: A i i t i 1 I i : i t 1 Poce 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, March 5f 1953 las? U BlueBn Us... tions according to the constitution. This is peculiar motion because it is unfortunate that any-1 WORLD REPORT By PAtX JCEAXS Cum Laude 'Singing Engineer' Grad Also Invents Machines It Seems To f1e By GUEXX KOSEXQUIST SUIT Writer fl It's a thaw! A thaw Is a time frrnO CrtYf QF1 when boys throw snowballs at JU"C girts and hat them bard on pur. Th sin-inr en that Is has also been honored wilh th; aiit SrirL Jtst s se Is coefL . m wt- riew-rir certificate cf award from the. After the thaw come the . "Jam F. iJncrfn Are w el tiT a r.Tnr -Vitim. Mimis . rr . -r James f. LdDCMa Are -- - - - .jL-ugeue w. jawosou, .- uiu By IXX nXTEK t j viv .. ; t nn would tk of trrinr to runninr elections any J TODAY'S HEADLINES . . -r ,v- Thursday morning coramiHUijues That statement was made Wednesday at your h way. radio Ma9N revealed that Student Council meeting. It was made in refer- If JStalirils condififft. was worse enee to the Council eonstitutioa and it meant that I have been worried about this year's Council j French sources claim that the. one Council member thought that he could make for a semester and a halt It doesn't seem to bei toi't' died at T .m. ... ........ ... . i Wednesday .... Molotov takes oeoessary. ception of an aggressive parking polky, there has - The controversy ami there was a real con- not been a treat show of initiative. --. -..- --,,j,v-.-. tv r Ununr -., Kimoi'KiTi ir f jhmrir SmTTa-nr. I speculst-on spread over the world hellenie Council and the Intertraternity Council comes up, the. Council bas always shown lhat .SeS Student Council The constitution clearly says dersoa was being shoved around for using a book j Exchange "average dropped a ba-JKtlribj Pa. He is also f3 Alpha Theta Chi, sorial T-enty-five per cent of the sfti- , ... i.jI . i - . him driiiaTs: imilhan .ijiri'SM'O t&T the Qusrtpt Choir, Ohx frajernity. Idents are in laa, S5 per cent are that only next Juniors may be elected. The wtoch some persons thought mas subversive, the JV iSL inwnt United Preylerian Church, ! Wing bridge. i5 pW cent are suggesJtioa was made because roost members of Council passed a resolution saying that the stuaen 1rT m nndarv in- iOakmont. Pa. Upon graduation, he aHended throwing snowballs and 25 per the two OTjMizationt mentioned above will be legislators had laith in him. When outside inter- tarest in the U. N. as Soviet For-! seniors next iaH ests started a campaign to put the Regents Book-'!eicn Minister Andrei Vishinsky; Nevertheless, the constitution clearly says only store cut cf the supply business, the Council elding Ispringtime. You can see antk-ipa- the Soviet Union. . I r niounaation. . 'utm in laoes t snweois as they Uneasy tension and worried. ii,Jai ! jawnson's mem otrMi v "Spii coriee frounas over ine mt- Ttus man, cy proressiwi. is a am.jx csies tar no cu 4.u- ,ng snow (nave to maxe mat n mechanical engineer. But in his year career at ithe University. 0icck). Jekure time ke fills in a sola sxmt While in f!CJool,. he was also a rrea1st time to cb5erv with the Mendelssohn Choir cf member cf the University flee jsaw jj Wednesday afternoon. worked very bard collecting signatures n a pe tition to the Board f .Regents asking that supply sales be continued at the Regents store. sia at any minute. British Policy Is Juniors may be elected. One Council member thought that it would be all right to lust elect senior representatives from these organizations and forget the constitution. And, mow, when a member suggests that the Net AppCOSement immeinateiy, a oarge majority ex tne tzamcu oe- constitution be lorgotten tmai amenaea to meet came aighteously indignant They asked what the the need, the Council immediately proved that it use was in having a constitution In the first place recognized the lack cf wisdom cf this move, if it could be changed as fancy dictated. It is act necessary to 9 into a long discussion was only what those governed by ft Interpreted it standing by it The Student Council needs to have !the seriousness cl current Anglo- .a501 "ST sprayer head. to mean. And then be was asked bow io the world basic rules just as much as any ether organize- 'American differences about Korea jtjQj ana western oeiense jreneray. j Aiicre jucau i lunw-ano u cob 5,3 to United States amphibian vehicle. Be developed -night school at the University 01 cent are carrying roeir laundry ratnt jwhenrnv W "Piwsburrii C"3!) and at the Car- baes to be mailed. stayed in seclusion at bis Long' But be coamwutes to Pattsburgh.ln'pe Institule cf Terhncilogyj To best observe this drama, one Island estate. The speculation,; where be is in charge f the De-'C'SS. During ithe spring term, must put on his Australian rabbit is that be will be recalled to Rus-"Saga Section, lgmeering K-.i-18. he did graduate work at fur lumberjacJcr his greea vision cf Gulf Bcsearcn and Devel- imwjrsuij. swuc ic .Kin-w w lament Company, a branch cl the ! krease one's power of remaming ifintf rvi fn II 1 ,r tocogniloi and your fur-lirjea cap. Since he was employed by this to Miriam L Stewart and has .SgT to walk ammd chalked up four U. S. patents tor Etesigner. consultant, tenor solo- AnWm law 1 1 11 Orwiua Anyone in Britain who has been - JT i .siur u.w. w-mBr mff apparatus far filling contain-i solid constitution and iCTt, n m with pressure fluids and OKLAHOMA AXAl be thought be could interpret Junior to mean sen ior. 11. j Ji jr- a : nr vuu ji vhi ii vt.Ji more. Ibese acwmplishments in- patents. He's all these-and a l1! I Dont panic when ytra see else wearing a ffur-liaei .cap. gDloshes and carrying a briefcase and riding a bicycle. 'tie's only a professor. And bis brief rase is probably loaded with his laundry. ai 0. 11 1 rxervous v-ouonse Probably the most ncivl of Ms in patented sub.iedts, however, is an WUUScQ Or iNlO-wOi I can change black to white if I want to." this problem wasn't thought cf then to bring np '.g that Britain is indifferent to this machine especially designed That waa his reply. the IPC and PanheH ouestian when the constitu-1 America's casualty rate of JtD.POB.for Gulf. It is better known as A large majority of the Council overruled that lion was being written. reply by passing a peculiar motion to the effect If the constitution is wrong, change it that the Council would conduct this year's elec- dont forget it Terrific Shovi If ever The -Sebraskan spoke for the campus, Every ad received tremendous ft is doing it now; Thank you, Union, for bringing audience loved the performai-oe. that there is mo basis for the first charre. British policy on Korea aims first and ffcreinost at a cease- Fred Waring. A capacity crowd enjoyed three bours of won derfu. music Tuesday might with mo intern-Ussiom 'nmlorioHs service toward the ad- s00-' Financially, the show was successful This f- means that the Union wjH be able to brine some .because it sees no likelihood of. cf the mare risky shows later. By risky shows, j being able to achieve a decision j am tfibeir mouths. ! la our observation trip, let w$ Br. Arthur Ccmtratto, instmrt IDo!t5wrE5et bserve !. wite- ifcm medicine, s.ts the pills often 15Tr- TOes ca.use severe 'nerswts reaction m? ; white bucks uww when the which, althcmgh temporary, is 51 1 : Portan r .handirapping."" ;coJosbes. fur-lined caps and hxm- to! "Nc-Ddz," sold without pre-1lfcwts- S13"1 . j , . w-mTt-ir. tw -trtHI .Fmii-M, u.c...i. aj-,'. a u-wu-wjuiiw.hm i,.. show TJn-versitv studenle sihould be esmosed to This s intended as no renee- Pm. in lempie soi. TJTriL JZZZ The matM?TMirasas also wears a It was a reat tribute to American musk and e m ta s6hodl s0 appreciation ;f 551 L. L?i?m1? rfg need tocram the ' clockaround for P joshes but -nnor did ft miss the interimssicm. The whole meall SQ0!V.S mJnic3 gooai) soIia ratertEj jagainst CMiiese armies without menl but cm a level bagh eaough to cut the audi- ldl world War HI and without far ence to the more imleXetual. Ttds as the type f , higher casualties than at present show was so well put together and WErirufs talents as a master of ceremonies were so greet that no one wanted to leave sarfal after 11 pan. NUBB Laboratory play tryouts, 3 American music-maker. ICvery soloist was brought back for an encore. What Does It Mean? KUCWA Parliamentary meet- in je iniE, i pjta. im jki'Ci'A otxice atiTwr. miTastratiaB repffesentatve puts St same class with aijarin. is many snowballs to a square yard of snow r bow many times a is cult-vated far later life. The Union is workinr toward this roal. It .nature of the Chinese oppositian. laces successes ie ne wtrr snow make it .' ' . '-us, pm. AaA onice at -ci,- rdimt wiiv - wmriH-CGlnnnr ? ft m .rt. ir . "pl i.MKt ikK.. . financially possible to toning some of ihe iky tof toep ffW ffr , !!ats type. itheir borne bases, the British feel LtIq a ,1 J Yes. it caMy is tbawime. The Kebraskan does mot mean for a momenl C21? mx """y MmMht, Hm-ard has .an-'Th.w-time. the transition season The mewspaswere fC most -paging that Warxr presented seccdnrate entemiraneniS Whisker Eng filings, Ag Union. 'SSf 5nS SSStK or perhaps laiscouraginB mews Wednesday He put on a bigh-class show with all Mnds of .in defense of their homeland. ! Alpha Zefla membeiship smoker, "oollspse if "JCo-Bmr" ds a partiBl dents carry ttbeir Isunfiry bags to morning. popular appeal, at takes larCHmzatians of the cab- . w 9 w ' "-5 'tnaon aaarngx. cause. .'be mailed. Stalin 3s very 3H. ber Waring has tto present surih an entertaining ' S-L'SS At least Soviet mews agencies announce thai and educational 7)erormce 1 f Tn-rrn fl ttn nrnp&ift g'eMJuirmp be as very jH. For all we kmow, be is dead and maybe buried. What does 31 mean? .Sight mow that is the most popular question being lofised ever coffee shop tables and dorm beds, WbEt effect win Stalin's death have on the current world situation and the draft of college men? Gearfii M. Malehkov is sitting an a good spot to take over the Russian reins. He faces some rather stiff opposition from an old timer V. M. Molotov. Either wy the VS, the free world faces a stern Bol-herik with mo great love for Western democracy. There may be those wb would iuaire3 with the use of education in connection with the Fred Waring conoert However, any pert annance which bade its audience leave the concert ball with a renewed faith in the basic power of this country is educational Kot only were we taught music WHIM K.tSSB IBS nma nuicn m turn wxH lead to increased Allied E losses by far She greater ratm- 1 iber ioff tbem American losses. i a. This view has led some Ameri-' i can commeatEtors to talk about., a repetit-CJn oi appeasement sucn;j as JJevxlle Chamberlain1$ in XB8B-jg 26. But the British jmhestotingly j I Tuesday might but we were reorientated in the Hberi3's appeasement came , I arts that form an important part of American j largely from ma.blity through :J ttdhking. 'pveaJmess and upreparedness to Istand vp to Hitler. ! f T J The situation today Jn the face j What else is 3t but education when you are of Stalin's tfhrent is seen as very ,and the rest of Btike. ""Where C where but in America can you .different A major campaipn as sing true freedom's song?" Think about the am- "'n"' VrT .... .. , . imurusts an Korea. The BmiBn , plications anv-lved an that naueEtion. Think about ithemselves with their limited re- k the dramatic preBentation of American poetry aources are heavily committed J which the powerful Waring choir and orchestra E61 communism in many dif- y 4 -j k. iJ.erent parts of the world. There v presented at the end of the rprogram. , & joureai-oia war to Ma- E Of course, all the songs wereht of American la ya. There as defense cf the Suez ; i AT dliUfR'S1 !rsi!BiiiBa3Siiii::M Skop Tfcorsisy 10 U 13 Otfeer icyj 99 f 59 lis Spring Talce It Easy in Calmia-Style DENIMS An Associated Ires .dispatch from Moscow on the Stalin illness describes Malehkov as "!youne, tough, viaorous, virtually created by Stalin in bis own image without contact with the Western 'origin, but that doesnt Hop them from being ed- jf MeaiterrEnean and warld." Observers mowadays cannot decide what mcational Think back about the variety of music .fUJ'S; P . ! m -l 1 ar i -i -.U :.U tl --.: , L 3 -Wti r . T fir -iu wtuiiis Ji Bn.ca. jiukte was everjTnmg There as the bolainc positions in W from bop to HachmamnofL It was very enter- U-enya and other parts of Africa, ft taining education. .There as ittelense I the f.ar 3asv m I A l fTT i9m lem (ouipora oi inong jns. jeir itn fact it was a terrific how. The campus are the live British (divisions in thanks yoo Union, fur bringing it to ius. Dl F. jEurppe and the CommorrweKh : Division in Korea. if i All this together with a 4,700,,- g ODC.ODO pounds sterling rearma- S jimenl program does mot add mp'3 .j appeaBement it is claimed. f S II The Idea as being (diBcufiHed to f By HICK llALSTOSf league lor industrial democracy, and tield smarthB-i!W.auigton whether there could Staff Writer dcx attitudeB on the problems of peact, race amd ,one OT imore of the ? Academic fi-eedom as a topic aubject to pretty industry. . Z1! bat debate right mow. "'Subversive influences are ""Does this mean that ouQege professan may lean divisions which would ts.he tj lunSermining our thinking by 4eaeling Commu- mot be allowed to teadh of theiir views suit c-4he P1&oe to Europe. At; X mkm in our coDeges and urversitiesr On -In- tocide wtih anajority opinion, which can dually be SSmS ! Btructoi-s and prof eHBors are being shackled by counted on as being conuervative opinion? Is the Europe. ; i loyalty oaths and investigation to the point thai opinion of the majority to .dictate to college pro-'! This tihift would rw.iut in a 4 they i&ant .dare .even .discuHS .inrylhing out .of the SeBBors Whiet and bow tthev chaU ierh .fairer lihare -of the fighting. Brt-j .nrthadox will bappen in the Malenkov-Molotor scramble. EfipeciaHy, they wonder if whatever bapens will be good. It's an important nd thoroughly frustrating Cjuefition. What .does it mean? H. T. eryear Ai MU ... Yest This debute, Hike no anuny of its contempor- "It eems an oinfortunute tendency that laaul aries, is mot mew JJow and then omthing bup- :tien. especially in state aunucrted inKtrtutinnK. an petiB aenutor tarts an iitrwestigBtioa of mruver- fearful ,of CKpreiiaine .opinions on controverfiii-l uan coula then aiso expect a Iptargar share in .direition :and con- dut!t .of liie ILai'eaii war. This would probably be the .only i way that Britain (could send ertra aities, ;an institution prodaims a certain book iiBBues. Any procreBS mldeh tmar mmMw uiZSL " J0" JSr. BUDveraJve ana termiers flare, opinions are from training in aiiirtitutions of lugher learning wH ,ties in London that Britain .simply vehemently expounded. But the lunder'lying dif- likely be stultified & mrolesBarK IbiJ tiblip (Tram I1" t eit a jungle pare .dli- ference In .opinion is .always there. The bot de- a aenBe of aelf-nrKHHnrBtiom nU.tfi- .,.- !Bioa- An,a toere ir 'here ahe Bail-1 5 bate lufits a While, then aubBides .and lis Surgotten ideas and 'stik to the facts. for a while. aula erpect iracu ccmEiaeratioB i ' from the United States, maxuely,,;! lia reuogruzing the estent to Which ' r "'Of course there is a limit of .diBtretioin wtucib i wiUa more lJa-! '1 . , . -' -V ujuMk n- -ui-ii;u aur miHiruciarE ao aoue Jioeir poBitiMn by in other theaters, wir)tnm iTT. ITVm !T)nllw T0i.W-ni.l-.,- ;!, -a; i , ... . .-.j, ., nt...t. wtu a uiuiiuuK .tiwu iue nroBT .a in;ucierts Theax wii toriaUy for academic freedom: net doctrines and to- ihntemrpt.mr -4-t v,, .hv. M r - - mt iMxtv.i (fcwaj I In tkie imatter of Eurtpean lutttty ! "A tirtifpimrir jrf WUuln. ITi;i.....,u -.- :,, . . . .. ... . iWtUCD SecTCtUlT IDuTAeS IhRF (OC- (fimm-BBed this wetik. He utalefl that be felt the are teced to jjhun csprawioDi .of opinion, we further wenous .diBBatifilwrticaa, at! a-Baaon lor bis dinmiHoaa was She fact tfhat be iis a might as well atay with our books ,ofWf. ,n.rrt;tfm,'!i thought m lUmdon that the' .:' "TtFrrriVinr .ryf -fVia 1ft rrmirtiv .r,tH tr .M4.; ttt--i n - .. - ....,. r?t.ritrM---Jfti;Uirrt!p -niMitTnff He iwfw T T w 'laj UKTU . w .... w IidO years.'" Tho Dally Nebraskan TtFTK-TXtXt THAJt Juwuberi Aamalaiefl CMierle rrew fcHtemngi-.te rrm Jverti!iir fceprWMtve: ICatiiinbl AtfvertlBtnr ilervice. Inc. ..-. -. . B RC-fcfil :w Tort. It. JKew Turk '""' m mnmrm tm w Willi nm m W lfc frfllMfMI iwiru a rtuir i 40 p-ji, ,.. mm MimiHMimM Hmt Harms muinmlmiM. "! w (ili- wt inm MM vNmltnmnw nttr Hi fcma- 'to w"fU ramraun' iw m r iw ."' on w w v mmiuiw r tM imkiv tm . , t tto wamtMin n iitw Mf f Tm 4llr fi ...-,...,, m .twwtMlir mhwomIum mr imwl iHnf t . tiid mrr n mmmn, ISE.fln iIM t tm flw "l -1 . M imnltwa. Wliixw nljr .An. it'illHMInH! (lulw : w immi. MiMtmui, wmttton nfl muuniiiilim p!ni.'. matim MuXimtKUt -Uu'lm tuiMt W..U wawr 1 l n..-.'" n .Mlirrtii ui.d-r Mr iiixirvMiun .flf llw KtunimM. ti arr nt.'ri iiiiHwKiM?ww. Jiirtgwrfl nw wwumifl nlmw cimttw iH .iir ' . J- ' In l.iii' tn. mIitimu. iimim nnt f .mic"i. ninntti H. I , i m' ;i wnt .f anmnw mwMl Knr .In -iMalM ii!8J a ." ;.. iMiimDi MM-iar a. anas.! .lf,','i;.u,iCL klktt ! .iitim ' .... .... Dm Hi wetily balantied. Br,ittn"s pora- $ tion .on top off the tenoe as causing 4 wnoerm to labor oppouitioa an a WestminBt r as well as to Secre- U tary DtuUes .and ttie American people. et even utranfler argumein,: periHts in J-j'itiun that BritaiB's $ place as the leader of a world-P wide commoitwealth snakes Sts'i ' r. bow idflMm ttKWW IWMr. , 1 Hn irta ii(Unar nrilli'f li.im .I tH wl W-Vim nnm 5 all ffHlK .v'.w Ul.l,. MU. IVIMtU. MW j 1'.'""!!' !"' '."."m mbers of the Xupopean commu-, m Ci IMIHiiT. Hw i-im. lijfv. i ifflnflotTs weekly imagarine. The ; I ikiimn imm.Eoti-ionuKt. ees Secrttury Dulles 1 1 as virtually threaterung Ameriniffi withCbawal from Europe if Eu- i tvfif- and piirti'ju'laj'ly SSftata, fJ fUiid Aemhm fnaut, U)rr ufa ami litH'Jk, lune4 anotfk wuim. 15 lT!li iurnn k-tr , ismnr wh. mu.i jiimU, au.m. W . .. win w--i-:u, n-wu.u. nnivmin, . ,,,j;. j.. .v, IHIW -mw. HIW-ll. MtolMlMUl, riD'IIHl 4t-nnitwmfr. n'll.vu wwi.-uu.mh i u:f .mij. i)J..u mw,. Mimiim. Hw m.ik. mIi. im, miiw iliiluni. h iJ SeW"Btiotl. ii hnmtfc. Him flWWti. mmrf mmn. lt.ir mithhin'li. tMMi Aiik. J5Ut The EnOIlCKTUlt ptUODt OUt KviiiiMui. w.a iinn ciiiimnv.it. , max iwe lumtea jnaiw as ne tun-ji si arat,' ! yueBticuutio leader it) an aUittucic , iiimibvm wmnwMt . t.finiMi wwf;cji tie wee m.tiutiK. ana t ados "p S;t Celts, SUXKS irJ I-SEHIS tdtl Cw S,iwr r fMtftMr jiw.. ttcui feraw imi4 mvOuuf mu re ywi libe rt-lk -infant y"l r NRir. f Iwanyiaa U. &. K. d 4oBa - fur ynr nm4 wu!wt 4.rinc arw iitBr2 Mr fwt ui,$ mtt tit Mm4 IwafSM ftul lf IMf filMMCHM. 4maMi amt4A mmlt mvft Ir.pmU m4 Jmo pma . ..r liwointMw r Im iZTf.vl, "y- nir, W 155 SHJKT LOS auiiJ, rtf, jf.. rfW "Ui, cm rawM jrwwi . nr a tt jjfw. f au tmtnur tm f M JKm. Brmmm. 35 Uncth's Quality Utii'S SHOT... Tint flr 1 1 cn ? iAof i L-LEii y Fry 1 1 illHIIWW ft OntilNrinm Wnmmr J.n 2U'Hir 4hw Annua lit Jhr.w l.iiu.er 10 mu mmtnim 9ymmt quit Tiwy find a way. AT THE CKOSSEOADS CF UXCQUi I Im ibe Okhbm A M .4tv3e.f m Wetaesday afseraoons Daily CUeriaB) jjurrying eff to the Coliwram. a year, or ajternatejy vast roe use giani-wneeiea jytarsa Bugjy. n ji. imemoers 01 tne tcrgieaie I tnow. j,t rwammate is an h- British see continuing: f the JCo-'j This .graduate bas also acted as 'department at Harvard maversatyjlete. The difference between the Stft 'rean war in its present form as a a consultant m fluid" measure- have warned students that the use athlete and an erdinary student is !cheap may f avoiding World War nent problems for Gulf Oil And "?3o-Dci" is partially respoaa- thst athle-lirs always wear saede HI ibeap because someone else .texae the war to. worked with sible for the mervous collapse of jackets instead f l-mbcrjiacke!!. I is paying the main price. ;ihe U. S. War Department 4,13 many stuctents around ex.am tameJI JCext the smoker. Smokers "problems vital to the defense ef-" Arlie Bock, hygiene profes- smoke all the time If they told It can be eaiutically stated fart isor. terms (tbe takkiE of ,KE-ta'",iVou tbev STrjokid 10 caearettes 0 0 0 pills 'la-!i-r1d mjury. He day, you could conraine they bare Hp W ir t. Hh-fir,c dis. -If a fellow can't do bis ten classes a day. For tbese sswc- cf award from the AMr-ra '"vourk mitbout resort to such drrs.lcrs are meier seen walking applause.. The jmd an axnastiee. Failing tBtj(Ci - Matir!ll maTinfTt: ff 1 wuld say be doesn't belong ia'arcmmd campus withrrat a cigsret iu uij u Lui?wcMu ct.-w-.,io wall. uj ilu4t iOTTir aiaai n , . . is r e ind r iriEniTa e a Iment cf tbe mfitely tponge-like torium. flSl, all the time trying to ffre out I I . ' 'e. ' I r i - , ' ! .- i: - 1 Xy j H I j J Ctol Comfortable wfc DBaa TAKES OYER