The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 11, 1952, Image 1

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Wenke, Wachal, Mammel,
Armstrong Also Named
Rocky Yapp was elected new president of All-University
Fund in a meeting Wednesday night in the Union.
" Other officers elected were: Harriet Wenke. vice-roresi-
dent in charge of publicity; Joy Wachal, vice-president in
charge of solicitations; Phyllis Armstrong, secretary, and
Carl Mammel, treasurer.
Activities of the newly elected
officers include:
Yapp Student Council, junior
class president, Kosmet Klub. his
torian and member of Beta Theta
Miss Wenke managing editor
nf Cornhusker. junior class coun
cil and member of Kappa Alpha
Miss Wachal Builder's Board,
Union Board and member of Delta
Miss Armstrong Daily Nebras
kan secretary and member of Kap
pa Kappa Gamma.
Mammel Union Builder's com
mittee chairman and Beta Theta
Pi rush chairman.
Wing Plans
For Union
Win Awards
Student Designs
Set For Display
Six sets and project plans for
the new addition to the Student
Union building will be on display
Friday in the Union lounge.
The stuudents submitting these
plans are from the Intermediate
Architectural Design class in
structed by James Porter.
Student plans were judged and
prizes of $25, $15 and $10 were
given to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
winners. The team of Nester
Acevedo and Bob Beckenhauer
won 1st prize, Robert Krumwiede
wnn 2nd and the team of John E.
Peterson and Harold L. Tarr, 3rd
Judges of the contest were
L. B. Smith, head of the de
partment of architecture; 'James
Porter, instructor and adviser
to students who submitted
plans; Erick Jensen, professor
of architecture; Philip Corkill,
instructor; student members,
Marge McCoy and Ernie Bebb;
i Roger Larson, assistant direc
tor, and Duane E. Lake, man
aging director of the Union.
Lake said construction would
probably be delayed because of
the necessity of renovation and
modernization of the present
building and other factors such
as finances and low enrollment
resulting in low income. Previ
ous plans were to build next
Lake said enrollment should
go up gradually from 1954 to
1960. Also, construction costs
will be extremely high In Lin
coln with the construction of
new mens dorms, the air base
and city schools in the immedi
ate future. And since the Ko
rean War, financial rates are
up. It would be inadvisable to
compete with such a high rate
of construction.
The Union Board has approved
a plan for limited architectural
competition. Five or six major
professional architectural firms
will be invited to submit prelimi
nary studies and drawings to be
handled by the local chapter of Plans for the mock General As
the American Institute of Archi-.sembly, which is scheduled for
tecture. .
The new addition will extend
north from the west wing of
the present structure and be j
Continued On Page 4
Staff Writer
There was an angry yelp from
the bathroom.
"What's the matter, dear?"
asked the little bride.
"It's my razor blade," he yelled.
"It's dull It won't cut at all."
"Why, that's silly," she said.
"Your whiskers can't possibly be
tougher than my lead pencil"
weather will be
fair and contin
ued mild. Tem
peratures w il 1
range about the
An ROTC re
cruit called out
to atpassing
khaki-clad fig
ure, "Hey, bud
dy, give me a
mntnh "
A burning match was held
out to him. and when he raised
his eyes to thank the man, he was
amazed to see he wore the inisgnia
of a general. "I beg your pardon,
Sir. I didn't mean any disrespect.
1 didn't knnw von were a general.
"That's all right, soldier," the
general replied, "but you snomo.
thank your lucky stars I'm not a
second lieutenant. "
A gal who has lots of men on
her arm seldom has any in her
Two students were on a train
which was held up. As the hold-up
men came through the train tak
ing cash and valuables from the
. passengers, one of the students be
came more and more nervous. Fin-
; ally, when the robbers were only
a few seats away, he reached into
his pocket, pulled out a bill which
he held out to his friend. "Sam,"
he said, "here's that ten dollars I
owe you."
MF Crovms
Stoltz Queen
01 Activities
KKG Pledge Class
Tops Auction Sale
Miss Winnie Stoltz was nre-
sented as tne 1852 Activity Queen
at the annual AUF auction held
Wednesday evening in the Union
Miss Stcltz, BABW treasurer,
Coed Counselor Board mem
ber, TWCA member, Tassels
pledge, and member of Town
Club, was chosen from six
finalists, and crowned by last
year's queen, Sue Holmes.
In the auction that preceded
the presentation of the activity
queen, beauty queens, football
players, pie throwing privileges,
and sorority and fraternity pledge
classes fell under the auctioneer's
Bob Bachman. auctioneer at
both this and last year's mass
sale, began the evening by sell
ing sorority pledge members.
The highest amount paid for
any one pledge class was $55
for the members of Kappa
Next on the list for sale came
two volunteers. Dick (Crazv)
Worrall'and Jim Terry, who of
fered their services as pie targets
10 tne nignest bidder.
Cynthia Holyoke and Ann And
reasen purchased the pie throw
ing rights, and delivered the pies
in "smashing style."
Fraternity pledge classes were
then sold, with members of the
Phi Kappa Psi pledge class re
ceiving the high bid of $37.50.
- One complete page in The
Daily Nebraskan with rights to
print "anything within reason"
was then sold for $35.
Four faculty members, includ
ing Dean Halgren, were then sold
for a total of $22.50, as waiters
ror an evening, and a surprise
oox orougnt $s.
Six beauty queens, the Ne
braska Sweetheart, and the
Homecoming queen were sold for
a total of $30.
'Members of the Innocents So
ciety, Prince Kosmet, and the
"Ugliest Man on the Campus,"
were sold for $22.50 and $12.50
Meeting Set
To Formulate
Spring Plans
this spring will be discussed at
NUCWA meeting this Thursday at
7 p.m. in Parlor A of the Union.
At this meeting probable issues
for the Spring Conference will be
part of the order of business. One
of the questions will be whether
or not the Korean situation is to
be discussed. Plans for the se
lection of delegates will also be
taken up.
Every NUCWA member is
urged to come to this meeting
since at least three meetings must
... . v ...
be attended to vote tor oincersisoiicuy aeuveicu uw
next spring and this meeting will ance in a difficult role,
count. As Lady Kitty, Diane Downing
Staff Writer
The University administration
reported Tuesday that 58 per cent
tvi amount claimed . for per
sonal loss and house damages in
last spring's "panty".raid has been
collected from tnose men
as participants and "who wished
to continue in the University.
Frank M. Hallgren. assistant
dean of student affairs, sa.d
"considerable pressure" was
placed on those who admitted
they were participants.
"Those men who refused to
pay." he said, "are not In the
University this year."
Seven sororities which submit
lists to the Univer
sity have received checks for their
shares oi me amuum .v
are Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha
TiZirX. Pi Alnha Xi Delta, Kap-
na Aloha Theta, Kappa Delta,
Kappa Kappa Gamma and Pi Beia
Hallgren said the total amount
of damages was between eight and
nine hundred aonars, uui ...
only 58 per cent of this total was
raised. He said the University
knew the names of 60 raid parti
cipants, but that was safe to
, horn were "a few more
whose names were wi y .
The much-publicised raid
took place April 30, 1952 when
more than 200 men stormed
through organized women s
houses, breaking windows,
screens, mirrors and bookcases.
VOL. 52 No. 59
Legion' Committee Plans
11 p.m. Charles Thone con
tacted The Daily Nebraskan
with the information that the
American Legion committee
called to investigate un-American
activities at the University
will hold its first meetings at 10
a.m. Thursday.
by DON ntl'fcR
Associate Editor
The committee appointed by
American Legion Post 3 com
mander Maryellen Lorton "to
investigate the whole matter" of
charges of un-American activi
ties in the University was sched
uled to meet either Wednesday
evening or Thursday morning,
according to information given
The Daily Nebraskan Wednes
day afternoon.
Charles Thone, Judge Advo
cate of Post 3 and member of
the committee, told The Nebras
1 1 WSX
UNIVERSITY THEATRE LEADS . . . Jean Carol DeLong, Tony
Melia and Diane Downing (left to right) pose before their appear
ance in "The Circle,'' University Theatre production, which opened
Wednesday night
Stressed In
Staff Reviewer
This is certainly not the time
to discuss the merit of W. Somer-
set Maugham's The Circle as al
piece of strong theatre. The play,
o Kaht nnmmontarv nn Fnsiish
manners and morals, filled with
dialogue that is often witty, often
sparkling and clever, and occa
sionally just plain dull. In most
respects the University Theatre
production of the play which
opened last night for an eight
performance run, more than met
whatever demands were made by
the script.
David Hayes, directing his
' first production for University
Theatre, has staged the play
with decided emphasis on the
light and humorous elements
and one of the outstanding fea
tures of the production is the
fluidity of Its movement. Even
in cases where the playwright
was lax in this respect the di
rector was not.
Marv. Stromer was completely
convincing as Lord Porteous. In
posture, movement and speech he;
l; ji J m fmA Terf nin I
The men rushing upstairs, raid
ed drawers and displayed their
captured lingerie.
When the houses locked their
doors, the men used ladders to
gain access to second floor win
dows. The Lincoln police sent three
cruisers to patrol the area, but
neither they nor tne campus po
lice could control the mob. Then
the men proceeded from the cam
pus to down-town Lincoln where
they entered two theaters.
One night of festivities appar
ently wasn't enough because the
raid was reDeated the next night.
This time T. J. Thompson, then
dean of student affairs, was
drenched bv the mob.
Dean Thompson blamed Uni
versity coeds as well as the men
for the riot:
"They may have locked their
doors, but they left their win
dows open," he said.
The men's dormitory held a
rummage sale May 5 so that
the coeds could retrieve their
missing lingerie, but only six
girls came to the sale. The rest
of the clothing was turned over
to Marjorie Johnson, dean of
The raid made headlines in pa
pers all over the nation and
helped set off a series of panty
raids that spread to universities
and colleges from California to
Massachusetts. Both Time and Life
magazines carried stories ol Ne
braska's raids.
The University men, apparently
kan of the planned meeting but
declined to further describe the
Instructions Mrs. Lorton gave
the committee. 1
Earlier, Mrs. Lorton had also
declined to reveal her instruc
tions. However, she did tell The
Nebraskan that any member of
the committee could reveal any.
thing he thought was wise.
The committee includes Don
Wood, Thone, and Rv Sheaff,
chairman. ,
R. C. Patterson State Legion
Adjutant, said in 'a Nebraskan
interview that the' purpose of
the committee should be to de
cide if any action should be
taken. Patterson sdded that he
was not a membeii of Post 3 but
hoped that the committee would
confer with hira before releasing
any statements. !
He Indicated thai he had done
a great deal of Investigation into
had many of the play's laughable
moments and she was at her de
lightful best in the comic scenes
she did not. however, comnletelv
d in managing tte transi:
u j
tion between humorous and sen-
ous moments in the third act.
Jack Lange caught a refresh
ingly dry and witty approach in
his portrayal of Clive. Unfortu
nately, his performance was
marred in spots by a somewhat
garbled vocal delivery.
Jean Carol DeLong was charm
ing as Elizabeth. She may have
lacked sufficient strength in her
more serious scenes, but her grace
and exceedingly pleasant manner
gave her whole performance con
siderable conviction. :
As Teddie, Tony Melia gave a
pleasant performance. Though
Tony's lack of experience inter
fered with a strong character de
lineation, he showed great poise
and considerable promise.
' Morrel'Clute handled his role
of Arnold with a generally sat
isfactory performance. A staccato-like
delivery of lines often
made him difficult to under
stand. anfu
got their idea from Michigan State
and Purdue University which
staged raids earlier.
An all-University convocation
was called by Chancellor R. G.
Gustavson May 9 to discuss ways
to deal with the rioters and to
prevent any future riots.
Opinions expressed at the
convocation varied all the way
from one student who said the
cause of the riot was boredom
and tension to another who said
similar riots would occur "as
long as there is a University."
' - SI - . I . 5 1
ft) I I ' t' 4
PANTY RAID . . . Part of the money collected from the Individ
uals identified in the raid was used to pay for the above articles
of lingerie, which were lost in the spring capers of University stu
Voice of e Cit ol Midwestern
subversive activities in the state
through his Legion job and first
heard complaints of Dr. E. N.
Anderson's course (History 102
offered second semester last
year) and text, "The State of
Asia," through an' annonymous
phone call.
In earlier statements to The
Nebraskan, city paper and press
services, Patterson had said that
he had received "two or three
phone calls" objecting to the
text and the way the course
was presented.
However, Wednesday after
noon he said that he had re
ceived one lengthy call express
ing very definite complaints and
he "might have" had more. He
said that he "didn't know."
Earlier reports also mentioned
that the student didn't want to
give his name for fear of flunk
Student Council
9:30 p.m. Formal text of the
Student Council resolution ex
pressing confidence in Dr. E. N.
Anderson was received by The
Daily Nebraskan. The resolu
tion follows:
Resolved We the members
of the Student Council of the
University of Nebraska do
hereby unanimously state our
complete confidence in the loy
alty, integrity, and principles of
Dr. Eugene N. Anderson, pro
fessor of history at the Univer
sity of Nebraska.
An unofficial motion expressing
confidence in Dr. E. N. Anderson,
history instructor at the Univer
sity, was unanimously passed by
the Student Council Wednesday.
Dr. Anderson is presently under
fire by the American Legion and
possible investigation for Com
munist leanings.
Tentative plans of the Stu
dent Council at 5 p.m. Wed
nesday indicated that the formal
text of the resolution would not
be released fcntil it has been
channeled through the office of
Chancellor R. G. Gustavson.
The Council judiciary committee
resented the . constitution of
Gamma Delta Iota, an organization
for in impendent students, to the
members for approval. A motion
was carried to accept the consti
tution, which will be referred to
the faculty student acivities com
mittee. Rockv YaDD. representing the
narkine committee, presented ad
ditions to the previously-proposed
recommendation on University
parking fines.
The former proposal recom-
Lambert To Discuss
As departmental members will
hold a mass meeting in the semi
nar room of the Agronomy Build
ing Thursday at 7:15 p.m.
The sDeaker of the evening will
be Dean of Agriculture College,
W. V. Lambert. His topic will be
"Agriculture in Iraq."
Dean Lambert spent six
weeks In Iraq during the sum
mer months on a project for the
Food and Agricultural Organi
sation for the United Nations.
All students may attend the
mass meeting.
At the convocation the student
body went on record as (1) op
posing riots, and (2) willing to
do all possible to stop any future
Many Nebraskans wanted , to
be more severe with the rioters:
"Draft 'em" was a sentiment
often expressed.
The Daily Nebraskan rated the
raid as the second most import
ant story of the schopl year. The
first was the help given by hun
dreds of University students -in
preventing the flooding of Omaha
earlier in the spring.
MU flnwestig&tion
ing the course. Patterson flatly
denied this.
The whole affair stemmed
from a statement by Joe
Vinardi of Omaha, chairman for
the Legion un-American activi
ties committee for the Depart
ment of Nebraska, at the Mon
day Post 3 meeting. Vinardi said
that "a certain professor. . . .
uses a certain text" and "stu
dents can't swallow the stuff."
Questioning by the press
brought out that Vinardi was
referring to Dr. Anderson and
"The State of Asia" but the stu
dents who couldn't "stomach the
stuff" remained unknown.
Patterson indicated that the
caller would remain unknown
because he "forgot" to ask for
the name.
Patterson said tha' he thought
the course was In session when
he got the call this fall (in
mended the establishment of a
parking board to hear and rule
upon all parking violations. Ad
ditional suggestions were made
at last week's meeting, and
these were written into the orig
inal proposal.
The parking board was to be
composed of one student from City
campus, one from Ag campus, a
member of the teaching faculty
and one of the administration
faculty. An addition was made to
include a police officer on the
board, but he will not have voting
Other additions were read to
A Did
OBnin&tes Two.
Kaiman, Worlock Named State
Candidates For Scholarship
Arnold G. Kaiman of Omaha
and John M. Worlock of Kearney
were chosen Wednesday by the
Nebraska Rhodes Scholarship Se
lection committee as the two state
representatives to attend the
Rhodes regional committee in
terviews in Des Moines, la., Sat
urday. Kaiman is a senior attending
Hebrew Union College in Cin
cinnati, Ohio, and Worlock Is a
senior at Swarthmore College
in Swarthmore, Pa.
The two students were chosen
from six Rhodes applicants inter
viewed by the committee. The
other applicants . were: Bruce
Emmons, University graduate stu
dent; Jerrold L. Strasheim, Uni
versity law student: Donald
Thomas Fox, Harvard University
graduate, and Lt. James Ger-
hardt. West Point Military Acad
emy graduate.
Members of the Nebraska se
lection committee, all former
Rhodes scholars, were: David
L. Crawford, chairman, presi
dent of Doane College; Dean E.
O. Beishiem of the University
Law College; Nathan B. Blum
berg, professor of journalism at
the University; Paul.H. Good
of Omaha and H. A. Gunder
son of Fremont.
Twelve men from Kansas, Mis
souri, Iowa, Minnesota, South
Dakota and Nebraska will com-
P.M. Headlines
Staff Writer
Truman Asks MacArthur
WASHINGTON President Truman has asked Gen. Douglas
MacArthur to advise him "at once" of any "reasonable" plan for
ending the Korean War. The President did not mention MacArthur
by name, but his new secretary said there was "no question" that
Tr"uman was referring to the general.
Meanwhile, it was announced that President-elect Eisenhower
and Gen. MacArthur have agreed to pool their military and diplo
matic knowledge in an eflort to end the Korean War. A Tokyo
paper said the generals will meet "either in Hawaii or on the West
Coast." It said Eisenhower "will call on MacArthur for advice, may
possibly ask him to return to Korea and either head or advise"
UN forces there.
Mac Should Submit Plan
WASHINGTON A high civilian official in the Defense Depart
ment said MacArthur should submit any strategy proposals to the
Pentagon "without further ado and without making a speech about
it." The officials, whose name cannot be used, said MacArthur is
still on the Army's payroll and it was MacArthur's duty to volunteer
his views; He said it "would not be dignified for the Army to go
to one of its employees and ask him for his ideas."
Dulles Recommends Hiss
' WASHINGTON John Foster Dulles recommended Alger Hiss
trr nrpci'Hont nf tho Pnmptri Enilnimpnt for Tntpmntlnnnl Pabp.
m TJaii.. Amm.n 1. o V.nn 14
a lUUllIMlLCG UCCII IU1U. Willi VV . VaVU M4 tllUUIVUlMl
trustee, said Dulles recommended Hiss for the job in 1947. He said
Hiss was given the presidency Feb. 1, 1947 after a careful Investi
gation which produced "entirely favorable" reports. Hiss is now
iihe passed State Department documents to a Communist spy. Dulles
will be Eisenhower s secretary -of state. He was a trustee of the
Carnegie Endowment when Hiss was picked for the presidency.
Ridgeway Warns
PARIS Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway says the 50 Allied divisions
stationed in Western Europe are not enough to defend against Com
munist aggression. Ridgway, supreme Allied Commander in Europe,
gave warning to the NATO military committee. He said he had
enough troops and planes to form a defensive "shield" around
Western Europe, but that his armies could not resist an all-out
Russian drive by 175 recently modernized divisions. Adm. Lynde D.
McCormick, NATO naval commander in the Atlantic, said that Al
lied fleets needed strengthening in face of the report that Russia
has a fleet of 500 submarines.
Thursday, December 11, 1952
earlier interviews It had been
Indicated that Patterson could
not remember when he received
the call). However, he admitted
he did not do anything about it.
He said he might not have
talked to Vinardi concerning the
call but Vinardi referred to such
talk in his Monday statement.
Since the course isn't being
offered this semester and since
the book and instructor will be
changed when it is r f ered next
semester, Patterson agreed with
the possibility posed by a Ne
braskan reporter, that the caller
might just be trying to get Dr.
Anderson In trouble.
Patterson thought that the
timing for the call was strange.
Thone confered with Sheaff
by phone and they decided that
the mmittee would not make
further comment until after the
the Council members. The pro
posal was then approved, and .
will be transfcred to faculty
committee for further endorse
ment. If the faculty accepts the
proposal, it will be turned over
to University lawyers.
Yapp also reported on the pos
sibility of turning the Mall across
from the Coliseum into a parking
lot, which has been discussed at
previous Council meetings. His
committee will prepare in writing
the proposal and wifl present it to
Chancellor Gustavson, who will
refer it to the University Board
of Regents.
pete at Des Moines for the schol
arships. Four of the 12 will be
selected by the regional commit
tee to be presented with Rhodes
Qualifications for scholarship
eligibility are: 1, Applicants must
be a male citizen of the United
States. 2. Age between 19 and
25. 3. They must have at least
a junior standing in a university,
or college of the United States.
Some definite quality of dis
tinction is the most important re
quirement of the Rhodes Schol
arship. The scholarships provide
funds for two years of study at
Oxford University in England,
including, travel, and. subsist
ence. A third year of study Is
possible if the student's work
is satisfactory.
Thirty-two scholarshiups are
assigned annually and are di
vided among eight districts con
sisting of six states each..
Lenfz To Attend Band
Convention In Chicago
Don Lentz, conductor of Uni
versity bands, will attend the an
nual convention of the National
Association of Band Directors to
be held at the Sherman Hotel in
Chicago Dec. 18, 19 and 20.
Tnhn 117 Tta..t nn Anjf.imnllflt