The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 08, 1952, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Monday, December 8,1952
Pi Tau Sigma
. Thesis
oes On An
ff ff
Rosenberg Compefes
Work On Brfsh Poet
Feature Editor
A doctor's thesis that grew up
to be a full-fledged book is
scheduled to roll oil the Univer
sity press Jan. 19.
The book, by Dr. Albert Rosen
berg, instructor of English, is en
titled "Sir Richard Blackmore: A
Poet and Physician of the AUgUS--a,,
A Rlarkmore. not to be
confused with the Blackmore j
more was Important and inde
pendent e a o a g a to maae
enemies of Dryden and Pope
among the poets and Garth and
Radcliffe among the physicians.
The noet was concerned in
nearly every major controversy of
his age. He was present on the
English scene for about 30 years
and his career extended through
Ha rim rvf four monarchs. He
served as royal physician to Wil-
who wrote -Lorna Doone,J was an jliam III and Queen Anne, and
early 18th century poet -physician carnea on
who took r&rt in au tne major u.
controversies and disputes of his
Rosenberg spent four years in
England compiling material for
the biography, two years there
while serving with the army in
World War n. Rosenberg and
liis wife spent two years in Lon
don. Be as a student at the Uni
versity of London and she as aa
elementary school teacher.
Professor James R. Sutherland,
a well-known authority on ISth
century literature, was Rosen
berg's instructor at the Univer
sity of London, under his eirec
tion Rosenberg chose Sir Richard
Blackmore as the subject of his J time. His works
He was knighted for his po
litical poetry written in praise
of William III and for his serv
ice to the crown.
On the side of poetry he
fought immorality and wit in
litreatore and the use of pagan
deities in Christian epics. His
poetry was only mediocre and
he remained a minor figure in
literature because of his failure
to achieve. However, In the
London of his time he was as
well known as his contempo
raries. Dryden and Pope.
Blackmore was perhaps one oft Schedules of second semester
the most prolific writer of the classes will be mailed to all Jun;.-m'M nniwwim r m Mnin irr'Tiin wfc'-jliii--r.HriM.,iilili' ; n in i n i n m iiumi in i r n I 1
MECHANICAL. ENGINEERING . . . Twelve Unlve rsity junior nd senior men have Been. honored
for scholastic and practical achievements in mechanical engineering. They nave been" selected for
membership in Pi Tau Sigma, national honorary society. New members are: (1. to r, seated) Ken
eth Low in. Wilmer Hergenrader. Kaywood Johnson, William Pierce, (standing) Benjamin Rndln
kow. Gay Ian Hargrave, Robert Cowan, Orrin Thomas, and Edward Breng. Bill Anderson Is not
pictured. (U. of N. Photo.)
Students illoy Pick Up Copies Tuesday
Schedules of second semester! Reristration and Records, B-7 I lulrnmpnt Committee betwee
seven !ior Division students by Wednes-
asslgnment Committee between
Jan. 13 and Jan. 15, according
to assignment number. Work
sheets will be at the Military
and Naval Science Building.
Students in Ag College will pull
cards at their assigned lime.
Cause: Boring Class
Staff Writer
The favorite pastime of the col-
liege students seems to be that of
"doodling" on desks. It's amazing
how these etchings can be de
veloped from a small mark to
practically a ditch.
To begin with, there is the stu
one often can spy the faint out
line of crib notes (for shame).
Wise up cribbers, notes are ter
ribly difficult to read on marked
up desks, unless you' have an
unusually good set of peekers.
Results from a recent poll show
that students are mainly bored
with the lc:ture. Of course tnere
aro the nervous ones, who have
to sit and "diddle" all over the
Ident who is rather devotea io wi ... . . . msk. it t
lecture and casually scribbles onjribly difficult to write. a student
the desk off and on. This student is writing merrily along when all
begins vith a mere sketch of a of a sudden his pencil drops
... j , ithmnffh the tarer into a hole. Oh
line m pencil or in worse things that
through the grain of the wood. h
This is called the first stage oi
The next student who takes
this seat is either wondering
about his date or the test he
Just failed; consequently his
mind drifts from the lecture and
he helps to develop this line by
breaking the finish on the desk
and perhaps blackening it up to
some extent.
Then the real "doodler" comes
in and finds the lecture somewhat
boring, so he casually takes out
his jacknife, opens it, spies the
line which is partially developed
t,a nmNa to carve a ditch
down the middle of the desk. One
College students come ana go
but these decorated desks stay on
and on.
Administration Building.
. - - xvi Attwwi . . . ine procedure in itisia u
doctor's thesis. j or eight medical dcks aeaung day or shortly inereaiier. au non-as followT.
The book is compiled from newWiin aimosi every uuu u-,; junior wvimwt smuu m-j v Monday or Tuesday, Dec. 8
material gathered by Rosenberg two .WjteWuT 4 T studeni should n to their
durinf his study in England, Ma- anoi a votuoie cm ivuiaiiai o.uucuu m mc v-vcs v. i - -- - cuua un aMsucv aown mc unuuc -
tenal was obtained from the Brit-; In addition to his writing he re-, culture will pick up schedules in adviser's office. The advisers ap- FeS paid m the Military 'might caU this the final stage of
ish Museum, the Bodleian Ii- mained one of the most important the office of Doctor Hixson, 206 pointment schedule will be found and Naval Science Building be- development, but of course other
hrary, the Cambridge University physicians of the time. ' i Agricultural HalL . or near his offEce door- on tween Jan. 27 and Jan. 30. Late students fall into this ditch to add
library, the Royal College of; The poes was a inena oi aiuaentsm vTo fhA rflI(1mt wfll.- wlU charged from reb. their technioie oi aru
Kecords Office Guiidhall library I time, and was the co-author of a pamphlets in the office of Dean make an appointment to fill out a;
tv. .r rnK9m 'series of informal discussions on'Fullbrook. 210 A Social Science. nmcTam oi . studies between
Ull um AVWXM V. - . . I -
- . i. : r ,ttAM r an all al
la his book, Rosenberg seeks
to present a fun account of the
life of one of the foremost
physicians and poets of early
1S& centmry England. Black-
eauties . .
Continued from Page 1
Alpha Lambda Delta. Red Cross
and a member of Alpha Omicroa
Mirilri XtutnL!. m irmiciF in
Arts and Scieaces, Daily Nebras
ka columnist, Nebraska Univer
sity Council on World Affairs.
strhieets of the dav written in an
effort to carry on the -ia;ier
tradition. The series was entitled
'The Lay Monk."'
Blackmore. however, did not
depend on his writing for fi
nancial support, and held ia low
esteem anyone who did. To him.
writing was a hobby and a
means of relaxation. He de
pended upon his private prac
tice for financial support. On
one occasion he demanded more
money from Queen Anne be
cause his constant attention to
her interfered with his private
All other students may pkk
up their books in the office of
NU Elephants'
TV Debut
Set Monday
iYW To Begin
oroCTam of studies between
Wednesday and Dec. 19.
Worksheets will be made out
and both copies will be left with .
the adviser. NOlTI IRCl I lORS
Actual registration will be from' " "''"
Jan 5 in Jan. 9. Freshman stu- P . tO Kl
dents with 26 hours or less will TO I DO wTTICGrS
register according to assignment
. . . Whoale n-i haoin Trt hrm 1 rt tha
numbers, which will be picKed upj " " lSmuui8
i at the Assignment tommraee minus eievuja ur new uiiiL-crs, uuwi". w." .
,v. nrn;, t,a v,v-,i cionr . v iface" "Magoo, " "Pogo, and many
FJenhantsL not Dink but the d,.;t.- i . iother well-known characters are
African variety which are located ftlWe students will Dick!UiatlEg conutu"ee roeets to "" taking the place of that famous
in Morrill HalL will be the subject tniaiyit9 mings submittei h? YW old character "Kilroy;" however,
??JL torH JlT' - - look, clooften he can see
IT .. ilVt,lUU WI - V TV.,Jt,n. fn, film. T,,,l me iaQlHg OUUillCS Ul 1U"J
ine poes uvm uuuuui from 6 to 0:13 ml -- , ..- -
of George I of Hanover, of whofn: jr- c. Bertrand I
Club Plans
Comic Play
Christmas Party IS
Scheduled Tuesday
A short 'comedy will highlight
ihe fThristmas nartv of the Span
ish Club Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in
Room 316, union.
In the Mexican Christmas tra
dition, a pinyata will be hang
ing from the ceiling. A pinyata
is a large earthen jar which is
filled with such delicacies as
candy, popcorn and peanuts. To
get them out, the jar is struck
from below, spilling the contents
out on the floor. In order to get
something to munch on every
one scrambles after the delights.
In addition, Christmas carols
will be sung in Spanish.
Beginning and second year stu
dents of Spanish will present a
comedy entitled "El Amante Corto
Jde Vista," which, when trans
lated into English, is "The Near-
taking the place of that famous Sighted Lover."
Mauricio, the near-sighted
lover, meets Matude, a young
Of course the favorite desk
decorations are still the initials,
nicknames and Greek letters.
Greek letters seem to occupy
the majority of space. Fraternity
as well as sorority Greek letters
are carved deep Into the finish.
This proves that both sexes are
equally guilty of this offense of
A few would-be artists are be
ginning to crowd tne neia oi
sicetcnes oi
uu 1 . ; c-, J ,-, IT r mAr, bnMT-c in :. ...,11 . ;
w-h.m. -. v.-. ci oeorge 01 niaovet, vi rjr C isertrand acnuuz, oirec-r j- . .L
Coed Counselor and a member of be was an ardeat supporter, and tor of the University State Mu- 1 register according to the num- the candidates for five major offi-
Gamma Phi Beta.
Kathleen Kelley.
In Teachers Coii
Builders. WAA.
tre and Chi Omesa.
he was an ardent supporter, ana cf University State Mu-1""1 w ,ue wnuiuaiojm me umjw um-
ueta. I also during the reign of James IL will trace the historical de- ber oi nours cP1t5u Vj ces- Comminee Uhairman JJoris
Kelley. a sophomore iEe te a short history of the veloDtnent of the elephants from tember. 1952. The blackboards at Carlson, present YW President, is
rVHiMMi 9 msmW nt. . t- . . k. .1 ... . . .r ... . .. . kA TfTiar-r inn Pwaval Science - - j w ir-u r;it
AA, University Tfeea-Uv. assassination attempt on Wil- -r,,,.. models and other visual Building and
tkv u still an old favorite that
will undoubtedly never fade away.
Surprising as it may seem.
Schultz Wit! Address
Sigma Xi Meet Tuesday
Hit nraMTticts rf 1earnin2 to
meets ttTt ei the Great riairts re-;
jjoq duricg the "Ice Age" will be
discussed by Dr. C Bertrand ,
Schultz before the Nebraska chap
ter of Sigma XL national scientific!
jesearch society. Tuesday everuagJ'
Srfinltz. rrofessoc- cf cecicZT
the university
the assassination attempt on Wil
liam III.
The book represents the com
pletioa of almost three years
work for Rosenberg, who is
teaching his third year at the
T-ainrdtT. Mast of the BOOK.
however, was completed before
he came sere ia 1S5. He Is
currently working oa another
biography this one of Mr Ivam
el Garth, a ohysiciaa eontem
aorary of Blackmore. He is be
ing aided ia this study by a
University research graaf.
In between tos roles or teactier
Africa to Nebraska by the use of the Military Naval Sconce assisted by Kathlene DilL Nancy Dean Johnston To Soeak
pictures, models and other visual Building and Regents Bookstore Weir Sylvia Krasne. Virginn UeQn Jonns,an lo J,r!UR
The new series, "Doors
v.. " ...,.-. " i .
! weekly on a rotation basis by the I University enrollment in
j University, Creighton University reached the 10,100 mark.
and University of Omaha.
,al Building and Kegems eooKsrore Weir SvIvia Virginn
W!ll announce time ff rejratiori. Cooper ley Schonberg, Janice In Ellen Smith TuesddV
! VMW - 'Osbom and Miss Sue Arbuthnut. uru and Values on Campus"
1947 Before Christmas, the list ofjis the topic of a speech to be
inominees, two for each office, 'given by Marjorie Johnston,
will be posted. Judged on ability Dean of Women, Tuesday, 5 pjn
T h;nr-r rf ffrkrrwKtif swine University COeas: an you im- UJ wwii " rl" -"""J " in "" " "
ODiToTthe progrlm ec'!agire that in 1547 many Lincoln; organize, scholarship and campus ; is sponsored by YWCA. "Goals
ul prred bTthe uS'ver- stores were wlur- pure cashmere resect, the candidates will be and Values" discussion group and
wui oe pravuicu vj uic .. r . v.- aii vw members. lis orjen to all students.
Muil it r im ii f maa
State Maseom. will speak stand bkrapteer. Rosenberg finds
tmnnaw Use meetntg is cpea to t&e book o&IIectin and simp collert-
Union Recreation
Ceaitnued froEU Fag 1 1 hard and coostant use. he a&ieA
at fhis time ia the aounise. The! The cost cf having furniture
Union has a great deal cf expense, re-cp&clstered in very great, and
keesinar t&e cresent furniture in, many cf the chairs are of a coc-
food conditioa because it receives ::stmctioa reiirir.g constant re-
, uyajjt. uuc SHU".. - ,i
tseverai orawings oe me xype ci
ftirnitttre that seems to be best
fee the Union, and have found
Jf-at thm tint rr tHn VfM-h.
and strtaizly re-tnforced chairs t
a zaf-teaGt . . ,
A W DC 1U VKfl a aw
NU Judging Team
Places In Contest
The University Eseais faigir,,
team t&aced 11th ia
cceteit at the International Live
stock Erpcsioa.
Tt team, ccnipcsed cf Dave
Jones. Tom Iiesy and Delbert'
MerritS. placed ISth in beef. 16th
ia rnrttcn, 11th ia pork and fifth
ia lamb grading.
Kigi indivkhsal far tie teaat
was Delbert Merritt who placed
lcr2i ia lamb grading.
The coach cf the team is Prcl
Curies Adams.
ers To Attend
-7 Convention
practical beraase too maay peo
ple shapty stretch oat oa them.
The length and lack of strength
make the leag'eoaches a peer
choice for the Uaioa aeeds.
Lake Beted. Be said that maay
of the chairs ta the Uaioa are
over 15 yean old. aad they are
eeastaaUy beiajr repaired, only
to break down.
Lake also pointed cut that many
of the ciairs are re-up&olstered
every year when only certain
parts are worn out. The ends of
the arm are usually the first
parts that show signs cf wear, hef
ri Cnm Cri&i said, and the new furniture wui
and Tassels are to attend a coo-: pro-Cably have wood fesiays for
vers&xi cf pep clab cf Bi?-Seven about the first six inches of the
schools fceid ia Colombia. Jlo;, he added.
at the University cf iXLjsuri . . a.
SUident Union Saterday. I ntirrn I Minril
The convention has teen called WllUl Wll VUUilWII
o -w trrant 91 t- m,
Seven scbooU to present their Raff fnI Poifl f l
feteas and proMems on riance, -'J Willi T
spira w.:rux the cms and in ise
school, Ximcboss cf pep
al membership.
Don Noble. Cora Cob president,! eftusi on Truman's Point.
Said that the number Ot CornlCCtS Yiu-.t Prn.ram i Yrf rrstnwmi '
and Tassels to attend the conven-lbr the National Catmcil of tse
fesa has tsest yet been decfefed, fcut Churches of ChriiJ. Any person.'
Barnes of the representatives1 ijvfog fc, United States, and!
should be announced br Tuesday, tvtrn VirHi ir ta?ii nri
Xf 1. A, ,A . . WVa!
.ili: it. j buj tr. . . iuc
; fa the ;
say Contest
Directories Left
Unclaimed By 21
TVe cersoiLS who bo
!srf.rt Erectorie at the Union'
Imih sasd have not picked them
t?; may get their copies ia the
Builders OfSce, 308 Unicffl.
They are ll-rray Badthaus,
Cars'ya Becker, Mrs. E. Lomereji
BiBxtard, . Jim Clark, ThomaS
CsEEiuirx. Deaa Omrett, Robert
Cr7, itarce!yn Dedric, Pau!.
Veritas, llarjorie Eriksea. f
To-51" Crfgiby. ' E. E. Garner,
CieU Hs-er, Katlrjr 8
-r ?:;Xee, Jo Ana Nelson. Jirnj
Clsert. lUcKard Seeley, Harlanl
f r. it rts nr-l Siender
essays of 1.0GO words or less mustL
be in beiore midnight. March 21.
1153. to National Council of
Churches. 79 East Adams Street,
bought Chios to 2. HI.
The United SUlcs aad the
Under-developed AreaV Is the
theme of the coo test. President
Troaiaa's plaa iaeiades eco
nomics aid aad technical ass' st
ance to the less developed areas
of Asia, Africa aad Latfa Amer
iea. The essays sheaid deal witli
the over-all the tne of the plaa
or wig some impertaat aspect,
aad the mora resraoasfbiL'ty of
the VJ&. aad of the areas re
ceiving aid.
Judging will be baied on mas-
,r - ... '---rn
; -5.:."... u.. i . ......... :
- . -; v mn
v. - ' - -v ' t i i
' - ' ' f ' " ' 'J I . .'mi 1 1 , ,
f -v.'.y '-www. T
3 .1 . . ' I. all I"- " 1
I :hr)p 'V ;ii ! liW :;
Soanish senorita. at a dance.
Later be confuses her with her
mother and sister. Matilde s
father desires to thrash every
one, but forgives everyone in
the end and marries his daugh
ter to E Amante Corto De Vista.
Prank Wells plays the part of
Mairririn Marr Ann Richer ia
cast as Matilde, and the mother.
sisier, ana iauier are piayea dj
Anne Thompson, Kay Yeiter, and
Herbert Hughes respectively.
While Spanish music is played.
reiresamenis wui ue servea.
All those interested in Spanish
are invited to attend.
I always smoked Chesterfields in college just like
my friends" says New York secretary, Elizabeth
Lydon'and here in New York it seems like almost
everyone smokes them."
DUKE '51
13 QBJmWf5 01
uam I S'jei'icr ana, levy oi uses u&jx. orginai ij.
Jv'jmrjsn V.f-a"-h. 'composition, rearabriity. and in-
Jios.-Sj Dj-eclory tales are tereit. Cash prizes totaling HJBffl
c.r-ui li t'.e Union, the Ke-jwill be awarded May 15. 1S53. '
-i .-a. F".-"r.U' and Pe den's For more tafcrmaUoa the j
It ; t.fcs tave few copies for! fnterested are to contact the
s . Uaiversity TJICA or TWCA. i
'-,.,-w.,ww,.,.Jr -''- ' - I '
i r. , i II r-X, r rM rill rl i U ft J HM
I 11 tf I I I I It ti -'J i il I au aa waning
A responsible consulting organization reports a study by a
competent medical s pecialist and staff on the effects of smoking
Chesterfields. For six months a group of men and women
smoked only ChesterfieId-10 to 40 a day their normal amount.
45 percent of the group have smoked Chesterfields from one to
Z tnirty years for an average of ten years each.
At the beginning and end of the six-months, each smoker was
given a thorough examination including X-rays, and covering
the sinuses, nose, ears and throat After these examinations,
the medical specialist stated . . .
4lt is my opinion that the ears, nose, throat end acces
sory organs of all participating subjects examined by mo
were not adversely affected in the six-months period by
smoking the cigarettes provided." ,
Remember this report and buy Chesterfields . . . regular or