The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 18, 1953, Page Page 2, Image 2
Wednesday, March 18, 1953 Q - i r- rlttv kiroD ACS.' A KB Dam -7 I nt I JA I L T NCDfAOIN-VI ., ,,VJVC - n RiUUr TWn ON THt LITTLE MAN UN tAmrua "7 asf Hef resn ls . . . By DON PIEPER Editor Now that the student body has had a chance to have its say about Sunday social events, let's look over the idea again. Present rules treat Sundays this way: "Dances, card parties and organisation ban quets may not be held on Sunday . . . Sunday night sappers which are planned by the Moth er's Club of the rroup or the alumni may be held only during- the supper hour . . The administration had reason to think last year that there might be some student opinion toward an extension of these requirements. Since University officials were not disposed to plunge into a general upheaval of existing rules, the sub committee on social affairs (a sub-committee of the general faculty committee on student affairs) was commissioned to make a study of the situa tion. The sub-committee, under the able leader ship of Miss Marjorie Johnston, Dean of Women, decided to make this study from two points: 1) the situation on other campuses and 2) student expression here of the need for a change. A comprehensive questionaire was sent to stu dent affairs offices of several of our more im portant neighboring schools and the results showed that our campus is very much in line with what is going on elsewhere. But Miss Johnston's committee was not satis fied with this knowledge alone. Committee mem bers felt that the student's opinion should be discovered also. So a letter was sent to organized houses Greek and independent asking that the Sunday situation be discussed and that the re sults of that discussion be sent back to the com mittee. Generally, students weer asked if there is a demand for Sunday events. Very sketchy returns seem to indicate that such interest is very low if existent In the first place, all stu dent( organizations have not even taken advan tage of this chance to present opinion. What the committee will do with its infor mation remains to be seen but some conclusions seem to be obvious. If there is no great move ment on the campus to hold social events of an organized scale on Sunday, it seems wrong that NEBRASKAN EDITORIALS the social rules should prohibit such events. A negative rule, such as we have now, seems to in dicate that the demand is there and the Univer sity is holding that demand back. Some persons have argued that it is wrong to hold organized parties on Sundays for religious reasons. I sincerely believe that these persons have a right to their opinion, however I do not feel that removing the restrictions against card parties and dancing is opening the way to mass Sunday brawls. Organizations would Still have the right to decide when such events would be held. If certain members felt that Sunday was the wrong time, those members could make their feelings known to their own group. I do not think that those individuals have much basis . for arguing against making it possi ble for such organizations as wish to hold Sun day parties to have them. In other words, the final decision is up to the organization and in dividual thought has a chance to dictate to each group. The fact that different religions desig- resulting gument restrictive and unfair. WORLD REPORT By PAUL MEANS TODAY'S HEADLINES ... A United States reconnaissance bomber fought off a Russian Mig-15 jet fighter five miles east of the Siberian peninsula of Dam chatka in the North Pacific Ocean ...The U. S. plane returned the fire but there appeared to be no damage to either craft. . . American troops in the trenches within twov miles of the first atomic bomb blast of 1953 came through the historic experience on Yucca Flat without injury... American infantrymen Tuesday virtually wiped out a force of more than 350 Chinese Reds at tacking U. S. Second Division po sitions on the Korean Western Front. . . Yugoslavia's Marshal Tito Tues day night discussed with Prime Minister Winston Churchill the situation behind the Iron Curtain from Josef Stalin s D.C. Segregation Some have mentioned that huge parties would Uf dr GOP Flf certainly be scheduled if the restrictions against dancing were lifted from the Sunday scene. I don't honestly see' how any thinking organization could schedule a big dance for Sunday if the women's closing hours remain at 10:30 p.m. And I don't think that it would be a good idea to change those hours there ought to be one night in a weekend when students (male and female) have a chance to study without the temptation of late dating. Furthermore, there doesn't seem to be any great movement on campus to hold such events on Sundays anyway. Other campuses have also found this to be true. I feel, therefore, that the administration should strike these restrictions from the Sunday rules. Pally (EDITOR'S NOTK: Tna follnwln t.inal was published In I be Cornell Sun.. Attorney General Herbert Brownell has fired the first shot in a battle to abolish segregation in the nation's capital, as Presi dent Eisenhower promised during his campaign. If successful in th initial encounter, Brownell will have seriously weakened a major point of the Communist propaganda bid - to convince Asians that the United States is a hotbed of intolerance which de nies rights to all but white men. Brownell's point of attack has been on segregation in restau rants. In the early 1870's when "Two davs overdue means fifteen dollars did yon ever stop to think that some other student might like to read this June 1908, issue?" From The Glass A-Bomb I As Second-Rate Afeivs Box ants Almost . I Wachincrtnn had mnniriDal self- io me, ana a great many otner siuaenis l nave , t a local board out Tuesday morning laiKeu wuii auuui iius, uiese ooni seem neces- i lawed Hal Hasselbalch and it appears Ceremony, Cost Mark 3-D Picture By BOB SPEARMAN Staff Writer Third-dimensional cinema, to gether with its repercussions of eye-strain and dislocated necks, has arrived in Lincoln. If you think a long TV session with "I Love Lucy" bothers your eyes, wait till you spend 80 cents to see third-dimensional movies. I was far more impressed by toe ceermony connected with getting to see 3-D, than by the films themselves. The 80 cents admis sion is the first thing that struck me. It was a Diner diow. i was eiven a ticket, and I assumed that this was all there was to do. After getting into the foyer, how ever, I found out the girl in the ticket booth had forgotten to give me the other ticket for the 3-D sun glasses. These glasses aren't exactly sun glasses, but, unfor tunately, the movie industry rushed into 3-D so fast, it for got to name the glasses you look at the other dimension with. I went back to the ticket booth, got my glasses-ticket, spilled my popcorn and went to the movie. I don't think I was unduly vexed m at my bad luck, or overly pr-& judiced about the common every day 2-dimensional movie that was on, but it was strictly a common everyday 2-dimensional movie, in every respect. Shortly this movie, all about the British Fusiliers, ended. Then the screen blatantly announced that, "Now is the time." Yes, thea was the time to put on your sun glasses. I felt like I was about to see the first motion pictures of h an A-bomb explosion. With this sary. I realize that this is a small issue and I places don't want to start a great campaign oyer I do feel that our social rules could be better in this respect. cporooatinn in c a 1 1 n c Jnergy commission Th ir ws; linnntirwi'new atomic bomb tests in ran some happv-go-lucky were not so far spectacular expectation, and then off after all. wnat reauy nappenea, 1 was ois- What has caused the change? .appointed. 1 wouia nave uicea tne the it Bt : but remained on the books until Nevada deserts the actual exper- What has caused the change? .pomw a I w ll: Jutiit was discovered two years ago. iiments being televised. j Certainly A-bombs have not lost A -tomb better hpttAri . Thic f mo it tin mpn hoiisps J anv of tn nripmal nowpr. vet1 iwo weeKS i We Meed Library Time When a university has as excellent a library as the University of Nebraska, every effort should be made to make its facilities available to stu dents during as many hours as possible. But, comparing library hours at the University with those at other colleges, one observes the following facts: 1. Most college libraries are open from 85 to 90 hours a week, according to Director of Li braries Frank A. Lundy. Love Memorial Library is open 75 hours. 2. Although most college libraries close at 10 p.m. or later (at midnight at the University of Iowa and Oklahoma A&M) on week days, li brarians start shooing students out of Love Li brary shortly after 9 p.m. Monday through Thurs day and before 5 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. 3. Many college libraries are open sometime on Sunday, if not during the afternoon and eve ning. But Love Library closes its doors on Sat urday afternoon, not to open them again until Monday. These are the facts concerning our University library. The library is excellent, but the hours are restricted. The reason for reduced hours, of course, stems from a common dilemma in the State of Nebraska lack of funds. Money is simply not available to pay salaries and other expenses involved in opening the largest building on campus for any extended hours. m Although the demand for longer hours has existed for several years with no results there is new hope for additional hours of library serv ice, according to Lundy. That hope rests with the budget request sub mitted by the University to the Unicameral. Lundy estimated that from $6,000 to $7,500 in the proposed budget would go toward obtaining ad ditional library services during a single year. The result, he suggested, might mean opening the library on Sunday afternoons and evenings. Six thousand dollars a year is a great deal of money to pay for perhaps seven hours of library service a week. If this were the sole result, that would mean, discounting holidays, a cost of ap proximately $150 a Sundaynot including Janitor ial service and other expenses involved in operat ing the building. Is the additional service worth the cost? Ex- Yesteryear At MU ... This timp it was men. houses.1 anv of the oriemal cower, vet1 i weens ago in xnis coiumn, furniture and cars that were the men are entrenched a scant two I lauded an excellent English It will he known miles from atom blasts. movie.' ine Promoter. Ail ot amine the testimony of the following students and faculty members. Graduate students have frequently requested li brary services on Sundays and during Saturday afternoons during football season, according to Robert W. Goss, dean of the Graduate College. (The library closes at noon on football days.) Graduate students in the School of Social Work, according to Student Association President Phil Hain, particularly rely on long library hours. JEXAS A&M Most social work students, he said, desire a io ja p.m. closing hour as well as library time on Sun days, particularly Sunday night. Required talks and out-of-town trips, he said, prevent students from using the library with its present hours to the fullest advantage. A crrnim rtf nmtpstine restail i i ........ ii k tpstfH nhippts 1 til oJL? iS t 'lOouite definitely, after all the find-i The United States has had the third-dimensional movies which ruled that the law was in-1 ings of this explosion are corn-atomic weapons in its arKnals; theater that eve- valid since the local board had P'ete, what can be expected ever since the Korean war began.ning were also English. Just as m exceeded its authority and should the United States be sub-, but they haven't been used. Rus-i American motion pictures, the usurned the richt of Congress to ject to a medium size A-bomb sia, too, has the bomb, we are English have their bad luck, too.j govern District of Columbia res-, attack. jtold. These third-dimensional movieJ jgjjtg Despite the publicity and prox- Rumor has it that cither side'ere all produced for last year's At nrp;pnt thp SuDreme Court imuy oi xne laiesi experiments, coum uesiruy me inner in a mai-iresuvai oi oiiuain. in reauiy me is rieliberaw the case. The At-the public didn t get overly ex fare for the evening. They were sundry in their sub ject matter, but they were all Adam C. Breckenridge, chairman of the De partment of Political Science, called the 9 p.m. deadline "absurd" and said he has "never been able to swallow objections to opening the 'ibrary on Sunday." He was particularly concerned about students who work or participate in campus ac tivities during the afternoons. Breckenridge pointed out that upperclassmen and graduate stu dents in his department practically live in the library. For that reason, he said, they need ex tended service hours. He suggested shoving the week-day closing hour to 10 p.m. and opening the library from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. Several students and faculty members pointed out that for students who work in the afternoons the library offers no more than two hours of study time four days a week. Obviously, this limitation seriously handicaps these students particularly those with a house meeting or a night class or two each week. From the dificulties presented above, it ap pears necessary in all fairness to busy University students, to extend the hours of the library. Neither the state nor the University should al low a matter of $6,000 to stand in the way of enabling students to obtain maximum use of the library. If there is a demand, as there seems to be, for additional hours, the Unicameral must not block the University's bid to keep the library open longer. Let's face it'. Students don't go to bed at 9:30 p.m. on week days. And not everyone parties Friday night, Saturday night and all day Sunday. K.E. ter of hours but neither hastens' movies amounted to a modified tornev General has filed a brief cited. In fact, the tests were al-'to try. Indeed, judging from re-jvisual aids experiment. Six sep a a "fripnd of the Court" Helmost second-rate news. isults of atomic blasts in J apan'arate "Shorts" constituted the 3-D tw r-nn.. w in thpl and the Bikinis, it is not too r,at pranted as' much authority! Reaction to atom bomb activity reasonable to believe that Russia ; ;t;oc it rfiH tn th ris. has made a vast change in the could finish us off in one night.! trict some 80 years ago There- last seven years. Following re- But chances of doing it lessen alike in that none of them had fore according to Brownell. the Ports of the atomic attacks on'every day. Apparently complete any plot. One was a sort of local board was not violating the JaPan in 1946 no horror story annihilation is not the objective' "Trip Down the Thames" that's constitutional powers of Congress. I wast J improbable to be ac-of war, as everyone assumes. Vonounced Terns. Another was .iu ujr w.c ovoincu, 6uiiiuig: www Bn explanation ana ratner cruae public. For some unknown reason, hu-T might add of what makes 3-D Imaginative prophets did not man beings, ruthless as they be-jck. It was in this particular give the human race much time come, cannot bring themselves to short that the widely advertised sia, ,ii-c .oi.uiui im uu-unuu, aiiuum F--uPit. igiraffe leered out into the audi- iiuMs iccuitcu uiai uie saury j iui ujc &ajne ledsuji uiai uci-. was in the air following the gas ther side used gas warfare in thej warfare of world War I. Those, last war after its initiation in I 4- 1 It. :j i TIT 1 J IT 1 1 - a. 1 ooys, uie niajomy aiu, were jusi worm war i ana hUDsequeni im- aij0ut 3-D It actually is third di too stupid to see where we were provement, nations have withheld ;mn-jnarif vftl, v-v. r headed. The jig was up for sure use of the super powerful A-;lasses OI, otherwise its 1urf this time, best selling writers bomb. They have directed their u UrrVd winerwie 1U 3US1 cried. i attention towards development ofi rr, i. ,,, , . 1) Htr,.i. , -v,.l The first full-length 3-D movuV www "b'ij uLni. Tv.nuvuo siiui t I.-. T J 1 T m u n4Ann;n Va.v : win awn 111 uiutuui, At yuu What's Wrong At A&M Is Editorial Staff ence. There is one remarkable thing By DICK RALSTON Staff Writer Even back in yesteryear, the editorial page of The Nebraskan was at least partially filled with columnists. One of these who went by the name (or was christened) "Artemus" turned his cynical pen to the subject of "spring" a couple of de cades ago: "Spring is here. You can tell it by the pla cid, bovine expression on the ordinarily steely countenance of each student; you can tell it by "the presence of the robins they invariably arrive one weeV before a good sized snow btorm; you can tell It by the propaganda emanating from 'Mortar Board, 'honorary senior women's organization,' forewarning you of the coming selection 'by pop ular vote of the Junior and Senior women' of the May Queen; you can tell it by the stock remark of everyone you meet: 'Spring is here at last SPRING HAS COME Spring again has come! Oh fee, fi fo fum. Poems are all dumb.' I'm sleepy; Ho hum!" On spring, the editor commented tersely: "Speaking of spring, we hereby make a solemn promise that we will not foist on the readers the customary clever editorial on signs of spring. Looking back through Nebraskan files, we fail (From Texas A&M Battalion) Editors, The BaUlllon: What is wrong with A&M? As I see it, it is not the lact mat - i i there are no coeds. It is not the MOiCil V700QS military department. It is not the administration. It is not the stu dent body. It is three factions within the student body. The first faction consists ofL those who consider it out oi "style" to be "corps-happy" or to have any affection for this moun tain of bricks and mortar. My remedy for these people, is go someplace else. The second is not really a fac tion but a tendency. Every senior There isn't much talk like that of the atomic bomb. Louis Bromiield Describes US. Colleges As 'Messy' Peg Bartunek be, "too manv youne neonle marrv these days without a nroner missed last week's selected short subjects, go next week and really get eye-strain. NUBB understanding of the meaning of ,MnJ10' umon al ' marriage." One of the speakers at the sem- U. S. colleges seem to "merely messy", according to class that comes along has some'Author Louis Bromfield in a big- ideas about doing this andiMarcn tsquire article. chahfrinc that richt away. Ey In the article entitled "J he the middle of the spring semester aname or our colleges Bromrieiannar said "less moonlight and all they've accomplished has beenisays that "this tragic condition roses" would give marriage a to let off a little steam and loseanses irom "our lanure to ais-:more secure ba.sis than it now has. a little more oi me power senior upunc our cmioren, our saia compatDuity ' is one of classes used to have a few yearsance or downright subversion m tne vital elements of marriage and apo. There is no remedy for this the scnoois ana our emphasis on "Doing a desirable mate" except to go slow and try to get.the college rather than the college precedence over the choosing of i;Minnota a httJe of the Jort prestige back.ieaucauon. a mate. - i Bromfield cites America's small regard for the status of its pro WEDNESDAY VUCWA Sprinr Conference opening at 2 p.m. in Union Ball room. Karl Shapiro to talk at 8 pm. in Love Library auditorium. THURSDAY Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity, meetin in ( Canoe Trips j (into Qutico-Suprur wildrnat. ! Only $4.85 to $5.40 pr parses 1 J p I .; . i ywi wu j. i or . ii ww inumaiini, jf -writ (a: CANOE COUNTS Y DITT.'lJ r rii ILKS. urn Horn, Box U U.1,1 The third, and worst, thing that is wrong with A&M is the editor- ial staff of The Battalion. Slipped fessors as the reason for their upon your blind side witn mat one didn't I? It seems that every Battalion editor that blesses our fair campus with his presence be lieves that he has Divine calling to kill dragons and to rescue our college from the dark depths of stagnation and obscurity into which it is constantly slipping. 4 This sirs, is not your destiny. Save your superior journalistic talents for greater deeds that await you when you become man aging editor of a large metropol itan daily. Hold back your great talent, if you can, and play the part of the simple, everyday, gar den variety of college paper edi tors that you are. This college will be here many years after you are gone, so please don't try to leave your mark on its history, it's just not worthy of your super ior talents. Letterip AUF Organizes . . . Dear Editor: turning to Marxian socialism. U Elaborating on the emphasis given the college degree rather than the collece education, Brom- g field says, "There are too many young people in our institutions of higher education who are not there to acquire knowledge but to get a job somewhere, or to make a club or to escape from their B father's business, or, most com- monly, simply to please their par- ents." m K-Staters will be having no more athletic holidays, according I to a recent student council dc-i cision. Instead, one day each scm-, Cf-tcr will be set aside as an all-i college holiday and in most cases be taken "to celebrate an athletic victory." An investigation on discrlmina-i tion in student organizations - atjl the University of Colorado has 1 revealed that eight national social" fraternities on the campus have ! discriminatory clauses in their constitutions or charters. J The report also showed that out - mmmmmmmaumms u m i i We're Going To Hove Another BIG Book Soli 0 The Daily Nebraskan FIFTY-FIRST YEAR Member: Associated CollerUte Press Intercollegiate Tress Advertising kepresentatlve: National Advertising Service, Inc. 428 Madison Ave., New York 17. New York lof the 15 unrnrltles on rnrrmn thA! TVtft All t Tni irarall v ITunH Ic nrtut iq . t . i .. ,. " v.h.ih..t . .o reixjiung nave no clauses in organizing for the 1953 fall drive, regard to race, creed or color. I As you know, the AUF was The Investigations are a result;. to find a year when such tn effort was not per- "".n V E u'J,. ?L1 n?i - i , J?. J " . 5 ! '" "' ,IJIUL All llHJldl il uiri llllJt?R HIIU wm dents into one combined drive. Isororities submit annual reports' Again, we are asking your helpiconrpmlne discriminatory clausesT in the selection of the charitiesjin their charters. The reports areli that AUF will solicit for the next) expected to show the progress year. Since each of you is givenimade toward elimination of such pctratcd. This will be our first real distinction." Tto Dallr NafttMfcM k mHi to Ik tarai or ih dm. wi nwwnukm m nvrtmioa wt wwOiif ' Mm www mintnm (alv. Ammltaa M Arllri II of CM Hr-lAxm tnnml tfa4wM rofeflmttom n tmtnUtmt tit lt Bmr4 PahllrXtam. "II It Om a)Miirr4 H f tfet Rum IbM mHiltoaftaaa wrnAwt ttt Htri. tittUm aboil Uw tmm iHoriai mami mm tin nm wt Mm Hoar, wt t. m part of mm Ufmtm of Ikt (amir of th I rtHr, wwl mm mmmtmn of Hi Mnff of Tlx KmUj No. tmfcM or ommMtty moomlbl far froal fka an or or wm kw MM.1 HwttmftmrUm itw fit '. ma II ml w tS lot Ih !! roar, S4 imlMu, Mingle .opt 6a. fuhllahotf alljr Mpt Kwtuntfty, Bottom. vt Moixtay, vralim ui momlmitln p fto. IHn Imiw onhllaboi taring Animal aawli yrmr wt I ha IJnlvrraltr of N)ra,aM anoVr h aaprrvlalna of tho ommll tao am KtuoVut PahllfaMona. ITnt4tral mm aoaoni laa matter ac tha t"oat Offla la Inroln. NaNmakat. un4rr m of f'enrroaa. Marr a. T, av' a aoartaj pala of pommm aartlal for la Hwrtinm I ins, met f itomwnm ml Ocf"r 1ml. mnrrmrirri aaotaaihar IH. IMt. .II10KIAL (Ul ,(iitai(ttajt(tatt tViM ItaVW jka lWf mm. Oartoa Pdltorlal aav ICdltar MaaMlof MUmt Copt KaHsn Mporta Mllar Ah'I Saorca Kdktar Paalara Kallor . . , a Kallor Marllra Bta Rrafrom all? Hall K4 rMar. Jra Harrlano. rraoa. Tom H mXairt , . .Ciwna N alalia Howard Vaoa ........ I'oflai , Ckaak Baan HKI'ORTRIM Imnrr (arman. Phrliia Hanharrar, Marlonna Hanann, Wlllla prelercntlal poll in the paper IHC Cignri't." Iaarli, IWrar Walt. Nalallla Holt, l.oo Jaakann. .rr Har- four charities thllt you fcfl are. An ACP Student Opinion poll re ar . Kay NoaKy, (rnllilk Hanilarann, Nnay (larrtlnrr, Itiirla1 ,.(l ,,n ,llr,iiri ,,, i,.,., .,. (i, , ,.j,l Ahiaahwaaa. Nanry omrm. inn, Hadiaaaka. Jim i-ari.h. iianry, worthy of your support. vealcd lust year that students are Haum. iiama Hmiihhancar. Bath iinhnar. iimt Hriafinn, Ha Please send or bring the prcf- against smoking in the classroom Starling Monday, March 23 Save Now on Good Reading the opportunity to contribute dur ing the drive, we feel that each of you should have the chance to decide what organizations shall benefit. The Daily Nebraskan is pub lishing a list of 10 charitable or ganizations every day during this week. These charities are all ap proved and each worthy of your support, riease indicate on the clauses. The Sophian, student newspaper at Smith College (Mass.), has launched a crusade for more smoking privileges on campus and supports a suggestion "for smok ing downstairs in college houses until midnight ..." The Sophian feels that "study habits depend on an occasional Kamay, Kranala Bvotmdri and Iron Kllkamalr, Ml'SIAKIM ST A PI Ptaaraaai Manaoar ......... Am'i Hoalaan Maaaaan Pata Baraalaa, Stan rtrralaftoa Mmaaar . .. .. K4 Ms hi Hrmt fcdllor M ! crential poll marked with decision to Room 306 or AUF Anid mara! booth in the Union by Friday. ROCKFORD O. YAl'l' Mai! President your oy about two to one, with more women disapproving than men. A marriage seminar at the Uni versity of Colorado concluded thut I o o jjj o 0 ! ! jit iiMmi:i:. .. BOOK SETS FICTION MUSIC ART O vaBOOK STORE I 3 m.:jl :.:n WHmnmamm m mlO