The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1953, Page Page 2, Image 2
.V1 1 i t. t , J O "4 1 Pcge 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, March 11, 1953 tesf DeteeoH ls . . . By DON PIEPER . College to offer continuous and complete refresher Several days ago I said, in this column, that the and postgraduate courses so members of the medl University College of Medicine in Omaha 'isn't cal and allied professions could keep pace with worthy of the name. the future progress in medical science. It most certainly isn't when compared with the Med School Nebraska needs and deserves and the Legislators might look at this vote-getting Med School modern medicine requires. It isn't point: Increased money for the College would en worthy of being called a College of Medicine be- able the University hospital to accept a sharply- cause Nebraska hasn't seen fit to give enough Increased quota of patients from Nebraska's coun- funds to make a progressive institution. Thursday, at 2 p.m. in the Supreme Court as a medical center available to practicing phy hearing rom at the Statehouse, the Legislature sicians. The existence of such a facility would will hold a hearing on a bill to channel some be of great help to young doctors going into rural money into the University's building treasury. Un- practice. der the unromantic title of L.B. 211, this bill would The College could provide new and difficult raise about $6,000,000 over a six-year period. The techniques which usually demand more equipment money would be used to make the first real and specialized operations than rural installations changes in the Omaha campus in the last 25 years are in a position to offer. The College could also Of the total, $5,200,000 would go for additions to make available extension services to community the present hospital plant; $615,000 for additions to groups. Such services would include educational the nursing home and $185,000 for campus im- materials and assistance in establishing commun- provements. lty health councils. This improvement in the hospital is really im- This isn't just propaganda. These are the raw portant and the legislators should well consider facts, and every Nebraskan has to face them. The its importance at the hearing. It is impossible Nebraskan petitions every member of the Uni- to teach medicine especially today when new cameral to look at these facts. Look at them drugs are being concocted right and left without and then look at the communities you represent, a bread program for practice. Students need new If you think that the health of your community is patients to diagnose and plenty of patients to more important than the money involved, you will treat. Hospital facilities at the present time sim- vote for the bill. It was designed after a great ply do not give our med students the proper num- deal of research. It needs your support, ber of such patients. If you, the members of the Unicameral, are . xnis money the money L.B. 211 is designed to wondering just how this k affecting you, just lis procure would give Nebraska a modern medical ten to this: Several rural Nebraska community training center with laboratories and hospital fa- hospitals have been forced to close down because cilities necessary for the instruction of physicians, of a lack of doctors. There are more which have nurses and medical technicians . Completion of the had to curtail activities. This is a deplorable sit program would permit an immediate increase in uation in an age when medical science is making me number of nursing and medical technician stu- such great advances. dents the College would be equipped to train and Students, go to the hearing Thursday and see eventually would allow an increase of about 10 what happens to a bill necessary to your Uni- medical doctors each year. It would enable the versity and your state. NEBRASKAN EDITORIALS 'Reaffirm Our kith' The American Legion is back in the news. academic freedom necessary for stimulating and Before you duck under the table, let's look at challenging teaching and research, but empha- the facts. The Nebraska Legion's executive com- sizes that such freedom does not constitute li- mittee appropriated $1,000 to underwrite a Uni- cense nor does it extend to the privilege of teach- versity graduate student's research in school citi- ing precepts inimical to our American system zenship projects. The Legion did not tell the stu- in our Nebraska schools." We at the University of Nebraska still carry WORLD REPORT TODAY'S HEADLINES . . . Two Soviet-made MIG-15 jet fighters coming from Czechoslovakia Tues day attacked and shot down an American F-84 jet fighter plane about 15 miles inside the Ameri can zone of Germany. . . . The Air Force announcement said the ties. The College and the hospital could serve attack occurred in clear weather near me Bavarian town oi xveg ensburg at 11 a.m. Monday. . . . The State Department has sent "the strongest possible protest" to Communist Czechoslovakia. ... Chinese Communist Leader Mao Tse-Tung says that Soviet Russia and Communist China are bound together in a "front of friendship and solidarity." As Mao pledged a unified front, Moscow an nounced that Russian Deputy For' eign Minister Vasily Kuznetsov will be the new ambassador to China. . . . T-H Law Revision Attempts Collapse (EDITOR'S NOTE) TMi editorial appeared In the March Mh tdlllon ol Hit Llncola Journal.) After another session of back ing and filling, with business do ing most of the backing, the latest attempt by the Administration to reach an agreement on revising the Taft-Hartley Act collapsed in Washington. The 15-man advisory commit tee broke up when members rep resenting industry balked at formal voting on specific proposals for changing the law. They were willing to swap views with the labor and public representatives, they said, but not to submerge their individual views in majority votes of a committee whose mem bers represent diverse interests. Secretary Durkin, who at the suggestion of the President named the advisory group of five repre sentatives each from labor, man agement and the public, said fur ther meetings would be held "if possible. No one present en couraged him to consider it a pos sibility. Here is one major prob lem that isn't going to yield easily. For whatever changes might be achieved through such discussions as this one was intended to be. would probably stand a long time before any further attempts could be agreed to. I LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS By Bibler MMUM attfaakwr.. "Yer lucky, yer lucky when we were pledges, we weren't even allowed to be seen with an active on our way to school." TWO ON THE AISLE From The Glass Box Whimpering Buttermen Influence Sec. Benson dent what he had to write officials maintain that .6... x.lclcatCU in u,e iduis suun a chips on our shoulders when we encounter the report would uncover. Therefore, the executive Legion because we were deeply disappointed by committee made the appropriation-with no strings the Vinardi trouble. Officials of the Legion have ' guaranteed The Nebraskan that this resolution is . . , k not just propagandla. We think that the Legion Although this is important, it isn't nearly as resolution is a healthy representation of the type 1U.VUIUU1., xomuon me committee passed 0f thinkine Nebraskans and all Amrirsma should be doing. We are sincerely glad to see it. Let us hope that it means the end of "Anderson affairs." Hal Hasselbalch Butter supports will stay for at! is then destroyed. at the same time. The full text of the resolution is printed on the front page and it is very im portant that every student and faculty member know that the Legion has taken its stand on ed ucation. "The Legion reaffirms its faith in the D.P. Did L.hlenlw Order It? As the world audience turned all eyes toward reporters that he believed the death of Stalin had the Moscow stage Tuesday, a dramatic scene in the increased chances for peace, skies over Western Germany drew the day's spot- The Secretary immediately announce that lights. United States "took a serious view" of the inci- As the Western World sat nervously on the dent and ordered "the strongest possible protest" edge of its seat, waiting for Georgi Malenkov to sent to Communist Czechoslovakia, make his first move, two Soviet MIG-15's shot . down a United States jet over the American zone. According to news reports, the Russian-built plane bore Czechoslav insignia. The first question that popped into the minds of most Americans undoubtedly was: Is this the new Soviet premier's first announcement of Rus sian policy? The situation looks tense. The State Depart ment appears to be more than a little concerned, although the protest intended for the Czech gov ernment is the normal diplomatic step to follow such an international incident. The answer from Prague should contain the ker to the meaning of the attack. If the MIG A number of facts indicated that the picture pilots are as 6uilty of breaking international law was not bright: as news accounts seem to indicate, the Czech an 1. The Incident followed Malenkov's ascension swer should be a complete apology for the en- to power by less than four days. ure event- 2. The plane is the first American aircraft shot If tn answer indicates any hesitency on the down over non-Soviet territory since the war. part of the Communist satellite government to 3. The attack occurred in perfectly clear assume responsibility for the action of the MIG's, weather "well within the U.S. zone," a news report tne attack may well be the official announcement sai0-' of a new aggressive, get-rough policy of the Malen- . kov regime. The first official American action came from Let's hope the Czechs can satisfy the Ameri- Secretary of State Dulles, who just this week told can State Department. K.R. Yesleryeur Af jjftf By DICK RALSTON -At the University of Califopia, at Los An Staff Writer geles, checks of reasonable" amounts were ex Here at the Nebraska, the bank holiday was changed for scrip. Those who purchased articles a problem, but seemingly not enough so that any with cash-were given cash in change, while those drastic measures were tsken. However, this evi- who paid in scrip were given scrip in change, dently was not true with all universities. The Departmental fees were deferred for one week universities of Los Angeles began printing their in order that students might have an opportun own money to tide them over the hump. ity to procure either cash money or checks." ., . "k California birthplace of progessive education! Scrip, the much talked about form of substi- ' tute money, was used extensively by several col-ft The bank moratorium also had its effect on the leges during the recent bank moratorium. Print- sports scene. The high school state champion ing presses rolled out scrip in five to 25 cent de- ships were held up for a week because of the nominations lor the use of students in cafeterias "holidaze." The tournament oooKstores oi 1S Angeles universities. two classes then, and Crete high was picked to "At the University of Southern California, stu- successfully defend its championship. They didn't, dent's checks were exchanged for scrip which was The first day's class A games of the twenty Issued in $5.00 books, broken up in denominations third tournament contained some interesting scores, of five, 10 and 25 cents. As some of the trojans Hastings somewhat dominated its game with Chad- wv. uct.nj, Wlin me university ana oth- ron and shut them out with a 36-0 score. And ers had enough cash to see them through the two of the eight games resulted in the same Luwni cnsis- " was no necessary to supply all score. Columbus .beat Ord and Falls City beat t haft Btll ...J 41- J J wiw scrip. Bayard, both 32-9. Letterip Poor Showing . . . Dear Editor: Forty-four students from better than six thousand students sign ing the Crusade for Safety Pledge is a very poor showing. There are perhaps many faculty members who would do so, thereby showing interest in this matter. EUGENE F. POWELL Associate Professor Of Zoology Sunday Activities . . . Dear Editor: Your editorial of March 6 "What Can You Do Or. Sunday," seems foolish and childish; something further should be considered. The question of whether or not students at a "progressive Unr versity" believe in Sunday actiV' ities which you mentioned is a loaded question. It infers that those who do not believe in such diversions are not progressive When you mention that restric tions seem "a little 19th-century" you must realize that people of the 20th-century might benefit by following some of the morals of the 19th Century. We personally believe that most of the activities which you men tioned are not appropriate for the Lord's Day, but we suggest that when there are questions of the propriety or desirability of an ac tivity on Sunday, that the inter ested parties honestly ask them selves, as Christians, if the Lord would approve of or enter into such an activity. This is not a matter of progress, but of ethics and morals. least one more year, Secretary of Agriculture Benson decided under pressure of whimpering dairy interests. Whether he wanted to continue being for butter buyer, he almost had to if he is to be consistent. It is important to be consistent in economics as in any other branch of sociology. Dairymen are paying support prices for feed and it goes on down the line in the farming business. The U. S. economy is based on agriculture. If the bottom drops out of the farming business, it soon tails out of every other in dustry. Apparently it is a very good thing, then, to see that the farmers realize a large figure in their bank books every year. But, while the farmer makes big money, the rest of the coun try pays big money for less than I things with . less money. Every time a - housemother, cook or struggling student decides on oleo, someone's taxes are building up the country's $60 million butter supply. A supply that is usually stored until it turns rancid and I stuff. Stolen Goods Poll Reveals Students Oppose Bom Drinking Peg Bartunek Collegiate morals are higher! male junior in Tennessee, who than the popular stereotype sug-'said, "After 2 a.m. way after." gests, as indicated from results of a national poll of student opinion. Students were asked their opin ions on dormitory drinking rules. The results: Should be allowed . . 16 per cent Should not be be Allowed- 75 per cent No opinion 6 per cent Other 3 per cent Only 12 per cent of the coeds are for dormitory drinking, while 82 are against it. Students were also asked what Don't Cry If You Miss This Movie By BOB SPEARMAN Staff Writer As a movie, "City Beneath the Sea" has its moments, but they are few. You only have a day left in which to see 'this stormy ad venture, and I wouldn't worry about it if I missed the movie. Robert Ryan, Mala Powers and Anthony Ouinn star in this tale of trumped-up danger. The story of the movie involves Ryan and Quinn, who are deep sea diven. They come to Jamaica to reclaim a million dollars In gold i"ullion lost aboard a sunken ship. This movie is infested w?th vil lians. The steamship company depresentative in Jamaica is try ing to reclaim the gold not for the company. The captain of the ship who ii supposed to be dead is trying to reclaim the gold. Ryan's partner also is lured by the million dollars in gold. All this time Ryan is becoming involved with the movies ingenue, Mala Powers, who somehow h fallen heir to an oversized tug- Uitnt rni l . . uuhi. i He dohi Decomes tne diver s working craft, and this sets up a wonderful chance for romance. About two-thirds of the way through the movie you are first told about the city beneath the sea. It happens that the hnat full of gold sunk on top of a sunken city. The Jamaican natives prac tice vo-doo on anyone who tries to disturb the sunken city. V Well, our hero,. Mr. Ryan, goes down and investlentAs w the gold. Then, without warning, me Kny Deneam tne. sea has an earthquake. This disturbs Mr. Ryan, the boat, above, and the ocean in particular. This earthquake of course proves that the city is really mermaids who sunk with the city So Ryan comes up and gets his girl, and his partner and himself are restored to a buddy-buddy basis. The movie ends. In case this whole description sounds a little hazy it's because it reflects fairly well the entire 90 minutes of the movie. The one good word I ran ntr this week is that today is 3-D day in Lincoln. If you hmker to ruh noses with a third -dimensional eiraffe. you might drop by the Nebraska Theatre sometime this week. Now for a moment I would like to point out something to my readers. "The Promoter" played at the State Theatre last week. This movie was shown in Lincoln because a few neoDle bsItpH if at least one Lincoln theater would present a few outstanding n hat to se the term) art movies. Last year the Esqujre tried it and failed miserably. The movies were wonderful, but the audiences were pathetic. Many nights last year the Esquire had fewer than 50 persons in the theater in an en tire night's running. 'As an experiment, the staf Theater has contracted three movies of exactly the same caliber as tnose Shown in the Esquire last yead. "The Promoter" was the first of these films. There are two more coming up. My single wish is, if you enjoy excellent movie entertainment at tend these movies which will be shown soon at the State Theater. To' be collece hrpH moans a ioi wont be sorry, and von mav four-year loaf requiring a grealjTestore 8 movie exhibitor's faith oeai or dough, as well as plenty iin PeP'e- The armed forces take some of the hoard and the school lunch program uses another dab. When ever these consumers take butter off the government's hands, they cut down their direct purchases from private enterprise so noth ing is really gained. What is actually happening is that the nation is rapidly becom ing a society of oleo eaters paying for butter they can't eat. Still the dairymen have to make a profit even if the oleo people are making bigger profits every year the dairymen insist on big profits. It wouldn't be fair to take away butter supports and leave feed supports is effect. What's the answer then? Keep supports going and going higher and higher? How about reducing supports gradually or maybe taking them they would ,if everybody did off altogether? Sure, prices would drop. The demand for food isn't very elastic though so what would finally happen is a low price level on a national scale. And, by the way, some butter lovers might feel they could afford the of crust. (Daily O'Collegian) In Canada, a survey taken at ueorge winiams College, Mon treal, revealed: l. Men and women students agree that "double morals" evict with tne greater amount of lib erty being allowed to men. DON GERLACH GERALD W. BARTMESS Women's Election . . . Dear Editor To the student body The members of the 1952-53 Black Masque Chapter of Mortar Board would like to remind all women students to go to the polls Wednesday to vote in the spring elections. The authority to choose the Associated Women Students and Coed Counselor boards has been delegated to all the women students, and so far a just selec tion of board members, it Is nec cessary that each woman exert her right to vote. For the same reason it is important that all in dependent women vote to choose the BABW board and that all members of the WAA vote for its new officers. Information concerning the qualifications of each candidate for office has been given in The Daily Nebraskan and will be The Daily Nebraskan FIFTY-FIRST YEAR ' Member: Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press Advertising Representative: National Advertising Service, Inc. w msaison Ave., New Yor 17, New York RdllorM Pm Rdttor tUlMlillt tiditor wH f Mthnuka a tomtin of Bi-deoV am and opinion H 'w?"0""? ? .V'. Bir-Uw. aowrnlat odH aad admialMrl by 111 Bnurd of Publication. i ai Ik wlarrd folkf of th Boiirtf I hat tMiMlratlou ander Ha tort atoM t fra from adtlorial mrnnhlt on to pari af Hit . w N nh K anr Bwmbor of (at ftvUy of fb ""'' bat ffca mcnibna of lha tteff of Th. Dillr N. fcr.Aaa art owwiatfj rnponifbl for what they au or da or ! la n printed." HMtwrriortoo rstsa ar ft a wmcrtar. St.SO aiailrd or S for jrur, 4 mulled. Klnrla eopy s. ranlhihod dally ountmy. ffioniiay, vsmtlnn and examination pe rtoi'i. One im pttmixhed dnrin( Awrunt each year by the tMlvenitjr of Nchra.lta, nmter the anpprvliilna at lha Uommlt ''"'" PuMlmHiona. Entered at aeeond elau matter at the 8 s In Lincoln. Nebraska, under aet of Conrreea, Marrh , ' d t n( of pott Provided for In ftectioa 1 1 OS, .t t Lura of Ocloher . 1!I7, aothorlied Septcmbar 10, llltl. ? Pleoar Copy Editor Sporta Editor A n't BporM Rdltor Feature ltdltor . At tdl nnsterl at the nnllc Thorefnre w was uiviuea mio omyW0Uid further encourace each woman to be familiar with the qualifications of the condidates in order that she may wisely mark her ballot for those she believes to be the best qualified. By thus being an informed voter each woman can cast her ballot individually and will not need to participate in any kind of bloc voting. Mortar Board would lend its support to all organiza tions which encourage their mem bprs to vote, but would condemn any organization that insists that its members support particular candidates. We strongly urge all women to vote today, to be Informed voters, and to vote according to their in dividual evaluations of the candi dates up for each office. Sincerely BLACK MASQUE CHAPTER OF MORTAR BOARD Kca Ryatrom Salty Hall Ed DtMar, Jaa Harrtooa, Marllya Tywa. Tom Woodward ,. Glenn Net ftun Howard Vana I IKK Coffey Caack Beam KErUHTKRS Oynthla Henderson. Kay Noky, Willie Deeeh, Fhyllli Hernh- Mlr. MIR. !!..., . 1 1. l I . 1 1 1 -1-. i , . . Jarlmnn, Mnrtnnne Hannon. lorl Ahlnrhwrde. Nat Katt. Nanev rw.-oiaiers Will De navlnsT no (artiinrr. Marilyn Hut Ion, Frank Adamok, Marilyn Bree. Nanry.more athletic holidays BCCOrdinB Odinn. Kirk Kadleeke, Urn Parish. Hj-nry Raum. Rlalne Smith- t0 a recent StnHent rnnnil AB bnriter. Beth Knliwrr. Hon Kheftna. N... R.m.. 1 lu .a recent atUOent Council de- svobnda and Don Kiikenwir. cisiorL Instead, one day each se KC8IM08S 8TiKF Only One Holiday Bnftlnea Marnier Arnold Htem nsi i oauneu itianaien Fete Benstoa, Btaa Hippie t'lrculnllon Mannaer . . F:d Ban Might JNewa Editor Ed DeMar mestef will be set aside as an all college holiday and in most cases be taken "to celebrate an ath lectic victory." 2. Women students claim the rieht to drink in nnhlif hut tho hour they believed coeds should1 men aren't willing to concede it be required to get back to her " tnem. dormitory. The findings: By midnight or before 14 per cent By 1 a.m 45 per cent By 2 a.m g per cent After 2 a.m. 8 per cent No opinion 4 per cent Other 5 per cent The 2 a.m. and 1 a.m. hours are equally popular with the men. Each time polled 33 per cent of the male vote. However, the girls are 54 Der cent in favor of 1 a.m. and only 17 per cent in favor of 2 a.m. One of the more soecific onin- ions on coeds' hours came from a 3. Seventy per cent of the women believe a marriaep nm-! posal is strictly up to the man If wnne 3Q per cent of the males reel tne girls should help them out in popping the question. 4. Half the women would like to take the initiative in making aance It's Her Worry "At the prom last night my dress split right In the middle of the dance floor." 'Weren't you embarrassed ?" "No, my room-mate was wear ing it.' Main Feature Clock (Schedule! Kurnlthed by Theater) Varsity: ' "Thunderhlrrts 1 -"ft 3:25, 5:30, 7:35, 9:40. ' ' IIAVE FUN! Send a friend a beautiful St. Patrick Card for March 177 Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street Klleen Chrtety o Gene Lramj John Derek o John Bammere. Jr 1 r- i- i K ftwteipieam,nl Campus capers call for Coke jfcf f It depends on the poln t lssi of view, of course, but flnoj everyone enjoys these - antics. And when there . quick need for refreshment ' " ' SVe " j o - IOTTICD UNOM AU I HOP. ITY OF THE COCA-COIA COMPANY IV COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF LINCOLN Ceka It a rejlitered trade-mark. 1S3. THt COCA-CbtA COMPANY V