0 o 1 Friday, February 6f 1953 nivs Dear riji d s; Mustangs, Co-op Win By BILL MrXDKLL Intramural Sports Columnist The "heads continued to roll in intramural basketball Tuesday and Wednesday as the two-week rest from court Action introduced tio change pertaining to the iclosoncf; f this year's title-chase. TVeviously undefeated and top-1 Tanicea Tratermry "is," i'hi "Gam ma Delta, saw a good-sized slice f their "Championship 'plans "dis solving as Alpha Tan Omega '"B" shocked the Weeji Fijis, 53-26. To! wake matters ven 'worse for the the individual fforts with m ivnts followed fcy Schmidt f the Mustangs with nine. Maohisie and uemas .riiss leom.rihnWi ir-e winning fffort whU Bob Kremke added a samiUr uiv noopsrer rmai lauy, , Nebraska Co-op, with a 4-1 rec ord and losinc oMv to the H' sters, -came from Tar behind Wed-1 nesday night to hlast , tfVjfcn,J by a wore. The unrated Qers -started fast and with ifitwJ minutes gone had built an im-l pressive 11-2 margin and appeared1 tolsve ihe Nation well in hand I v,u-tipors nna tner adeas, W Taus who had not won a ft' JK eiiO'tai. i Aden hit two ftaltai-c .JTS 3"orrf Pl nd three h ine in were uic o. iree tosses, jrm Worth's free muster through the tffrst three throw was the only ue Ball stanzas. 'Meanwhile the Taa-bees; point 'in the last Jive minutes f were increasing their margin; the stanza and gave the Wr slowly and led 46-15 going into! j 2-1 i ad vantage during the rest ! THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Await Gym Triangular sirs if.. 4 v ; f IV. v4 J V1 k , & ' 4j pp ose ers Tiod was typieal Fiji style but ft was too little and too jate. Red Schroeder led the victor! ous Taus with 12 points and was assisted by Mac Bailey who tai htt (t k 1 V r i; :.U;C m: It.. .X Li- :::- :s;..:..;-. U - i V .':-'. j -J, f i-'w . i.x -; 5" X S' : r -c-v" The Nebraskans "conlmne h;J pace during the second leantf. I with Don Custafson 'contributing! the bulk Of the Taints -ehnt a 2S-17 halftlme biilee. Th. lied an additional Tiine. Hex Fis-islowed considerably from there eher was all the losers naa to on ana sne co-op coasted Jn to - - 1 - ' ffer, getting nine counters. jwrn. Third Independent-ranked and! """" " P'ts lor the losing; irNBEFE A TED C.YMXASTS , , s Cow Jike Oeier" Mebrsk t it! By CLEW NELSON" Coach liarry Good's Nebraska cage squad, cwrently lied for third tilace ta th Big Seven race with th Missouri Titm. battl hihlyfavord Kansas Stat atiin lt Saturday night in the Coli-i seura, Tipoff time is set t f P-m, r j Should the Kwskers uiwet the nation's ftfta - ranking ehjb,: cnanees lor wpper oavisron spot in vie raw standings will be s. cure. 2 J Oficwm ijtfwiJti Star seventh in the Ali-U -ratings, tne r '" '""'viouai scoring! wiemisnen reeora sutnrflay Afternoon to triinrtilar meet with North Dakota Mi Ksas state. X Hoopstcrs Tailed to maintain their; honf the -day, Dostal's n admission fee will he harga tor th meet, which ts fler W ; S nv ta X lS ! high perch Wednesday Tnight. The,. 'h'le Aden f, Won ending. Left to rifht, stanaii: Boh BevinS waiSDave Brnd. KSLM Hoopsters with a 5-1 record, the;"'- .XPP.1?41.1? Reeves f Linn, Dick Raecke, Kneelinr: Don Hodre. DannT IWL ,!iic wura tacn poiieo len. iaAv ' ' -1 . .. ... nm i . loss cominc 'on a forfeit, fell be fore a furious Mustang onslaught nd lost 23-29. Again, It was -a case of the victor being way iown in the ratines, the Mustangs hav ing only an even record in their last six starts. Close for throe and a half -pel-Sods, the game swung -definitely in favor of the Mustangs in the closing minutes as tarry Schmidt hit three 'consecutive fielders nd; John Machisic potted another. uumviuuu, mismaii, hjmmiig unities Included On Varsity Athlete's Agenda Huskers Play Buffs Monday By HOW ART) VATtfV nrZ L m,U l,KBiS Sevtn Pyer, named Fred Dunne the nast f7 S'on-ft n.. j ltfii Monsters had cir. V " C." J "- '"'l. 1!- nGW groomea - - - o.io ji.vc ui-t-n lexpusea xo irom JJebraska nd 18-18 at the three-quarters Bus Whitehead, Bob Fierce andLJTt4 ',4 Junior fcom Omaha, mark and even -owned a 20-18 in,,.,,.,;,,,, , n piaymg me age sport ior tne 'vornnusKers tot tnree years. During the 1950-51 season he "played for the yearling squad. After that rear of trxnerienee Seger was moved mp to the first Long and 52-20 leads hefore -dissolving. Virg Gottsch of the losers topped KU Defends Home Floor String Kansas will be protecting its fourth longest home cjrt winning streak in history Saturday When Missouri invades Hoch auditorium at Lawrence. With four wins in 'the hopper this winter, Phog Allen's amazing 1053 troupe tow has chained to gether 16 consecutive triumphs on its home -planks. This stretches back to the final game oi we ioi season when the Jayhawks felled Iowa State, 70-64. Last year's NCAA champions won all 11 ot their home starts. This year's crew has disposed of SMU twice, Okla homa A&M ana Kansas siaie. - , The latter portion of this string, W IJC If A fC HfTlA is! the most remarkable. A&M was d O liUVC fifth-ranked nationally when the If f t I Jayhawks handed the wpoK-es p-ii f CnGnUI( I I ' " ' Colorado Buffaloes itor braska 4s a better host than visitor-. Jim Buchanan. Another potential ,Seger swished long shot W KTtT ine recora. i Monday , night in Big Seven He iconsiders ?the long shot and joust. Last vea7 iaiw IT- ..Z tnks. Other plane for the first time when the toppled the Buffs .80-65 in the loop team travelled to Florida to iclav onener for both iMiih two (contests gainst Tampa andNobraska .clicked on 43 per cent "'"'" ni hts n until nn-tm-nc s-n ,t,t ifc . , .1 whil ot:Sci jb jeaairiB inis 3'ear-S mstl Came 1,0 Jura IhP IsMk n n (Tnlfw scorers with 167 points with irht rado wuini wMeh n.s ttfmnAri team and shared the guard slots ifames iremai.iine. Last x-ear thim 7s m,, :W T-f- J. 3 T- ' . . I.T1-J . KM, " a.. " . V.HU O.J iC ""c ooa anaim xsucnanan.iiuneu up ud-s counxers. ,isig seven pre-season toumament Before j-nm'tnn .jffom t Tf I Fred would Tather 'hane Riilhr tt r, yersity Fred attended Benson High " Kansas than any other points against the Huskers at in umana. e played on thej'T""1 4" ,e league. e aiso mmits Boulder, will lead the Colorado school's cage squad his senior year that r.5 lso Tnore rivalry jinvasion. The nifty Denver sopho- D1IT MS TnniTi TrmhocK: mrve .Kn I "cii j JJiays B !COnieTence ram TTiftTP IS mrrrr-TitTv -mwirmtr nt ! baseball. He lettered three years thim 'hen they play an (outside a 16.9 clip after IS games. in me oiamona sport ana was;-"'"" i canity asuroerte luauaors-n named all-city in 3948 and again!, . taT future, Fred would strengthened his mmnerp spot in m imn. '" joo pmymg wixn ine xne iHuTt scormc (column with an 18-point night against Colorado a M to boost his average to 12.2. i A bright spot or the Buffs in Fred rilaved seennd !hnse h Phillips Oilers. After he irradu- junior year and hit .-345. He was'ftes ,rom Teachers College, he is moved from the keystone -corner interested tn a coaching job. his senior xear anrt TiinfPH tl Last summer Fred met a rin shortstop where he hit ,375 and''narnei iLadena Maumann m-hile he their win over Colorado A&M cained all-oitv honors fnr ihP Pf"was playing ball in Lexington. He was the twtum itn fn ond consecutive year. (has hopes of changing her name Jeanperard, slurnp-ridden since last season Fred rotated 'be-from Maumann to Seger this sum--the Kansas Citv tournev.. Jeantrer- tween the varsity and "B" -dia- mer- lard bagged 12 points against the mono leams. uurmg xne summer Seven Veis Begin Early Ball Drills ! i Coach Tony Sharp issued the first call for baseball players and was greeted with seven returning lettermen. The haseballcrs becan practice Feb. 2. i The pitching staff shows the most potential power is St is bol stered by five returning veterans. Leading th list of lettermen re Ray Novak and Chuck Wright.! Novak was She leading man on the mound squad as he icrtmpiled a 5-win, 2-40SS record, Wright ran a uose second with a 3-0 record. Other returning lettermen are Pat Mallette, Dick MeOorrnieh. and Fran Hoffmaier, Bob Kremkc and Don Muenster also saw ac tion (during the last season. Other huriers that have reported are Ray Weigert, Doug McPherson, Harold Andrews, Dean Hutchina. Boh Brown, and 35 on Smith i Leading the list ot retuminir! FJF1 catchers is Murray Bachus, Bairj ? bus is the only returning letter- 2 liJ01? (oateiift riTki Oihr tJ "a scy mas iopriomore Jim smrth 4s close be hind with $2 Note the "change an startinf time at th Coliseum to J pjn. Kansas State rurds Bob Roy sey and Gn Stauffer, who hv recently been drilling: th baskets wiU extreme reguJarity, may bt , th men providing the trouble far ' the Cornhwskers. In recent years, it has been Wildcat ruards which have riven Coach, liarry Good's Cmhuskr the most offensive tits. Two sons go, St was all-American Er nie Barrett and Jimmy Iverson .V!:V!r rfenvit k.I svsm ftMA their ruard posts. In three r&mes that year against Nebraska, Bar rett poured in 41 points ni Iver son 28, Dick Knostraan, the Cats' big offensiee run this season threw in 25 (during those three outings. last year, Wildcat ruards Iver- son and Gene Wilson, a sub. dealt misery to XU, Iverson cut Iocs a iS-point barrage at Manhattan and followed a 15-point burst at Lincoln, Wilson hit IS points at Lincoln, while Knostraan ac counted for IS at Manhattan and eight at the Coliseum while feed ing th laslbreaking Iverson and Wilson, Now Bob Kousey and Gene Stauffer ar n hand to bother the Huskers. Stauffer. who hit 24 points for the Wildcats against lowa State, is averaging 15 J points in three Big Seven rames this year, Rousey, having bis greatest season, is moving at a 1S.S pace Sn two fames, la missed the Iowa State contest because f injuries. K-State Coach Jack Gardnera' Wildcats are keeping cp a weH- baianeea soonnt attaefc. wita four players having scored at least 112 points. Knostraan, pivot man for the Wildcats, leads with 26 backstonpers are Chuck Jesnsen. iJerry SandbulJe, Jim Cedardahl, ana 4Uon neccer. The Snfielders 'and (Outfielders are to"report for practice rn Mon day, February $. Bob Reynolds is the TmlT veteran Snfielder. and Jerry Dunn is the leading utfield prospecx. The diamond squad is now hold ing practice in the Field House under the (direction oaf assistant -coach Ed Berg. Berg is taking cnarge ot ine workouts, while snarpe as ousy (coaching the fresh man basketball squad. current scoring leader with 167 points. . a 65-53 stunner Jan. 8. They fol lowed by knocking Kansas state off the top of both AP and "UP national polls with an 30-66 spanking Jan. 17. The Mustangs, Southwest conference tournament winners, were belabored, 83-66, and 72-55 FREDDY SEGER NSiJrailJrt h he P1 cond base lor iexingion m xne isil, jueague ana nn at a .330 clip As far as tournament play goes, Fred has played in the Nebraska high school games in 1949 and in Big Seven tournaments last year and this season. The Bunnies came in third in the state in 1949 after being defeated by Lincoln North east. Fred attributes a lot -of his suc- Coach 'Harry Good's Corn husker basketeers won't he the only Nebraska athletes in action -cess to his two coaches, Scotty Or- oaruraay nignt. jcutt from Benson and NTJ's Harry There will be action on every Good. He said that both coaches sports front. Coach Ed "Weir's were "very good." track team competes in its second! When asked how he thought the Aggies and turned in a jood 3ob unaer me oaras. If Jeangerard can flash the form lb showed in early frames ne'ii am the Boris a big lift in the all-important rebound (de partment. The 6-8 sophomore is the fourth best Buff rebounder and scorer. JTATiomy sim 21S North Hth Street This means the Hawkers, lowly ; meet of the year, a trianculnr Huskers would -wind un thiR Tated in pre-senson forecasts, o"-n; with Colorado and North Dakota, Ison, Fred stated that a lot de an average point-spread of 15-periand the minor sports schedule is pended on the -ontcOme of tomor game over the enemy at Hoch. fUn. ,'row's game against Kansas State. Furthermore, A&M's 12-point de- Coach Web Emory's swimmingi"If we win the game Saturday, 1 feat represents the tightest victory .team will be shooting for its see-ithink that we will wind un ;in margin to date. lond win of the season over the third or higher. We have enough This 16-game skein is surpassed Kansas Jayhawks in a home meet, height to give them a fight under 'only by streaks of 2b, 23 ana .n ana ai ine same time will be try- the boards and J think that we bv great Kansas units of the past.ing to hit the .500 mark. Nebraska are the best shooting team m the The all-time mark was erected j edged KU, 47-45, at Lawrence league." with undefeated home stands in earlier, and lost to Grinnell andi Seger considers Clyde Lovellette 1939 and 1940, a four-game bud, Oklahoma. !as the best player he has played in the closing stages of 1938 a The gymnastic team under against ad Jim Buchanan the a six-game extension t h r o u g nj Jake Goier is slated to meet Colo- best he has played alongside of. 1941. The InUAA rui.neiH-u(J ,raao ncvivi bi ine pnysical pcluca-j Fred's biggest thrill came this 40, a crew of Dick Harp, novation building Saturday afternoon, season when he tied the all-time jaynawK bssikihih tmu, 'wiu m me morning win run auniversity scoring record, with Miller. Bob Allen ana nowuru pre-state novice tourney for high about three minutes remaining in scnooi gym learns. (the contest, a teammate came up u y j resumg team is on to i-"red and told him that he had the road, as Al Partin's grapplers a chance to break the record. He face tough Cornell at Mt. Vernon, thought that his teammate was Iowa' kidding, but with seconds left -RnPlPTTiiin. were the prime engi neers of this string. Oklahoma snipped it in the 1941 conference linale with a 45-37 conquest. TVm 2S.biw chain was au thored chiefly by the Helms Foun-i; dation-designated national champ-ft ions of 192?. and 1923 which in cluded George Body, A. E. Woest mcyer, John Wulf, Paul Endacott, Charles Black No. 1, Waldo Bow man and Tub Ackerman. This string also extended through 1924, Kansas State snapping It with a ' 40-28 victory in the home opener f '25. This streak was constructed in the cramped confines of ancient Bobinson gym, since no game wbf staged at Hoch until '29. A combination of Dick Wells, Paul Harrington, Bill Johnson, El mer Schaake and Gorden Gray, inaugurated the ii-game sxrexen in '33. It WP3 continued by most of the eventual unbeaten B' Six champions of 1936, Kay Ebling, Francis Kappelman. Mitt Allen, and Ray Noble, although Wells and Gray still were co-authors When Oklahoma scored a 36-26 -clipper Jan. 16, 1935. This year's lub hasn't been Tated in any quarter with those past aces, but by sweeping its final five home engagements it can equal the string of the most recent group. The Tigers will usher in an im portant three-game home stand, which finds KU meeting Okla homa next Tuesday and Nebraska the following Saturday. It will be the second collision of the year between the two an cient foes and you con expect a replay of that vicious Big Seven tournament semi-final which saw the Jayhawkers score a 66-62 i;p set in Kansas City. The Bengals' stellar sophomore guard, Win Wilfong, has been drilling lightly all week and should be nearer, full strength than any time during the last month. He picked up a severe char lie-horse against Oklahoma Jan. 10, re-hurt It against Colo rado Jan. 12, and has been forced to limp through the last two -encounters against Nebraska and Ki IBM State. i WHEN YOU USE assifi To place o classified ecL Stop la ije fiuohNM Offfef Kaon 20 Student Lin ion Call 2-7651 Ea. 36 for OmO Cieii Swvioa Socrs J-4;Sfl Men, tin fit THRIFTY AD RATES No. words easy a day ggyi 4 deyt 1 wwa .40 JB5 $ M flM j 11-16 JO JO lift IM 148 M 1 M IJta IM T70 11-29 t .70 1JQ . 1.76 ij IJt a-ao i m i 12& im i ixo ROOMS FOR RENT KOOMK OR DUPLEX fltu.lnu. At Bin, Walking Distant. 2212 Slwidoo. LAUNDRY ..iMiiiMPiii 4 Y4mmw u UUUUlJU u 1 1 vjtujnk mlJimme) .! ho only loading King-S.ro ctgarctto mado an oxduuvoU different gay to avoid tho main causo of irritation! NOW! 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