Pcce 2 Just DeJresn (s . . . By DOX PIEPEX Editor I hare two serious topics to discuss today. Oae concerns man's efforts to live wi'.h his brothers and the other concerns his efforts to live. The first is Brotherhood Week and the other is The Nebraska a's safety campaign. Let vs consider first a wk designed to fos ter racial, leligious and economic understanding. The need for srh understanding is obvious. No matter how tnxifix progress man has mad? in the fight to destroy prejudice, there is always room for more, Germany was the censer of the wiMest pre judice in recer.t history. Hitler tried to extermin ate a race gwiicide. His fanatical hatred of the Jews brought the world the most disgraceful ex ample of racial bigotry. But encouraging news about this infamy was revealed on the camjus Tuesday by Professor Hans HenfeU, visiting America from the Free Uni versity of Germany. He said, as he spoke in one of the many classes he visited, that a "greater number" of Germans were not inclined to for give Hitler for his crimes against the Jews. The status of the German Jew now is almost one-hundred per cent improved over the con ditions in the Hitler era.' Of course, the professor added, it is hard to remove immediately the Ideas which, were impressed a the German people by mieuse lau-oemiuc propaganda. n tszi i a pro cess of one, two or three years," be explained. But progress is being made where progress . was most sorely needed. I would like to think that Americans have come 'as far in recognizing that there is no biological or mental difference between bumans of one skin pigmentation and those of another. ... On the hope that I wont sound too preachy, I would like to rscommend that every University student give just two minutes of thought to this subject. Think far two minutes on the orobtem of increasing brotherhood. Think of what is im plied in the word brother. Think of the efforts yoa have made toward increasing brotherhood. you can make yourself a better world citixea. this column has scmmplishei something. Thought is always better than sermons. You make up your cram misi. Think about the progress the Ger mans are making toward solving their roost dif ffinaSt problem. And now, the problem of a driver's respoasi- NEBRASKAN EDITORIALS Whenever an Individual has bis life and pos sible the life of someone else in his hands, he has a terrific responsibility. Unfortunately, this re sponsibility Is often disregarded. It is easily dis missed if you are in a hurry. . But remember that driving is a matter of life or death. This point was driven home most dramatically last weekend. Two University students are re covering from serious injuries in Lincoln hospi tals and one student is dead all due to automo bile accidents. It is a sad commentary on mod ern society, but it took their accidents to bring the importance of safe driving to the fore Saturday afternoon the same day of the Van Honse-Spear accident on Highway 6 Paul Wil liams of the World-Herald called to ask if The Nebraskan would cooperate with his paper in a Crusade for Safety. He suggested that the acci dent earlier that day would be a good excuse for a campaign in our paper. We need death to remind us of the impor tance of safe driving. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN From Tho Glass Box WORLD REPORT Shty-Two Lobbyists Registered At Capitol The citizens trying to get more, answers to questions about the re- 8y PAUL MEANS SUff Writer, TODAY'S HEADLINES . . . President Eisenhower sternly warned Congress Tuesday that he will veto tax-slashing legislation. The President also: (1) con- .rv rlmr,t Tniman the Russia A bomb, (i) rejected tir". V -IT : t .wl :.z: . AdJai Stevenson's brand of "big" 7s ,,vn "av,r , deal - (3) expressed concern oven0' 50 uca ?? clear 8'55J,0k5n 3ffsin farm nnp jnr1 l uu wira Pleaded no official knowledge of communications can not give the r.v plans to blockade China. fho!e picture of Capitol goings The Chinese Communists charge,.'- 11 ?"u' '"t"'1" ut,lc "J that 43 American war planes newsprint than there is. raided Chinese territory last Sun-i Every year the homebound. day. . . . The Reds claim five workbound citizen reads of the de- American jet warplanes were shot feat of a bill that seemed to him down in the raid. . . . The Com- one of the most progressive mea munists charge that the planes sure up for consideration. strafed and dropped bombs. "Why did such a sound bill conaemnea atom spies juuus fa:T he veils. i and Ethel Rosenberg were granted; Frequently a major contributing! Ha! Hasselbalch this state should they be studied. A unicameral senator is nonpar-, isan. He, as the politician says,1 has no "political responsibility. Theoretically Nebraska senators are working open-srindedJy to en act the best legislation. If causes of a party platform are not im planted in the minds of senators. an unwholesome special interest. well lobbied, can have a disas trous effect on state legislation. .OKLAHOMA A&M 'Hardening indefinite stay of execution factor is pressure from lobb vists. "N f A A tday by the U.S. Court of who can work either for passage, Ul fYlOrGlS an iTuesday Appeals. Militarists Advocate The Nebraskan published a feature story on I . . ... young drivers on the back page of today's issue. I newiiumy Since young people like to drive and are apt to! drive more carelessly than their elders, the in formation given ia that story should be of vital interest to every student nrDiTORi vot.- tto. "IIM tor who can work either for passage or defeat of a bill. Paid lobbyists are reouired to register with the secretary of state. They supoosedtv tell the account at their disposal the amounts re- Dangerous' (From the Oklahoma A. A Daily O CoIlerian) wnrl-iv February 18, 1953 TWO ON THE AISIE Al Jolson's 'Jazz Singer' Refilmed The first talking motion picture in history was a film called "The Jazz Singer" starring Al Jolson. Now Warner Brothers have made a new version of that same story starring Danny Thomas and Peggy Lee. There is nothing terrific about Peggy Lee's acting ability but the atmosphere becomes a little hyper-charged with tension as she sings a song she recorder aooui pisrht months aco called "Lover." The arrangement in the movie is the same as the record, ana inai is good. Dannv Thomas sings a few songs which left me rather cold at the first of the movie, a iivue later you felt as though you were at home watching the TV set as Danny routined his way through a night club appearance. Toward the end of the movie Danny sounded much better. One of the M. nrnrmifa ott. tw 1 i ml Ltecvfc Jii Ij Jtmmd imJ 'wnm "U aisourseo employer. - ' . 7 rt-c Thi tnrrhv . ... . emnlover's address. biS5 thev They never have been, and onlv rth of the Blues.. This torcny TOKYO-Japanese mditansts. MfrS-the inort idealistic thinker would es song is hard to do badly, using many of the same slogans .of SwSrn filial satemen at they ever will be. ut only once in a while jio you doren years ago. are raising h ,LlJ,atements aretWhen you enter college it is .s'hw it sung with so much verve. , ,v? LV1 Ki ir) Tuesdav 62 lobbyists were listed sur " n occasional class cut Plot Well, believe it or not, for Says to put the Ctg eliUl intO , :J . ...that man- tt vn.ir h3hi! anA 3 mno-il uSic mnvio has consider- 1, n itsw- ji.iiii 1 a laroiiir nam nw wm - ----- - - - ..-. - me vio MfUvja -wA fViMvr a-ac T?-t ?erP r tvv -UUM . xiuev want to re-arm. build its militarv might .ost of auonai i-;:e (ns"r them are former war criminals v"v -croum 01 . continually in a hurry to get somewhere even if he has to waste time after he arrives. Be cause of this, we see young drivers rutting cor ners and skidding away from stop stree. WHratVa irkiW). t mim. tv.. ideas will chance. This all enters able olot. Furthermore. COn- , -. , , . . intn i ha? wt.i DrwvcAlv fa!! s lsS-! drknu.H.. mi)3w 1a uA"P in and ic ..:...- :,. w: I u u:uwwt njwiwn was 5ecar?CT ..... - -r- - Five railroad unions are fananc- eral education." ;out between the more than 10 sonss that make the movie a Tha freshman student awav musical. The story involves a from home for the first time does family named Goldman who have not have a chance to remain the been cantors for six generations. vast difference between the coals me moral 01 we case is evweni: ine me you 'of Japan s old military crowd and The United States also is clam- American sources c'aim there is a in? ,OODies- Largest listed is a same starry eyed lad he was be-j! Danny Thomas Is the seventh B.jro croi"--. tvre nis inirTxiuciion 10 some con-. veneration uoiamaa wno wims J cepts of Hhe ivy years. In a way to be a jazz singer instead of a save may be your own. It is a moral. But it has its punch. drivirg might have saved the life of one of our fellow students. ful driving may be yours. Then, again, it might 3 Japan's general be that of another student, a Lincolnite or a visitor. But it will be a human life tiris- mA hhe posts whiph iTnitMl State !! "ao manasemt;. ana trues. . uus is gooa. 11 wouia ce a junior cantor, tt.s tamer nas orpuni. fwould 1 ke to se Jaaan adoot. interests finance some of the tragedy for a graduate to enter Datnnv up to be a cantor since Sale, more alert j" - ejrominemt InhhiM If l.-JtK.-rth harvl -r fr.-m .-.Miow , H K-V Kfrth in) nmnv't t- w . w . are well baianced on sjch cues-the idea that thev give awiy.fusal to take over 4s uitl K r v litlkd. ijl.. !. 1. . "e 1 . . . 1. K! toiwm Col. Masanobu Tsuii, m a tK . j -t .v "r ; ... k k mem&er off Parhameirt and one or tv- m J n w r ru ..ka wj -I L ; ;rJI concLce. thouch slanted informs- maybe even know a girl who heritage. Of course to be a good r , "ion. The answers to the questions could not be classed along w tth musical every Lmh iZl VZjTiL aZ? Bu t aw must the to this problem is thought- Pf MS ble to consider a3 reports to I . , , ... 1 nor me Kusssan bloc. He wants to;K:Jj..Ti . . ... L m cannot forget safety miw old lradiUoos cf Jap- fl'f I Ml be!?ef,t fro:r5 f' The best answer steady, alert thought for a minute because anything can be unsafe The Nebraska it's campaign win be concerned mostly wish driving safety, but dsol forget the other important aspects. Just remember that driving is a matter of life1"5 some 10.000. intent upon dis or oea'ih. be commended, it is not as dan cerous as the mnfral lurnmiar that hut result I'ntainttv mn.. 0a l ervthing has to turn out all rjght in the end. It does. "The Jazz Singer" has its tno- intents of emotion, which are not It has some very fine Should 18-Year-0lds Vote? lf you're old esamsgh to fight, you're old esxwugh to waft.9 This represents the primary argument cf ad vocates of a ball mew before the Leg&Latstre, which womli lower the voting age in Nebraska to IS. If mea can be registeTei for taajtaxy service iaea they aire IS years &&. tJse argiament nms, tbey ought to be able to help determine who is to lead the ccmntry. The cM-emaiftglJ-to-fjfiJ-t argLanent has beesa used noi any ia Xetraska but also to a niucmber f caasr states w5aere It-year-olii vcftiisg has conje to the atlezr-km cf the legislxburc. The reasKKning has a lot i merit to it for iskdeed it seeants tmfslr that a man s&suH be fenced t.o bear for a country aim iboe gfvemaiieiat fee has no vke. But naere army lwrvk dce mot bestwr wtirg righls to aBem wiaa are snabjael to selective serv ice fir cose year wiless Chey are students or are citizens cf a eoustry whidt has matSe special treaties with the TJisJIed States. Why them shassli service i Sib armed tanoes todicate that 18-year-afii are prepared to rote? Japanese to look after ' trem- .Lo0'es 4re menace when a duct ro3y be only moderately pre-Jmusic. The acting? Why mention "e!ves inui mmra d aumi ue uojr (ijj- wiwio nag nuami, j who goes to a musical to watcn Tsuii has an organization of T1"5 '"ITC'"3' V 5 . . T. S K anyone act? former military oncers, number- T.Jn arl Th, Jazz Sin.er must have iiw vijummi wvu jr tAiJia iiv CaX.iiX, w a j aRAJ. i i.sw !! ; wwan 0wrl rff arfa !FimAf;t rkHilCf Sir Howler things have pro- ent into the theater thinking TheT t leaT majority of lobbies are gressed too far when the student "bout a test I have tomorrow, and rrusJmewat Watte? to h irking on budget bills, darectly actually beliexes that all he does fve forgotten all about it. orMLa or indirectly. Hundreds of groups is just the -modem" thing to do. This is a light, and kiting musical s l would lake to see more money and perfectly acceptable. Ke is hst e with a nice feeling Most leaders in the current " 5k!EJ" of !i0 S7mps have then well along towards becoming inside. Shigeru Yohica government seek ra"tneT !rea,.T s" send lbbyls. a ffull-fledsed member of the If you can onir take time out tto manimize" these ultra-nationalist fP ?v around ' the growing cult of morally degraded for one movie this next week. I movements. Thev claim the par Capitol expressly to see that end unscrupulous "contemporary, suppose Marilyn Monroe mill get liament is overwhelmingly against t5,neT is S3T41- thinkers" that are undermining the toss and you'll go to "Niagra." L.,w....'r tii iA'trorasuLa arr be jisc nmc ueveni conrepts pi mn 11 vqm nave on your (hands see "The Jazz Singer" too. sarily Jess mature than they wild be , rjj-- jrtioSbgSS S tn X?u jenough to American diplomats' .here. The United States womld like to help Japan build an army run partially by civilians and by of-! Just because a man has attained full stature, a mature wind ami an active interest ia his coun try, he is w& fitted for full citizenship. Before this right ran be granted, the man must have fleers who believe in democratic1 been driven by his interest to use his nsiad enough Frmc;p.s. to acquire at kart a working Pledge and Hh-Str IS weouS derstandirg cf his cation. ijliace' to see Japan prepared to de- This is not identical with the information he fend itself against COTaanunism to obtains from text books, i; relieve tne American Army. lAavy ana ajt rorce I vast re sponsibilities in this part of the world. STOUN GOODS UmtaiMedDy the reatwam thai . IB-, IS- and 25-year-olds hve bewi relused t3ae right cf fran chise is cot that they are less strong than 21. year-olfli m Shat they are red lew rapidCy. The What dtoes this mean? It means samply that even though a person were to attain maturity of mxiiod aad body at IS, he should not automatically be given the right to participate in government. Capacity of miad does not smSwlslMte tor "HlOrOntO lODOr perience cf mind. Only through an extended work- 'j i ing relatiosifhip between a mature mind aad the ffy r f en n fuaactaoaingj of gwenameiat is the uaderstanding w vUllCMw necessary far v-sting acquired. , This is sxA the same as becoming old enough wPOITS IvGVS m Mii,iny jmswutyi ajairw ri'tfi)iWTJJiL WVlUu Whea the argument, f you're old enough to' fight, you're eld enough to vote," is wcA to 3 vocate a Itwered voting age, Just remember that the United Slates it more than what is represerted oa a basaeSf It iiolliiiiff 'mmywik .. mm mm mm Yesteryear At UU ... By DICK BALSTO Staff Wrtear By rTG BABTTVEK Staff Writer Stodents at the Umiversarv of. ITorossto will ro locgr be reading: Isports rows ia the Varsity, cam-i pus paper. j The editorial board of the Var sity explained that the action was! JEt all of what we call Amerjca can be de-.mii eh iam-,.i rearoa tc evift even that 2year-oiis are ueoes- ffeaded -i1h tork and naoriir. o. Wri- a,iM n 31-feeling -jSh members f the! sports department The editors felt that the fiunc taoa of a mrrrptsper was not to overglainonze c&Dege sports with I ootoriiul language ana blown-up, Dacfcures.'" In Uieir cmimitwi. osr- alo. Btwever, the Jiebratkaa went a editorial :emTjhsL$is m sports b-as helped: record at that time r35! the opinion that the de-!"11 campus herces" cf foot-1 vtctopfflect cf class spirit was prhMy an impos-1 M P1?5 sahle task aad mKretwer, argued thai it was no-jj The Awxiated Women SJu-l desarahJe. i'dents board at the Urajversitr cf t ;Wyojinif3g mneafJy went against: ; campiuf trend ty voting that a re-! Tfce develtspmeiil cf class spirit m the under-'.porter ftx fee (university newspa-j gradwate develops an attitude wiaada is far Smm fca- a S1 to a3 heir apjpriato to edtioaal purposes. Even rTheDpte trBI be iflmd' from She pranks and disor.derly actiwsis f the to ewer all proceedings except for; met which were perpetrated as a result cf class''"0"" sessions" where to- nwabLrv. h- remajnc it jnK.1W.rxm iu-,u" turn miv o5is,iueineia. c siupertority so defly to progress f the Uni versity as a umified tostdtfutiwa. For Spring's Smartest Th ft'om it mH tor 18.51 at rL From the swjppwrt givea ia Che last few years it may be swrne tine before St is re-instated cms the social calen der al 54 ever is. la 12S2, bowever, the Proas was ne cf the Llggeett dsjaces given arvd was the last mnyx so cial erect cf the season. Ia th.ait psrtiailsr year, the Praa garnered wawe attendarkoe ttSaaa ar:y cf the ber formsl ereKtt Ja&e YwuKgrtoo, pretty (fby 1S21 standards'), cl3eade Kepja Alpha Theta, was presentod as Pram Girl to t2ae mare tluos 508 coupons atlemding. Her tde 3Ky aad his reheetra plyed fior the event and the f.tured vojalM was "pypular beauty and ix-.g5T ItoaWJfey Lroour. (Yet Sitae real DsSty) For peop who worry about' adverse pub3ity in the press cwes KJjit cwsBScletiWO from the B5dr.'T M.wuHiaiiB Cofflesian: My cwo cpiiJjiwj as that class spirit has ncrfh-! At Seast ne-fiflh cf the people' mg to do wia the dance ftoeU. Eifijer the Mea?iLl"ra T' wwn' behind the Priwm has fto3ed to erniftmse party- TJ-je best newsswoer has on!r gers, r the dajiioe bas net been planwied well .,ut 7lG' tfl5J dastributicn.: That vsg-je, abstract tens tot is betog hr-n ugh to atoi attcodaae. At any rate, stu- SfcScrto arexuatt o mciaa vksj abs sparj ant-raea mjk-jj wj vry piam, ana .paper. etiitsksa abwst the Ptb back m the gwd Id days he SasevitobJe has fioaUy bappesfd. Tha Daily Nobraskan iTTrr-rntf r yeae Mealser: AaMcialed CCegtte IYesstoteftllegtale Press MvtxVmng mwr)UX$vi Jfatteswl AfvertWrae fervtoe, lac 4S Av tfew Yarn 11. Sfesr Yark dB4P (jBJfflrtM IM hv- SN) W WHMKMlN v . il r ."- r4 m MUt BMW 4B W e iUV ll4iMin Orje-hilf cf fftwase who buy. newr sap artkSe about you. One-half cf those who see it, 5 never re4 it i Or-haf cf tSwm whe read it don t unamsuijsd it One-haif cf those who under- stoJi it are not intereeied in it Ore-haJf cf the who are fa-i terested tn ft, Arn, toww you. i ) One-half cf thcuse who knw l-yoM. don't believe it I riw'i The rest that fa beJieve it, are! oci worai Viwur irjenfisiija. so wr.r 'asjtotion Project 1853 is vn- d'-rwsy on the Uinnesoia campms. aje being drafted to, we to the March ami April at- n. ...... t : , A m7 sot scMKjit wjii c rusrM lv tue tor WM. , ImM ' ., , i. i ,.-n ... ai'Mviiiic crarv jweapens or real ewtnufiasro tor W nr ItmaM KHtm'lhm un!vritT. knyft'lMte f 5t M JMN btuuv ...................... K4 ScMMr; TljXiXt.p. mm tMar IMWtv , ....... tr ' UMl ... , JiiWf .... ,. . j j rf scKroartas WlWr t. aur Kw K4 (NHr. (ton. MikSM Twm two Ww 0 m 00 rAffMHBi ShfAtMB bnrf tan ' r m ; J reiJiroen c . Spor fl Coats (ry M O r uT u At A il p; ;,!j;a 1 It I ; rv 1 -: mm .: a B iur ti. .ii", f "V f I f J Tweeds bova token over top favor ia Spring sport coat fabrics and tha smartest are rugged, crisp colorfd Varsurr-Town Tweeds, loomed express ly lor the r.vr natural shouldeT, keg r line, narrower label Varsiry-Tcnvn sport coat models. Try oas on today! Men' Clothing . . .111 GEE'S- Second FI?