Page 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday, March 24, T953 lust Between Us . . . By DON PIEPER and you will have earned a right to gripe. It Editor takes no intelligence to sit around a room . and Filings opened yesterday for Student Coun- expound on what's wrong with this and that. It cH and class officers. does take intelligence and ambition, perserver- Here Is something that would-be candidates ance, and fortitude to try to correct this and that should think over: Talk is very cheap, and talk which will not be "To begin with, we think the predominant emo- backed up with action has no validity. Only con tion of your term of office, if you are elected, structive criticism, from someone who is willing will be frustration. You will work, and talk and to act on his beliefs, carries any weight. The rest talk, going back and forth between administration and students. You will finally convince all neces sary people that what you are proposing is cor rect and should be done. Then you fill find out that most of your classmates won't even notice is just a rattling, and an empty wagon can do as well." I think that there are some very sensible ideas here. There is no reason for cynicism to get the best of candidates. Rather than cynicism, we need what you've done, or if they have they will Just ambition and interest. Evidently, there isn't much shrug it off." This cynical bit comes from the Notre Dame Scholastic a weekly news magazine. It was writ ten as advice to candidates for class offices at the South Bend school. more interest at Notre Dame than there is at the University of Nebraska. This lack of interest is a very grave problem indeed. A graduate student who has studied on several other campuses said the other day that Cynical thought it may be, there is a great deal this campus was almost "insipid." He complained of truth in that description of class officers or, for that matter, Student Councilmen. Consider what else that Scholastic has to say on the sub ject: "However, in spite of all the above (great deal of the above was devoted to cynicism), you will reap much enjoyment and satisfaction from serv ice as a class officer. That satisfaction will come In part from a picture in the Dome (yearbook) and another line on a job application, but there will be much more. You will get experience in get- of apathy on other campuses, but never had he seen so little interest in school affairs as he sees at our school. A good barometer of student interest is the Student Council. At no time have Council mem bers jumped headlong into campus problems. With the possible exception of the parking investiga tions, the Council hasn't done one thing beyond its normal duties. I know about the Regents Book Store affair. I also know that it was administra tive pushing that made Council action effective. I ting along with all kinds of people, which is al- do not condem the administration for asking stu- ways valuable, and you will know more, and un derstand more, about the inner workings of a large University than a great majority of your compatriots. dent cooperation ' in the matter; nor do I condem the Council for its cooperation. I think both were handled well. I do think, however, that more initiative could have been shown. If you think that you can do "But, most of all, we think, you will have the better next year, go to the Administration Build satisfaction of having tried to improve your lot, ing and get an application. NEBRASKAN EDITORIALS They Played (Al Roles ' University students forgot they were students win admiration for the United States in the mock and Americans last week as they assumed roles Assembly. Of delegates to the United Nations in NUCWA's -A- mock General Assembly. Part of the character of the American delegates The conference, for the most part, was con- was undoubtedly provided by the University stu vincing if not an admirable example of the op- dents. But some of it certainly was based on rations of the UN Assembly student style. But two factors prevented the conference from being a complete success. The first was poor at tendance at times. The second was the small number of delegates who actually participated in the Assembly and in committee meetings. Lack of attendancewas extremely trouble- , WORLD REPORT By PAUL MEANS Staff Writer TODAY'S HEADLINES. . . .Sen Taft (R-O) reported Monday that President Eisenhower is standing pat on his nomination of Charles Bohlen to be ambassador to Rus sia. Taft, the Senate majority leaaer, ana Chairman Wiley (R Wis) of the Foreign Relations Committee had a private meeting with Eisenhower after the regular Monday morning conference of GOP congressional leaders with the President. . . . Sen. Joe Mc Carthy (R-Wis), fighting Bohlen's nomination, called in the Senate Monday for Bohlen to submit to a lie detector test on certain secur ity information he said is in Boh len s files. . . . A State Department official has testified that Alger Hiss made "unofficial" reports to the United Nations in 1946 on Americans seekiDg UN jobs. , . . Gen. James Van Fleet, recently retired because of age, said Mon day that he doubts that the United Nations forces in Korea have enough ammunition to repel any major offensive the Com munists might mount. . , , Mao Bends Knee To Moscow Reds (KPITORS NOTE: Tlie fnllowlnc ankle by Thomas La Stokes appeared ia Ik Cltrrlana Press. Would 35th And Holdrege AHAg Banquet Weaken Club Affairs Chuck Beam A the to honor members of their clubs which have received awards dur ing the year. If time were allotted to eanh cluh to Dresent their hon ors, it could very easily turn into an all night anair. I would like to suggest to the members of the Ag Exec Board that they try to schedule this all campus get-together sometime in the fall when a lack of campus affairs is noted. Perhaps this could be the answer to all the previous points. One parting thought congratu lations to the Ag Exec Board for MICHIGAN actual attitude of the government toward world events and smaller nations. In this respect, the Assembly proved an eye opener. NUCWA and Assembly participants presented a remarkable replica of the UN in action. Speak ers became so enthused at times during the con- terence mat iney appeared to lorget they were some Saturday morning in particular, when the University students. Communist delegates rallied Assembly recessed two or three times in an ef- at the mention of Stalin, stamped their feet when fort to round up a quorum and finally adjourned Russia was criticized and waved the flag of peace, when it became evident that quorum could no Delegates , representing .India, remained free longer be reconstituted. from Eastern or Western entanglements and almost A number of delegations attended none of the established a third camp consisting of Asian, Arab sessions, while many missed one or two of the and South American countries, general meetings. The number of absentees was ' so noticeable that the Assembly passed a reso- Debate was intelligent, parli.u.ventary proce- lution Saturday morning censuring all delegations dure excellent, the atmosphere convincing. But too few delegates ran the -show. Too many dele gations failed to appear for plenary sessions. The training was superb for those who were interested. K.R. ncatding at least half of the meetings. -TV , The small number of vitally interested partici pants was first indicated on the initial roll-call ballot on Wednesday afternoon. A large number of delegates either voted "wrong," i.e., not in ac cord with he actual UN voting record, or sim ply followed the voting of other members of their respective blocks. NUCWA supplying the block lists. The lack of working knowledge of UN and world events was further demonstrated by the number of delegates who spoke during the four day conference. Few countries outside of the Big Five and India offered resolutions or partici pated in debate. Only part of the reason was the naturally dom inating position held by the United States. United Kingdom, Soviet Union, Nationalist China, France Public Interest Today The Nebraskan begins a new service to its readers. A daily report of student and fac ulty traffic violators appears on the front page. Although the listing is in conjunction with the safety campaign of this paper, the news recorded is a matter of public information and regular news paper reporting. Our primary concern is to publish news in the public interest: our secondary concern is to point up the very real necessity for concern in the mat ter of safe driving. Driving is not a game neither is the eKort of nn Inn m T.alr rnt4(K..i j - em .ffaJr. i,7. V "'IO 0 IM The n to make University students con sign affairs, lack of parliamentary practice and scious of this fact. Ui puoiic speaiung undoubtedly contributed to the reticence of many delegates. Several delegates remarked during the confer ence that the part played by the United States in the mock Assembly surprised them. Most observ er, were rather shocked to hear United States del- fic violations is not egates hollaring, calling names, makine snide tp. marksin short, using what Americans normally consider Russian tactics. Little difference was evident between USSR and U.S. delegations. The bull-headedness of the Americans and their lack of concern for smaller UN nations did not Yesteryear At MU . By DICK E ALSTON Staff Writer "You can't prosecute a dead man," said a frosh law student back in the "dark ages" of 1933. And with these words, he fell heir to the "brown derby," the ancient and revered symbol of the dimmer wit. The Nebraskan reported the Incident this way: "Dead men tell no tales nor execute actions, be lieved Bill Comstock, freshman law student when he offered his spring infected answer to a hypo thetical case situation presented to the class by Professor Orfield. "Suppose,' , the professor suggested, 'that D and X had quarreled, and in a fit of anger X had seized a gun and shot and injured D. Feeling that he should protect himself from Bn, -..u from X, D seized another pistol that is handy and We are not irresponsible youngsters, sitting in our office trying to fill up the front page, we are seriously concerned with the problem so out standingly brought to our attention in the two re cent and very serious accidents. Our safety pledge which accompanies the traf- a game. We feel that its func tion is complete if students do no more than rec ognize its existance, if they talk about safety, they are thinking safety. Many or most accidents are caused by more thoughtlessness an awareness of this would, in itself, alleviate a bad situation. This is our campaign. Mao Tse-tung salutes the new regime in Moscow, says Chinese and Russian Communists "are bound together by indestructible ties of friendship." China sent an official delega tion to Moscow for Stalin's funeral. Chinese Communists already are familiarizing them-j selves with the views of Premier Malenkov, as expressed at the' All-Union Congress last October. So Mao's knee bends to Malen kov & Co. without question. Mos cow's tutelage continues without break as the Chinese delegation consults the new Russian leaders on political, military and eco nomic questions. That may be disappointing to many, who had hoped that the two great Communist countries could not work together. However, dur ing the last year, there has been increasing evidence that the Chi nese and the Russians were get ting along very well. The Chinese have recognized Russia's experience with Com munist development and the Rus-j sians seem to recognize that de velopment in China will take a long time. Of course, the Russians mav get impatient, as they did with Tito, i try to hurry development faster i than China can take it, However, it may be that NATO was responsible for Russia's im patience with Tito. The threat of developed military power that could be used offensively, to de tach the Eastern European states from the Russian sphere, made Russia in a hurry to complete its ! control in Eastern Europe, wipe out an aouotrui elements. China has demonstrated, in its intervention in Korea, which drove our forces back from' the Yalu River (at heavy cost to the First Marines.) that it can do well enough in protecting the back door to Russia. I susnect that China's concern over the possibil ity of action by Chiang Kai-shek's forces does not match American optimism. American military, au thorities have made it quite plain that we do not intend to engage in operations on the Asiatic con tinent. While that can change, as it did in Korea, it seems plain max western nower doe not quick tour of the campus for activities for the coming month. First we find the Dairy Royal set for the weekend. After that we have the Block and Bridle Show, Farmer's Fair and the Star light Dance. . With this quick tour out of the way we will start on another suggestion presented to the Ag Exec Board. This group has been toyinff with the idea of having an all-camDus banouet suDDOrted coming up with this idea. by all organizations on the Ag campus. This idea is very sound in some respects, but I -find some loop holes which should be cleared up. First, I want to say that I am definitely in favor of an all- campus get-togethet. However, I am wondering if such a banquet as it now stands would be good for the campus First, to me it 'takes all the elorv m firm, fho rinhs -Viioh havJis split about equally' , .. . . 4u tlthree measures. Some years. It is hard to believe that the clubs could support this ban quet and have one of their own. For example, let me take the Block and Bridle honors banquet, which is held primarily to pay tribute to some outstanding live stock- man in the state nnri to the memhers cf the livestock who can vote intelligently. judging teams. point would there be to be allow I don t see how it would be ing 18-year-oias to voter T'S THE RULE NU Council Sets May 4 For Voting By KAY NOSKY Staff Writer The Student Council recently set May 4 as the day for electing junior and senior class officers and Student Council representa tives. The Council has the job of supervising the eligibility re quirements for these elections, aiding the organizations in their elections, supervising all-University elections, determining polling places and tabulating ballots. Representatives are elected by organizations and by colleges. The organizations represented on the council are the Associated Women Students, Barb Activities Board for Women, Corn Cobs, Coed Michigan legislators are ronsid- Counselors, Cosmopolitan Club, ering three separate bills which (independent Students Association would lower the legal voting age , succeeding organiza by anywhere from one to three, years' tion or group, Interfraternity The Michigan State News, in an Council. Men's Coops and Resi informal poll of the student body.'dence Halls, Panhellenic Associa- First. to me it takes all the glory ,has decided that "student opinion tion Religious Welfare Council . . .... T ; f nu.,,t Ay,nollw, n ii the . .... student comments: "People are forcing more and more responsibility on 18-year-olds. I believe that most people, if they have that responsibility, j tions of organizati0ns, since only ..ov. u t 4h,nw members of each group vote, they there are very many 21 -year-olds; urge each to request council help conducting me eiecuon. The Council has the right ac cording to their constitution to validate or invalidate each elec- Opinion Is Divided On Age For Voting Tassels, University of Nebraska Builders and the YWCA and YMCA. Although the council does not have direct control over the elec possible for the club to continue with this banquet and yet sup port the one suggested as an all campus affair. Other such affairs are the Alpha Zeta initiation, the Home Economics Honors Dinner and the Tri-K Dinner. My There's altogether too much reasoning being done along the lines that if I'm old enough to fight, I'm old enough to vote, I m tion. An election be invalidated, for example, if a name is left off the ballot, if the number of bal lots does not correspond to the What? So Late? Closing hours for Women's tfVe houses "ft Kansas Ste "coHege! number of persons who vote. The have been extended a half-hour, Council will also investigate any clubs have at the present time bers to attend their own ban- t0, 10:30 P-m-on,we!lc n.lgnts- rhe outside complaint concerning the quels. Again I raise the question: ruling was made despite strong ekdion . . 4. Students who will be sopho- The freshmen feared a time ex-i , . .. . , , . .,, mores or juniors next year are tension might hurt scholarship,! ..... j MrtkC. 4. frt, result -in lnce sWn TTnnerrlass-: l" 'l""". Would such an all-campus affair receive the support to make it a financial success?" me nexi puim wnicn i woum icauii ui jesa sueey. uWcilU- . - ,. As rolleBe Arts and like to present is that the clubs men had no such doubts-they n? ilege,A 1,erniEta" usually hold their spring banquets voted for extension. Union Cues Union Workers Plan Roller Skating Party Shirley Murphy Union workers will go whirling ant professor of English, will lead about a skating rink Thursday! the discussion. menace China or Far Eastern Russia. China is about to start on a program of industrialization, as Russia urged. But any realistic night. A worker from each committee planned the roller skating party slated for 7:30 p.m. Union per sonnel will meet at the Union before they go to the rink- Admission is 50 cents. Union workers may bring dates. r - Events during this week and the week in which vacation be gins are: Tuesday Chess club meets at 5:15 p.m. Donna McCandless teaches dancing from 7 to 9 p.m. in me union Ballroom. Wednesday "Ruggles of ReJ Gap" with Charles Laughton wili show at the Esquire Theater at 7:30 p.m. in the Film Society series. Craft fchop is open at p.m. in the Union basement. Thursday Union workers meet at 7:30 p.m. for roller skat mg party. Sunday "Keys of the King dom," starring Gregory Peck, Thomas Mitchell and Roddy Mc Tuesday Dance lessons from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Pnion Ballroom. Chess Club meeting at 5:15 p.m. Wednesday Craft shop meets at 7 p.m. tion, Engineering, Teachers, Law, Pharmacy and Dentistry. The number of students repre senting each college is determined by the Council on the basis of one representative for each 500 students. The ratio of men"-to women is determined by the con stitution. Only members of a col lege will vote for the representa tives of the college. No senior representatives will be elected in the elections May 4. Instead, the Council elects five holdover members from the pres ent junior representatives at the first meeting following the elec tion. Three of these are chosen as president and two vice-presi dents. survey of China's resources, which iDowell, will show at 7:30 p.m. in are large but inaccessible, must the Uiion Ballroom. The movie have indicated that Chinese de- is based on H. H. Cronin's novel vcjupmem win not proceed as! of a Scottish priest in a China rapidly as Russian development, mission. The Russians, indeed, mav he Mnnria. Th quite satisfied with a slower tempo in China, particularly in heavv industry, lest China aspire to be the senior partner of the Com munist alliance. fired at X, but instead of injuring him the shot kills him. Now could D be prosecuted, Mr. Corn stock?' "'You can't prosecute a dead man decided Comstock, who had been enjoying the beauties of spring through the open window. And once again the brown derby, so well known on the Nebraska campus, finds a resting place on the head which uttered the condemning remark. it- "The tradition of wearing the brown derby was started by a freshman class a few years ago. The freshman making the most unintelligent remark in classes was to receive the hat for one week and it was imperative that he wear it on all occasions. The avoidance of making such thoughtless an swers to questions asked in classes was in mind when the tradition was started. Few desire to have their ignorance revealed." The Daily Nebraskan FIFTY-FIRST YEAR Member: Associated Colieriate Fress Intercollegiata Press Aflvertlslnr Representative: National Aflvertitilnr Servlee, Inc. maaison new y0r 17, New York br Am toflM at Ow Hal- RdllarM Pm Rdttar r . Maaulna MUrt 041, Hall Caar Knati EJ liMar. 1mm Harrtana. MarllTa Trma, Tm Woof-ai lrf tumor (lima Ak'I Saorti Gdtoar Ho-arC Vaa KM Taflw " ChK ftaaa. REPORTCIU Tan IHR NaanMkaa b m HtWMfca aa vnaramtaa of nnMlf mmmm mnd ahib.n. mIt. Aceardina Ht rth II a 0 HyLanm antarnlni mMnt IwtMtratHMM aa a4ailammtf In M Baard a paMlcatioaa. "II wNl muHr Mm Una Mat aaalleaflnaa awtar Ml torta tkMinm aMB ha raa traaj adlutrlal cmmiiia aa lh aart af tha f" , 8 aart af mm mamr at Oh rani it af (ha t mirtkf. hat a BMAm af tha atalT af Tha ball Na- at hmmIIi naaawlhla to waaf tha an ar dm mm M a atoawtottoa raiaa arc tl a mitrn. mU4 at til far fha aftma I main. Ninla I'VV U. Julllahrd aiia Hnuintit. Sunday, Munday, vacation ml aaamlnatloa pa. nMta. a fcMtia ml.lihMI durlnf Aauat Mf a aa hy tha I ,,mn?i at Nphmak anW tha auiMirvlnlnn af tha dammit. m aa f nlilUatlnmi. KntarHi aa aamawt claaa aaattor at tha tW'wa IB Unwm, ftahmaka, anfiw art af Ciammmi, Marah S, at awl" rata af mmmm aratMal tar la Nwtlna lint, C Uaaaraaj af Chnohn H. ti7, mtmni4 Saataaihar lu. lull. 1MTOKIAL Trr f"" KAU " "war "" E" ha. (kinua Marianne Hanuin. riiyllla'. If JarUn.m, liar Noaky. lra ilavy. Knnrr Hall. Willi lmrh. ynthla Hnulmm, Marllva rliittun. nry (niiim, Marri Mlki-lami, Marilyn MHrh rll. 41m I'arlHh, Dink KadlKCKkii, Hrnry lianm, F.latna Hmlth hnraor. tti-lh Hnhwar. lloa Nhaflnit, I ranrla rtraliiula, Ion Kll kamlar, ami Marlln lima. KlNIhftnll STAFF RmIrm Maaaaar AraaM dtara Ah'I Hantaan Irlaaaatn Pah) baroaoa., hlaa filnalt 1 ireulafliHi Mrnmaar V,4 ian Nlalit f-mva I.UlL.r Ja Harrlaon University in society will be dis cussed at the 4 p.m. seminar in the Faculty Lounge. Donald Moore, assistant professor of physics, and Robert Knoll, assist- WANTED Six thousand students are going home Easter Vaca tion. At least one will be going your way. If you want a ride or can give someone a ride find that student through want ads! C 4? 9Urotn' Busy Oeport-rajrif Stars A Get-Acquainted US 11 Font wu-wsviy vbabi .(. rT. . 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