Friday, November 21, 1952 Page THE DAILY NEBRASKAN VITAL STATISTICS Two Coeds Find Birth Certificates Not Entirely Accurate Identification By PAT PECK Feature Editor Being bom can be rough But you may never discover it until you send to the Bureau of Vital statistics ror your Dirtn certificate. Thli wai the ease of two Uni versity coeds who recently turned twenty-one and tent In for the documents to prove that they were born. Diane Downing, a theater stu , dent, received her birth certifi cate only to discover that she had been deluding the world and did not have a first name at all. Ac cording to the law she is D-(7$ Downing. Perhaps this places her In danger of having her ID card confiscated. Equally shocking was tht ease ef one Tlsh Barry who glee fully requested her bith certi ficate on her 21st birthday. There was the Incriminating document. In the space marked for the signature of her father was the name of the attending physician. Who says that fa ther's are the ones who get the most excited over blessed events. In case you never noticed, on your birth certificate there is a place after the record of birth to be checked as to whether you were born alive or otherwise. If you were born otherwise please report this to the official imme diately or the man In the corner store may reject the certificate as false ldentitication. The new rule passed last year making It necessary for persons undrT 21 to present their birth eertlfioate In order to obtain a drivers license was Irrtating to some people. What a blow to find out that if you had lied about your age they would have Issued a license without a whimper, but that If you told the truth under 21 they would not Issue a license. Birth certificates may lore their Importance it the new ruling prn posed by the mayor and the City At. t a 4. l f. t-ouncu goes mrougn. unaer in ruling you make out your own birth certificate and sign it if you wish to purchase an tlcohollc bev- lerage. The otilclajs nave mnicci that it will be dangerous not to remember when you were born. When It comes, down' to cases, what is the future in proving tha vou were born? Why doesn't someone try proving that he wasn't Just for a change. Welfare Council Sponsors Thanksgiving Guest Program Whv nnt. nnen vour home dur ing the Thanksgiving holidays to some lonely student far rrom nif own family. Th T?Hfftmis Welfare Council is sponsoring a program by which you may do so. All students who am wtlllntr in hnva a truest en rich their Thanksgiving holidays should call Miss Emily Schoss berger, extension 4202, who will schedule all engagements. Stu dents interested in receiving an invitation should also call Miss Schossberger. In line with the program which ha heen carried on for several years, orgnnized house and resl-j dence 'halls Thanksgiving mav ' extend pre dinner invitations. Air, Army ROTC Classes Dismissed All rlnisM in Air and Armv ROTC have been dismissed Mon dav and Tuesday, according to the respective POTC officers. However, all Navy ROTC classes will be held as scheduled, accordinff to CaDt. Thomas Dono van, NROTC commandant. Air Force and Army classes will resume their regular sched ule Monday, Dee. 1. Counselors See Fair (Fashions By DARWIN MCAFEE , Staff Writer Eyes sparkled at the fur style ihow Wednesday night, ns spec iators wistfully hoped that Jhristmas would find them pull ing a muskrat, broadtail lamb or oossibly even a seal fur coat out f their stocking hung by the Iresidj bright. The show, sponsored by Coed Counselors with the co-operation of a local Fur Company, rave Its spectators a preview of 1952-53 fur fashions and prices and some helpful hints on what to look for when buying a fur eoat. Lee Davis, head salesman who nitrated the show, started it off by demonstrating how the furrier determines the style the customer desires. By use or a plain ciotn model, the features of which may be changed to satisfy the cus tomer's taste, the elements of tht final product are ascertained. These characteristics are then transfered to a sketch of the coat showing the fur of the customers choice, which in turn is turned out as complete coat. BrgtnnlnT witn rabbit, Davis explained how the coats of var ious furs are made and evalu ated them In terms of durabil ity, practicability and beauty. He stated that Australian or New Zealand Coney rabbit was best adapted for coats. It may be dyed any color and although It Is quite spongy and stretchy, stay cloth sewed on helps keep the coat In shape. A smart rabbit pea jecket, black In color, modeled by Nanrer Peterson and priced at under $100, was described ideal for college coeds. Modeled after the original Navy pea coats, the straight boxy Jacket looked like just the thing for the nippy days ahead. Ellen Svoboda modeled a honey shade Japanese rabbit of a lighter and fluffier fur. Its adjustable sleeves and patch pockets exemp lified two features which are characteristic of the new fashions. According to Davis, the pro cessed lamb mouton worn by Ruth Randolph, Is the collere favorite because it wears ex tremely well. j Crowding mouton for durnbil-i ity is Laborador seal which wears almost as well, Davis said. Probably the most popular versatile and universally used fur coat is the muskrat coat made from the flank of the animal, which is the weaker part of the fur. The leather is weakened by ill the processing it has to go through. Although it a beautiful coat it should be worn with a great deal of caution. The back of the muskrat fur is stronger and Is used for another type of coat. The flanks, discarded by persons working with the backs, are sal vaged and sewed into large sheets and sent to furriers who cut the coat from it. The new color out this year, especially adaptable ' to musk rat, is haiel brown, a term coined by a New York furrier. Because of recent legislation concerning furs it is now man datory that furs be called by their actual origin, that Is, as in the case of black sheared dyed muskrat which is better known as Hudson seal. Murmurs of approval arose from the audience of sixty coeds as Ruth Randolph strolled by in a new blue grey broadtail pro cessed lamb with silver blue mink cuffs. Pctltely short and priced at $298 it was described by Davi3 as "the height of fashion." The broadtail coats, which come from South America, are made from wool sheared from young lambs. They have two distinct layers of leather and are designed to ripple nicely In the back. "Look at both fides of a fur coat," advised Davis as Kathy Shanks glided In wearing a dark brown three-quarter length Canadian Beaver, "one side for beauty and the other to see what kind of leather you are getting. Getting back to American furs, Marilyn Tyson modeled a natural silver fox stole which is designed to stay where the wearer puts it. Every part of the mink is used for coats except the ears and snout, explained Davis as an Aleutian mink gill (white under throat) was demonstrated. With its patch pockets and notched col lar he termed it as definitely a junior coat. Commenting on Russian Erm ine he said that "It is very frag ile and probably the most lux urious fur coat made. Wear it a week or so and the cuff will probably be worn to quite an extent. Listing shorter lengths, fuller bodies, face framing collars and lower prices as additional features of the new fashions, Davis con cluded the show witn a mink coat modeled by Mary Ida Barnes, valued at $3,008 and containing 30,000 seams. Former Coach Will Address Honor Banquet Fred T. Dawson, head Corn husker football coach from 1921 1924, will be guest speaker at the Athletic banquet Dec. 2, 6:30 p.m. in the Union ballroom. A Princeton graduate, hit teams defeated and tied Notre Dame while It fielded the Four Horsemen. The banquet, which will honor all Cornhusker ath letes, Is being sponsored by a student committee headed by Joy Wachal. The dinner was KiiirnctAl fcu Chancellor R. G. Gustavson at an AU-Unlversity convocation Oct. 8. He said he thought it would be aDDronriatn fhnf th students and faculty recognize our aimcics. "I hope that now the stu dents as well as the faculty will help the banquet to be a success," said Miss Wachal. Tickets for studnn , - - -r " av.u.ijr are beinir sold In nrtnnioH tin,.c. Union box office, Ag Finance ou nce ana me Ag Union at $1 a ticket. 1A UN TUSf NEW LOOK SHOE REPAIR Red Heels For White Bucks Soles & Heels While U Wait 15 Discount to AN Students ( ) ARKANSAS U ( ) TULSA 1021 P Zippers Repaired We Deliver 118 South 11 st DICK'S PEN SHOP Phone 2-801S STUDENTS: Us our Layaway Plan ior Chirstmas A rery small deposit hold any Item for you ' Pans Desk Sets Lighters Scrap Books Leather Goods Christmas Cards Imprinted FREE ( ) BAYLOR ( ) SO. METHODIST THE STUDENTS TYPEWRITER CEISTER ( ) nebr. BLOOM TYPEWRITERS, INC. ( ) OKLA. SiJ N. 13lk fr'nr 37 yw we have brtm rrnttnf ui Mnietnr ymr typewriter. Art ihont our rental narrlmM plan. Tnli plan coven A IX MAKES typewriter. re estimate by typewriter expert! lor repair a yiiur IS machine. . CALL CHET RUNG 2- POwER and QUALITY INHERENT IN BOTH OUR CORNHUSKERS AND THE NEBRASKA BOOK STORE ( ) CALIFORNIA ( ) STANFORD BOOK STORE SEAT COVERS PARTS ACCESSORIES FOR ALL CARS HANK'S AUTO STORE ' LINCOLN'S SEAT COVER CENTER ( ) DARTMOUTH ( ) PRINCETON 216 South 11th Street Students, Special Prices For You Know Us. . You on Christmas Photos . uABVAon WARNER-MEDLJN STUDIO . . YAl F ( ) HARVARD ARTHUR OWENS, OWNER AND OPERATOR I I TALt 714 Fed. Sec Bldg. 2-6272 Open 9-9 Thur. ft Ea$r end Inexperuire to do your Washing and Ironing ttt ( ) MARYLAND SCOTTS ( ) ALABAMA SELF SERVICE LAUNDROMAT .run 1 3th & K Streets Self Service or Operator Sertice VERM'S SNACK ( ) MIAMI "NEXT TO THE TEMPLE" ( ) FLORIDA U Quickest Service Food At Its Bestl COME IN AND BROWSE AROUND v. ISItUCiS SUNDRIES COSMETICS ( ) GEORGIA TECH - i i - FILMS. SCHOOL SUPPLIES ( ) FLORIDA STATE Save with safety r f 1 J ! 1st Prize LJZJ 2nd Prize $l 00 3rd Prize RULES 1. In each advertisement on this page you will find one football game scheduled for the coming week. Indicate your choice of winner by checking the box next to the team. If you wish to indicate a tie, check both boxes. 2. Complete entries must be at the DAILY NEBRASKAN office by 12 o'clock noon this coming Saturday. 3. Fill in your naftie and ad dress in the space allotted, winner will be announced in next Tuesday's DAILY NEBRASKAN. 4 Don't indicate scores, merely winners or ties. Prizes will be awarded to the person who guesses the outcome of the most num ber of games correctly, and . whose entry is received the earliest Staff members ot student publications are not Jigible to enter. Arts and Crofts Supply Shop (Formerly Hand Crafts) Leather, tools and finishes Metal Ceramics Figurines Plastics Raffia and Reed ' Wooden Articles - Paints and Brushes Beads Sequins Shells - Flower Materials Craft Books ( ) DUKE ( ) NO. CAROLINA U. Verna Snell Phone 2-4452 211 No. 12 St. Lincoln, Nebraska If you desire . . . FINE FOODS, Deliciously Prepared, served in pleasant surroundings, eat at ( ) Missouri THE CHEF( ) kansas u. 1309 N Street in the Sharp Building WE ACCOMMODATE PARTIES MODERATE PRICES SERVING BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER LINCOLN'S and NEBRASKA'S EXCLVSIVE LUGGAGE STORE Complete selection of fine National known brands Priced from $7.95 to $150.00 Continental Traveler 9 Uartniann Royal Piatt Belgrad Skyway J & K American Tourister Melmaster Samsonite Crown Amelia Earhart Belber "Neolite" ( ) MICHIGAN U ( ) OHIO STATE v ... Convenient Terms with no carrying charge $2.00 Reserves your Christmas Luggage Selection In m The New UNDERWOOtD "LEADER" PORTABLE TYPEWRITER ) NORTHWESTERN ( ) ILLINOIS U. . THE STUDENT TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS SIEGEL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. 228 No. 13th (1st Door North of Y.M.C.A.) LAI For Complete Car Service ( ) MINNESOTA ( ) WISCONSIN 12th & Que 14th &N Hwy. 6 & 77 Hwy. 2 & 34 IT PAYS TO LOOK YOUR BEST "Hair Styles for Men who Care" ( ) PURDUE BOB'S ( ) INDIANA U. m BARBER SHOP 130 No. 15th DRIVE-IN PARKING OPPKI 8:00 AM. 6:00 P.M. urcn 8:00 A.M. 9:00 P.M. THURSDAY ROBERT BAYLESS-JUAN BACA -DALE MARKUSSEN HAIRCUTTING OUR SPECIALTY T S H B J" 3 r i. II mi For MAXIMUM WEAR CALL PEERLESS CLEANERS Name .. Address ( ) IOWA U. Ceo. Lemon ( ) NOTRE DAME Ph 2-6731 VIS? 322 So. lltli St. ir