The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 26, 1953, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Poqe 4
Thursdoy, Februory 26, S53
Sfeep Ladders, Catwalks Provide
Entrance To Love Library Cupola
s' n
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FROM THE TOP ... This view of the campus was taken from
atop Love Library in the cupola. Two photographers and a re
porter are the first to enter the cupola to take pictures.
Chairmen Elected fMil Dlnwyrx Hi If
For Engineer Week I1 YiwllcywcuillCUll iwi iw w
To Appear On Waring Show
Concert Scheduled
A view of the cupola from the
top of Love Library.
nrrir mrrrv larDroximatelv an 80-decree angle; during the time the armv
Feature Editor and the second at a 90-degree an- the library, the janitor explained.! many five times, studying German
It mar be treacherous, but it's'gle. Then, a soldier had to climb upj history and problems. During his
" . tin 4. lnJA Kn rlllu.1. J U n K mywt ragout tpin in 1 UdVI np S
A EOOu V v iicil tuiuuuig; ii ic iauuci, vvc.iu uic LUAiia auu (jui i i . c idg uui m..
John Whitlock and Norm
Scott will be co-chairmen .of the
41st annual Engineers' Week ac
tivities beginning April 30.
Departmental chairmen for E
Week, elected by their respective
societies, are Gordon Kruse and
Bill Stout, Agricultural Engi
neers; John Savage and Tad
Tucker, Architectural Engineers;
Dick Pusateri and Lloyd KeJlar,
Chemicar Engineers; Leslie Mar
tin and Jack Bale, Civil Engi
neers; Arthur Gross and Paul
Moseman, Electrical Engineers
and Bernard Kittle and Charles
Schade, Mechanical Engineers
Engineers' Week Open House
will be held on April 30. The
Convocation, Field Day, and Ban
quet will take place May 1.
E. N. Anderson
To Address
YM Banquet
Dr. E. N. Anderson will discuss
'The Problems of German Re'
vival" at the annual YMCA
YWCA banquet to be held March
10 in the YM Green Room at 6
D.m. -
Dr. Anderson, university nis
uovlitorv Drofessor. has visited Ger-
1 1
Previously, no one had been al- could spot a small beam of light at
lowed to co ud there, because two, me lar ena. inis was - irap uuoi
students had stepped off the cat
ceiling of a study room on fourth
floor. Therefore, it is necessary
to obtain permission from the Di--Uinn
f Rnilrfinps and Grounds
to enter the cupola on Love Li- about nine feet wide
brarv. Ieel JO"s
opening into the cupola
The cupola on Love Library is
every morning.
Some of the names are: Jim
Woodbury, John Brown. Connie
Owen, Pat Beadle, Jim Heppner,
member of a United States War
Departemnt commission which
toured German Universities for
four months.
One of the representatives from
the State Department mvestigat
all wood except for four large 'Don Young, Bob James, Jean Mc-
windows. containing 30 small ; Cartney and Betty Crubb. It must
panes of glass. The cupola is have been a steep climb for those ing German schools ana umver-
and nine girls. . sities in 1946, he neipea arau a
I A few cigaret butts, match fold-policy on re-education in Ger-
TWIN PIANO . . . Virginia Morley and Livingston Gearheart,
twin-piano virtuosos, will be an additional feature to the Fred
Waring show which will be Tuesday, Mar. 3.
Annual Nebraska Art Association Exhibit
To Open At University Galleries Sunday
Speech And Hearing Clinic
Aids Students, Lincolnites
Staff Writer
& n .t ermmnoH with Names and Greek letters are ers. rusty nails and an old wooden many. Previously, ne spent a year
cameras took the elevator to j carved into the walls dating from I box complete the furnishings ofistudying at the University of
fourth floor of Love Library and:1942 to 1946. Caning was doneithe cupola. " jBerlin. -
walked down a long corridor to
a locked door.
We continued up a steep flight
of steel stairs and proceeded to
balance ourselves on a catwalk
about 12 inches wide. While walk
ing on the long catwalk, we filed
our way through the air-condi-tiong
plants and air ducts. After
j : Unnlr f . i "i 1 L-i n fT th'fk
ramVtn a ladder divided into two' The 1953 exhibition of the Ne- A special feature of this yearsjtion of Arts. He was curator of;in 1940 under the direction of.partment is the head of the Clinic
" ' . , hraeta Art Accnriaimn ni r.rwn i vhmiriAn ic tha trrrMin rsr wnrirs ' n AvraTi vp arte or i no i pvp ani . , . '
JLl Lb. i. 11C III iouuvt
For Tuesday Night
Virginia Morley and Livingston
Gearheart, twin-piano virtuosos,
will be an added feature to the
Fred Waring and his Pennsylvan
ians concert in the Coliseum Tues
day at 8 p.m.
The husband wife team are
appearing at only 14 of the 63
cities which the Fred Waring con
cert is touring.
The duo-pianists featured on
Waring's television shows, met
and combined their musical talents
in Paris when they were scholar
ship students at the Fontainebleau
Before returning to the United
States, they presented several
joint recitals in Paris, Lyons, Zu
rich, Berne, Fontainebleau and
Paris. They make annual concert
tours through the States and Can
ada. The pair's unusual arrange
ments of popular music, featured
in several of New York's top night
spots, brought them to the atten
tion of Fred Waring. Since 1943
they have appeared regularly on
his show.
Gearheart has written many of
the musical arrangements for the
Pennsylvanians, including "Dry
Bones." More of the team's in
ventiveness is appearent in the
nine popular tunes contained in
their albums, "Night Life of Two
Pianos" and "Two Americans in
Miss Morley, a native of Cali
fornia, studied piano from early
childhood and later won highest
honors in piano and composition
at Mills College, Cal. This lead to
tients at the Veterans Hospital; a scholarship to study under Rob
in order to aid the correction of ert Casadesus in Paris.
The Speech and Hearing Clinic speech problems. Gearheart, born in Buffalo,
headed by Dr. Wiley is perhaps The Clinic handles cases oiiN- Y, first studied piano under
a project that University students speech problems of a very severe nis mother- An oboist and com
know little about. !nalurP an(1 ntlim lhat nrp minnr ? Pinist. he
- - r a e rA-aiiinACA rvrwMr r t
This clinic which was started Dr. Wiley of the Speech
Hice To Speak
At York HS
William H. Hice, assistant pro
fessor of Journalism, will speak
to an all-school convocation
York High School Thursday.
open exhibition is the group of works decorative arts at the Cleveland ! Dr. Laase provides an opportu- and be is assisted by Mr. Adams,
in the University Art Galleries in by contemporary Italians which Museum of Art 1919; curator ofnit' rrtrrtinn f ciwrh de
the super-isor.
The Clinic urged students with
Clinicians work with persons 'speech problems to investigate the!near Fred Waring at Shawnee-on-
Morrill Hall on Sunday for a;begins with some of the elders of ipainting, 1925-30; director 1930 toj ficiencies or difficulties.'
monin s run. imoaern liaiian an sucn as mo- present.
The exhibition, oldest of its randi, Sironi and
"Z??jl?TDZ rr!SWal programs have been in-ing Clinic. Their deficiency mayl
Uv-Arai vrc in tomtc nf material if,,. Af r,A rnrini WnrVc'fmm iqfi t loin rA-!sta1Jed to ald ln correcting those neipea or completely corrected.
De-,raneements for violin entitled
"Fiddle Sessions."
When not. on tour or making
TV apeparances, the Gearhearts
and their seven-year-old son live
Martini and Rathbone is a graduate of HaH.Au
fashionable vard University and was curatori"., B" u" lr riTnio AtU IZ ra
induded. There will be paintings, I also include a still younger con-! tary-directer of the "Masterpieces j 01 ine various age groups.
sculputre, drawings, prints -nd tingent Salvatore de Messina,! of Art" exhibition, New York Tbe pre-school children w 1 1 h PvQprtc TO JudaP
ceramics. iRoberto Crippa and Luciano World's Fair. 1939. He has been'sPb problems meet during the
Most of the material will
American but there will be a spe-
beiMiori, who are only now making director of the Citv Art Museum for two hours with Mrs. Dr;J-,0 rnfoc I
e- their first appearances in Ameri-'in St Louis since 1940. Mlller in vcharSe- 011 Saturday , iH U Dfiage V.OnTeST
I iicKeis tor tne waruig concert
may be purchased at booths in
the Union and Ag Union lobbies.
A special student section ticket
costs $1.50. Other tickets range
from $1 to $3.
at rial wtinn naintinps anH iiln ran fvhihiiinnc TvtnrAC Hnrinv March n-ill Vw morning me cniiaren 01 SCnoOl
ture by contemporary Italians and The central body of the showiat P1"- on Wednesday, March !'"sc
The convocation will pay tribute representative examples by other
to a group of students who are to European artists such as Stanley
be initiated into Quill and Scroll, Spencer, Joan Miro, Paul Klee
journalism honorary for high and Ernest Barlach.
school students.
In his speech, "You Don t Sayr
Hice will discuss the responsibili
ties facing today's American
newspaper. He will stress the
view that while the press is
aware of certain areas in which
it hopes to become better, much
of the criticism aimed at it is un
fair. ,
Hice feels that the press is do
ing an admirable job, and the
American people need to give it a
He will also discuss the factors
which make the best reporters.
Winners of the Union-sponsored Louis Glymph To Speak
idge tournament are being!. . ai
dged in New York bv bridge V.On$erVCHIOn Meet
s and'22 anl 29-A11 lectures will be held! week at arranged times for aidexperts. Results will be announced' The student chapter of Soil
rt As-1 in Gallery B of the University; in numerous speech problems. !jn iate March. I Conservation Society of America
r.iuriiic it-;ii tjii - -n - f .u. .u- '! . . ... I will hold & monthly meeting
will consist of manv Americans!1"' 11 and 24. Lectures will be aouiis. oom university siu-,. " . . . .7 At Consprvatinn Moot
whosework has bESwS ?Un-(held at 3 p.m. on March 7, 8, isjdents and others, meet during the Judged in New York by bnde OnsetlOn Meet
coin on previous occasions
som vnhn arp nw in the Art
uaiienes, moitui Hall,
Tha nattAm nf h pvhihit is nni : :: - HallArip XTnrrill Hall . I fn r.t v,o fagdiuc iho ... ... . ' w m noia
r''.---. iauciauuu a uuuul. ' . . avmuam v wiv kuiiiv f ma mnnprc l 1 u an tn Kancac ti . -
of maximum variety, reflecting n,,A Any campus group desiring a is the active program that is be-'siato rnllPP in nartiinat- in h lnur5aay
tures will be Henrv Koerner,scond,u,cted tour of the ebibition ing carried on for foreign stu- Big-Seven Conference tourna-!.Pf meeting, slated for room
DiKhfiiM'a -u .'-v. w . uvKiii.iii.ii. v. .
the University's and the Art As-;
sociation's widening interests. Thisir'," -7. .
. , . , J . A 1 tlllllCt ft! UUI lit J . UUI L1U11.1U if M- A m .
;7jr;h.A h,Tty. ' sprmg,- Gorkys- r
Menkes "Boy With
class work and ment. They will also enter the306 Agronomy building, well be-
uH. opened any evening except Satur-
Udy . vr aunc
j these groups.
permanent collections which bavej, - ,
VCm dtUUUCU icicili jtaii.. , cv,u'.
Basic to the exhibition plan i is erie st'e and Rnath's "Nau-liay or Sunday to accommodate
me inclusion or a scieticu uumua u:.,!
. . i . : a .1 1 . iJLa i.
01 worKS Dy Americans ui uic : i
19th century. In the show will! Among the "comers to the q j ncmr:ftr
be choice examples of Blakelock, Lincoln show will be Johah kmig- LUnunq inSirUCTIOn
Ryder, takins, Newman ana weir. -v,.., r J r., 1 1,,., "hearing aids. Also some of the
Among American moderns of the'Andrews. Douglas Snow, Mariana DOnSOred DV U 11 1011 student clinicians work with pa-
three days in ad-;clinic work these students are national collesiste hridpo iniimaJgin at 7:30 p.m. Speaker for the
galleries will bejhelped with speech problems,1 ment ievenirg will be Louis Glymph, re-
q ',1 J'n0 LS5eThi Team winners of preliminaries lon sedimentologist He will
9 and 10 especially designed for,.ere Joe jerman and Mar speak on "Sedimentation Prob
the foreign students. 1 Thompson, Sydna Fuchs and Mar-jlems of the Nebraska Farmer."
The Speech and Hearing Clinic ion Brown, Paul Gaiter and Jerry! The Nebraska chapter is the
has a contract with the Veterans Weinberg, Kent Kelley and Bill first student chapter of this club
Administration tor tne lining oi Mundeii. to be founded.
early 20th century are Pender
gast, Maurer and Hartley,
Travel And Study Inc.
Offers Summer Tours
Peneda and Forbes Whitesides.
An especially large section of
.drawings and prints will also dis
tinguish the exhibition from its
predecessors. Prominent among
the print makers represented will
be Antonio Frasconi, Karl Zerbe,
Louis Schanker, Adja Yunkers,
Carol Summers, Nance De Groot
!and Ynez Johnston. Papers by Ar-
,bit Blatas, Cornelis Rhutenberg
Charleston sambo, m a m b o,t
Travel and Study, Inc., of New.Romillat Ernst of New York City . ing among the drawings
York City has announced its pro- will supervise the group. The poter's art will be shown
gram for 1953. The Art, Theatre, and Music j the work of Martha Lauritzen,
The organization each year or-!tul: attend the major art Franz Wildenhain, Robert Turner,
ganizes a scries of tours abroad; festivals. (Helen Clark Phillips, Carlton Ball,
to bring students and professional , Ttiest. an? iVest tour..wlU; Aaron Bohrod and Walter Ander
people into contact with their col- study the rise of W estern civihza-json.
jegiate and proiessionai colleagues " ,V j ' u I The
waltz, rumba, tango and jitterbug Instruction Bureau Buys
steps, beginning and advanced,; --wn. w uwj
will be taught in the Union ball- Films For Foreign Aid
room for six weeks starting March I ,, . . .
10. j The University s Bureau of
The free lessons to be taught by j Audio-Visual Instruction has pur
Donna McCandless will be given i chased four films which will be
on March 10. 17. 24, 31, and April translated into foreign languages
15 and 22 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. .and shown to farmers and agri-
k.. culture leaders around thp wnrH
XTHSiiiS !SSdlStadent Union Dance Committee,! The National Education and In
Fn amti a i outs.tand-j wi continuation of the series formation Films of Bombay, In-
inff svnnnff The drawing 1 s j ; . . - . . ..
m unite insvrucrion given aunng oia, nas purchased "Hunting Ani-
the first semester.
Union Dance Saturday
nroffram nf arlivilis
in fnrntv oreece, lurKey, me Lieoanon, , . r.
in turope. C:.. 'tj V- 4 ,'iplanned to hiehlicht the exhibition
Student, of journalism and cur-,- Nortrn Tour w 1 tike in win incclud lectu
Aulgnfnentto-rr.directedbyDr.j01;.' of the Cleveland Mu-I?"" f mu.c " f'" for
Ralph O. Nafziger, director of the1 dent? or artand It- seura of ad pry T. Rath- a"y ,"al .recor4ds !f. be played
University of Wisconsin's School? J."". F '"."-hon of th- CitV Art xt,m. S'ven to either Dolores
i i i.i j i in i iinv hi l n in - - - -
A dance after the Nebraska
Oklahoma basketball game will
be held in the Round-Up room of
the union Saturday from 9 to 12
New popular dance records will
of Journalism.
The students will participate in
seminars conducted by prominent
European statesmen. Also partici
pants will acquire background
knowledge or European at iairs study. Inc., 110
through studies at the SorbonnejNew York NY.
and visits to SHAPE and the In-;
Milliken ; id Rathbone will assist
in the selection of works to be
added to the Frank M. Hall col-
versity of Rome and one for stu
dents of political science and eco
nomic it lh T!nivpritir of ParU
further information may be rculu" 31 L,mverjiy.
obtained by writing to Travel and! Milliken is a graduate of Prince-
East 57th St, ton and Western Reserve Univer
sities. He is a member of the
Carag or Danny Fogel.
The casual dance will be
and cokes will be served.
mays of the Past" a film dealing
with the University s work in
"Irrigation in Nebraska" and
"Correspondence Study" have
been supplied to the United States
State Department for its informa
tion service abroad.
Throufch the Mutual Securities
Administration, the films "Irriga
tion in Nebraska" and "Seed Cer
tification in Nebraska" are being
used to aid in the recovery pro-
free grams of various foreign coun
I tries.
ternational Press Institute. Ifmvorcitv nf irnriua
. , -,. - .
The Fashion tour workshoos
will center in Italy, England and Announce. Assistantships'society, 'vice-president and mem
Fr.nM Ttf4if n-irtta will Ka inirA.1 i n ..
Archeological Institute of Amcri-H
ca, the Medieval Academy of
America, the American Ceramic
The Graduate School of Syra
cuse University
France. Participants will be intro
duced to European fashion crea
The Junior Tour tor young peo-ithat 15 to 20 graduate assistant
pie between 16 and 18 will centcrbips are open to qualified women
Interest on the French language graduates or teachers during the
and civilization. Mme. Jeannej 1953-1954 school year.
Applicants must be interested in
ber of the Council of the Ameri-
has announced association of Museums and
a iruicc oi uie rtjncrican rcaera-
Faculry Recommendation
Prerequisite For Award
preparing themselves for student
personnel work as that done by
j advisers of girls, deans of women,
jresidence heads and counselors.
Any girl with a high scholastic! Application forms and detailed
average, who will graduate in information are available by writ
June or August cf 1954, 1955, 1956,iing Dr. Ruth Haddock, assistant
and who can show evidence of director. Student Personnel Grad
fi nan rial need, is eligible to applyjuate Program, Syracuse Univer
for a scholarship offered by the sity, Syracuse 10, N. Y.
American Association of Univer-I
sity Women. jRadcliffe Management
Application blanks may be se-JT . B
rured t the office of the Dean of! warning rrogram Opens
Vomen ii Ellen Smith Hall and Radcliffe College is offering fif
ln ttie Home Economics office at! teen full tuition fellowships to
Ag College. I young women to study the vari-
When applying, girls are askedous fields of administration un
to give the Registrar's office writ- der Management Training Pro
ten permission to send their grades Jram.
to the scholarship committee. Th stipend is $650.
Two letters of recommendation,! fBrAl vf,e Ult
one from a faciity member, must
be submitted. The letters may be
sent direct or enclosed with the
' Letters and applications must be
sent on or before March 6, 1353
to Miss Mary Jean Mulvaney,
450 South 41st Street Lincoln, Nebraska.
fellowship of $300 based on merit
and financial need.
Also college loans up to $400
each are available.
Faculty members of the Har
vard Graduate School of Business
Administration provide the bulk
of the instruction and case ma
terial . Two five-week periods of
full-time field work will provide
the student witn practical experi
ence in busincM situations.
Further information, a 1953-1954
catalogue and a pamphlet show-
A Smith College survey of car
driving permission at numerous
eastern women's colleges revealed
jrwiie highly restrictive rules.
' Four forbid all student driving;1 ing positiSns now held by grad
six limit cars to seniors; three uates are avail ibl from T. North
permit commuter students only to! Whitehead, Director of the Man
have cars; only five allow cars aU.agrment Training Program, Rad
toxtt years. Iclife College, Cambridge 38, Mas3.
OF C10C3
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