The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 06, 1953, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Paqa 4,
Tuesday, January 6, 1953
N. J. Anderson Appointed New Head 8BhtrLTpM !LinC0,n Executive Discusses Subject
Of State- Tax Department By Crosby U--Of Founding NU Chair Of Insurance
Norrls J. Anderson, associate helped the tax commissioners or
professor of agricultural econ- fice on tax matters.
'nation mat no dciicvcs me op
portunity to join a youna corn-
5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 8, said ..... . T , !,,,., rn nnninn with 1h nrouosed the work Ith as done ana is do-
Rocky Yapp. AUF president. .!-""" ? ' ' broached the' chah; $250,000 could reasonably. In in the field of insurance,-
mm a juuiia u'l.i- .....1:...-.,u..1.i ;iK1 .7 - . ; T V , , . It ' " j 1 ft ftfift o var
omlcs, has been appointed state Crosby cited Anderson for help- P x " en "irn"V:n the AUF office, room 3C3, Un- curance at the University, lall of which would be at the dis-l In the past, consideration has
... ...... . , . t . nA 4 . , , , , i . i I u iMc.,,fonon conTinn hppn eiven m me uiuvclmiv in
tax commissioner by Governor-ing set up the state assessment-uture tnan
tiect Itobcrt i-rosuy.
Anderson will succeed Phi-
Hp K. Johnson on Feb. 1. John
son, commissioner since 1948,
resigned to become superinten
dent of right-of-way, tax and
claims department of the IMatte
ripe Line Co. ot Kansas City,
Anderson, has boon with the IN UNION
university .mvc lata, iiivimusi;,
holding similar positions at state
colleges in South Dakota and
Kansas. He will continue his,
teaching duties for the present
Max Denncy, the governor-j
elect's administrative assistant,
quoted Crosby as saying:
"I am sorry to lose a man
with the ability of Phil Jonn-
' ton, but I woman i want to
stand in the way of his better
Inr himself. We are pleased to
ret a man with the background
and experience of Mr. Ander
son." Anderson has published a num
bcr of bulletins on taxes and farm
economics and has previously
on the
ing set up -the state assessment lh' se7 hn the change io- The-V be returned to, This would involw
schools which Johnson and p. nfluence hi Yapp in the AUF or at the the University with
staff have been conducting. An-f )nors did not tntiuence nis Theta p. hougc or tQ Joan which has no
larnv " '
drson has served
lands assessments committee of
the National Association of As
sessing Officers.
Johnson explained in his rcsig-
US. Choked
By Red Tape'
Ball Ticket
Sales Begin
The Governor's Inaugural Ball
will be held Thursday at 9 p.m.
in the Coliseum.
University students are invited
to attend.
Tickets will be available in the
Union from Tuesday until Thurs
day. Special student price is $1
a person.
University women wishing to
attend the Ball may obtain spe
cial permission for a 12:30 a.m.
night. They must have a per
mission slip signed by their
The University Band will give
1 . J
' V 1
!f s JiS$
1 ,r
i 1
I Cmirtrsy Lincoln Journal
T-Tuncnn rSumma Phi RptA house, .nhnr) vro,t that It chnll ha KH
Those filing should sign up for f.,r the improvement of the insur-j
an interview appointment wnen ance section at the university,!
I they pick up their application zimmer wrote in "Capital Fire!
'blanks. ! Comment," the house organ of his
involve endowing nosal of the insurance
a sum of Zimmer stated,
strings at-; The University "is becoming
nationally prominent Decause oi
section, been Riven
the cstabiisnment or a cnair in
the field of banking. No chairs ex
ist at the University at present..
Interviews will be conducted in company
.u a T tip ffi K 1Q5" anA 1QS3
unite uj v...
hprs. Officers
' , - , ...:n ul
and new ooara memoc-is wm uv;
'selected by this group.
Quality For
Forty-three students have qual
ified for registration as profes
sional engineers and architects by
The money would be invested
and handled by the University
Foundation, with the principal
remaining Intact and only the
income used for the purpose of
strengthening the Insurance sec
tion. The purpose for which in
come from an endowed fund is
used Is called a chair in this
case insurance.
This would be. the first such
Rdnkin . . .
(Continued from Page 1)
chair at the University, although for attorney General Brownell!
chairs often in the names of in- and the country. I'm happy forj
Graduate Chamestry Students
Offered Teaching Fellowships
A new post graduate leaching' outstanding graduate student hav
fellowship will be offered to grad-j ing two years' experience as a
uate chemistry students for the part time fetching assistant in the
1953-54 school year. chemistry department. The reel-
E. I du Pont de Nemours and pient will be required to teach on
Co. will offer the fellowship to ana part time basis during his ap
pointment, ana win De nominated
by the chemistry department.
Included In the fellowship Is
$1,400 for the recipient ($3,000
if married) and $500 to the Uni.
verslty for support of his work.
Tuition and fees will also be
dividuals who have contributed the Eisenhower administration and paid for the recipient,
heavily are more common in Mn Rankin, and furthermore, it rju pont has awarded similar
eastern schools. - is an ilonor for Nebraska." fellowships to 12 other institutions.
Zimmer said he is not sneakingi Rankin has run for only one Th erant is Dart of a new aid.
th Nebraska State Board of Ex-i "either officially or unofficially"! public office and was elected too-education program of the corn
am iners for Engineers and Archi- for the University, but has dis-,that. In 1949 he was elected to pany.
cusstu me maud wiui uuuiuci me xwiiicuiu stuuui uuoiu, ...t, pu Pont also renewed Its post
IVurtcsy Lincoln Journal
TAX HEAD . . . N. J. Anderson,
assistant professor of agricul
tural economics will be the new
Tax Commissioner.
Prof. Meredith,
Dr. Pound Join
Name Society
for the Advancement of Science. be presented and will lead the Dr. Louise Pound, professor
The Internal Security and Mc-Carran-Walter
Immigration Acts
are choking tne united 5taiesia concert from 8:30 to 9 p.m. tol-:
with a "red tape curtain," Kirtly. lowing the concert, the Pershing
K Mather told the 119th meet- Rifle Crack Squad will drill. At
Ing of the American Association a-15 Governor Robert Crosby will
Those qualifying as engineers
John D. Bainbridge, Glen V.
Berg, William T. Black, David I.
Cook, H. D. Douglas, Stan J. Free
land, John P. Girard, Edward W.
Glass, John L. Haff, Dayton DD.
1 Hall, Otto L. Haitian, Joseph L.
JHorton, John E. Housiaux, Joseph
I J. Hromadik.
I Gerald M. Kafer, Dana J. Kel-
ller, Howard C. Kellogg, Charles
lard A. Long, Ralph R. Marlette.l I mmmM Kon llIC
. M mm
of men prominent in the industry.
The financial support which
would result from the earnings
of such a fund would permit the
development of the insurance
section of the College of Busi
ness Administration far beyond
what the ordinary tax budget
would permit, Zimmer said.
W. E. Marx. Harold J. Mateika,
Mather, retiring president.
said, "Intellectual freedom in
volves the free Interchange of
Information and Ideas among
scientists "not only within our
country, but also between those
of all nationalities."
The meeting, held in St. Louis,
was attended by 11 University
faculty members.
The AAAS, organized in sec
tions covering all principal fields
f science, claims a four-fold aim:
To further the work of scientists,
to bring about greater eo-opera-tion
among scientists, to make
science more effective in promot
ing human welfare and to in
crease' 'public understanding of
science. '
It' is the largest group of re
lated scientific organizations in
the world.
Grand March.
emeritus of the University, and
A reception for the new govcr- Mamie Meredith, professor of
nor will be held after his presen- English, were elected to advisory:-
A. G. May, Paul H. Moran, Ken
neth E. Nelson, Paul E. Nylander.
Robert Orpin, E. C. Pcrrenaud,
Johnny Cox and his orchestra
will provide dance music from
10:30 until 12 p.m.
boards by the newly-organized
American Name Society at its
first annual meeting in
Saturday night,.
Dr. Pound will serve with nve
inson, Edwin N. Seiler, Lloyd C.
named president of that body in raduate fellowship in chemistry
The attorney has been active
in Republican affairs, particu
larly presidential campaigns.
t 1 0.1 A nnnmall annnintrvl him
All iSltf, j.vv " ij 1- ------ . a
to be chairman of the Nebraska Plir To AtTPfln
During the last campaign, he
was the leader of the Nebraska
forces for Eisenhower, nis auuesi Tom Graham Anda Dimze,
were to organize politicians and, Richard Gary arid 0rvis Wall will
citizens to back the President- rcpresent 1he University at the
Elect and split the. state delega-i drennial conference of the
tion to the Republican National Uni,ed student christian Council
for the 1953-54 school year. The
post graduate fellowship was be
gun in 1918.
Missouri Meeting
Jan. 13-Feb. 17
Six evening sessions in leader
ship training, will begin Tuesday,
Cknlln T lni.J W Chovn I ar I : T .4 rr-i . . , I
Rnctnn ' -"v'.,u f jan, 10. l nis course is oeing
nobion Swanson Gerald R. Swihart, E. sponsored by the Lincoln Junior
C. Webber. Jack L. Wilkins and chamber of Commerce in co-od-
When Lincoln was put onto
the list of stops of Eisenhower's
train on the way to Chicago be
fore the convention and again
on the campaign trip, Rankin
handled the arrangements.
A friend exDlained that "Lee
at Park College, Parkville, Mo.
"The University, the World
Struggles, and the Church" is the
title of the conference which is
expected to draw 300 college students.
Two other USCC regional con-
ur. round win serve wun uve G R Williamson.
of managers of the society, which b
was oigdni.ii i 10 rficrjhi are: Rov C. Neumann. This course, which will be of-working with others despite his
Waning ofXerlca E Roman, David O. Wallace, fered through Fet .17 includes; quiet fnannerism Still another
Architectural students declared tension Division
nn't ot rhittered ud with ferences are being held at the
ieration with the University Ex-frills." Another said that he in-same time, one in Baltimore .and
spire's confidence and is at his best, the other in Palo Alto, Calif.
YW Community Tours Commit- Christian names, surnames. and;All-x ci"siein,
tee meeting at 3 p.m., Ellen Smith brand names of business impor
Dining Room. ' ance.
YW Battle for Ballots Commit-j Prpfessor Meredith, as a mem
tee meeting at 4 p.m., Ellen Smith ber of an editorial board, will as
Dining Room. sist in the publication of a quar-
YW Goals and Values on Cam- terly magazine to be known as
pus committee meeting at 5 p.m., I "Names." Its first appearance is
Ellen Smith Dining Room. Scheduled for April.
Corn Cob officers and actives j Professor Meredith attended the
meeting at 5 p.m., 317 Union. meeting in Boston.
Ag Movie
The Ag YWCA-YMCA will
show the movie "The Quiet
One" at their meeting Tuesday,
Jan. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Home
Economics Building.
training in lecturing and sneak-'said while a "lot of us are golf
ing, discussion, presentation of re- ing or loafing, Lee is busy with
ports and letters, human rela-his reading and study. He keeps
tions and executive development' up on an amazing range of sub-
The classes, which will be lim- jects even technical matters,
ited to 20 persons, will be held Rankin married Gertrude
at the Chamber of Commerce. Carpenter in 1931. They have
The instructors are: Donald O. two sons, James and Roger, and
Olson, assistant professor of a daughter, Sarah. They are
7952 Boasts More Than Share Of Scientific Oddities
speech; Dean G. Kratz, assistant
state attorney general: John W.
ICramer, consulting engineer: Dr.
members of the First Plymouth
Congregational Church.
By way of explanation of his
p" '' t
Rirhnrd M. Rmirne. nrnfessor rf risp in the world, one friend sim-
economics; and John E. Tate, ply said, "Lee just gets things
Omaha, business consultant. idone."
- " : Feature Editor
S u n d a v.' automobiles, buses,
trains and planes began to pour
University students back on the
campus to begin, a new year at
an old routine.
If science can promise any
thing to the student, this may be
quite a year. During the old year
just past, two individuals have
managed to change sex, a Scot
tish doctor from a woman to a
man and an American movie
photographer from a man to a
woman. Although doctors admit
that the change is long and diffi
cult to achieve, they have proved
that it can be done. Continued
advancement in this field may
mean that such changes will be
come commonplace.
Students who become bored
during vacations throughout
the new year may take to raid
int the neighbors chicken
houses for conversation rather
than for fowls. At a recent
' meeting of the American As
sociation for the Advancement
of Science in St. Louis, a Cor
nell University professor inter
speech of hens when the cluck,
chirp and twitter.
When mother hens emit two
clucks per second it means that
the chick should follow her. A
rapid sequence of "kuk, kuk, kuk'"
means soup's on provided the
rotes have an excited and em
box with a lead pencil the pro
fessor said.
If a human being should act
ually become this desperate for
someone to talk to, perhaps he
should warn his neighbors that
his only object in entering a
chicken coop with a cardboard
box and a lead pencil is a friendly
chat with the inmates.
Perhaps on the grounds that
the hens may have borrowed
expressions from the human
race, the professor did not
translate the comments of hens
when they are rudely awakened
in the middle of the night.
Dr. Loh Tsai, Chinese professor
at Aulane University startled
scientific circles two years ago
by teaching kittens to live peace-.
fully with rats.
He has now made a new ad
vance in the study. The psy
chologist has taken a hardened
criminal of a rat-killing alley
cat and educated it to co-operate
with a rat. The co-operation
was achieved by a series
of experiments that made it
necessary for the cat and the
rat to press a button with their
feet simultaneously in order to
obtain . food. Dr. Tsai believes
that peenle also ran work out
a system to survive through
In a new book titled "Auto
mation: the Advent of the Auto
matic Factory." John Diebold has
presented a series of challenges
to education. If hte advent of
phatic quality. When the hen is automation makes it necessary to
settled down for the night and
several members of her family
are still out she calls them with
long, low, purring sounds. Some
tl these sounds can be accom
plished by tapping on a cardboard
redesign accounting and office
procedures in general business, as
Diebold says it will, it may be
tough to be a secretary. Instead
of keeping company with a type
writer and a shorthand book, the
secretarial student will spend a And then mere is tne proiessor
collece career making friends 'at Illinois University who issued
with a slide rule.
Under a system where ma
chines take over most of the
work, personnel would need
C. L. Wear Will Open Series
On Physical Fitness At YMCA
training in engineering as well
states. And it is the job of
education, he contends, to fit
youth for the rapidly changing
conditions in industry. In many
fields the emphasis will be on
a verbal spanking to educators;
for anti-intellectualism" because1
they are training students in "un-! Dr. Carlos L. Wear, assistant
related skills and isolated facts" .professor of physical education for
and in "fields that belong to, will speak at the YMCAj
social agencies." Wednesday on "How to Keep
Between cnattmg wim cnicKens fnysicauy ru.
Dr. wears speecn, rirst or a
YMCA-sponsored series on physi-!
cal fitness, will be given at 6:30!
p.m. A discussion period will fol-.
low the speech.
instead of chicks and living in a
world populated by secretaries
who chew slide rules instead of
the management of machines igum, watched over by professors
instead of on the specialized who can't decide what students
skills the machines have taken should study it could be a great
over. 'year.
Other programs
the series are:
Dr. Frederick H. Hathaway.
"How to Care for the Adult
Heart," Jan. 21.
Dr. Ruth M. Leverton, "How
to be Mentally Healthy," Feb.
Dr. Frank L. Spradling. "How
to be Mentally Healthy," Feb.
The programs
in both r.ien and women and there
i will be no admission charged.
... APccnnA fnr Tor foil Infmrwrntioii rmtart ytmr nramt
are aesignea ior vrTEIlANa administration e
fir if (M I
To plsca o classified ad
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