c rulo 01 (LflSODD (6 3 vsJ U U Uvs 9 A The Student CounciJ Wednes day voted to propose to the Uni versity Board of Regents the con struction of a surfaced parking lot on the area now occupied by Memorial Mall. The cost of such a project, ac cording to Bob Peterson, member of the Council parking committee, would be approximately $25,000. Although the lot would ac commodate 250 cars, 500 ve hicles could be parked by util izing lanes during ball games, according to Peterson. The University has no build ing plans for the mall area, Committee Chairman Rocky Yapp reported. "Some action has to be taken to alleviate the parking prob lem," he said. "And I think the (conversion of the) mall is the needed action." Parking is needed In the center of University, Yapp said, since that is where parking hazards are created. Eldon Park, committee member, reported that the faculty of the ROTC Department has declared that the mall is not adequate lor mnrchine drills. At present the VOL 52 No. 48 the Rsnnnw TniTrmMnnnTfi lke R Mr3w re-Yuletide YW Event Set Dec. 2 Tickets On Sale At Thirty Cents YWCA's traditional "Hanging of the Greens'' ceremony at Ellen Smith Hall will officially open the Christmas season at the Univer sity, Dec. 2. Tickets for the annual Cvent are now on sale for 30 cents and may be purchased from house representativees, any cabinet member, Norma Kuiken or Nancy Hegstrom. A ticket will allow University women to participate in the dec orating, see the program and have refreshments. Chairmen and members of the committees for the event are: Decorations Phyllis Sherman, chairman; Jo Ann Joy; Sue Kirk man; Margaret Hallam Joy Cun ningham; Kathleen Lang and Marbara Padley. Invitations Norma Kuiken, chairman; Carolyn Abbott; Penny Reese; Beverly Black well; Jane Alstrope; Sally Jones and Mary Jo Nelson. Program Paula Scharman, chairman; Gloria White; Dorothy Rice; Nancy Timmons and Janice Yost Refreshments Janet Robertson, chairman; Linda Jacoby; Joyce Ingram; Joan Hedges and Elfreida Naumann. Publicity Clare Hinman, chair man; Margaret Raben; Trudy Brownstein; Rita' Stapleman and Mary Middleton. By LILA WANEK Staff Writer One reason why a dog Is a man's best friend la because he can't ask you to lend him money. Joe: I see you have a cold. Ned: (sniff, sniff): You can't see It now can you? Then there was the fresh man ROTC re c r u i t who thought a ma n e u v e r was something you put on the grass it make it grow. The weather will be fair to partly cloudy, turnlnr very Cold cold by afternoon. Joe was strolling down the street when he noticed what he thought was the familiar figure of a friend. He came up to the man, slapped him heartily on the back, then noticed tohis amaze ment and confusion that the man was a total stranger. "Oh, I beg your pardon, I thought you were an old friend of mine Brown by name." The stranger recovered his wind and replied with considerable heat: "And suppose I was Brown, do you have to hit me so hard?" "What do you care," retorted Joe, "how hard I hit Brown?" approves arking Lot mall is used by the department during the fall and spring. Peterson emphasized that the aesthetic value of the mall could be maintained by landscaping in the middle of the parking area on both sides of the north-south sidewalk. No cars would thus be seen in looking from Love Mem orial Library to the Coliseum. Park pointed to three object ives involved in the conversion of the mall: 1. Moving ROTC drills off the mall and beautifying it. 2. Providing more central parking. 3. Obtaining a better and more adequate drill field for the ROTC Department. Yapp reported that according to present plans, the University within 10 to 20 years would con fiscate two of the three faculty lots on the south mall, the park ing lot north of the Union, lots west and north of the boys dor mitories and lots near 14th and T Streets. A horseshoe lot would re place the last group of lots. The parking problem will therefore become greater than it is now, he said 0 ; k K A- M m Middle P. At Headlines By SALLY ADAMS Staff Writer Ike, Taft Confer NEW YORK President-elect Dwight Eisenhower and Sen. Robert Taft conferred on legislative problems that will confront the next session of Congress. Taft said he and Eisenhower expected to reach only general conclusions worked out. Taft alsb said that It had been decided the presidential reor ganization act, due to expire April 1, should be "extended for a year." He said he would have amendments to the Taft-Hartley law ready. Taft said he, Eisenhower and Sen. Joseph Martin also dis cussed the expiring price, wage and rent control laws. Ike To Korea For Thanksgiving? WASHINGTON President-elect Eisenhower may depart for Korea in time to spend Thanksgiving with United Nations troops in the field. The Pentagon has been alerted to be ready witn air trans portation when Eisenhower wants it He refused the offer of Presi dent Truman's airplane. Security precautions prevent announce ment of Eisenhower's schedule. Eisenhower prepared for his Korean visit by conferences with Truman, top administration policy-makers and high Pentagon brass. Sfofe Assistance Department Cuts Budget LINCOLN The State Assistance Department is asking 5 million dollars less for operating costs during the next biennium. Neil C. Vandemoer, director of the department, has submitted a re quest for $38,871,000 for the 1953-55 period. He said the decline in the case load can be attributed to higher social security payments, the relatives and stepfather responsibility laws, and to more avail able employment. The department, he said, expects the average cost per old age assistance case to rise $4.02 to $58 a month. Much of the hike, he said, is due to the "psychological increases in rents following the raising by a special session of the legislature of the old age grant ceiling to $60. Newman Club Initiation Sunday Afternoon Newman Club will hold Initia-erving at St Mary's Cathedral in tion &unaay at s:uu p.m. m me Lincoln. Knights of Columbus Hall, 14311 A moeting for all those Inter. M Street. Jested in the "Mr. and Mrs. Club" I ju iiv&uiiicii wiiu "'"jwiu Dc neia oaiuruay evening. ...k VmA nnt vot hppn initiated who have not yet been initiated are eligible. The initiation banquet will be jhj Jill Lid L1UU LailUCt v unv v- uu held at 6 p.m. in the Lincoln Ho-the evening's agenda will be a tel Ballroom. The Reverend Con-, discussion of future activities, in rad J. Marrama will speak. Fa- eluding the Christmas Party ther Marrama is a former New- which is tentatively scheduled man Club Chaplain and is nowDec. 14. 'FRATERNITY FANTASIES' letwe Skifs VUMfl Feature Comedy, HUdit r ' ,4' f v - ' I SWEETHEART FINALISTS . . . Vying for the title of Nebraska Sweetheart are these six coeds (back to front, left to right) Bar-, bara Bell, Barbara Adams, Marilyn Brewster, Ruth Raymond, Beth Rohwer and Phyllis Colbert (Dally Nebraskan Photo by Glenn flace.) Your Student Council . . . At its Wednesday afternoon meeting: Heard a special committee report and approved tentative dates for Band Day, Homecoming and migration. Heard reports from the Judiciary committee, elections commit tee and parking committee. Voted to mimeograph the report of the parking committee. Discussed a plan of the parking committee and voted to sub mit a suggestion for a new parking area to the Board of Regents. Expressed approval of a proposal previously passed by the Honors Convocation committee. Heard a petition from 24 organized women's groups. Debated within itself and with visitors the proposal from the women's groups. Voted to hear the other side of the controversy concerning the women's proposal. Decided to have a full page In First Glance. Appointed a committee to help the secretary. Council Passes Honors Convocation List Method The Student Council Indorsed the action of the faculty, honors convocation committee in substi tuting on the honors list the num ber of times a student's name has appeared on the list for his ac cumulative grade average. The committee and the Coun cil had previously approved the listing of grade averages. The parking committee was authorized to mimeograph a report on a parking fines sys tem before presentation of the report to the Council. The com mittee would establish another committee to hear appeals of students receiving tickets for Voice of a Great Midwestern University LINCOLN, NEBRASKA and no definite program would be Sets Banquet, u mavvf&. mnrilv in hrine the married couples into closer contact with one another. The main item on 1 f - Improper parking. This com mittee would levy fines. Two students and two faculty mem bers would constitute the com mittee. The judicial committee reported that it is now considering consti tutions from the Young Repub licans Club, the Junior-Senior Class Council, Gamma Delta Iota and Tri-Dent. The Council, through Its elec tions committee, will supervise elections at the Kosmet Klub Fall Revue Thursday night and Mortar Board elections for Elig ible Bachelors Dec. 4. Third Band Unable To Fulfill Contract The 1952 Mortar Board Ball has been cancelled. The Black Masque chapter of Mortar Board made this deci sion Tuesday night following a wire from Neal Hefti Tuesday afternoon that due to a band en gagement on the East coast he would be unable to sign the Mortar Board Ball contract It was previously announced that Neal Hefti and Francis Wayne would play for the ball. Prior to this two other bands, Ralph Marterie and Buddy Mor row, said they would be unable to keen the Mortar Board Ball, re named the Bachelor's Ball engage ment At this late date, Joan Krueger, Mortar Board publicity chairman explained, it is impossible to en - gage another name Band lor a reasonable price. Although there would be a possibility of contacting a local band for the Ball, the society felt to keep any band at this date would be unfair to the stu dents in view of the outstanding bands which will be appearing this year on the campus. Miss Krueger said that the so ciety felt that any band, within !h!."!5?lui!!Lw?uAd.?.?tiHome Economics club or from the measure up iu e Apcv uuua ui aiu- dents who were or might plan to, attend the Ball. A final attempt to contact a La"d w.aim!dI!fn"lm-0,::bers of the Home Economics club Dec. 12. Although preliminary plans for the Ball nave been made, the society felt that the potential ities of asuccessful Ball could not offset the risk involved in continuing to plan the Ball with out a definite band under con tract Plans will continue for the se lection of the six Eligible Bach elors. The six winners will be an nounced at a campus function later in the year, As yet, plans have not been'sistant is Clara Gregersen. The accent will be on "Frater nity Fantasies," Thursday when Kosmet Klub presents Its 1952 Fall Revue at 8 p.m. in the Coli seum. The "Fantasies" portray such dilemmas as "Guys and No Dolls," and the problem that "You Can't E8t A College Education." All the skits feature every thing from the kidnapping of a white queen by the blacks rifs to a campaign by Universe Uni versity for a Comet Club queen. Television fans will recognize a take-off on a television show as the Phi Delta Theta's rve their version of "The Contedy Hour." Time is turned back as the $24 sale by the Indians is re enacted in "The Big Manhat tan Bargain." The directors for the skits are Bill Devrles. Phi Delta Theta Marshall Kushner, Zeta Beta Tau; Dave Brandon, bigma Phi Epsi lon; Stu Reynolds, Beta Theta Pi; Ben Leonard, Sigma Chi; and Tom Beal, Delta Tau Delta. Hank Gibson, master of cere monies, will introduce the ell male skits and curtain acts. Gib son, during his two years at the k loads Present PetiilicEi To enf A petition to outlaw ticket bal loting by f 24 organized groups of women was presented to the Stu dent Council for action Wednes day. Secret-ballot voting by Stu dent Council members passed the following motion: "In all fairness to each and every organization concerned, individual and separate hear ings will be held by all organ izations to be presided at by the president of the Student Council with representatives of both interested parties in at tendance so that all pertinent issues of any controversy may be aired." An amendment, stating that up on having discussion from all groups concerned, a blanket de cision will be reached by the Stu dent Council which will apply to all organizations Involved, was made but not carried. Those backing the petition "ob ject to the method of selecting titles and to the method of rais ing money by method of ballot ing by ticket." The petition states that unless the Student Council takes ac tion to change the method of balloting, the backers of the f yd Thursday, November 20, 1952 made for another time to an nounce the 12 finalists for Beauty Queen which were to have been named at the Ball. Students who have purchased tickets or boutbneire receipts for the Ball will be reimbursed. HE Group To Sponsor Ag Dinner JnursdaV SmOWasbord """ jfiiwiyuswuiu ; features Swedish Theme A Swedish theme will be fea tured at the annual Home Ec Smorgasbord Thursday evening. The dinner is scheduled for the Food and Nutrition building be tween the hours of 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. Tickets, costing $1.50, amy be obtained from the members of the , tt booth in the AS Union, Food preparation for the annual pvpnt. will h done bv the mem- who is the sponsor for the smor gasbord. ' The evening menu includes Julskinkas (baked ham with pineapple), Skalaperad Potatis (scalloped potatoes), Kottbullar (meat balls), Stekt Tunga (sliced baked tongue with horse radish) and other types of vegetables, fruit concoctions, breads and desserts. General chairman for the event is Lois Kiechkhafer and her as- University has worked in thei theater. He was a leading figure1 in the Kosmet Klub spring show, "Girl Crazy." Gibson is a mem ber of Kappa Sigma. Royalty will reign at the Re vue when the 1952-53 Nebraska Sweetheart and the Prince Kos met are presented. Twelve can didates are competing for the titles. The six Nebraska Sweetheart finalists are: Ruth Raymond, editor of The Daily Nebraskan and member of Delta Gamma; Barbara Adams, Pi Beta rhl and managing editor of the Corn husker; Beth Rohwer, member of Chi Omega and Farmers Fair Board; Barbara Bell, managing editor of the Cornhusker, and member of Kappa Kappa Gam ma; Marilyn Brewster, treas urer of AWS Board and mem ber of Alpha Phi and Phyllis Colbert, member of Red Cross and Kappa Alpha Theta. Prince Kosmet finalists are: Jack Greer, member of Inno cents society and Beta Theta Pi fraternity; Pat Mallette, junior in Arts and Science and mem ber of Sigma Phi Epsllon; Joel Mead, senior in Ag College' and member of Alpha Gamma Rho; Bernard Goodman, member of Council Por Action petition will refuse to submit candidates which will be elected by ticket balloting. The dead line set by the backers of the petition is Jan. 1, 1953. Representatives from the houses endorsing the petition and mem bers of Kosmet Klub were at the meeting to voice their convictions concerning the petition. The comment was made that proof could be given to show that four houses whose names ap peared on the petition did not vote on the petition as a body, and that the names were not accurate, because of this. A representative of the petition said that in these four houses, power was given to the activities chairman of each to give a deci sion for the entire house, and therefore was accurate. The house members said that the original idea of the com mittee was that by being on ticket-selling basis, the degree of honor of winning the title is lessened. Another objection is the amount of pressure put on girls by the houses to vote. Therefore, in order to vote for a candidate, one must purchase a ticket at a set price. The boycott phrase of the peti- Estabrook Predicts Less Government "In the United States, the his torical pendulum has swung from a period of liberal legislation to a period of conservatism." That is the view Robert H. Estabrook, editorial writer for the Washington 3ost, stated in a con vocation Wednesday. Estabrook's appearance was sponsored by the School of Journalism. In delivering his views on the significance of the campaign, its results and the role of the press in the election, Estabrook said the government will undergo a period of less experimenting and more consolidating. Estabrook declared that the voters elected Eisenhower through his personal, rather than party, merits. He felt that this was illus trated by the fact that Eisenhower Mortar Board Regrets An open letter to the student body from the Mortar Board President Syvia Krasne con cerning the cancellation appears on Page 2. rnrripd a rmmhpr of states where his party's other candidates were defeated. "The Democratic party badly needed a breather," reflected Estabrook. After predicting a new attack on governmental corruption, he added, "I am suf ficiently cynical to believe that the outgoing rascals will be re placed by incoming rascals aft er some time elapses." Estabrook suggested that there will be more nroeressive men in 'positions of authority in Congress. Interpreting the role of the Teachers Honorary Plans Friday Tea Pi Lambda Theta, Teachers College honorary for women, will hold a tea from 3 to 4:30 p.m. ! Friday in Ellen Smith Hall. The tea will be for all junior and senior women in Teachers College. The purpose of the tea is to acquaint the women with each other and with Pi Lambda Theta. In the reception line will be Janice Fullerton, president; Vir ginia Cooper, vice-president; Bar bara Hershberger, recording sec retary; Mary Ann Kellogg, corre sponding secretary and Mrs. Mar ion Nickerson, sponsor. Pouring will be Miss Gertrude McEachen and Miss Jane Stewart Tau Kappa Epsllon and a sen- ber of Kappa Sigma; and Jo ior in Arts and Science; Ed Good, varsity basketball letter Berg, circulation manager of j man and a member of Sigma The Daily Nebraskan and mem- Alpha Epsilon. :W'. i ONE IS A PRINCE . . . Competing for the title of Prince Kosmet are (left to right) Joe Good, Ed Berg, Pat Mallet, Joel Mead and Bernard Goodman. Jack Greer is the sixth competitor. (Daily Nebraskan Photo by Glenn Place.) tion was discussed and questioned as to its legality of going against possible negative Council deci sion. The petition committee pointed out that it was not a ques tion of legal matters. The houses merely would 'not wish to put up a candidate." This would in no way go against Student Coun cil action, they said. Another point brought up against the current ticket bal loting method was that many Lincoln people attending the presentations, whatever they may be, are not vitally inter ested in who wins the title. One house representative said it has been noticed that often some University students "in struct" the Lincoln people for whom to vote. Miss Mary Mielenz, Student Council adviser, said 6he was pleased with the women's action in this matter. She said it was a definite improvement to see action coming from students, and not from Student Council or fac ulty alone. To the Council members, she said, "As Council members, If you don't like what some organiza tions are doing in elections, you have the right to change it." eprsfif,s mm v& mmw nflfwi aPSfli Experimenting press In the election, Estabrook declared that the majority of editorial opinions coincided with the views of the public as it evaluated the news columns. Though the majority of news papers supported Eisenhower, Es tabrook stated that Stevenson benefited greatly through publi city which transformed him from a little-known individual to one of national importance. Dr. Franklin Lauds U.S. Ag Research Large Territory Slows Research In Australia ' Dr. M. C. Franklin of Sydney, New South Wales, principal re search officer of the Common wealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization in Aus tralia, speaking before the Ne braska extension service, said that the organization of agricul tural research and extension in the United States is to be envied. He emphasized that there Is little comparison between the research organizations in this country and in Australia. In his native country, difficulty is encountered in getting the re sults of research to people who use them because of the large amount of territory to cover. But recently steps have been taken to remedy this situation. One of the main jobs of his extension service is to interpret the research results to farmers. He added that in the "Land Down Under," the research organiza tions fire independent whereas in the U. S. they are a part of col leges. After Dr. Franklin's talk, Dean W. V. Lambert of the College of Agriculture outlined the organ ization of research along regional lines for the extension workers who were attending their annual conference. R. G. Ford, an extension eco nomist, spoke on "Integrating Research and Extension." And techniques of "Putting Research to Work" in Kansas was the topic of a talk by R. I. Throck morton, Dean Emeritus of Kan sas State College. E. W. Janike, associate direc tor of the Nebraska Agricultural Extension Conference, presented summary of the conference. ,i I 1 .V- i,