The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 01, 1953, Image 1

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py Avail a U
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Foico of a Croat Midwos'iora University
TOL 52 No. 107
Wednesday, April 1, 1953
Accidents Increase
Mayhem Campaign To Stop Enrollment Drop
Caused By Rising Fatality Rates
Be t'liiK hag saiety campaignidunng the campaign, the staff'have safety, the common views
has been discontinued. voted to disband the safety pro-of the student body were ex-
Since 600 students were killed gram. pressed by Bill Hodder, "The less
I I 1 tl" , i r ' . . . 1 - .1 '
i riou v. rioovcr, uirecior oijsaieiy mere Js on mis campus.
f f" I uegistrauons and Records, backed the belter we 11 like it.
k. am mt m mm mmw mm mmr mm m mm mm i w l
Contest Draws
1,000 Coeds
The annual Spring Fashion Con
test got underway Tuesday with'duc!ed bv Dick Coffey Pink Rag" The Pn5jng f safety pie
1.000 coeds entering the sewingure SiSrTreTea S W??J na"
. . . dents favored the adoption of a A s Vk-
The fashions are cut out and;s!i hlly roodifjed pledge. This;? ,5if,".sa,d 8
sewed together by the applicant pJed rinled a sulni announcement,
without any professional help. The ' of tee conclusions reached "My sorority sisters are mad at
pris are aiiowea u sew on meirfrom e slatistics of the poll, me because their names have ap-S
lUOTo m u M . la Kgzrd to the oft-raised peared in the violations columns,
cay, and the first one finished f vhcthcr or not tolone Etaff member said.
wins the contest. Ti e Ag MCA!
executive board is sponsoring the I T f It
jSfiraSficegenfs Book Store To Sell
The 1953 A s Whisker King with v s. I
,j?.tinai txams 10 ztuaents
The total cost of the finished The Pink Rag received worcle
it happened at nu Advertising Honorary
the abandonment of the safety
campaign because, "This rapid de
piction in the university enroll-
"We of the Pink Rag realize our
mistake in promoting a safety
campaign. uon neper, eaiior
A professor In a psychology
class, wishing to arouse the in
terest of his 100 students, asked
them to write down on paper
their favorite hymns.
All wrote busily for a few
minutes and handed the psy
chology professor their slips of, L
paper. All except one freshman?
girl who looked undecided.
After some arguing and strug
gling with the freshman coed.'
with downcast eyes and flaming
cheeks she handed the instructor ;
her paper. It read: Willie Smith.
Yapp Says
AUF Drive
ment would definitely have an eM,,;H .in ViVw of the increase in
feci" Hrtovpr aHHoH ThA hirthl. .1 I
rate must take a tremendous leap we "are discontinuing it in'lkl
in order to re-adjust the loss in favor of the jess radical mayhemil.QnCSIISQ
'"7.:l" campaign.
n Muacni opinion poll cou-
. f
Y lkT
1 -7 I
,.!; .
- I
; -r i
Regents Hold MV
Cut Budget 15 M
The Board of Regents, after an
late Tuesday night, announced that tt
continue the College of Medicine.
Regent President, C. Y. Thompson ;
press conference that a surprise mov , r
drastically cutting University ap
propriations forced the Regents
to make the decision.
aMMI, The Unicameral Budget Com
i mittee heard the University pleas
ii"5 ioT an increased budget at an
fC?open hearing Monday. Tuesday
Ik1 morning, the Committee pre-
ment. He
preparing jfte!i
ment for presen
ing Monday. I (
"Evidently al
useless, ' Bruce
cellor's administi
who did a lot o
f -'f
, t'
1 . -'IT,' -
-l : 1BMH89 Jym,J HkMHAWWMfll
f S ' sented its reDort on the floor of
m - .--I. .
the Legislature recommending m preparing the P
.that the proposed budget be cutjhe left Admimsta
from $16,356,003,56 to $1,000,-' after the Regent's
000.56. There has no
I "I think that a billion dollars physical improjffe. '
is all the schrwil chnnlH hav " a School ear n&P
committee member told a Pink years and ;irfNlV
, 1 Rag reporter after the session. The. been coun fatiS
f jKn-J1 ; bill, as amended by the commit-' propriatir vn tJVi
yU '
These jubilant men are caught in candid moment as they
express their joy at being selected for membership in Zeta Rhamda
Gamma, national women's underwear advertising fraternity.
An $8,000 contribution for the
All Universitly Fund by Rocky
Yapp, president, has cancelled the
1953 AUF drive.
The goal for the drive has pre
viously been set at exactly $8.-
000 and solicitors planned to col
lect the money in a two week
period, Oct. 5 to 19.
.My contriDuuon, oesiaes going , Closing hours of organized! Other reasons revealed by a
for a good cause." Yapp said, 'hnnwc in t spt nn in midnieht meeting of the AWS board showed
will eliminate unnecessary worry ion week nights, starting the first that the majority of the coeds
iitee, as passed unanimously. ibrask
jfal Tmmir?iatol-w nftm fhA cocciAn I Althoil.:
i Via nmfirniHAi T3ArrA4n ClirA TT
Vluvitv.lH.J ItCKUltS IlltT.UIl("wt w
oo vancu ill uii; wiianceiior S.K vmhj
IS office. students
i I The PinW Tixtt mnr?o a Inn rr continue
- n ...UUN. u .,.&(- r'rf
distance call for Dean James Toll- where. ....
man of the Med School but Toll-! Hospital, tb '
man's wife said the Hmh n-atlMed can.. ,
on his way to Lincoln to meet!cated that J?Ea
with the Regents. He had not!in purchasing
arrived as The Pink Rag went property,
to press. j Speculation in.
The Med School has been in press time as to
K 1 ."T r Vl .n f rr 4l.n lnri X . . . I., T J 1 1 1 .
"a iui uic jaji icw years, me negenis wuijny
uie begems saia, ana it is tne, U1U1 a cut as erf-.
immediate action the Rpwf! an. tha Tfononfo Wl
nounced at toe Tuesday nieht;more contractK!
press conference was a contrac
tion of present carkine lots.
Regents said that this will allow; Pink Rag cV'
the school to fire most of the Crosby and
There seems
sibility of a GovH
and hard work for AUF board hv after Eacter vacation. iwere not obeying the previous. campus policemen because there have supr'
... . . m ! -m 1 : 1 I I Kirt 1.1. J 1 l j. T 1 i JIB
time limit, causing me am a Doaraj juis 111 wnicn 10 jucgisiaiur
I The notice, announced by the
'"Students have so many neces- rw,n n Women said the chance' too much trouble. Most of the;checlc for parking stickers. ition of 7
Jsities such as cokes, riearettes. i- nmnn durante travo rn;nn that ihe Chancellor, who was vkih- this
. , . - ' . - , w ti ltcuix indue auuiuuudic uiv ..v...-. " e,--- . .... , , . . .
ourses have subnutted copies oij , , 1 'J , v wisnes or tne male population on m ie suuu ujuc cuiucu umu, iuiu-.uuui
Froduct, to be eligible, must not that Regents Book Store will cf-jthe exams which they intend tolew . , J1!?10 lelI,; the campus,
exceed $2.00, including t h r e a d. fer on sale Final Examinat ions use, thus eliminating the necessity j0001"10" . to AUF, "iapp, self-j
A spokesman for the board said some time after Spring Vacation, for tedious and time-consuming, m 25 "i"onaire, saia POTP Inrie CnnraMaA
4v .i e;io v,i ' .. j When discussing his sudden ac- V LUOS Wunceiieu
I4JC iUOi&U MVU1U V I'JlOiVj. 1 I . rT-iy L.miJ L'Ud UU11 1 1 U1U T Aaillu I - "
ine x-xaniinauoas are euiiiau- i x .
f tact ,iat C,rae ? j6 pP ,can5i ered to be the most comprehen- Pp will vary from subject For 5eCOfld 5emester
have never threaaed a needle and K nffered anvwhere and are subject, according to the plan out- PJamed that se eral of his Dusi-.
hTi cn ,ic 1 ciitrt i!Tirtir-aT . . v ... ... ! v... c.- xjfineis necouauons ana iods nave ah inursaav aiiernoon
...j, v. " sv,v .h, .,.al ouaiiTv or ifincf irnu- j .t i. muic , v. ... ........ . ' ... , . 1
x: . 1 1 i - romp 5iirr"5CTi3iiY in Trp ra ian nsvp nppn panrp i inr inp -ni,i4 itm-a iha Mufc im imitorf nn-
UMItiii V lirf e - . . - .nuuii4 .Ji- uiiuiiHkwu i
$7.50 to 513.3few weeks." remaining part of the semester, iportunities to take in longer social'
ms created by n case ne should be called I The cancellation starting this events. j
The winner of the conlest will f.,.rf hra: fi srfime lo ficult courses will
receive 10 lessons cn How to r.K ,, r-c.ct.!-c exams costing from
i . w ' :-" " 1 Tk. .
Sew" given by the Home Econ
cmics Club.
iBook Store.
j . .... ... - courses in which the instructor
oicnori Nouu Liiai uiu u uic holds
Staff Writer
The body is always a conlest ed
(umC i J ",h discussed by Stewart. The ever-.
senice has been offered, d be-; k fc D Carnegie
heves that response wiU I be goT To Win Friends and ln
However, Stewart implied thatif1, i
T. such a situation, he said, but for,fce.
ithey were unable to have a date
aiiu Duij Aty ouivv nwu
AWS board voted by a majority
to extend the hours to midnight.
T - J 4U
voted to extend the week-end1 1 am; fVff I Ds visit
lev felt fcvwiv iw I WiJVII
Due to the budget revision rl
1 1
Board Of Regent
ROTC hours to 3 ajn. This they felt
the University is forced to consul
away suddenly. Yapp stressed that Thursday was announced to Thei However, a very strict penalty cuts will be a conservaUv. ' 't t
nis hum wouia resi easier ii me rinx nag eariy inis weex Dy -oi. nss been set up by the board to The announcement was made law JT
money was in good hands.
Yapp will be crowned "King of versity.
Workman, PMS&T of the Uni- penalize any coed who insists on'meeting of the Board of Regents.
being late. The coeds are given
In order to
enromuravu wii-u ujc Mrtk.u3,rv difficult cases where
tionary ludoyduos. wno insist e tudent has Eot cultivated theitend the banquet
Ionic of camnus conversion, so ': s instructor or where there has been
todav the column will discuss the""1 Pl "3trir , " t. . an unfortunate "personality clash"
various charscleriilcs cf bodies. b rure. hc continued, between instructor and student.
An important Cj-ueslion which! Texe are noi 100 ukuj iu uian e only alternative is a book en
i left, but they still Could cause UjiIm). "Hvnnotism Made Easv.'
cms the results cf the work done some trouble.' 1 published "by Ocultists Incorpo-ily psychiatrist, told the Pink partments.
A UP at a banquet m his honori Tn an interview. Cnl. Workman three late niehts free with no nun-
Thursday, 8 p-m., in the AUF of- explaining the change said that it ishmenL But, the' fourth night make more effi-
firf im . J .11 I . . . . . . n 1 . U ,A4 V, .. 1 1 L. 1 . . .1
' puuiu dtiun .ie Muuei.u lu iedc uicv die jaic ii.t-j' ltj tain- cieni UC Ul lilc "
All students are invited to at-earlier for home this vacation, oused one ni2ht the following m 4v.
being spon- Previously the students had to week. This must also be on Mon-f . ' . . . .
sored by Yapp. I wait until they were through with 'day right, the night of house meet- ods ot parlun
. mm . i their 3, 4, or 5 p.m. labs. In the incs. icars must be in-
Nil Pcvf hlflf MC.T Past at vacation times, the ab- The Dean of Women said that if augurated. As il-
sences have been hiah causine the women students still insisted j i v s
Dr. William Brill, new Univer- rn.ii.K mrn in fVio RflTf" Ho. nn KoiVo- lto n'lwr r!icAirlir!ai-ri
Rag reporters and photographers
Tuesday that working on a news-1
paper builds a stable mind.
He made the speech as he was
cutting through the Union to keep!
out of the rain. He saw the organ-
bv the various forces which act This service will also be open .rated.
ca different bodies. In some cases, jto faculty members who desire to j Anticipating "the reactionary
the results are immediately ob- lavoid the usual trouble of writing element here at the University!
vious. In other cases, the results 'up new examinations each year, which does not go along with pro
may rot be so obvious. But any- Stewart assured the Pink Rag gressive educational methods,"
wav. there are results. However, 'that the exams sold to faculty Stewart said he plans to offer a
one conclusion may be immedi- Imembers would not be different j limited number f the old finalized confusion in the office and
ately drawn. Whenever work is from those sold to students. week standby, "Cribbing For Be- decided to make the speech he
done by a body, there is a change In fact, cooperation from for- ginners. jsaid. j Drs. E. N. and A. T. Anderson, , p-
produced m me ooay. am. re- :-ard-ooting instructors nas Deen) tiewan warns siuaenis mat re- une ag siaiier saia aiier ine prciessor ana assistant proiessorji
member, the discovery of an im-'quite good, according to Stewart. ; suits are not likely to be as good talk, that she gained a great deal of history, respectively, told The
portant phenomenon ususliy leads ; He said that instructors in several as with the exams, however. Jfrom BrilL
to other important discoveries,
and this is generally apparent
action will be taken.
Smith, Jones New Titles
Of Anderson, Anderson
picture, all possi
ble parking an
gles would be in-
The view of personality which
we have just discussed, you will
see, covers practically all that
has been discussed in the pre
ceding paragraphs. But in the
event you have found the topic
rtrange'ly exciting, or perhaps
reading this gi'i'es yem some sim
ple pleasure to pass e time,
then I shall proceed. (I can al
ways claim this was written by
ghost writer.)
Tieauerel obtained the sii-
ft B
OFFHIf 4lff!Olflf CSS
ed For imwQsfi
jPink Rag Tuesday that they had Is is"
i legally changed their names tO
University's Activities Reported
By Nebraskans As Subversive
Senator Joseph R. M cCarthyJ become one cf the most powerful That official, whose name
af"mrnn'rrearn7.2t5rm rm rairsnus. 1 withheld on request, said that
fcouettes cf the individual Be-j vvHrakaJ 2- That 12 fall-Wsil, Artv in ladmiaistration knew nothing:, to a sU about f X. Jones
i wr 1 " ' shftiit rflA K-w It-.,., . .
the basement stacks of Love Mem- earthy. But he said that theT Sr
avoid the problems presented by
two Anoersons in the same de
partment. A. T. Anderson reported that
his name had been changed to A.
T. Smitht while E. N. Anderson
said his new name uLX. Jones.
Both expressed the hope that
Smith and Jones would distin
guish them sufficiently to avoid
identification, mix-ups.
A. T. Anderson (now Smith)
'told the Pink Rag that the action
was prompt ed fcy the campus
newspaper's latest use of a pic-
i. a i
j corpora ted in the
new parking sys
'tem. Such conser-
jvation of space
.would leave some "
of the present lots
'unused. By rent
ing this property v
,the University could gain some assistance
on the new $1,000,000.56 budget
The leasing of these lots would bring no .
pus. The opening of new business places su
add to the interest of the student bodv as v
the once empty parking lots, University offic,
j Sgt John Furrow, head of the University
the'ture cf A. T. Smith (then Ander
was the first college on his sub
committee's Communist investi
gating list.
The investigation, he said, wiJ
begin immediately following Eas-,hf 3 subsidia,y
ter vacation and will be directed .of the Daily Worker.
4. That each faculty member
who serves as a student adviser
has been asked by the Board of
to form a Communist
5. That all University night
classes are held behind locked
doors and are reported to be de
voted to planning secret Commun-
cuerel then proceeded with a se
ries of experiments to determine
the oripin cf these silhouettes.
He's still working on it Under
these circumstances it is to be ex
pected that he will forget rapidly.'
But who cares anyway.
. ji. i. ; 3 . - CiA 4Vj
",ttVY fcey members, students and
ir " tt" 7, 7i u a ,-rime to classroom material.
wane good paper yiuiuug. i-.- ja j ' , V7T R.ppr.t
... . , . . i, , ,v,' .,.;.Ji inlaws l-,at ViA nrnm- xieECDis
Junes ci trail. ux fcnwj, iuvhhjiu... , ., .. .. nj 5oi
nroblem was within the scene cfjise cf the investigation came as a with his advisees.
tte animal, but it presented cer- result of constant demands from
tain difficulties. He soon per- Nebraska legislators, taxpayers
dived that a higher elevation was and even University personnel.
.of.oirif-p I luilfA tn r-conizel w nw Vrlw. which he
that he could not nana on .a'ajd was sent la him cy mei-
box far removed and maintain imothcT of a University student 6. That the central core of the
that elevation until he ran be-j The letter said, in part: tCommunist movement on the
r,eath the fruit His next step was nuj-. uJ(. 3 three months camp" consirts of five University
tn correct this error by dragging! , 'professori who meet in the fac-
the box to a point beneath aii,ut Communist meetings be has 7 dining room ei-ery Wednes-
rruii. 1 oaie iruix. attended at the University of Xe-
. braska. The first such meeting' 7. That the student religious
Sorry, the weather man rtpon was held in the, houses on campus have become
that there will be i weainer , baseroect cf ODe cj the fraternity I fronts for a variety of Ccmmun-
Vo morrow. j houses. But now the University 1st activities.
" w w , 1 convocations committee nas besun b. That ihe KUiAent iTninn u
jto sponsor the meetings in the; planning to send a delegate to
btuoeni union.
At Crst my son attended the
meetings only to acquaint him
self with the methods employed
its equilibrium '2 5
ES5rektoiSlt Communist league. Ac-
paper wasn't too rure of his.
In an emotional situation, the
changes which occur in the viceral
regions far exceed the energy ex
penditure which is necessary for
ihA s,riniist snlution of the
Oxuu Unroin joarmi Connor u.icoia Sur move would also save money because some of
Smith Jones
(Anderson) (Anderson)
Rocky Yapp, chairman of the Student Co
mittee, was disappointed at the move. He hi.
; change the mall in front of the Coliseum it
could be released. "There won't be so many
1 " t . 1 J m - ,
Two Ag Shows
orial Library contain Communist Chancellor undoubtedly would ;declared that the change of name: ,Wi vc HIWWIIIC
blerature. appomt his own investigating ; wouid CT1y half of his iden- t T I I
3. That The Daily Xebraskan'mmitte to eramine the charges tificalion orobkm. since another I CiT milh O
... .... - r . . . i . . i . - j . - km m m m k. a .
uiiiji r a.ut riLiii: mjiut mu 11 im . i - .1 j .
. 7 . - . ,mnnixr ui we liiiuury ctnjiin
We have previously considered
the properties of some vibrating
rvstems. A typical example of vi
bration is a long stick with one
end clamped in a vice, and the
other end displaced slightly from
the World Student Peace Council
scheduled during the summer in
Prague, Czechoslovakia.
Only one University offi'-ia'
could be contacted by The Pink
Rag for comment on the Mc
Carthy investigation.
problem. In a physical situation munist literature from the Uni
the amount cf energy released is versity's Communist League head'
necessary and results in a severe
care of indigestion if not prop
erly mixed. However, in our pre
vious discussions we have con
sidered systems cf concurrent
lorces only. The discussion should
be limited in that area. In fact,
it should have been limited to
the first paragraph.
Not withstanding what has al
ready been previously stated, thi
underlying basis for this media i;
certainly predermined by incul
cating various areas with definite
incoherent phenomena. A n c"
rpeaking of incoherent I give up 4n crm 4Vio Txvamia
now has a membership of 1,413 k ( ,
students with nearly 500 faculty NU TlieOtrG rCICeS
associates." j ' . .
Sen. McCarthy said tliat the CflSIS; NO ActOFS
mother had been receiving Com-j '
ice L'niversity lheater laces a
quarters. She told McCarthy, he Student actors and actresses
said, that some or tne printed ma-, have declined to participate in
NU theater productions as long
terial was published by the Uni
versity Press.
The senator also told The Pink
Rag that in all, be had received
letters demanding a Communist
investigation from 38 state legis
lators, 254 University faculty
nembers and 4,718 state taxpay
ers. Specifically, McCarthy said, the
i'tters charged: ;
1. That the Student Commun-!
st League at the University has
"I guess that plan is out the window, Yaj
the Regent decision.
There was some rumor in the Administrp
.dents would not be allowed to have cars at
(EDITOR'S vSnSeS1 Efti t?rs ie rame initials as he i T?,e Ag Exec Board at an emer-1aid about depriving facuty members of t!
lu"1UKS UIt' t,unal E. N. Johnson, profersor of his- gency meeting Monday night voted t
" Ptc 2,) itory- ito incorporate the Farmer's Fair'k . . ! i f a k
uuTsranamg iMcr
Time Savers Recommended
"'-1. "4 4.
I. ft- "T' - n
v I. j
tlhiwr,JJ-tfir nfr-i. tMUnl iui. i m t irr"-
and the Coll-Agri-Fun
into ihe Ag Exec group.
A recent audit conducted by
i i Internal Revenue Bureau rev
's'the yearly income cf the
I 'Board exceeded $1,000 each year,
1 1 Dale Olson, president of the Ag
Exec Board revealed that this was
" one of the factors which caused
- I " The Ai; Exec group ft-H that this
money under the supervision of
Announced By
"wji, - . the group could be better spent in
University aalbmities eooperatinir with the Pink Hag's cam
paira for "Expediency and Speed Instead of Safety." have for
mally endorsed this method for facilitating greater speed In get
ting from class t class. However, the Administration warns that
all persons "must pedal equally and share tbe work." Non-pedal-lers,
as depicted here, are not looked upon with favor, since they
contribute to a general slowdown, thus negating tbe Administra
tion's policy of saving time between classes.
supporting all the functions of tbe
Ag campus.
The present Fair Board, headed
by manager Don Lcising had dif-'
ficully in obtaining workers for
this year's fair. This coupled with
the results of the Revenue Bu
reau's findings caused the voting
on the incorporation of the two
boards into the Ag Exec Board.
Olson said that the Ag Exec
Board also voted to discontinue
the plars for the 1953 fair because
of the lack of time between now
and April 24 and 25. He related
that the time set aside for the two
day fair will be used for a stu
dent's holiday on the Ag campus.
as they are held in the Temple
Building, which one student de
scribed as "a broken down
The actors in the recent pro
duction of "Ghosts" claim that it
was onlv luck which saved Ihp
ceiling from falling on them. The family and my lellow men.
ceilings or two Temple rooms fell L.
recently. No one was injured. j
"It just isn't safe " a speech ,T- OB tTAL route no.
Join The
Crusade For Mayhem
Here Is My Pledge
In view of the student response to the original safety pledge, it
is expedient that I personally pledge myself to drive, walk, and
think in the terms of "The quickest way to do tbe thing is the best
way" in 1953.
I give this promise in seriousness and earnestness having con
sidered fully my obligation to endanger my life and the lives of my
So far
University Students
have signed
" The New
Expediency Pledge
'--uni --mii rn- -rn r-i t.;
Beaureeard Bowzer has bee.
elected as The Pink Rag's Out-.. -
standing Nebraska n. t .
Bowzer was a unanimous choice,
bv The Pink Rag staff, as Bowzer,.
was the only candidate nomin-i1; ,
a ted. Bowzer was a former editor '
of The Pink Rag.
Bowzers activities Include:
Freshman Year 1950, president
of the Interfraternit7 Council,
president cf All University Fund,
president of Kosmet Klub, presi
dent of Corn Cobs, and proof
reader cf The Pink Rag.
Sophomore Year J 951, Bowzer
pledged Upsiloa Upsilon Upsilon,
t. : ,
Oi. i ' A.
Wi. ''
yro 4
ele ; . V
ET""3 O
11 o inn
i hi f
A on (5