Poqe 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Tuesday. February 24,1953 Waring Group Features Hums, Changes Of Pitch "The beginning of it 11," ae-iPennsylvanians. Known first as cording to Fred Waring, "was the "B?1"21-" Waring small vviui i j band played at local parties and family group singing around the L.hool functions. "We way not piano during my childhood. hate been good," Waring remi- . Since then, Waring has devcl- nisces, "but we were loud." ped a 4-picce amateur band into Graduating to college and two -which has been known for 35 gfgap continued to function, years as the Pennsylvanians. Wvinc mainly for fraternity par- From the Drum and Bugle ties. It was during college that Corps of Tyrone, Pennsylvania, sprang the beginnings of the RED CROSS 'Sleen." the first arrangement in the Fred Waring Music Library, was made. Since then, "Sleep" has becon e a tradition and is played at the close of every performance. After two years, the Waring troupe enlarged to 10 men who could play 40 instruments made their theater debut and bid fare well to college. In those days, bands in movie houses were a novelty, and one which could not only play out ciown ana sins iou was an immediate sensation. From then on. fame came rapidly; and the glee club and orchestra ex panded, entering the field of ra in terviews lor Kca cross com-jji0 ana, recently, television. mittccs will be held Thursday! Today Fred Waring Enterprises from 5 to 6 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. means more than just the Penn T 2 ... .l.-.-L... V. sylvanians. It's a big business ommiure juu, ithe creation and training of choral blood recruitment committee .groups, a music publishing firm whose duty is to fill the monthly specializing in choral arrangc- T5 rint fluota for the University; ments, a choral workshop which 40 pini tjuuui . 'Lv- v rTnn tjwhnioues with orphanage committee, which plans;" ' ;ctoss the Mtion Committee Interviews Set Feb. 26 parties, entertainment and games Jor each orphanage ia Lincoln. The penitentiary committee plans entertainment and sports events to take to the state peni teniary; special activities handles the spring banquet, Chirstmas carolling and other special events and the water safety committee teaches children who have polio to swim. The instructors mustj have a life saving badge to par- ticipate on this committee. Handicraft committee, makes useful articles for hospitals, orphanages and banquet decora tions; publicity committee handles all kinds of publicity for Red Cross; entertainment committee, plans shows to go to Veterans Hospitals, mental hospitals, orphanages and orthepedic; gray ladies committee, in which spec ially trained girls assist nurses at mental hospitals. The Red Cross trains the coeds and they are re quired to have free afternoons. Vets hospital committee, who take entertainment to vets, such as shows, singing, cards and disc jockey shows. Girls are required to have a 5 average and boys a 45 average. Applicants may sign for an inter view time and position desired on the desk in the RCCU office. Fil ings close Wednesday at 5 p.m. Applicants will be interviewed by old and new executive officers. Joyce Johnson heads the new cabinet. Other officers are: Con nie Gordon, vice president; Shir ley Murphy, secretary and Marvin Stromer, treasurer. Mailman Retires - ,v.-;,:v . "V .... . .' t. ! i:-' : L , . v r V : vgr - I r ; ' V'-.. t i n - t i rr i inn n in - trr i -"mi i f iinMirnmirMiiii inlwiiinwi ir ' n iiiiMmniniiniii.il Conttrsr Sunday Joomil nd Sar UXIXRSITT MAILMAN . . . Postman Alfred R. Skinner delivers mail t professors J. M. Rein hardt (seated) J. O. Herteter and Lane W. Lancaster. Mr. Skinner recently retired from his mail de livery lob after tJ years f service, Yearly Debate, Discussion Conference Scheduled Lynn Tronic's Painting Exhibited At Art Show Lynn Trank, former University urt faculty member, is exhibiting 26 paintings in Miller and Paine's auditorium. Trank is now teaching at East ern Illinois State College at Char leston. He is remembered here for lis drawings and etchings. He spent a year in Mexico re cently and his paintings reflect his stay there. All the familiar ele ments of the Mexican scenery are apparent in the pictures. Such thines as colored mountains, rich Iruits and flowers, birds, cathe drals and cacti are present. The showing continues through Saturday. end music macazine. Free coun- coi i alwavs offered to schools and colleges on musical problems.! The Music Library contains 6,000 Waring arrangements. Waring inventor push-button tuning" for his radio shows, and has written more than 2 dozen collece songs for American col leges and universities. Unusual arrangements, startling nhrasinc. lone hums, suaaen changes of volume and tempo on hymns and jazz tunes alike have become musical trade-marks of the Waring troupe. On a trans continental concert tour, we Pennsylvanians will present a three-hour concert, featuring these trade-marks, in the Coli seum Tuesday, March s, at a p.ro. Tickets are being sold in booths i-n the Union and Ag Union lob bies. A special raised student sec tion ticket costs $1.50, and other tickets range from $1 to $3. Short Story Entries Due For Delian Union Any unaffiliated University student may compete in the Del ian Unioifs short story contest for 1955. First prize is $25; second prize is $15; third prize is $10 and the two honorable mention prizes are $5 apiece. Each entry, which must be typed double-spaced, must be 4,- 500 words or less long. Any num-. ber of entries may be submitted by one person. On a separate sheet it must be stated that each entry, is original and not published previously. The author should sign only on this sheet. Any classroom com position may be submitted. j The closing date is April 1. Manuscripts must be submitted by April 1 to the Delian Union Literary Society, care of Clark Gustin, 2233 D Street, Lincoln. The prizes will be awarded at a banquet to be held in April. Manuscripts will be Teturned to the author after judging if a stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed with the manuscript, Journey Of Over 30,000 Miles Ends; Campus Postman For 32 Years Retires Administration office workers'came in January. A worker in will soon see a stranger carrying. one, "e onices on ms rouie ., . told him he should have a party. mail to tnem. ., , tv- w tv,; t The mailman took the sugges- The man who has carried Lni- tJon seriously and invi1ed 8bout versity mail since 1930 and hasjso campus acquaintances. Skin walked more than 30,000 miles oncer's birthday party has been an the campus is retiring. Alfred R, annual event since then. Skinner, dean of the three US.! The retiring postman began his mail carriers who serve theUniversity 511811 earrying career jtB for 1he past tfin years," he . . . Jor ih Uiuversitr in 1930. Lsj t.. nmnirad thnnf downtown campus, oecineci xo ena ' - ' JS-, 'rZ: " for this month. dhanoellor's office, office of ad- Nearly 35 University students will compete in the 13th annual Debate and Discussion Conference this weekend on the University campus. The annual speech event draws colleges and universities from a number of slates to compete in five speech events: debate, dis cussion, oratory, extemporaneous speaking and radio broadcasting. The University will have the following 10 team combinations participating in debate. Dale Johnson and Wayne John son, Jack Rogers and Paul Laase, Ken Philbrick and Dave Grad- wohl, Paul Means and Charles Klasek, Marv Friedman and Homer Kennison, Bob Raasch and Don Rosenberg, (Charles Kiffin and Don Overholt, Norman Alex ander and Russell Gutting, Allen Overcash and Jerry Igou and Joan Krueger end Doris Carlson. Entered in discussion will be the following 27 students: Chuck Petersen. Mitzie Mayer. Jerry Roe, Joan Hanson, Lloyd Graff, Bob Ficke, Julia Parrish, Jack Ingamells, Frank Carver, Allan Meyer, Maureen King, Wayne Johnson, Dale Johnson, Norman Alexander, Russell outting. Alien Overcash, Jerry Igou, Charles Kiffin, Don Overhold, Bob Raasch, Don Rosenberg, Marv Friedman, Hcmer Kenniston, Ken Philbrick, Dave GradwohL Doris Carlson and Joan Krueger. John Barrett and Bob Wells will represent the University in radio broadcasting and Jack Rogers and Dale Johnson, in oratory. Entries in ine exiemoraneous speaking event will be Paul Laase and Wayne Johnson. The annual coniest, which be gins Friday and ends Saturday, is sponsored by the Department of Speech. Donald Olson, Bruce Ken dall and Donald Kline are in charge. , Names of participating schools will be announced later. Quality ratings and decisions will be given in the four rounds of debate. In individual events and in discussion, quality ratings will be given. The final round of discussion will be a parliamentary session Saturday noon following the luncheon in the Union ballroom. March 2 Date Set For Speech I 1 l V missions, the purchasing agent and the Extension office are a University mailman's 4,best cus- savs he isn't actually Bl OO d QUOtQ RlSeS," retiring. Til have a chance to do the repair work in my work shop that I've been trying to get Donations Needed ' The University blood quota has been raised from 30 to 75 pints nis journey oecau iy " University's man has increased : for them and when that's done, aren't up to climbing stairs to let greatly in the last 13 years. The Til fix things for other people.'' me ao wis jod rigni Postman Skinner hasnt con-j fined his job to just carrying; maiL ""You can't walk around a University as long as 1 have with-1 out having some of ft rub off on' you. I ve left more tnan y tonsi of mail at University oilices out: I've picked up the equivalent ofj a college education," he said. V , j, . I Many ximes ne nas jjaustja JiiK i,,m vt- his campus rounds to hear pro-j; is 10 its debut Debut Scheduled Soon For 'Bounceable Car' Students are still urgently needed as donors for the Blood mobile visit Monday and Tues day, Feb. 23-24. I Shirley Murphy, blood recruit ing chairman, explained that the is currently studying at the Fuller ' C. Brandon Rlmmer "Can a Reasonable Man Believa in Jesus Christ as the Son of God," will be discussed by C Brandon Rimmer Mar. 2 at 7:30 pjn. to Love Library Auditorium. Rimmer nas been lecturing throughout the United States for the past seven years on various secular and religious subjects. Rimmer served as a Captain In the Air Force and participated in action during the African and Italian campaigns, winning the Distinguished Flying Cross. He received bis B.A. in philos ophy from the University of Southern California in 1951, and By MARIANNE HANSEN Staff Writer The only "bounceable car" on fessors discuss their subjects and views on economics, history or Dsvcholotrv. Students also met the campus uiti mailman group scneauiea lor inis monin is; rholneipal Seminary ia I unable to fulfill the college 9uota.denat California. one stressed wai oiooa ui w Pass- sSnror Conference To Feature body "land defense. TJ5&F?iZ "thTLtncIster County a layer of cloth, then a layer of : . rT,t .hqrr Bob Snyder, a sophomore in thick. 1?. V, JfSf r. i hoping to have Snvder's car is built similar to OC4'1" - " Kiiiuer 2uiu ue uilcii - - ---- "--ri o(,ucu, j.ut'wi wu w " saw students on vacation trips. I iwjuippea -witn a imar-giass fj.ame equipped with a '51 "I was crossing on the ferry at!DOdy, hi m "'m 1 8 k e h a rd Chrysler V-B engine. The red m ivs-nri " n. rftr-nilc "cmA : bumps and bounce back mtO; madster has bucket seats com a-young fellow stepped -ap and;snape. ine uoer-gjass, wxuca iiipete with plastic seat covers ! said You're the University! 8 type oi piasuc cioxn, is a gooanj. tw0 people. Its maximum mailmanr1 invention lor women anvers, speed is expected to be 360 miles Snyder feels. hen ml ex- Itremely hard, the body will rip, people. His judgment is from a. out .niay "c tnese piasuc car noaies m xne social standpoint as well as offi cer hour. There are only about 50 of putting on another layer of fiber- ms. A relatively new invention, glass and coating it with resin they are found mostly in Califor and paint. Inia, where they are manufac- Working since last summer injtured. Although light-weight and Fairbury on the project, Snyder , comparatively cheap, they have functions for six years. Skinner built the car frame himself. He not become wide-spread because once remarked that his birthdaylgot the idea for the novel oar: they take too long to assemble. cially. Faculty members have consid ered the celebration of Skinner's birthday as one of their social Senior Check AH students mha expect to receive associate, baocalaureate or advanced degrees or any teaching certificate at the end of the current semester are re minded to apply for these de frees at the Senior Checking Office. Room 9. Administration Building, by March L 1953. Of fir hoars are 9-4 daily and 1 6-1! b Saturday. Address By Gov. Crosby The 22nd annual conference and short-course of the Nebraska Water Well Drillers Association will be held in the University campus Thursday and Friday, Feb. 26-27. Approximately 200 members of the association, the oldest active organization of its kind in the nation, will attend the confer ence, which is being held in co operation with the University's Division of Conservation and Sur vey. Gov. Robert Crosby will speak at a dinner at the Lincoln Hotel Thursday evening. Other speakers will include Prof, Clifford M. Hicks, and John F. Schrunk, both of the Univer sity, and Charles Hedges of Lincoln. Eighty NU Film Society Memberships Available TSigh.tr memberships in the Uni versity Film Society sponsored by the Union and YMCA are still available. 'This is the Society's second year of bringing films to Lincoln which are not usually shown at the local theaters. in 1952, three iilms were shown. urns year six. jurutjimiio nlanned. because the films last year were so well received. Society stated. vantpR' classic leeend of 'Don Quixote," the would-be knight who jousted with windmills, will be brought to the screen. This is the story of the aging Senor Alonso Quijano who is affected with grandiose ideas of becom ing a knight of romantic litera ture. He takes the name of Don Quixote de Lo Mancha. From then on he lives a life of insane adven- the tures with Sancho Pansa. But just before his death he re- r PF T """"" "" " -i. : 1 tor fifteen'3- U Wednesday at 7:30 p.m., "All; gains sanity. Supported by Juan Quiet on the Western Front," one , Calvo as Pansa, Rafael Rivelles of the earliest sound films andjpiayB the title role of this film war pictures, will be shown. Lewiwith English subtitles. Ayres and Louis Wolheim star in Charles x,aughton as he was al this 1930 screen adaptation of Eric moBt 20 rs of afie Btar iwana .Remarque's wona var i with Zazu pittB Jn tne 1B35 pro noveL On Wednesday, March 11 Cer- Ceres Club Offers $50 Ceres Club of the University duction of "Ruggles of Red Gap.'i highly rated film of several dec ades ago. Laughton reads the Gettysburg Address in an unexpected place, in this lilm, the story of which was used for Bob Hope's "Taney Pants" of 1950. Tho nrnurnm ik -rntmded out bv uonege oi Agncuiiure ib oiieruiB seiected documentarits and a S&U scnoiarsnip ror meritorious iprench fiim with EngUsa subtitles cxion in scnoui uie as well as scholastic attainments to a girl registered in Ag College. Candidates may secure applica tion blanks at the office of Mies Margaret M. Cannell. Instructor in Home Economics. The applica tions must be mailed to Mrs. G. T. Webster, 1110 Idylwiid Dr., by lilarch S. Any girl registered in the Col lege who will have sufficient hours to graduate in June of 1954 On April 8, four documentaries will deal with four different phases of American life. "The Plow That Broke The Plains" is a dramatic exposition of the Social and economic history of the -Great Plains. A rain-shower in Amsterdam is the subject of the short, "Rain." "The Cummington Story" tells of the absorption of a group of Middle European war refugees in- or at the end of summer school to the life of a New England com- in 1954 is eligible under these ; munny. t conditions: j n he 1as Program, Jean Coc- She must have earned at least ieau brings to the screen the classic one-third of her credit hours in! Greek legend of the man who the Home Economics course at the married his mother. However, the University. I time and place is defferent. Using . .She must have a -scholastic av 1 w 1 S Q g m Siesteraeli i ill no J Pnnioan cnc 4-Via ToCfonH over to a modern French art colony. The film is in French with English subtitles. Students in the language may be admitted to the foreign lan guage iilms. All the films are being presented every other Wed- .rtilicants must also mail uiinesaay at v:ju p.m. at "tne isquire r"c ".9 -of not less than 5.5. ine must be wholly or partly nr -supporting. Eetore applying, canataates are T'Hiested to give the Registrar's .Ctee permission to send grades to the -address of Airs. W ebster. t j jy.1 A medical specialist is making: regular bi A monthly examinations of a group of people from various walks of life. 45 percent of this group have smoked Chesterfield for kn average v t t 1 iPm 91 111 i I two letters (tGARETTE5 of over ten years- After ten months, the medical specialist reports that he observed . no civerte etfetfs cn th not; throat end thvs$ the group from tasking Chtstsrfizld. ? f IN I ff MS from references who will testify as to need and 'Char acter. ' Those applying will meet with the committee ior personal inter views in the Home Economics parlors from 2 to 4 pan. Karen 13. Theater, being used through the cooperation of Nebraska Theaters, Inc. ' I Student membership in the So-, ciety is $2.40: .faculty members, and 7-uncoln citizens are charge'1' 53.C0 f &fTtt mi. Jjomtt Unat Tduob Cm.