Page Z THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday. Morch 12,J953 Jus? IjQlVJBSn Us By DON PIEPER The alumnis need help too. For some reason Editor graduates do not keep up membership in the ' There is a good idea floating around in the Alumni Association. Upon graduation, seniors are air these days. It has been discussed a great presented with free one-year memberships to the deal on this campus but Omaha University has Association and one-year subscriptions to the done something practical Alumnus magazine. Unfortunately, the percentage In the Alumni Newsletter, published by the of graduates who keep up this membership after University of Omaha Alumni Association, for the free time runs out is small. March of this year, this interesting piece of news The Nebraskan believes, and the Association apj-ears: agrees, that a strong alumni-student relation "Omaha U alumni will play host to graduating should be built up to give the Association a boost. seniors at the annual Lang Syne Dance Friday The idea OU has used is a good one and similar evening, April 17. Tickets are $1.20 per person projects are definitely under consideration here, and $2.40 per couple, tax included." This is the It is obvious that graduates can be of great reallv interesting cart. "Members of the Class of helD to their alma maters in fields other than athletics and Greek rushing. Since a great por tion of NU alumni live in Nebraska, a lot can be done to further the University's interests out-state if the Association has more members. Through direct connection with the University the Alum nus out-state graduates can be prompted to talk up our school in areas where there is decided '53 will be the guests of the Association." The Daily Nebraskan is wholeheartedly in favor of increased alumni-student co-operation. So are the alumni. There is little doubt that student especially the seniors would be interested in a dance similar to the one OU is planning. For the last semester class representatives and Jim Pittinger, new Alumni Secretary, have been disinterest getting together to work on some plan to bring the alumnus closer to the undergraduate. The Although alum-student co-operation is an idea results of these meetings have been very encour- which has been stewing in the back of a great aging. One recent manifestation of this work was many campus heads lor a long time, u is just now the Alumni Association's invitation to the class coming out in the open. Let us hope that the OU officers to the Charter Day banquet example catches on. D. P. NEBRASKAN EDITORIALS This Safely Business The Daily Nebraskan's co-operation in the Cru sade For Safety has been criticized. Persons, both faculty members and students, have expressed the opinion that such a campaign is foolish and beneath the dignity of a collegiate newspaper. Opposition to the Nebraskan support of the campaign is finally resolved to the question, "What do you think The Daily Nebraskan can ac complish by requesting that students and faculty sign a piece of paper stating that the signator will abide by the common-sense rules of safety?'' Let's follow the Nebraskan's reasoning. 1. The largest portion of automobile accidents are caused by human failings misjudgment and carelessness. 2. Since human. life is implacable, any efforts to make people more conscious of safety, thus lessening the number of highway fatalities, is commendable even if- but one life is saved. Is there any argument on these points? tention. In the first place, any one who has taken the time to be critical or find fault with the cam paign has, in fact, become influenced by it That person is "safety conscious," and in discussing safety, he is so making other people "safety con scious." The influence is subtle and perhaps un recognized by the individual, but nevertheless is present The purpose of the Daily Nebraskan is to jnake people "safety conscious." For that reason criticism is invited. However, the second point, which is often overlooked by both professional and amateur critics, deals with the nature of the criticism. Few people would argue that the ends in a safety cam paign are not worthwhile, it is with the method of reaching those ends that most critics find their WORLD REPORT PAUL MEANS SUff Writer TODAY'S HEADLINES ... The United States charged Wednesday that Russia's bosses have em barked on a policy of imperial ism, not because of any other country, but because of fear of their own people. . . . when U. S. delegate Lodge presented this charge before the U. N., the As sembly broke out into wild ap plause, and had to be called to order. Prague Radio said Wednesday night Czechoslovakia has pro tested to the United States against the "violation of Czech territory" by American iet planes. . . . The Prague protest, handed to U. S. Ambassador George Wadsworth, said: The American jets had pene trated 25 miles inside Czechoslo vakia and had been intercepted by Czech planes. ... A fight took nlace. . . . One American plane was struck by Czech bullets. It turned and crossed back into Germany, with flames pouring from its fuselage.' WhereW?ll Red's Empire Rot First? fFDITOR'8 NOTK: T follow h artM. wrMtra Ctorat Wrllrr. w aaMtsata' hi W. iMn PaaMfcaica. Will the empire of Stalin rot at its center in the Kremlin or from its extremities in the satel lites? That was the question being asked from the Baltic to the iea of Japan today. And the general answer came: The Soviet empire will probably split off around the edees before it sags at the center. The West is caught unprepared. without any guerilla movements in existence that could throw off the the Soviet yoke. Only in Caroathian Mountains of the east- Writer of 14 books and ern Balkans, and in mountainous 90 magazine articles. Fukien province on the coast of j This man William H. Butter China are there small bands of field 1933 University graduate of tough men ready to rise in re-itne School f journalism. I It Seems To Me By GLENN ROSENQUIST Staff Writer I have actually eavesdropped on house treasurers who say: "Yes, we had a good month last month. Collected $55 dollars in fines." Fines, fines, fines for breaking rules, rules, rules. You leave the light in your room on when you go to Dirty Earl's. You are fined one dollar. You miss chapter meeting. You are fined one dollar. You use an ax to get into your room because you are locked out You are fined one dollar. You smoke in the par lor. You forget to sign out for meals. You take the Sunday pa pers up to your room. You are also fined one dollar.' Don't you ever get tired of this fining business? It has probably existed since time began or at least since the founding of the first Greek house. Let us turn the clock back 51 vears. We walk into the Upsilon Sigma Upsilon (Upsy sigs for short). Here we meet the Upsy rSig treasurer. He curls his mus tache and tells us: "Yes, we had a good month last month. Collected $55 dollars in fines." Five brothers fined for missing chapter meeting. Two brothers fined for not taking saddles off their horses after class. Mary Jones of the Pi Omega house fined for attending gym class without a chaperon. And now when I hear thv, some sororities are fining' up to $5 dollars if members did not vote in yesterday's elections, I begin to wonder. Speaking of elections. Sixty seven girls tried out for two cheerleading positions. That's the spirit girls. But wait until the competition really gets keen! Special news bulletin: Word has some take work -at xne university oroeen receivea m ymy eigni "1 thought you told Jane I'd had my last blind date with a phys ed major." Cum Laude '33 Journalism Student Serves As DePauu's V.P. Jane Saxton bellion. ft In southeastern Poland the Now Vice President of DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind-, But- Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Colum- junior men have signed up for bia and Harvard. He received his. their jiffy ever-wearing knee Master of Arts from Oklahoma in pads. To buy jiffy ever-wearing 1935. Since then, he has been sue cessively chairman of the depart- pads you must be in activities. These knee pads are stitched with nylon and have genuine Critics of the campaign state that no one is Interested or impressed by such a campaign. The Nebraskan counters with a two-fold con- objections. Finding fault with a campaign is a matter, but to recommend improvements upon intelligent criticism is another. This is the type of criticism The Daily Ne braskan invites, and we challenge opponents of the safety campaign "to deliver the goods" in respect E. D. t k.irinAcff Amn.nio;nr. soose-down feather linines. You - i,ft nf thplterfield s primary field has been'. ... .. ..,u ! tumors will love the color. Scar- fnncrht ihp Polish that of business letter writing and. A!4 t J , let with a white devil's head em- j Red police for years. In Mongolia public relations. At there and education director of "em. For Particulars, la few harried horsemen are still also executive director of the Um-I National Retail Associ- 1515 R St- to J pus represeurauve. sunPl The West will probably be at based pains not to give the impression of exploiting btaiin s illness Dy (holding out against the Chinese jyersity of Illinois Foundation ltion ot St Uuis. Red cavalry. ruuid, iu. , a Virginia .. ... iShire in 1936 and now has one Butterfield came tJ the Univer- William H., jr. sitv in 1929 ac s praHnat of a: moving in. But there is nobody New Hampshire boys' school com-j the West can aid. anyway. The narahl tn F-atnn in firoat Rritain His books, principally on differ- "undenrround" is a thing of whis-i aa . r ent forms of letter-writing, have c, inrpmo Prturt milincr ncrninct cotr this pers. Assassinations may widen iess0T m the School of Journalism been printed by such companies regation in education would set contact your com- Segregation Laws Sen. George A. Smathers (D Fla) told television's "Junior Press conference ' panel that a lleW Week Returns During the early weeks of each second sera- drawn is that the fraternity is not a good one? ester, a general wave of expectancy sweeps over One of the fraternity's promises to a pledge is the University's Greek organizations as the future that it will endeavor to make him better for the actives look forward to the initiation date and experience. Some fraternities are able to turn those who didnt quite make that average turn out men, granted; but others only succeed in pro- their heads toward home. during overgrown high school boys. ' Yet, during this reign of Greekithus, pledge iT the cracks in regimes, but the nse remembers Mn he was of as Prentice-Hall, McGraw-Hill cause of race relations in the of really anU-Communist fovern-( those that looked like he wouid Book Co. and Dahl Publishing Co. ments. with armies behind them,;make thing of himself some- It is said that his first book. "The Business Letter in Modern Form," :J And indeed" his grades showed, was compiled from various ex South back 50 years. "Where equal educational op portunity exists, the states should not be forced to break down their trainers and the old guard actives are overcome with a feeling of delight and glee in planning the so-called "Health Weeks," which are known as HeU Weeks in the extreme inner circles away from the eyes of the administration. A year ago at this time, The Nebraskan bad hopes Oat the Interfraternity Council would aid the Greeks at the University in replacing the ob solete Hell Weeks with Help Weeks but at the close of all initiations, only six fraternities found time for such project'' as collecting toys for or phanages, cleaning camp sites and redecorating homes badly in need of repair all worthy of praise. However, 23 Greek groups seemed to find time to carry out their Hell Weeks. Last year the Nebraskan also praised the mem bers of Theta XL, Sigma Nu, and Farm House for donating services to the Cedar Home for Children and Camp Min-Is-Kuya. Sigma Chi was congrat ulated for collecting toys and Phi Delta Theta was recognized for repairing a run-down Lincoln home. But have these efforts infiltrated through into the others to make it a yearly project or were these just ranked as publicity stunts? To date, The Nebraskan has only been able to discover one group with a worthy project in mind donating blood to the Red Cross. We hope that they carry this excellent idea through. If those who practice Hell Weeks would realize the harm done not only to their groups, but to the University by outsiders who view their actions! . . . i Ann i .u,,, r liit For. in the 10 journalism' amps he collected while in own segregation laws." he said. M rth in Acia courses he took, he received no scnooi at me university. f0R? H--emJ.,nAfd. rr lerade below 85 per cent His over- His magazine articles, chiefly tvT whZ dewndent on i0" ver was rough- on business letter writing and tiger, and holly dependent on J b,. have printed the Soviet Union for arms, wul v J per cem. r ' .rJit V-nriH h amnniF the la TMrimes to According to Crawford, Butter- in Banking, 'Credit W orid, S4rT..?y Sffi .ft!- veticulous PjtjI- ?ournal of Busi- war. NUBB THURSDAY Club, initiation, iMT' tiTibetann-as much so in his work as in Was Education" and "Hotel Man- Jry Building 6:15p Tri-K Crops and Indochinese front as well as his appearance. His former pro- in Korea, China must cling to the Soviets for help. At the first "deviation" China will lose its oil-rich provnice of Sinkiang to the Russians. fessor described the work he turned in as being as neat as "a copper engraving." After graduation from the Uni versity, Butterfield went on to aeement' Indeed. this graduate, who claims Norfolk as his home town, has not merely done well in his field. He has been and is outstanding. YMCA, 8 TT Young p.m. Home Economics Club, Ec Building Parlor, 5 pjn. XL'CWA delegation meeting. Parlor X in the Union, 7:30 p.m. with alarm. Hell Weeks might be reversed toi What asked why a HeU Week is essential, fra- cover some long-lost good deeds. temity men have always come up with the stereo typed answer that it is necessary to unite the pledge class. Maybe it does, but only in a com bined dislike toward those who have contributed to the childishness of the Hell Week. The Nebraskan asks those who condone the At the outset of '52 it appeared as if fraterni ties had finally started down the right road but within a month it was evident that University fraternities would remain in the Hell Week rut! despite the national effort to pull them out And so to the fraternities, pledge trainers, and! TTpTI VTaaV ctrctjmt it a frfamtv t . n - UT . n . 1 m .1 trn : 1. . , t - . ' its pledges into the desirable type of man without the possibilities of replacing the "1" in Hell with a f Men week, is not the logical conclusion to be "p". S. G. Yeslerym Ht NU ... By DICK RALSTON' Staff Writer College graduates are pretty much in demand in the business world now and indications are that they will continue indefinitely so. But, they haven't always been: At first it was a disgrace . . . then a some what calmly accepted fact . . . but now it has as- ists over to a program of planned industry, to gain! unemployment insurance, to force the government to provide work, rather than charity. . . Definite plans have not been formulated, as yet but in the words of the chairman, as soon as the organization is completely in hand "watch , our smoke.' 'We've written to eleven millionaires who give liberally to colleges. We've put it right i sumed Immense proportions, so something is going up to them: You helped us win our education; now to be done about it . . . College graduates are sick what are you going to do about us, let us starve, and fared of spending a good four years gaining join the breadlines?' asked the chairman of the a "higher education' only to find on graduation New York World-Telegram recently. There are that they are as welcome as the proverbial black 7,000 jobless engineers in New York alone, bund sat They've formed an organization. They're reds of trained librarians, thousands of doctors, tired of sleeping in Bowery flops or on a park lawyers, architects. We never even had a chance; bench with no covering but their useless sheep- never could get a start at our professions; just skins tor a blanket dumped upon the world, trained, but with no call mix ambitious Idea started in New York a for our training "Conservative estimates place the number of unemployed graduates in New York City alone at 80,000 upwards. According to the organization, the student who graduates this year may just as andi-ISCEIIOS ?S?E BEffER! Cleaner, Fresher, Smoother! ,dour Get dW yttv" say- P-TV. od. Michin few months ago with a handful of young college graduates, would-be doctors, lawyers and engin eers. They all had diplomas, but nothing else, so they met and formed the Association of Un- cmpioyea toiiege Aiumm. They are going to try well hang around the campus taking graduate to Influence social legislation, to win Industrial- work, since it will do him no good to hunt a job." The Daily Nebraskan F1FTY-FIEST TEAS Sfember: Associated Collegiate Press IntereeHegiate Press AiTertklnr Representative: National Advertising Service, Inc. nuaison Ave, New xorx 17. New xork f flat Cat- fit P9r Hitinaiiji b hiWi r a ;.sum m4 ka torn trtm diwrM omnMp mm rmH W aW t m 0 tmt ( aw ainww m tmtmt w lattoanjIlK, h N ma:m ml tlx toff f Tka iUf . fr-vjum m urmwBy rm inMila tnr vaat Iter aw m 4 m Ovtmmfimiiam mm till mmrmm, ft-M m&4 at tt im 0 .- f .. 14 mmtirt. miutUt cofiT Se. tuUtthe4 4Ui . .. J-, Sm. !, nratum anl cmaaalaI4 ew. rvma. - tmm pmMhr4 rnming Atuwt wk ymr 67 tha I uifs t wtr u ntH-nrtikm mt tt VvmnAU tmn em xinfct PmMnttUm. Entaaml M m-o4 rlaaa mmUrr M M ttttfm to Ur.rMa. ,t-fka. mu4nr art at Ccm, Mama , ST.. m"4 M aprrM mim at am aTOnM far a Kmitm IfS. Am mt utswa at 4kt-- t. ). a iMnu,4 muauadnw la. i VMurttt ran RaKar Maaagtat tUm ... Caa Kimmn Saarti Mtar Aaff Sawn Eiiit Potara iMmt . Int'tr . E4 DcMar, Jaa trh Marilra Tt. In W Owaa ela REFORTCM CratUs HraarM. Kar Ttkr. Willie Dnwa. PlrylH HmH htunrt, Orur. Hmrvrf. Marilra Uttrhrtl. Jaarr tarmaa, lirti tarUtm, Miriinw l!uMm, Dvrta AUiwlnrrd)-, Mai Katt, Xmnrr (tmrttnrr. Marlira Hultna. Frank Adawk,Mfilxn Brw, Aanry Otfore, Kick Kidlrrke. dim I'aHoh, Hntry Rum. Klitne Kmltn lit. Beta Kohwrr, Uea Hhaftoa, Saa Kainer. fraads MtoImkU aa4 Ooa KllknoHr. KC8UESU STAFF Badam Mmaacr AraaM (Mara I Ami BmawM Maoaans Pcta Bamlaa, nf 8taM Cbralcttoa Haaa VA B.n Goreua I M(M Aew i.4iot Cfcack Beawi aHMOMa! j- I . - ..... 1- I mM ? f I Ask vcrurself this question: wnyooi smoker i Ili J0 A "ou know, yourself, you smoke lor enjoyment. II 11 K f'AA ..... Lr.Jv frrm, the taste of fl H WMk A -SarTV Oa I Luckies taste better-cleaner, fresher, smoother! yf , A.V ( tY I Why? Luckies are made better to taste better. And, J - T5S ? . ) i ' iUlJi what's more, Luckies are made of tine tobacco. Vj h A Cl fvr i L.S.MJ'.T.-Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco. A ' y, vAyy' V' So, for the thing you want most in a cigarette... 1 ' 1 LlW'Tl IV'M for better taste -for the cleaner, fresher, smoother 1 Uii w l. m 7-7 ' irjJfUntTL VVVvTy r.-Ax h WWW 1 .a" amJ 1. 1W- - , ' , SJ. . m W-X ,1. i m aaW- JT F- k I r A Ivxr r" I O A. t. Co. 4au4 ,i, rSODOCT OF tw Jrmean Ju6aXtA-0yxlmp lm Vrtttr AMIItlCa'l IfAMVt ItCTVn OF C10ABKTTM