Poge 2 TUP HAH V KIPRD ACk'AS.' Friday, March 20, 1953 iasf Between Us.,. By DON PIEPER line. Ncbraskans are certainly interested in this Editor subject and Brownell's views as Attorney General A great Nebraskan who built up an outstand- ar vis ing academic and extra-curricular activity record at the University will deliver the address at the 82nd annual commencement June 6. He is Herbert Brownell Innocent, Phi Beta Kappa, editor of The Daily Nebraskan, top of his class in scholarship who President Eisenhower appointed United States Attorney General. Brownell's subject has not been released as yet. He could give a talk of nation-wide interest. He could answer some questions the country would like to have answered. For instance, the former Nebraskan could ex plain the new administration's policy on tidelands oil. He could go into the problem deeply and pre sent General Eisenhower's personal opinions on the problem and its solution. Or, he could delve into the darkness of Com munist infiltration in the state Department and There are many other problems most of them having to do with Communists and Communism WORLD REPORT By PAIL MEANS Staff Writer TODAY'S HEADLINES . . lower house of Western ' The ...On The Social Side One Engagement, Two Pinnings, Mark Week . , , .,.,;i,Phnrmncv. He is from Omaha. By NANCY ODUM Staff Writer Cecilia Pinkerton. Chi O. and Builders, an rJDean Linscott. AGR. have an-cents. Mtl . .. - . nouncert tneir eneaeemcni. n which Brownell could cover. The new admin-jmany's parliament ratified thei" Tlcners, Cecilia is -from European Defense Army Treaty Beatrice. She is past vice-presi-and the peace contract with the dent of Tassels, past secretary of istration will still be new. in June and a general outline of policy in all departments would be in teresting and highly enlightening. West Thursday night How- What we don't want a speech idling us that ever, opposition is expected when we are the heirs of world power. We don't want to be told that we have a grave responsibility. We don't want to be told that these are tense times and ever college graduate owes his community every ounce of his energy. I don't think that Herb Brownell will deliver that type of an address. He knows that these things are important but he also knows that an understanding of the vital issues of the day is im portant. It is a privilege to have Brownell here. It is reach the upper Builders and secretary of Mortar Board. Dean is an Ag senior from Blue Pinnings Ruth Kleinert announced her pinning to Davis Monday night. Ruth, a Teachers fresh man from Lincoln, is Ap' Jack, an SAE. is a soplwmorejn MISSOURI his ideas on getting such subversives out if there in keeping with the tradition set last year when are any left. He could make a clear-cut policy Trygve Lie spoke. The experience of both men report on the Justice Department's future in this qualify them as outstanding world citizens today. realm. There certainly is a lot to be known about Their appearance on this campus adds to the pres the treaties House. Russia's UN debate charged that the United States slandered Rus sia by asking for action to demon strate the Kremlin really wants peace . . . This occured in the UN disarmament debate before the 60-nation Political Committee Thursday. The age old tradition of the swallow's annual pilgrimage to the San Juan Capistrano Mission was fulfilled Thursday, with time- lauie precision . , , ou .ju&cu o , - . Day saw the main contingent ?Kll?,ZZ Campus Politics Rough, Only Sometimes Dirty (From the Missouri Student) lit is one which cannot back up its Is politics a dirty word? H'XL of the best When the propaganda starts! means fif reaching the public. Onei iiowing ana uie ueuaics uu 01 l cannot expect tne opposition iu uc rv.n.ii, Pharmacy. He is from Omaha. Springs. , He is a" 0f Candy was the order of the vice-president, past P8'?0,? Lav atJ the Kappa Delta house a sccrcimy MnHnv nicht when Chris Pivnnka announced her pinning to Dale Bunsen, Beta Sig. Chris is a junior in Teachers from Lodge pole. Dale, an Ag senior, is from Bertrand. Party Calendar FRIDAY Sigma Phi Epsilon formal Ag College Estes Carnival Terrace Hall formal Theta Xi house party SATURDAY. Sigma Alpha Epsilon house party Beta Sigma Psi Davey Jones Locker party Alpha Gamma Rho formal NROTC Ball Acacia formal Sigma Alpha Mu Orchard formal Ag Country Dancers square guments begin hoarsening vocal it Along the same vein, he could discuss academic freedom and the point at which instructors should be censored in their teachings if there is such a NEBRASKAN EDITORIALS tige of the University of Nebraska. The case of Brownell is a little different be cause he is an NU alumnus. We are proud to welcome him back. The Arrival Of Teeth In response to last week's editorial requesting specific proposals concerning the improvement of The Daily Nebraskan's safety campaign, a sug gestion was submitted. This suggestion will, in effect, put teeth in the safety drive. Daily, The Nebraskan intends to publish the names of all students and faculty members in volved in traffic violations. Appropriately, this listing will appear next to the safety pledge. Persons whose names will appear in this list will no doubt be embarrassed, but this is not the primary intention of the column. Rather, the purpose of The Daily Nebraskan is to illustrate to the student body and faculty that collegians, as well as any other group, are not above being reminded that safety is the busi ness of everyone. This compilation of ' names will continue throughout The Nebraskan's safety campaign. There is the possibility that no students or faculty members will be involved in traffic in fractions on a given day. This desirable situation will be duly noted. But, to those students and faculty members whose names will appear, we have this to offer: The violation for which your name was noted .,.;,.,,, oowri th-ltactics accompany almost every advance scouts who DreDared theiwulu- way by driving away the swifts, i For the better or worse, politics, who traditionally inherit the nests 'including the brand practiced on for the winter season U.S. Law Shields Robbers, Traitors' (KDITOK'S XOTE: The fnlloviM ti. taridl npt'.irrd in the .M arch of Collitra MiMEtiw.) this rsmDUS. is a Question of set ting power and prestige as well as been bitterly denounced now and bettering whatever government is then, despite the fact that it is one being elected. J of the bases of our national elec- To achieve that power some tion system, things have been said and done I It is naive to suppose that either !of the oarties running candidates led neither to the quality of the j today have not got their members 'party carrmaien nor to the better-; together for some sort of pre- The three-year federal statue of : merit of the camDus. Instead, hon-'nomination arrangements mat is limitations has run out in theiesty has been sacrificed for the famous case of the million-dollar , chance of election. dance Your Church robbery of Brink's, Inc., and the potentially perfect crime has moved a step closer to perfec- Draised in campaign literature. But the voter can expect a paper nr miner wnere examples v eiver. facts stated and pernapsi some solution presented. The system of patronage has By PAT PECK Staff Writer LUTHERAN STUDENT FOUN DATION Friday 6:45 p.m., visitations; 8 p.m., scavenger hunt; 9:30 p.m. "Let's Talk About it." Sunday 9 a.m., leave by bus the primary purpose of the nomi- for choir tour; 9:15 a.m., Bible nating committee which sifts the study; :15 a.m., rides to church; various possibilities. h P- -a- cuiis supper; o.jo the p m., program, oiscussion on ieaa- Tht hais nf maintaining It is important, however, that ctrnth nf a nartv todav on this ership, Don Anderson in charge. there be some sort of clarification ; campus today depends on satisfy-1 Tuesday 7:15 a.m, Lenten Ma made between hard-fought poli-in(, ne elements of the nartv and tins; 7:15 p.m., choir and Lenten could have involved yourself and other persons tion. in a serious accident and perhaps the loss of life A federal grand jury in S,iemAll same lime pick a repre .. ., ... Idecided, with apparent wisdom, . campaign political propaganda jSentatlve qualified candidate ac- if it did not. that an indictment was not war- ls dirty by definition, as some;ceptabe to the voters. If it did involve an injury, the point need not 'ranted because of a lack of "com- would have at be. The only wayj without caucuses and arrange- i . . . a . n mi '1 nr a nartv In "U'ln an fMprTinn ic ' -i ii . : v.o n,, further Tho col f .irri min a tinn pieie, posiuve iniorrnauon. mere-- " rr. J menis u wouia oe nexi i uupw Vespers. UNIVERSITY EPISCOPAL CHAPEL Sunday 9 a.m.. Holy Commun ion; 11 a.m., morning prayer and will have gone through will make it all too clear pvpnt that nreceded the end of hose of the opposition. That this " ithin itsplf ' i'rr William s-ir,riior av.. .. i j .i. iintPrVinncrn yf mmmnnipa. ! & & ' ' tnis time limit, mat complete ana & .,.a-, v o that you were the one addressed in this campaign. In addition to the daily listing of names. The Nebraskan intends to run a picture of accidents and wrecked cars which have involved the loss of life. They will be furnished by a local insur ance company as a public service. The records from which The Nebraskan in tends to make the compilations have traditionally been available to the press in the public interest. This is in keeping with the goal of The Daily Nebraskan: To provide its readers with information and comment which is in the public interest. E. D. tion sometimes grows vehement is; what the voter m4st take into rfff indication of any foul play. On consideration is not that patron the contrary, bitter -arguments, ac-!age goes on, but who gets it and cusations are part of the game;at 1he expense of what qualified and only a lily-white idealist can ; ,ai BT1 ioa Smart noli. expect a party to teach each other; tip. must never be practiced at the expense of good government. p.m., vespers. Wednesday 7 a.m.. Holy Com munion. Friday 7 a.m. Holy Commun ion. ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CHAPEL When quality is sacrificed fori...,- Sunday Masses, 8, 9, 10:30 and Activities V. Studies Fewer and fewer students are interested in ing for The Daily Nebraskan once a week will extra-ourricular organizations and activities, The prevent a student from cracking a '9' in history. Daily Sun noted on the Cornell University campus. The Sun is wrong because any student who The same decline in activity-minded individ- enters into an extra-curricular activity soon ex- uals appears to exist at the University of Ne- pands his scope to include a second activity or else he assumes a more important position in the first. The student devotes more and more of his time to organizations and activities until finally activities start raising havoc with studies positive information might even tually have been secured. It is true that the statute of: limitations in the state of Massa- chlsetts still has three years to ( with kid gloves. go, ana mai uie lucai iiivebugauuu tifill rvrnhohlir .nntiniio Tho TTRT will continue to work on the case! inereiore, it is wrong to accuse yuiciy uul,i -, Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Studv club and turn over any findings to the Ponies of being dirty in itself ;Pen of Mmeone who does ; not Newman Center and Activjti Massachusetts police. But the! The methods of dirty politics; fit into the party then the 'voter ibuiding Brink's robbers may not be pun-1 are sometimes hard to recognize.; should defeat that party. But to: Weekdav masses 6'45 7"15 am ished for their crime even if they Three years ago. members of both:eondemn simply because Parties Eo;arv daiiyat5pm ' are tracked down. Quite possibly, 1 parties forged ID cards to stuff have to recognize patronage to. i-xrVEKSITY LUTHERAN the criminals have fled the United 'ballot boxes. This was easily survive is unfair to the present: CHAPEL States. If they picked their re- j recognizable. ; system. (Missouri Synod) fuge shrewdly, they are safe from1 But name-calling on the basis, Politics is rough; sometimes: Sunday 9 30 am Bible studv anesL, uecaiit-t: burner iuuiiiijes, uou ticuti axa uuuo is iiui nu llul.v. ijui uirjc iiiusi suiiic u-i2Q.5 ajn worship 5'30 even though they will turn over ' easily discerned. Its use, however, 1 crimination made between the Gamma ri lla p.m., to us a man wanted for a federal ; is a sign that the party employing two. offense, will not let us get our hands on one sought by a state. This is not the first time that we have had occasion on this page to object to federal laws which ham-! per thorough investigation into crimes and balk the apprehension of their perpetrators. For example, I we have stated our belief, that n WORLD OF PREJUDICE ay tnis time ne nas Become too mucn tne, . , f .,, ,ath - n- , r-. , uiuj VIUVK braska. The Sun ascribed the decline in extra-curricular interests to three factors: 1. Increased demands made upon the student in other areas of university life,- particularly in ROTC requirements. 2. Serious concern for academic achievement, factor noted in a recent Sun survey. 3. Increased determination to enjoy social life at college prior to military service. These may or may not be the reasons for lack Of interest in CamDUS nrMnirntinnc an Timeframe otWritioc n.Viori Viic ci-hBrlnlo Pirun aftpr TPnrnani.ie rights Of the aCCUSed But the Sun is undoubtedly correct when it de- zation is filled. Clares that "they have been used in many in- Northwesterners Disapprove Race Restrictions On Housing Wednesday 7 p.m., Lenten meditations. BAPTIST-CO TNER STUDENT HOUSES Sunday Church school and morning -worship in city churches. 5 p.m., student supper; 6 p.m, forum; 7:30 p.m, deputation serv ice at First Baptist Church 14th and K Streets. Tuesday 5 p.m. Student cabi- stances as mere rationalizations for the failure of to be content with what they have qualified individuals to develop their own talents always looks a little brighter, and abilities." With a wistful, b a c k w a r d; suspension ruling in order to rr.rc;,,n ineti ' gnce st Brotherhood week, The make it stick. Meanwhile. P-hit Bn er,n.r Alger Hiss, because of the statute j Nebraskan publishes accounts of Delta Theta at Williams College! Thureday-5 "p.m. 7 pjn, .n- nOUSinO uiiuuci i-umcrenct iinw at tirst . BaDtist Churrh "activity man" to drop any organization so he; than on the charge from which " X,,; r11t ' . vI Interhouse council METHODIST STUDENT HOUSE hangs on. letting studies slide and even sluffing the perjury arose. Ichaof SiT through activities. Now we see once again, in a;ternity has been suspended by tion that roommate assignments: 1 f.l CUS.Si0nW . 1 ciime aeainsi a corporation rawer its national council for pledging in independent housing be made! ' 'ugni. c u , u t j i 1 j than again the nation, a case in a Jewish student last October ."without rpfprprvo tn ran." I Ine80"y 6:i5 p.m Kappa PI The Sun would not be wrong if a student could .v,ir,u v, ..u, (orini ,a Jewisn sruaent last yexooer. witnout reierence to race. 'meal in th TTniw tt; stop with a single limited activity. It would not W enforcement is stalled by ; ifutionlf Bond tf JinTmo couS -m, break- be wrong if the student could refrain from adding what seems an 1 .undue concern for Theta" limits membership to and indPrnrtpnT vl.ic wri ; Ai15 sen-ice. i"men of white and full Aryan 9a? innr' n irr4: --tv- WdJen anuin, speaker. !blood- Recently the 5 members ; signments be made on a first- ixr j Vx,.i un4 nf "thp rhant.Pr unanimniiK v rpaf-i i j i But students not seem to possess the ability ada .uunp-!:firmed "the decision to admii tte j uefo n ws asked Phi NUBB FridtT Deadline for student preference The Sun is wrong, however, when it states, "Participation in many of the more difficult extra-curricular activities need not interfere un duly with (students) academic achievements or social desires. More often than not, such partici pation merely requires that the individual reor- students refuse ganize past patterns of behavior, making them organizations. more time-saving and efficient." The Sun might well include this item within The Sun is wrong not because participation in its list of factors. And it might just as well stop the activities of a Union committee detracts ap- attempting to convince students that activities preciably from studies. And not because report- need not detract from studies. K. R. .wie iicai jou isnment when we suggest that.'1-1"1 muultil. ; "Would you be willing to live ! Congress alter the national laws to Said the chapter president, ' with a Negro roommate uoon Perhaps this is the reason students hesitate to a P0lnl wnere tne agencies 01 en- v e nave seriously considered a nrst-come first-served basis, if on AUF opinion poll. Eeturn enter into anv extra-curricular affairs PerhaDs force,me?t are given atJeast an e moral implications of the he is the next person to be as- choice to Union, Room 307. enter into any extra cumcmar anairs. Remaps ;equal chance against the ciever; clause and feel strongly that the signed to your room?" ! Karl Shapiro final talk 8 njn they realize their inability to stop when they are criminal where traitor, murderer,; discriminatory clause is incom-j The clear majority of -"yes" Love Library. ' " well off. : robber or whatever who today patible with the principles of answers indicates a switch' in I Saturday If students are becoming aware of this quality is shielded by the calendar under I friendship and ethics as espoused; student attitudes. In 1947 a simi-l NUCWA third Plenary Sersion, of activity men the "snow-ballins" of activitieslthe assun?Ptln 1ha an reused in the bond of Phi Delta Theta." liar group at Northwestern was 9 am, to noon; Union Ballroom, ot activity men, tne snow-Daiiing ot activities person 1S handicapped in present-, The Iraternity's next national polled on the question, "Would Sunday ana campus jods may proviae tne cniei reason; ing his rtelense because a few, convention is in August, 1954, you hve with a Negro room-1 Cricket nractice for anvon ln- 0 participate in extra-curricular: years have passed since the crime at which time three-fourths of mate?" :terested in southwest corner f was committed. the delegates must uphold the 1 esleryenr At MU ... By DICK RALSTON Staff,Writer Getting back to serious topics, students of a couple of English schools went out on a limb back in 1933. Because of certain parallelisms to modern times, I reprint the editorial comment in The Nebraskan 20 years ago: "Two large student organizations at Oxford and Manchester universities in England, the famous Oxford Union and Manchester Union, voted in a recent discussion by a large majority that the members would 'in no circumstances fight for its king and country.' "Conservative Englishmen, sons of aristocrats, in one of the oldest and most conservative of English universities! Imagine them declaring outright that they will not fight in any war, no matter what the circumstances. Np longer do they believe in a 'war to end all wars, and a war 'to make the world safe for democracy." They are convinced that war cannot accomplish this or any other good purpose. "We doubt if there is a university in thit country where as many students, (750 at .Oxford and 371 at Manchester) could be induced to make this supposedly radical declaration. Imagine the consternation of a few of the ROTC officers if such a vote should result in some of their classes. "Most people are likely to be repelled by this absolute pacifist stand. But in view of the fact that war, rumors of war and vigorous prepara tions for war are continually going on, it begins to look like the only really effective means of "doing anything about preventing war. "This attitude is to be sincerely admired. Cer tainly it is a consistent attitude for those who are opposed to war. It might be vigorously recom mended to the statesmen of the world that some such consistency should be observed. This idea1 of signing peace pacts and then building arma-J ments indefinitely with the very definite purpose, of using them for war purposes, is becoming tiresome." The Daily Nebraskan FIFTY-FIRST YEAR Member: Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press Advertising Repreentative: National Advertising Service, Inc. 420 Madison Ave., New fork 17, New York Hm Ht MtbiMtaa fc tilMiwt tn aw mMk at Dm llt- M ftrtwwlt m mmH f tut&muf mtnm mum mrmmm maty. Acmnbna w ArtM II af a Hy-lMm mmini criHfwtt MtfteaHOM mm mtmwn4 hr M Haar af PaMteMtoaa. "Ir M Mm MMMnra aalter af tta Boant thai aaftlkaHna aadar M tarto Mtna aanil aa fra tana adHarial ataamaia aa Hi aarl af Km DMani. a Da aa at mar amalMr af Hw lataln aC Dm liatwataUy, hat Dm awaitwa mt Mm aff af Tut I tally Ka. tmatam am awwaaUjr raiaiiwuMiaf lar waal Maar aw ar ar Hwtwwftwll rmm an St a aanm. ttM ajall' ar CS lar the alsa wmu, S4 mailed, fttafie aapr a. mhlhiiMM sally ami Malaraay. Bimrtay. Monday, aaaatlan and nmmlnatlna m M. Ina Imimi putillnnMl dirrliqc Aajcaat aaeti yar by the S.nrrtfKlty af Mettraaka aadr tile auparrlalon at Ike Oemmlt- an Mtadent Publtaailaaa. Rntarwl aa aeeaiMl (Htaa matter at ttn rmt utiMe In Dana), kehraaam. aaaer aat of Cimmt, March S. fHfv ' at awartal nrta af eaim iaml far kt Nattlaa linS, Jtt a 4 WW af (Joeaer . IH, aurawmal BaiHaii 111, IttS. "ata Iaa Meaar ! EdMar , Ia trarw" , . . . , Kan Ryfrnw bbMU Hell tH DcMar. 3m Harrbna. Marllra Trea. Torn WnmHranl Sparta Editor -flUna NeetaB Aat'l Hpnrra BdHar Waul v KdHnraU Paae Rdltar MaaaslmKdnar Copy fjitfttara , . . Feelere f.dllor ... ImcH Cnfley As bdilar i. Cirack baa at BEl'UBTCKS Itmtv Carman. Phyllla llerabercer, Marianne Harmon. Willie Iteaoh. Jtoxwr Walt. Matallle Katt. lee laehanu. timet Har vey, kny NoMty. f ynthta Hendenum. Nancy jurr)lnert IIotm AnhienvnMle. Kaney tidum. Dick Kadtaeaku, Jim 1'arlnh, Henry Hnum. Klnlne HniUHberKer, Beth Knhwer, lion Hhafton, riiw Hamey, 1-rmiicla hvolMKla and Jinn Kllkemelr. HiraiMEHe STAFF BaiihMM Maaajer . . 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