The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 19, 1953, Image 1

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I I I jzmf
U u J Lr7 uzs U Mj Acy U V Ull VJ
VOL. 52 No. 84
dl CyinisIr IBoacdl
'imoirs Tp Woofers
Twenty-two University coeds
were honored as outstanding Coed
Counselors for 1952-53 at the
Coed Counselor Friendship Din
ner Wednesday night.
The coeds, who were presented
with certificates of award by
Elizabeth Gass, president, were
selected by Coed Counselor board
members on the basis - of their
work with their freshman, "little
Bisters. 1
Those honored were: Polly
Ackerson, Rita Angell, Adeline
Dubas, Marion Ekstrom, Marjorie
tnksen, Mary Fuelberth, Carol
Gillett, Nancy Hegstrom, Nancy
Hemphill and Nancy Hoile.
And: Marlys Johnson, Natalie
Katt, Ann Launer, Shirley Mead,
JoAnn Meyers, Margaret Moore,
Chloryce Ode, Ann Skold, Mildred
Snyder, Rita Stapelman, Jean
Steffen and Josephine Stout.
Prior to the presentation, coed
models displayed "Beau Catcher"
fashions during the style show
which was " narrated by Ann
Launer and Jan Harrison.
Participating in the style show
were: Audry Howell, faddy
Wright, Sandra Ledingham, Betty
Searcy, Shirley Decker, Margaret
Raben, Mary Domingo, Alice
Hanson and Jean Claussen.
Also: Margie Antes, Daphne
Young, Natalie Nelson, Elaine
Novicoff, Carolyn I-. Joan Rett
ing, Janet Lynch, Connie Decker,
Eleanor Chapman, Coral Thomp
son and Jeanette Hilyard.
Sue Reinhardt was banquet
chairman. Assisting t her were:
Joan Johnson, style snow; Muriel
Pickett, decorations; D a r 1 e n e
Goodding, tickets; Marlene Mc
Cullough, invitations; Jane Brode,
menu; and Sue Gorton, publicity.
The Friendship dinner is spon
sored annually by the Coed Coun
selors in honor of freshman
Flying Club Selects
Gebhards As President
The University Flying Club held
election of officers Thursday.
Bob Gebhards was selected as
the president. He will be assisted
by Chuck Beatty, vice president;
Allan Krejci, secretary; Joe Ed
wards, treasurer and George My
ers, public relations.
The next meeting will be held
Thursday, March 5.
Ten Nominated By SC
For New Advisor Post
The Student Council Wednes-lthe
day selected ten possible faculty
members to replace Dr. Henry
Holtzclaw, associate Professor of
Chemistry, as Student Council
advisor. Dr. Holtzclaw's term as
Student Council advisor expires
this year.
Those nominated were: Dr. Wil
liam Hall, Professor of Education
al Psychology and Measurements;
Dr. Thomas Goodding, Professor
of Agronomy; Dr. Adam Brecken
ridge, recently appointed chair
man of the Political Science de
partment; Dr. Henry Foster, Pro
fessor of Law; Dr. Albin T. Ander
son, Assistant Professor of His
tory; James Blackman, Associate
Professor of Engineering Mechan
ics; Dr. Doretta Schlaphoff, Pro
fessor of Home Economics; Keith
Browman, Instructor of Business
Administration; Mary Jane Mul
vaney, Instructor in Physical Edu
cation for Women and Royce
Knapp, Professor of Secondary
This list will be submitted to
Union Presents Dudley Orchestra
In Saturday Night Concert-Dance
s ,(
DANCE COMMITTEE CHAIMHEN . . . rreparinr publicity ma
terial for the Cliff Dudley and orchestra's concert dance are Dan
Forel and IJoris CraU, co-chairmen for the dance. Dudley will be
in the Union ballroom Saturday.
1 . 5 I ; . . 1 , I - , f Jl t I
imirwwwi nwiwaiiiiwii iwimiw am mm nrviirff-- iiiYiiTTmtr-iiTniiiinriiiiiiiwariWiMMgiiiiiiiiMiiiiiaiii
OUTSTANDING COUNSELOR . . . Receiving her certificate for
an Outstanding Coed Counselor is (left) Rita Angell. Miss Angell
was one of 22 coeds who received the award at the Coed Counselor
Friendship Dinner by Elizabeth Gass, president of the organiza
Students Voice Opinions
On 18-Year-Old Vote Bill
Staff Writer
A bill to allow 18-year-OldS to
vote is going before a committee
hearing of the State Legislature
Friday afternoon.
In relation to this bill, several
students have expressed their
Phillip Visek, 19, College of
Business Administration stated
that an 18-year-old, if given the
privilege of voting, would take a
more active interest in political
affairs at an earlier age.
Visek believes the voting. privi
lege would eliminate "the bitter
ness of 18-year-olds not being
able to vote when they have to
fight for their country."
Ann Jouvenat. 20, Teachers
College, said, "An 18-year-old is
not mature enough to be quali
fied to vote." She explained that
at this age a person is just out
of high school and has not had
enough political experience to
know how to formulate an objec
tive' opinion.
A home economics major, Caro
lyn Goetz, 18, believes the major
ity of 18-year-olds do not know
enough about "politics to vote in
"There are many 18-year-olds
committee on committees who
will check the nominees to make
sure they are eligible for the pro
posed position.
Eldon Park, Judiciary Commit
tee chairman, reported to the
Council that the amendments to
the bylaws, the constitution of the
Command Squadron and the
Young Republican's constitution
were all approved by the faculty
Dean Linscott, chairman of
e 1 e c t i ons committee announced
that voting for Eligible Bachelor
is scheduled for Thursday, Feb
Rockv Yapp, chairman of the
Student Council parking commit'
tee, reported that his committee
had conferred with the Faculty
Building Committee, on the pn
posal to convert the mail into a
Darkine area. He predicted that
the Faculty Building Committee is
apnarently planning to consider
the parking problem "and will at
tempt to better the situation with
out converting tne man.
1 f
familiar with government pro
cesses which makes them capable
of vntine." Bernard Wishnnw. 19
Arts and Science College said
Wishnow continued to say that
many of this age group are not
interested, and are not prepared
to vote. He believes the additional
three years gives the prospective
voter a more mature outlook
which equips him to be a better
Law student, Bob Hasebroock,
20, aid, "when an 18-year-old is
required to make serious judg
ments in service of his country,
then his judgment should be
tn.v" ",i voting."
Eldon Park, 20, College of Bus
iness Administration, questioned
whether defending their country
necessary to be a qualified voter."
"An advantage from this could
be derived," Park said, "as it
would then be necessary for high
schools to have more extensive
courses in government and citi
Faculty Panel
Discuss Income
Of Professors
The economic position of the
faculty of the University was dis
cussed at a meeting of the local
chapter of the American Associa
tion of University Professors,
According to an income state
ment revealed at the meeting.
Nebraska professors are receiving
185 per cent of the 1935-39 aver
age wage, 5 per cent under the
amount the cost of living has in
creased. The chart showed that farmers
have jumped 680 per cent above
trie average, physicians 328 per
cent, factory workers 258 percent
and public school teachers 295
per cent.
A panel comprised of Profes
sors E. B. Schmidt, C. B. Thoman,
C. C. Camp, C. M. Elliot, M. C.
Latta and R. C. Whitney spoke
on general incomes contrasted
with faculty income and discussed
the income chart.
Dinner was served in the Un
ion. The next meeting will be held
oh March 4.
Concert-dance music of Cliff
Dudley and his orchestra will pro
vide entertainment in the Union
Ballroom Saturday, February 21. j
The FM recording artist will
feature Richetta, vocalist. Their
program will be divided into two
modes. The first, from 9 p.m. to
11 p.m., will be music for danc
ing. In the second, from 11:00 to
12:00, the band will be featured
in a concert of novelty and "jam
session" numbers.
The tickets for the dance are
$1.20 for couples or 75 cents for
single tickets. They may be pur
chased at the Union activities of
fice. A free coke will be given to
each ticketholder in the ballroom
Saturday night.
By bringing a better known
band to play for the dance, the
sponsors of the dance hope to gain
a better attendance and a more
successful dance. Previously,
small local bands have been en
gaped for the dances.
The dance is a presentation oi
the Union's Dance Committee.
Discussion Set Monday
For Science, Religion
Science and religion will be the
topic for discussion in the seminar
series Monday.
The meeting will be held at
4 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge of
th Union.
Voice o a Great Midtresitnn Vntviiilf
Lincoln; Nebraska
it happened at nu
The Univeralty NROTC unit,
apnarently In an effort to mlu
Imlze the tendency for midship
men to absent themselves on
daya when (hots are given, gave
no advance notice tU year when
hots were scheduled.
Instead, at a regular weekly
lab meeting, all of the necessary
equipment war set up and one
by one the various classes were
given the word to disrobe to the
waist and proceed to the site
chosen for the innoculatlons.
One midshipman lust about
had them stymied, but not quite
the cast on his broken wrist
did not extend high enough.
Another caught without warn
ing was given his shot before he
had a' chance to tell the doctor
he had donated a pint of blood
that morning.
To Discuss
Korean War
The Korean problem will be
discussed at the Nebraska Uni
versity Council for World Affairs
Thursday, 7:30 p.m. in Parlor Y
of the Union.
Professor Albin T, Anderson,
assistant professor of history, will
lead the discussion on the prob
lems of the Korean conflict. The
purpose of this meeting is to ac
quaint all delegates with the
background of Korea.
The president of the General
Assembly and winners or the cur
rent events contest will be an
nounced. Rosemary Amos, research chair
man, will distribute mimeo
graphed sheets containing bibliog
raphies for background material
on the Korean and North African
nrnhlAms A studv table is being
set up in the documents reading
room in the library. The publica
tions containing information on
the Korean and North African
problems will be on this table.
A roll-call of the nations will
be held to furnish them with fur
ther details.
ThA newest addition to NUCWA
is Ernest Enke representing the
Union of South Africa.
The countries which do not
have representatives are: Bolivia,
Chile, Costa Kica, Dominican ne
nuhiif. Ecuador. El Salvador.
Ethiopia, Guatemala, Honduras,
Iceland, Indonesia, Lebanon, la
beria, Nicaragua Norway, Paki
stan, Paraguay, i'eru, biam, uru
piiav. Venezuela and Yemen.
Anv student interested in rep
resenting a country in the Gen
eral Assembly iway contact Jim
Prill ns or Nita Helmstadter. ur
banized houses can sponsor more
ithan a single delegation.
Iowa State Students
Collect Ideas On AUF
Two Iowa State students visited
attt1 Saturday to collect ideas for
an organization similar to AUF
which they plan to establish on
their campus.
ThA at TP hoard and executive
council explained the work of
AUF to Trish lobes ana Max
Burkett, co-chairmen of the Iowa
State campus chest, at a meeting
(The following story appeared
in "L'llustration," Paris, and was
submitted by W. J. Barnds.)
r;inlin as Tjractieed by the
monks of the Grande Chartreuse
monastery is of an exceptional
BHsfwiJ-v Durine meals no one
may complain of any inconven
ience he himseil may be suojecxea
to. One 75-year-old novice discov
t rlrnwned in his iue of
wine. He did not dare drink it,
but he was extremely thirsty. He
endured patiently for a while and
ail indicated to the presid
ing monk, "Father, my brother
here hasnt any rat m nis jug oi
In a gay and carefree mood, a
student phoned a girl friend at
fnnii nVlnrV in the morning. "I do
hope I ha vent disturbed you." he
said cheerily.
rK nn " ehft renlied. "that S
pnt. I had to ret up to
answer the telephone anyway."
With th "mnst elieible bache
lor competition going on now, I
think the word should be defined.
L A man who never makes the
same mistake once. .
2. A man who has no cnuaren
to speak of.
4. One who oeueves uiai one
can live as cheaply as two.
s a Kouvenir of some eirl who
found a better one at the last
minute. . .
6. A bachelor rarely mam be
cause, when it comes to taking a
wife, he doesn't Know wnose wue
to take.
'7. A selfish, callous, undeserv
ing man who. has cheated some
coed out of a date.
Birr! the weather man sayi
Mint th mercury will drop t
cool 5 degrees tonight and tht
Friday will be fair but c-c-coW.
rms.v.a.T, SONG: I want a girl
just like the girl that dad hr.d on
the side.
9 9 w
fitment? "111 eive vou a ring
sometime, honey. What's your
mint; nor""
rvu. TVh dnrlinp. vou wonder
ful, wonderful, boy! Four and a
wnTtTv; CiV WISDOM: The
trouble with girls who have big
hearts is that they usually nave
hips the same size.
Ballot oBiig im Progress
For. Eligible - Hachelors
.Staff Writer
As the last day for campaigning rolled by, eligible bachelor candidates and their fol
lowers devised numerous, methods to introduce themselves to the University, coeds.
The noisiest introduction marched down North 16th Thursday noon iust as coeds
were arriving home from morning classes. Leading the procession was a band playing
"For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." Cars filled with cheering followers trailed the band.
rs r r
Judging For TNC Thursday;
Winner Presentation Monday
Turentv finalists for Tvnlcnl Na
orasKa L.oea win be uagea at
p.m. Thursday in the Union, Room
The judges will be Dr. Doretta
M. Schlaphoff, professor of home
economics; Mrs. Mary H. Hill, as
sistant professor of home econom
ics; Milton W. Beckman, super
visor of mathematics; and Dr.
Rovce H. KnaDD. nrofessor of sec
ondary education.
The Typical Nebraska coea win
be presented Monday at Coed Fol
Finalists are: Mary Ellen Ma-
ronde, Harriett W e n k e, Sue
Coed Follies
Rehearsal Set
For Saturday
Organized houses participating
in Coert Follies will hecrin dress
rehearsals at 8 a.m. Saturday at
the Nebraska Theater.
Each house is requested to be
present at the theater one-half
hour before their scheduled time.
The schedule is:
fi-R:20 a m.. Aloha Omicron Pi
Bicky Nedrow and Nanci DetJord,
skitmasters. "Tune Train" skii.
8:20-8:40 a.m.. Sigma Delta Tau
Cheryl Nerenberg, skitmaster.
"Travel Tips" curtain act
8:40-9:00 a.m., Kappa Alpha
Theta Mary Worrall, skitmaster.
'Wish You Were Here" skit.
fl fin-fl:20 a.m.. Karma Delta
Marilyn Lehr, skitmaster. "By the
Shores of Ellen Smithy" curtain
9:20-9:40 a.m.. Kappa Kappa
Gamma Nancee Peterson and
Pat Loder, skitmasters. "Love, It's
Here to Stay" skit
9:40-10:00 a.m.. Pi Beta Phi
Nnm Devore. skitmaster. "United
5hTnrfttinns" curtain act.
10:00-10:20 a.m., Alpha Xi Delta
Tnis Anderson, skitmaster. "You
Can't Get a Man with a Brain"
10:20-10:40 a.m., Terrace naii
Barbara B r 1 1 1 o n, sKitmasier.
"Glory Comes from Jungle
Drums" curtain act.
10:40-11:00 a.m.. Delta uamma
Barbara Dillman, skitmaster
"Hannah and King ot &iam
Jan Steffen, AWS board mem
ber in charge of rehearsals, asked
that the traveller acts De pres
ent She also stressed tne lm-
nortance of having all necessary
stage properties there.
Literary Society
nsors Contest
cf,,tmt wishins to enter the
short story contest sponsored by
the Delian Union Literary So
ciety must have their entries in
by April 1.
The contest is open omy io un
affiliated University students. Any
r.mrer r.f entries may be sub-
mittPf? hv one person and class
compositions will be accepted.
The entries are restricted to a
maximum of 4,500 words, double
spaced and typed.
Each entry must De accompan
ied by a statement which attn-
Kutor tVi Mimnnsitinn to be OrifTi-
nal and not previously published
and signed py xne autnor.
Manuscripts win oe suDmuxea
to Delian Union Literary Society
care of Clark Gustin, 2233 "D"
Street Lincoln, Nebraska.
Segregation Rules
In Dorms Removed
Chancellor R. G. Gustavson was
presented the first annual Broth
erhood Award of the local E nai
B'rith Tuesday night.
The award was presented for
improving "certain racial and re
ligious conditions at the Univer
Previously rules held that only
the white race could live in Uni
versity dormitories. This restric
tion was changed the second
semester of 1950.
Gustavson said that the previous
rules were "a hard thing to live
with." The attempt to erase racial
discrimination has been made
quietly, be said.
Two votes were taken concern'
ing the change, an oral and later
a secret written ballot which
overwhelmingly revealed that dor
mitory residents were in lavor I
allowing all races to live in Uni
versity dormitories, according to
Despite several foreboding pre
dictions of some persons, Gustav
son said, the only result after the
change was that a Negro girl was
elected president of a group of
The Chancellor also praised the
Jewish people as unique in that
Brownlee, Chloryce Ode, Jean
Davis, Connie Clark, Muriel Pick-
ett, Nancy Odum, Kathleen Dill
Marilyn Erwin, Winifred Stolz,
Beth Rohwer, Sally Jo Speicher,
Elaine Millen, Darene Goodding,
Sanrira Dalev. Jov Watchal. Jo
Johnson. Sara Stephenson and
Jovce Johnson.
These finalists were chosen
TVhnnrv 11 from 42 coeds who
had been nominated for the TNC
title by organized houses. ,
Linne Books
Sought By
NU Library
Staff Writer
Vranfc A. Lunrtv. Director of
University Libraries has said that
an unsuccessful broadcast appeal
was maHA tr alumni for money
to purchase a set of valuable
books a few years ago
A pnmnlptA set nf the works of
Carl von Linne, or Linnaeus,
Swedish naturalist regarded as
the foundation of modern plant
rlassifirntinn in the fietf of bot
any, was offered to the University
for $3,000.
Th hnnfcs xvpre from the col
lprtinn nf the late Thomas Jeffer
son Fitzpatrick, one time curator
of the University's herbarium.
Lundy .said that several of the
administration supported the move
tn hnv thA T.innaean set. but they
could not get any money irom
alumni for this purpose.
Two VI TTfiiser. assistant librar
ian, wrote an article for the Sep
tum hor I95r Nebraska Alumnus
magazine which briefly surveyed
the contents of the set and ap
pealed for money to purchase it
Miss Heuser wrote tnai sne
wished to acquaint alumni, in
terested in the future of the Uni
iTArcitw ri Nebraska, with the OP
portunity they have in their midst
to acquire this private conecnon
at a fraction of its total worth."
"Friends of the University," as
recently reported in a Lincoln
newspaper, said that the Univer
sity was unable to accept the
o nrm nffor rm a theory that the
money was "available for bread,
but not for cake."
In reply to this statement,
Lundy said that tax appropria
tions for the University library
are used almost completely for
necessary new books and current
He explained there is seldom
enough money left over to pur
chase collections such as the Lin
works and therefore the
University must appeal for dona
Lloyd Chapman, administrator
of the Fitzpatrick estate, said
earlier that he understood that
Fitzpatrick twice offered the sci
entific works to the University for
3.000 largely because he wanted
them to stay there.
Both Lundy and Bruce JMicou,
administrative assistant to the
Chancellor, know nothing of a
current move of "friends of the
University" to purchase the col
lection. NAither have bpen contacted.
but they previously expressed that
the University would oe giaa io
support such a move. i
"We would like to have them if
somebody would like to buy
them," Nicoll commented. i
They were among the first to
give us a great concept of values."
He related how the national
Jewish Hospital in Denver had in
Gustavson left) to presented with the first ubaI jETmsJi L'i- 1
Brotherhood award by Sam Berek, district commiltceiaan ef tbe
southwest rrfion of the rj:aixa.tin.
Thursday, February 19y 1953
campaigners presented singing
commercials praising their candi
dates at all women's residences
Tuesday and Wednesday nights
during the dinner hour, several
posters praising various candU
dates also found their way into
the coeds' residences.
Polls in Ellen Smith Hall and
th A i? Union onened at 10 a.m.
today and will remain open until
5:30 p.m.
Candidates added the past week
and their activities are: Bill
Adams, Delta Tau Delta, vice-
president of Kosmet KJub, inno
cents and Scabbard and Blade; Ira
Epstein, Sigma Alpha Mu, Inno
cents, gymnastics, and 1952 Yell
King; Dick Husmann, Pi Kappa
Phi; Cy Johnson, past president of
Sigma Alpha Epsilon and presi
dent of Interfraternity Council;
Dave Knapp, President of Theta
Xi; Marshall Kushner, Zeta Beta
Tau, member of Publications
Board and, Kosmet, Klub; Joel
Mead, Alpha Gamma Rho; Marvin.
Schuman, Theta Chi; Rocky Yapp,
resident of AUF. Kosmet Klub
historian and Beta Theta Pi.
Candidates announced previ-
ftuslv are: Jim Cederdahl. Phi
Delta Theta, football and baseball;
James Collins, Acacia, uorn cods,
Junior-Senior Class Board, NUC
WA and tennis team; James Far-
ris, Sigma Fhl Epsiion, auiaen
Union, wrestling and swimming;
Richard Goll, rnt liamma iJeixa,
football. N Club and Candidate
Officers Association.
Dick Huebner, Beta Sigma lsi.
Corn Cobs, Student Union and
TTnivArcitv Rand? Jerrv Minnick.
Delta Upsilon, N Club and foot
ball; Wayne Mooay, farm nouse,
Ag Executive Board, Secretary of
Ag YMCA, Block and Bridal and
Builders; Dave Noble, Phi Kappa'
Psi and footbau manager; itooen.
Pecha, Alpha Tau Omega and
Thorn Snyder, Tau Kappa tp
silon, Kosmet Klub secretary, Stu
dent Union, COA-and Provost
Club: Carr Trumbull, Sigma Chi
president, Corn Cobs, Student
Council and mxenratercuiy vuim
cil; Bob Wagner, Kappa Sigma
frtnthnii- Tom Woodward.
Sigma Nu, Corn Cob worker and
copy editor on xne uauy eui9
kan. Brass Choir
To Present
t-vi a Ttniversitv of Nebraska
Brass Choir will present its an
nual concert at 4 p.m. Sunday, in
the Student Union ballroom.
Jack Snider, Instructor in Brass
Instruments at the University will
direct the 35-piece group.
Special numbers to De inciuaea
in thA nroeram are a tuba solo by
Robert Chab of Ravenna and a
drum ensemble including Biine
Croft of Fremont, Ronald Becker
of Lincoln, Kent Phillips of Lin
coln, Earl Mitchell of Chadron,
and Jerry Humphrey oi Auourru
The complete program includes:
r.nlnnel Boffev March try Alford:
I Allegro from Eine Kleine Nacht-
music bv Mozart-King; Canzon
Septimi Toni No. 2 from Sacred
ISymphonial by Bavrill-King; Son
ata III. Largo and Allegro by
Galliard, which is the tuba solo by
Bnhort fhah- OvArriirA 1fil2 hyr
Tschaikovsky-Olsen; Sextet in E
i Flat Minor by Bohme; Modula
tion by Blount which features the
rimm mwmhlf! Festal March hv
James-Watson; Suite Miniature by
Miller; and Klaxon March by Fill
more. vited him to become a member of
the staff for the sole purpose oi
helping him carry on research,
while at the University of Denver.
Caiutsm LioctrtSi Vim
I "