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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1953)
Thursday, February 26. 1953 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Cinderma Face Huge Test Next Coach Ed Weir of the Nebraska track team heads southward with his charges this week for the Big Seven Conference Indoor Cham pionships at Kansas City. Coach Weir hopes for a first di vision berth but, admits it will take some inspired performances to land his Scarlet-clad entry in the upper division. From championship stature twj years ago, the Cornhusker squad has been riddled by graduation and service calls. In dual competition this winter, Nebraska has been able to win but one meet, a triangular with Colo rado and North Dakota. The Sear let dipped its colors to Kansas, Kansas State and Oklahoma in duals. Coach Weir recalls the 1952 meet when but two points sepa rated second and fourth places in the Big Seven carnival. The Cornhuskers must depend largely upon field event perform-l ers and one hurdler, Dan Tolman. Cliff Dale, shot putter from Falls City is undefeated with his best toss measuring 49 feet 4 inches. However, Larry Horine of Colorado, has a toss of 50 feet ra Z3. Tolman's best time in the high hurdles is :07.8 which has been matched by Pat Hindman, Colo rado and Bill Biberstein, Kansas. Dan's best in the lows is :07.1. Gray of Missouri and Corky Tay lor of Kansas State have simmed these barriers in an even :07. The broad jumping duo of Glenn Beerline and Irving Thode provide hope for other Nebraska points. Page 3 Timber-Topper Tolman s Mi. JL V ' i ; 1 I 1 COACH PREDICTS CLOSE GAME klalb 3 " "pi mma, MO Taim yrflh IPosofoomi Courtny Sunday Journal and Star HUSKER HURDLING STAR . . . Dan Tolman, leading barrier-Jumper on the NU track squad, will match strides with the Big Seven's best Friday and Saturday at Kansas City in the conference indoor track and field championships. Coach Weir expects most of Nebraska's points to come in the field events, but Tolman will be counted upon for points in the hurdle races. IM TEAMS IN FINAL STRETCH Yen! ayo MCao 4 M osiH cOs Clinch ionspGn By HOWARD VANN Assistant Sports Editor Basketball Coach Harry Good was unoptimistic as he antici pated the Oklahoma invasion of the coliseum Saturday. "It's hard to make any predic tions about the outcome of Sat urday's game," stated Good. The two teams will be battling it out for fourth place in the Big Seven standings. In the last game between these two teams, the Huskers won a hard-fought con test, 59153. The coach went on to say that in the last NU-OU game, played at Norman, both teams were pretty exhausted from their pre vious week-end losses, NU to Kansas and the Sooners to Kan sas State. "The Huskers did play a fair game on the OU campus," said Coach Good but he believes that both squads are capable of better play. The Sooners started out the season with three quick wins and astounded the league by their performance, but the picnic ended abruptly. Oklahoma dropped their next five games before regaining their winning tactics against Col orado last Monday at Boulder, 83-81. Missouri dropped Nebraska from a third place tie last Satur day by taming the Huskers,- 66-59, but NU has been progressing in their practices this week. Willard Fagler had a good night against the Sooners and Coach Good expects Fagler to re gain his form he had down at By BILL MUNDELL Ipha Gamma Rho "B" and Betaiurday if the unbeaten Dental Intramural Sports Columnist Theta Pi "B" are all currently tied I Sophomores duplicate their early Onlv ten intramural raw tpams with similar 6-4 marks. The Wed-'season win over the Navy ROTC. had clinched playoff positions 1 SVJ J tJ!. S? alo Vted ZSJIft arAA, v, loco i""s " """6 " " out mat Kill jonnson and Joe Good have been improving stead ily. ' I Jin, i ii m mi an wwwwww iimwuiiiiiiii ' mi 11 11 i.j n m n 11. u i n. i inn 1111 mi .11 1 S t I I I 'I I f f t 1 jEHZSH" ' Beerline has a season's best 01 1 w eanesaay as tne basket-i dispute, however. with a flip of the coin probably 23-4s4 while Thode has a mark ball season entered its final fourj The big tourney the 28-team'deciding the Just and second cf 26-6'i. However, the field inL,vs nf ar1inri A .a tn1al f iaa .ha Va1 c;v tfams!berth presentations. 46 tournament positions still re-j already assigned playoff berths. I The battle between Phi Gamma 1 mier-varsiiv nas naiiea auwu ukilh auu tjciia iena iuuiu the fourth-place spot in league! possibly decide league I's fourth- VIII with a 5-6 mark to date. Re this event is one of the best in years. Neville Price. Oklahoma, has done 24-1; Veryl Switzer, Kansas State, and defending champion, has soared 23-8. Carroll Hardy. Colorado; and Dale Lawyer, have bettered 23 , , jcupy come the start of the last-fourth berth. -ine jseDrasKa eiunes lor ine;stretch on Monday, March 2. Top- aig seven meei: main to be filled, a tribute to this year's topsy-turvy competition. The 16-team fraternity "A" playoffs presents only three out fits in the positions they will oc- gardless of how their Saturday date with the Baptist House turns out, the I-V men will occupy that . Joe Good, lone senior on Coach Harry Good's Husker cage squad, will play his last home fame as a Husker Saturday night against the Oklahoma Sooners. The two-letterman guard winds up NU play against Iowa State and Kansas State next week on enemy maples. The Scarlet capers must defeat the Sooners Saturday in order to stay in fourth place in the league race. (Daily Nebraskan Photo.) Mile run: Clayton Scott 60-yard dash: Bob Farrh ld, Charles Hunley, Charles Cham ley. 440-yard dash: Brien Rend rickson, James Hurley. 60-yard high hurdles: Dan Tolman, Gaylord Smith. 2-mile run: Scott S80-yard low hurd'es: Tol man, Smith, Chamley. Pole vault: Jim Hofstetter, Jim Sommers. High jump: Phil Heide'k. D a r r e I Moreland, Raymond Kelley. Broad jump: Glenn Beerl'ne, Irving Thode. Shot put: Cliff Dale, Paul Grimm, Larry Smith. Sooners Nip Buffs, 83-81; NU,OUTied Big Seven Standings w L Pet Kansas 7 Kansas State 5 Missouri 5 NEBRASKA 4 Oklahoma 4 Colorado 3 Iowa State 3 Joe is the only senior on the team and will be playing his last home game Saturday night. NU goes into its last home tilt nlace reDresentative. The Fiiis with a 4-5 record and two mnrei currently hold the upper hand 'games to be played on the road: a gamble. with a 4-6 compared to the Deltiaeainst Iowa State and K-State. Iowa State will be oarticularlv mark. j Winning away 'from home thisitough for the Huskers especially1"6 Dei?re loslnS b? The Friday Pi Kappa Phi 'B";year has been a habit in the con- on their own floor. Iowa State SL s"Igui Th-e game Ilext Holdreee "A" rests in a similar, against Pioneer "B" will probably ference with all of the teams, butiwon the earlier contest this yeariii iir.'- 50 a TOSS laijn.&u a. in. iva fl-ci 01, wiwi an tyualLlull ill league Av ai i,iKJit. x otiuc w t- iuui m-iav.v. uioju i juuguig a vyiii ak ri xvi iiiaiiuco m league tuuip; uajii9 uut uiupcu the results of any game would ment game to the Huskers. The Cyclones had K-State tied in one of their most recent games late in the contest before losing by land numerous upsets, to predict ! a pre-season Big Seven Tourna- 11-0 record, has naHed down the Holdrege club has a 4-5 record.league VII number-one berth of league II as of now with one game Temain regardless of how its final con-ling. The league leader for the first test against Phi Delta Theta turns six weeks, this club has lost its out llast two outings to drop to fourth. League III has already deter- First alMi second place in league mined its first and second-place ;XI ave already been sewn-up. representatives. Pioneer House iTne top-ranked Independent club, (11-0) has won the title while. the Ramblers with a 7-0 mark, Beta Sigma Psi will finish the ave won the league crown wnue Nebraska's gymnastics squadlrecord for several years of com-; is second in scoring for the team Cornhusker Gymnastics Squad Heads For All-College Tourney At Boulder regular season in second. The Beta Ith6 Rockets with a 5-2 record leaves Thursday for B o u 1 d e r, 1 petition By defeating Navy Pier of Illi- with an 89-paint gathering. "Which ever team shows the most hustle and hits a fair aver age in their percentage shots will jwin Saturday's fray between Ok lahoma and Nebraska," concluded coach Good. Season Records NEBRASKA 65 South Dakota 53 62 Minnesota 71 82 Springfield 73 3 Bradley 65 r: o n i havp rannirprt Tna riinnArun KnnT.. Both outfits have one contest re- Both teams face one more foe in. Colo, to enter the All-College maining ,the regular season. jmeet on Friday and Saturday. Of the 12 teams slated to gain1, ffu.! j"L JS' The Husker. flippers, sporting a 1V, fratpmir Rn tnnrnpv or,lvllwu yL? uuuucu. , noelUiy SlX-Win. HO lOSS recora SO outfit has 8lradv tahiiahpd w. -9.- na.v.e won first place lar this season, are defending i-hila Wrfw Mfinnr wilh i -7 n 2 W i .1 i iic nnsitinn That rirrppatinn Phi i ""V ' " , . I cnampions m me meeu iuacn vl ri "TP Kc Ln tv, fir cinched tne second-place terxn.iGier.s squad is hoping to repeat! nirwt, vi ThiBotn are engaged, in one moret year's performance, which'men in the scoring department! K . " . r ..i ! contest before the DlayOIIS begin. lh. Hnclrorc th rnvaUri with a 141rrint tntal fnr thp cpa- curremiy own an -i mars wiin. . -. vortVlc wm : T1 A "L J C w " riZ'rCTcZZ' I 80 Km Stat S7 rn Anntott nm sin nl """J cnampiunMiip uv a iicuiuiy mm- sua w uaie. xviuu imuu(to m.i,iiutii ojji ague, uauijiuunc aiiu . -- one coniesi remaiuuig. j . . .,t1. j ,,-.,1 cuirAav' if : .i ni u k. .:j.k..Sit r t ; 78 Colorado .85 A battle-royal is raging m tnis;at all. That dav nresents a full! league for the number two spoi;slate of 11 games and will have!composed entirely of sophomores) Danny Fogel, who competes in; stead, parallel bars, 14 points; and1 59 Oklahoma 53 where Fni Delta Tneta B , AJ-tn ttlp several of the leaeue dis- inninrc havo nnr mmJthp hnHT-nntal hare naralli harsiDirW Raprlrp iriphnrp i9s! 59 Missouri 66 piled thoar best dual meet season ' flying rings and tumDung events, points. l 'Big seven Tonrnament games. trampoline specialist, is third top. 66 Kansas 73 swab outfit last year. In 1951,! scorer for the squad with 70 !?iwa su I? NavyPier walloped the Huskers, i points, closely followed by sophj garVard S3 Tom Kidd, captain of the gymi""" "s "-"6- , ou oioraao w pan in me lumDiing, liying rings , Ji-nuss and trampoline events. 60 Iowa State 78 Othpr Iparlinir TCTTT u-nrorc arol '3 MLSSOUn 62 squad, leads the Scarlet muscle- .784 .6251 .555 .444 .444 Wingfoots, Dukes Here Wednesday to settle several of the league dis putes if they are going to be set tled in the regular play. League Xrv will be settled bat- N Club Scholarship Trophy To Be Given The N Club Scholarship Trophy. a war casualty, nas Deen revived at Nebraska. TnfnTTnutii-in Viae hoori pnt in A pair ol liign-ranjung amaieur, u vebraska hieh schools con , athletic teams will be featured on cerning the annual awards. iir the Colifeum basketball floor I "Honor on the field and in the ' I 1 .T.I n.U14& m. r- ,-ji-tir- 3 inr.i. a Classroom, ine aiunuie duucic i lie UKianoma sooners racKeo i vrtfuijcuij, jkhu i. . . eoo(j student" up their one-hundreth victory in The Goodyear Wingf oots, of j This inscription 'is carried on Big Seven competition last Mon-; Akron, O will square off agamsttthe pyes which are awarded day night at the expense of the the Santa Maria Golden Dukes, lo goJij where athletes have Colorado Buffs, 83-81. The Soon-;0f Santa Maria, Calif., in a league e highest grades as compared ers who led the league just three .tilt of the AAlTs National Indus-t0 the gchooj average, weeks ago moved into a fourth trial Basketball League. I The N Club committee, hand- place tie with the Nebraska cage Game time on the Husker ling the revival of these awards, squad. maples is set at 7:45 p.m. is composed of Glenn Beerline, It was a case of ill-around, oriW(! wi,h ihe weU-known1 track; Bob Reynolds, football- team play on the part of the .... ,, f, , Wi. wnn baseball: Joe Good, basketball: WW'S - of Sooners against the Buffs Art score of 69 to 64; and the I with Athletic Director George Bunte. Bunte. a ton sophomore i 'Clark, advisor. candidate aU-Eig beven nor,-; 85 94 ors scorched the nets for 39 points, . .- three less ton the record held During the course of other high bylans state's Dick Knoost-fcrmg frays this yr the Dukes Main Feature Clock Varsity: "Last of the Corn- man. !" t.,,-. ancnes, is:o, o.m, i.tu. It was a close game all the way tury mark on three different oc- 9;47 exhibited extra,'-'"' ! have managed to break the cen- as both teams powerful scoring punch in differ- A galaxy of basketball All-btarsj p ent quarters, CU in the second .will parade the floor on the night! lYAllMH.rV fT and Oklahoma in tne inira. u"" 7 ;.; '1 '"JT: Bunte'i performance was the Jim Mclntyre. 6-10 Minnesota best in the school's history. The All American; Paul Merchant, last time the Colorado fans were Oklahoma; Jay Handlan, Uash- i. wac nrton and Lee and Omer when roVd. LoveHe m broke the Meeker, former Peru State Teach inference sfnHeSrd tat'm College great; to mention only! year with 41 tallies. 3 4 There is now a two-way tie for Against all opponents, t h e fourth place and also a two-way Golden Dukes have maintained a tie for sixth place. Isconng average of 80 4 points per - NU tangles with the Sooners game, and their victims C8.3. In ,turdlav in the Husker Coliseum, the National Industrial Basket- "?Jr rrth nlaM. hall Leacue tilts, they have aver- SrOUto to their -d 793, and their opponents I last meeting at Norman, 59-53. !76.6. : VI AMi'M.tVk.HaJ ill J K5i- XX . . X - warn ipiif i,? Kl1' and LUCEUGS pifeii M Cleaner, Presher, Smoodier! ; emmso THE MAN II THE WHITE SUIT" 0 A II 1 If I l tl I MA LOCK UP YOUR DOLLARS AND YOUR DAUGHTERS .. . here's that man sgBin! Yon Lord Him in TAVEKDEH HOL MOB" ALEC GUINNESS as 1W IBITISH BEST SEtLEB . GUTN1S JOHNS-VALERIE HOESON FETULA CLARK J DAYS ONLYJ- Mr4 Kbart HmlM reauc let- Sry. Uri STABTS SUNDAY MARCH 1st El mm j 1 ill ! "I r 7 Ask yourself this question: Why do I moke? You know, yourself, you smoke for enjoyment And you get enjoyment only from the taste of a cigarette. Luck i e taste better cleaner, fresher, smoother! Why? Luckies are made better to taste better. And, what's more, Luckies are made of fine tobacco. LMP.T.-Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco. So, for the thing you want most in a cigarette . . . for better taste -for the cleaner, fresher, smoother taste of Lucky Strike . . . Be Happy- M get rjh noDvci' or O A-T.C AMSKICA ( UADUia MAJIUrACTOHB SCS7! L ! dean: ' , if; i 1 , s; CISAXXTTtl Where's yovr !ngle? easier than you think to make $25 by writing a Lucky Strike jingle like those you see in this ad. Yes, we need jingles and we pay $25 for every one we use! So send as many as you like to: Happy-Go-Lucky, P. O. Box 67, New York 45, N.Y, A t kflbw UK Ot"' ft""!