The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 17, 1952, Image 1

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    Norma Loithrofp Crowned Pej?;QEaeen for I9J3 Momemmm
Reigning as the 1953 Home
coming Queen w ill b blonde
junior, Norma Lothrop.
Announced at the Saturday
night Homecoming dance, Miss
Lothrop was presented with
the other four finalists.
She was elected frem At
finalists by an AU-rnlrer-
alty Tote Nov. 7. Her Identity
was keen secret until the
presentation at the dance.
The new Queen, who will
reign at the '53 Homecoming
game, is a Spanish major in
the College of Arts and
Sciences. She is a member of
the YAVCA cabinet, proofreader
for the 1952-53 Student Direc
tory, Tassel publicity chairman
and a member of Alrha Phi.
Also presented at the Home
coming dance were Barbara
hell, Connie Clark, Darlene
Goodding, and Susan Bern
hardt, Homecoming Queen fin
alists, i'ollowinr her presentation,
the fear finalists danced with
members of Corn Cobs In
Miss Lothrop's honor.
Barbara Hershberger'i reign
as Homecoming Queen ended
when Miss Lothrop was an
nounced as her successor. Miss
Hershberger is also a member
of Alpha Phi.
Duties of the new Queen
will include reigning over
the 195$ Homecoming parade
and an official presentation
at the ram. She will preside
as Queen watfl the 1953
Homecoming dance when her
successor will be named.
Finalists for the Homecom
ing Queen title are selected
from the Tassels by the mem
bers. To qualify, a coed must
be either a sophomore or jun
ior. The finalists are an
nounced at a pep rally prior to
Homecoming weekend.
III IV i 0) Krv IW6
Volco of a Great Kirfwosfera Vahenlty
VOL 52 No. 45
Monday, November 17, 1952
:i ;.'iiV;;!f;.i. :, W.Slrl nilimnillnH .1
pBdtes, Tiro elfts' ospfeyi 'Wood
I. .
f ad
LATEST QIXEX . . . Presented at the Homecoming dance Satur
day might was the 155 Homecoming Qneen Norma Lothrop. Miss
eLthrop was selected by an AU-Cnivrsity rot from a group of
tire f inalists. (U of X photo.)
Migration To Columbia Set For Oct. 24
With Homecoming At Colorado Game
Fiji's, TC
Win Parade
Phi Gamma Delta, men's divi
sion; Towne Club, women's divi
sion snd Cosmopolitan Club, hon
orary division were selected as the
winners of the Homecoming
Honorable mention for the divi
sion were men's, Tau Kappa
Epsilon; women's. Student Union:
and honoraries, Ag Men's Club, j
The parade was composed of 52
floats for the three divisions. I
The winners of the individual
classes were awarded traveling
tropnies at tne nomecoitung dance
Tentative dates for ibe
Student Migration, Bard
Horrteccarang and Dad's Day were
set Friday noon fcy a representa
tive stydent-faculty-Bdmmirtrative
As plans stand now subject ;
t Student Council approval,
disapproval or revision, the sec
end fcome football rime next
fill Miami n Oct. 13 will be
the day en whk-h bands from
tiich schools all ever the state
come to Ltncoln to put e a half -
time show at the football gxme,
1S5S11S52 trips to loth Boulder, Colo,'
uay.'and Lawrence, Kan.
Tentative committee action
kas empowered certain people to I
make necessary arranretnents
for the migration without, .
nowever, planning on a com '
anon carrier to transport the stu
dents to Columbia and without
making the rnirersity respen- j
sable for the trip. I
The nest special event week end
on the ISS3 calendar is tentatively
scheduled far Xcv. 14 4he Colo-1,
J. G. Elliott
NU Regent
Scottsbluff Man
Replaces GriswoJd
J. C Effiotf, Scottsbluff insur.
anoe man. has been appointed to
:The Universitv- of Nebraska Board
the Cornhuskars meet tbe unrper- ttlus decision was: 1) the Uni-i"i -P181 01
liw-jrjc jurwugut VrrlSWOia.
Elliott was appointed by Gov.
Val PetersMi when Grtswnld,
elected to the Senate for s twn
year term, reskned.
Elliott is SS and a 1817 graduate
of the University. His appoint
ment is effective Jfov. 17 and w2Q
ran until Janttary, 1S5S.
mtfhit ico!. k- " ' "stmuaa. nswoa
The cmnmitiee tfwlc i action
ity of Missouri The committee versity ould plan the same re
3edded discard use of 'offidar oeptjoa far Colorado Students as
er unofficial'" in ref erenoe to stu- their school did for Nebraska rto
ent imigratioRS beranse of 13 dents this fall; 2) stademte would
misunderstanding that arose about find more Toorn for cniginalty in
jTT.mmjiwrvmi-ng displays KSITlg the
llColarado theme; 3) at present the
j date does mot conflict with or
MTcerlap other student activifies
n strttimr the date for the an
nual Dad's Day tinee this event
Is sponsored Iry the Innocetits
Society.. Hewievr, f the three
tame rames which the oem
tnittee nchednled a speraal ac
tivity Sept I S, Oct. Si and
Nov. 21, the October and No
vember dates were felt t be the
most advantareous weekend en
whuih to have the parents of stu
dents rveste of the University.
The committee was called at the
suggestion of the Student Council
!that a representatite group meet
early in the year to work out the
entire fall schedule the schedule
hirving to do with football games.
'Eldon Park, Council member and
Chairman of the 1B52 migration,'
'called and headed the committee,
Other members f the cwm- I
' mittre are: Corn Cons and Tas
sels renredentctives, Jim Weber
and Cniiie Clark; Council rrp
reiientative and Presifient Wayne
White; Dean of Women, Mar- '
Jorie Jlohnston; Dean f Stndent
Affairs. J. P. Colbert; Conductor
tor of I'nSvcrMty Bands, Don ;
Lcntr; Director of Athletics
Georre Totey" Clark; Daily ;
Nrtrrwikan representative and
Editor, ttuth Haymond; and
cnairman Park.
The 1B58 f ootbaU schedule, as at
stands now, is: Sept. 1ft, Orepon at
Tt will be impossible for me
to attend many meetings of the
beard after the bejinninr of the
new Tear, and I am resignlnr at
this time so that my successor
will bave the opportunity to be
come aounaiatod with the many
important problems that will be
presented to the beard during
the next few mouths."
Elliott's daughter. Dofothy, 3s a
senior in Teachers College at the
5 -
t '
SAM, Pi Phi's Place
2nd In Decorations
and shol, advertising manager of
Tvon Magee'a, Charlotte Workman of
HovLisfc - Swanson, and three
Beta Theta Pi fraternity
Delta Delta Delta sorority
v . " -"members of the University staff,
women's house decoration con- a j, prankforter, Frank Hall
tests at the 1952 University 'gren and Manfred Keiier.
Hamecoroing. J Thirteen sororities, 20 frstern-
Xame of winners in each di- bs and two independent student
vision were announced at the houses participated in the bouse
Homecomine dance Saturdav eve-;disp!ay contest. The members of
nine, along with winners in the Innocents Society
float competition of that mora'
POSITTTK BETAS ... "Three Sure Tatars won first place in
the men's bncses divisions for Beta Theta Pi fraternity tn the
traditional Eomeoamtnr house deeoratSons contest. Aceordinf to
the Betas, the three sure thinrs are Death, Taxes and Victory over
the Gopher. (C of X photo.)
,,!' : 1 tt -" "-
'Ml wv-'
a F n i.
Resigned By
Fritz Daly
Secretary-Treasurer j
Will Enter New Field
Fritz Daly lias resigned Jrom his
position as secretary-treasurer c-I
the University Alumni Association,
Eugene C Dinsmore, Association
President, announced Saturday.
Dinsmore said that the Asso
ciation's boar of directors ac
cepted the resignation -"with
deep regret.'" Daly, who has
Iweu seretary-reasnrer sinoe
is4f wfan toe snooeeded Els-
wwrth DnTean, resigned to crrtrr
another field, Dinsmore said.
Daly made ao announcement of
Ids future plans.
Before coming to Lincoln ais
alumni secretary, Daly was state
editor lor the Omaha World
Herald. The board named Miss 'Verne da
Thitney, .assistant secretary, as
acting secretary, effective Dec. L
Dinsmore was authorized to ap
point a committee to study (quali
fications of applicants far the
In accepting Daly's resignEfion,
the board said: "The Association
lias -made -creat strides Hinder his
leadershin. and its progress voider! Lincoln: Sept 26, Illinois atCham-
liis aarrunistration will be a great paign; Oct. S, Xansas State at
challenge to his successor. Manhattan; Oct. 10, Tttsburgh at
"His outstanding .contribution to Pittsburgh; Oct 17, Miami at Lin
ths growth of the Association, I coin; Oct 24, Missouri t Coluro
through constant .contact -with thefbia; Oct II, Kansas University at
ananv local orcanizations and his Lincoln: Nov. U, Iowa State at
attendance at Alumni Club meet-1 Ames; mor. a, uoioraao at iun- ior an cxammanon. i jusi came that the aelectaon would e maae
Second place in the men's
bosses division went to Strata
Alpha Ma and third to Phi
Gamma Delta, Three aoaorobte
mentions were Phi Kappa Psi.
attractiveness; Theta S3, execu
tion; and Delta Tau Delta,
Pi Beta Phi placed second
among the women's houses. Delta
Gamma was third, and honorable
1TivT- fJmma Phi Rta
execution; and Alpha 33 Delta,
The wtnadnr Beta Theta PI
decorations wore built around
Three Sure Thinrs death,
taxes and victory over 1he
Gophers. The Delta Delta Delta
decorations featured a product
known as "Slopeut, manufac
tured by the "Glassford Co."
and tnaranteed to make
Gophers "ro poof."
Judges were -Marjorie Menf-jday.
condinrted the
'contest under the direction of
Chairman Bob LaShelle.
The decora tiocs were judred
a sire, orUmality, movement
and the centering of the them
around the rame of the week
and welcome to alumni.
leefs 12
Hall Voting Climaxes
Two-Day Campaigning
Nominations were Tuesday-
the Campaigning was Wednesday and
to 4 tt
AUF Reveals
Activity Queen
"STOP 3C ... Delta Delta Delta sorority wen first place la
the women's benses division In the University Bomecominr bouse
decorations contest. Their decorations advertised "Stepem," a
product which would make the Gophers r pooL U of X
ICosmet l(lub To Consider
Change In Voting Method
ran the political week of
the three dorm: tones which com
prise Residence Halls for Women.
Thcee sets of officers were elected.
Freshmen EH aO offices in
Beppner Halt They are: Cathy
Olds, prestdent; Charlene Inr
ana, vice-president; Charlotte
Dafoe, secretary; and Doris
11111 m .i ill
I chosen by their activities as can-l IfT J,re.
1 didates for the AU Unrverstyi-aBn- S&teJaxaat
i Fund Activity Queen will be Gable, presnSent: Shirley Decker.
jiidged Wednesday from 7 to vwe-piresaeni; ??s
'Ipjn. in Union Room 313. ;hretary; and Marce?yn Dednci,
j The one EnaDv chosen to reign 801581 3i:aiman
''over the AUP Anctjcm this year! Elected at RavTDorjd EaU were
'(will be announoed just before the one freshman and three sopbo
f Auction Dec. lfi. Jraores. Freshman Carol Thomp-
I The candidates and their posi- 'son tops the list as president Vir-
WWU UJU. fc- JWK C - ' -
tmrirnr- R'TnifTw9 RtflT freaninv 1 Mivamoto. secretary and Eetea
' of the Barb Activities Board lor Ixanax is social
Staff ffrtter ,
Jones Oh, nry wife peBters roei -" vnvwn.wuii vnivnitvj v.i
a lot vy asking me for money all The method of selecting the
VfTf1 St '1852 Nebraska Sweetheart and
tired to death and she says noth-i - . , . . . .
tag but "moneT. snonev. monev' Trmx osmet will be decided -by
All the time it's give me a -dollar, 'Xosrnet IQub members at a spe-
gne me wt collars, g:re me 75 -cuu rneexing ai
neither surrestioB was accepted
by Kosmet Khtb.
Coed finalists for the Nebraska
Women; Janice Harrison, Daily:
Jfebraskan reporter: Beverly
Davis, handicrafts chairman of
Red Cross; Donna Elliott, Actjvj-'
ties Mart chairman for the Associ
ated Women Students. '
Jo Johnson, publicity cisirman
and scruad leader for Tassels;
Bobs "What cm earth does
do with all that -money?
Jones I doEl Smew. I never
give her airy.
Vk on Phone: John Smith
Is sik and cant come to class
today. Be requested me to no- :
tify yon.
Enrltah Prof: All rifht TTb
! this speaking?
Toioe: This is icy roommate.
Doctor Say "Ah.
Patient But, doc, I didnt come
5 p.m. Monday.
Don Dcvries
lute recom
mended that
a committee
composed of
Boards, Inno
cents and the
ILosmet Xhfb
x ccattre
beard nelec
the Jffebrasica
i r
Tuesday the nominafions
mittee of the haEs decided
slates for each of the t&ree halls.
Wednesday campaigning on a
fufl scale beraau The canrpairn
Ing was distinreisbed by cards
bung on individual door knobs,
announcing each faction's par
ticular candidates.
Also there were the usual
Berrveta Rosenacmist, a section bead
CUJ OU i j- , i . f
Swcetbeart title we: Barbara os m
caymona ana jsem norrwer. Xrr - n', Ar,r-.i A third feeture were
Prince Kosmet finalists are: Ed fn- thi arm Rir.nlt nct- trumpeting someone's candidacy.
Joel Mead. jl 7 WCA and Religious Wel-
xrEternities participating in the fare Council will also have can
all-male revue are: Beta Theta Pi, 'didates.
jjeita Tau EeJa, Sigma Cbi, Sig-
Hemphill,.. .
dinner interrupting the peaoenii
sanction of the dining roams.
Those elected will hold cfSce
Ifor the remainder of the year.
ma Phi Epsilon, Phi Delta Theta
and Zeta Beta Tau. Alpha Tau
Omega and Beta Sigma Psi will
CmmecUncofri star 'submit curtain acts. j
Dcvries .
Sweetheart and Prine Kosmct.
It was
ings. has been stimulation
Inspirational to alL
and I coin: and Nov.
2, Oklahoma 1
.0 pay any bilL
i Doo AhhhhhbJ
Blasts, Booms r Burning Dcirps
w mm m m irua w
Issue trom nouse u
Feature F.ditor
Crundhl Crash'! Eattlfi! Bo Bo
"Ha! Battleground!
A carnival of sound color anfl
pledge power UBhered in the 1B52
decoration .mspiBy rnaay nigm.
atic ""Madman CJlaBBford" wear
ing a Toman .drartery sand a violin
fiddled -while SDT pledges bar
becued a gopher. "'.Goriher Burns
while GHassford liddles you
On ground a two-story
a nmriFBfl inmfiK that Thnw Sizzled KGlaKBfordian head gobbled opb-
in Trench and collapBd 4n chem- ierbergej'K, ichomped, spit out bones
istry batched -out .dozens oI ideas and iaughea wna lauitnea.
ach .calculated In beat anything 'chefs ai Phi Gammi Delta sold
the neighbors could -dream mn.
Origmality 1852 was -"better
than ever beJnre., as the our- 1
rent brand of originality nas
been lor the Hast 42 years.
The smiling lane oI Busker
mentor Bill vGlaBSIord seemed to
take precedence over the msual
mighty -gridder. ""Sniiling Bill"
beamed -over the campus Irom
nomtage points in front of the Phi
3um house. amma Phi Beta and
EDI. Be played -every tiling from as
angel to a madman.
The CJammn IhTs "'Smiling
TilU,'' bis little pink feet tnruBt
into TLoman vundals anfi the re-
, muinder ml bis subntuntiality
thrust into a Crecian drapery
pnemd throufb the rldea gates
f "Busker BeKven," where be
Teijrnefl supreme surrounded iy
Taluxy of chemhimic line
men. Across the fraternity row Adrl
'gopherbercerB" to passerby, pro-
cfiedi; to .charity.
The carfl section rot 1b a
practice -early at the Alpha Tun
Omega nouse 'Where a minia
ture card section flashed t"oni
a sniniature stadium the snes
sage, "Kattifigrnnnd, Cio Tor
Broke, Bripht Tiotoi-y, Satur- :
fiuj' Berft."
Beta Theta Pi adfled another
sure tiling to the traditional two
a giant hunker an the front
b'ard methoditiaily sguashed the
hie -out 'Of a Gopher,
:3B mm. when the "beBer '
snuKica" flirwcd rut f the TK
system aoroas several hundred
steeping are?
Through the front yard of the
literary-minded Phi Beta Pbfs
marched the -"Pied Piper of Bus-
keriand .drowning the onending
Goahers to Ihp tatal irhr if riR-
ffeat. - '
Cars jammed thick on fralern-.
ity tow to see the craftBmanBtup
of the Unrvereity, but a train Tan
on -'S" Street The Alpha PhTr.
hwelcomed grads "aboard" the Phi
depress which chugged through
the yard,
A werntarlan Gopher -with a
atose like Undulph and teeth
like scoop shovels tiaJted dis
vacytti before an car of oorn
to frig for him in the Theta1
Although no -one crewled un
der the carousel to see, it is be
lieved the Sammies talked a kind'
1 ana rnam ikmain. m
&,!5DX Selects
2 Delegates
balloting by tickets, Thursday,
ot xne Josmei ajuu
the uiCht
Mortar Board Fresldent Syria
-Sraane and innocent President
Don 9obie agreed Tnursday to
serve on the committee if De
vriew flaa is approved by
ICosmet X3ub members.
Devries told The Daily Ne-
fbrEEkan, Saturday, be was an Sa-
ror ol rpvamping the past eiecnon
hmethod because lot of reports
have reached me that there was a
movement on to stamp out tbu
The XX Fresiaent was pre
sumably referring to the recent
proposal of womens ersssuKS
tions, wninh wiB be voted on
Monday might to twyontt ticket
balloting elections.
This proposal, Devries ieel,
1T0 Convention
Ken Uystrom, student delegate,!
and Dr. JL B. Blumberg, alternEte
proJessiDnEl "delegate, will attend
the Sigma Delta Chi convention
held in Denver next "Wednesday
through Saturday.
Dr. Blumberg, assistant profes
sor of jotirnaliEm, will also par
ticipate in the National Corjven
tion of Editorial Writers, which as
meeting in Ztenver at the same
P.M. Headlines
Staff Writer
Truman To Meet Ike Tuesday
wvcmiHCT1 tpttwi A"K m'tn imBPt Presidenl-eSert DwirM ESseE-
(hower Tuesday for a private discussion before holding their formal
inonlerenoe on the change of aDmirustrBtions. jtresiaeiradi iwcreiuy'Pr Tnhlrr ssdfl there will be o time limit on the talk. After
'fihe personal session Truman and Eisenhower will be ioined by their
With Truman win be Secretary of Stale Dean Acbeson, De
fense Secretary Eobert level. Treasury Secretary John Snyder and
Mutual Security Director W. Averill Earriinan. Ssn. Henry Cabot
LDdfe and banker Joseph M- Doage wall aoeompany iiisennower.
iiodge plunged into a stream of Tnilitary and iiplomatir secrets
to brief Eisenbower. Be said ba work wiB be "largely in secret
fields and will Teguiie a virtual ssews blackout. He said the
people wrSi whom be is working want fix talks to be "cOTfidentiar
becB-use they ""involve national security J"
Much of Lodge's mission will center on the Stele and Defense
Departments with emphasis on the Korean War and TJiierfbower
coming trip to the batUcfront. Be will confer with lioveti at t&t
"time. Be win spend much of bis
time taking part an a 19CEW panel
which will analyze editorial pages
of leading American newspapers.
Pentagon Monday.
Reclamation Group Approves Wcter rrogrom
Umtrt Tnuirmul mmvr Tinlimr SrJtj!Tir.ima with th irrminifie that CsM3
Dr. W. W. Swindler, dirertor irreBE jj to recerce a $2,3Oti,ODtif00Q proposed six -year reclamatim
the School f Journalism, will also -nnctrurfimi mnm P.sclatnutioti CominiEsioner Michael W.
hwas taking -"Kosmet IQnb tunc- attend both the JOCEw and the 3-, Isi& program would financially equal mil funds arrested
tions away from K.osmet Jub" feigma Xtelta cm coirvenUon. HJej-m rrXtmstirm in so mt it smH& cnit
and fhereiore is in fsrporof chang- Goodrich, president of the student 1 -h rrrm,m 4 fta wrwrrtnd lo the ww Ptmlalican-crHS-
ing the voting method. Sigma Delta Chi chapter, -will be t-Tu.rt ConiTress under a repuest voted tar the out-coing Democrrtie
The past method ol ipoting was anottier obBerrer at toe E-igma A-,--, v. r fTsri t rn tw4
recently ana-h-zed by Student 'Delia Cm com?eirtion,
Council's judiciary committee.
Taken tunder considerHtion was PJffrFia Tft-rrT? w
Hosmet IDib's TOlicr tf oermit- -"-
ting anyone attending the Tail CvIaim4a4 ftnr T"tr
Kerue to mrte. The Council coro-'Snaea WHS UOy
miixee lett tnsa. voting stiauld be
,ina tDongress. Straus said as an aftermath of the recent election that
'(reclamstion was "cemented more sojifily than erer into tbe strnctare
jol EKtioniil policy, nstioral tradition, and tnational life."
Lleter Hep. IvEHler, KebraEka congressmm expected to be Ci.iir
an cf the House Committee bandling jeclamstioa legMatin,
Ihe experts the rew Congress to hr "a greet deal ci enomETpemTOt
to Jeasible irrigation projects, errwciiLy tbose wzacn wTiii txe'p
The indirinal Dictate -deaaiine
Vaguely familiar, lut with ihearted car 'dealer .Dirt of a dis- limited to University students and lor the Comhusker ias been . rrfh mA ci n ivHrm
the Phi Delta Thta morieland tear un pledges. That was arty.
through wliich tlie Hushers
J'hi Hanpa Tai may lirve
reen p.ralwfl for their aop
opera" on Triflsy tikUt, but did
they reoeive the same brand of
praise n fiuturflny morning
cs- a otrofce ta genius, except that
the pledges had to carry it to the
There were many snore dis
plays, but TSouh IffetMrtej-a supply
of two sj-llable adjectives is rr
hausted. a
The eommittee rsRommenfieS
that E-owmrt X3uh either sell a
dierent colured ticket to iis
ouln persons which woulii pre
sent them from nttlne r to,,
renwe the ballot trtvb nelore
they cll the ticket. Htrwrvex,
Students who lirve not- liad
) their pictures taken may report to
Iradfa To Propose Wcr Prise mr Tlsn
"UKTTED K ATI 0!CS, N.Y. India is reportfid wcrkirg m
lCohin Be;tTi studitw any time ,posal .calling for a Sour-power protective croup to haniie rp
jTuesday. Students who nave had tion of prisoners is Korea. It is being saggested, idiplorastse jtssr-
taeir pictures taeen ano are ters said, taat Poland, C5cnosjxn,tia, tweflen nfl t-wjtise-iasiS
asked to pick up their pronis and Imake v.p the prolerte srotrp. They said the plaa would p:4 t
return them to Colrin Beyn after jlrrored ty TTaahi.r.r,on Vat thri frienily ddegstisns asre tryteg t
chooBing the one they Lke. iiTercome 'fjectiaas.