The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 11, 1952, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Loss Of Freedom
ThefjJIowing remark! were made Wednes
day by Professor Edgar N. Johnson to the mem
ben of "History 237).
Since this is a class for mature students on the
History oi the Western Tradition, I do not see how
we can pass over the attack made upon one of my
friends nd colleagues, both in the Department of
History pnd the University, and upon one who may
also be your friend and teacher.
The history of the Western Tradition, we
have' Sold this semester, is the history of demo
cratice freedom,, We have looked upon it as the
history of ft arowing religious and Intellectual
freedom promoted by such historical movements
at the-Renaissance, the Reformation, and the
early Jilstory of liberalism and science. We have
tried to take as a guldinr theme the growth of
humanism, ft confidence In the capacities of free
Individuals, under proper circumstances, to
create a better world for everybody.
What has happened to our colleague, teacher,
and friend Is one incident in an increasing num
ber of similar incidents in this country. It is a
reminder of how fast democratic freedom is dis
appearing from our midst, and how meagre is the
Jaith"la.the trustworthiness and capacity of the in
dividual It la ft reminder as well of how necessary it
Is, fn' the ease of an Incident such as this, to
have some knowledge of and faith in this West
era Tradition, and some conviction about hu
manism, Christian humanism at its best if you
please, to form the essence of our trust in our
. fellow human beings. We have been asked in
" tola bloody twentieth century tq destroy mil
lions of young men and old, young women and
old, and children, to risk civilization itself, for
th sake f something called the Western Tradi
tion, democratic freedom and humanistic values.
Yet .some members of an organization composed
of those who did much -to carry on this struggle,
act as if they had never heard of democratic free
dom, and certainly not -of the dignity and trust
V worthiness" of the individual. These few among
those who were called upon to defend the tradi
tion are now actually helping to destroy it.
We are all members of an institution called a
university. It is an old institution, going back to
medieval centuries when erouns of students and
teachers united in a self-governing organization to
consider what, in the light of new learning from
the East, was truth and the meaning of life. The
university is one of our most precious institutions,
t and one of the, few where men and women may
t ; work.'together in freedom to discover what the
: trtith is. Tlie university depends upon the friend
ship and cooperation,; and above all upon the mu
j , tual I -teacher and student.. Without these
I i it cannoi faction properly. The relationship be-
f tween teacher and student moreover is bne1 of the
"" inbst sacred of all human relationships. !
i . The university is being destroyed - in our
. , 4 midst today by such attacks as this one upon Dr.
Anderson. .. We are told that it Vas a student "
(' stude nts jWhoT Initiated it anonymously,
it , i . Fonmy member of the faculty who prefers
' to trust his students,' this Is difficult to believe.
Under'cbffditions of anonymity we don't know
whether It actually was a student or not, or
whether we are not being led astray by irrespon
sible men v-hd want to weaken the proper func
tioning and destroy, the freedom of universities.
ITU" was a student (or students) I think we
should all want to express our contempt for such
indecent, unsportsmanlike conduct At the same
time we should want to ask how it is possible, in
what is presumed to be a democratic society, for
young men and women to have so little moral re
sponsibility as to wish to act as anonymous spies
against their fellow men. '-
I can't believe, in any case, that the student
(or students) in question knew they were helping
to ruin, not only a professor, but a university, this
university, and therewith all universities, as cen
ters of responsible freedom seeking the truth. Jf
I come to my classes every day under condtions of
mutual suspicion and distrust, I have to assume
that sitting before me there may be one or more
little spies, betrayers of a' sacred trust, who are
taking down what I have to say in order that they
can report me on the following day, or months
later, to.the local McCarthy's and the local super
patriots. Under these circumstances some profes-
sors may close their books, their eyes, their
mouths, and minds, and seal up their hearts in
order to live at peace. This is the peace that
withers and kills. It is the peace that destroys a
And how can students come to class to listen
to a professor who has been Indirectly branded
as subversive, and against whom his fellow citi
zens have begun to point the finger of suspicion,
and not be Influenced by the intangible currents
of suspicion? What will some of them do when
he begins to talk about Marx and Lenin, Stalin
and Communism? How seriously will they take
him when he sings the. praises of our democratio
society? Will not the weaker among them be
tempted not to listen, or to remove themselves
from contamination with the tainted teacher?
This incident is highly disturbing for other
reasons than that it is destroying our democratic
freedom and our university. Some members of an
organization which would have us believe that it is
patriotic and democratic (and this is what we wish
to believe) take up or manipulate an anonymous
protest of what we are told Is a student (or stu
dents) in the University, and without thought for
the condemned individual.
I call this cruel irresponsiblity on the part of
those concerned, whether cynically deliberate or
unconscious. This organization could have refused
to act upon anonymous charges. If it wished to
act upon them it could have come to the Unlver
sity or to the professor himself, Dr. Anderson, who
with a generous faith in enligntened opinion, gave
many hours of his time last winter for a series of
talks to the American Legion.
It could first have read the book itself.- In
stead, it chose to listen to uninformed persons
outside our Immediate community who make
cynical remarks about increasing membership in
the Legion with attacks of this sort, and pick up
still unfounded charges against the Institute of
Pacific Relations and the Lattlmores, made pop
ular by what ought now to be well known as the
McCarthy technique, and all this without regard
to what it might do to a very splendid teacher,
scholar and public citizen. It is hard not to be
lieve that they knew what they were doing.
If these individuals do not know that this kind
of conduct is a violation of all that traditional
western freedom represents, then their ignorance
is a sad commentary upon our whole educational
system. If they do know it, it is a blot upon our
system of public morality. The"se are the men
who have so much trust in you and men that they
seem to wish to determine what textbooks we shall
read and teach. These are the men who have so
much faith in truth that they do 'not wish us to
listen to the other side. They arp' also the men
who seem to wish to set up anew .the conditions
under which we may be considered loyal or dis
loyal. -. ! : . '. i
With this irresponsibility the attack' is launched,
the investigating Committee is appointed, the ma
terial goes to the front pages of the Jocal press,
and is more important than woriA 'news 1 for the
local radio. 1 The smear is on. In a few hours, no
more than this, the effectiveness -of a fine and dis
tinguished member of the faculty,' in and out of
the classroom can be limited or spoiled. Possibly
for only a while. Possibly for good.
Not only is his life made miserable but also
that of his wife, and his son. He is, the hounded.'
the suspected man. , This is what; has happened
in all totalitarian societies. What has thus be
gun with the universities we are tbfd will con
tinue with the clergy. We are building up the
hysteria of a totalitarian regime In which no
questions can be discussed or dealt with ration
ally. I
Loss of freedom results In tyranny whether of
left or right, Communism or some form of Fasc
ism. This'freedom is being lost in America today.
To stop this development wUl take all our strength,
courage, and faith in democratic freedom and in
the dignity and value of the individual. The first
place for us to stop it is in the University. I there
fore hope that this incident will result in a much
closer cooperation between faculty and students to
keep ourselves free and responsible. Tomorrow it
may be ycfur or me. Let us close ranks. Let us
demonstrate in some way to the cbmmunity, the
state, and) the nation that we, shall resist always
tflte destroyers of freedom, no matter whom.
Don't Stop ...
Dear Editor,
It is pleasing to learn from the
Dec. 9 Journal that the Lincoln
American Legion is taking an in
creased interest in the University
and that "Lincoln American Le
gion Commander Mary Ellen Lor-
ton has appointed a three-man
committee to investigate a charge
that 'a certain professor in the
University of Nebraska uses a cer
tain textbook and 'students can't
swallow the stuff.'"
I hone the Legion will not
stop with this Investigation but
will Investigate other texts used
in the University. Most of the
teachers are trying only to pre
sent the truth about their sub
jects and choose texts with this
end In mind. If the American
Legion can find, through its In
vestigations, that some of the
Information in the texts is not
true, certainly it should point
out any falsehoods found In the
Tnasmnrh' as some of the Infor
mation in the texts used in physics
and mathemitfcs courses is ques-j
tionable, anf perhaps even false,
it would, bej well for the Legion
long as thejLegion is seeking to
point out falsehoods wnicn it may
find in textbooks, it should be en
couraged. ! I
I would vreloome investigation
of my Greek text of the "Apol
ogy," and hope that the portions
of Dean Swift's "Gulliver's
Travels" which are printed in
the Eighteenth Century fcngusn
textbook will be investigated.
Since parts iof the Bible, the
Homeric poems, Faust, and Walt
Whitman are printed in texts at
the University, they are also
worthy of Investigation.
tv Tjurftor ha beffun its in
vestigation with one book. Let us
hope that It does not end there,
but that it will critically investi
gate every Jext used in the Uni
versity from agricultural econom
ics to zoology, so inai any isise
hw4 n Vi tvt can be brought
to light and the truth discovered.
Yours truly,
Thursday, December 11, 1952
. ..i -..,, n,-! Kv rnlnmnist. and lettcr-
ino views cAyicoow. " -nn-itpra
on this page do not particularly represent
the views of the Daily Nebraskan.
Indianant Students, Faculty Defend
Dr. Anderson Against Legion Charges
,,...,. 4 it tn Ui Work. Frank Z. Glick, com.
One Chance Remark
One chance remark by a certain Joe Vinardi,'
chairrnaalof the un-American 'Activities Commit
,tce fof3re Department of Nebraska,, American
Legion, 'has accomplished the fantastic, right here
St ourown University. Vinardi's remark, re
portedly taken from what VTnardl was told by R.
C. Patterson, state adjutant of the Legion, ques
tioning loyalty and Integrity of a University
professor, a textbook and a history course, has
cast irrepa&able aspersions upon the reputation of
Eugene Anderson.
In lengthy interviews Wednesday with nearly
'. all persons concerned with the situation, The Ne
braskan editors iound that all persons now con
sider the incident "unfortunate." However, a
three-man investigating committee ' appointed by
Legion Tost No. 3 Commander Maryellen Lorton
will meet today or met Wednesday night "to in
vestigate the entire matter." Details of the inves
tigation wen not available to Nebraskan personnel
late 'Wednesday . ,
This writer would like to suggest, particularly
to Ilia Investigating committee, that it go ahead
wiQt" th Twork delegated io It by the Legion
Post although they are not actually the quali
fied agency to conduct "un-American investiga
tion and. r. publicly announce that they have
found to be true what students and friends of
Dr. Anderson know to be true. That the charges
against Ir. Anderson, his book and History 102
are unfounded and wrong.
The damage, typical of the damage without
proof caused by the smear and insinuation tactics
of the Joe McCarthys of this country, has been
done. The details of this incident have been
thoroughly provided to out-state people through
the press--Many unthinking persons will uncon
sciously fHfik subversive hi reference to the Uni
varsity and leftist in reference to Dr. Anderson.
The Legion and its committee may back down--which
well they thould but the typical character
cssassinatlon of thoughtless individuals has gotten
a good start.
The question now comes: What can we do to
repair the Samage done to Dr. Anderson? What
can we &a to refute these charges In the eyes of
Staff Writer
Students and famltv members
joining in . the rising feeling of
indignation, decried American re
gion efforts to intimidate Dr. E. N.
Although some persons wished
to reserve comment pending a
clarification of the Le gion's
stand, campus sympathies were
quickly aligned in favor of Dr.
Said Wayne White, president
of the Student Council, "I feel
that the Legion has made a
foolish mistake in accusing a
man of Prof. Anderson's stat
ure. I think that they have
acted hastily and unadvisedly in
the matter, and I question the
mental ability of the students
who reportedly Informed Legion
authorities about the course."
Asked if the College of Engi
neering were concerned in the
Anderson attack. Dean Green re
plied, "we are always concrned
when people attack an institution
or persons without having infor
mation." ,
Pat Mcllnav. Panhellenic presi
dent, declares, "all the people I
have talked to tori a v aeree that
the Legion's action is silly. Stu
dents in Professor Anderson s class
with whom I have spoken do not
feel that he was in any way
Witch-hunters' . . .
rnr.ATJ ttdttoR:
t desire to eo to bat lor my
friend, that very fine gentleman
and very lqyai American, rroies
sor EugeneiNv Anderson, who is
i.nrW attartr t)V B local (frOUD Of
witch-hunters with more broom
sticks in their paws than Drains
in their heads.
tf thm-A was ever a man who
is absolutely NOT pro-Communist
and who could not be such
it is Gene4 Anderson. It is witn
very bad grace that the local
Post of the" American Legion
should attack- Professor Anderson
or permit him to be attacked
through its agency.
For the f ftst year, he has de
voted every other Monday eve
ning to giving the local Post a
very competent review of world
affairs. f
He participated, on my invita
tion, severalf months ago. in a
round-table wiiscussion of world
affairs; onejspf the addresses of
this commufiication was on the
nanel alsn. fThis letter was sent
to The Lincoln Star, The Journal,
Chancellor Gustavson, tne com
mander of the Lincoln American
Leeion Posf.'and The Daily Ne
Professor Anderson is ft prac
titioner of that enlightened
democratic principle which re
quires that one look at all the
evidence, select the true from
the false, and endeavor to aid
his associates In doing likewise.
Whether or, not he ever used
trying to convert them to Com
Continuing, Miss Mclinay
said, "I am myself positive that
he was not attempting to In
culcate the students with Com
munistlo doctrine. I resent such
efforts on the part of the Le
gion to dictate what books
should be used In University
courses. Such action Is an en
roachment on academic free
dom." Dean of Teachers College, Frank
E. Henzlik, pointed out that "all
nrnfacenre tnWo lOVBltv OathS.
"! c nni a ci en of intelli eence."
he stated, "to accept lrresponsioie
statements oi ouxsiae persons wuu
iio nnt Durnro nf the situation.
It is true that professors of eco
nomics, history and social science
study communism; but what is
more Important, they TEACH de
mocracy. , A .
Dean Henzlik rurtner poiniea
put that "we study communism
' as we study cancer; advocating
neither, but learning about it.
so that we may evaluate and
combat It."
Rocky Yapp, Junior Class presi
dent, said, "I know that the Uni
versity students nave an me con
fidence in the world in Dr. Ander-
ial Work, Frank Z. Glick, com.
mented, "an incident of this
kind Is regrettable because it
Is an unfair blow at the repu
tation of a cltisen, of the Uni
versity and of publio schools in
general. I am not familiar with
the book In question, but I do
know Professor Eugene Ander
son personally, and have the
highest respect for hint as ft
scholar and as an American.
Frederick K. Beutel. prt-fessor
of law and recently elected presi
dent of the Nebraska chapter of
the American Association of Uni
versity Professors, declared that
"There is no excuse for this kind
of sensationalism in attacking
anybody connected with ttn Uni
versity. It is ciear 'Jiai jrruiessor
Anderfon is a competent scholar,
"It Is equally el tar," crfhtin
ued Beutel, "that the me' at
tacking him have no knowledge
of Oriental hlstorr. If anyone
desires to attack the competence
of n University ftottsnot, the
University has th propel ma
chinery which is Mways wall,
able tor responsible peopR"
Condudii., Professor Beutel
said, "There is not any indication
-.".I... . . x-l-i--i IL.t iVti TTr.0eit
son. I hope that tne statements wn a isuever .uwk wo viwy
made by various legionnaires are authorities have failed in their
not indicative of the thinking of duties to supply cimpetent and
the entire Legion." - . -. impartial scholars in the field of
Director of the School of Soc- I social science.
Rented Land
Short Course, Conkmce
Offered By Departments
The hiff news of the campus for
this wfk is the short course and
conference being offered by two
Ag departments.
The conference is a "feed and
nutrition" conference set for
Thursday and Friday. The fee for
this conference Is $2.
The eon
ference Is ft
two-day ses
sion, the frist
of which will
be devoted to
the feed
dealers and
his responsi
bility to the
feeder. The
second da y
will he de
voted, to a Beam
more technical discussion of the
recent developments in animal
nutrition and manufacturers'
The feed and nutrition confer-
nt Asia ."I neither know nor care
It is an important boon on Asia
ence is being jointly sponsored by
the animal, poultry and dairy
husbandry departments; agricul
tural chemistry: tne iwiaweM
Feed Manufacturers' Association;
Nebraska Feed Manufacturers'
Association and the Nebraska
Grain and Feed Dealers Associa
tion. . Th hnrt course scheduled for
j December will be held. Thursday,
riaay ana Saturday, uuring um
time a farm income tax snor:
fnnrn irU Via hplH in Animal
Husbandry hall. The j fee for the
short course is $5. '
This purpose of this course
Is to study and explain the new
tax laws to those people who
help farmers prepare their tax
Sponsor of the short course is
the Ag economi department.
Awav from t). .lpademip Sid
of the campus aud over to the
activity side.
First, the Union Is sponsoring
fanifi nt pertain of its past Di
rectors, is an important institu
tion which, wltn its international
connections, engages in the most
enlightened study, encourages the
most competent students, and
publishes the most authoritative
books of ana on tne rar mm.
As an old Intelligence Officer
and one of the organizers of the
Central Intelligence Group (now
the Central Intelligence Agency)
I have been cleared many times
by FBI, ONI, and all of our Se
curity Agencies, for handling
documents of the highest classi
would nut even a McCarthy to
shame. I had no Idea that the
American Legion could stoop so
Rut T nm n member of the
or recommended Rosinger's "State Institute of Pacific Relations and.
since the Far East is my field of
mnior interest and concern I
IS till 11UIU1VM. v.. u. uuju v
and any student of the Far East should be a fool if I were not a
who overlooked it would oe a
Colonel. U.S. Army,
(Intelligence) ret'd,
U.S. Legion of Merit,
French Legion of Honour and
Croix de Guerre wPalms,
Belgian Order of the Lion, etc.
YW Noon Discussion Ellen
Smith Dining Room, 12 p.m.
YW Worship Workshop Ellen
Smith Dining Room, 4 p.m.
snouiu uc AU"f. " , -Arii." I Sudent-Faculty Coffee Hour
m l rpw it, tma fT tha nnim it mr Tne prrors i)t some ui -
, iMl . i nc gnuic ta u . uuu,. - ..... - ,
books by Owen Lattimore who is, ist past officials, it is not on any
without any doubt, one of the FBI list of pro-Communist, sub-
as well as bn Central Asia. The To attack even to permit to be RcHrions Ellen PaMfin Nations, attacked such an American gen- !:B"""Truen
whatever may have been the'tleman as Professor Anaerson
Chuck Beam
a card tournament before the
Christmas holidays. Pinochle will
be played with the start cf the
tournament set for Wednesday
afternoon. The Union general en
tertainment committee is direct
ing the tournament!
As for the Yuletime programs,
many of the organizations 'are
holding their annual parties and
the Ag Exee board Is sponsoring
the all Ag-campus Christmas
party Tuesday evening. Ag col
lege 'choir will present several
Christmas carols at the party.
The other TTnlnn nrtlvitv for
the week is the weekly movie Sat.
uraay evening. This weeK s movie
is "I'd cumb the Highest Moun
With the ending of the week for
the Union I will also , end the
week's tour of the campus.
3:00-3:15 Purple Grotto
3rl5-3:S0 Shake Hands with the
r;;t? TVorl4i ,.
3:30-3:45 Ithythra and Rhyme
3:45-4:00 Sports Parade.
4:00-4:15 4:00 Class $
4:15-4:30 Songs of the Saddle
4:30-4:35 This I Believe ; ,
4:35-4:50 World of Wax 1 '
J50-5:00 News j J
j ; )
Straight frnm 7UfU TV.11I.
George Olsen and his orchestra
played at the Homecominir Danre
in 1947.
An estimated 10,000 dancers and
spectators attended the 1937 Mili
tary Ball.
YW Office Staff Ellen Smith
Dining Room, 5 P-m., ,
YW Commission 'Comparative
eligions Ellen Smith Northeast
Room, 5 p.m. S v i i
out-state taxpayers and parents? What can we
, do to Insure ourselves and our University that
further actions of this kind will not be tolerated.
It's a difficult question to answer. And frankly,
we admit that we don't have the answer. But the
Student Council did something Wednesday after
noon which other University organizations might
do well to follow. They passed a resolution ex
pressing their support of Dr. Anderson in this
matter. They are publicly voicing their faith in
Dr. Anderson and their trust in the ability of an
individual to sort right from wrong.
Perhaps something that we as individuals can
do to combat the fear that an incident like this
generates Is. never to be afraid to voice our opin
ions on ideas. We must not become afraid of what
well be called when we say what we think.
And yet we must be doubly careful that we
do not judge a man on heresay, on rumor, on
his statements or actions taken out of context.
We must be sure to hear the whole story before
we pass Judgment on any one of our fellow men.
In this way we might ateviate the damage done
by one chance remark. And we might be Insuring
that this sort of thing cannot happen in the future.
If we think twice in our actions and judgments,
the-McCarthya be they of the American Legion
or any other group might also think before they
talk. R. R.
JIul (Daihf. 7l&MAfiajL
Associated Collegiate Press
Intercollegiate Prem
Hm OaRr Ntfcnukaa k .oMUIm ft Os4mti M 0 ITaftw.
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