The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 11, 1952, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Poge 4
Tuesday, November 11, 1952
ml BeaiiiQ Crowned Wheat Queen
T-v -jjp- """ 'rrr ''"1n'"nwtTII'T1"fiW'wlllllll'(l''ll'l'W1'11'111' wmiiww'- wwjiui)iiiuiiijjiiiuiiiiawL'y''''iiwii
, j It ,
Courtesy Stnr
CAROL ANN BE ATI IE . , . Crowned Wheat Queen of 1952 Fridc.y
t the Nebraska Wheat Show in Hastings. Miss Beattie is a fresh
man in Ag college.
Polio Fails To Halt HC
Activities For 35 Houses
Carol Ann Beattie, Ag college
freshman was crowned Wheat
Queen of 1952, Friday.
Nebraska Wheat Show which
was held fit Hastings, presented
their annual queen at the climax
ing session of the show.
Candidates were selected by the
participants of the show. For
each 10 samples of grain that
was presented by a group or an
individual one name was sub
mitted for the queen's contest.
The Wheat Show was under the
direction of the tiram Improve
ment Association and the Uni
versity's Agronomy Department.
Michigan Prof
Will Address
Bizad Session
Prof. A. W. Paton of the Uni
versity of Michigan will be the
guest speaker at the technical ses--
sion of the Omaha chapter of the
National Association of Cost Ac
countants Nov. 18.
Professor Paton, who is one
of the conntry"s leading accoun
tants and is editor of the "Ac
countant's Handbook" Will speak
on "Shirt Sleeve Economics."
R. C. Dein, professor of ac-
peee!h, Ciascuns Barriers In ECors
leporfs Irtev Mi
"People are people; they are hu
man beings wherever you go. We
need to break down the barriers
of language and custom -and get at
the man underneath."
Major Earl W. Bihtmeyer be
lieves that the barriers of Ian
able. Now associate professor of
military science and tactics at the
University, the Major returned
from Korea in February where he
served at the United Nations Re
ception Center of the U. S. 8th
Army. And was military advisor
guage and custom are surmount-lto the Thailand battalion.
Union Display To Trace
History Of Architecture
A comprehensive photographic
history of American architecture
will be placed on display in the
Union lounge Monday.
The exhibit. Which will re
main on display until Nov. 25,
has been prepared by life
magazine. There are 47 photo
traphic panels. This display Is
sponsored by the House and
Office Committee headed by
Bridget Watson.
Enlarged photographs trace the
historv of American architecture
from its -earliest beginning to the
their adaptation to changes In
climate, materials, etc., in the
new world will open the ex
hibition. Four leading architects. Mcln-
tire, Bulfinch, Jefferson and Lat
robe, were chosen to represent
the transition from colonies to
Republic. The last panels are
devoted to a selection of houses
of the past decade.
Houses U.S.A. was organized by
tne editors of Life for the Inter
national Office of the National
Gallery of Art, Washington. Sets
with Portuguese and Spanish texts
have been prepared for eircula-
.... TT , ,. , . . . . , ;ion, associate proiessor oi ac- colonial, nouses or xne
1952 Homecoming house judging the decorations will beic0l,ntinS, and others from the public, Greek Revival, G
ions will be slightly lack-jsize, originality movement and College of Business Administra- vival, Eclectic and Mode
present day. The theme is de
veloped and expanded in seven
counting, and George M. Darling-; general division: First Houses, Ujon by the Inter-American Of
ton, associate professor ot ac- Colonial, Houses Of the New Ke- fice throughout Latin America.
Gothic Re- .
Modern. Each
Ing this year because some houses!! centering of the theme around tion rcpr0Sent the University section is introduced' by a para-:"' to1- tarey TO Talk
have donated their Homecoming &toaJM;,, T mfrgA T .T, aph -f" f T 'Z iLi Afm!At Air KOTC MeeHna
f.. n tu T.L1-fl "V? members of the Omaha chapter of, ,can architecture of the last three, v.
v. w .w. v..... x-.Ua, tvnuus uiiineuia iNACA and members of the Ne-
of the houses are planning to have; following the rally. Ihraska Society of Certified Public
a display along with giving to the
police fund.
The houses which will parti
cipate In Homecoming are Kap
pa Delta, Alpha Xi Delta, Kap
pa Alpha Tbeta, Theta Chi, Del
ta Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsi
lon. Pi Beta Phi, Delta Gamma,
Alpha Phi, Gamma Phi Beta,
"Sigma Phi Epsilon, Men's Dorm,
Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Kappa
OmegaZeta Tau, Sigma Delta Potion of the entries.
Ta, Beta Sigma
hundred years.
Maps and -drawings of the
Importation of the 17th century
European building forms and
Winners of the two divisions Of ! Accountants will attend the iweN
the house displays will be award-j ing.
ea we traveling trophy by the
CSomln? JSTu" NUCWA Members Must Pay Dues,
winners are Sigma Chi Jot thel... I a. T M Cl
fraternities and Alpha Xi Delta Allien O fYieeTinq I O VWIC IXCAI aMIIIlM
NUCWA members must meet Thursday.
The Center was set p to pro
cess UN troops other than those
of the United States or Republic
of Korea. Troops received In
cluded those frm Thailand,
France, Netherlands Belgium
luxemborg, Turkey, Ethiopia,
Greece, British Colombia and
An Indian Ambulance Corps
and some Philippine contingents
were also received.
The mission of the center was
to orientate the troops on the Ko
rean topography and the war, to
supply them with equipment ani
arms and to furnish necessary
training. Special types of training
were requested by some of the
The barriers of language and
customs did slow the proceeduro
down somewhat, the major re
ported. Everything had to be done
through interpreters for no
American could speak any of the
Every detachment which the
Center received had English
speaking personnel, mostly offi
cers who had studied English in
Institutions of higher education
in their own countries. EngMsh
seemed to be required course
in many Of the twin tries.
Among the Interesting prob
lems bandied by the center waa
that of diet. A majority of the
troops had their own ideas about
food they preferred their own.
The Thailanders desired rice as
the bulk ot their diet. The Turk
ish people do not eat porlr. Rice
had to be added to the rations ot
the Thailand troops and a special
supplement to take the place I
pork had to be prepared for the
Turks. Many of these people are
accustomed to highly seasoned
food and the Center used a large
amount of hot sauces and season
ings the major said.
Difficulties sometimes atvwe
In teaching the troops to wse
American equipment. For exam
ple, one unit brought three large
pots to do their cooking in. Their
idea of cooking in the field con
sisted of throwing ill the food
available into the pots and stir
ring it up with a stick. It teok
time to tearh them the use of
American gasoline field ranges.
Major Bihlmeyer has written ai
article, "'Wartime Educstion In
Korea," which will appear in a
forthcoming issue of The School
Executive. The magazine will be
available in Love Memorial Li
brary. The article was written
One of the outstanding exam-
barrier occured When the Thailand i! bf?tiP,s ade by thC
battalion, with which the Major wiajor wm,e m Ivorea-
served as military adviser, was He attended a field day. akin
Lt Tol r.arcv will thp main hioved into the lines to relieve !to those held by grade schools
speaker at a meeting of the Air tne French battalion. The relief in America and visited the Min
ROTC Command Squadron in the!was conducted in three languages; listry of Education as well as eon
Military and Naval Science Build- French, German ' and Siamese. Ifering with many school teachers
ing Wednesday at 7 p.m. (borne ot the Tharianders knew t.
His topic will be 'Air Research little French; some of the French
and Development Programs." knew a little German and some
The meetine is oDen to all basic of the Thailanders knew a little
AROTC students.
Plans will be for several social
functions and possibilities of stu
The relief was conducted at
night and the Chinese, the maior
Hall, Theta Ki, Delta Delta Del- Mil CrAnAmetc DJ Dl-M!l
ta, Phi Delta Theta, Kappa Sig- 1 ' twIIIIOid I ICUIWI IXCIUIl
ma, Sigma Na, Alpha Tau me- ' 9
Beta Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Prime T PAmmn f mc
Kappa Psi, Farmhouse and Sig- 1 iw iWIHUill VWI 11 V4I II
ma ivappa. University food economics be-
'Points which will be used in lieve that prices of food at retail
will average approximately the
same in 1953 as in 1952.
Although they forsee a lessen-
for the sororities,
The regulations governing the two oualifieations in order to vote 1. The dues. SI a year, must be -fivincr BMi,Ma ,;u k y&Ufivix -nowr vnm that thA v,
decorations set a limit of $50 ex- for officers next spring and be paid by Jan. 16. However, Miss!cussed pledging will be held at 'change had been made although
pcnuiiuies iur uie uispiavs ana a engiDie lor a position as an oi- Krueger urgea mat iney oe paiu a ater meeting. they were in position on a nearby
ucauiiuc oi a p.m. r naay ior com- ncer or Doara memoer Joan K.ruc- earner.
iger, president of NUCWA, said Members may pay at any of
the mass meetings berore tne
deadline. The meetings will be
held Nov. 13, Dec. 11 and
Jan. 15, 1953. Students not pay
ing at the meetings may con
tact Neale ODell or Pat Allen.
2. Students must attend at least
meetings before the
Lutheran Dedicators
NU Personnel
Attend State
Dean's Convo
and winter. But. on the other
hand, they foreast less consump
tion of pork butter, canned veg
etables and tree nuts per psr- i
Taking a look a little further
f tnrmt jt. Jt f'
spring conference March 4, 5 and gmmr .
U. AaCUUaiiVt " lit l i.ix.
seven meetings neia
Kofrti 4 Via K . i i ... . W
rrr ff tnfri rrr Arrn9J -f .r'U i iri T ft ThO "f 1 1 1 1 1t- Tha ftrtnnnfnicfc
and other exported food products, !xPfct everyone will eat more AetiVltV 01)6611
, , ... ... . ..... -beef, veal, chicken, margarine, 1 1 J
they say this will have little ef-froz'n frui sweet otaio and
feet on retail food prices in th? 'vegetables, both frozen and fresh. Ci mM IjAfaH 1 1 rk
U.S. land will drink more frozen and1 Hilly wcuw"1
The sunnlv nf frorl will 'h.-.'cannea rruit juices than eaten ann
Tpnriri iho :toto Ttnn t tir ... inrunK in Aisn p n,
. . ..... tiia rtxu. VJ 1 ri U CI iHaar V tha emma ! Kli- n t rrr ....... : - " ' '
rv,m,nt; tt); m...-. it . . . ta" """ eggs, turkey and butter will be
Thnw ft """""'-iw aue to this yar-s good har-(consumed per person. I Filings are open for Activities
inose attending were Dean;vests and marketing of a larg- They conclude with the belief. Queen according to Harriet
marjOne JOhnSOn, ASSt. Deaninnmhp. nf farm nrwHt'fViat m5rl-o)in nf moat Dnimolc WpnlfO r"hn!rmiin flf Srwial
Tive University personnel at-
'drunk in 1952. Also, less pork, I 1 A Af I CL
Helen Snyder, Asst. Dean Mary
Augustine, Miss Katherine Parks
and Gertrude Carey. A former
university student teaching in
the economists.
On one hand, they say that
each person will eat more beef,
veal, turkey, eggs, oranges, froz-
Margarine than he ate last fall
Hastings, Peggy Mulvaney, also en fruits and vegetables and
Delegates from the universities,
colleges, high schools and grade
schools throughout the state at
jnormal than that of this year.
128 Students
Honorary Initiates Leave Today
The keynote address was deliv- NU CheiTI StUCJentS Kr Sommnr
wed by Prof. Harold Ahrendts of!
Kearney State Teachers Colleee , totePnTaTm.e Ai en and Mary Mil- lean nominate a cand
He snoke on U vTrini, t,vti: Jff S311. University students, and' New York City will be the des-iBAEW Cornhu.kpr
couS,fnJHerS!Plf!Bernice Mantor from Kearney. tlnation of 28 University studentship 5nornh'
counseling and nnihlA '.!.. eem,ce cantor irom Kearney
xo any of the problems arising.
and production of fruits and vege- Events for the All University
tables will be on the increase "f Fund.
I the weather of next year is morel The Activities Queen will be se
lected from sophomore nominees
of the various campus activities.
Deadline for filing is Nov. 14.
Harriett Wenke, Chairman of
Special Events for the AUF said
that the various activities on cam
pus have been asked to select a
sophomore candidate for Activi
ties Quesn.
The eleven organizations that
candidate are the
The Daily
Nebraskan, Coed Counselors
f t . J.1 ',.,m"JrT"'"lmv wmm tgZi TILLl
ih- -ilk . . ..... j ... ...-?Jr.ik .,,..... . .
r r I - m - ... I
r A 1 S t 1 t - - r
x f
and pupils.
Major Bihlmeyer was recently
awarded the Commendation
Ribbon with Metal Pendant for
meritorious service In Korea
from Dec. 14, 1951 to Feb. 5,
1952. He previously was award
ed the Bronze Star Medal for
meritorius service as a member
of the United Nations Recep
tion Center.
The Major will leave the Uni
versity in January to attend
I at Fort Leavenworth. He plans to
f i return to the University in May.
pccmium csceiPTs on a
, Cnancrr fittr
AT SERVICES . . . These prominent Lutherans too. an active part
in dedication services for the University Lutheran Chapel (Mis
souri Synod). Front row (L to r.) Rev. A. F. Wegener, Rev. H.
Erck. and Rev. W. E. Homann. Back row is Rev. A. J. Norden (I.)
and Rev. R. F. Norden.
. XW 71552 ' i
m tin i -
tW W90i
7r fH Infit Mttii lwt ytmr
ine tneme of the convention
vas "Counseling as students like
.It; Building a satisfactory coun
seling program."
One of the highlights of the
programs was a panel discus-
State Teachers College, were ini-'hen they leave the camous union Activities Builders vwc A
tiated into Iota Sigma Pi. women's Tuesday at 2 p.m. for their seven-?!ictiXTfs f,dSSe
chemistry honorary, Saturday. jday YM-YWCA United Nations, candldaUs wi U
jne initiation was held at 5 p.m. " 1 , . . 'viewed
in uic union. -- - - -
J?T; SkS SU;rbi?l0gy jf !ruc-!two chaperons, Janice Osburn, ex-!ro"mu313 h Union The queen
!?idlbraSuWesleyan Univlr-'enutive director of tne University; w) f be wlected from the six fi-
i UUttaf'tt. tigM, Mgf
by the AUF executive
S. IW-T'tS fr!LTlm0Dr.-VWCA and Profe Nrii Slack !. election Dfe-
Omaha North Hi HastinrlN;. ?JiT'4. fro Wesleyan, and wiU leave -eL"'"
r "T V J"versiry serveo &ne took graduate work at Har-i :Jr; VJ ,
s members of the panel along
wun miss Helen Robinson of
Nortn High of Omaha. Miss Helen
Snyder presided over the discus-ion.
I A : . I t.. tr, rm....
Vap!ifa?f moing. the group will have"'"" 'the quality of participation in
Miss Wenke said that the selec
tion of the finalists will be based new initiates, to be elicible. i, ,ii a t -. activities, interest. enthusiasm
k fJ!3? au6 a.vfr" 'n the evening they have tickets! ability to work with people
-ii.ii j. it. in.iiiisLi. v r -l ri.M. in i hiiii no arsr n.
made along the way at Pittsburgh
and Chicago. fTTA fl'
age and
friers o uigrGte To Colo.
ma Christmas Vacation
Staff Writer
The bargain of the year is be
ing offered by a group of Ne
braska skiers.
This group, headed by Bob
Howey and Pete Bergsten are of
fering you a chance to spend seven
days in the Rockies during Christ
mas vacation skiing, swimming,
nd resting up for the next semester.
The -roup will sponsor a ski
rip to Aspen Colorado Dee. 28
to Jan. 2. The cost for the trip
including skis, poles, boots,
board and room and skiing les
sons Is (54.95.
Aspen is one of the world's
foremost skiing resorts and is
tion. It sports a skating rink, an
outdoor heated swimming pool,
numerous clubs for evening enter
tainment, and some of the world's
best skiing ground.
The group will stay at Roaring-
Fork Iodfe, which has spe
ciat accommodations for male
and female students. New Year
eve wMl be an added abaction
for the University students.
The first UN seminar will start
at 10 a.m. Friday and will con
tinue all day. Meetings and inter
views will start again Saturday!
morning and last throughout thei
day, ending that evening with a
party for the students of the var-'
ious UN countries. I
After church services the last,
seminar meeting will be held. The
bus is scheduled to leave New
York at C:30 p.m. Sunday. The
group will return to Lincoln about
3:30 Tuesday afternoon. '
Those making thp trip are Chris
Pivonka, Mary Ellen Maronde, 1
Marilyn Turnquisl, Neala O'Dell,
Darrcl DcGraw, Janet Stcffen.i
Don Pioper. David Mesner, Harry
smmmust oo. annually.
A80UT rr.
your first choice
is the original
students interested should se G. Eachman. Don .T. Knutzen.
Bergsten and Howey not "JaterlRobert Young, Uve Kapsi, Wilson
than Wednesday. So far 50 stu- E. Strand. Robert Sneirman.
dents have tentatively signed unJBernard Wishnow. Paul Rohan.
To make a reservation a depositl Alice Movers. Barbara Colwell.
of $1C must be left with eithe. iBetty Brinkman. Pat Sr-hmid.
Bergsten or Howey. Beresten can Nancv Gardiner. Jean Rtcffpn
be reached at Alpha Tau Omega Polly Ackerson, Jackie Switzer,'
iraierniry or Dy caning z-7B3i:ifatn-ia E. I. ndsren. Sh r ev SuV.
practicauy taKen over by col ee.Howev lives at the Beta Thpfa Pi.!rrf Phviiii Vnari
students during Christmas vaca-inumber 2-7757. !Schmidtmann and Ruth Nelson, i vmvmmmAwmZ
U.1AI PJKmLt ::.'P I
Prep Teachers Win Journalism Honors
Ctyviiry Lincoln J.-rntl
T i TVACVTSC, ACtrnrVOinST . . . Certificates were awarded
r " o J .M ti i'rer biarb ftchool Jonrnalism teachers for outntand
1 . ' - i- c in 'Urlr field. Maklne the awards tn Dr. William Bwlnd-
J ) h-.i r.f the School of JournallKm. The tearhers are (left
1 ') Anfjn Lane Savitltre, retired Omaha Cc'ral tnslme-
' ,i , ' J rwin, b"ii of the Enelish dfpftrtmft at I.lnroln Hlfh
1 I, and fit KI!e Gineleg, formfr Beatrice High School
" .rr. ,
i . J
rmirtw TJncoln Jotirnl
NIISPA OFFICERS . . . Hieh School Journalists named four new
officers at their convention at the Unlyersitj last week. President is
Mrs. Edith iMuthll, School or Agriculture at Curtis; vine president,
Barclay Wade of Fremont; treasurer, Robert Munrer of Lincoln,
and secretary, Irene Auble ef Scottbluff.
Tony Martin
O singlolireaslcd
o shawl collar
satin lapel
What every college man vnt In
tuxedo lck und comfort! Low set ing1c button
tux that cm be worn the yer 'round.
Other UixrAm from S."i9.i0
Simon's Second Floor, Umt Clothing
i- J
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