set up
special facilities for Ag-to-city
students was dropped because a
similar investigation is being
made on Ag campus.
The committee on social affair
was given the twenty-first item
for further consideration. It re
commended that there be a clari
fication f the liquor and social
policies f the administration.
Two addition! items were
added to the suggestion list bv th
Council: that ther look into the
Nincompoop: A coed who is BOJee. and that they investigate and
dumb she brings her cosmetics , come t0 z decision m lhe mtritK
for a make-up exam. and problems of the Junior Senior
Modern Girl: She is not so much cl!s o'eers
concerned with what a man rtands -Dean Lmscott. rfiairman f the
for, but what he will fall for. She J1 on elections announced
loves a man for aU be as worth. Iat applications for Stodeat
Council positions and Junior nd
Wise College Man: One who 'Senior class officer positions wiH
30ms a fraternity so mat ne.e JBconunuea sixer inursaay.
dough sticks to your fingers.
College Mixer: A place where
coeds without dates meet men
without money.
Beauty: The only thing a wo
man may lose and never know
it's gone,
Advice: The suggestions you
gh'e someone else which you be
lieve will work to your benefit.
Wisdom: Knowing what to do
Skill: Knowing how to do it
Virtue: Not doing it.
Drink: Drinking doesn't drown
your troubles, it just irrigates
Education: The inculcation f
the incomprehensible into the ig
norant by the incompetent.
doesol nave to buy bis own
Weather Man: One who spe
culates u the weather tor a
guaranteed salary. Tomorrow's
roes partly cloudy, tempera
ture in tbe 0's, possible showers.
A motion was made by Ldnscctt
that the judiciary committee in
vestigate interpretation of th
Council conrtruction on stud en ts-at-large,
and report to the Coun
cil at their next meeting Whether
these student are eligible to vote
in the May 4 elections.
workmen's compensation, and fire. iChicago,
Join The
Crusade For Safety
Here Is My Pledge
MnutimMv lllcflEt BI.VMH t flrWr und nlk oufeta mnd thlllt In mnm A mint
Of ifhrouthiitil IHSK.
4 lt ttihi primihw tti wtrimmnmi ana wnmtMi iMtvtiur wiiwlnrwo fully nr
iHilUmll'Hi t imitri-l m llfr iind thr Itvm f m Imiillj nd ni trWvm mm.
4 lrt mymtt luiihcr to dvtmi thr cuiiw at wlt? I tulilnc; fmrt tc mtstr
Mttvlllrai ut mj riuh, rtifwli MUiluyt croup ml thw wganloiilam.
urn tte
University Students
have signed
The NebrosVcn
-Safety Pledge
Traffic Violations
As a fiart of The DaHy Xebraskaa's safety campairB, yta
student newspaper H pBblitiliJnf tbc sames of all st&emt mat
f amity wmtifr corrricted ef traffic violations ta Usoobi Waaiei
pal Court. AM names w in be rim. The Nte-aulc.aa is im4 trytasc
ta embarrass inahifioale but impress ererj'oae for the 4 for
3uiy A. Soyoe. 3M8 Dakota, trenliman in Art enfi Solenot, jileaaefl guUtj to neglipenl
clrtrlne, tltwtl JU and wt.
Luther B. KriBt.lBtmim, Kino Vine, emflimte tuflit, jikmaofl irullty to tnuXhit eKbMt
Truffle. lrmd ffl -enti ont.
Don E. JbwmttT-d, 22V fn. 57h. lunlor to BiralneM A-dmliilirtMitltm, fUeaOel! guilty M
Illegal U "turn, iliwd 1 end oot.
Keith J. Timiier, ire? 11, f 'HIimKn 40 College VI liugineerliig, yienQeo eunvr IS tmgu-
pent drlvltiR. lined fin und ote.
Huruid Ik- .Gnrw, KB No. listh, Junior in Arte and Science, Jiteuflefl guilty te KJitT
llcerwe -plute, finert (J and n'Wtn.
Jemee L. Bny(lr, 1MD R, 1 reehnmn In 'Emlneiw AfltntolBtrBtlon. JtafleB tullty to lo
In lot! of tn len. lined and coni.
At'tUi. 3U 1HC
wuyne D. jotineon, WaflUior Ave., iuntor In Art and cteno, pymOmd ot frulltr
-to tuliure to yield tiRM-oi-wbj' to e felentrltut. ound puilty, lined J 26 nd eoata.
Jotin U. Bromtn, BW6 Holdrpee. frei!lUTUiii In Agriculture jjlaMMd ruaty Ui vmW.'i
etreet u:iittl. lined SI and -coeu.
Kobert A. Bherwood. 1MB fi, wnlor in Buslneoe ''mti.ntns'tou, T' "
U.trvinc the scene of an accident, iounu fj.i . k. nu vmit.
II -2