The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 08, 1952, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    iViiy-"'f 'i1"' 1
Monday, December 8. 1 952
Pogs 3 I
ASI-Universif A
L Bill Anltrson Sigma Phi Epsilon
Li Frank Mnuk Kappa Sigma
L Lowell Hoyt Mustangs
B Jim Weber Farm House
B Russ SnyderwIIniversity YMCA
B Larrv Dunning Navy FOTC
L Al Hansen Sim pm isn.
L Verone Gibb Navy ROTC .
L Dick Long Delta Upsilon
L. Jerry Andersen Phi Kappa Psi
B Keith SkaBa Delta Tau Delta
( B Dick Grant Navy ROTC
' B Marv Green Mustangs
L Al Blessing Alpha Tau Omega
L. Tom Harley Phi Delta Theta
L. Fred Petersen Sigma Phi Epsilon
B Tom Carlson Newman Club
B Chuck Jensen Rockets
B Tom Tolen Delta Upsilon
L Den Bedker Phi Gamma Delta
L Hank Ostdiek Newman Club
L Tom Harrington Beta Tfceta Pi
B Jim Tangvlall Pioneer House
B Bud Van Berg Jokers
B Jack Mankamver Mustansrs
Lany Sctmidt Mustangs
Don Summers Mustangs
Dick Tfcompsoa Phi Kappa Psi
Mac BaileyAlpha Tau Omes
Don Frei PM Karr Psi
Ted Gratt Sisrma Phi FVi! ex
B Bob Baclmtan Phi Karoa Psi
B Bill Shaiaholti Sigma Alp5a En.
B Jack Konemi -Sisr En 'B"
B Bob Green Mustanes
Samwwl 2Nv: Raitt Phi Gamma Delta; Smith Mustangs; Biemond Presby House; Hoover-Sigma Alpha Epsilon "B": Thibault Sigma Phi Epsi!
mers-iYesby House; Schneider Sigma Chi 'B "; Andrews Rockets; Gaiter Sigma Alpha Mu; BusseS Pioneer House; Svanda Sigma Phi Epsifon.
Ion; Meissner Phi Delta Theta "BM;
il Sif-air Football
Sog) Hps, PM p
CCetsiW Oiraairaoinmously P5cke
As 47 ASS-Sfws IMlamme
1. Siimra Iu FimJitm tf-jMu
2. Kimw Flu itf-MU
J.. JtuiMunjn (fluMi
A. IV. im I vmiun 3-?i
5.. fiumncr Mxuiw Kh-n
ft. Aiinh TPn lOmuiitt iQr3) -
t.. xw swine j
SOU VhtM 111
lit. ikJOVTtt &HanH 4 -
. Mnmam
T rrai Nvunr va
Ik. JiiatiiViius tfS-4
91. u'ftiftrttd- Mmm ,Jrti
latraamni $ts cwuutisi iKappa Sigs Surprise
!"tar tflw semadl cwiaswrtiTe ytaor IA sannpurise fSmfcfttfsr Rets x Kite
SSsrra F8ai Ic-ann rmJfs as t&e rmE teg tea.
itaainsitifir era warn in lmcwraitix . eoany seasswa
1. Phi IViB Pvo -i
S. Flhi Kunro F t4t-J
OTtiimjxxrrr -a
1.. 5 .nmn Fmifliai
i. Film Kwva Flu
. IPute Cretan
IL Fwiwiar Mtnv
X AUru Tjw mu
. Bkiu IThflM ffli
t, Siwna A:irth Kmilcm
lifi. jtltai IVto mtottt i-4i
Br bill muxdcll
latruamral Sprts Oium&ist
Ethe most touchdowns In I-M rom- 'see action this year wer Sum
llSetitioQ this year. With Bailey's mere. Schmidt and HaRsen.
Two Jslustaitx stxcutsmen, tvx p.ssps dUinar the airways, the
Phi Psi hacks, two Stg Ey all-iTaus reached the plajofT quarter
stars amd an ATO pssir-S wari fir:i!s befrore falling before the
Buake np the 1952 AllWi"iuveitrjiuniiiieru:p Phi Psi"s. Mac's thrusts
Imtruauiral All-Star Fipotball teat w-re imstramental ia toppling AM
efeftiseaj by this yearns competiEg' ViuversitT champion Sigsaa Phi
teams and their managers. These ipsiioa diarirtg the regular season,
four teanas grabbed the honors im'their only loss,
the "ail-stars of the all-stars' in a btoeaing specialist t top
1-M giidiroa cardies. . them an was the Tvters epiiiMa
ImtrjaBnawJI ffnanaJMiili s n'W?'' reinaarkaMe ball thritih'
clajfika.iMd their mi fflbril113 MM y02" atmd1 t .
im taarwugfti a ttonisJa lmiittr KW41 tfiffT Psess coaly a 4-4 '"t211 Presby Kmise for their
idfiiras'-i and ptostsfs aiad 'Er ttefir i S131 w5i J?"1 SSmished the year
ft-yteg S lodesS!at tiUe-'5"5!- 112th ifailttc1 iirfcs. The
V.tiAj v t.n t II AftlHr fMnBiT": Jinm WK5 1 CSTS Hrt ffiOminrlll ttT lmoiits !
I!!!!1, lil1 K iss l&eir 2rst three cwm-1 CsthoSts were faffiitg belwe theli01- Larry Schmidt meraps he assumed a large p-ar-
rZvll. Ike Kar-pa Sigs becan tha-Kes. nl Swramers of the Mms- ci taM-iijmmzis. pass-
2 !? J!!ri,a Tniwy rf sarm JKuil Jk j ww HJM. to PM1" icg and pass-catchims.
sixt jnI sereatav. nt . -ill Kamed as the top mem M prob-
Jers diri BbK be- irvfir tM two strocst lioes to
Tk AB-C Uit is the fiail
teaa to appear i The Daily -brasfca.
A& members t th
fire I eras mmi hanble aaeii
taai were cks- as all-p-paests
by f&eir rirals ia aetiNi
tlk year.
Selected as the seven top men pjj
at Taaaapsaa. Bis sapertatiTa
piay kept rirals aat at the Phi
Psi hackfteM all year ten ia
their rasa, ta the amber two
spat ia the rarrersity.
Sammers and Schmidt at the
Iadepeadeat champiaa Mas
tangs are the ealy aaa-trater-aity
"A members af the 1911
all-star ntfit. Bath mea were
TkJons ia their blaekusjr and
were eqaally effeetire de
fease. Ia addition, bath me
carried their hd af pass reeep
tiaas for the Iadcpeadeat
Hansen was named toes bx the man Ocb and Torn.
voters amoEg the host of greats: Theta PL
m the ragged Sig Ep hue. lor
downfteld for passes. Tbampaaa
ta take care af aayaaa who
might seep thraagh. Frei ta take
charge af initial ball-hind ling
aad deceptiaa. Bailey ta bear
the long anes aad Kratt ta fir
the ahart barsts aad TaB-en-ragged."
A host of great grid stars grace
the second lineup, also. At the
lice positions, the voters awarded
berths to Don Beaker of Phi Gam
ma li?ta. Bank Ostdiek of New-
ana aw- ti cv Brw m - . "
awmrs fr tae manil $trat
yr, US IVitm Taeta wws
fae trSrwM? rrawa as tey
ad ia lKI aad Ue Mas&aatn
sweat evwry&h ttie Iadewaki-i
ei eiriMk Atawasa 1 yrar:
eihianjis to tgbfe 4tri was (3ae:
CSly TMCA, O aeemSrr tf IQtai
anam were stane am
a- -wmmc mum 4tUNOUl cu, mm
Intramural Track"
A3 aw iaftrrested ia eaaa
C 0 K3a-33 latra
aaaral Traek iKeet aaay wrk
at amy aiarraaaa fmoa 3-C
M. a iadaar track ia th
Cast Saadaua.
head the SHastaags aad Xary ia
then- leagae pliy. bat saffered
wkea tey were siicghtered b
fae Middies ia the ttya seau-
Presjfry gets seventh cm th!
sireiEigta f their swtwsmal wiw.:
Ifniirm in. fflTL. n u ...
the Jdkesrs m the piiayoiEJs and'
wwEBd hare. gnt a hsgtaeir nssmg it
FUOtarta ffihe Sufi X m Etia T2Ka b.ffcc Sq a S JTIL al
tosll ratines ffnr MS2 FM Kt? Iib T-b cfieoarm to ti ritot ZZJF
amaa wish aaa -l rw-rrfl, flesWl a 5rf feitomaty VScS.' r1
emity to Sft cbangiioK an e tnx lis fnr the serorad sJ6ns5fht:i cJ
w nactr Jtffiin lafmx. whi n,ifi .. :: x. t.
Alpha Tati Oeaega and Ted Kratt
of Snsa Fu Hpsuta at the back'
.field sswts.
LradfBg the way was Kratt
waa seared a perfect It per
eeat ha the halMfiag to be the
aaiy aaaaimaas awrmber. Kratt
was grrea a first-team rate by
every team he played araiast
this seasaa. Ia a predamiaitely
pdsssag toach-faatban gaaar,
Knli s raaaiag ie the shww.
Behiad the pawerfs Sig Ep far
ward waXL he at-asaaeavered
theat aM wkUe rackiag ap
aettwai. ckaaks af yardage axd
Tataabfie tachdwss.
Mas passsiistg ansa tmai. a
adciitioan ta onpnitrnff th. hnJe few
awarded to frei, another cc m enough aerials to rank runnerup
Fsa attack this j.'ison. ia the chantpioas scoring.
Aad sa there they are a team
af ia tram oral stars that waald
be hard to beat aaywhere.
Tave gat Baasea. Schmidt aad
Summers ia the frant waU to
Kaack-em-dawa" and head j
The fur hsekfield spata wera
ranted by Jim Tsagdall af Pia
aeer Haase, Bad a Berg af
the Jakers, Jack Maaksaayer at
the Mastaags aad Bab Bachmaa
mi Phi Kappa Psi.
In aZL 4? men were named to
.the five teams and honorable men
tioc A grand total cf 122 men.
received at least a second-team
;vcte in this yeart balioting
I.Tw.-nr ""5. "eir -2 rsnfi Ita i 1 I?Tffl. a Sai: Any tong kkS in this aSH-sizr
Spurts Editor
The Hasier batskebaU team
ooesiisd its 1S52-53 season with an
I'anr-w- .1 i'iiwi tft.n-ttflr ijirrtft. TTVai
. 'Hi. J WW W. WHIM JL tfW II
heavy 'kawa Sstaarday nagktt at the Golii-
im rival dtefemsesi, alsia. WithswaiimL
twa Karry Gaad swept the -kesch
as the Xebraska team led
14-5 at the ead af the first
over Ce afXJfgstMsa w2U he ttakem care cS,
J ratl5. Alter wiinaainat ttSMcr!!
:iirst t enntiesa. fflsy liuaicrcii
iw. .. :iii. iwuuic vt'iu-iici., uat3r ijuiiieintiai f a
wiuaiag Srwe Iteisje csjEtifsds to rat
She murriber tntrr poaisinn. TiH
tarmHr$ rmit fifth wiSh aaa ejgiaJ
rennrfl, ITnTttng naiily fcfiSnne She
aroEmS-raLadng FM FsjX I
Alpha Tsm Omnpu s?ls tffae'
sada rang in Sie lima ratings. The
They realhr wmt ta
wbra it eaasArd. however. AM
Cbree ef lOxar v&ayatif vwanries
mr Ssrma Oa, Delta Ta
rrtsa aad rhi Karon Pal were
lia-4anctl raacnis.
jinn sne r,mTiil Tffi ranma;. Tz& wncj
Tsas cltBa fiie seiainm wiih a 5-2: iSfliir anfl UnsS (twfte teing; vax yiir:
anark amfl aire anwerflen SS sarfh ianaon. Thsey a3EE3siS i&Kfa naji-1
jwifiiUan tm ifbe sfcrezjgfh rat 323Eirmir Sipma Alpbn BSpsansi ami2
CM O's Cop Dmhpmlillei
ThetGs Win Sviim Trophy
Georgia Hufac
hJijppa AJpta im sua On Cfca rapefl ffle .cp-.-PV'- im i
fey Eiiiey, wtese thirosrs neCed1! "
Sarsto'tfcaiEtars ssassd am intra-
Isqarad gmx tor the ewtsiin riassr
line wncie tssnnai wtcna. k a 'lita.
Gkm SaSvaa aad Ksss Fehl
ms led ' the" Ked Hui, whe "
Daa SiriWw Omaae Bawl, Baynes
Barrixsctoa and Dave Bell kd
the IThiaes ia the sxarisg cat-
aad 31-lfi at iatrrmis-
Scariicg far the vie tars
was fairty evealy Aistribaied as
Gd artched 11 paints to
the parade.
I j.icnrHig the lome Easier sen- iiiiim a, f
iar to see setircn were Don Weber f -
"with 9, Bill Johcsiwa with eight! ra. t"
iffite left. They never trailed tha
htastlmg South Dakota team after
that exchange cf brackets
with aajLora
at a a
........... -i
...(Ml M
.- - i-it a ta
....... tbi t-l 1
Fred Sgsr with seven apiece. ; awii i h." t vr -a 1
tfficscsiffite centtar Don Jcnge-. rr I -- i-t aa a
Z.IZ.riZ. a-r v; a n
s-s t-i IT
H H 1 I
BioasJe. Karth Pitta; Earn H-aa-1:04 - "i1-
Gileiicrs, EE; JJenry Hare
. a a pt a
re- -r a
i c ........... z-i a
.. r-T a-tie a t
wm- - a-t it
rTW, t ...1-4 s-s a t
". e i-a m 4 a
rwat t ......1-C MIS
f ................... 14 I I
Kauuk f .............l-l - Z 3
Holm C ............... 1-S u 1 X
f c .............. s-4 a a
t ntnufc ....
waard led the Ctyote attack with
s H-noint KotaJL Dora Bmte added
fjTj 13 to the S2U eamse, JoBowed by
jan Eath with IL
It was the first game far sev
eral years caached fey Seatk
Dakata Caach Babe Hey,
eemtty letaramg tram retxre
meat to take aver the reias far
the Sadak da b.
The Kicsrlh Central Cmfereaice
tean haid srosshlie battling the
ftw.-7Tiki If-a."1"!!. "jJKi.. j .i jiv.w..
in. in . in .. . . j.
kue jnai&sers went ajeiJi earar
ana si cpaciiBg eKiiiirter aiftisr the f"1"' ............. t i
IcJi i iv s . m
xna. Ti-u a ca
IM Swim Finals
The 1SBS-SX AS-FiflwBSitty
Sivmndnt dials are wtedatel
ffra- Man&ay. Dec , biegmiaBg
at S Pijti. All nxi abi -ital-faefl
in tbe infflvi&tuiS eneafla
wfl any relay araans are
-licille ta ctompRte. The rroxfls
will he stagvd in tfhr Colifwiina
3mA. SjwRtBanrs are weOrmne.
fe?..'is? uoernn receives mention
Thfta amfl taarfl-rimtiirtE Delsji3?6 SJsbA Cs ms nan the itotaqpmi ttnnrataniicnj.
Ti JDCTs grain (fi ffiaj smott ' The Xbtftra wtm aaa esajy vartory ty jdnic; a
tarn tthe sttnettiraB ef their refuUcr-lc?td 44 3,8 5"" CWBr 5215 B ponifls eacmaa by fib
pseusoB wna cror une 3331 PsTi. ,. miua, jmk m
Thfiir ipecnra for She wear w-s s"a aueett Whr teana wiaicla plaieifl: iSairfl.
champions. Their 3-? fciurntai KOOCCfS KOCf
the cmlly Idbs of She year for. Bifhindi the ton fmo ti
the Sig Ips. The ATXTscDuia Sibw ; jiemrifiHt fTm, ratines eenne &tt4
pra s -i) xicetoe an xne Tiwrmf xajvew-mEii tziuh. The mofi-
amrBtefl PM Delta Thsla.
evHh 3lat!T rnM aa lOte
Ssiry BOTC axcaegafina. The
Middies won eicht wh3e Kotdnc
ftitit aw dnrinr tChe icir. CnSb
tf ifheir f!feid aire al he !l
humfts of the IdxtsticngK, enu
onring ittie rernlar smmo amd j
ainne ia the Lull rrraU rait finiCk.
The Gbhs roulfl hm rot' a !
Hurtier nmg if tfcr $3g I
Mustanir cihaiia&nufhli) granie
wotOd Suve frimr She cher m-ay. '
Bets Theta Pa clones the eaflon
3n eighlSi plam. A jrteafly bsiD 3iub
stfl year, the Betas"wcm Kia anfl
2uet two. Their two Iohbce -were art.
the lumfls I the top two nufl
ffitE amfl woiiia liave fiven them
&iiher erth H the Sir 32? Idbe
iiadnt been a amiRKacre or dl their
V'in wer lowjy Sipna 38n liafl
iieen mare innpreBBiwE.
Winding am in smrth plat at
Sigma Alpha JSpBiltm. Their S-Jr!jj
zrecarn inelnaes vrns irver Phi j
Delta Theta. Sipma Chi, Delta Tail ill;
Delta, Acacia and Phi Gamma
Delta "while faninr elare Alpha jg
Tau Omega, Siirma Phi XbHoti :
and Pin ILajipa Psi jiii
Main FeslxEne Q&ck -;
((tWMtittM rumtataa fev fhwMM)
Taraity: -Hitngmmi SEJiat, lis
135, 24, 77. SSL ill
taae: "Tatk 3iow,'" 1.21, 4.-JJ1, H
CSS, :SB. "Umumfifl WnmenT jli;
2:46, 122, SOB. IE
thrae -wtiis amfl mae lofi. that an Siartn:ia Beta; SnnrSto. Da&a GannnaB; SiSSfe. AJ-
n iumfls tff tfbe Phd Belts. -
FrilltnranE the top thnee an Jnaai JH.Dlaen (uainma Fa mfta, wweo W
final ratinis aire SiEma Otii Eplni nm oSivirig. She Ia3tife33y exenQtedl tfhe
Sigma Aljiia SSpsilan, Phi Garnma "oit Snt amfl bank jteffik-fatffe cm Che iowr totiarJ
Delta smd Datta Tan Delta. amfl nSie frint stted (tow (cm the hifrh board. Jokb
taisB ttntik fEiTKt plane ma She 25 yn. free style.
Eftfit crawl iur sgmiJ wim by yShs Lub
ann, Cftita Gsamna.
VyA. annfiey wan by Kajrpa ASiflia
Crawl aatfl hack crawl far faraa waa by
Kijaua AJjjJia Theta.
lare&fft steeke for sueid wm by Kay Karr, Ka$9ia Aiha
Esnesft strufte fw firsa ana by my E.ihh-3. Kapjia Kajcpa
3SehTjii3ia ihtiTl ie scram tts tie tenriinidiaiL The sema-fioalis waffl
the faayefl lamarrpw jandl the ffrra ITeianeBflEy. The teams in tbei
Ker xLi:ar-; u:f. ri; (jn Ali-Amprirff Arnripmir Tnnm
Ba3 ESnpsnE, Pasrloary; Wacrren
Atoens,, SL EiSTraird; Bob Ehera,'! Bcb Cfcerljn, KeSaraAa cfSem- IDteh Prate. CWtaffihbia, and Dxk
! .. .. , -- . . i
Vlil WhiSe Daa Sales, Qmal .abte ewdJmbii cbd ttbe 1S52 AH-1 BeJeasve Basils. ESI Fentoo.
", !Eoei, KikiDlm; Biib Pucio, WsE- AmeracsaD Araoesmac iTiiiiniStiaJ lojura, amj CenOl Tnacer, Geargja
(.stfiHSzibg ar afiayers
sesBed am luianmreBsj - mennr-fl
imt tilnsea the season wis a isrin
tetter Jflewman Cmh amfl a iiarS-j
Icinghl lofi to &e taiampiaii Mas-'
tangs. i
ChOTrKity T amfl New-man fiecT
More Frosh Report
L&oe fftoyffier. Eeanwy; BeS
wiim- Eifll fey Berwyn. EL; Ben1
Marital T-jmnnln- Bod SSasfi CSian--
:sniS EaucM Jkwirfl. Wawa-5y.
Troclfmeri To Meef faMka.
The tcmiCTC
Bwitjr xraxx uiaca u tesr
aamMamdi &ahBrcy that a3
mea iafier6ii ia ou yessrg f iff
(lie &eKhmaa r varsity teaaas
w3 aneel TaeKBay ai 5 xb ot
the ibattr track ia 0e East &a
Uehl Wear. is is neei f
ssairre4 bsh tm the gridawa ui
ia the etarHn. the aetectiMi
w as anae by Lesaer lardaa.
Sanaijera JdeShafifl ratrersy
saarto amMiusty aiertor,
immriiTimeM avae by
Buaennra, saartarasaers aaJ
Tech; tackles. Dkk Deitridk. Pfeas
fexiarirX aai Ew3 Imrfr-v Eirecr;
jraaamfcs, Bnfe Eeatmeiy, WsscsaBsaa,
ird Eiiiri CSnzsxnam, Ease; JEse
imtiias. Gesrse Karrsf. Georgia
Tech, aid Etacn lloOTtaar, IXU;
jaai D. W2aa. Kkhi
gam Slate, ajtd Dkk Ksanis, CSC,
saad si5eJy rxrai 5Iax BtarketS, Iowa
ml tiac aMSty aoi fedre to
try end far Che scstaJ to atSrnl
be necftiaig.
aeaaa aVsKlh his sear, sttraoicrj-
gmrrn-xmaTg acne; Delta Gmma Sm. 1, ImlErttennmmatiiDggJ, Kaial nrfes- w CasverKly sfcafitaA
more fceiihmeii id- . -. ..
rS? !nPa3wcla, Grant MLemorial mia t cipm ai 5 pm. f ar iaiefi.H;
nmmcefl. inarpe J-braoiBEB. H a team Teris&ei to practke St shniM enrjtad SCias Mja3-
n. . praEy.. ffannilSy nSriHer, aft Qrjnrt 4s reneiv the toafiJtethaH euarl.
ieiiJiK, Jimatn; Jcihn Gxsy. Ito-f The hnoHrar tiacuxarait n alw near .n3iitttum. The ftntJ
Ctmriefc Katz, AltiEnce;; are esnmiael to be jilKyei effl Tinasy.
iution, JV.inmi, Arizona;:! m imtn eawrwraieatinB rniftl win be fcelfl 2je4ane ChriitrnM! -
d-naarcm; Mike wim ; cation. It waU &e WcdhieiaEy. Dec 17. aat X 322a. am Grant. Jnsi
West ViiriSnia, sail Dane Prwe3,
SMT; tatties, JtonaaM Esrrii
Ta5 C2irirtiaH asxi J.ahn p. Dras
3Cew Eampffriane; guards, Id
FJjTaa, CCXA, acai Bfi Gosjapp,
Gearjla Teda; sreEter. Ttant f.T;im
Ctlabcnna; ibacfa; Josa Bartaa,
Otao Stele; JTnue E.i.T, JCotre Dame;
Shirts Finished
& hk. rjjia! Tev aaS!y aVf
ltd A X
rJ1 ajarneyr; Canaan Coiial, Lhnra ewery WAA i?tnrt ihnagmiibae r2i participEiefl an Halt feJ
lavjfl Crr; Sjjwecter Eirrri ines&ay ad dKren. might Markefl top 3a the prewslEEity list wj the
'rr;'iK amfl Daai Ian, fcranpotine. Mim Uanpetmr ik tQie lEaEnHy afls-itifsr Jnr tChe co-iretae-
Oinstess Csrs
ttS SEmrSb It-Sb Street
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" .
Tvm. Ctr-un. Luri!'-. 1... .j.(-
OSM5T VKKMFt'V'r ?-"- fcia
2.'r'-c w.:.w t .?
SA Ittt4i li -tr. '
' Winner'