The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 06, 1953, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Page 4
Friday, Februory 6, 1953
Ag Profs' Potluck 1SESS10NS AT UNION
UoniQ f C. 25 Olhrs Both A Hobby, tiourst!Second Annual Air Age Clinic Ever
I Union, will meet for the first time I I I I I I II P f".f
Mela in U.o. ocneauiea ror rnaay
By DICK COFFEY Jtional therapeutists and home ae herself with each . type. The this semester on Sunday Feb.
Feature Editor Imakers, Niss Steele saw. (treaflie loom operated iy me xcoi oetween 5:30 and 7:30 pjn.
The art of makin? cloth bv in-i The course wins to rive praeti-: treadles, and the table loom oper- The dinners will be held at
r.J information an.l simnl meth-'ated hr hand levers are tWO tVBCS monthlv interval thraui-h th'
The second Air Ase Education will be the two demonstrations
TA Stanowich. me
teorologist in charge of the Omaha
airport weather bureau; Robert
Titland. chief of the Grand Is
land airway communications sta-
at rijthi angles to the other, is a ods. The five basic s;cps for the'of looms the department has. jsecond semester with aU students, Clinic held in the united states scneauiea iw i ina j E.hM
department unknown to many in beginner 8re: A less expensive loom is the invited to attend. Students who' will take place in the Yn,on."!iThe5.
the University. 1, Famiiariat5on to the loom., two harness loom. This loom is wish to attend the Sunday dinner day and Saturday. All students and radio mun"";
this course known as weaving, uressmg or tne loom. io renam ku. m ti-s.nouia sign tneir names on ineare mvuea o ". - "-tn ainnn. i? o Mrtit director
(Home Economies 25) is a popu- 3. Experimenting with patterns, terns, Miss Steele said, but the i)St ln the Af office before event , he latest aviation fact tion and R. O ."
lar course on Aj; canus. I 4. Selection ol satisfactory de- limitation is to ad vantaje. Two Friday evening. , The clinic sessions are dencd and figures, . P;ftL in rhiowill
Weaving is included i the hand sins. other types are the four harness Lois Kiekhlfter is the student to inform teachers, school "dm.n-t Brig h viV vlaSowith rsnect
craft court taught by Miss Ruth; 5. Working out design in cloth, and d--hamess loom. Twelve chairman in charge of arranpe- islrators, and students of the lat-,tor of Intelligence ol the Strategic J
Tne dertnient nas eignt van-narnesses may oc put on we nients. The faculty chairmen for est eaucauonai aspecis oi ayiimun vim.........., ..... VfK atter-
is kVls of looms and it is nee- ad-a-hamess loom. !t.he Februarv "Potluck with the with regard to military, civil, and won Friday with a discussion of. and training atne Friday arter-
Sieele, associate professor of home
economics. The course is excel-ous
lent for tvarhms maforsL wuna- Warv for ihe student la familiar- After learnins the mechanics of Tvr" n nH xir t mmmunitT airoort ooeraUons. 'the u. i. Air iorce ana u iram
me iwm, ii is necessary to oressj JJussehl. I Of special interest to siuaenws.ins yiv&ium.
it ims is a one cy a snuuie, wnicni
I I v L ,
-T " -Til i ;4 i
U.nWMl: U,..,MM,lli...l.ll,IM,i,ll,l,,...l...IM....,fiMji
is a means ol ruttin? thread on
Twenty Coeds To Model
At Friendship Dinner
noon rro cram.
The Friday evening meeting
will be addressed by Dr. Frank .
Sorenson, former summer admin
istrator of the University air-age
division, who is now director t
the Education and Technical
Training Staff of the Technical
Seven Initiated
Info Provocorp
The pattern of weave is deter-j
mined by combinations of names-!
ses and innumerable combinations
J are possible. The student makes"
sample patterns to decide on the
frtr hi r.mW R, th " ... . ... swoenw, iniim V1: r,f th Point Four nro.
rini Jient t bkia' twenty ws wui mooci lasn-propriaie smes ror spci - mCmbers at their meeting wea,-- '
4ue moot, w piui, is more.i -., i rs:4v.;. ri . . ' ine leciurcs. mrucipunK pann
slice organuation
Students, lmuaiea seven new (
discuss the role of aviation in the
ine lannv or main. 15 a mnrp . . ....
-- w . - - - i-(wvi 1 nimvinr mransn m um-i . . .-n.- - : - r
simple type t -eax-e. This is a rrj , V. rh7ii Vth7rnion Ball-'Al . ouinais -w,ijay. iveni u. jrniiups, jrnuup members wiU be educators, air
over and under of the warp and 'J -I , id aTs r!m Counselors will be presented at Bridenbaugh. Gerald I Adcock.discuss civi, avialion with respect
weft. Miss Steele said. ir Mn she ,nnual n1 bv Eluabeth Robert D. Ficke. Emerson Scott The Saturday morning meet-
Various kinds of fabrics used! rhi. V?i7hL A!ca Gass President of the Coed Coun- and Richard R. Whitman. Jjng viU dcTOted to evaluaUon
in weavins are me prooucus wj" ii;. c- iHTo-him ?clor. LHiatx.- "c touiic Guest speatCr f0r the evening and planning.
animal Mvrs-wool and silk, the,""' '"""lupha-b n by Jhe-board mibmn w Ca uia Q H Witt Deputy! Since each session will start on
products from vegetable libers VFS ker Omega -J1 the taS!S)f..their,.v.;?rk ,unn Commander of the Nebraska State the hour, students may attend for
cotton, hemp, straw reed, and :jS5gaJtTH Beta" Mary !ilhe year ,hc,r ,ittJe s,s,ers- Isafety Patrol. He discussed the class periods. The luncheon ses
arUficial silk, and the products (D rv?fa Gamma- AUice1 All big and little sisters. Coed organiiation of the safety patrol sion will be held in parlors XYZ
Counselors, sponsors and house-nd its historv and nointed out and the dinner session in parlors
5:J?la..rKS'lctoi Kappa Alpha TheTa mothers are invited to .ttend. the similarly of it and the mili- ABC. Luncheon will be $1-25 and
v-j.t. .4., -.1 j, - ,.,.. r. TK-tets are inev may oe tarv nn'.ir
in iheir sample.
Iphne Young. Karra Ksrr.Ga- rrh3from big sisters and ,
f, Dett. Tai; Car-I The banquet committee consists Qr P. P White
: Joan of Sue Keinhardt, cnairman; Joan,
dent receives is all her own. They r
Sisrma Kappa
t7n Rce-g, Ade'rhi: Janet Lnch. Johnson, style show; Muriel Pick- ... . K,i .
sveTrnxSrcrS ie DeckernWrna- Good- Jo VlSlt NU
strive for excellent crafimaashsp.
The instruction they ' receive
leads to proifil as well as a hobby.;
Weaving is a two credit course
and there is a possibility for an
tional House: Eleanor Chapman, ding, tickets: Marlene McCul-
Loomis Hall: Janice Baker, Love lough, invitations; Jane Brody,
Hall; Coral Thompson. Residence menu; and Sue Gorton, publicity.
dinner, $1.65. Tickets will be oa
sale at the door.
Students not wishing to attend
the meals may come to bear the
line officials, and air force offi
luncheon address at 1:00 pjn. and
the dinner address at 7:30 pjn.
Halls for Women and
Conference ;Fred Waring
rfcACCTCAL COURSE ... TVrkiJiT a this vnfaaoiliar apparatus
is Jeaette Selk. She is making elUi by interlaeing tfrre sets f
jm at right aajrles U rack eiher. The peratn f the wear
int mm is taaght ta Baoae Ecmics Si by Miss Rath Steele,
t Daily .Nebraska Fhet fcy Darwin Macfee,)
advanced course in Home Ec- Hvard. Wilson HalL
ECCT3CS 115,
Each coed will model the an- will be accompanist.
NU Foundation Reaches
une minion uoiiar mam
(Oantaaed Page 4)
The University f Nebrask-a parts of
Fouroaatiaa has douwed its assets meetjafi.
m the past fire years and us ebt
a na3lMBfr-oEar irstitsraan.
Tias report tnom Krerrtar-Sec-retary
Berry W. Branch la tncs-j
tees lhigWi;Mii the aaamoal roert-
ing beld ThnrsdaT moon at the
Union. AliDDSt half cf the Ftean-i
tfattomls ttnrsti&es who live in aU
the UJS. altenaei
AUF Starts
Relief Drive
For Dutch
of voting fcy the voter ta dcJer
xnine his eliiliiiliry.
e, A voter will be able to cast
but one ballot.
f a ballot, is cot to be incluied
on the ticket f admission.
:hej The action was taken as a re-
Isult f a psropnsaJ subniiMed to'lgivea the opportunity to aid dis-
Dwrinir 1952, Mr. Branch re-ir P'CM aov, is ty organized laster-ndaea HolSand through an
ported, the FoanAadm received F oasases. iec proposal a l" sponsored caommg onve.
$292,5855 and boosted its atslP 05,11 J4 vawier the pres- in i5ea of saluataoa exist-
W--"- ...... ,.-( " " " 1 "
. . m m A - . . 1 1 . !MI -
to oe co-narrators, iiaerry Clover a pjonccr in i;e ucia oi piaui-, VmImi
.tissue cultures. Dr. Philip ft. White IV.IVVJI JUIw)
oi me Koscoe a. jacKson atemor-j
ial Laboratory at Bar Harbor, Me.,
will visit the University of Ne-,,
conference and lecturos. Advance student ticket sales tot
!AWS Filings Slated
To Close Monday
Associated Women Student
Begin Monday
n-K;. - . - .k the Fred Waring Concert March
White is being brought to, -,, . ,. mj. ..,..
ampus as a visiting lecturer JLj. "" "f
ia ill iuu n
jeat syslena houses could iuV"
iloint Program
Slated Sunday
For 2 Houses
The Fffiaadatoom enntnhutea Uf,,.
r"-1 ,4" "s-r- . i ii recararnenoea mat J3e r-
UOra as JOiiOWS: H,WI l'r Jiii ouiiJipmKnlt ff,n,r TOitintr IK
lo 409 undergraAiate and graa-j jtotificati-oa curd and that the
ate students; SSIJMSfl for re- ticket pneiwjiaisale be abated,
search arttvitaes; $SW6B for $2; Miss Mary Mieleia, asscciai.
head I Boibleim rattle .given the Wj aggej. pecnaiajy educatiiOin,1
Ag CDHege's dUdry department and jeeis that the aindmeat is an!
53..K9! far imii?rellaenB5 prrii?raras.!miprovmsnt, and if it is accepl-l
New mnoey repeive!! by tthe.abl to the studeaats. it is w-ha
FcBjndaGon sis 1852 included fifts.tbey should have. I
She pointed out that having the'
polling plane at the entrance to
iSrarn 2J15 donors. Sinre 3S50;
i there has been a IK-iper-cent ia-'
A ycartA roeetine ol ihe Baptist crease ia the lmainher of ffcurmer
and Ccitner stuiJent houjies is to 'students wh are giving to tlw
be held Sunday at the First University through the Founds-1
tairistiiLn cnurch at ifita and K. tirm, Mr. Branch said-
A snapper is scheduled far 5 pjm.;
with a program to follow at S p xa.
The pTDgrana wiU feature Br.
I Earl dine, vice prerident f the.
Foaniattoni cuamineiiied that Tfl
continued growth of the Univer
sity of Nebraska Foorodatinm is
T. K. Chang as jnsest speaker. Dr.!?1 "Senc that erar Utirrsr;
Chans wiU address the arasetrng T chntiaB to
and Today.'"
A swimming party is alsis srhefl-!
icled for the two student rasases.
The party is to be held Satur
day, Feb, 14. j
Replacements !
Selected For
53 Fair Board
Chanotnr E. G. Gustavsem
a productaon might cause much
oaafusinn, tcau5e cf the setting
up cf tables and the rresenr of
many ConariJ members to snper-1
JEss SSlem would like to see
the ticket poirchasnyt taken out
altogether and have more brow1
attached to elections. j
Harriet Wenke, junior, an Arts
tara niinsts wi.i ena.-wonaay a; ." i,Wvinaiv
j pjn. ia tJiJea ojiujj. "-- - -. iUninn.
tiecuon or orsicers ana ooara ,r . . " v ".
memoers win t Marca 11. .L 1 . . KTz. . . baleonv SS 12 50 SI 50 Si-
Each -candidate must be a bona Vj' Ljniverssty s Institute cf ijt?- ,kt'Jh
'kj, Kj., v- .t.N- A. ,.v.eur vjivwin. . . ' .
AH University students wffl " , V , s"?! Dr. White will discuss "Plant "!,..,sJ?fcia PncM Ior
weighted average and no down'Tissue Cultures' Monday at 7.30 ,,,,, A" th. rnion wffl
pjn. ana svnmeuc juirienis ior ,. . . , . .,
Animal Tissie Culture" Tuesday P. pecks and mail or-
2 pm, both in Bessey Hall ucre V K'ZZ J
iveisiiy 01 .ec;aM., o.uocni . n-
in in Holland the smallest thing
slips, failures cr meompietes
ihe time of the selection.
Ten candidates will be chosen;
Prices are: main floor: $3, $2, $1;
c ""': isiate. rom inese, live ioara: . , . V . i;:. . " i
'Auditorium on the city campus,
- . - sjie. crom mese, nave tva:a ; - - , i.: , j Takini a 1
of clo-Jur.g to these striken peo-1 via 'elected from r?al. Pblem of J$y
pies,"" said Rocky Yapp, ALT L-i, . Wednesdav at 4 pjn. in the Afron- -eeysion.
ana aaenrie, reels that the amend-'toll mounts. Of the already feted'' Fjitraes must be turned m to the
meat as a "gaoS. cmnnraimise ftmlAea - itTnicm Artiritacs ofSr FV5-!av
- VI 1.1 -I. ,.-ii. uOiJC CiJUUC UJH, , 1 '
said, "There is an old saying that e prottttern'' and hopes 1:53 are from Hollaiid and at teast ''noon reb- James G. Porter
the first. sruHian is always the 'at al K farried at as planned. ;50DDO trora that countrr are 45 to 06 elirertor of the tcrarna
mnst difSaalt ta obtain. I am sure r11 CannxaS has studied the, known to be nameless, and ?w '2:ts.
max mis axi'tra wnji appjy to bob 3j""jag w m ioisaster has mot reached its reakJ
Uttwersly of Nebraska Font) da- 5? 12155 enke beheres that! il
tkm. I am especiallT pleased to HLP system should work. I
TOSte that many of the rifts the' l. ? wurest measure that'
Fflundatitsn has provifled Jot the 'S13 toward lall grOTips.'
jUniTErsity are pnsving to oe fcwi S01' Ag-
.ratalrsts which rencTBte suniiortL sc seniOT in
Taking a leave of absence from
t : . . i l
Rocky Yapp, AUF "Iv TC- " 1( Wednesday at 4 pja m the. Mron- :"". "r" nii
SLiTS. 4 :.-... mm Auditorium on the Agricul- vanians and orchestra wiU tour
. , , . - ..J rv'-'r- 'f hira! Collece campus. Use country lor Uie lirst time since
tl rjf ?."4Z -J 06 seniors, secreiaiy a juiuor Forn;erT head of the division of 1937- The groups will visit 58
mam lobby of the Union Thurs-'land treasurer a swrohoraore. L'rHv Lt. . 5..T llSl.r? L.s;-c i a 5J ti
welliSvS'are'S to, T- C-" fffilSSh dS.""'
S totStSleS:Union To Sponsor i-Fi-- ti'f
hers, w i mm , i . k-. k. iT-t
ana asjcmg neip ior tue onve, Th Umion will smzBaffir thre
were sent to all organised houses bridge tounrnainents to be held
on campus. The AUF urges tthat'ja Union parlors from 2 to 5 pja.
all University students help make 'a Feb. 7, 14 and 21.
this drive a success, i Partirfnsnts will hsIpt at least
Clothes should aU be turned arte of the first two preliminary
m to the box in the Union by 3 tournaments to oialify for the
Friday, Feb, 13. National Intercollegiate Toursa-
The urgent needs cf these flood ;roen Feb, 21. The winners will
vjctmis became more anoaurejct anena ne ts.g iiwumameni to
frora other sources such as the
X..S. Public Health
i other formdatinns.
Membership Drive For
Statistics show that "hinkinc! Aq Y's Ends Friday
marhines"" do mot decrease man! Thm mxm'hr;,hin ?tsv ff,.nr sin
pawer to think because at takes' As YWCA and YMCA will dase
,,' powerful thinkers to invent them.' Fn&sv.
Scienc-e, called I The new EAYDAC far rneasurinf 'l Stodents mho wish to become
Service and:laeEl1 Snite amproremexl C13;11 missiles makes calrulatii; members are retjuesled t srgn
:" ouy ana bailor rrs- "u.iiEs uui wirfD!i!t laice niaa-1!!:? xa me i oopta ns ine AS -h-
Ition is eamme a TLafioawide Trrv-Wlzr. ujns, jumar. m
Mary Jean Naehaus and Dora mtstirtn ffCKr sound Judgment iB!wiTr,ii P35 asreement
Hueftle vere named Monday to(eiiacillimaj research !J5U1 eadt
fill the vacancies on the Farmers meets. For that I feel the Fcrcro- S1 P1?8! identifica
Fair Board. .cVion can he iusflT wrod. and il:22-cl .we. "Smre
roes withoni sai-inp that he t'ri. J. sent ejections for
! TTl'n. nonars onJy students
and xrateful to il"
'drees cf men 29 or S3 dars.
Fr3 Ghariered Bns
L-iej Presby Have 351 X.
Ill rwk Seaway at 11:31 AJS.
Wrstrakster Prtsijicrka
Sheryaa Krd. Jt Sth Sts.
Ik. io-Sui Dotas Qfdi,
"V itif tM !
ITecfausMfr wv raWrrfc
in Limntn
Glrislhn Sidss!
m r JL -!W imr Tlmm mt
cm rjL rpn wm at mn
sTvar. roirtn Tta
. i w at ni
1 3M r.M. TW nMM
jm r.M. Tnu r
T:lr.M. f
CWtan Mlf
Miss Niehaus is a Junior in the goes -without saying that the Cm
Ag College ana she replaoes Ear-,
bara Spilker on the Farmer's Fair
u.v uuc, Juss
Board as ooe of the junior mem
bers. The jbdjot Tacanry was fiDed
Marilyn BametibergEr for the re- X urrhif Afr
Contest Open
anainaer of the semester.
The board is 5a charre off the: AwiuiertuTsI aflHni5 at ih
plannins of the Ag CoSege Farm-jtjuhpersity are eligible to compete ameDtimeDt 'amhtguoui'" and 'I
rs rxx. Tins year s lair Bill he in a national design competition I l I5esi. poor compromise to
ASami said.
Ihe amendment is a mstep in,!?
he right direction," according to 3
"oris Carlson, senior, in Arts and a
Science, "It -will help, but Tm not 1 1
sayirg that at m-ill correct it aJ-i5
Tana Beal, senior, in Law. caHefl i
Proudly We Announce
held April 24 and 25.
CC Filings Close
On Friday, 5 PJA.
Fiimgs fur Coed
board positions close at 5
FDanaored ibr the TiV CnrmriJ nf.e n5nen', KetitiarL
America in cooperation with thel Maimed that lhe threat in-ij
Besm-Arts Institute of Oesign. eorporated in the women's peli-;a
The contest calls for the design j1" for boycott action is yet to1!
;of a tropical resort JoleL Speaaii carried out. I doubt if at 533, f
attention is to be givten an the because women aspiring to Dosd-
plan to the use of day tile. tions cf regal splendor are rather 3
Caunael.ori Ed-vrau-d Dl Stone, architect lor , hesitant, to condoi any action de-
P-m.-jie Hotel ia fanamaii am Panama nyxng mem suca cisJanctjcaL
iCity and toe Bote! San Salvador1 .
Afjplkants for the board must 13 Salvador, prepared the prob- hfinnpn&rl rrt nil
lia a weiiited 55 averaEe. Ther ism ior iuse im cctouctmg a hotel f- j-r--..- . ..w
m another country in C-ntrc.l Cllfferd D:er Soeok i;J
members -x. ;i ' . t
&uicrf.ELf corspetjng smrouga ine oetore tlVtl CflQinerS
Sixteen vmr&xsm-n mZ JT ZT' CliffarA ?pce cm -The';
elected raclu eaght sopho- 5 Lr, : Problems cf a Consulting Enp-i 4
wall be jEterrieweil
Coed Counselor board
fianal ant-ard of $100. The contest ;
auaalfiSated and Swor afSEated V"""' ciF;y (;f aTa Engioeers Wednes-:!
iTMaea uriH appear on the ballot.;! Additional inf ormation maT be!'7- Je- the Mechanical S
TwcIto treshmea wiU be planed 'obtained bx TBTitiiig the Institute, Arts Building, i
oa the ballot Fjtot J these mmZtM Beaux-Arts at 135 East 4Cnhi Afierwards a mmie vis ahown, A
be tmaJfOaated and four afffliatea. 'Street, liesr York tfi JJ Y. j refreshments served and business s
of the freshest Spring Hat Productions!
it? UI t'
1 f.
i yji
!U Cosds To Register
For YWCA Commissions j
" Coexj iaay register for their cs Corner, led by Shirley Eam-'j
jsrefereac of YWCA conirEisiocts;ilton aod She life and Teaching
at the TW Eentfen-Gnjs Friday Jesus, led by Gail Wellansiek. J
ffrsea 3 to 539 p.m. at EUea Saoith i Other coxnmissicins and their
Hall, Readers are: moon diEousiion, Jo
The ew conmussiims are ar- Kx&pp' leaderihjp training, Hes
nmeed iarytraA icowls sod at Jer jjorrtsoaa; cannp cwunseljiig, i
difierent o Chat they may'Helene Shennan, and meiri and
be mare easily worked into jSa-lrjewE. Mary Sue Lmmdt !
dants schednles. Leaden of the The remaining groups are:'
o:ps vill be jsresEDt to erplaia :oiasEainnity tours. Loj AxijUtscot-:
the ajti-v-.ties attd f uncticsos of She 'comparati're religroina, JihirleT
cT-r: iia-icms. ''Lacgbius; stodteat fanalty Lei
Each coed may sdga vjt for as Spencer and commnniiy service, '
mary tiDeEaniEEioas as she withes :Mary Janet Eeed. ,j
Ti:'Ci. who eamafi attend the rea-ij InEtructions and imf ormation for ,
c'Ti't';:a ir.rv have samaone else , summer prcnertf will be availabJe'
re?.tr,er far fi-eas or they may reg-lat the rendezwuts. ii
sr cest week ia the YTSCA of-l Jaiiet Quina. chairman of YW-
' F.ertf; and Kanry Kegstrom-p i
" --'te ww conmusfciac. ha-e Esembershja chainman. are in i ;
teea Jea. They are jobs asd ffia-jcharpe cf tt).e rcaaflerrout.
tiJTi, Jei ty Jtaa Stefies; kep-J Eefredamenti will be atmcd.
P """""" """"""u,"l
cuaacs oz wot jey occca
. . y;vn
7T VZ&r '
We're delighted to preterit
VcVe sS csdaeJ akaal Otn ... we'd Lie
! w real f aafarc M pttM Uu tMi ill
lesaa ( wc uw Use? a pat a
ia ere Ac fine linn yaa rr
a MiViil tm)tl a kbK-
ttam: lH Tmijetm. ..wtilk mm extra rprcial
mmt hf I WraC A mrnmdrrfml pWwtiM yom
mmmt rant ! . . . BT BETM.iB:
EUcaVUie, rjWlme mm4 Ec4Vlkc
O Sr-r... Z
1W lien W MMr W mrm mmi BwOerW tt:la tt (Jk Ofemimg Jlmrdir
THE HAT RACK ... Seccui Fbor . . . WrM tw
1 V 1Mg:s iiiiiifiiri' aiac , ,