::i .. -i v1 Paae 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, March 5, 1953 I W W J I earner 'Evaluation, service vail able To (Faeulfy M embers A THE PURDUE RATING SCALE FOR INSTRUCTORS G. C Brsndenbu? md B. H. BMr 'Ratings Of Value To Instructors' Because instructors exist pri mariiy to benefit trie suiaeni, inc; yott l0 i,tructor: In order to keep conditions as nearly uniform as possible, it is imperstive that no mitn Daily Nebraskan for several years, u t h stents. The rating scale should be passed out without comment at the beginning of the period, has supported a teacher evalua- ' " r tion sen ice to be made available! ote to Students: Following is a list of qualities that, taken together, tend to make any instructor the sort of to faculty members desiring tOi instructor that he is. Of course, no one is idoal in all of these qualities, but some approach this ideal to a much usc I greater extent than do others. In order to obtain information which may lead to the improvement of instruction, you The serv ice is based on the ar asked to rate your instructor on the indicated qualities by making a check tV) on the line at the point which nirciue university rating SCie, nr?v ihi him nih feriM- ti rh nnslitv von are considrinr. For oiamnlo. nnHnr IntAc it. CuK; if you think your instructor is not as enthusiastic about his subject as he should be, but is usually more than mildly interested place the check on the scale thus: Unon Sponsors 6 Weeks Of Dance Instruction Having trouble with that Mambo step? Your problem is solved. A series of six advanced danc ing lessons under the instruction of Donna McCandless, an ex-Ar thur Murray instructor, will be held in the Union Ballroom from 7-9 p.m. on Mar. 10, 17, 24, 31 and April 15, 21. Rhumba, Mambo, Waltz and other advanced steps will be fea tured during the instruction. whereby students evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of in structors, A little more than a year ago a Faculty Senate Committee as signed to study the scale approved its use. The system was presented to Universitv faculty members at a Senate meeting. Since then a number of instructors have used the scale. The Xebraskan publishes a re-, production of the scale 1n this issue to remind instructors that the; first six weeks introductory period is nearly completed and" to offer students with a means li.tiitiiitiittiltriitiiiiitiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiittliiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimltlmMtiill Alwys appears full of hisubject. Seems mildly interested. Subject seems irksome to htm. This ratine is to be entirely impersoral. Do not siga your name or make any other mark on the paper which could terre to identify the rater. , Be sure to put your check oa the line where you think it should be to express your judgment of the instructor. Interest in Subject tiiitiiiitiriili!iiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllillllllllilllllllllilniiiiiiiiinmtiiiimiiti;nimMfi Always appears full of his subject. Seems mildly interested. Subject seems irksome to him. Scholarships Available To Students Lab Theater Productions Feature Student Directors Three One-Act Plays Scheduled To Open Thursday, 7:30 P.M. Laboratory theater, with the i managers take their special Prob- Duroose of giving speech majors Hems to the area supervisors as- experience in directing, will pre- Li- 00v, , nf nlavs. The ; laboratory theater, Temple Build- are Jack Babcock and ai nazei- ing. wood. j The plays are "The Game of The plays given by the theater Chess." by Cheekov; "The Brown- are cnosen by the students in yS". MJE class and are approved by the faculty. Students In speech 14, an acting class, work with the laboratory W. W. Jacobs. Directors and production man agers for laboratory theater one- Between 325 and 366 scholar-'?.01 Praucnons are siuaems in theater as members of the casts, ships and grants-in-aid will be r" iu. ana tor 5"-""' ,thouh anv university student flvailahlo ..f piays, siuaenis irom aavancea " " . .... ing the icirrlt&SvSnl and directin classes- i1S, xo oul Ior lne J. x. Colbert, Chairman of the tacn siuaent is airector ior one,vj. General Scholarship Awards Com- Plav and production manager forj Checkov's "The Game of Chess" mittee announced. (another. He is given participation js a pre-revolutionarv Russian The number of scholarships to Pmts and is graded on his work.jstory aDout the attempted assassi be given in each category "is de- The directors and production nation of a nobleman. Director is pendent upon the funds availahioi wir-har Fink, and production manager is Katy Kelley. of rating their instructors eve:i though the instructors do rot use Sympathetic Attitude toward Students the scale in clasps. t . A year ago The Xebraskan ' I ill II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H li M I II ( It! 1 1 It 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 II 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 111 II 1 M Ml 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 il 1 1 stated editoriallv, "Six weeks' Always courteous and considerate. Tries to be considerate but finds it Entirely unsympathetic and incon UiJ should be sufficient time for stu-i dents to become well enough ac- quainted with instructors to form an opinion of them and decide; their strengths and weaknesses.' Since this is the end of the first six weeks in the second semester J it is an ideal time for instructors to use the teacher rating scales; adopted by the University last' semester ... I If teachers would permit stu-J dents to rate them now, results could be used for the remainder! of the semester, as well as for future courses. This way. stu-! dents doing the rating should benefit from their own sugges-j1 tiorss. I1 '"Since the teacher rating scale is a continual service, faculty, members may use it at any time during the school year. Henry M. Cox. director of the bureau of instructor research, savs blanks are available in his office in Tem porary A, Room 1. All instructors have to do, he says, is call his office and request the blanks . . . The Daily Nebraska believes the only reason any reason arty. difficult at times. serato. Fairness in Grading IliillMMllMlilllllllMllilllMlllllllllllllllllllliniliMllliliiiiiiiiimiimiiiiimimnHi Absolutely fair and impartial to alL Shews occasional favoritism. Constantly shows partiality. Liberal and Progress! Attitude flIMintMIHIIHII!llttl!lll!lllll!llllllllinlllll!!IIIMIIIllllllllllllinilllllllllllHllllllll Welcomes dijjerences in viewpoint. Biased on some things but usually Entirely intolerant, allows bo con tolerant, tradiction. Presentation of Subject Matter IllltinMIIIItlMMlllllllllIlMlllllllllllMlllllllllMlllllltlliiiiiniiiiniimiiimmnmnI Clear, definite and forceful. Sometimes mechan:cal and mono- Indefinite, involved, and monoton- tonous. us. Sense of Proportion and Humor fr'ltflTIlt!ltttttMiiliTt,,ltlIttllltil1 1 mitnttifii mil tiiim mi iiiiiriiiim iiti fiitiiintf Fairly well balanced. Miss Speere YW Workers The cast includes Bob Wells as Alexis; Bill Walton, Boris; Paul ;Kidd, Constantine and Bob Wil liamson, a footman, j "The Browning Version," . di irected by Vance Hanson, portrays f ;the inner strugsle of a teacher Jwhose life has been a failure and Always keeps proper balance; not cTer-cntical or over-sensitive. Over-serious; no sonse of relative values. Self-reliaace and Confidence fitiiiMrniftrtttntiiiriiiiiiiiMniiiitiiMiiiiiitiniiiiiitiiiiiiimiiiiiiiinniiiin.itimiil Always sure of himself; meets d:f- Fairly self-confident; occasionally Hesitant, tim:d, uncertain, ficnlties with poise. disconcerted. nensnis. asd clean. faculty member would refuse to permit usage of rating scales Persoaal Peculiarities would be fear to find out just what his students think of him . . . "The Nebraskan recognizes that general acceptance and use of a new system, such as the rating scale, may take time. However, instructors as welt as students should profit by its wide wsage: it can be of rso value without being put into practice. "Student Batura"y have a re sponsibility to rate instructors gthaaTarJag lateRectaal Crtty jajrty ana oojecuveiy it tue system i is to succeed. The authors of the Purdue system. G. C Brandenburg and; H. M. Reanmers, have brought out a good point by saying that stu-: dents always are "rating instruc-" tors. The only real choice faculty'; members have, they believe, is whether they want to know what 1 the "ratings aire. "BrardeRburg ar,i Remissers have said if the instructor chooses, to find out what attitudes are pos-'!. sessed by his students, he w;.l be in a position t profit thereby. He will have obtained the pos sibility of control cf one of the important elements i!i the total learning situation. "We urge instructors to give studects an opportunity to rate them. The entire University will pront iron sucn a move. ffHini?iiMiiiin;iiiiii?!iiiiiiiiniiinHiiiiiiiMn!iii!iiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiinnnil Wholly free from annoying man- Moderately free from objectionable Constantly exhibits irritating man- peculiarities. nensms. Pcnoeal Appearance fiiMtnTitttiiiM;!iiin;Miiiiiii;n!iiiiiiiiiiii!iii;i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;tiiimmniniil Always well groomed; clothes neat IsoaFIy somewhat untidy; gives Slovenly; clothes untidy and Ul- Istue attention to appearance. kept. IriitiiiiMinHiiiHMtHiiMiitiiiiMiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininMiiiiMiiMiiiiiniiiiiiiil Inspires stiuJents to indepenejent tvcas:onaIIy imspirmg; creates mild Destroys interest in subject; make effort; creates desire for investiga tion. interest. work repulsive. Underline the phrase which best places the instructor as compared witk other instructors : instructor is in (1) the highest fifth (3) the middle fifth (2) next to the highest fth (4) next to the lowest &ftk (5) the lowest fth la sy judgment this and upon the Committee's deci-' sion as to the division of these funds. uujuiiuiiinns lur me scnoiar- v ships are to have an acceptable I f fflfAnIAUJ score on the fieneral Cnmnrohon. "w sive Examination which will be given March 28. together with an average grade of 6.5 or above. " . v . . . .J. UWVVIV, i 1 1 ' I cm 1 1 ir ti ,M . .... i given under certain circumstances from the Central Division of wiose marriage is a nopeiess. mis to students with lower averages. jYWCA at Chicago, Illinois, will ma Twenty-four credit hours from conduct interviews for anyone in-j Ke undergoes a change when a the University are necessary to be terested in professional work in student gives him the Browning eligible for the scholarships. Sen-jYWCA. jVersion of a well-known book, ior or senior-to-be applicants will; Tnton i..c ,.-;u k j .. Fletcher Coleman plays Andrew be given preference, and then, in the office of Dean Colbert dean Crocket"Harris' the sc,hoo,mas:ter; order, juniors and sophomores. I0f the division of student affairs and Jean Ca.ro1 DeLong plays obtained at the offices of the ... . ' . Also in the cast are Tony deans of undergraduate colleges j J JPoere .11 mteriiew c- D the Dean of Women, or the Chair-; JSente oSIarrfi 12 Cult ct?, Taplow. Rogert Wait. Dr. Fro man of the Scholarship Awards .gjf Vnide S biw and Jack Parris and Joyce Commntee. 104 Administration. take adantaTe ofSfs SairT & hangman. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert. Saturday, March 14 is the dead- a, ?ge r.nis cIance to Dor;thv E1iiot is nroduction man- line for heir completion and reJ get acquainted with professional;1 um s production man turn ! wrk. jager. The committee for the general' The community YW program ot-'-J?!? ""rs 'liSi--scholarships awards is composed fers such jobs to graduates as 0TK e lo? of J. P. Colbert, Chairman: M. A. executive director, young adult and ancy Dark ls Puction Alexander; Elvers Berck; Jose- director, teen-age director, health;manager- phine Brooks; F. W. Hoover; Mar- education director and student j The PJay is a story concerning jorie Johnston; H. W. Manter; CJ i" CA director. ! tamiiy in which tne son is . O. Xeidt; and C. E. Vanderzee. j Miss Speere will speak on this : idolized by his parents. A mon- )1 All undergraduate scholarships su eject at trie city ywca cabinet KeJ s Paw wnicn grants wisnes xo (given primarily or solely for meeting March 1 1 at 5 p.m. I the bearer falls into the possession scholastic achievement) or grants-j Any girls interested in an in- of the parents, in-aid (given for need as well as terview with Miss Speere may; Cast members are Ron Brandt scholastic performance) are make an appointment through as Mr. White: Sandra Sick, Mrs. awarded by the scholarship com- Dean Colbert's office or with the. White: Dick Hess, Herbert White; mittee. These are awarded to the campus YWCA director, Janice Sylvan Zwick, Sgt Major Morris deserving people unless the grant-, Osburn, at Ellen Smith. land A. D. Van Sickle, Samson, ing of such awards has been spe-! someothefaSncj e onor "(Sixteenth 'Whisker King' Competition eiven nwnriM hv thp Phvsics IJenart ment If one of the awards is Clean shaven University men Goddess of Agriculture will reign thA amount will be $200. if rnay file as entrants in the "Whis-U fh r,r,t f.,v three are given the amount in a! The contest is one of the' first John E. Almy award is . . , . 1 ... for physics majors recom- t"iiings lo Upen Thursday In Aa Union ?d bv the Phvsics Depart- ' O be SV5. Students worthy of fir ancial as-1 contest rules state that all en- ""aaiuons to De associated w.tn tirtartce mav armlv for the Jeffer-: iranis must oe cean snaven wnen r" r. ana its progresi son H Broady sward; if one is Wing with the heaviest beard noted through the steadily increas given the amount will be $100, if judged by Mortar Board mem- ff e s of the two are given the amounts will bers Judgmg wul take .place on Wh-sker Kmg contestants dur- u- rn .-wjjin At ii.!i nie winner oeing scown. uc zjv. . , . . : - a i Two students in Chemistry or tea ai ine motion ana uenim ine contest originated nearly 16 Photographic Exhibition To Illustrate Protection Of Fine Arts During Wnr The Union has arranged to the application o the Allied pro-copper mines, farr. jo .ses, bunk show -Fine Arts Unider Fire." a ram for nmtivfinn f TBnn..mRitc'ers aad churches. Alpha Zefa To Choose photographic exhibition prepared by the editors of Life magazine. with the limits of rrilitarv ne- The exhibcti.in oren Sunday. cessity. It emphasizes the savin March 8 in the main lounge of the apply the Geology Department may ap ply for the George Borrowrnan awards worth $60 each. T-e WCIiam Hvte award is for students worthy of financial as sistance. Fifty dollars each will be given if six students apply and si 00 each if onlv three apply. The Franklin E. and Orinda M. Johnson award is for juniors and seniors of outstanding ability. It two apply, they wi'J receive $500 each, if three apply the amount will be S300. Sophomores or above worthy of financial assistance may apply tor the James G. and Mrs. Ada B. Kunz award worth $300 if one pplies or worth $50 each if six dance. The "Whisker King" and years ago and has been observed the every year sine then. The American Commission for A hamw nmimwi nt war. Union and will continue through sa-arrfs are for students New Members Al Smoker e Protection and Salvage of Ar- damaged buildings arid collections March 23. I worthv of financial assistance. , , , f :c fnd K:s:.?r?c Monurr.en in and stresses the handling of cis- The Mincna DePue Meissner ,-a?JT? CT';bfrehip er War Areas codabonted I w i t h perd and looted works of art. j p-M-J- cor, c -Jw award is worth $200 if one applies cf A.pha Zeta. Ag honorary fra- Li.'e's editors in assembling pho- . , , raiioaian event rriday Lrf ; if th aDDiv The Stella teraity, wCl be held in the Ag tographs, many hitherto unoub-1 SpecuLst inonuiwrr.ts. f.ne arts L v it is riven Vrion lounge Thursday. March 5 Tiled, from several sources. f; d 3IVS attached to The 8. of the PaJadian So- K.rker :ssner aard is gi.en st 7:30 nm. , , the armies, are shown at work in caety will present their annua! on the sarr!e bzsis- B .-V , . . tt i... r l t DfLf.'OIEl T-T- i . . . . .. A . C ... . 1 a.uu " " r. - . ' t; ' Lkufl active i worth $100 is for sophomores. Campus capers call for Coke There's plenty of need for refreshment when Freshmen are "making the grade." What better Cts the moment than delicious Coca-Cola ? Ilave a Coke I ijwijwae ok uue smoker is iargea prcoiograpns. a snon run- sn Germsr.v insnectirp aid as-! I? aat male ag students with ning text reveals the care of fine s-rx dama'ge. They are shown pL day1at 8 30 P m- in preferablv for holders of fresh- w w T 8 J J1- , directing salvage from rubble and, T - mar. Regents Scholarships. Iect.r:g prospective members. methods, unique in the history of exposure .taking measures to pre-1 Thomas B. Johnson, Xegro rpir-! A junior majoring in English Following the smoker, new for the protection and sa!-vefl furtrier deterioration to ltual ''Justrstor, will lead a d is- mav apply for the Katherine M. members wi3 be election. Selec- vage cf the cultural heritage of damaged buildings, and to fres- cussi0r of Pencil illustration. iMehck award worth $75-$200. i.on is casea upon Jeaderstip. wrope. coes Euch ss those of the Campo i.jii at.er ca scaoiarsmp. ,, i he exr.ibition u.us'.ra'es tse Santo at Pisa. V-jaiiijcauoBs ior me.r.ocrsr.;p worn oi A.ea Arnwes in prefer- fjjg jeeond part of the xfJbi are: completion of one and or.e- ving and salvaging Western Eu- 'rioh suggests the magnitude and hA'd years of the student's aca- ope's historic monuments and detail of the army's problem in demic coisrse and rating in the works of art in combat areas dur- returning the 100 000 loo'ed and iipper two-fifths of the class scho- ing World War II. displaced works of art. It deals las::ca.y. 1 Beginning with a few examples with the discovery of some of the lot trie extent and type t damage, TOO caches for German art plun- A s:r.g.e male sea elephar.t has to historic buildings during the der, and the reccrvery of some of f tehees over zon gailons of tL .war,, the exhibition emphasizes these possessions from salt and QUICK WHEN YOU USE Classified Ads OTTtEO VMOtt AUTHOHTV O Tf COC4-CCI CCr it COCA-OLA BOTTLING CO. OF LINCOLN To place a classified ad Stop ha the BwtecM Of flee Rnm 29 SftWcM Vmiom Call .7(31 Ext. 1226 for dm. fW Servfa Ssvn 1-4:39 Moil thn Frl THRIFTY AD RATES No. word ) I oay i Uy ) t day ) 4 day I wee 1-19 -40 $ -65 I I 1Q 11.30 l-2a M Si I I2i IJM j io- ll-U 1 .79 j.19 t 1,43 , I7aj ijT" LOST & FOUND I lost a Kin cniiun Barorh r,( er Thsny ulehl pet -wr. r- . t . You sow them in LIFE magazine M!OIIE KAL of marvefous Celanese Acetate Blends a exclusive! floppy Easter Hi p in Crisp acetate and rayon Fabric Beautifully fitted Knife pleated skirt Detachable white linen collar and cuffs Colors: NavCopen, Saddle Juu one from Urge collection of ttyUtl ?1T!!J -'"'""tua, styled . . . every bntto. ho e hand-piped! And Ui. thi, for price that won't even bother your budget! Duches, E,yaI m Jul we Mi we They've bee, specially proceed to , bed wrinkle,, too! ?S5 to 39.95 COLD S SalU . . . Second Floor O 0 I A. in