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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1953)
the 111 w f rfi ivvfivN V Voic of o Great Midwestern Unfrwiiff VOL 52 No. 87 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Wednesday, February 25, 1953 "r n n o mum Wool) U P 'Li . o 3 ET3 SOU n n if , Legiseavure iyay Nebraska College Students To Observe State Government Action Thursday "Meet Your Legislature Day" is ways in which we may act as re being held for all interestetd col- sponsible citizens, lege students in Nebraska Thurs- students, who would like to aay irom o a.m. iu o pan. participate, can register in the The committee on effective ast senate chamber in the CaD citizenship of the Nebraska dis-iitoi from 8 a nx t0 8;30 a m Tj,e trict student iwui-iba registration fee is 50 cents for the sponsoring "Meet our Legisla- fuU day and 25 Knb for of wre way. me day. VarfC fvt nt clarify VePonsibUity in Political Action." political lifeand to clarify the hing to attend the uanquti ihuh inane reservation xV v I I 41 - SIX MOST "ELIGIBIES" . . . Presented at Coed Follies Monday night as Eligible bachelors are (left to right): Bob Warner or Lincoln, Dave Noble of Omaha, Jerry M in nick of Cambridge, Rocky JPP of Manhattan. Kan., Bill Adams of West Point and Jim Cederdahl of Lincoln. Ball Scheduled March 21 tl.WW !in advance IllVIVy fat Will 1 The schedule for Thursday is I as follows? j At 8:15 the opening session in the Capitol building "How the Legislature Operates; from 9-12 a.m. a session of the legislature in the capitol building; from 12 1:30 p.m. a luncheon and a speech V HT TT-w A tit ita The annual Navy BalT assistant lo Gov fa the by the Nebraska NROTC Uu Ljncom ywCA; from 1:30-3 p.m.! win take place March 21 m the hearing on proposed Military and Naval Science Build-j, in toe caKpitol building; uui w '7Yi:t". and from 3-6 p.m, panels and bps and his orchestra will furnish discussjons on various phases of the music (state government, pressure groups,! The highlight of the ball will be legislative action, etc Leaders; the crowning of the Queen of the -.u i-nrlnAe stst senators, lob-i For All Seniors . it happened at nu All stodent who expect to receive associate, bacca laureate, advanced degrees or any teaching certificate at the end of the current semester are reminded to apply for these degrees at the Senior Checking Office, Koom 9, Administration Building by March 1. Office hours are 9 a.m, to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to lz noon on Saturday. fe Meats lab To Display Miniaiure Packing Plan! By D WIGHT JTTADT Staff Writer The latest in research and byists, executive department of- leaching aids will be available to teries and dormitories. Also on the first floor is an office room with showers, lavatories and dressing facilities for the instruc- Coeds who meet the require-if;.ia)!. arij rirofessors in the First !Ae students unon the comDletioni,ors- ments for participation in extn-. Christian Church. Professor A. T. of the new meats laboratory on A freight elevator for the three curricula activities are eligible for Anderson will speak from 6:30 to the Ag College campus. floors gives easy access to the Pi Phis Take Curtain Act Competition Delta Gamma for the second year in a row and Pi Beta Phi took top honors at the 1953 Coed Follies. The DG skit. "Hannah and the King of Siam," won first place in the skit division and a meet ing of the "United Schootions' won the curtain act competition ror the Pi Phis. Nancy Kiely did a "Bird of Paradise" dance to win first place in the traveler acts. Kappa Kappa Gamma also for the second year in a row placed second and Alpha Xi Delta third m the skit competition, while Kappa Delta took second in the curtain acts. Hannah the traditional DG all her feminine tricks to The LUily Nebraskan office is the scene of many strange and used wonderful happenings. But one talk the King of Siam into stay of the strangest involved the'ing right here at the University familiar sight of two sorority. even though the Follies theme this pledges, reporters of The Ne braskan, In deep consultation year was Hit the Road. The Kappas, meanwhile, X V . . . . V 'V -3: . Courtrw IJncoia SW TN'C ... Sevealed Monday night at Coed Follies as Typical Nebraska Coed was Connia Clark. Miss Clark is a junior in Home Economics. the Navy Wueen. nciures oi en- 8 pjJL ia Tjucoin YWCA. Tries njui jc suuuiiiicu w Devrics, chairman of the queen! committee, not later than March KTrimoH Voting for the six finalists will D I U O U IXQlTlcQ take place March 13 between 8 I and 12 a.m. The Navy Queen will hfinrA A fixncrsr be selected from the six finalists J Ui I tC MUVI5UI during the Navy BalL mmmm m Chairman of commi11ees for the tt Vrtnil ball are Allen Michelet. peneral I wl IX IV WliWW The meats staff expects to move into the building as soon as the remainder of the equipment for the brick structure is installed. The building which has two stories in addition to a high base ment, is L shaped, with a length of 110 feet and width of 80 feet; The building's facilities are' much the same as found at a basement In the basement there is a smokehouse, smoke generator room and a room for sawdust storage. Four service coolers, in- macninery and another for dry storage Fou service coolers, in cluding one which will be used as a curing cellar are housed in the basement. chairman in charge: Lester RJ T5ia,Wi has been modern packing plant only on a ' lne cy-proaucxs laooraiory will Perry, decorations; A. P. Boris,! " . .rl'smaller scale. On the first floor 1be.ul for pumping curing mate- wnn w rosters international showed .a traveling Daily Ne Dicfaonary. braskan feature writer that things iw twos iuppm pages nan- were not too nice on desert is 3j,y" . .. , ... A lands because coeds only have t Tm sure it's spelled with two MtUe cannibal men." Both the rs, one insisted. I feature writer and the wandering nt eouldnt be!" the otter, coeds decided to return to Ne- yelled in the quiet manner of braska men. ivThr1 vti.t imnKi. The Alpha Xi's had a lesson in weeeUbLw ta Ctat Get a Man with rhorn "Unir da von nH a Kram- sorority?" The KD's performed an Indian act -By the Shores or Ellen, Smithee." Connie Clark, who was pre sented as Typical Nebraska Coed at Monday night's performance, I appeared Tuesday. Bill Adams, Jerry Minnick, Jim Cederdahl.' Dave Noble, Bob Wagner andj Rocky Yapp were announced Monday as the Most Eligible' n-.-v.l J .1 i rr- ta uuc-.i wu yn.- University Women, Lincoln " 1 " "" Tuesday evening by the Family Branch, if offering a scholarship T . . ., . Semce Association. to a University girl with a high' M?e 11151 year Arai The FSA a Community cuest o-Mcti. rn iFoiiies has been open to the pub-iAppncv. co-ordinated with the flic. Previously the Associated Universitv's School of Social AAUW Sets March 1 Date For Deadline The American Association of Play Sparks Meeting Of FSA Group "Where Do We Go From Here," . ia one-act piay, was preseniea nd; ,f' Til3el P"bli f kosmet Klub spring show. -Any- Edgar PoUum, refreshments. All are members of the Battalion Rec reation Council. Engineer College Name May Change w thing Goes.' She will assist Director Bar bara Britlon. Mrs. Bladon received her Bach- there is a receiving room which ;rial meats, making sausage. is at truck height. Stock may also ,renoeras a ana canning. Men's be driven into a small pen. A scale and a cumber of individual receiving pens for holding the animals are available. Included erce at Texas State College for room 15 a The killing room floor is two stories high. Balconies are pro- locker rooms, showers and lava tones are located in the base ment as well. r t, I lie Previously the who expects to graduate in June!Women Students Board show has Works, presented the play as a or August of 1954, 1955. or 1956, part of their 62 Annual Meeting, vided for visitors. There are three i omen. She performed with a concert dance group while in A bill to change the name of school. j fhe Colleee of EncineerinE to the I College Of Engineering and Arch-1 Harriette Gray Dance Group. She ughlermg beds and a hog iterture was oonsidered by the.has been n the physical educa-ldressm including a scald stale Legislature. I OTl pasl 4 years and has ! f . tub. d,."ni fF- order to give recognition to the; Klub shows. I15 a cleaning room where movable, e cniveratrs snare in the College of Architecture and to The spring show will be di- equipment can be cleaned and - Dunning levy, the personnel ol that college, frerted bv Frark Bock. J o h n 'stenhzed. Vtll r I i The original statute involving jTolch will serve as technical di- A cooler with two freezers are VJIJ RlllfrfnrC military, naval and air science at' ; available for keeping meal 1 W UWIIUCI O the University was also revised j The show wiH be presented! Tlle 'eH lighted cutting floor by the legislature. The purpose a nril 29 ?.Q and Mt 1 at the : with raised seats and a full A larger laboratory on the sec-! ond floor will be equiptd fori chemical, bacteriological and his- WWfc,JVt AULflJCIT lUUUi I - - j contains a cooking laboratory f nf RpSr- where wf an-ti nn mt mml Th Registrar's tion will be conducted. The lec ture room has a Keating capacity of 65. j Funds for the bufldiiie came and who can show evidence of. This year, however, arrange- in Love Library. financial need, is eligible to apply ments were made to hold the show The proiesaonai roies oi me nt'D mgais ana open u to ue puo-sianiu; casewuncr, ujc lic Both nights were sell-outs, jcian and the psychiatrist were Tuesday night the Mortar Boards played by Mrs. Ada S. West over, presented their annual Follies caseworker superv isor at Family skit. Comnlicstions am wnt- Service. Dr. Paul Bancroft, and Application blanks may be se cured at the University of Ne braska office of the Dean of Wo men in Ellen Smith Hall in the University of Nebraska home economics of See at the College ing the senior women's honorary "f- Janet ramer, respecuveiy. rrom mvine me skiz mohost. t .i...... - Office must have written permission to send the girl's grades to the Scholar ship Committee. j Two letters of recommendation,1 one is from a faculty member, pi Phi curtain art ft,- ifno. i ' , by Mrs. John Wenstrand, and the The Mortar Board act was not: . u . entered in tbe competition. det md Mrl irene Krununann, Barbara Dillman directed the secretaries at Family Service, winning Delta Gamma skit and i The olar presented some of fhe Nora Devoe was in charge of the problems facing modern families in relation to the solution or wese of such revision was lo bring sec-; Nebraska Theater. lions, which are now obsolete an wording up to date. The action did not im'olve changing the law in any way except for clarifica tion of the law which now exists. Though most gals try to diet It always seems my fate The ones I take to dinner Want lo put on -weight demonstration rail contains a seat ing capacity for 0 to 9fl per- Facilities will be made avail-j able in one room to assemble Univenrirv KuIIAtb rin orders for the University's cafe- reBr members Wednesday at th 450 So. braska. 41st St, Lincoln, Ne- UniversSff May faluabl Liiinasan P if fCil vi A M as n Mass Meeting Set Wednesday !AF Students i To Hear Jet Ace Teachout a t 8 i i jii i uiui fcuonuiiea oj toe auuii- in,, . j: j i vi 1 S vf rviewed Xancee Peler50n End Pat Loder.lsuch as the Famfly Service As tJ?J? Z: teis Anderson was sldtmaster forlsociations. At the close of the play X l?-rSZZ. r v Alpha Xi act- the audience participated in a the' question and answer period, con- jceming other family problems. must be sent on or before March! Marilyn Lehr directed 6. 1953 to Miss Mary Muhw. Kappa Delta curtain act By TOM WOODHTTAID Staff Writer "The University was unfortun ate not to obtain the Fitzpatrick collection of the works of Lin naeus or Linne) when it was of Zered for the price of $3,000 Dr. E. J. Pool made this state ment in a personal interview on Tuesday, Feb. 14. Dr. Pool, re tired professor of Botany at the University, went on lo add that considerable effort had been made over the years io obtain the collec tion but the results bad not met avjth success. Dr. fool said that be doubted Sf the University ever could have acquired the books at a lair price as long as Professor Fitzpatrick lived. He said that a committee bad made "'informal" attempts many years ago to acquire the .collection for the University, but the efforts were un-EuccesEful Several 3'ears later. Fitzpatrick effered the ILinnaean to the Uni versity at the price i($3,000) the committee bad originally offered, "At that later time, there were no University funds available to be lused in making the purchase, so the offer was .declined by Uni versity officials,'" Dr. Pool con tinued. "Wifh Mr. ritzpalricVs death, the entire collection, as part of bis ertate, . was dirposed of through the administrating officer. The yitznatrick collection f The winner of the Monday trav eler act the Beauty Shopped Quartet made a special perform ance Tuesday. Mary Lou BiermanJ Kathleen Wilson, Pat Felger Schmidt and Jo Sorenson formed the quartet j Pharmacy Meeting ! Slated For May 3-5 j membership. Ag campus tours and jpflot, o, conduct informal talks of district 5. Boards and Colleges r - . - r . fwitn unjversiry aavancea Ar ci raarmacy will be the Hotel Ccamrcornmitopento Hoxc llarrh 2-4 mrnhusker in Lincoln. i workers are special edition, aa-lxuvrm r.m n.-.r-m vi iu-o t j , , i first mass meeting cf second se mester. Builders Board, assistants,' and workers will meet at 7 pjn.: in parlors X and Y cf the Union, comminees open lor new in-ct TSmimmam rniri Tr.,. members are publiciry. sales and 'out, veteran Korean War 'jet s membership, campus tours, par ties and conventions. Scarlet and Cream, First Glance, calendar,, ; office manager, publicity and art Eldon Park. Builders president. Teachout who has beenitbat the awarded the Air MedaL Korean May 3-5. meeting will bi held The organization was started on March 18, 1891, largely through the efforts of Dr. Amos G. Warner, Associate Professor of Economics at the University who was later selected by President Harrison as the first Superintendent of Char ities f or the District of Columbia. The agency's first came was the Lincoln Charity Organization So ciety, and in 1945 was given the name cf Family Service Associa tion of Lincoln. The agency has been interested tiOiel i ...;4 r V. .i Juvenile Court, adult probation and mothers pension. The agency encouraged and supported many city health pro grams including: visiting curse Service Medal and the UK Ser- The Boards of Pharmarv Evsm-,JU"A ."l1""1 vice Bibbon. wfll discuss bis ex- iner and th Wirm K .WJ?'?,ro." program. " J wmiuv B : T n TrnB mvnTQI A irtM n orftilt t iv, '" y i7 ing a builder to attend this meet ing. Bilkm will be represented. Dean Burt re ported an eicpected 69 to 5 rep resentatives for the meeting. JLean Burt is chairman cf the urges anyopemterdMl5ecoin-ias a offiecr! advantages ! Iowa. Minaesola mrA TJebraS in an Air force career, nis Kor ean experiences, and other sub jects related to flying. The AF BOTC department said,; in order to stimulate flying train ing interest among AF BOTC graduates, which was low last year, young pilots with Korean Air War erpeience, such as Teachout win visit some 200 de tachments located throughout the united Sates, Hawaii, and Pureo Rico. Court wv hmfatr .loumifl and fim GIFT 1TFWED ... Dr. R. X. Fa4 Jleftl. former bead ft the Lim verBity btscy Aepartmart. Mrs. roJ and Dr. It, Winnelt Orr ts pel raws bwits were a IfEl tfsft to tre Memorial U- brary. The tutvks were prenevlei try Dr. Orr. and vegetable kingdom. "Manv of the books were find books and inaitUBcripts was sold editions and all of them were to Frank Glenn, Karma City book dealer, lur DS,0U0. The entire collection included nearly all of the works 4 linnoeus and many pr-L3nnaen works of great im portance that the University bad been making attempts to purchase. The books written by linnaeus are about 200 years old. In the collection Linnaeus gives bis rys lem of classifying lb knowledge of natural sciences then known to man. The best known books on botartr .are titled -"Systems J1- turae," written in 3725.; -Tliilos-ouhia Botanica,'' written in 3 751: originals as taken from the LiB- naeus oompoBition," !Dr. row said. By BILL DETEZES Staff fTriter "Anybody hurt an the wreck?" An IS. U- student I think. "Bones broken?" "1 think it was bis heart He sat down, by a leaking suitcase and cried," t WOEDS OF WISDOM? A pessi mist is a man wbo feels tliat all women are bad an c$taust hopes so. May 1 print a kins on your Jlpe?. be asked. 1 She nodded her sweet permis sion. 1 So they went lo prees, and I rather guess. j They printed a large edition. ! The weather snaa aa't to sure last w hat the weber , wnl4 be tomorrcrw but there Is the UkeBess thai the aaercvry ! riH Cam a9Bg with seme snow. and a trachoma clinic The work of the agency has now turned its attention to case work, in an effort to prevent further breakdown and promote the sta bility of individuals and families. meeting and Mrs. Ella Meyer of j Such services are effered to peo Germg is chairman cf the Boards pie regardless of their race, creed, of Pharmacy Examiners. f social or financial standing. T C. P. Peferson Given Top Builder's Awar Chril Service Positions AvclJcbfa To Drerfft:mn The U. S. Cvil Service Com- Tttra Aunrl DmammIaJ mission has announced examina-1w ww. , nnuiu IIOCUICU By Universify Alumni Group C Petrus Peterson, attorner and! scion f Atw rf r- former state legislator will beiance Convention. naean volumes. "I have used many of Hie illus trations found in the collection in my own test books, with Proles-1 jrienl lo bis btfiside, eor fitzpatrick s permissjon. iicited txora him a promise to see lions for engineering and statis- tical draftsmen. $ The positions which cay tromi 12,759 to $69 per rear are to! be ffiHei in Washington. D. CL: presented with 1 . ji-f ji At . n ' m m. j I -n.ri a m a j . . Aauu.wja ana Aruroon txunry, zvuiUKi Awaro si me annual 'TghrscVa TWisTm-n. 4 : Vsr&mz; Montomery and Prince Charter Day dinner Friday. I to SndafdS George counties in Maryland. The Jfebraska alumnus said he 5 tbTaZrS f toWH?3 r wu- w n was -surprises! ana pieasea wnen now n-esidepf ni th jSHnnii he was told of the award. "It is a very fine thing to receive, he connected. plicanfs work must be Included wiin his application. They must be cb sheets cf paper by inches and have fhe came, address and birth dale tt the ernn tj1: . i.. a statement above fhe his sirna- businessman lay dying, summoned iS. r8' done , Eeclam&tion Association. As past vice president and chair man tif th VtfisrA f Tri9mssm! A re3tuu, puwuLuxwu ia uac n in council f Slate Governments and national reclamation scUv-jsni a present member of that ities, was chosen as the recipient'.' board, he played an active part cf the award because cf his out- in t&e study of Xisoari River standing contributions to the wel-; Basin development lie anea as 100a aoniinistrator "The books were pruned on "age- jiovzmiij ivem- tn mortal remains be cre- tmointani vran irmRt A graduate cf the Unlversily for Lencarter County during leM." rag paper and were bound an jthe pliotof raph s sac so they couM msted. The friend agreed, but f,T Law College In 1W, Peterson j World War L is past president of vellum or sheep skin. Most of be used in. modem books. DrJud cautiously and with deep ,1 Tprat 13 "P.serred three terms ia the lie-the Lincoln Chamber of Com- IJLIC ' ' ' "'t-nu vwim " -y Tin-trick collection were printed in ..of the ether books in the Fitz- Amsterdam. BoHand and Stock bobn, Sweden," be added. Dr. Pool motea mat xne dooks Patrick collection had furnished for various publicEtions in botany. 'rev.erence: And what would TljrmVuimt miUi braska legitilature before it be- merce, and presidest of the board t,. v- Me CTOia tsne cavi imr " 1 -iCornnaiaEion, 'W'aEhinrton 25. D. C an. Tou 11 place theaa in n y" w . man. Dr. Pool said Mr. . Fitzpatrick LpnveloDe addressed to the Coec-'1 were of primary value for me by had acquired the books during his ci Internal Revenue, and tell fwwVA r cny WOUCUS Miirum,- written no formal traming in 'the r.ificutions are in xne ilhub wnrti and graduate students or. 1 extensive, lile-lone florts. Heiim that now lie Sua exterr- those .doing some type of research ' got many cf the books scnply by thing". work. -"Though written in Latin,: going through book stores and the books would be of great help Icatalogs wbidki specialized in Did 1 wouldn't worry modi about, t . twrstm whe has badibooks. I that dame Sf I were you, the cam a uijcaxneral and ha served of truEtees cf the Firrt-P2yinotitli Policies To Be Discussed four terms sin then. Ee was rpeaker cf the Unicameral Legis lature in, 145. The lincoln attorney Is a mem. Congregational Church. Peterson served as city attorney from WIS to is past presi dent cf the Ict-ernationai Fro- ThRP liookK were WTitteB In Latin and contained the know ledge of the (natural sciences to tliree clauBifications then known; gniTTnii kiniidom, mineral kingdom her cf the liebraska Committee .ionzl Men's Inrtltsrte tmd cf WJzi blocks will be discussed at Sh Kliraska Vr:',v"rr.:fv fio-.m':' Dr. Po(J erpreEsed the hope feat 'college student cransoled Ms friend.' of World Affairs Tbureds-r. TZ'j the University would yet be aide -Kemember wbien a w,oman ssys'pjn. in Parlor X in the Union. to acquire the coHectioa or part "?Vo she means -TMLsybe. And tfi A3 delegates of the spririgewn of it. He said the books would be she snrs 'Ksybe she means ferenee and 2STUCWA members of j-jeat Tfclue as part of the Eio-' "1 know " replied the other J should attend the meetine. ac- logical Library ana tae l n.-veriuty1 out wnat coes ne mean wner. eorcitg to Joan Xruegsr, presa-. 'on TxsSxr-Govanaaeslil Go-cpf1 onf nd Ctetigbters, n4 fa 'tion and cast chairman cf lb iezal j 3 ISason. Policies of the party cacuses in 4. pst jsj ct j w'hether the lesct is written is English or Japanese. w ino sioid that ffliere are no Englich transilations .of the Lin- collection of important books. she Just ssys Tooey?' She; ' s ji 1 .f . ' iarr'ef f1kS4" '" T t. V -v-r w V- t.T- SSWMi.M -V'W W.J'UatofcAiP iident. start making pastes at me after the 1st Eufus VL Eowsrd cf lin a Lalf-lQz.en drinks" coto: E. li. Wiiiis cf Bridgeport; Ek -Wtafi thasDcM a h o n t Ut Ite faul tt C-ruraa cf . Orriib-a; the Isle DelmsT Aro.erca be: 'TTartlcg v drinks." :. iCtbraika City.