The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1953, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Thursday, February 5, 1953
CJSf 6f 176011 ds
By DON PIEPER can't for the life of me understand how all this
' Editor can be connected wtih calling that building a
y, ' Even the State Firo Marshal didn't like the temple.
ff condition of the Temple Building he termed it I suppose that I'm nearsighted, but this, whole
j unsafe. Workmen are attempting to change that thing is beyond me. If any of you readers have
now but they will have to really outdo them- an explanation for the problem, I would be most
selves 1 if they are going ,to make the tired, old happy if you would write a letter to the paper.
building live up to its name. I am not trying to create an issue here. But I
Have you ever wondered about that name? d0 want to get a sample of the campus' opinion
It has often struck me as the most obvious on tms non too vital question,
misnomer of the century. Perhaps I have the if
wrong idea, about temples or maybe I'm mixed The more I think about it, the more I come
up.Dout what goes on Inside the building. But to believe that a building confined to the pre
i must confess that I have not been able to con- sentation and application of the arts should be
nect my concept of temple with my concept of set aside as something special. But still, temple
what goes on Inside the Temple Building. means place of worship to me and I really don't
Now,' I want to make myself very clear at the think that much of that goes on within the. old
offset. I do not wish to say that the activities building's walls..
of the. School of Fine. Arts should in any way be Music is a wonderful thing. The Union recog-
considered lower than the activities of any other nizes this fact and, as a consequence, Is bringing
I division of this university. I have the fullest one of the most famous musicians of our day to
? pride-in our music; art and speech departments, the campus next month. Fred Waring whose
1 am a constant follower of the Singers' Christ- choruses have given some sort of a special touch
mas Concert, the 600-voice Easter-Christmas pre- to music for a good many years will .bring the
sentations,, the art shows, the summer Fine Arts entire Pennsylvanian ensemble to the Coliseum
Festival for High School students and the many March 3.
other activities under Fine Arts jurisdiction. Of course this is not news. But some of the
if ramifications of the Waring appearance might be.
When I say that the Temple Building was The most important of these is the appeal
mis-named, I mean .that a more proper title Warlng's troupe has to high school students. Fred
could have been found. I will grant that more Waring is not only famous for recordings, radio
imagination is needed than the person who named and television, but he turns out choral arrange-
the Music Building used. But I think that the ments. These arrangements have wide use among
word temple has a meaning which goes farther students like the Waring type of presentation,
than the use of the word here implies. They as are we of the university class are fond
; If you were to argue that the speech depart- admirers of the Waring television show. The
ment uses the building as a shrine to the art of Union Board is working on a deal to get the high
Staff Writer
munist China calls for a "general
mobilization" of the whole Chi
nese nation. Obviously a move to
counter the new Eisenhower pol
icy or pressure against Commu
nism everywhere.
The United States will quickly
equip Chinese Nationalists with
jet fighter planes ... To furnish
aid cover for amphibious raids
against the mainland of Red
Secretary of State Dulles in ef
feet gives British and French
leaders a 75-day deadline to end
the deadlock on creation of a
European defense army . . . Fail
ure to meet deadline wilj make it
cuiiicun to get uongress to con
tinue European aid. ,
Fresh gales' loose new terror
along flood ravaged coasts of
England, Belgium and Holland
Meat and a "number of other
items" will be removed from price
control this week . . . Announce
ment by Price Chief Joseph H
Eisler: From Frying
Pan Into The Fire
LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS . ... . By Bibler
perrect articulation. I would grant the need for school students from Lincoln's institutions of
such a shrine, but I would add that temple still secondary education to attend the show.
seems UKe a strong word to use in this case. This move is a very good one. It not only
. , if. helps promote the University in the eyes of the
. Just between us, I enjoy plays very much, high school student, but impresses his tax-pay
mere is , something magical about seeing even ing parents also,
amateur tctors and actresses put on a live play -X
which maKes the production as enjoyable as a I would like to congratulate the Union and
good movie. Maybe that Is why the theater has make this wish: other organizations try jubt as
survived the movie and television threat. But I hard to promote your university,
Bundles For Holland
With the announcement that a drive is under- Through arrangements by the All University
ytny to collect clothing for flood victims of the Fund, a drive for clothing has begun. This
Netherlands, University students may have the drive wiU dePnd uPn the initiative of each in-
i opportunity to discredit the cynics who are for- Qlviauai siuaent. no prizes win De given to tne
1 ever writing, "What's Wrong With College Stu- student donating the most clothing. No king or
"Bents " queen title will be offered to the organized house
with the largest bundle.
But individual awards will be plentiful to
those who donate a feeling of helpfulness toward
those who are in need.
The AUF sponsors will not be soJLiting stu
dents. Contributions wjj ctme ' from those who
thousands are still missing. And even yet the jacKei, smri,
Netherlands radio reported MOO'Srr, an lra blanket, or jeans.
IsniatpH nn tfcr id,. m.j.... V The Nebraskan highly commends AUF for
travel onnM Vw bmmkL. u M sponsoring the drive and agreeing to finance the
w o -vv owim uicnuiK uju 4 , , . , . . . ...
V francnnrtatinn tr tnn tlAthinit -
we uvye tuai wiuan a lew aays, nowever, stu
'k dents will be congratulated for their contribu-
Even tomorrow, death, missing, and destruc- tions which are to be placed in the Union lobbv.
tion totals continue to mount from nature's wrath. We hope that students will make an all out effort
No, the news from the country of tulips and big or little to aid the Hollanders who didn't
windmills is not good. And each hour brings have enough little Dutch boys to protect the wa
new dangers. ters from the Netherland dikes. S. G.
Yet, the end of this project is in aiding the
frightened, and homeless people of Holland.
Wednesday newspapers and airwaves carried the
news that the death toll from the hurricane-driven-week-end
storm had reached a record total
of 1,600. Besides these startling figures, an esti
mated 50,000 are believed to be homeless and
Counting The Fishes
In this day of figures and percentages the rollment. Religious colleges were low, with only
latest object of analytical survey is college drink- 52 per cent of their students using alcoholic bever-
ing. The Yale Center of Alcohol Studies, Yale ages.
University, has completed a five-year study of "A"
college use of alcohol beverages, including who Perhaps the most revealing figures of the sur-
dnnk, why, when, with whom, under what cir- vey concerned the examples which parents set
cumstances, with what resulting effects.
The results are interesting.
The survey revealed that students from the
lower-income families were more inclined to ab
stain from drinking, than those coming from the
higher-income brackets. Sixty-six per cent of
When both parents used alcoholic beverages,
86 per cent of the students drank. When only one
parent, the percentage dropped to 66. But when
both parents abstained, only 35 per cent of the
students drank.
Now that college drinking has been fully in-
college men and 30 per cent of the women from )Uaed d tabulated,, it joins the innumerable
families with an Income under $2,500 use alcoholic
beverages, the survey showed. But from families
with income over $10,000, 86 per cent of the men
and 79 per cent of college women drink.
items in the modern world which have Been
analyzed to the n-th degree.
What good the figures will do, no one seems
to know. Perhaps they will provoke an inten
sive campaign to keep parents from drinking, for
X there is clearly a relationship between the
In private colleges 90 per cent of the students example set before college students and the hab-
drlnk, according to the Yale figures. Student its the students acquire.
drinkers in state colleges and universities, the Or perhaps, the figures simply show that the
survey showed, comprised 78 per cent of the en- taste for fire water in inherited. K. R.
Gerhart Eisler. Drofessional
communist agent who fled Nazi
Germany and then fled back to
Germany to escape United States
arrest, may wish that he had
stayed in the United States and
faced the verdict of an American
Eisler, who has been ousted as
the Kremblin's propaganda chief
in communist East Germany, has
been rumored to be on the skids.
Resorting to the old Nazi anti-
semitic line, Communists have
been weeding out all East Ger
man Jews who have any public
influence at all, even school
teachers. Eisler, whose propa
ganda machine has been telling
tne world how ideal and demo
cratic living conditions are in
Eastern Germany, has been
caught in this latest purge. . .
This is Quite a reversal for
Communist Eisler, who, when re
turning to East Germany, was
given a hero's welcome after he
had skipped $23,500 bail in the
United States and slipped aboard;
a I'oush ship.
If and when the Communists
bring comrade Eisler to trial, it
is a gooa Dei mat tne Communist
press In East Germany will soft
pedal the news-indefinitely. In
any case, it certain that the
press vDiT't 1st the ex-propaganda
chief tell the rest of the world
how ideal and democratic the
East German court system is.
toon vor fnr so f lit? (In fjOiC
FA,n w woorboor I ? JK l0 X XPnn rfcf C".V
l Seems
To ille
"Nice to have you in one of my classes again Miss ah,
Miss I can't remember your name, but I never forget
beautiful face."
Com Laude
Journalist Willa Calher
Planned Medical Career
Jane Saxton
That is Willa Cather, renowned
novelist and graduate of the Uni
Though Miss Cather was born
Virginian and died a New
Yorker, she is known largely for
her stories of the Nebraska plains
in the horse and buggy days.
She was an exceptional woman
in more ways than one. For, not
only did she receive the Pulitzer
Prize for her novel. "One of
Ours," in 1922 and the Prix Fern-
intentions and embarked on a
journalistic career.
Her first works "April Twi
lights," a book of verse and a
collection of short stories en
titled "Troll Garden" attracted
the most discerning of editors
S. S. McClure. Within a year after
her two books were published,
Miss Cather became assistant edi
tor and later managing editor of
McClure's Magazine..
m later years, with such no
esier year M M . . .
The depression, among its other effects on col- making a little fudge, or popping some corn?
lege uie, causea a revolution in dating, according always do when I have a date with Mary'"
to this news item: There should be a moral there somewhere!
. . It's either that the girls are more thought- In spite of the caricature, coeds didn't have
fuL say the men, or they've discovered they must to spend too many evenings making fudge. More
go easy on mend male's pocketbook If they wish tnan soo males dug deep enough to take in the
French Fight Cism
n Unpublicized War
Vietnam, largest of the three
associated states of the French
Union which make up the Indo
Chinese peninsula, has been a
battleground since J 941. Vienam's
National Army, supported by the
French Armed Forces and the
rencn Government, is lighting to
rid the country'of the Communist-dominated
Viet Minh troops.
which have attempted to gain
control of the peninsula since the
This war, which hasn't received
much publicity in the United
States, is being waged at a high
cost for high stakes. The Associ
ated State of Vietnam is rich in
coal, tin, electrical power and is
Asia's rice bowl. If the Viet Minh,
witn tne support of the Chinese
Communists, could overrun Viet
nam, Burma, Maylaya,, Singapore,
Siam (Thailand) and Indonesia
would be within esy striking
Under the able leadershiD of ! I
the late Gen. Tassienr de Lattre.
French and native troops drove ill
the Communists into the rugged, !
Vietnam where, unfortunately,
are the pricipal pre-war indus
tries established " by the French.
Since the general's death, the
French have built uo their forces
and have made some gains. Ac-!
cording to French sources, the
situation could change overnight
if Russia, through China, chose to
increase aid to the Communist
Today in Asia we find two
wars contained within small areas'
and each virtually deadlocked.!;'
Though one has received moreii
publicity than the other, both are
strategically important in the bat
tie for Asia.
ina Americain in 1931 for her els as "Q . P'Oiieer Mv An
also wrote, at the age of 16, for
the Lincoln. J-Urnal.
- '"
.i While in school at th TTnivor.
V, Miss Cather had the distinc
tion of being the onlv woman nn
tne stan of a literary magazine,
the Hesperian. She was editor in
1895 the year she was gradu
ated. Miss Cather also contributed a
weekly column to the college
newspaper, The Nebraskan. It
was entitled "Pastels in Prose."
This novelist originally planned
to study medicine. But when a
freshman essay on Thomas Car
lyle struck one of her Enrich
professors as so very superior that
u was printed in the Journal,
Miss Cather gave up her previous
tonia" and "Song of the Lark"
already having rolled from her
prolific pen, Miss Cather had the
honor of being the first woman
to receive a degree of distinction
from Princeton University. It was
a literary doctorate.
She received the gold medal of
the National Association of Arts
and Letters in 1944. This is the
institute's highest award which is
designed not to honor a specific
worn but sustained output of a
writer or artist.
Though she died in 1947, Miss
tamer s works continue to live
on. To this virtually immortal
writer of novel, verse and short
story, then most certainly goes
the accolade of not simply Cum
L.aude, but Magna Cum Laude.
from Miller's CAREER SHOP-
own writer
Setting: Military and NaJl
Time: Fee-paying.
Action: ; ,
"Are you a junior or senir?"
"Yes." V
"Sign here." . ' V
Though a little bewilderet.
signed my name.
"Thanks," the student behfcsdj
the desk answered. "Just a for-
mality. You are now an official
underwriter of the Junior-SenioiJ
Prom." i
I erased my name.
"What'd you do that for? Don't
you want a prom? Th most you
can lose on the deal is about 10 i
"I'm sorry," I replied. "I don'i
want to sign."
The above incident didn't hap
pen to me. The above person is
one of the Indignant students on
campus who feel that our so
called spring prom, sponsored by
the Junior-Senior class board, is
being forced upon the student
I have always objected to tha
spring prom idea. I objected to
it last year about this time. I
was a member of last year s
Junior-Senior class board. I was
an underwriter last year and lost
$10.80 on the deal.
The loss of this sum, you per
haps will say, is what makes me
so bitter.
I don't believe so. It instead
taught me one thing: whether or
not we have class spirit on this
campus is irrelevant; but Univer
sity of Nebraska students do not
A feminine pioneer in the field
of journalism.
want a Junior-Senior Prom nor
are they prepared to support one.
I cannot understand why our
class boards and class officers
persist that they need to- stir un
class spirit. I cannot understand
why they pick attendance at a
formal dance ia the spring to be
the measuring stick of unity
ui'.jujt s"acnts.
Ten years from today, when I
come back to the old U with a
class of 1953 banner in my handr
I should have a tear in my eye
when I see another alum with a
class of 1953 banner in his hand.
And a tear is supposed to come
into his eye." And then we should
embrace and he will offer me a
I realize that this class spirit
could possibly be a real thing.
nut I cannot see where a Jun
ior-Senior Prom or a spring prom
has anything to do with this
And I fail to see how forcing a
prom on the students or forcing
the idea of class spirit on stu
dents can succeed.
I may attend the prom, if it Is
held, but I will not sign the old
list of underwriters.
Shop Doily 9:30 to 5:30, Thursdays 10 to 8&1 j
to have dates.
"Before (the depression, of course):
Interfraternity Ball. Over 500 couples were also
reported for the Junior-Senior Prom and 425
The coed (pouting): 'I don't want to stay c,oupIes aeded the Mortar Board BalL Besides
Lome all evening. I want to go to that dance.
Jimmy asked me to go, so if you don't want to'
"The vanquished male (smiling): Oh, I was
Just kidding. Sure we'll go. And then afterward
well stop for something to eat.'
"Now (1933):
wib wniidu, seven ail-universitv dinnu nmrt
held during the school year most of them in the
Prices of the dances were, of course, much
cheaper than their 1953 counterparts. But the
average male could urarv-olw of.j i- t
The roert smiling- 'T' u -i . ... """'u "le oul1' lur
Z ' . J 1 "c,c enveriainmem or tne modern student The con-
111 turn on the radi0 and we clusion 1 draw 18 that students home
e LiS -mau , u . "makin fudge" mSt f the time in order to af
The masterful male (frowning): 'How about ford the dances.
The Daily Nebraskan
Member: Associated Collegiate Press
' . IntercoIIertata Pma
Representative: National Advertising Service Incorporated
Tb D Mr Xehrufcaa h nhlrf Ik. a. -
on--. Aworeaw M Artkkt II ml tto Br-Lwt (omnia MwlnM
rf w d aitBiMcra4 kr tkt Koartl at PbltArtKw. "H h
ft ps!k ef la Board Ibal mkllcXinM Mwler IM hritv
" h lM 1mm dnortal trmtarMm mm tm part ef n
. mmrt mt ar amniwr wf lh laealtr mt Mm
I uwmu, kmt aka mtmmhmn c4 Ox afaff ml Taa Dattr Ka
BnaAw an .sil7 raapowlUa lor naat tmmt ur r aa ar
BicrV(i.i rt r St m Hwaslar, IZM maOri mt to far Aw
"' ttmr, M mmtUd. KwaM cor fc PatolicM ' foar
.-- a v4 thifius a adM rrar mxtrmt aacaltaat ami auajlna
' Prkn- itum ymm aaaill mmnmt itaaaat or Mw ( at
of Stmnuka anriar Mm aaawMo af fka Caaiaima mm
'"t Pii"w:n. I ximal at tacaaa d matter mt tt Tm
Jja"la. JTebrai. . aaaer art at Caaxraa, Marrk S,
Art af l. J nZ.". rr.V " fr la Saefto. linj,
E41ttr sditorui: test mt
Knn EaUor
Maaacta K.itor . ", C"
t. wri ... Kallr Hall
" vflmr. turn Harrtooa,
Saortt Ka-IIT M,rUr T". Tea. WaajVar.
Aa t Sportt Editor ..ttUm J1""
Vmmtmrm uiu. Hawar aaa
Am Kdiiar "' ' Il Corttv dividual rnmnlpfplv in the Doliti-
-rUrr Maaaajar bcsiste'ss j staff CtaM B"" cal party or push one party to!f
Amt nmm. Maaaatn -.' Amo' "" the forefront, it will be detriri
KaMi3S? .V : ' -rT?.Z4mVl to good campus govern- -
f "J
New By-Law
Will Play Up
Parfy Labels
The student senate at Oklahoma if
A&M recently passed a by-law !y
which "requires that the party 1"
affiliation of a student filing forli
campus office be placed on the
ballot" f
The new ruling, accordine to the 9
Daily O'Collegian, "will eliminate
many of the 'shady' practices that! i
have resulted in past elections . . J
Under the new law, student voters iP
will not be influenced by 'fake' j
ballots bearing the name of oneU
party and the candidates of the,
other. With the party name ap
pearing on the ballot, the student
can easily determine which party
. . i.
is voting lor.
But the O'Collegian auicklv
points out that, at the same time,
"the new by-law will tend to
eliminate personalities from the
election. The name of the political
party will be played up more, and
less emphasis will be placed upon
the individual qualifications of the
candidate running for a particular a
office . . . This new law wul m
eliminate much of 'splitting of the
ticket' as has been done in the1
past campus election." "
The paper concludes, "If the
new law tends to submerge the in-ial
Im lillP
First Loves For Spring!
in Regular and "TALL GIRL" proportions!
See thete stirring signs of spring! delightful pastels bursting
forth in exciting ntw-fabrle Mlralon. (50 Orion, 50 rayon).
It's washable yet needs no ironing . . . pleats always retain their
immaculate perfection I Sheer magic in a luxurious texture that
sheds wrinkles, never sags or stretchlsl Here it's used extravagantly
in the gracefully pleated skirt more conservatively In the
smartly-severe style with "active" double kick-pleat In front
both designed for spring and summer enchantment!
i Proportioned Lengths
MEDIUM if you're 8'2" to 5'6",
In sizes 10 to 18.
TALI If you're 5'6" to S'll",
in sizes 12 to 18.
Straight Skirt in Grey. Ton, Light
Blue, end WkiU
Pleated Skirt in Pink, limit.
Light Blue end While
Cent In- for yours KCYl
E DeMament.'
Vs 1
. i