The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 08, 1952, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Monday. December 8,1952
Take An Interest
The incitement and th wncem sxrrrounding the tkms to the fwKlm toave toee d seen-1
presentatiwi to Che Student Council of the propyl w "endless fcoea omea cm.
Snow, Peace Talk, Internal Squabbles
Gave Utile Warning Of Danger Dec. 6
to trcllaw 4kKt-toaIlotmg t ah IMversity ithsr
wore rtself out at the wry toginnlng 4 the twove
Tncnt or was "eOTriplf-tely dropped wt Thanksgiving
vacation. TChatover happened, the interest and
nfhtHasm which greeted the proposal is mot to
Bat the StaaetA CoiTw-n Is totoir Mmethtag
ataet this mt&m ft SI worne1 wtanltatioiiS
and organised atom to rid r traiKpu of an
erroneous election system.
Beginning Tuesday hight Council comrn5tta,
beaded hy Dean Unscott, will oonduct hearings
m the electi systems of the individual organ
izations so affected toy the proposal The pomTnft
toe is also sending out p;iestionna'ire on the sub
ject of tjeket-iAlloting to various organizations and
wganized houses to "determine the osmpus feeling
n the issue.
The Daily Stfebraskaa heartily ondorsed the
3cke1hall6ting proposal s it was presented to the
Council Since that time various alternative sola-
iaa ..-, -Naa. ,7 -a
ot IVc C, 11, Bat to sy p-
The CVw Til Kas to to
mmA, the lrratxiMl 4 the fKHeal
trm toe tkWha.Tltliir wsi"s ami Is w linr w bcaubJng ct Peairl liar-
br is irarfst eQ'a3iy sagn4iwm
la toe respect that Je, ,
eowli esiJy be posliei Inta pres-j
mt Sv vcygtits without notice.
It the Council is to saeoeed in solving (this proVS xv. ft, iu nA.,,A M:
tily cvrd toe et5B Jt heln!mt nwirolwir ttt $3reuy
eventCiled, history nvaliint fialejex-scrated,'" to $oal (tavcors.
tinff to ftJ wthitten. They r vstng toe
nmi iroposU s a sprtncWard to toe shi-
isalaonal nd individual support ia their Jearings
Tuesday tiignt
The CeoAcil teommittee aa ask esttonK earn
tTWe therontfrty all Inform Uie raIUMe
to them. But they a 4 their ii wlUi creator
sveeess If an 1ia4es t ile m tMs mttjeH
re represeihled at their Imtorvtows.
Although ditorially supporting the essence ot
the wvnen',s proposal, The Nebraskam ffeels that!
compromise is the only Ihope for solation ri those (
electiOTis nder question. It wwild te srtilyrngj
to see fine's ideas accepted in their entirety feat St
solution is to toe reec'hed, todividual nd personal
(opinions vnost often be ornpromised.
la this vase, The NeVasLaa iers fer it -tien
to the ticl et -tiaDetint roWei selvtiea
m'hleh rettJns the ssenee S the mwije"" pr
Itesal Fsrfher than thla, w reeMMneitA that
am enthusiastic j-rt rttaonU a.nTreci ht takes
iy Che persmis a-ttenffinr the Tvesiay illit
. kearinjr X-'R
Parking Humor
Hem handed them toy persons interested ia wr-hpeceful ssmw was tailing seaUyi
reefing tioa toey will r.eed TXS
northern states were preparing to
face an waeowiing to'teiard. Ua
aware t toe sharp tolasts t snew
hearint wind ttwt toe scwtoera
states wlach were resting iq-uiewy
ajxler toe clowdless sky.
It was still too oarly to tofcgfa
toe iday ,,rk toreuslsioiuit the'
eountry. The aatioa was
asJeep. Eat St was ot peoeTai,
slamber t restful inaAs. m-
idwals' faluds wre isterteed;
daily toy toe war t eives SW
reeled toy Germaa who was
.trying to leonoiMS- the treei
i'CCiuntrjes t Enrope, Danper saM
nals mm toe Far XUtst A3ed M
the general teeing t wneertainty;
Us the Japanese leontinwed HJieid
aestroctave march tthroajrh owna.
The -Titr wri4 was Krtng
In a te Hf InseearXy, waiah
lr tor the ribitei States
mitt her Krst iMve titi toe
A Tfnixersity toed, the recipient ot a oMicial
parking ticket Friday morning, finds a rather mn
isual Tote tm the t.8ck t the ticket when she re
turned to toer ar in the faculty parking lot near
Student Health.
VTlsisle tMs aMtwunceiaml
nav jetd satme xe5;ed, ffear
tnl toe rwsaSmts tears
were expressed ia persMu,l p-
peal to Jpas Uapeww ilirdJuitio.1
AmM revem that ItVeM
laams tris we saliKg
towaHl ThaUaA, toe rre-tt-xW
appeal tr eaee was
rrniMU t the wessas toe
rrejaiMrt that
toeeps eMetrae4 to t4e
ChiM fcr reaeh4 sdi tarre
lreMitsw that tear has heea
vnrnm Km? toe fPe i toe
rhftiMAiMS, Cast Iiia, Malay,
ThaiUi i China to ret ar
(hear fciediv. Xai f toe
jeI)es when I hare Mek
t,"" the rresiient say.
t either tnefiiJtty ar ier
immaOt k
mis. IHt oecl4e Uvt eA
t vs, tor the sal f toe reertos
Ml ey t wr i sreat rM
tries, tout f er toe saSi rf fcm
Ity ia eishhrijyr torriteries,
hav a saerei ty restur
trajstsenal asr.Siy t4 pervrmt
rtsther eti xri 4estrrtMi ia
the wwrWL'"
Walh the imesape oa its way to:
mmA tar 11 tow W"-
stoat iaeac to toe safety Jt the
Far East.
AUiu to Awwrlc"
t Jtpaa was m aNaaWft
hy the Jatuft I . A
$peKeMaa fr the toai
whkh Is to Fwt
4erstaitAC tT
tare a4 Mimta( wit m it
ia V. S. e4xtaiMl to5itatias.
&kVa Ckki it was rlrfivf.
Sec evf JCavy Jrans.
lJa.Tan. Fresident RnseneH tried to1
As the arly rnorning developed 'dismiss tois nctT tthesurhts as fee
into mid-jnoon, Bee, jawed n- retwmed to toe peace talks. Rat
other iday in regard to the in-kbe afternoon spend toremffht mo
tressed Seeling et fear ia the .new Sevlnnmeiits; Jjwwwer, fne.
hopeJnl nation w'hicn ws looking jot the emveys evclaimed toat he
lea- sieae siens tout finfiine' mone.lww: KBiaaeA at the United States''
Attempting to imrawe relations mismdmtan&ing of Japan nd liear Editor,
Li striae M T.M wetnhcrt
utoss to rresiiwt toft
his AiweHeaa r4ratia f
Laher JrnmiRil3Wi r:ftst the
nhm xntkk-h was seehuue -y.
la KtoJ, a toe late affreraecua.
the entire eity was at tihe Faa
Anaericaa Airways to see m
first two clippers leave with 53
passeajwrs twr Attic.
As the day drew to cxse aai
dwsk desceaided wpco toe country
'itfae straia c.I tet Knsswag ta
totimre ws ajraia ekesuaatinf a
Knox eased sanw tears toy der-mindts ef to natton.
ing ia Ms aiil report tnt in
w--c stftfwmd to VuMta d
that SI ma cwBiirossii'fwpa
Perhaps this teeltag wi felt
aBr toaa aayeoe ease fey the
tccr-jvar-Cild A?ptoa cawjateir.
hips, aeauired tw planes Margaret, cf W. U Wltoto, jwaria3-
nd increased personnel toy IV ist and soa t toe eauaemt Eia
; .mtv. as iiMJSfa uncst. liPwia, Kaa newspaper ocator.
rfA eitsSiOM and rowea.
Althwagh Americans were ranxa
faljy supporting mational fiefas
measures, they ppeared critical
t anotoer increase in to aatwmal
defense toodset w 52x,?usjk5i.
This raised toe mataionaa wawnsei
9,J4 -to am alWLroe total e:
Leariajr toe taSk f w ar, see
awws toe ay toe
ewcvUvw heart f JieJea!
BretoerWei tf WeM
Otsier, ani eJ? Awww.
ta Washivi1 to ca a wJaea- ijionly m toe present. . --
juanam wu a srtvsi war
rhaa wh was firiajt ta New
Terk CSty with her testor jar
eats, A thia, trail Berreas cMU
w h was srrwe4 wh war
ihe hai ferrettoa
hew to tacsh. Marraret h4 aJs
grew Gre4 trem sheiiit toars;
ani tasseaJ f crrtoc, she
waU ItorcefaSy rah he sur
rewtal ees with her aae
Margaret wants to target to
She tears tne raww am avs
IfThis is roe way ia which w-e staa-
"lAents at the Ummrersity can htaa
ia tihe Korean war etiort.
with Japan were Sec, tf Stat; her intemtions tar peace'! i KDdD Board Bnemtoers htve re-;
ICwdeH BoTi and Fres, F. D. la toe southerm part t the -ported esrroneoos statwaaents con- j
'Roos-elt whe were ttding Cniiied States anccher iman wassraing toe Red Cross Jood drives.
iU- S.-JJAT)anese neace talks a"a Wwak-mfr his toeliefs mm C S.-1 Feonle have heen hcarfl to say,'.
: Washincton. Before the afternoon Japan relations. 'The spokesman ;! onTt want to stive tolood to the
Scra wled on the ticket was this message: "Ttear talks had hegtm, the two Japonese was Er. V. JGL Wiillington Koo, ;ed Cmss, lbocase shcy Jiwst scji
XTi a - I VriHMT jnoTa-frvrr kihm jrn ftirtf m frnfl 'hencys, smoJiniTly nnoxmcea that .Chinese amhassaaor to iumaon, ,a ana a can sou to, imj-sejx.
- i 3k tmt.i a Uapan's remforeements ot her Dr. Koo states that it Japan
toot Please try to find one eOse-where- Would you ymimKpr fflpws to 3n5e 1 to y, m jbej.
pliz ome into my office this Afternoon ana tfis-Johina had resulted from what she;tim, it wvQ toe Just s well if the
ouss yoB're staying in school? ((signed) Gas.' 'considered threatening mwwsnerjtsiidemoaracies should avail them-
The oe&. as is to toe expeetefl, was jterplrted;
tout 3se -flplithtei to find that to war mas f
narkinp rerolatlnm and plans sranenne vnffc&s
satirised the entire sltuatina to such a to urn won
maimer, Wt toe find St refreshing.
rerhajw aa ea.a sea yor
Meed to sent nrzKtiirMatms.
RIT the Red Oess Aees nrtt se
tolned it receives threnca toe
Kefl Cross tolood oonatJ.-sns
If every aae f toe .tM sto-
fSs a caaRMts wwala five a
raiA rtojr the year, ww weaat
Kre lhaa anas w ma9 aaeta
t $5 a mrato. Dat leave It a
k the armed taxrs srwtpv.
Aier all ia this thto,
It yea hear any otber rumors
unine on ahout the ltnonthlty tolood
rive, (chetifc with the Ked Cross
'Coltejje Unit or Lancaster E&.
Forhaps aot exrymcng yoa hear
For the first time 3n 20 years, the Democratic
"Party finds itself the opposition party and must
formulate its policies accordingly. The first appar
nt item on their strategy agenda lias toeen trying
to eotvlnce the public that they are not the party
of opposition out instead the party ol oooperation
hence Stevenson's statement that he and Barry
'will .cooperate fully with Eisenhower "insofar as ft
Is compatible with the views of our party.""
Probably, the Eisenhower administration win
not "be overly incompatible with the views of
the Democratic party. Ike's overwhelming ma
jority to the election indicates that he appealed
to the people as a Tniddle-of-the-Toad, indepen
dent -candidate and there are no indications that
"his administration will he otherwise.
pense of some of his own views.
However, unity hit a snag with the appointment
of Martin F. Durkin to the Secretary ot labor
post and Bob Taft saw red.
Durkin, president of aa AF of L affiliate, to,
acpordinc to Taft, "'a Truman Democrat, ;
foueht Gen. Eisenhower's election, and advo- :
oated repeal of the Taft-Hartley law." He
minced mo words evpressing his disgust ver the
"incredible appotaitment," and all superficial
"reoperation from the Taft oainp was tor the
moment "completely obliterated.
"We hope that Taft win see that his public dis
play of anger win accomplish nothing far himself
and probably might wreak great -damage on the
mew Congress.
Another McCarthy
Dear Editor
.?f;V 'iiv,nwmn srsrviceroen or is false, toot enrtainly a large part
!r processed fffir kisc in hospitals of it i iflistorted hearsay.
xon the toatOetront. !l lt weaT . proofily"" and to
1 tk Kinnfl xmn in as Bsefl to wave ffrarla to rive a jactt c4
liar ani ' SS? iw h
ismear tactics an assummc the , 2r w..v
A recent Wbras"kira editorial iminorfty role. Whether h vie- w K.S "r?TW
probably become a -Democratic' iorats, and regardless of the pos- ;month, tout it's f or a wxnrthy cause.!
McCarthy. Similarities ta prae-sible negation of pnlitfcal expedj-!,
tices of the two senators indi- oncy at stake, Sen. McCarran may CriO laOiSS
obi xnfiT znere is some reason xaKe nonce max an xas oay oi po-
Biood Bcraisrrent cihairinaa
liticai reckoning, he win not toe
blessed toy a handshake when he
desniTes a punch to the nose
msKiar as seii-esrtpmnc anem
toers of his party are "Concerned..
Sin cere iT,
for believing this.
Ament ffhrr thlnps She Ne
vada Oemonrat has attempted to
urb the tree press ta his stale,
was the engineer off a series of
smearstudded hearmrs on the
Institute f Tacific delations,
and mew is Heading the purge
of the Secretariat. On hear
9ng a top loyalty official of the
State Department admit public
opposition to Sen. McCarthy,
Sr. McCarran angrily urn ra
tioned the man's right to Ti
vilify" a CS senator.
The Democratic senator's ajntir-l 'P-Tn-
tag efforts to mncover Communists TW Commission Christian ?Be
nave ! ertended even to the Boy;3iefsinien jjing jjotm,
Scoute and Antinch College, In
Nevada, jvaccarran was respon-
Commisidnn Camp
Candlelight lea. Decors
Set Christmas Mood
Shirley Murphy
Chm'touis gifts are in "tie
mating at the tmion Oin-ing
oraft shop lessons Tuesday and
Ecgnot" w-ifl he
seling ULen Smifli Dining room, 'Wednesday wenings.
; Mts. OiBTles
Coleman in- "
Eisenhower has pledges of oooperation from the sible for swmping the support of
Another source of possible opposition to the new Ntwo principle sources of possible opposition. How- 'the state Democratic machine to
. . - . ... ... iXiDiP Smntnr TUTnlnnp -Mrhfm urnimr
administration oomes from the ranks of tne ema- over, realizing xnese pieages win oe an entirety " rr rtZZZ
viT,-piBrf'R. own -nartv namely Sen. "Bob Taft.
Since Ike's -nomination, "Mr. Republican" has
been "peaches and cream" on the surface and has
seemingly promoted party unity oven at the ex-
different matter and Ike may find himself bucking fhis advice on key political issues
two very powerful machines. If he does get the :in exchange for .campaign support
cooperation pledged, he should have the most suc
oessful administration in our history. DX
Margin Motes
Merry Christmas from Uncle Sam
"When Dec. 15 rolls around, prospective draftees
win have two weeks in which to relax and forget
Induction worries. Uncle Sam has announced that
from Dec. 15 to Jan. 1, no Nebraska youths will
he jerked away from Christmas festivities.
That's one of the nicest gifts yet
12 Days Ti7 Vacation
Foremost in students' minds as the .calendar
nears the 25th mark, are thoughts of vacation ac
companied by the Christmas hoUdays.
However, in Korea the soldiers do not look for
ward to this lonesome time away from home. To
show that we stiU remember them, The "Nehraskan
recommends that each student take an hour to do
nate a pint of blood, bearing in mind the theme the
-national Red Cross is using for December 'The
Greatest Gift."
Snowballs Fly
Again, as regularly as December snows, TJni
verelty males take to their after-lunch pastimes
of snowballing the bundled -up coe ds who are
plodding their way to outage.
"Each year The hrakan has pointed out the
dangers of this seemingly unhazardous activity,
hot to no avail.
So the snowballs continue to fly as University
officials sit bask and shake their heads in won
derment at each younger generation.
Time For A Change
Tou cant he sure of anything anymore not
-even sex.
First, there was the British woman who became
a man and "thus received a titled inheritance.
m... Jl. ..... 4 V. tti -i r. unntkdii PrlnM VfV n.
ended up being a blond-headed woman. (miitii
i ma ran fiffwe
ilnv Tnt Anaelfw nnliee are ouestioninc a 60- mi i. wth. m
. .. . . . . Mao no. Am i tmn i,
year-ola man m tne oeiiei mat ne may nave pui m. iia
on skirts and blouses to pose as the "sweet little
old lady" who has robbed three banks of about
Tks taw Strikes Out
In some places you can escape a summons for
a misdemeanor by knowing the right persons. But
what happens when the lawbreaker is the
man himself? To whom oan he appeal?
The arm of the law issued the' first of a
number of summons to Scottsbluff residents who
failed to olean their sidewalks to oomplianee
with a city ordinance. One of the first hit was
the mayor of the olty.
Of eourse, he must have been too husy at oity
han to scoop the walks.
Matter Of Economy
And then there was the guy who was his own
tombstone. Fifty years after a Swede was huried
in a cave-in, according to Believe It Or Tlot, his
body was found preserved in a layer of .copper.
Rather than buy both a -coffin and a tombstone
for the poor fellow, authorities simply placed his
body above his empty tomti where it remained
for B2 years.
The McCarran record would
thus seem to stamp hhn as a
suitable fill-m for his Wisconsin
colleague. But McCarran (or
anyone wise) is far wrong if he
thinks liberal Democrats will
support McCarthy ist tactics to
regain control of the govern
ment far wish 3NBty.
5:00-2:15 Jay's Junction
.2:15-2:30 Treasury Show
2i0-:00 Authors Of The Ages
:00-:3B Spins And Needles
4:15-4:30 Garretsnn'sWa'cwurks
4.30-:.15 This I Believe
4:35-4:50 Robins Xest
4:50-5:00 3News
slTEcls the
'olass 'whiich
imeets in the
!U n i e n hase-i-ment
at "7 jm.
jboth -nights.
j Any student y
;may 70m xne
'class. Tiie only
expense is pur
t chasing en't
i nfl JTflTf TTIB
jterials, leather Murnhy
and metals being favnrftes.
A lighted Christmas tree
Present leaders and the party ;Itevue.
In 1DS7
nouses, as well as -men's partici
pated in the atja.ial Hosmet Klub'tea -following the
the TPnhlie.
1 The tea as an an-nnal ChrM
;mas eu-ent sponsored toy toe
U aa a o sa hospitality nmrtatsee,
Diane Kinman and Fat Hatan, v.-
T3 Climb the Ejghest Moun
tain" as the spleflge ana the title
of the movie at Z 3D pn, Sunday
in the idiian Ballroom.
It 3s tin? tory of a swung
minister and his wile living ia a
small onunSry owmmuntty. The
wife, a TOetrnjwAttan -vonma,
heoomes tired of smal town
life and ibneaks idowa raxur he
strain of as crpidprnir.
The Sarfh rtf the immictpr.
played toy William lamfiigen, and
the trynicisra nf his wife, Susaa
women's organized lndlclight win set .the mtrnd m Jnrm catim
en as men's partici-'thc Union lounpe Sunday for a
The oandlelight ftea as open to
A Student Views The News
Ike, Lfoc, Uf$ Have Uo Answer,
ut US Still Mopes For Korea
Xotiiie tfhe Chritamaa tree 3a
the Crib? The Dnion isn 't alone
in 3ts sjiirUed seasonal "dnoora-
It just helps remind us aD that
there's only 11 more .flays ia
school and 36 more (flavs "ifl
Associated Collegiate Press
Intereolllegiah) Tim
Tt iitj tuannmm a mum m nn i s Catw
ttr f tittHUk mntm mil Hnu' tttmt mmt mtmm mat.
Afttda n af On By.1mm immUi mmtmt mukUm
llnlMmd mj a Bmmwt r riillml , b Om
How mmt mmt
all w tnc tram MnW iwniMia mm m mmn mt mm SoML ar
j m wi mt mtj Him f tmt tmmatr mt mm Bntotnto. m Sm
nnmnw m m nfT mf Tin 1Mb Wakfaukap mm (ntmlh -m-mnmtttMt
1m mtomi mr nimi tym mt frMM "
Wfilptl (M mm M0 m ttll I
m Mw tnilon fan. 4.0 aariM. tmm mmn ac. fwtMmt
mmitt ttartm mm roim -mmt cmMmiii mmt WimmIiw. wuhii;i
tmi MHMWWWtMV VWTlfMlat 'ChM MMI 4IHtotS4MMri havtana Hm Mlh I
Tcntn mt H mm an nnnimli mt mm
I'mihMllw. Iiwm Vmm Mmttm ,
aawrua, NiMu, aiMXr n mt Cmniii
i cm (Ma mt iwarK wiMIM tar ia War-
Xnrea is entering its third win
ter of war as New York, Washing
ton D. C, and Moscow enter their
third winter of seking a solution.
The efforts of the UJT- tiie
VS.. and the USSR, "hove thus
far failed to bring peace, but new
hope is rising again among anti
Communist factions.
Dwifht D. Eisenhower's suc
eew in the election was hatred
partly on the feeling of the
people of the
nation that he
might he able
to find a soln
11 on to ihe
t w -a a t-m.
half year old
Lest week,
he f ulfuled his
campaign pT o- f
mise to v i s i t
Korea. ie
pent thTee
days visiting
Back In ew Tork, iGen.
Douglas MacArthur announced
that he believes there is a "rlear
and definite solution to the X.i
rean conflict" that would not
provide "any increased .danger
of provoking '.universal .conflict."
MacArthur refused to reveal hit;
proposal pubUcly but he implied
that he would be willing to discuss
the plan with Eisteihower.
The proposal that MacArthur
offered 50 months ago, included
bombing of Red Chinese bases in
Manchuria, a blockade of the Chi
nese coast and the utilization o3
Nationalist Chinese forces sta
tioned on Formosa. But there has
been a "material .change in -conditions"
since his -departure from
the Far Bast, he said, and hif
former solution is no longer .com
pletely applicable.
"Last week, after arguing both
the US. and F.ubbib to a draw, the
UJ4. tried to -make some headway
in Korea by advancing ihe Indian
plan for a compromise. It was
Ann GriFfis
had proposed their own plans in
objection to the Indian proposal.
But the American jicople are
still hopeful!
1 in O1r.1stn.c5 Csr& I
j fHar- tmr Samptnr) M
I Cslibitwl SStsfioiiKrf Store I
if TXi yiorta 34fh fstroet j
hitfh TnlHtnrw nriviirK and -mm nf
the ranks, often near the front ; denounced by evei-yone ooncernen
lines of .the battle. j- - - expt India.
t vo n fnrmnink The awtensible harrier to a
lor victory, out ne appears
aa bimmm
Oato BaM, rul IIMiHna,
ar "Sia Mabaai.
Mar .... X. CaaMwjaaajj
. . .T , '"I "."J",."r." . "-Cfcaaa kaaa I
mmn -mmrm fMMar
aaiw lullMr
certain that "much oan be done,
much win be done" to end the
war before its spread to ihe Chi
nese Communist mairland.
The next steps in "Eisenhower's
search for a solution are a -conference
with his future Secretary
of State, John Foster DuUes, and
a study of the first-hand reports
he -received from top officers in
Taa Waadwanl, tmm HarHaaa,
Jan KHai
truce is the ouestion of prisoner
repatriation. The Indian pro
posaL in essence, suggested that
prisoners be released to a Be
patri at inn Cummlasion oom
noMd of five members not ac
tively Involved in the .conflict
Cases remaining unsettled after
ninety Cays, would he referred
to a Korean political conference.
Korea rejected the plan because
the ROK government Tegardf
It may he some time before the; rattier than aliens. Korean lor-
aurUn Toa, Ma.ialla Katt, Umt Walt. Maaar JOmratmn,
4Ljm, OautkB 4M, Jftirn Vaoana, t-'ataafc iaaaaar,
Oal Kaafea, Gary Kaarmau, IHI Barlai, banraa Mcfl
na4raaa. Okarratta Iralaa, Oaa Jaaaaaa. faaUH rural,
Ana Hanam, Ursaa JtaraaT, Jaar Oraaaiaa. atarirra tlalaaa.
atk tenait. ianay Oaraaaa, San Sraam. twa
tlaawrS Vaaa. mmm mm, ttary fnaM.
President-elect .coordinates his,
eiin miniKter Y. T. Srun -mnirt-
findings into a concrete plan. At texns that it reflects upon Korean
iTitarT Pre conference in Seoul, he ; sovreignty to send prisoners to a
uwiiiiiisutcu ",ioreign aemiiuarizeu zone I or any
a war or mis Kino ip wuri out u , length of time
pian Tliat wouia oring a positive
and definite victory without poB-
The fitrenrth of criticiism lies only in the
The Peiping Communist radio
opposed the plan so violently that
of the
criticized. Xiong-
sibly xuninng grave nslis of en-jit PVEn attacked India as a 115.
larging the war." But the Amerj-infiuence(i mediator, although the
can people are stiU .cautiously U.S. iid opposed the plun m the
hopeiul. 1tjjj crth Russia and tiie USSR
from 20-75