WtBeMiSWStl W t o o Tuesday, December 16, 1952 From The Sidelines Ohlahoma-Bovjl, Boll, Or Mow? Glenn Nelson After doing more than their share of moaning because Big fame iMooW1-8110 th Sners to 'particSfte T irr bow! game, it looks like University of Oklahoma officials have'finnliv de cided w tock to the Big Seven conference-for a while, anyhow. . ?lahom ,th,et, committee Walter Kraft. Fridav lnnt L'f18 rErrw"' the Swest Conference naay in an attempt to "establish friendly rela tions wim tne conference, was apparently at teraptlnr to ret the Sooners to re-join their one-time associates. Oklahoma had been a char ter member of the Southwest loop at one time. ? r0Su' PrLcsident of OU, calmed the situaUon Friday when he reported Kraft's trip to ?J!?a 8n exPloratory mission for the Oklahoma Doara of regents. K-.huthfr '"".J104 the Sooners bolt tho Big S!5S,.rfLta that they were seriously ? "frence officials have not shown ?i.fi. ?l 0f iesLre to the Sooners. al- Jh. 2.0t mch has come from them in the "-j M.rci quotations on the situation. Big Seven Cage Race Nears ennfnw thef.co"ference basketball squads busily playing non Kansas State M,ithf B g Sen V t Kansas City, the powerful inrf!id4Cats H1 the team to beat- The Cats edged a KStV. S? na.te,m' 82"80, Satuay night, as big center Dick Svnr S f JCW in V p?ints for K-State- Iiana was pre-season t! k Se?)nl,Plac? in tne Bif?'Ten this season. .tnA a er. headline loop play last week end, Oklahoma (2-1) home mLouH TV?,lly by Southern Methodist to win, 59-54, at Wh' S, penef its ,season with 8 66"62 win over Ft. Leonard iLa highly-regarded Army outfit. Sophomore forward Win Wil ton led Sparky Stalcup's Tigers with 15 points. season Thf jiv?P "TV ?,4"v51 .upset ,or KUs "rst ,oss f the siWiiS1 year-They w,n be Nebr,ska's torSio."" thdr firSt defeat in three Top Game Off Our List? With Christmas vacation beginning Dec. 20, a great number of complaints have been made by students who have observed that two top non-conference ,home games have been scheduled for Dec 23 and Jan. 3. J Since the games being played are basically for the benefit of the student body, tt seems unfair to have the games scheduled at such a time that many of their tickets will be unused therefore lessening the value of a season student ticket. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Pcgt 3 Starting Maroon Guards Vc I Nelson wij,iniiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiui .i.nu,, i mill in v ! I I' I ' s o ; if lillllilllllf 1 iiaiiiHlilli i I ivuG 'a S V M 1 1 i i "I'll1 1 rMWMtrtt'fw "iUlW .Jv.'.'-.W. .,-',-;',-;-v iwtwAwWitK : Mk-J'X' SPRINGFIELD FIRST-STRINGERS . , . Clayton Bywaters (left) and Frank Januszewski will open at the guard positions for Springfield College against the Huskers Wednesday night in the Coliseum. The Maroons are currently undefeated, holding wins over Brown and Wesleyan. 3 Games Face MU This Week Three games in five nights will send the University of Missouri basketball team plunging head long into its court schedule this week. Home games Tuesday and Thursday will bring Arkansas and Texas Christian respec tively to the Brewer Field House. Tif-off Is at 8 pm. For a Saturday finale, the Tigers swing west to Laramie, Wyo., for a bout with Coach Ev Shel ton's Wyoming Cowboys. Arkansas will invade Columbia with a new coach and a new style of play. Coach Sparky Stalcup figures his eBngals will have to hit an early-season peak to handle 13 Unbeaten Squads Lead IM A, B, Independent Cage Loops Fraternity A Division League 1 Sigma Chi 3-0 Sigma Phi Epsilon 1-0 Sigma Alpha Epsilon 1-1 Alpha Tau Omega . . . .1-1 Delta Tau Delta 1-1 Sigma Nu 0-2 Phi Gamma Delta 0-2 League 2 Phi Kappa Psi 3-0 Kappa Sigma 2-0 Phi Delta Jheta 2-1 Beta Theta Pi 1-1 ThetaXi 1-1 Alpha Gamma Rho 0-3 Delta Upsilon 0-3 League 3 Farm House 3-0 Pioneer Co-op 2-0 Beta Sigma Psi 1-1 Cornhusker Co-op 1-1 Brown Palace Co-op 1-2 Sigma Alpha Mu 1-2 Delta Sigma Phi 0-3 Fraternity B Division League 4 Pi Kappa Phi 2-0 League 5 Phi Gamma Delta 3-0 Sigma Chi 2-0 Sigma Alpha Epsilon ... .1-1 Alpha Tau Omega 1-2 Sigma Phi Epsilon 0-2 Sigma Nu 0-2 League 6 Phi Kappa Psi 3-0 Delta Tau Delta 2-1 Phi Delta Theta 2-1 Alpha Gamma Rho ..... .2-1 Ag Men's Club 3-1 Uni Aggies 2-1 Ag Jokers 2-1 the Porkers, long on size and savvy this year under Coach Glen Rose. Mizzou meets Drake at Des Moines Dec. 23, before moving into the Big Seven's post-Christmas tourney at Kansas City. By GARY FRANDSEN Sports Staff Writer After making a very credible showing against Ozzle Cowles' powerful Minnesota outfit, Coach Harry Good and his Cornhusker cagers are awaiting their pre- holiday clash with Springfield College (Mass.) tomorrow night at the coliseum. Nebraska will be out to make It two in a row on the Coliseum maples. In the season's initial game, the Huskers thumped South Dakota 65-53. Turning back to last Saturday's encounter with the Gophers in which the Huskers bowed 71-62, Good was very pleased with the performance of the Scarlet and Cream. As Good put it, "We did a fine job defensively, but our of fensive game still needs plenty of improvement." , If anything could be at tributed to the Husker defeat, it was the electrifying perform ance of the Gopher's Chuck Mencel. The classy sophomore guard dumped in 24 points and was the prime factor in Minne sota's big third-quarter barrage. Up to that time, the Husker zone had throttled the Minnesota offen sive machine, but as soon as Men cel began to unload from out- Skirts In Sports Inter-Denominational Wins Nebraska Ball 1 ' y Georgia Hulac . inier-jjenominauonai floes it again! The Inter-Denominational team edged out the Kappa Kanna Gamma No. 1 team n takp ha uue win in me weoraska Pan tournament last Wednesday. During the half time the game was tied but the Inter-Denominational walked off with their second win of the year. The Inter-Denominational team also won the volleyball tournament. Reinhardt Wins Title Suzie Reinhardt, Delta Gamma, nut a title In her pocket. She bowled high enough to get the top honor In the bowling tournament Suiie bowled against Lois Srb, Kappa Alpha Theta, in the final game. The last co-recreation night of the vear will be this Wednesday at Grant Memorial, 7 p.m. The trampoline will be up ready to be lumped on and the mats for badminton and volleyball will Ag Parasites l-2iD.e.uP too. If you aje not interested in those ac- Vocational As 0-3'tivities there is always table tennis and duckpins. I - 'in I 1)0 nt forget to sign your name, and hours League iy that vnu snpnH at Alpha Gamma Rho C ..3-0, points for voting credit. Miss Hanoeter. faculty Ag Men's Club "B" ..... .2-1 adviser, will have the paper to sign on. Representatives Meeting After vacation there Is going to be a Representatives meeting. It is going to be a Very important meeting and each representa tive Is urged to be present at this meeting. Also after vacation will be basketball officials meeting. The exact dates for these meetings are not known yet. Since the basketball tournament will not start until next sem- Farm House "C" 1-2 Ag College YMCA 1-2 Holdrege "B" 0-2 Hulac t Dtia iiieia ri u-.slPn.Wo in Kappa sigma o-3iPhalanx ; ; ; ; ; Vo Ineta Chi 0-0 cfM 11 ester, the gym will be ODened at 5 n.m. for anv team who wich tn independent Division League 7 Farm House 2-0 Beta Sigma Psi 2-0 Acacia 1-0 Delta Upsilon 2-1 Pioneer Co-op 1-1 Pi Kappa Phi 0-3 Brown Palace Co-op 0-3 League 8 Lutheran S. A 2-0 Newman Club 1-0 Inter-Varsity 1-1 pi:pr n.9r uaaneiDBu. oee miss iviuivaney, waa sponsor, and re- week and the twp weeks following vacation until finals start. IM Winners For just a review, here are the winners of the intramural tournaments which have occured this year. Ramblers 0-0 League 12 Hoopsters 2-0 Nebraska Co-op 2-0 Dorm Bullets , 1-1 Que Balls ...1-1 Rummies , .0-2 Mustangs 0-2 Tau Scrubs 0-0 League 13 Pansies 2-0 M Street 1-1 Dorm Comets 1-1 Methodist House 1-1 Acacia 2-0 University YMCA 1-1 p 1 Theta Chi 1-1 Baptist House O-IIw-. m ' ' " 7 i Zeta Beta Tau 1-1 Presby House 0-2 n o . wexuavvio . J ueague y Holdrege A 3-1 Tau Kappa Epsilon 0-2 Norris House 0-2 Basketball Alpha Chi Omega Table Tennis Jean Blickenstaff, Wesley Dance Kappa Alpha Theta Softball Kappa Delta Badminton Nlta Helmstadter and Janet Bailey, Alpha Fhi Soccer baseball Kappa Alpha Theta Tennis doubles Cynthia Holyoke, Kappa Alpha Theta and Denise Bobrer Volleyball Inter-Denominational Swimming Kappa Alpha Theta Duckpins Chi Omega Bowling Suzie Reinhardt, Delta Gamma Nebraska ball Inter-Denominational The WAA council wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! court, the Huskers were forced to abandon the lone and switch into a man-to-man. Good, however, thought the Cornhuskers handled Ed Kala fat and Bob Gelle, the remain ing two of Minnesota's big three, In fine style. Although Kalafat collected 15 points, he could manage only five field goals. Up to Saturday's tussle, the big center had been aver aging 18 points per garnet Gelle, the Gophers' captain, had been hitting nearly 50 percent of his shots prior to the skirmish with Nebraska, but in the game the star forward could net only six joints. As far as individual play on the Cornhuskers, Good singled out Don Weber, Bill Johnson, Joe Good and Fred Seger as all coming through with top per formances. Weber and Johnson did some hard rebo u n d 1 n g throughout the evening while Good did a commendable Job offensively. Seger was also his nsn a I self with an excellent floor game." Looking forward to tomorrow's aKalr with Springfield. Good stated that he knew little about the potentiality of the invading quintet from the east. Coach John Bunn's touring Maroons are led by Co-captain Alan Schutts who last year had a brilliant average of 22.5 points per game in 26 contests. The 6' 3" center has also accum ulated an average of 18 points, over a three-year span at the Massachusetts school. Others slated to start for Springfield arc Elias Mulzac and Courtefjr Lincoln Journal PACES SCORERS... Jo Good, Nebraska guard, leads the Husker scoring parade with 24 points In the first two games. Good Is the only senior on the NU aquad this season. and Francis Januszewski and Clayton Bywaters at the guards. In their first two outings, Bunn's b a s k e t b a 1 lers have trimmed Brown 63-61 and drubbed Wesleyan (Conn.) 86 50. Springfield is referred by many as the home of basketball, for ft was here that Dr. James Nesmith, then Director of Physical Educa tion .invented the en me of basket- Larry McClements at the forwards! ball in 1891. Frosh Teams To Raise Curtain Wednesday Eve Coach Tony Shame has divided his frosh cagers into two squads in preparation for a preliminary tussie oeiore the Nebraska Springfield College fray Wednes day evening. The "Red" and the "White" freshman teams, who will meet at 6 p.m., each have been as signed twelve players. The "Red" team will be com posed of Glen Sullivan, Ben Meckel, Wayne Westphahl, Bruce Martin, Warren Ahrens, Ward David, Haynes Harrington, Dave Barnes, Kuss Uehling, Don Slrles, Norm Coufal, and Bob Brown. "White squad members in clude Don Keiser, Duane Buel, Bob Prokop, Leigh Larson, Joe Poynter, Dave Bell, Charles Smith, Bill Roy, Ron Hansen, Rex jChristenson, Ken Johnson, and John Irenerry. During the halftime of the varsity fray the Women's Phy sical Education department will present folk and art form square dancing. Included in the presentation will be a "summer hoedown." Following the Springfield- Ne braska basketball game at the coliseum Wednesday, Coach Al Partin's varsity wrestlers will en gage a B team-freshman combination. WHEN YOU USE (Daihf Vhrf)Aa&katL Glassifieii To place a classified ad Stop t th Btuinea Office Boom 29 Student Union Cab S-7631 Est. 4226 for (luti fled Serrte Wotrri 1-4:20 tton. thn frL THRIFTY AD RATES No. words l gay t days 8 days 4 days 1 ween 1-10 $ .40 .65 ".88 I $r.00 fl.2U 11-16 JO SO 1.05 lis 1.45 16-20 .60)1 Si 1.25 1.80 1.7u 21-25 .70 1.10 1.43 1.78 lJa 26-80 M 1.28 1 1.68 2.00 ) ' 2.20 League 14 Navy ROTC 2-0 Sophomore Dents 1-0 j AIEE 1-1 ! Phi Delta Phi 1-1 1 Delta Sigma Pi 0-1 ASCE 0-2 j Freshmen Dents 0-0 1 Shirts Finished to look right! Top quality dry cleaning! Bring your laundry to the lalf Price Christmas Cards, Wraps, Tags, Seals and Ribbons Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street HOBBIES MAKE EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS GIFTS Let Us Show You Our Complete Stock Hobbies cnd Toys 112J p 2-4692 Main Feature Clock Varsity: "Eight Iron Men," 1:50, 3:45, 5:40, 7:35, 9:30. State: "Cattle Town," 1:23, 4:12, 7.01, 9:50. "One Big Affair," 2:34, 5:23, 8.12. rm -rsr m. VAJ 'ft ; ? .J t t with A MMV ON THE FBONT SNOW- State Theatre -now- DENNIS MORGAN "CATTLE TOWV' 1 Aluo Irnnlii O'KKEFB Ewlm KETOC8 'OIVE BIG AFFAIR' ooot HE SAVS THIS WHAT i TIM I r ITVN IWsl sropy he weaves words VET.' BE BEST LIKE RPT UP GETS THE Aklkll lA I JOUPNAUSM AmAnn I TYPING O. I. STUDEKT WIFE wnt t'rm paper, thewj, tie., typing. Call (-(330. TYPIWO Dom thmi, Urm papers. thn. etc. Exprrlencfd. Referenctt. WANTED RIDERS WANTED: 2 01 3 pamnrr. Our Bch Bnnanza If flying to Baltimore. Mary land on Tee. 31, Keturnlni Dee. 27. waather permiltlnK. Will tak panxrnltfre ' to Baltimore nr vicinity at rerturl holl i!y ratm: SAO.rXi per pern ona way, IHO.OO pi pemon ronnd trip, tax In cluded. NKP.RA8KA KLYINO BKltVK"K, IN':. BOX fJHAND ISLAND, MJ- iRASKA, rilONE 29(17. FOR SALE Blze 3 Tux. Like new. 1-6400. JrAiSCELLANEOUS CIIRfHTMAH St (K1EMTIONS Pent, Carrta, LUMeri, Blllfo'.di Other Morlerot'ly Priced OKU DICK'8 I'KN BHOP lit South 11 Bt. RIDERS WANTED Ride to Bt. Paul, Minn. Share Expenaci. Callo-44M att:r6 PM. RIDK WANTKD to Wichita, Kanaaa. Call 2-7631. air.l Wanek Bom for four rldcrii to Chicago Area '63 Merucury. 2-8725. , Want P.lde to St. 7ml. Share experuea and driving. John Frlert. 2-7633. i HOW CAM THEY TELL so soon WRITTEN THE K"' X rirwrp riA r- r-ys 7 . a boddn9 . i,e will tell obovt a Only ""e " . time will c aD a cigererre mm 6 - a - m m . .tpot-C',g"et'"TO . cMOli are Aenca ' OTHER by bHlions of ' cigarettes M per y' " There must be rndSOfl why. vt (WWW'' , r, I , "I 9. ' it - i f k 7 .i a i h -i V.Jt ft b !: t. : T t 1 r I V 5 f, - 1 v f - V! r