the afQu Moti b 10 Dr. E. N. Anderson To Speak On German Revival Problems Dr. E. N. Anderson, University history professor, will speak on l tie Problem of German Re vival," at the annual YMCA-, YWCA banquet to be held Tues day in the Green Room of the YMCA build ing. This annual banquet is the one time each year when members of both city cam pus and Ag campus are to gether in one group. The p t o- gram will be gin at b p.m. iff. Courtly Lincoln Star Anderson with the invocation given by Dick Monson, past president of the Ag YM. Following dinner is a group songfest led by Marv Stromer, president of city campus YM; a skit on summer projects, led by Doris Carlson, past president of City campus YW; annual reports from the YM and YW city and Ac campus groups and intro duction of guests. Guests at the banquet will in elude members of the YM advi sory board, members of the YM board of management. Commu nity Chest representatives, repre sentatives, representatives from the Lincoln Council of Social Agencies and interested faculty members. "When A Girl Marries," is the humorous reading to be given by Pat Hahn. i The speech by E. N. Anderson will follow. The program Willi close in time for members to attend the Lincoln Symphony, A study of German history and problems has been the object of the five visits Dr. Anderson has made to Germany. He helped draft a policy on re- education in Germany in 1S46, as one of the State Department rep resentatives investigating German schools and universities. Pre viously, he spent a year study ing at the University of Berlin. ; In' 1949, his most recent trip, he toured German universities for four months as a member of a United States War Department commission. The banquet committees were headed by Charles Anderson and Norma Carse, of city campus, chairmen in charge of programs an invitations; Artie Wescott and Art Becker, of Ag campus, chair men of ticket sales, the menu and decorations. Art Becker is pub licity chairman. The table decorations will carry out the theme of summer projects and conferences. Tickets for the dinner may be bought lor $1 from the YW office at Ellen Smith, YW commission leaders, YM cazinet members on Ag campus and the YM offices at Temp. L. VOL. 52 -No. 92 Toic of a Grart Xidwstwn Ztairwsitf LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Thursday, March 5, 1953 NU Foreign Students To Take Two-Day Tour j five. kUIH I MJBM ttlj mfl . 1 Planned In Mortar Board Sponsored Trip A tour of eastern Nebraska for foreign students at the University is being planned by Mortar Board Society during spring vacation March 6 and 7. The two-day tour, which will Include visits to Omaha, Fremont, Columbus. Hastings and Geneva. is designed to help international students better understand typical midwestern communities. Co-chairmen of the Mortar Board Tour, Elizabeth Gass and Hester Morrison, explain the tour also will give residents or the communities which are visited, an opportunity to know and visit Social Work School Plans Instifufo V V ( ; Vr I Courtcty Sunday .Tntirnal nd Star Gass Morrison with students from other lands. Members of the tour group, who will be accompanied by a guide able to explain pertinent facts about Nebraska industry, farming methods and communities as well as chaperones and several Mortar Boards, "will leave campus by bus the morning of March 6 for Omaha. The group will return late the next evening after dinner in Geneva. In Omaha the group will visit IT ... in m ... ....1. newiy iu prmoMuum tuncwunvi- , - the storkvards Jose practitioners from .tour states wUlMtaa i attend tne i;ignin Annum a it happened at nu Two students were observed at a campus bookstore yesterday purchasing: ret-weil cards. They paused as they Inspected the various cards, obviously looking them over critically for one that contained the proper sentiment. The sympathetic clerk pointed out assorted cards In an effort to assist the men In their selec tion of the most appropriate card. After the choice had been made and the clerk was return ing with charge slip, he hap pened to glance on the envelope which the students were ad dressing. His mouth fell open as he read Yosif Vissarionovich Stalin. 'Anti-Trust Enforcement Till Go Up' Hamilton Praises Two Nebraskans Anti-trust enforcement can go only one way now that Nebraska's Herbert Brownell Jr. is attorney general and that way is up, Dr. Walton H. Hamilton, economist lawyer and visiting lecturer on the University campus, said Wednesday. Vigorous anti-trust enforcement is a Nebraska product, related Hamilton, who was a special as sistant to the attorney general from 1938 1o 1945. "Enforcement reached its peak between 1938 and 1943 when attorney general and bis two Tight Nebraska graduates," he stated. During President Truman's Ad ministration, however, he noted a tendency toward relaxation in the division. '"But now that a Nebraskan is again at the helm, I expect en forcement to rise to the highest point since Arnold," Hamilton prophetized. But he pointed out stumbling blocks in Brownell's path, interference from Secre tary of Defense Wilson and Sec retary of Commerce Weeks, who may attempt to "box him in." During and since "World "War II, Himilton stated, the tendency in business has been toward con mean larger corporations, but larger clusters of corporations," he said. Hamilton will remain on the campus through Friday, lecturing in two classes dally. His subjects reir Kbpefyis IPanir moot murf Stormy Debate Student Council Disagrees On Constitution's Meaning Stormy debate over the inter pretation of the Student Council constitution on candidates lor se lection to Council posts was the theme of the Wednesday meeting of the council. Dean Linscott, chairman of the committee on elections, informed the Council that he had informa tion concerning the eligibility of junior members from Interfra- ternity Council and Panhellenic organizations as possible candi dates for the Council elections. This ruling would be contrary io the general election rule that limits the eligibility of Council member candidates to freshman and sophomore students from or ganizations. These posts are to be served in the selected mem bers following year in school. Linscott added that in the case of these two organizations an ex ception was in order only if they felt that it would be to their best interest to nominate junior candidates for Council positions. Ed Perry, law representative, aMie Mar. 25 Set As Opening For Law College Trials A "'Battle of Wits" lias begun at the University Law College, with the first ""Moot Court" of this year win being scheduled for March 25. The purpose of a "'Moot Court' 'is to give the students eration of the suestn by the ce to apply their learning to a ficticious case pre- Council -after he is able to secure more information on the matter from Miss Mielenze, associate pro fessor ot secondary education. Miss Mielenze originally pointed out the suggested interpretation to Linscott -as the one intended by the framers of the constitu tion. It was decided by the Council that Linscott will be able to pre sent the Question to the Council for further consideration. uai ea xjy iimmucm u uic cum u m a a of Advisors, comprised of scholas- 1 1 1 f 1 f I l 1 tically high students in the Lawj f W " I W college. The students are divided into; I teams of two or three and these teams are arranged in separate; rounds, Ireshman, sophomore and I senior. Each team is given a transcript of the case including all events up to the appeal. It is then the 30b of the teams to build a case, Wayne White, president of theeither pro or con, and present it Student Council, announced that a passage had been erroneously left out of the latest printing of the constitution. Section M' was eliminated, stating that an Inde pendent student Association or similar group 3ias the right to be represented on the Council. "White asked that all members with this error in their constitution man uals correct them. It was proposed that the Ques tion of the eligibility of law stu dents for selection to a Council questioned the validity of this post be sent to the Student Coun- to the court The winning team is decided by a three year competition elimina tion system. The winning Iresh men will compete again in their sophomore year with all but two teams eliminated lor the senior and final round. AH cases, with the senior case excepted, are tried in the Law College courtroom. The judges are selected Irom a number of Lincoln area lawyers. The senior case is tried in the Supreme Court interpretation on the grounds thatlcil judiciary committee for a com- at the capitol building and judged it did not parallel with previous Council interpretations on elec tion Tules. Perry was Tracked ty the ma jority of the Council in bis op position to Linscott's statement. After a period of debate a mo tion was passed to leave the con stitutional interpretation as it stands and to disregard Linscott's statement. This motion was passed by a clear majority. Linscott appealed for Teconsid- plete interpretation. As the rule now Teads a pros pective sophomore in law school is eligible for the law students representative position if he is taking the four year law cur riculum, but not if -he is taking the three year law curriculum. The proposal was accepted and the matter will be presented to the Council judiciary committee. Student Council elections are scheduled lor Monday, May 4. Coiif pmtlve Religions, Discussed By C. ininier By CYNTHIA HENDERSON Staff Reporter The path to God cannot be found through reason alone, but through our willingness to know and understand God, said C, Brannon Rimmer, student at Ful ler Theological Seminary in Pasa dena, Calif., in the third discus- will concern the patent by cost lyn Memorial and conclude with accounting and anti-trust Laws. rlinnnr nf thu Rtnnkvnrds. Hie visit Ik bpinp nnnnsnrpd hv the From Omaha, the eroup will Research Council, and Colleges -ion In hi mtiaji lectures on rwmnnt whnrp thev of Law and Social Sciences. xiuniiiiun hmu iriiuiu are incur vanced Institute offered by the University Graduate School of So- rlnl Wnrlr PrIHav nnd SnturdHV. . ....... ...... 'will Vio Vinnanri In nrlVfltP homes "Casework witn unman-iea, - - r bcrs of rhiiadelphia law firm. Parents," under the leaaersmp oi tvnic&l rtalrv farm and He has been a faculty member of , were the topics of discussion when Miss Leont ne R, Young of Co-w '1 visit a J' Bna, Vnlvenmai of Yale. Texas. Rimmer spoke Wednesday even- Michigan, Chicago and Amherst, ing in Love Library Auditorium. "Christ and Reason." The problem of evil and the problem of comparative religions the Institute. The Institute will meet in the Union from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Friday and Saturday, and from 2 to 4:30 p.m. on Friday. Miss Youne is professor oi Hnd supervisor in public and pri vate agencies in Nebraska, Hono lulu and the East. She joined the faculty of the New York School of Social Work In 1948 and the Ohio State Uni versity In 1952. She has pub lished a book on the subject of adoption. According to the University Graduate School of Social Work, the purpose of the Institute is to piovide for casework personnel in Nebraska and the region an op portunity for professional growth In a stimulating group and with ble leadership. nm Tvfirllatifl CnUnnn lit nu , - - , -r, .1 -- - .it- - .11 from Fremont tOie was on tne iNauonui necovery lumraer spune oj. ue uuw Administration Doara irom juj.circies oi sin representing ine did to 1935, and is the author of live,lical point of view. Inside the first books. large circle of sin, are two slightly overlapping circles of sins and suffering. Rimmer pointed -out that there are five systems of reasoning: 1. Atheism the doctrine denying the existence of God; 2. Agnotism Proceeding Columbus, the group will tour the power plant and a shoe fac tory. Al It un..l ntnn TTndt It. rf E. 4ltn m inu iicai niui, iiutut,a, ""-i.i i v 4 E r,in Tii students will see the House ofi( himnft AAPt .Sft t , rt..ii a rVootorrlnv nnd mpfit with Other - ver8ity acnooi oi oociai nunmi-i" j - -- , - . istration. She was a caseworker i'"r-'K iu n--"-.- The last town on the itinerary is Geneva, which has been selec ted to give the group a view of a typical smaller community. After dinner with a civic group there, the troupe will return to Lincoln. Cost of the trip to participants will be annroximately $3. This includes meals, lodging and trans portation. Interested students should con tact Gertrude Cary, 1520 R, 2-1174 by March 11. The proposed tour Is the first to be planned by the Block Mas que Chapter of Mortar Board. For Seven Coeds Seven homp economics students will nttflnri the flplher Convention1 the belief that there may be a (home economics in business) in God and still mere may not De, Chicago Friday and Saturday, The students are Bctti Ander sen. Elizabeth Anderson, Joan 3. Deinism the belief that uod created the universe and then left it alone entirely: 4. Pantheism Follmcr, Mary Kay Richards, the belief that suffering is mevn- IMarllyn Schnert, Helen Dicke, able; and 5. Theism the doctrine Dora Hueftle, Donna Tinknam of Christianity, summer sum mtu nnd Dolores Gade. Miss Lorraine we all belong to one of these Wilson is sponsoring the group. The convention, which will be hold in the Sherman Hotel, is for suceBsful student home econom ists in all universities and colleges. classes and that each has litf own conception of the existence of evil and suffering in the world. Rimmer believes that the answer to this perplexing question of evil in the world may be found if -we understand the motives of God and if we ask lor an explanation from God lor hiB actions as we would ask lor an explanation from one whom "we love whom we nave misunderstod. The second problem Rimmer discussed what that of compara tive religions. Under this topic Rimmrr asked if our sincerity alone in believing what "we con sider right is a virtue. He does not believe it is. Also Rimmer said that it is impossible to be intelli gent and be an eclectic at the same time. Himmer also discussed the'lp8011 Christian diolectic of justice and mercy. He cited the two factions of reconciliation as the Personal and the Legal. Rimmer Rnid that Christ hnn nl- ready paid for the legal side ofiRobert 'Otto n Mar' our sins by his death and now it is our job to settle the personal side. Cod is a judge and a father. and like a judge he must test our sins but he also loves us as a father while he is judging us, ac cording to itimmer. Billoni for "CwsipEis Titl I," "13 I Nearly 100 roeds will by vying for campus titles and positions March 11. Associated "Women Students, Coed Counselors, Barb Activities Board of Women and Women's Athletic Association will be elect ing their presidents, vice-presidents and board members. May Qunen election will also be held. The slates for these organiza tions will be announced Morch 10. The May Queen candidates were announced yesterday. AWS Board Associated Women Student po rtions total 17 vacancies. Besides the president and vice-president, five board members will be elected from each cIbm. Senior AWS Board members picked the sluto. The BO coeds interviewed for positions were Judged on the basis of their work done for AWS. their past experi ences In activity work and their miHHMtlons for Improvement of the AWS Board. Class renresontatlon must in elude one independent girl. The complete board must have no more than one Lincoln girl Hnd . one girl from the College of Agri culture. In the past year, the AWS Hoard has revised the activity point system and the rules rov ernlng university women. They have sponsored the Activities Mart for freshmen coeds end Coed Follies. Their next project is the Ivy Duy Sing. Coed Counselors Two senior clrls will be candi dates for president of Coed Coun selors. The Board will be com posed of two seniors, six sopho mores and eight Juniors. A change has been made in tne constitution of Coed Counsnlors. The Board will no longor he corn- nosed of enuol numbers of nriin- atwi and unaffiliated girls. The new constitution requires the senior positions to be filled wltH one affiliated nnd one un affiliated mombor. Sophomore and Junior boards must be com posed of at least two affiliated nnd two unaffiliated members. The remaining candidates will be chosen on the basis of voting choice Activities sponsored by Coed nnunsclors durinE each schnol year include the Freshman Party, three Campus Know-how pro ommi. Penny Carnival and the Friendship Dinner. Barbs Independent girls will close 12 cnedB to represent tnem in tmro Activities Board of Women work, Using Interest In independent activities as the basis of thulr Judging, present UABW Board membors picked a slntc of Wo formol Interviews were hold. Each full UABW sponsors the "Hollo Girl" dance. Previous to this dance, a typical independent girl Is elected by popular campus vote. Taking an active intorest in the wulfare of othor people, BABW mukes up a food biiHkot foi a needy family at Christmas nndi sponsor "Get Acquainted" parties for lorclgn students. WAA Officers Three officers of the Womon'si Athletic Association will be chos-. en Wednesday. WAA mcmborB who SltlOBUS The constitution now states that house representatives cannot be on the Sports board. Union To Sponsor Dance On Friday Informul dances will be hold every Friduy in the Round-Up Room of the Union for students who wish to drop in after a bas ketball game or motion picture. A dunce scheduled lor Friduy will be a Btng or date affair with new and populur records lurniBh have ing the music. earned 10 points this your will Snociul requests for new records vote for president, treasurer and. may be turned In to the Student secretary of the orgunlzution. I Activities office or the Union An amendment to the "WAA, Dunce Committee which sponsor Constitution will also appear on the dunces. the ballot, allowing represents-j Dancing from D p.m. to mid lives from orgunlzed houses to be 'night is open to all students at no sports chairmen. I cost. Join The Crusade For Safety Here Is My Pledge I iwnciiMliy plaint mriwK to tlttr and wnlli tly im1 tnink In trm at MMty Ihramihom ihu.i. I uivr tin nntmlait 'In ftoumM unit mrm4lnM hi" nut oiulrtxwl fully my oblliriillmi til iimtrtl mv lltn anil Ihr Urn nf ni funillv nnd my tllntv mn. I plnlm- nT" Mrlh.r to nitTunm Ihr Mm m Mifttlv hv htuinc ptirt In -Mfniy ullvHlm al my tiub, whMl, minoym irraup imil nlHr rwMlaa!la. NAIK NT. AIIDIIKIW Oil ItllltAL 110 1 ITU Nil., UlTX AND RTATK. By BILL IlICVEIES Staff Writer March fifteenth is the income tax deadline. If you don't pot it on the line, you're dcud .. .. . How they've got a form where you guess at your income lor next year. I sent it in but 1 didn't Bign my name to it. I figured if 1 eould guess at my income, the govern ment could guess who sent It in .. But I don't have to worry about my income tax. I got Sher lock Holmes to figure it our lor me he's an expert at deductions. After all, you can't tuke it with you, nnd even if you could, it would melt. Anyway, as long as "that time" is almost here, 1 think the following poem is appropriate. it is entitled, "Ode To Income." All through the your, My profanity's curbed, But that deadline is neur And I'm Toully disturbed. It would curdle your blood To hear what 1 say ( While I'm chewing my cud Over 1040-A! Dent look for sunshine on Tri uav, at least that i wliut the weather man report. The tem perature will he in the forties, and the sky will be overcast. Then there was the perpetual college drunk who was lust seen carrying home u man hole cover to piny on his phonograph. So far by three members of the State Su preme Court. State rules apply to all these eases. The winning seniors are pre sented with gold keys and their names are inscribed on a plaque in the main foyer of the law building. Pairings lor the eases are: Freshman John Brown and Edward Pear son versus Harvey Goth and John Futcher on Mar. 56 at 7:30 p.m.' Robert Hinds and Gilbert Gunder- son versus John Curtiss and Dan iel Lavaty on Mar. 21 at 5:30 p.m.; Charles Beatty and Stanley Sny der versus Alfred Blessing and Charles Burmeister on Mar. 21 at 7:30 p.m, Donald Sampson and Sidney Sweet versus Charles "Wright and James Trumbull on Mar. 50 at 3:30 p.m William Mooney, Bran son Moore and Bill Bonnstetter versus Robert Hnsebrook, Jere miah Massey and Richard WorraH on Mar. 30 at 7:30 pjn.; Asher Geisler and Claire Johnson versus Armin Pagel, Raymond G-aines and Ormand Meyer on Mar. 31 at 3:30 p.m. Robert Berkshire and Robert Johnson versus James Hewitt and Allan Garfinkle on Mar. 51 at 7:30 p.m.; William Marx and John Bunger versus Paul Bradley and Roger Smith on April 1 at 3:30 p.m.; John Schaper and Drew Til- versus Ira .Epstein ana Gerry Fellman on April 1 at 7:30 p.m. Sophomore Kenneth Legg and Richard Hansen versus Guy Curtis and 25 at 2:31) p.m.; waiter Henderson and lies- lie Jensen versus Eleanor Knoll and Janice Lindquist on Mar. 25 at 7:30 p.m.; Don Cunningham and Floyd Goff versus Fred Schroeder and Norman Oliver on Mar. 26 at 5:30 p.m. Senior Warren Wise and John Dier versuB Bill Grant and Robert Green on April 4. Discuss U.N. Procedure Correct parliamentary proce dure in the United Nations Gen eral Assembly will be reviewed at the NUCWA meeting Thursday night Will linkage! speech assistant. will act as chairman of discus sion. NUCWA members will por tray various points of parliamen tary procedure and show how dif ferent actions -can be blocked. Other types of parliamentary procedure to be discussed are privileged motions, incidental mo tions, subsidiary motions and principal motion. Tenative schedule lor the spring conference begins March 18, with the opening session in the Union ballroom from 2 to 5 pjn. and world court in the ballroom from 7 to S pjn. March 39 committee meetings from 2 to S p.m. and a speech by Dr. Nasrollah Saipour Fatemi are scheduled. March 20 committee meetings from 2 to 5 pjn. and the closing session "will be beld in the Union ballroom. Dr. Fatemi, Iranian representa tive to the Security Council and UNESCO conference in Cleveland, Ohio, will be the main speaker at the conference. Thursday's meeting win be beld in Parlor -X In the Union at 730 p.m. YM-YW Tour Registration Ends March 77 Begistration lor the TMCA- YWCA seminar in New York is to close March 11. Vacancies win be filled -on a first come, first served basis. The YM-YW chartered bus will leave Lincoln Mar. 20 and return Mar. 50. The 39 students and two chaperones will spend three days in Washington, D. C, and four lays in .New York City. Total costs, including registration lor the seminars, room, meals, and transportation will average be tween $00 and $110. .Students wiU attend ooth the "Meet-Your Government" and "United Nations" seminars which are sponsored by the National Student Council of the YMCA and YWCA. Wearing Jest Project Used At Teachers High A new project of testing the hearing of the 200 students at Dairymen Honor NU The University "was honored at the annual bunquet iof the Ne braska State Dairymen's Associa tion in Lincoln Tuesday. The Scotts Bluff Substation at MiteheU was awarded a silver medul for its herd -which averaged 400 pounds of butterfat per cow for the second period of five years and not less than 550 pounds for any one of the ten years. Teachers College High School is being introduced Wednesday and Thursday. The audiometer, .an electric de vice which Is used lor hearing tests, will aid in these tests. AH modern and standard equipment win be used. It is hoped that these tests can be used ion a larger scale in the future to detect deficiencies In hearing. Dr. Thorpe, principal oi the school, and Mr. Candee are in charge of the tents. IF in University Students have signed The Ndbraskan Safety Pledge hrlme HukhmsQn- M ns Trip To VlGsfunglGUf D.C Murlene Ilutchlnhon, a Ag Col lege freBhmun from Lincoln, was awarded a trip to Washington D.C. for outstanding work in 4-H work. She is one of the six that is se lected euch your from the nation to help present a 4-H report to C.'ouflftvXfneolii flutr THA.KIXNE irUTCmNSON Ehe nation, to President Dwlght Eisonhnwer; Agriculture Secretary, Ezra Taft Benson and ether of ficials. She won her trip to the na tion's capital through her -H leadership project. The trip to Washington DL which is March TL, B and 8 is one of the highest awards that mem bers -of the 4-H Oubs can re ceive. She 4s the duughter id Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Hutchinson who are former 4-H dub members. JUarlene has been active in ft-H work lor mine years. She ihas ibeon throutih 30 proj ects, most 'of them home econo mlcs, and 25 projects jib a lender. Miss Hutchinson has served as loader lor two Uneoln clubs, the Merry .Melodies and the Rocy Cheeks Health club and assis tant leader f .the .Nifty North eunt club. Murlene said,"! think -H work has given me coxifMenoe and helped me grow .as on individual. It huB helped me to sbe of aervine to 'others." Her wmk us a 4-H memlmr ended -with, her entrance to col lege. She has T'on three trips to the National Club Congress in Chicago nnj a $4B0 -scholarship. r 3 n Mil i , i 01 ESS CSS n ft u y