A h la ( A kn JU a L ho1 6 Eligible Vcuc of Greet if ires Jera CaJrersify I K A R j2 Y 41 VOL. 52 No. 83 LI NCOLN, NEBRASKA Wednesday, February 18, 1953 Gibson, Amos Delong, Lehr Named Leads From 120 students, he largest number ever trying out for Kcf-met Ktub Spring Musical, a can of wer 70 was selected to present Anything Goes." i The cart of the Cole Porter, musical was chosen by Frank, Bock, director; Barbara Brittin,; dance director and Dick Young,! musical director. They were as-, sisted by Mac Bailey and Kock lord Yapp, Kosmet Klub members.1 Three of the Sour chosen lor leads have starred in previous Kosmet Klub productions. The leads and their roles are Jean Carol DeLong, Hope Hareourt; Nick Amos, BiDy Crocker; Hank tLiKcnn TLPV. Dr. Moon: and Marilyn Lehr, Keno Sweeney. Students selected far supporting noles are Marian McCulloch, Bon nie LaTour; Herb Jackman, Whit ney; Dick Marrs, Sir Evelyn Oakley; EHie Gillialt, Mrs, Went worth; and BartTTooley, Mrs. Hareourt. Miss DeLong as a sophomore major in radio and speech. She Tm.nrefl an "The Circle," a Uni- 'Theater production and' took part an a v -. " ? I i t c ''. V : V. :"-.. . mini .Jf-- s L , ,-,. Kit Stow ill f mi Bank Gibson Nick Ames MarUj : Lehr Thursday Marks Election Of 'Bachelors? For Follies University vcaea wz2 c to'Corn Cobs. Sta5ert Vxtcei. UrJ- the polls "Thursday to elert Vx .rers:7y caaa; jerry mua. 1S53 EiElble Bacbelars. ElectJons iUpsuan, a ju a w-. mill be held from IB tm to SOIWayne MtoCy, rana Boase A pjm. in Ulen Smith Hal and Ag'Esenitive Board. .SMtoy ol At Union? ilYMCA. Block asd Bridal, Builders The six roost available men will Dave Noble, Ffci Kappa Ed, ftwi be presented at Coed Follies, Mao-1 ball manager; F.JJbert Pecba, Ai ds v. Feb. 23. fcr Syria Krasnc'pba Taa Omega, COA. Mortar Board president. j Thorn Snyder, Taa Kappa rp- Candidates added the past wi suon. awhwi J" ' and their activities aire: Bill Student Union, COA and Provost Adams, Delta Tau, Delia, Tice-Club: Carr Tnimbua, Sima Cfcl president ef Kosroet KliJb and ' president, Corn C&hs, Student Bob Wagner, Kappa Sigma, xooi ball; Torn Wodward, Sigma Jffa, Corn Cob worker, and copy editoi on the Daily "2f ebraskan. Jeaa Carol Drionc Scabbard and Blade, Ininoee-ti;. Ira FJStein, Sigma Alpha Mu, In-. Barents, 195Z Yell King, gym-' nasties; Dick Hmsmanm, Pi Kappa Phi; Cy Johnson, past president icl Sigma Alpha Fpsilon and pren-i Ident cf Interfraternity Council; ' jDave Knapp, Theta xl; Marsiiall Kusbner. ZeU Beta Tan, member iof PublicBtions Board and Kosmet jKlub; Joel Mead, Alpha Gamma I Eho; Marvin Srtimman, Theta Chi;! Rocky Yapp, President ol AUF.S Kosmet Klab historian. Beta Theta PS Candidates announitjed previ ously are: Jim Cfeierdahl, Phi Delta Theta, ffootliall and baseball; James Collins. Acacia, Corn Cobs, Junior - Senior Class Board, Brass Choir To Perform In Concert Ten Debate Winners Announced Winners off the first prelimiruiry raoproduction EpQnsorei Delta Anthor d the Ages. She is .iatsba1ie 0,. toternity, were it happened at nujSinging, Dancing Gals In a discBfisioa of several stn-mm m ! A i II IO Enl'arfain At Follies Univeraity CoMs are makinglSorenson and Kitty Wilson, last minute pressaraiions for their; "Persian JJautcb, a dance hy skits and trareMng arts for the Mima DuTeaa and Jane Deppen; Pemier, in . the Febr, 22, Hebraska member pi ajeita weiia weiuu jamjounoed Tuesday A junior majoi'iiiE an yaay, maruyn. .onr. - "rr.Ynnni. Thrta Xh Lora Lee Smith. ana was a.u:----------7 ---- The winners are Clarence De-i Id role in "Girl Crazy' th dancing chorus 10 Coed Follies 24, at 7.3.0 Theater. ! The Follies, sponsored oy the AWS, will be pen to the public; The show win pen with a wel- come br Chaarmam Jam SteSen. Jean Hester will present the ; koohq iiyoer ana micke? waxci Assistants 1 the Ag iaoara are: Typical Nebraska Coed finalists , "I Know a Secret " a Tecard munic publicity. Dean linstroin; sates' .K1Xt TXi oT j Kappa Kappa and -ldiats Delight. She is a w ' me rrrf "1 x" f .hSigma Chi; Sharon Mangold, ""tS a Phi Beta; Allan Kenyon, TimrtiirtinnK. She ameared on Uni- .'tlxi"J".1JT iTiT versity Theater pliys, 7Dtheiio K Gamms. Katb Aur P'T- d Swerre. Kappa Alpha Theta. dmini-' TheBe winners will participate in the semi-final contest to be and the Eligible Bachelors at the; toy Betty Stratton and Bobmson. emDCT,Jijr;imer, Kappa Delta; Ann-Griffi jaiionai n-onec t- rimna nmms and -Ineri YWCA, and Kappa Instructors To Judge TNC Finals Counselors, Delta. Kick Amos, business Ktration iunior, played aeafl in -tujtj -f 'Thursday. The linal contest will Christmas vacation he sang on TV , ' in Chicago and this spring toe will, Tfae ,goraritJ jj-aternity Which Tj-pical Nebraska Coed will be appear on bis wn Hoilywooa mofit winners 4n semi-lselacted fcona 20 finalists, Thurs musical show. He is a member 01, -. , .m r,(rraf.fl!riTr 7 n.m. in 316 Union. University Singers, Kosmet Klub; vel I The judges ;are Dr. Doretta M. workers, and Alpha Tau Omega.:- - .1,; lhSchlaphof, prolessorof homeeco-, ,.5 eil fiS revrrlnSaJelomi juiuuu iuou - n l anx proieHeui w ui. , .nf fh r,.liminrT .con- MUton W. Beckmaiv supervisor test were members of Delta Sigma Eho. Judees for the final con- H a y 1 0 f t finals will receive an theater reductions this summer. He pla i leading Toles in "Girl Crazy -Othello" and "Idiot's De- Review. He is a member of Pi department ! Karma Alpha. ; U V-i Ctnte? "1 "j pannfirs iLiQiieEe w uk' A iuruor in .and Fine Arts, Marian McOu-lp-. Iitfheran Chooel nn,,nV m,c a momhfiTof the chorus;"" twinwan wiiujjc? in "'Oin CrazV" and "'Good News,"" ILenten wspers will be Iheld and sang on the Horace HeidtTal-! weekly, ginning Wednesday,-. lent Show. ;&ne iB a meniuer nu. jrurc .1 iw-.i .ov m .mt u- Sigma Kappa. i-versiry liutheran Chapel, 15th in Ihe summer .ol -51, Herb anfl W Jstreeis. 'to vice - oresideot .of . sung dents roncerning the Jnmor Srnior Class Board efforts im ret iindem Tilers for the Junior Senior Prom, it. was pointed eat that in previous years under writers were vtnek for the finan cial responsibility f the affair with last years uiflivifluiU tuu running upwards f 10 dollars. One junior. wb apparently h&tnt realise. that his signature involved financial responsibility reelaimed. 'Oh my Gosh. "And 1 signed the thing (times." end of the program. The live skits are Alpha cum cron Pi "T.une Train." skit-; masters: Uanci DeBord and Bicky Jiedrow; Kappa . Alhpa Theta,' "Wish Yon Were Here," sTdtmas-l ier. Mary WocraJX Kappa Kappa Gamma, Xiove, Ifs Here To Stay." skitmasterK Nancee Peterson and Pat ILoder; AlphaXi Delta, "Ton Can't Get a Lois Anderson; and Delta Gamma,1 Man With a Brain," skitmaster 'Harma and the King of Siam," Ekitmasten Barbara DiUmam. Separating the skits will be Curtain and Traveler Acts. Theione to Watch Over Me,' four curtain acts are Sigma Delta Tau, "Travel Tips," skitmaster: Cheryl Kerfinberg.: Kappa Delta; "'By the Shores of Elen Smnhee,", Ekitmaster: Marilyn ILehr. Pi Beta PM, "United Scn.oo-3 lions," skitmaster: Kara Devore; and Terrance Hall, "Glory Comes from Jungle Drums," skitattEter:: Barbara Britton, ( The Traveller Acts for each night will vary. TSiTlen MuHarky will present each might s winner after the judging following the last skit. The Traveller Acts for Febr, 23 are "mecuey oi cia s avarites, ILynn Holland doing piano and vocal numbers; "Khapsody in Blue," a piano soldi by Fauneil Gutzman. i Appointments cf assistants A Delta Gamma dance number ithe mew Unhiersity The annual Brass Choir concert will be presented at 4 pa, Feb. 22 in Ihe Union ballroom. Under Ihe direction of Jack NUCWA and tennis fteam; James Snyder, the program will feature Farris, Sigma Phi SpsUon, Student j a tuba solo by .Robert Cfcab and Union, wrasUing and dimming; a jtraight percussioa ettsemble. jucnara uojj, arm uaimni iLeiia, Several cf the seeirtjons to tx football, N Club, and C of A. 'Iplaved by the Brass Choir have Dick Huebner. Beta Sigma Pa, I been arranged by studenls in the brass department cf ihe Univer sity School cf music. The selec tions and their arrangers are: The Festal March" by James, ar ranged by Kadia Watson and "The IB 12 Overture" by Tschaikovsky, arranged by Bob Olson. The program cf the S5-piace organization includes: "Colonel Bogey March," by Alfard; A1- Builders legro from Erne KJeiae Jtacht- music," by Moaart-King; Can non Sepflmi Tana NiO. 2 from Sac rae SymphoaaSaV' by GabxiDi- Ki-ng said "Sonata HI, largo, Al- Park Names 20 Assistants For Builders by Jedy Seiffert Dot Wat-! Board have been announced by son, Joan Meyers, tana uisonuiiUiaon fark, asuiiaers presiaent Maryland membership, Marx Peterson;: legro," by GaUiard, Bobert Chah, jtcrurs, Jerry jLangemeier and par-. Tuba. Also mcluoea are "Wr- tes and conventions. Pat Pauley.;; tare 1.812," by Tscnaikovsky-t-Crty Board assistants are: mem-; sen; "Sextet in X Flat Minor." by bership. Ann Thompson; campus jBohme; "Modulation," by Blount, Drum Ibsembie; "Festal March, by James-Watson; rSuite Minia- "With a Song in My Heart" sung by Jackie Orr and acocm-' panied by Gladys Wovotny; and "Out cf a Suitcase,'" a tap dance jtours, Shirley Dewey; parties and by Shirley Jesse. .conventions, Judy Joyce; calen- The Traveller Acts for Febr. 24 jdar, Betty Krueger; effiee man are vocal impersonations cf male ager, Mary Margaret McKoenei mathematics, and Dr. Eoy.ce i. Knapp, professor ictt secondary eo ucation. Thi. Tvnical Hebraska Coed will be presented art Jhe Coed Jollies, The finalists .are: wuu-jt wrarnnclp. iunioT. Kappa Delta, vice president .of Ag YW, secre- Student Union iioara, riu vinju. iarmr&. Wenke. nunior, Xappa 1 Alpha Theta, Managing. Editoi- tcf singers by Jan Harrison and ac- .companied by Phoebe Dempster; "Bird f Paradise," a tap dance by Nancy Kelly, a.coompamed by Gladys JJovotny. Publicity, Mart Dedrick and art,' Annie Bevon. Assistants on Board publications j ynnrrrffing to Snyder. are vjrruma jieaaerscin. atssauia i tore," by Miller and -juazon March, by Fillmore. The Brass Guar ennoert is free and the public as incited to attend Tea for Ttso," a marimba s&olsnaifr Kebraskan; Kathy Olds, as- StllnPnt ? Pifln by Marymaude Iseaiord. aocom- fl0ciate pamea cy &nerry uover; same- sung by accom- bv the Mu Phi Ensilon Student Pastor A. J. WOTeenlT-. AltihalBeaUty Shop uarteL Mary ILou heart" at Pinewood Bowl in lUn-jsaia me .compacx ndu-nvui t z: h Bierman, Pat Felger Schmidt, JoiFolhes on Febr, 24. -n. 4nm Limmprc . s 'tvouoBU rperioa -m mauue LUJU. JC kJ.V-i.!. w " ' - editor cf Scarlet audi Cream; Jeanne Bangstron, secre-' m tary .of Scarlet and Cream and CQSIClTl lOUl Winifred Winston and panied by line FoialL "Sylvester and Tweetie Pie," a record mimic by Eita Angell and Pat Kellis; songs by the Sigma Alpha lota trio, Delores Garrett, Janice Wagner and Harriet Swan- son, accompanied by Gladys Itov- .atny. ! Kappa Gamma dance number by Wafer Yell Drillers Marne Cook, Kancy Thompson,!! T Q Meet Al rtU Bernie pLOitjtuKt associate edi tor .of First Gtonoe. Student Directory staff mem bers are: faculty lists, Ann ILau-J ner; organizatianE, Alice Todd;, proofreading, Janet Heaiey; stu dent lists, JoAma meyers ana typ ing, Marlene wirhs. iancy Carman and Marian Whit worth; and "'Modern Interpreta tions, by Betty Searcy at piano. Jan Steflen win present skit winners at the end cf period will include national music camp .at Inter-1 reacting 01 a secuun .01 uic jrai lochan, Michigan. He played leads 'sion history, a special Lenten se in "'Girl Crazy" and "'See How, lection by the .choir, a sermon- Thev lun." a Hayloft Theater i"cl b .nninti tj iK s -niprnhpr eif Choir renearsai Thi TCnnna Psi. ,larly Barb Sue Brownlee, junior., Delta Gamma, Junior utaBB ouuum,, AXJF Board, Junior Class oe president. Chlorvce Ode, s op ho rn ox, Loomis Hall, Tassels, Ag YW Cab- IWAR1NG CONCERT which is regu- held on Wednesday eve- Tooley, Teachers College TKWf,.-, Of UN, Capitol Uiuversity students are matong plans to journey to Kew YgeSc City and WasMngtom to attend the United Katians and Meet Year Government seminErs sponsored bv the Katicinal Student CromdJ, YMCA and YWCA, The students will leave lincola March 20 and wi& arrive m Wash- Approximately 200 members of ington the 22. l'in ere fhe K'-he Nebraska Water Well DnHerE:-fc Ttaey wwwm ff il Association, the eldest active cr-pml Jst?rcm'rn. - m W'ganizatioii of its kind in the na- J,-KDmJl!S1 Si! 'Hon, will meet cm the University .highlighted by a dmner speech to icampus mext Thursday and Fri- be given by Mrs. Kteanar Koose- laar, pelt The students wiH also atbend The association's . 22nd annual a session ci xne aecoriTy conference and shortcourse willj Sight-seeing tours will toe con be held in co-operation with the ducted in both cities. Studen University's Division cfConserva-'will, stay at the Hotel Diplomat tion and Survey. m Jew -i.ont. toKt ci Gov. Robert Crosby wjfll speak kciucung tbtouti.uu, at a luncheon ThurBday eienmgiapa aooa win ve syux ,( CjntinueC s fare ) 'ship. CBinpus fashions Counselor President To Give Twenty 31g Sister Citations Jean v-or, twRt rw treasurer cabinet member, lumon wmuuium Chairman, ipanneuemc wiuc-ctu- derxt. Alpha Lambcta alexia. Connie Clark, junior., Alpha Chi Omega, vice president .of Home irnnn,.mins ,r.luh. seeretary .of Tas- selB, Alpha Lambda Delta, Phi Up- silon micron. Murilel Pickett, sophomore, Ti Beta Phi, Builders Board, Coed Counselor Board, Cornhusker sec tion head. ! JSancy dum, sophomore, Gam- Phi Beta, iiunoeri. jautuu, meaa, luaury I ma Kan Kappa ouse, past W secretary. fc-aPPa Jiappa luarnnia, urir ,fcv,nhairman. Phi CICU - Kappa Kappa .... . . ..1 , -ti : tj... t..,. . wr trie tier, weanesaay ax p.ni. in iNaiuue inuisuu, j-j xicm rm, Union "house will amodel the appropriate inc. Adelptu; Janet Lynch, Ami- styles for special occasions sui.'lnHtu; (Connie Decker, International nc or. "formals. banouets and IHou-ie: Eleanor Chapman, Loomis jcteaiaeiice Kathleen Dill, senior,, Interna- .at the Lincoln Hotel Other speakers during the two Pennsylvanians Started As 4 'Baniazzatrists' By KATALIE KATT tedhnigues cf rhythm as when the - Staff Writer . group (originated, j srty; John F. Sihrunk of the Uni- Thirty years ago four -tam-! Encourageu by -Paul Whiteman.y anfl thanes jazateiBtB" began playing forpe lour mgmai jmemoers dance parties, mixing their banjo au-uuuu jcw w Any students interested 3a oo;r, rrn 4nrinrt Trof.knakin the trip or desoring in- J u-i-.." T .ij iiormaaioii iiautuB iwuu Janice siborn at the YWCA am Hedges of Ellen Smith BaE or Sam Gibson at the YMCA an temporary ju. dt spring fashions lor all occa sions will highlight the annual Ante Coed Counselor Friendship Din-jy0ung ballroom. - JKovicatt, SigmalJeita -jau; vuaro- ."T" v-rwin. iunior.. Inter- from .each organweft Lee, Sigma li.appa, Joan iieu-i -, lCoed Counselor : Innrt 1 .vni'h mU . ' .. . . , Board, Tassels, :bT.uaera uouucu, Home Hconomies Club, frii7 ,oTih omore. .dates. Two acts, presented aurmg Hall; Oira 1 J nompson, x.t-Muei.i c , EAEW treasurer, me firyie snow, win .ueun ,nuu n ii '.mv...v -- possible .costumes to be worn ai : yard, wvuson wau. ri-thms along with their .quieter hymns. These "banjazzatrists," in creased in number, have come to! be anternationaiiy iEnown as me Pennsylvanians. Fred Waring, and the PennryV vanians, will appear at the Coli seum, Mar. a. The concert is spon sored by the Union. The Pennsj-lvanians have in creased from four to M, but the songs they ing .and play retain essentially the warne fervor ana various .campus parties Girls participating in "Take Me . j .(in It 1 . . .1 V ' i ll.i and Ann Bevnon. Jan Beachler wiU dance "Holkllau:" Ann Launnr and Jun Sarrison will co-narrate the show. Twenty citations will he pre sented to the 1802-53 .outstanding Coed Counselors by Elizabeth Gass, president. The .counselors are selected by board members .on -the basis of their work with little fiisters .during the past year. Guests and the present board members will be introduced by Miss Gass. The guests are Mury Mielenz, Mrs. . lieret. Helen Knvder. advisers: Mrs. Elsie Ford ieT. past adviser; Mary Au-t rust:t, asnistnnt tto the oJean 'Of Vomen and Marjorie Johnston, Tuinn rif IVnmPll. All big and little Sisters. Cw.6 Counselor sponsors nd house mothers have ibeen Invited to at tenithe dinner. Tickets .re tl.10 and .are sold by sisters and Coed Counselor board members., Tickets will mot be sold tit the floor. Sue Reinharclt is .chairman of ihe banquet. Her (committee chair winn firp Joan Johnson, style ahow "Wturliil Pickett, decorations; Tta,.i,. ,r;oofldinc. ticknts; Mar. lone MaCUllough, invitations; Jane Bredy, menu; and Sue Gorton, ,.V,l,..lir . The girls moduling and the "house thev Vepresetrt arc: Auary jlowetl. Alpha .Chi Omv.mc, Pacidy Vrifiht. Alpha Omicron Pi; bimdrv Ledmghum, Ahiha Phi; Brtty fiearcy, Alpha 2U Delta; BJurtey Decker, Chi mepir; Marr.r.ret Ku .7 t .'.! TH-lta Delta: Mary Do- iniiigo, Delta Gamma; Alice Hun- if'.'.-" ' - i i i i 1 I f, n , j I " V' I I - " f f ' ' "",. f !' . . i. - t .... .., Taasels, YWCA, Coed (uounsemr Beth liobwer, junior, Chi Omega, Assistant Editor .of Corn husker, Farmers' Fair Board, Builders vice president fcuDy Jo Speicher, .sopnomore, Kappa Kappa Gamma, corn husker section iheait, AUf uoara, Guilders .assistant Elaine MuMen, -sophomore, uu I'ryehoiogist: " Are you irouwieo OmeEa. Home Economics CJ-uh by improper thoughtsr" Council, W Cabinet Coed: "Iflo J rather Darlene Godding, junior, s owne ihem Billoi 1 taff Writer prominent nightspots. The sroup expanded and became known as the College Synoopationist play-, ing primarily .on college and uni versity campuses. In 1828 Waring aid ttus group were booked an ne of Europe's most (distinguished supper clubs, Des Ambassadeurs, an Paris. This 'booking (encouraged the group to work vem 'harder., ana aiso showed Americans the popular appeal .of the Waring type of music. The public, after hearing and setwg the Frist Wx&i"', show, ,de- more popular jrenoiuons. ine Penn'lvanians have re.ccr.fled Masquer's Production such conoerts as: "Twas the Wifht Befoi Christmas." "God Kind lady ((about to give back- Bless America," "The Holy City,' Members tf the singing sgraupi come from all parts .of the su,.-; and from varied backgrounds. Club, vice prefudent BABW Board, Coed Counselors, iasseis. Sandra Daley,, numor, ateaiClence Halls for Women, Tassels, Coed Counselor Board, Governor Residence Halls for Wromen.- Joy Wacliul, Dunior., Deuta Gamma, viue president .of AUF, Union Board, past member .of Builders Board. J Johnson, .sophomore, Alpha XI Delta, treasurer .uf Tassels, Coed Counselor Board, Builders Board. ' JJara Stephenson, sophomore, Kappa Delta, patrt Daily IMe braukan Copy Editor, Builders Board, Tassels, fled Cross. Joyce Johnson, junior., Alpha Chi mega, ;&tudeiit Council, vice president .of lied Cross. Pjoi t y Gark To Specie At Zodeo O'Jb Meeting 'The University's Fvodeo Associ- doar caller a .ouarterO; "Poor man Are you married?" Tramp: ""Pardon me madam'! Tfvc think J'd he relvin'' on total KnmPPrK nr intiort al n nafl a Many aormer nennsyivauiuns xwvr wife?" achieved success with the help of the Choral :6ingmg ;pacxgrouna Ticket for the Fred Waring! .concert are on sale at the box .f- njoy fice an the City .and A Onion,' Mam floor seating will he solo lor: i!$8 :K2 and fl with balcony seats The best way to fight body odarisening for $&, $2.&ft, 12 and $150. Is to .chew that oworopnyu furs Although it turns your teeth, of green It tastes a lot better than Mum, 'Jacket Sales A surgeon, an iardhitect, and s w w politician were arguing as to f" hose prolesaion was the oldest. ;6-fy fffi r4 rOlT The surgeon .contended that when w iGod (.created Eve from a rib of Sales of the Farmer's Fair .and Adam that was a wurjgieal opera- Kodeo Association jackets btgms tion. !l Wednesday said Dill Waldo, "But said the architect, ""before Farmef's Fair Board member.. that, God formed order t of ,Chai)S. "Yes, agreed the pauticiaa, 'but how about chaos? f At.EJON MODIX Madel ine a "Jlu Catcher" fashion t the Coefl tlutiw!tur rrienUdhlp Huuiiir iMifl tyle Show IH'eiU iietidisy aaiClil '1U be lpue 1 mui&- The first order of the jackets win be .delivered around March 15. ! The Ag Union and the Farmer's Fair Board are the sponsors of the A aoof was walking along the sales, , . beach in the nude with his clothes Students anay jtoee wde hung over bis arm, A cop tran tup'ia the booth at the Ag Union, to Sum, ! Waldo related the jackets for 'M'hiit's the idea, walking along the warmer rur wxu vk mm mmm mmmwummmmvwmmmfmmmmmnmwimwm , . I- ...... .... ".,'"'" -""-" "t. I t. - " v; i i- 1 1 - 1 1; ntion wiU hold a special meeting .without your .clothes on.? de Wednesday at 7:30 pm. an the Ag , numdei I ttie cop. , Trr; i J HWI J Willi 'ws" Plans lor the 1958 Farmer's Fair .mim, uu iw.e Rudtio will be discussed, said rFrnncis Gowne, .unib publicity Ichaiimun. George '"PotFy" Clark. Uuiver uity athletic .director, will be the ljeaker Sor the meeting. 1 The wefttltwuutB sufiflehly 4!hu.iir.e(i bis mund juxt mm that Thnrbflay will bt iiir and ery ul, bwt awfi JurMO'w-Dhuef. imd the liodeo Association jackets1 will eU lor :f.85. Purchasers of the jackets wiO bave to pvy for them when they tplaue theu orders. Plaques are also available aur the wo veuts. Waldo sad. The Parmer's Fair ipiaue is staling JoJ' .115 and the Kodeo Aasociivtioh plagiie for (Cfiuts. f TKE CAT A TEE CAKAXT" . f.X5 OcrJ'U taaf tar rvie Su Sulxs Wl'aiar' nuystery. The a s&f Ti Csmary." The i:i.ta m3siJ K.a:iwr jarvfia'.-Uva "LJ be rne. ie efly. Thurbfisy a4 f nfcsr at S y.m. t-ll. Tki!, Ticket may be ywchasefl frtw sjr tKiembw rf fi"flra uem anfl a the tuSveraily "Jtnefctre bi .' fWhw culeawa, lOerrtS CUBte, SfarUra l-r. f.tnO, isiejwsut, fjck K.wr a4. Al lasarww4. V.e J'.-i:i.i-y is i