MO ; i . a " V ' i ' . " i ft- a; v A 7 1 .J Poge 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Grad Record Examinations Set Jan. 30-31 AT miLLER'S l''!ii1;:ii!i1::,!,:i!!i..i,.1i;iiLjiii:Li!;ii.ii :;siiic:!;L Thursday, December J 1 , J Hi iiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiBMIMIII Mm ill mil mmmmmm? s Graduate record examinations q re scheduled for Jan. 30 and 31, 1953, said Harold E. Wise, as-J iistant dean of graduate college, h Scores on these examinations! constitute a desirable credential . to submit when applying for ad-'fs mission to the Graduate College i of the University or for a gradu-i te fellowship or assistantship, J Wis said. i requirements or the various de partments of the University may do secured from the departmen chairmen. A number of other graduate schools require that ; scores On the graduate record ex- aminatfon be presented in support ' f of application for admission or for I v v a fellowship or assistantship. y 'v ADDlication forms for thncf u;rm ;a wish to take the examinations may1 be secured in the office of Pro-?! fessor H. M. Cox, Director of the 4 ?ureau ot Instructional Research, ij emporary A. Union ... I Continued From Page 1 Joined In such manner as to :! permit free flow of traffic on l! all levels. Proposed construe- J tlon will be designed to con- ;-' form to costs of approximately j $500,000 at present cost aver- ares. '4 The addition will consist oH basement level and two floors . above in a modified "L" shape. -J A center court or patio will operi off the fountain room and main lounge and will house bowling 3 lanes at basement level. Other recreation facilities f, considered are a billiard room ' to accomodate eight tables, a ta- v ble tennis room with a mini- mum of eight tables, and table games facilities for card fames, h duo-units for chess and check- - era.. ' A proposal is being considered : for a snack bar and fountain -lounge with adjoining outdoor terrace. r Cultural facilities proposed in- elude a recital and reception t room, a wall arrangement de--' signed for art displays, a televi--" sioQ lounge seating approximately 75, and built-in display cases : along corridors for exhibiting arU objects, handicrafts, and depart-1" mental works. S Student organization offices and file room are proposed, arranged j as units or three or four small offices with conference room ad-;' joining each unit. About eight tH 12 office areas are proposed. -; Offices and service areas for -Union Activities will be located J near north entrance with corri-1 Hor service counter, suite of of- fices and meeting area, and a fl private office for Activities Di-!J rector. .... 1 : ; NU Republican Election Set Thursday P.M. 6 Unfversity Young Republican! officers that served during the 3 November campaign will be re- placed or re-elected at the meet-' ing Thursday, 7:30 p.m. in the: Union. g ; The official slate of 1953 offi-tf cers Is: . president, Jim Adams, Beth Rbwher; vice-president, ffl Charles Klasek, Ernie Bebb; sec-ft retary, Marilyn Tyson, Roger b Wait; treasurer, Polly Ackerson.B Bert Linn and assistant secretary,' Dick Dempster, and Mary Middle-1 ton. 1 The official slate was drawn up,1 by a nominating committee com-i posed of Roger Wait, Ted Cannon if and Ruth Raymond, but morefj nominations may be made from the floor. II Committees will be set up andij chairmen appointed by the newS officers. i The Unfversity Young Republi-i cans area separate group fromS the Lancaster County Young Re-! publicans. The University organi-j ration exists under a Student h Council approved constitution. p Deadline Set Friday fj For All Sports Tickets fj All sports tickets for Unlver- sity students will remain on saleM until Friday. ; These tickets selling for $3 areW good for all basketball games, fJ ' track meets, gaseball games and IS other sporting events. ' The tickets may be purchased,! from the ticket office in the Coli-S seum. ,1 Coffee Hour To Feature Doha Omicron Concert 1 Special feature at the Lutheran Ij Student Coffee Hour Thursday! will be a concert of American H Christmas music by Delta Omi- cron music sorority. Coffee will be served beginning Ti at 3:30 p.m. at the Lutheran Stu-M dent House, 535 N. 16. The con-M cert will begin at 4 p.m. p t i r fin J&l&A 4 .,v ' rv y Open THURSDAY t.'l A r Store Honrs... Mondays nnd Thnrsilnys 10 to 9 Other Days 9:30 to 5:30 Rifle Down by Dns . . FREE . . 5:30 to 7 p. m. Come', to the Millet's before Clock Strikes "im Jill ill I STOLES to Steal Her Heart! The gift slie'll love for all occasions ... ready to iwoop, with an air, around lirr dliouldcrs, drape about her arm., to wear in daylight and in night light. Take 'your choice . . . evening knits mingled with metallic, jerseys, and casual wool pluids her to adore for their eory warmth and dramatic beauty! r . KNITS, White, Pink, and Blue JERSEYS, White, Grey, 7Voy, Red, BlaekYellou and Brown NECKWEAR . . . First Floor 295 ar95 1 8 Ok So doiny, (ozia n lAa 0 'Mi'. V 1 lit. 1 i I at i 'arm Paula's "SANTA PACK" Just What Every Col lege Girl Want$ to Find on Christmas Morn! .4;-iii h SSIF1ED ADSi PHONE 2-7631 I LOST AND FOUND U PJLEARB return gmy cwrr.nat taken ttd the i MlilUrj Bail to the. Jjaily Kebrfcnj :"5 KfDB wnntea to east eoajrt. Iavtns forli Chrlatmaa vaca tion. Call 2-61 T befor. 5. l rvRjarMA8st'OOEsnox8 M V ( g, Luiiters. Billfolds J Oilier bf --Jrateiy Piied GUt fS I ' i H PF N SHOP It 1-d South 11 8t. ii RtTTr.S"VMNTED I Efdm to Ife Ariifpleii Bhar. expenses. 5 L.',nt December 19 or 30. Dean Hebbe 1 8-7. 4 EMarji to Detrtiit. IRVlnir Friday. 19 ! December. CaU fl-9H35 1237 "C" Streets rDKr.SV"td'"frNew York. Round H t'fa, Call Daily MebnuKan H r::.i!H-. ti :-. w. Striped 'n Iright! just the way she likes her night wear . . You'll hear her sigh with pleasure at the sight of this gay little set with its clever "granny's" nightcap and heavenly warm boots to match the full length nightshirt. Soft striped Sanforized flan-, neiette so right to dream in! Be sure she has one under the tree on Christ mas morn! Sizes small, medium, and large. 75 Red While and GreenWhite LINGERIE . . . Third Floor Ijf ij s it: : , tt ar m ' ' 'II' H II ll'll ; i W:Mm Iff' " I km f - i i J ukt A III. -T a i 9 pm ! rfr1'!. 3 . K il fi'tt'ii4 v ' I lliiiljlllilflil I i M I LI i 1 I "3 :;!.;( iV j. 1 f 7 ti 1 ' V..' i 1 s. 'WJlial to (jive J4erl See Miller's Wonderland of Enchanting GLOVES You'll find the perfect glove to echo the style of her meticulous personality in Miller's day-inlo-evening colic lion of leading-fashion gloves. See their perfect detail .... exquisite stitching, soft, fuckings, new lengths lo crush to her wrists, tones lighter or darker for all-important contrast. Hanging from our Chrittmat tree are juit m few of the many enchanting style i . . . . n she l.kes ft.ndsome leathers she'll love these Genuine i ;o,h,?erfeo ?sr in 'xm M -d--so 2' fc'm' T'rt ' m ,,S''al Re!'" y Madeline in Beige, Blue Grey and Rust . . . 3.9S. Other styles 3.95 to $5. 3' nSyTindS kW " Xin,w'u,J.!nf"g,i"eu.- ' r.1 Uet ,0M WrUed with rhinwtone w.lj bring a shine to her eyes. f White. Pink Black and Be?ge . . . 3-50. Other style. 2-75 to 3.95. 5. For the longer look elegant Capeskin of devastating beauty by Kislav... 10.50. Kislav doeskins H.50 lo 15.50. 7 er a J4t fraclica A Smart Circlet Clasp Gluv-Gard. This newly fashioned Gluv-Gard fastens her gloves quickly safely to her handbag. Gold plated, beautifully embossed, with t matching metal ornaments. It's pretty . . . it's practical It's ready for gift giving In a rayon-satin lined transparent box S I Same Blyle with timulated moonttonet or pearl 1.25. plus tax GLOVES . . First Floor $1 EA?I1F AT THE CROSSROADS OF LINCOLN" It y shs to ADVERTISE ".iiiMiwmvaM;mliiiii:? niwTi niOTimiM iiiirauir wfci'MiUii !a twit 0