siDomi- flow Teacher Meeting A meeting sponsored by the Teachers-Placement Bureau for all University students who plan to teach either next semester or next fall will be held in the Love Library auditorium Thurs day at 4 p.m. announced Wil liam H. Morton, director of the bureau. ' Teacher Rating An editorial resrardlnr the uM of the Purdue Teacher Rating Scale appears on Page 2, Vole of a Great Midweslom University VOL. 52 No. 58" Wednesday, December 10, 1$5Z LINCOLN, NEBRASKA the if r n i r .mwa U U XMJ UC7 U Vli LJU J tzaa Muaenvs Lauded Tuesday Beta Gamma Sigma Selects Ten Seniors More than 350 students, faculty members and guests attended tne uonege or Business Administration recogni tion banquet Tuesday evening in the Union Ballroom. Beta Gamma Siema. national honorary bizad frater. nity, made the first announcement of their new members A .1 a i ir Hnnuai aur Auction Set For Toniaht Special Board Elects '52 Activity Queen By NANCY GARDINER Staff Writer Agreed that a crew of football players may not make sttch a tidy package to send home to mother for Christmas; however, if that's What mother wants, her whim could be satisfied at the All Uni versity Fund Auction Wednesday. All sorts of little items can be purchased at this auction. Among the items sold at the Auction will be the Innocents Society, the Mortar Boards, five Beauty Queens, AUF board. Pep Queen, Danny Fogel (by special request), Ugliest Man On Campus, a page in The Dally Nebraskan, many frater nity and sorority pledge classes and an autographed picture of Ike. In addition, two persons will be able to pay to throw pies In the respective faces of . Jim Terry and Dick Worrall. A change will take place in this year's auction concerning the se lection of the 1953 Activity Queen. The past system used ticket ballot election. This year, the ticket bal lot system has been replaced by having the queen selected by a seven-member board of four fac- filtv momhura onri throA etiiHartt Voters. This board chooses from the six finalists. Finalists for the title of Activ ity Queen are Jan Harrison, The Daily Nebraskan representative; Jean Steffen, candidate fromLoU Beermann; Donna Gardner, YWCA: Muriel Pickett, represent ing Coed Counselors; Nancy Hemphill, Union representative; Donna Elliott, Associated Women Students board candidate; and Winnie Stoltz representing BABW. The auction will begin at 7 p.m. in the Union Ballroom and bidding will begin Immediately. The '52 Activity Queen will be presented by last year's Queen, Sue Holmes, at 8:30 p.m. Imme diately following her presenta tion, the new Queen will ascend the auctioneer's block and be come another Item "for sale." Bob Bachman will serve as auc tioneer for the event. Tickets for the auction are 25 cents and may either be pur chased from AUF ticket . repre sentatives or at the door of the auction. Language Group To Hear Readings Two DaDers will be presented at the Thursday meeting of Phi Sigma Iota romance language honorary. Sydna Fuchs will read a paper en "Beaudelaire' and Hester Mor rison one on "Theories Concerning Maya Civilization." The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Union Faculty Lounge. This meeting will end the scheduled rroeram mettings of Phi Siema Iota for the first sem ester. Weekly teas at 4 p.m. will be continued. P. M. Headlines By SALLY ADAMS Staff Writer Ike May Consult MacArthur iresiaem-eieci wsennuwci "K . ;r' ;.: ,,,, f tors, to obtain from Gen. Douglas MacArthur views on means of ending the Korean war stalemate. wMnv hi MacArthur, former Far East commander, said last Friday he i - ., ' j j-!! .ni..4inn tn th Korean war. tie saia Knows a -ciear na aeiuuw --- a0,lnhi- to he if his ideas were solicited, he would make them available to we appropriate authority. aen. nenry u. uworsnan (n-iu'" - ---- .,;,,.,. .11 nrt m.Kansa. said thev feel sure Eisenhower will investigate all angles of the Korean war. Franrti Send TrOODS To MorOCCO French troop reinforcements Tuesday where rlots con 1 fOllce Degan large ernic cvuv"w.. -- . ,j rintinff peans from native populated areas after nationalist-led rioting reached nearly revolutionary proportions M",f;,0 Tnru of cas French official figures scaled .down the previous "ports of cas ualties and listed the number or aeaa at nve uia.. roccans. .mi rw w..r PnrHno On O Street Block n Kf.t rUn between 8th to one hour by order of the Lancaster County Commissioners, xm. area was formerly governed by parking meters. between j Limit on the diagonal parking will be to "effect between 1 a.m. and 6 p.m. every day except Sundays and holidays. . Control Board Asks Budget Increase . . , rrwo,, tnA Rflv. Val'Peterson and Gov.' ElecrRobert B. Crosby ttai The"'reason for its request for a 10 per ntbudet increase for the next biennium was -primary due to ?he neeTfor eT&ta erected in the past six years, Coof HesoUon passed by the Nebraska State Council " i! topw Emitted, asking minimum raises of $25 oi i-UDilC employees a month for tofrtMto operale the 17 Institutions under its control for July. chosen on the basis of high scholarship and business ability. The seniors are Marilyn Kranau, Harold Seeberger, Wal ter Tompkins, Donald Winkel mann, Robert Baskins, Albert Behmer, Martin Bohlmeyer, Jean Couturier, Carl Engstrom and Marilyn Housel. Ten students ranking highest In the 1951-52 freshman class in Bizad were awarded The William Gold achievement keys by Nathan Gold in memory of his father. Winners of the keys were Jerome Barton, Ernest Enke, Raymond Hruby, Homer Keni son, Coe Kroese, Jr., Ann Lau ner, John Luethje, Patricia Sav age, Royce Tonjes and Mary Waltz. Scholarship awards went to Marilyn Kranau, Lincoln Associ ation of Insurance Agents Schol arship: John R. Luethje, O. N. Magee Memorial Scholarship; Rita Dorn. Marlene Dumke ana uorO' thv Sears. Edward H. wells Me morial Scholarship; Joan Holden, W. G. Langworthy Taylor bchoi' arshiD: Martin Bohlmeyer, Ne braska Association of Small Loan Companies Scholarship and La Vern Roschewski, Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company Scholar ship in accounting. Robert G. Simmons, Chief Justice of the Nebraska Su preme Court, addressed the group on his impressions of the educational and economic phases of the Far East. Dean Earl S. Fullbrook was treneral chairman of the banquet Toastmaster was Kenneth Neff nnrt master of ceremonies was Karl Wellenslek. Entertainment for the evening was furnisnea DY jviarnyn xjciu. vnralist accomDanied by Mary violinist and Ann Launer, dra- matic reader. NU, Lincoln Join To Give 52 'Messiah' Sunday's presentation of the "Messiah," a Christmas oratorio written by Handel, will feature, among other things, six choral groups, four guest soloists and the University Symphony Orchestra. The choral groups, from Lin coln and the University, include: The Agricultural Chorus, Uni versity Singers, two University choruses. Lincoln Male Chorus and the School of Nursing chorus The four soloists for this an nual campus event Will be Diana rcnmev. Harriet Moore, Herald Stark and Dale Ganz. The "Messiah," which this year i. ..nHpr the direction of David Foltz, was written in 1742. It was first sang in Dublin, Ire land, and has since been regarded by many prominent musicians as an "unbelievable musical feat," having been completed by Handel in 23 days. sena- Andrew F. Schoep- were flown to Casablanka, Morocco ;nd othet Eur0, and 9th Streets has been limited .Pnd to staff buildings E , ctato Institutions. the two-year period beginning next Iwhich were J By KEN RYSTROM Managing Editor An American L e e i o n cnarge that "a certain pro fessor in the University uses a certain textbook" and that "students can't swallow the stuff" has touched off an investi gation by a Legion committee. ine charge came Monday night from Joe Vinardi of Omaha, chairman of the Un American Activities Committee of the Department of Nebraska American Legion. When Vinardi addressed the Le gion post, he said, "If you could find good Communist literature and really fight ft. vour member ship will really increase." ine American Legion really has a chance to shine if this becomes a fight, he added. The committee. aDDointed Tues. day afternoon by Lincoln Legion -ommanaer Maryeiien Lorton. in. eludes Charles Thone. Donald Wood and Roy Sheaff. It will in vestigate in the absence of James Harding, chairman of the local Legion s Un-American Activities committee. Next step in the matter, how ever, is up to the University, Vinardi. said. Administration of ficials told The Daily Nebraskan that the charge had not been formally presented to them and that they could not comment on the matter. The "certain professor." ac cording to R. C. Patterson, state Legion adjutant, is Dr. E. N. An. derson, professor of history. The certain textbook," Vinardi said. is "The State of Asia," issued un der the auspices of the American institute of Pacific Relations. The book is not being used during the present semester, since the course in which it has been used History 102, Cur rent History of Asia is a sec ond semester course. Dr. Ander son taught the course and used the book last semester. Robert Sakaf. instructor in his. tory, will teach the course next semester, he told The Nebraskan. Sakai said that he will not use any textbook in the course. The Sunday edition of the New York Times will be used to supply in formation on current events, he added. Vinardi, recently appointed to the national Legion Un-American Activities Committee, said his information concerning the book came from anonymous phone calls to Lincoln Legion headquarters. The calls, he said, came from students enrolled in the history course. They with held their names, he said, for "fear of flunking the course." Adjutant Patterson, whose of fice received the calls, said, "I got some calls yes." But he told The Nebraskan, "I have no idea how many I got." He was reported fa a Lincoln newspaper, however, as having said he received two or three calls this fall with one caller indi. eating he was speaking for a group of others. "I have nothing to say on this (the phone calls)," he told The Nebraskan. Patterson called the incident "a tempest in the teapot." Vinardi, according to an early edition of the Lincoln Journal, "has charged that Communist activities have infiltrated the University of Nebraska." In a Dally Nebraskan interview, however, he denied the accur acy of the report and said, "I'm certainly not charging there is a Communist on campus." He emphasised that he wanted no part of any "witch hunt" His only purpose in mentioning the incident, he said, is to "expose Communism." Dr. Anderson was reported to have said that the textbook is "a reputable book put out by a repu table publisher and written by reputable authors." He said, "In class work I have John Whltlock and Norman Scott have been named co-chairmen of Engineers Week, April 30 and May 1. The co-chairmen were select ed by interviews held by the' Engineers Executive Board. Whltlock, a senior in chemical AUF Names Slate Of 1953 Officers Candidates for the 1953 All Uni versity Fund executive board have been announced by Joan Hanson, president. The candidates and their re spective offices are: president, Rocky Yapp and Sue Brownlee; vice resident of publicity. Har riet Wenke and Marv Freedman; vice president of solicitations, Joy Wachal, Sally Jo speicner ana Elden Wesely; treasurer, Carl Mammel and Bill DeVries and secretary. Bill Armstrong and Donna Folmer. k The election will be held Wed nesday night after the annual AUF auction. Present Board Members will be the electors. Althoueh this is the official slate, additional nominations may be made from the floor, Miss Hanson explained. As always invited discussion and dis agreement. I am not at all inter ested in indoctrinating anyone with anything but good democ racy." Anderson said he felt that stu dents should be taught what Com munism is and how it operates. Vinardi said he objected to "trying to tram students that Communism is political issue." He called Communism an "in ternal conspiracy to overthrow the government" In his Monday night speech to the Lincoln American Legion Post 3, Vinardi suggested to the Legion that it ; "Initiate a pro gram in the school system in this city to require a loyalty oath." He later verified this statement by declaring that he was "abso lutely" in favor of such an oath University instructors now sign a loyalty oath required of all state employees. The book under fire, "The State of Asia," is, according to the jacket, "An up-to-date, authorita tive and comprehensive survey by leading experts covering events in all 13 countries of eastern Asia since 1945." It was edited by Lawrence K Rosinger and Associates, published by Alfred A. Knopf and "issued under the auspices of the Amen can Institute of Pacific Relations." According to the foreward, writ ten by the executive vice-chair man of the institute (IPR), "The American Institute of Pa cific Relations as an organization does not itself express opinions or advocate policies and therefore does not accept responsibility for views 'expressed in the book. For all such statements of fact or opinion in the various chapters the individual writers are solely responsible." One of the chapters is written by Owen and Eleanor Lattimore, Lattimore has been under investi gation by a Senate committee for nis reiaiionsmp to if a. The American Council of the Institute of Pacific Relations, according to the May . 14, 1951, "Guide to Subversive Organiza tions and Publications," is "cited as a Communist front which received funds from the Ameri can People's Fund, another front organized and directed by Fred erick V. Field as a repository for funds to be distributed to Communist enterprises." The guide was published by the House Committee on Un-Ameri can Activities. A Senate internal security sub committee, investigating IPR, has charged that Lattimore was a conscious articulate spokesman" of pro-Communist views. Lattimore, a Johns Hopkins University professor and Far East expen, is me omect oi a grand jury probe ordered last Wek by Attorney General McGranery. A former part-time consultant to the State Department, the professor has been attacked in Congress as the chief architect of the Amen can China policy blamed by Ad ministration critics for the fall of the Chinese mainland to the Com munists. Lattimore was charged In 1950 by Sen. Joe McCarthy with being a "Soviet agent." An in vestigation by the Tydings com mittee formally exonerated Lat timore, but the same charges were later presented to' the Mc Carran committee. The report of the committee, made in July, 1952, denounced Lattimore as a "conscious, ar ticulate Instrument of the So viet conspiracy." Lattimore called the report "fantastic and Inane." The report concluded that IPR "has been, in general, neither ob jective nor nonpartisan, and (the committee) concludes further that, at least since the mid-1930's, the net effect of the IPR activities on United States public opinion has been pro-Communist and pro- goit To engineering, is President of Sigma Tau and a member of Engineer ing Executive Board. Last year he served as departmental co chairman for chemical engineers. Scott, a senior in civil engi neering, is Vice-President of American Society of Civil Engi Activity Representatives ACTIVITY QUEEN . . . One of the six coeds up for AUF Activity Queen will be presented Wednesday at the auction. The candi dates are (left to right) Donna Elliot. Jean Steffen, Muriel Pickett, Jan Harrison, Nancy Hemphill. Winifred Stola is not pictured. (Daily Nebraskan Photo by Darwin McAfee.) 1 ' An Editorial Right Here In Lincoln Senator Joe McCarthy may be in Wisconsin and Sen ator Pat McCarran may be in Nevada, but the residents of Lincoln, Nebr., have the equivalent of these men in the Lincoln American Legion Post 3 specifically in the Le gion's Un-American Activities committee. An intelligent, rational, unsuspecting University professor became the target at a Monday night meeting of the Legion Post of a "guilt by insinuation" attack which at least equals any Communist-hunt carried on to date by any person in this country. Dr. E. N. Anderson, instructor second semester of last year of History 102 the textbook for which was pub lished by the Institute of Pacific Relations and contains one chapter by Mr. and Mrs. ter of the Lesrion charges which have resulted in the eS' tablishment of a three-man committee, Charles Thone, Roy Sheaff and Donald Wood, to The American Legion began their smear-charges and their "investigation" without one iota of fact or proof. In their meeting Monday night, the Legion referred only to "a certain professor in the University . . . uses a text book students can't swallow the the Legion finally said their man was Dr. Anderson and the book was "The State of Asia" after considerable prod ding by local newspaper people. The Legion has not filed any sort of formal complaint against Anderson, the Uni versity, or the use of the textbook. The only strength of their "investigation" lies in the insinuation, smear and cries of "pink" which are bound to reach the ears of state tax payers and parents. The Daily Nebraskan has no fears about the fate of Dr. Anderson the protested book or History 102. The American Legion and its "investigating committee" have gone way out on . a limb and might, if they have any sense, call it all off and retract their statements of the last two days. This writer is betting that they won't although such an action would be heartily wel comed. The reason we think the Legion and its Un-American committee and its "investigating" committee won't stop now is that their action toward Dr. Anderson and the University is typical of the McCarthy's, .the investigation, the' American for Americans fear-mongering that unfortunately seems destined to be come part of our lives. This writer was a member of the History 102 class, has read the protested book and knows Dr. Anderson per sonally. If any person present at the Legion meeting or any Legion member who since then has made comments on the situation parallel to Legion views had read the book, was familiar with University history courses or had bothered to contact or talk with Dr. Anderson, he would have realized how dead wrong he was. Undoubtedly, the entire and administration will be entirely in support of Dr. An derson. The Daily Nebraskan staff certainly is. ' But the fact remains that McCarthy stactics Ameri can Legion tactics have been used to cast aspersion and doubt on the reputation of college course right here in University students and long and hard about what has They should devote a considerable amount of rational think ing to those questions ultimately posed by the McCarthy s of the American Legion: Are we free to think? Are we free to read? Are we free to have our own opinions? Are we free to ex amine, to analyze and then to choose what we find to be right? R.R. Soviet, and has frequently and repeatedly been such as to serve international Communist, Chinese Communist and Soviet interests, and to subvert the interests of the United States. . ." "But for the machinations of the small group that controlled (IPR), China would be free," the report said. Congress has not acted on the report. The committee recommended "that the Department of Justice submit to a grand jury the ques neers and a member of Sigma Tau. Purpose of E-Week is to inter est high school students in the College of Engineering. E-Week, featuring tours, displays, and dis cussion groups, is meant to stress the academic side of the Univer- If If B IS H n M Kn Owen Lattimore is the cen investigate the matter. stuff." In addition to this, in short, is typical of the University student, faculty one man, one book and one Lincoln, Nebr. their instructors should think happened to Dr. Anderson. tion of whether perjury has been committed before the subcommit' tee by Owen Lattimore." Last summer the State Depart ment received from an "official security source" a report that Owen Lattimore was making ar rangements to travel to the USSR," according to the Depart ment of State Bulletin. Upon in vestigation. however, the FBI re ported that the charge, made by a travel agent, was wholly false. The State Department then apolO' gized to Lattimore "over the em barrassment caused him." -ween sity and academic organization within the Engineering college. This year the emphasis will be placed- on fewer and better displays in an attempt to cut down on the length of the E-Week program. The expo sition will display engineering equipment and University En gineering facilities. E-Week is open to all Univer sity students and faculty. Departmental chairmen for E Week are: Electrical. Paul Mose- man and Art Gross: Architecture, Tad Tucker and Jack Savage; Mechanical. Bernie Kittle and Chuck Schade; Civil, Jack Bale and Les Martin; Chemical, Dick Pusateri and Lloyd Keller; Agri cultural, Gordon Kruse and Bill Stout. Completing the board are: Dean Buckingham, Secretary Treasurer; William Bailey, ban quet; Curt Sorensen, contest; Glen Vest, convocation; Victor Roh, field day; Stanley Smith, inquiries; Ted Kratt, program; Bob Peterson, John Marx, Tish Barry, publicity; Henry Wulf, ribbon sales; D'ck Bier man, traffic; Bob Parsons, win dow displays; Paul Sienknecht, guides; and Jack Warren, En gineering Mechanics. , Students Of History 102 'Disgusted1 By SALLY ADAMS Staff Writer -,'"...,. "I was disgusted." This is the reaction of students to the American Legion investi gation of Dr. E. N. Anderson. University history professor.' Jan Corrlck, university sen ior, was one of those students who studied current history last spring under Dr. Anderson. She did not realize that the Institute of Pacific Relations, publisher of the class text book, was under Investigation for un American activities. "I think Dr. Anderson was fair and welcomed any class discussion," Miss Corrick said. "I was disgusted when I read about the investigation, and I thought it was very typical of the American Legion." Polly Ackerson, another for mer history student, said she was aware that the book was pub lished by the IPR. She said she and her father both objected to using the book in the class. "I had just done a term paper report on Lattimore and McCar thy," she said. "I had already decided I was against Lattimore. read the chanter written by Lattimore and didn't agree with it. "My father thought Lattimore and the Institute of Pacific Rela tions were Communistic," she said. "He couldn't see why a pro fessor who was aware of this fact would use this book except for a certain purpose." Miss Ackerson said Dr. Ander son presented his class discus sion fairly. She was disgusted, however, because he took the Democratic party's point of view. Her reaction to the announce ment of investigation was that she bated to see the class and the instructor labeled by a committee if he were innocent. She feared repercussions of such an action. "If it brings out the truth, then it's okay," she said, "if it clears his name or brings evidence to support the charges." Ruth Raymond, editor of The Daily Nebraskan, also was a stu dent in Dr. Anderson's class. She said she was aware that the IPR (Continued on Page 4) By LI LA WANEK Staff Writer There was a Russian who spent a year in America and returned to tell his adventures to his friend. "Boris," he said, "if you like it here, you should see America. You drive around in a limousine for free. You eat dinners at the finest hotels for free. You stay in beautiful rooms for free." Boris was amazed. "All this happened to you?" "To me, no; to my sister, yes. A certain firm had the fol lowing legend printed on its salary receipt forms: "Your salary is your personal busi ness, and should not be dis closed to anyone." The new em ployee, In signing the receipt, added, "I won't mention it to anybody. I'm just as ashamed of it as you are." Coed: If wishes came true. what would you wish for? Joe C.: Gosh, I'm afraid to tell you. Coed: Go ahead, sap, what do you think I brought up this wish ing business for? . .. ' Cloudy skies, colder t emperatures and light snow late in the evening is the forecast for today. While prac ticing for the grand march, o n e of t h e freshmen looked rather Cloudy ' ill. A major noticed it and said, "What's the matter Vith you?" "I've got a pain in my abdo men," said the new recruit "Your abdomen!" exclaimed the major. "You mean your stomach. Don't you know only officers have abdomens." -- At a dinner party, the subject of eternal life and future pun ishment came up for a long dis cussion, in which Mark Twain, who was present (for purposes of this story), took no part. A lady near him turned suddenly ' toward him and exclaimed: ! "Why don't you say anything? I want your opinion." - Twain replied gravely: "Ma dam, you must excuse me. X am silent of necessity. I have friends in bath places." 9