Friday, Jonuory 16, 1953 THE DAILY NEBRASKA Pag 3 From The Sidelines htoon System Out, Grid Game Shaken Up Glenn Nelson The two-platoon system, which has for 12 years entirely changed the game of football, met its death Thursday when the NCAA football rules committee killed the free substitution rule by a unanimous vote. In Its place, the rules committee established a new Yule which will not allow players to be taken from action during the first and third period and returned to the rme In those periods. Players with drawn before the final four minutes of the second and fourth quarters nay return during those last four minutes. The football iron men of years ago. who were forced to play an all-around game as both offensive and defensive 'performers, must return to the fold. Probably the outstanding cause of the radical measure taken by the committee Is the fact that 50 smaller colleges were forced to disband their grid schedules for lack of effective two-platoon set-ups with which to oppose their lareer rivals. Football Plans Changed Several years of planning and training men for specialized po sitions by grid coaches will definitely be shaken up. The game it self next season will be greatly changed, with fewer players seeing action. This sudden change which has been thrown into the present set-up Will definitely hinder the outlook of a great many football powers which depended heavily upon the two-platoon system for their strength. The game itself is bound to "be improved in , several ways, however. The 'smaller colleges will be plven a break which en ables them to comnete more favorably against lareer schools. A Phw r fir .J "Nelson By CHUCK KLASEK Assistant Sports Editor If the Huskers "wish to win their second game of the .young Rie Sevpn icapp sPiiKfin Sntnrrinv i . . , ,1, 1-5 - e player's wonting- on ooin oirense ana aeiense win ennoie mm w .inight, they must successfully har learn me came nener miu sij simki n biu rlory by taklnr the "iron man" role, IMU's Outlook Dampened? The big question of local Value at present is, "How is this Change of ruling going to effect Nebraska's outlook for next fall?" Husker backfleld coach Bob Davis, himself a two-way player during his college football career, commented Friday that he has "always been in favor of playing men both ways." Davis stated that he is "definitely in favor of the new ruling, and feels that Nebraska will have many players who can easily switch Into the new system' Coach Davis singled out a number of NU gridders Who have gone both ways for Nebraska, and said that especially backfield men will be in a position to jump into the new set-up. Backs John Bordogna, George Cifra, Bob Smith, Dennis Kori nek, Kay Novak, Bill Thayer, Jim Cederdahl, Duane Rankin, George Gohde and Jim Yeisley were among the backs Davis singled out as talented both offensively and defensively. Line men Jerry Minnick, Jim Oliver and Bill Schabacker along With a host of other forward wall Buskers have been groomed for iron man roles, and could fit Into the new system with little work. Head football coach Bill Glassford was out of town and un vailabls for comment. Sports Scribes Lauded This being the final edition of The Daily "Nebraskan for the semester I'd like to extend my appreciation to members of the sports staff for their performance in sports publication during the PaStMy hearty thanks go to Chuck Klasek, able assistant sports editor Bill Mundell, intramural sports columnist, and staff writers Howard Vann Tom Becker, Gary Frandsen, Bart Brown, Bob Serr and Gary Sherman for their coverage of sports at the University. Shirts Finished to look right! Top quality dry cUanlng! Bring your laundry LAUNDROMAT 16th ti N no-Tsrri hrratlslrokc Won hv Hlidek (S): second One Schanic (K); third Pete Slusar fN). Time 2:51.0 44t-rnt free trt Won by 'Perkins (K): second Bentz fN; third Payne HO. Time s'! 2. 4m-yard Tree tme re ray won By Kansas (.Tester, Dave Moxley. Ball. Ellin). Time 4:02.5. NU Swimmers Defeat Hawks -.v Vmorv'c WuskPr.: second Healey (N)! third Ken Re id (K. vuueu noucii - ----- -flrne 2:3b.B swimmers wnn live oui pi iu events and were never behind in their 50-43 win over Kansas at Lawrence Wednesday. It was the Initial meet of the season for the Nebraska tankers, who placed third In Big Seven competition last year. Cal Bents, NU sophomore, wm nigh point man of the meet, winning the 230-yard freestyle and placing second in the 440 nd 100-yard freestyle events. Gene Cotter, Husker diver who was competing for his first time In a college meet, won the diving event. Backstrokers Lloyd Reed and Pat Healey, bdth swimming for the Cornhusker team, battlco neck-and-neck in the 200-yard backstroke event before Reed won by inches. The two men swam an extra length of the pool, not realizing that the race was over, before swimmers on the sidelines jumped into the pool to stop them. Coach Emery's team meets Grlnnell College at Grlnnell, la., Saturday night. The squad 'will leave at 1 a.m. Saturday morning for the afternoon meet, and will return Sunday after stopping at Des Moines Satur day plght. The meet results: 900-wd w"lr relay Won v Nrfcrnka fPat Healy. Dick Hlidek. Dave Gradwohl). MOri' r1e-Von y Cal BH N: second Sam Perkins (K third Jack Tra crt fN). Time 2:20 , wl 0-yard free ty9e Won By Wahlon Ball IK); second Jack r.reer (NV, third Gene Cot ter fN). Time :32.2. , . ISO-yard MlvMiial mefley-Wony tlck fllfln HO; second Gordon Peterson NV. third Hlidek fN) Time 1:21. . t-meter hif-Won v Cotter (N). 249 4 olnts; second Dallas Chestnut K. 2 8 points; third .terry Jester fK). 23 4 twin's. ton-yard free rtrle Won tjy Klfhi 00: eond Brnti fN)i third Dave Gradwohl N. ?rvyrd 'bar Won V TJovd Tteed so onsies, Sig Hps, Ust Detd DM Sigs Also G ef Top Spots ALL-JNDErENDENT i. Phi Kpn M ............... Ol-fl) . ranskts . . Shrimi Phi Kptlkwi ........... 4-n 4. turn 'W ... . . . . . . . .44-11 t. Hamblen . . . . ...-.v..,v.'.-.-. ! fl. Alpha Ta Onwaa .-...... . . .4-H 7. Hootwers . . . . a. Pioneer House .......v. ,-.v . . iH-tn . I'lifhemn MudMirt . . . . . (It-tl) 10. Phi Oamma Oella "B" ....... ) tNDErENDENT H. ParnlM 6. Ramhlen S. ftooparers 4. l;(i!hernn StndenM 5. noMrarc "A" . ....W.-. .V . Kehnnha Oo-r . I, Sophomore Da4a . , . Rockers . , . .. ..-....-... t). Phalarnc ....... . Iti. Heaay Manor ............. FRATERNITY t. Phi Katwa iPel 1. ncma Phi Vmlkm S. rlhrm CM 4. Alpha Tnn Omm 't4-T . Plonw Hotue .(4-1) . Pi Kappa Phi . . . .-m 1. Xhrma Alpha HpsKoa ., 4-1) . 'omhiifcr t 'o-oo . . . I-I!) . 'e'a Beta Tan . . . .(4-1) US. Theta XI . . . . . . . . . . . .-) .- (8-2) rRATT RXITT "B" 1. Til iamma Txita fl. fhl Kappa I'si .. ... ... S. Parra Hmk 4. fihmw Aloha Iflnslloa 5. Slwma 'hl fi. Kera Hhima Pat 9. Alpha 4;amma fihn . Tlla V'psilon t. Palta Tan T'ella 111. Beta S'hela Pi . '....HSHN'.". -e 8-8) .ffl-M .- 11 it-4) By BILL MUNDEL Intramural Snorts lumnlst The advance of Phi Kappa Psi to the number one spot, the climb iaration for the stretch drive in its schedule. All will be uiet on the round-ball front for the next weeks )uring exams in prep- from nowhere of Sigma Phi Epsi Ion and the entrance of five new teams highlight the second intra mural basketball ratings. Phi Kappa Psi rules the roost 1n the second rankinkS as the I-M age season reaches the second break The Ihi Psi's racked np wins four and five In their perfect record to climb from second to first, replacing the previous leader Sigma Jhi which drops to fourth. The Phi Psi's trampled Delta tJpsilon and Husker Quintet AAus Stop Diercks To Win ness the key to the Iowa State of fensive attack, Delmar Diercks. The big 6-foot, 9-inch senior center, was tabbed as "athlete of the week" for the second straight week by the 630 Club of Ames, Iowa. Diercks won the nomination for his performances against Missouri and Kansas last week. The thin pivot ounted 17 points against Missouri and 24 against Kansas as the Cyclones dropped both contests. He now leads the Cyclone squad In scoring with a total of 154 points in nine games. As far as Coach Harry Good's quintet is concerned, Saturday's game against Iowa atate is sun a question. The answer lies in the condition of his two ailing for wards, Don "Weber and "Willard Fagler. After being "bedded with virus Wednesday, Weber returned to classes Thursday and hopea tnat he would be ready to go at lull speed against the Cyclones. On the other hand, Fagler still is in the grips of the Infection and is a doubtful starter. However, the sudden resurg ence of Forward Paul Fred- strom, gives Good a top-flight replacement 4f either Weber or Fagler are not ready to go. Fredstrom led the team In points In the Busker's 63-59 loss to : Kansas, Monday, by slipping 14 points through the noop. He also played a top rebounding i game. ' "They're an unpredictable out fit," Coach Good had to say about the inconsistent Cyclones. "We've gotten the job done on our liome court in the last few years. If they're hot we'll have to go out and get them; if they're cold we won't ave too much to worry about." The Husker wach "plans to use Kappa Sigma since the last rat ings. Sigma Clii split a "pair of ccm-, tests while falling three "notches. The Sigs "Outfought Phi Gamma Delta after losing their first of the year to Sigma Phi Epsilon,: last year's runnerup, by a 81-26 tally. ; The Sig Eps enter the ratings this Weekk along with four other outfits and Immediately find themselves in the Tiumber three position o!ue to their conquering of the Sigs 1n addition to smiting the Phi 3ams and Delts to make their season mark read 4-0. Top Independent-ranked Pan sies climb Irom seventh to sec ond this week with three newly acquired wins . on their perfect record. The Pansies walloped the Comets, Robbers nd Cadavers since the last ratings while mak ing their sdrive for All-U honors. The Ramblers make five- place jump this week and land In fifth with a pair of wins over rugged Rockets and Phalanx. The latter were fifth in the last rankings. Alpha Tau Omega won three straight contests over the last two weeks but drop from third to sixth to make room for the climb ing outfits. The Taus disposed of the Sig Alphs, Delts and Sigma Nu since the last report. The last four berths of the top- ten are occupied by newcomers more since the last ratings while the vPeeji Fijis garnered n addi tional two. ! Among the lop-ten the first ratings, but absent this week are Nebraska Co-op from fourth, rhalanx from fifth, Theta Xi from sixth, Thl Kappa Fst ""B" from eighth and Pi Kappa Phi j from ninth. The Pansies from third to lirst mark the independent struggle this week. Following the leaders up the two places re the Ram blers and Hoopsters. j Behind the fourth-ranked Luth erans is Holdrege ""A" this week.! uThis Ag College iirrrcjratiot climb one perch since the 1 ratings with S9-18 win wer Vt cational Agriculture, Last time's leader NcbrsnVi Co-op rest in sixth place thh week after winning over the Dora Bullets nd then losing 53-42 ti the Hoopsters, their initial efeai of the campaign. Two newcomers gam seventt and eighth this week. The Sopho more Dents won three more tc make their season mark read $-4 wkn victories over Two nrweomers th seventh and eighth this week. The Sophomore Dents marked them selves as the busiest team te action the last two weeks, play ing four ontests nd winning 11 four te boost their season mark to fi-ft. Included among the disposed were ASCE, Fresh Dents, AIEE and previously ninth-ranked XROTC Gymnasts Open Season Saturday With (-State lVf. the 8eventh Tun with wins ver bfelih lZ?lti$ .?J?nelT 27 the Tau Scrubs and previously fourth-ranked Nebraska Co-op side the keyhole. Then hell switch to & tight man-for-man. If "Weber and "Fagler are ready, they'll start for Nebraska at the forward slots. If not, Fredstrom and Stan Matake may get the nod. Bill Johnson will get the call at the center spot. while unbeaten Pioneer House with1 five straight get the nod at eighth. Two more 8-0 aggregations are found in ninth and tenth in the form of the "Lutheran Student -Association and Phi Gamma Delta "B." The Lutherans won three Half Price Boxdl Stationery Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th St ANNOUNCING Tillman's CAFETERIA FINE FOODS AT PRE-WAR PRICES Open 10,30 A.M. 8 P.M. Phone 2-2068 1325 P St. J. Paul Sheedy Switched lo Wildrool Cream-OA Because He Flanked The Finger-Nan Test HIRI't i ltd Lobster tale. Sheedy wu really in hot water. Hit girl kept laying, 'The Maine thing I don't like about you It the way you potjour'hair! Haven't you red about Wildroot Cream Boil Hair Tonic? Non-alcoholic Relieve! annoyirjg dryneaa. Removes looie. ugly dandruff. Helps you pais the Fioger-Nail Test. Perfect for you 'daws you need Lanolin on that water soaked hair." Paul got Wildroot Cream-Oil and now he shore looks slick. In fact, he's in salad with every girl on campus. So if you're net-tied about your messy hair, butter shell out 29( at any toilet goods counter for a bottle or tube of Wildroot Cream Oil,'"Your Hair's Best Friend." Ask for it a r barber's, an tenna to one you'll be tickled pink! $l 1t$o. Harris WIIRd., XPiUiamwille, N. Y. Wildroot Company, Inc., Buffalo U,N."Y. Ccr,"piis cspsrs cg!I for Cob The accent's on hi-; inks at the ' Winter Carnival and a happy part of the occasion is refreshment... with delicious ice-cold Coca-Cola. I ? l Hi ffl A 1 1 .31 I iJ II M .s- i Mil W OTfllO UNDM UIH0ITV Of THf COCA-COIA COMPANY iV V THE COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. OF LINCOLN CeVt" li o 0Utrd trademark. g) 'J3, tHt COCA-CQtA COMfAMY Coach -Jake Geier's "Nebraska gymnastics squad opens its 1853 season Saturday afternoon in dual meet vith Kansas State at the Physical Education Tbuflding. First vent is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Danny Togel and Tom K'.dd, j team aptaln, will arry a pto& share of the load, entering four j events apiece. Don Bodge 4s j entered in three events, nd i Max Kennedy two. OKidd, who 'is -entered in the horse, hi-bars, -parallel 'bars and rings, was high point man tor the team in "placements last year, while getting second all-around choice. A special event will open Sat urdays meet, with Busker Bruce ftiley (competing against 4hree Wildcat rymnasts. The new vent, free xerrise, Is an exhibition and will not ount towards the team total. There will 'be io ;admission fee for those ttending. Coach Celei expects the meet to last approxi mately one nd a lialf liours. Intrants: Horse Tom Kidd, Bert Unn, Dick Kaecke Hi-Bar-Kidd, Uanny TogeJ, Chuck Sprague P-Bars Kidd, Sprague, Togel KingsKidd, Fogel, Don Hodge TrampolineHodge, Max Ken nedy, Sprague Turn Mi tig Fogel, Keraieay, Hodge. Main Feature Clock 'rSutwrJutoa 'PirmlahHI ty TbMtanA Uncoln: ''Thunder 3n the East,1' 3:20, 3:20, :S:20,?;20,$0. Varsity: "'Blackbeara the Pi rate;" 1 100, 3:06, 5:12, ?:25, ;3B. SUte: Montana Belle,'" 2:03, 4:38, TT;15, 0:48. '"Gold Fever,"" 1 :00, 3:35, 6:10, 8:45. VARSITY fw im Li n.raiiwin ra wii mo loriii iMimaf s2f'v' STATE "NOW JANE HUSSEL1 HSSit MONTANA BELLir' TO 'COLOR Plus "GOLD FEVER" JPi fW J n i mi 1 SPEcncuuit tommm Liffl"rtii'i'wiiiy ir iniMaiiMii wi nriA immm m mm wit I Corinne f Calvet &t -fife mKi3t-3$.ifo mtffeMMts doLttf WO, Am- ...,.. ... .... -' &Ml!X8SSZ& ,, THE m AIR SERIES to be compared only with higher-priced ears! The glamorous Bel Air Series for 1953 is truly a new kind of Chevrolet. Four new Bel Air models 4-Door Sedan, -2 -Door Sedan, Convertible, Sport Coupe-create a won derful new class of cars. THE 'TWO-TEN" SERIES sensational advances from bumper to bumper! The 'Two-Ten" Scries offers: two new station wagonsthe Townsman and 'Two-Ten" Handyman the 4-Door, 2 Door, Convertible, Club -Coupe and Sport Coupe. THE "ONE-FIFTY" SERIES lowest priced of all quality cars! Smart new Chevrolet styling and advanced features! Five models include the -4-Door and -2-Door Sedans, Club Coupe, Business Coupe,'"One Fifty" Handyman. An ntiraty now kind t Crnvrottf In an nHraly now HU all to ewe t ifl i it j.. - IWW'WI'll II I Jja-li ( " ir,tij,; ' jTlHR r ) i il " , ' Mtm Mill II '" '''' ' "hl I MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVR0LE7S inHPi HNI VliriCK CMHI The great new Chevrolet line for 3953 brings 'you a tear 'for -any ipurpose. Choose high-compression :power with the new '115-h.p. "Blue-Flame" engine teamed with new Powerglidc :for the finest automatic driving. Or chnnne the high-compression A 08h,p. "Thrif t- 'r.nmUmmttun .(Csnttawattan V .ililaiJ ia)mnam wm! trim 'IWav- King" engine for fineit standard driv ing. Choose the improved standard steering, tor new owcr Steering, .op tional at extra cost. Come in and see the most wonder ful selection in the low-price Jicid and It's yours at Uowest cost! iRMjin")ir.. mir trmumxittitn ami I HA. A3 iwcayi ftjiitoua)J SEE IT -AT YOUR . CHEVRO LET D E.A L"E PJ.S .1