The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1953, Page Page 4, Image 4
r ' I- I i V Poq 4 r. D. hrnsviorlh Named for Ledum THE DAILY NEBRASKAN NU Band Director Wednesday, March U, 1953 Dr. Dana Farnsworth. medic! I The Colleec Health Day Con-' "Understanding and Hecogni director of Massachusetts Institute vocation is part of a Mental Health : tion of Emotional Problems," will of Technology, will address the Institute that will be conducted i be the subject of the morning College Health Day Convocation at the University, March 20 and panel of the second day, March at 11 a.m. Friday. March 20. 121. The Institute, first of its kind 21. Dr. Brill will be moderator. The lecture topic will be "What.01 campus, will launch the ex Is Mental Health in a Univer-1 Pandod mental health program at sity?" Dr. Farnsworth is a lec-!lhe University, turer t medicine et Harvard! Dr- Wlllm Br,m cf Ncw Univemty and constat in Psv- lork hflS recently been p chiauy at the U. & Naval Ho's-' Pointed a full-time psychiatrist to pital, Chelsea, Mass. Coed Institution No the mental health program In the afternoon of March1 20 a panel will discuss the meaning of mental health, its needs, present development and recent advance ment. The panel members will be Dr. Farnsworth: Dr. Brill; Chancellor R. G. Gustavson of the University; Dr. La Vera C Strough, associate in neurology and psy chiatry and Dr. Cecil Wittsen, professor of neurology and psychiatry. Library Display Offers Three Methods For Locating Books There's Place Like The Dorm' By MARIANNE HANSEN ' Staff Writer "There's no place like home," they say well, there's no place like a girls' dorm, either. The dorm is a marvelous insti tution. Where else could 367 girls read book, "'The League of Na- uc jorcea 10 snare iu xeicpnonesr Or jam their volumonous ward robes into closets the size of pos tage stamps? Or equip each room like a miniature grocery store? Study hours in the dorm arc strictly enforced the place is like a tomb every weekday evening until 11 p.m. Then radios snap on, shrill voices warble in the show ers, and there is a frantic rush to finish studying before 11:30, when In the afternoon, a panel will consider "Counseling in College." with Dr. Farnsworth as modera tor. The panel participants, are University faculty members. They are: Dr. Arthur Hitchcock, direc tor of the junior division; J. Philip Colbert, dean of student affairs; Dr. Brill; Dr. Marshall Jones, professor of psychology; Dr. Jack Stemper of student heaHh center and Roy Green, dean of the College of Engineering and Archi-ture. The Institute is being sponsored by the University's Health Serv ice. Psychiatric Institute, Exten sion Division and Research Coun cil. How do you find a book in the library? vou have an assignment to 'Showman' Contest Date Set Bv Frost tions Movement in Great Brit ain." by Henry Winkler. In the card catalog on the second floor of Love Library is an alphabeti cal card list of all the books in the libraries of the University. : By looking under Winkler, the title or the subject of the book, you find the call number (341.12 W7281). This number is the key to the location of the book. f I j 1 J T-- - ? " i i , ;,.4J - j ' J - - -.J i i ,jZ. BAND TOUR Careful Plans Made Bv Lentz, Students By DICK COFFEY Feature Editor Tt lakes nearly. 100 letters term in ed by the University pub licity department. 0i One of the last problems for make arrangemenl for 80 stu-i e programs and dents to make a three day trip or ,OUO miles. Jnrinted for the eoneerla anrf This is true for University band sUt pubUcity handled by nub- students who plan to take their annual spring tour to 5cottsDJuii, lie relations officials. Selections for the afternoon and Mar. 16; Chadron, Mar. 17; ndievenin- concerts are; LONG REHEARSALS . . , The University ROTC Mmpnonie nana shown in one of its many hoara f rehearsal and hard work con ducted by Don Lents. Comic's Wrist Radios Appear On NU Campus By NATALIE KATT Staff Writer "'Two-way wrist radios" are no longer a mere invention of the comics. Static is another bslacle to us ing transistors in radio broadcasts. Donald C Moore, assistant profes sor of physics, pointed out that transistor-amplified broadcasts on ..m rftine nMil4 J1 J - . . 1 . . w , j "iZri lihign rrequency, xnus preseming sch0ols. device now being developed in , th sgme pToh)tm found ln teieJ raost important laboratories, are made possible U , broadcasts. Lrrnrnt t A new display has been de-,' V ""7 " Equipment like wrist-radios or;route oi the tour, which is de signed to aid students who havei iminute walkie-talkies 'using the Alliance, Mar. 18. Don Lentz. director of Univer sity bands, said official planning for the tour began immediately following the football season. Lentz and a committee consist ing of Jack Wells, Richard Garret son, Stan Shumway, John McSl haney,' Charles Klasek and Kath ryn Radakcr are in charge of making arrangements for the tour. These arrangements include se curing buses, sponsors, schedules for the tour, choosing traveling personnel, and publicity. Two buses ana one station wagon are used to transport per sonnel, uniforms and instruments. School superintendents. Rotary Clubs, Chambers of Commerce, and other service organizations are contacted in these cities to make arrangements for lodging and meals. Band members are lodged and high difficulty in using the card cata-l . The University, through don-1 transistor would be of small value VA ImUmmai . . log. This display offers a quick tions. has acquired two types of in many fi8S, pr0f, M&re ex- I VV lnT6rVIGWS onfl cimnlA TnMhftH frtr lnrninp transistors Within trie last Six Li.:.aj KAnnnt iH 4riincm4ceirm lights must be out. Prowling Twiin. fnr" cii fr hA clua Cnnilfir w. y.;: tidook. imfcu.-u iiou, c "' curvature and natural oDstacies. ,a w uwu v m.. J;-i j ... o ilaboratorv nreDarations. . . , . house mothers see that their little, showmanship contest and the coedj chartres are tucked in bv the dead.' 1 :J: ... .i.. tm-.i. line or send them packine to the'J ciiji; ct, m.:2! ljllows: in the first panel there are The electronic amplifier, begin morgue to finish their studies. Of, rjuh nriripnt Wavne Frn:t three ards showing three ways, nag to move rrom jaDoratory to,eectronic course in the physics Prof. Moore plans to inject dis cussions for the transistor into an course chronic stay-up-laters can be encouraged to go to bed earlier by the threat of a campus or two. That dread word "campused" all too frequently rears its ugly head. The freshman bugaboo, the sign-in sheet, is unfortunately habitually easy to forget. Hence several rooms sport crude signs addressed to their occupants Stgn in, stu!" And then there is always the girl who gets in a min- ute too late at least her date problem for the next Friday night is solved. The lunchline spelled with a capital L for line is a particu larly good place to catch up on Start Today Air Vane" by Pryor. Th Moldau" by Smetana, -Soirees Mysicales" by Britten, "Atlantic Zephyrs" by Simons, '"Caribbean. Fantasy" by Morrissey, "Toccata. Marziale" by Vaughan Williams, "The Sicilian Vespers' by Verdi. "Siegfried's Rhine Journey" by Wagner, and -Suite Francaise" by US Consulate Positions Open; Deadline July 1 The annual examination for class 6 foreign service officer ap pointments will be held Septem ber 14-17, 1951 The examination will be givea in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Cin cinnati, Dallas, Denver, Detroit; Honolulu, Los Angeles, New Or leans, New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, St. Paul, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Seattle, Washington, D. C, ana at American oiplomatic posts and consulates overseas. Candidates must be at least 29 and under 31 years of age as of July 1, 1953, a citizen of the U. S, for at least 10 years, and, if mar ried, married to an American citi zen. The exams will be written. rra.. i " i - . -- . "r-aeijaruiipni nexi seniona. iiu iTt,,l .t., j 4 - j xne coniesis mai are open in.-nrn1 ratalnrr- hv anthnr. hv t tie the vacuum tube in commercial i .;ni .v. 1 j.iciuuw!., iiirawieu m o1 . v, the showmanship classes are thel-nd bV subiecL 'areas I a . k- - lT iTPnttsamtl work in YWCA, wmrr" - . j v, tu. uri n P" suDjeci. areas. of fered . since the device "was m-'v, inrvipw-fxi WorinAcriDir w The duties of foreign service t Mr thSt In sond panel shows how to! The device acts the same way as vented. Mi KSST SreeS "SderSloai-todud negotiation with beQa snt at the Univers ty m Tout aT"n for " book lated radio tubes but are -smaller and advantaces of the de- interested 1 will ST Interviewed 1orei& Ilicis Political rePrt- Th. ,.w Z J.X rf '2 fbra7 firdu emphaS1zes can be bounced around," C W.Lice ovcr lhe vacuum tube are itsjThursday. ,mg: economic reporting in such JLine ,ymPprs fea?h r Heithe use of a colored half-card foriRook, associate professor of elec- Viwer consumption speed ofl Miss Sneerc. renreqpntative fields 85 labor, finance, transpor- ?dSTt ? nd 10Ca-.ti0n f the engineering, explained. jansIissiorSme andaller !fro "fralDStloa, and communications; com- Orand Champion bhowman and reading rooms. A call sllD com- Pmf Rinlr is r-nnrfnrtinp smnl -L:- vipi mfrriai rmratiTur nd Jrarti. urn. th.f Rervo Showman for the:plete with call number, author tying experiments in a senior, T,riri s conduct the interviews in D-n'ination; agriculture reporting; is- ll5L AJJ. course to iHustrate how the tr- SS&S' passports and visaf'ani i t -t i i ilt i - .i -l i. - j Ji " :Trii niorr cTmc sion "will be awarded individual trophies and ribbons will be pre sented for the first three places in each division. Livestock for the contest will be furnished by the University. Students wishing to sign up may current gossip, glance at the rag do so by goi!r,g t0 room 202 Ani- over the shoulder or the girl ahead, or read those letters from home. Speculation over what lunch will be is always a good mal Husbi -dry hall between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Coed Horse Riding contest en tries may also sign up in room 202 books not located in one of the1,, tk ci, , ,,M;muitary services. reading rooms. jiegg" pcw,cr so the 'batteries last n II r II The third panel illustrates the;longer. 'J. V.. KUSSCll iQlKS location oi a book in a branch Mass production is a major ob- liorary, lor example the College stacle to commercializing the tran- At Omaha Meeting Jouette C Russell, United States iime-Ki ier, ii you wereni one oiAnimar Husbandry hall. The tne lortunate ones wno got mai :horses for the contest wm be pro. from the folks or "the boy' atvided by Block and Bridle horns. At night however, there isclub and wiU be available one tio wtuung in line xou wan i week bef0re the contest. the tables instead. And of course it's always so much fun to be the, my , last table served and just starting! KlQQrl CJUOlO your ham when the head tables are finishing their dessert. At!p I Ik II I least one acquires patience, if notQIgQQ "0 iM W a iuu stomacn. A mouse in the corner at dorm meetings must get quite a style review, as stylish misses in cold cream, bobby pins, and p.J.s Tang' Agriculture .uiDrary. ine sistor, but in the last five years name of the branch library is j the amplifier has been utlized to stamped aoove the can number on the cataloe cards. In the same panei is a nsi ; oi mese orancn itself and no wires outside theli" libraries and their specific cam- unit jre icc .Livestock Confei-ence n Omaha ,,, u tv. iv. ! tt c rwt l luesaay. operaie rinTl j battery is contained in the unit , LH Appointments for inter litcoif i ,,c r.; Krjual National Pasture-Forage' o , u Sueh inhs s -rrrutiv rH-rrtnr development of cultural and in- young adult director, teen-age di- formational programs. These posi rector, health education director l0 draw salaries from $4,000 t and student YWCA director are!?5,000 year open to college graduates under! Applications are available at the the community YW program. college placement office, or may Miss Specie will speak on this, ooiamea oy writing to me in subject at the city YWCA cabinet! vision of Recruitment, U. S. De- m. Ipartment of State, Washington zs. interviews D. C. They should be forwarded Drake University pus locations, The fourth panel contains an analysis of the catalog card, what to look for and what each item l. r . signifies. TIUNi ureaiT I OUTS As nart rf hie PAnprol oHur.D- , vn- iihr0T ctff hftnnp u i;""""" "1"c u.uvcibuy ua;sion ,of Nebraska and Iowa coop- Several hundred Mid-"Wesl farmers and livestockmen at tended the conference in the Lave Stock Exchange Building at the rs i Union Stockyards. Keu V-fOSS OfOUDS through Dean Colhert's office or! foreign service, U, S. Department with the campus YWCA director, of State, Washington D. C, before Janice Osburn, at Ellen Smith1 July L 1953. nau. Your library staff hopes that this display wiu aid you AF Offers Meteorological Commissions A representative of the US Air tij j0i T,,, iorce Air Weather Service will beiaucunB lectures ana exams m Tt Zntsins wmm. inhu t the Union Thursday to answer of the three countries. " - D r .l j: j. The University blood donation quota is now 100 pints of blood a month. The figures of University do- frnm cii't innir,ir nutfitc tn'nations this school year show 47 faded nightshirts parade down-IPs in August and September' stairs An alert, nhserver micht auruig uecemoer i pints mu jcn- nntive most of the residents sittine uary Pints- Impatiently on the edge of their chairs, eager to Teturn to their rooms. Not to finish studying, but A . MM 1 ...V. Kn lw " 'rXu ',aH w th rPH forces. The Any June graduate who Erine I ne blood from which gamma! successfully completed three and -mu . v a v. v. globulin is extracted can be used j one-half years of a major in en The policeman s headache, the; for transfusion by the armed! Sneering, mathematics, physics, quadruple line-up of cars at night; jforces chemistrv, or other such special- ZtA!BSu The" Bloodmobile Unit will be ties whi the Air Force may re Tnrf ?tl hedache thelin Lincoln March 23-24 at the .re, may be eligible for a direct and the freshman s headache, the .. ., . , t. commission in the Air Force Re- locked room with both keys inside LC '" " toP tlirtw trpinin. . where else but at the dorm? Braniff International Air'avs. 'erated with the Agriculture Corn- Given under the sponsorship of ,.,. Am,h rv,omw the Department of History, the Commerce in sponsoring the con trip will be made to Cuba Bndlference . Panama. This particular history I Mr. Russell spoke on how to course is designed to prote un- f arm with a Tnimmun, cf rainfaU. aersianamg oi me cultural nacit ground and patterns of Cuba and i l r CUtkmi T Cnanl Panama and to analyze the U. S. Dr' L D therry To 5pQk contacts with these countries. A Drake University instructor will administer the course, con- The Red Cross Water Safety Committee and Vet's Hospital Committee will held meetings Thursday. Arlina Harte is the newly ap pointed chairman of Water Safety. This meeting will be held Thurs day at 4 pro, in Room SOB, Union. Miss Harte, a freshman, taught Full brook To Talk At Insurance Meet Dr. L. D. Cherry. Lincoln heart ""Ti 10 Yr. rT specialist, will speak on "Cardiac d,n. last4 semester. All students Surgery- at a meeting of the Nu ? ?J? handicapped nn i ttt i ii:niirwwi wr inp s- TirW) 1 nn acr x; i j i. . Th r , ivj tu sij"jfi.v- weur csuav. - newly discovered weapon to com- ?uf a The program will begin at 7:30 semester Water Safety members bat paralysis in polio, and is also J " -f " "lner ?erlce- rr"" ?,' ro. in Love Library and Forium. attend the meeting, Miss ilOAi , IT-.- D ' De ?.4i.06 irom ues Moines to Cuba and Panama for a two week period. A three weeks1 tour to Cuba, Panama, and Peru is $799.71. Interested students should write to the Director of Summer Ses sions, Drake University, iMoines, Iowa. Tn AAfPt Tlinrcrlnw .w ...w.ww.M Ean S. Fullbrook, Dean of Col lege of Business Administration and professor of marketing at the University, is taking part in a program to promote closer co ordination between colleges and the institution of life insurance in Hartford. Conn. Dean Fullbrook and nine other university officials from many parts of the country will pre sent their views on how life in surance companies can give more effective guidance in insurance teaching on the college level. This is the third annual Deans 5trppt , serve ior runner xrainmg as Self-addressed post cards to wmeteoroioEisi . meeting sponsored by the Life In- A business meeting is also on theHarte said- surance Agency Management As- agenda. Meyers, chairman of thejsocition, a research organization v ei s Hospital uommmee saia tnis supportea toy Z37 lile msuranc Hams Fr Cluh JWeef . i meeting would be held Thursday : m.. ..-r, at 40 P-m. in the Red Cross of i ne name idcubuiiuus uiaju wui fice noia xneir regular meeung i nurs- companies in the United States, Canada, and thirteen foreign countries. The dinner is being sponsored by the Young Democrats, Senior Democrat Central Committee and sent to the Red Cross am avail- Applicants must be LS citizens lip Tn rftnt:Ja, C:l able on the bulletin board in thed no older than 27. Reservists ftMur V.OnSiaer Mnai Student Union. The Red Cross, of any other branch of the armed Constif Utional Chanaes will then notify students what; forces may apply, provided that a i M conaraonai release is ODtamecr American Associauon oi from the present sen-ice. No cx- University Professors will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., Union, After a 2-month officer basic .Room 316. At the meeting, the AAUP will discuss final constitutional Young Democrat's Meet Scheduled For Thursday The Young Democrats will meetjtime their appointments are In the YMCA s Cornhusker room Thin1, of r,i. Pt Phi Mus Alpha To Sponsor is vuired The main purpose of this meet-i r After a 2-month Ing will be to discuss plans for a Saturday Union Dance military course at Lackland Air the Bryan Day dinner, March 19. p. , M' A1n,-.cinfT,i -mueir Force Base in Texas, the new of- day at 5 p.m. in the Home Econ- Des iomic s building parlor. A report from the five coeds who attended the Chicago meet last weekend will be gix'en. frntnrnitir it Knnnsorinff s fiance HCers Saturday from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Union ballroom for attendants of Jane Jefferson Democrat Women's ;the state high gchool basketball Club, Business also to be discussed is the continuation of publishing "The Young Democrat" and in troducing the possibility for a general revision of the constitution. tournaments. A fourteen-piece band, made up of members of several Lincoln bands, will furnish dance music between the final games of the tournament Tickets are 60 cents each. will receive additional changes in regard to investigation training at Air Force technical01 lhe loyalty of University m schools. They may also be sent toiftructors and text books. civilian institutions for certain specialties or to Air Force research and development laboratories for on-the-job training. Additional information may be obtained from bulletin boards in the Military and Naval Science building. Engineers To Hear Laase Prof. Leroy T. Laase, Speech and Dramatic Art Department chairman, will speak at a meet ing of the American Institute f Electrical Engineers Wednesday. His topic for the evening will be -"Parliamentary Proceedure." The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m., room 217, Ferguson HalL SCHOLARSHIPS Two Seniors In Journalism Eligible For Seacrest Awards $500, $1000 WHEN YOU USE (Daily TbJyhaiJkaiv Two scholarships one for $500, the other for $1,000 are available to students in the school of journ alism planning to do advanced professional study. Application will be received un til noon Saturday, March 21. In terviews for the scholarships will be held about a week later. The awnrds for advanced study in journalism were established in 1842 by the Cooper Foundation in honor of Joseph C. Seacrest, late Lienert, Northwestern, 1946; Neale Ick'cctten Fraternity Offers Annual Award Applications for the annual scholarship sponsored by Delta Kappa Gamma, professional edu cation fraternity, are due March 1. Junior ,5oeds majoring in edu cation ana planning to teach the year following their graduation are eligible to apply. The applications are available to the office of the dean of wo men. Candidates are requested to give written permission to the refistrar's office for their grades which will be sent to the award committee. Mrs. Lart Dales, Mrs. Carrie King end Mrs. Alice Updegraft are tin the awards committee. Ai-llk'atUMiR mav hp Kint tn J'.lrs. Alice Updegraft, 2212 South1 niihlichpr of th TJphraGlca State Journal. Ten men and women from the School of Journalism have received the scholarships since they were established. The awards have been $500, but starting with the 1953 schol arship the amount has been raised to $1,000. Normally there is one such award each year, but the 1952 scholarship for $500 was not used and has been carried over to this year. Invitations to apply and in formation about the scholarships have been Copple, Northwestern and Mar cella Slajchert, University of Prague, 1947; George Miller, Ne braska, 1948; Jack Botts, North western, 1949; Leo Geier, Ne braska, 1950; and Tom Rische, University of California at Los Angeles, 1951. Wright Fellowships Open To Students The fellowships are oeine of- Searrpst ! f ered to men contemplating ca- KPnt to reers in the general movement of apninru in the firhnnl of Jnumal- tne i JV1.L..A. ism. Selections will be made bv a . Henry B. Wright Fellow- faculty committee of three ap-i ships for 3953-54 are offered by panted by the Chancellor. Previous winners and the schools where, they took their ad vanced study include: Patricia Chamberlain, Colum bia . and Marjorie Northwestern. 1941 ; the Yale University Divinity School under a grant received from the George I. Alden Trust. Each fellowship will have a to tal value of $700 to $1000. de- Mengshol, pending upon the need of the re- Marthella, "Pieni, Holcomb, l:adcliffe and Robert Prospective students should ap ply to the Yale University Divin- AAUP Tft Mt Jty School, 409 Prespect Street, ""Wr ,W !NM Haven 11 r.nnnprtiriit for The American Association of j admission into the school and re- meet , rnif.Rt.intf to hp ronKirlerprl at thp same time for the fellowship. Ap plication forms must be filed on or before March 15. J Anyone desiring further infor mation should contact Sam Gib son at the Y.M.CA. University Professors . will Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Room 316 of the Union. The business of the meeting will be the final consideration of a substitute resolution concerning loyalty investigations. CloisifEii His To place a classified ad Stop ia tbe Scuba IMum Office 29 Call 2-7631 Ext. 4226 for Oaari- Xtrrs 14:39 Man. tkrw FrL THRIFTY AD RATES No. words ) 1 dgy j cayi t day j 4 day I I wee 1-18 $ .i ) m i $im tua i JbO 1 M j IM j IU j lift i-so ) jea i m La i iu 1.7a ll-Zi I .n I UP i IAS its 1J as-to m a n ua i im j n I MISCELLANEOUS TUTORING Typing rtnn tlienw!. urm parwrB, leealjOenrittn. iFrennh. reaaonablc. Former rol work, tc. xpriflncal. 2-S2 1rp lnntructur, uropeaa tluutiuu. 1 -291 ;tor A. I; ?f j V V foordaIe J . WO 4kt l tin ni mo cis Clioicc Th winner is onf popu larity poS. Moordal's on-buttoa tiuit in woa dmriid oll-Wiol worried shMta ebordiiiLC or Bot ny fiasBeL A detach able p eta 1 1 buttoned pique 9ilet briffBiens the iold-bock coUnr ... lioe bntUms glamorise diagoaal pockets. Select reus ia Buddy blue gabardine ... bin or beife flannel. Sices 11 to 17. 59 Fashions ... Mil GEE'S Third Fl&&r c c c c