The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 11, 1952, Image 1

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Skttmasterg and chairmen of
curtain arts for the Kosmet
Klub Fall Revue are requested
to attend a meeting Tuesday at
5 p.m. in Union Room 307.
Armistice Day
An editorial analyzing Armis
tice Day appears on Tape 2 of
this Issue.
Voic ot a Greet Midwestern University
VOL. 52 No. 41
Tuesday, November 11, 1 952
P.M. Headlines
Staff Writer
Russia Warns U.S.
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. Andrei Vishinsky warned thai
United Nations adoption of an American resolution backing Unified
Command negotiators at Fanmunjom would lead to collapse of the
fruce talks and expansion of the Korean War. The Soviet Foreign
Minister said the United States knew in advance that these terms
would be rejected by China and North Korea.
Vishinsky called for creation of a UN Commission to include
Russia, the United States and Communist China. He suggested that
Britain, France, India,. Burma, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, North
and South Korea be included.
He charged that the United States wanted to keep the war going
and expand it in order to gain control of the world and increase the
profits of "American billionaires." He said the problem of repatri
ation does not exist. The real problem is, he said, that the American
command resorted to bayonets to extract from the prisoners a re
fusal to be repatriated.
Ike Names Lodge, Dodge Assistants
AUGUSTA, GA. Son. Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts and
Joseph M. Dodge, Detroit banker, were named as assistants by Presi
j t i. rt.i.inv.f r,;t.nViir. Timv vnvr 4Vir rtiitv of rnsincf the
Truman administration out of Washington and replacing it with that
of Eisenhower.
Lodge, as chief liaison man, and Dodge, as envoy to confer with
budget officials, were empowered to sit in on high-level administra
tion policy conferences and report back to Eisenhower.
Lodge, who was defeated for re-elected, is regarded as a likely
choice for a cabinet post. Ho has been mentioned for Secretary of
State. Dodge, according to Eisenhower associates, will probably be
named Director of the Budget.
State Senators To Meet
LINCOLN State senators and senators-elect will meet Wednes
day at the statchouse to study recommendations of Legislative Coun
cil committees studying state government. The Council, composed of
members of the Legislature, cannot pass laws but can make recom
mendations for consideration by the Unicameral in January.
The Council will consider the following items among others:
He-enactment of the 1949 road revenue bill, elimination of a state
property tax substituting a sales or income tax, and retention of the
present school retirement system.
Union Picks Holdman
For Activities Director
J tds ,.
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LmmhmT -im
PERSONNEL CHANGE . . . Marilyn Moomey (standing) explains
the duties of Union Activities Director to her successor in the
Union office, Margie Holdeman.
Margie Holdeman of York, is
the new Union Activities Direc
tor. She replaces Marilyn Moom
ey, who is leaving her position as
director to be married.
Miss Holdeman received a
Bachelor of Arts degree from the
University of Colorado in 1947.
After graduation from Colorado,
she was YWCA director of the
Young Adult Department in
Washington D.C. She also held
the position of Director of Red
Hand Painted Movies
Scheduled In Morrill Ha
Feature Editor
Do you see spots before your
Don't laugh. It may have taken
someone 10 years to paint them
there. Anyone interested in seeing
man-made spots dance to music
should enjoy the movies being
shown in Morrill Hall, Gallery B
at 8 p.m. Tuesday.
The films are the work of a
Scotch-Canadian artist, Norman
McLaren and are distributed by
a Canadian film company. They
offer the viewer the unique
privilege of seeing what he is
hearing. A preliminary film de
scribes the way in which Mc
Laren creates his designs on
McLaren has conceived the idea
of drawing abstract pictures of
sound. No camera is Involved in
making the movies. The sound
track is put on the film first. The
sound track is a series of light
and dark lines along the side of
the film with varying spaces be
tween them. Every sound 'has its
own peculiar pattern. McLaren
works with clear film on which
the sound track has been made.
By looking at the sound track he
determines what sort of abstract
design would appear to the eyes
as the vibration sounds to the ear.
McLaren's designs are drawn
on the clear film with pen or
brush, using celluoid dyes, pig
ments or Ink. Designs may be
on one side of the film or on
both sides. Film is painted one
frame at a time. The several
films range from five to ten
minutes each in length. The en
tire showing takes less than an
Poiinpsv Lincoln .Tnurnul
Cross Entertainment and Instruc
tion Service in Washington D. C.
During the last year, she has
visited Chicago, Washington D.C.
and New Mexico and attended the
Lincoln School of Commerce for
several months.
Miss Holdeman said she likes
her new job very much although
it still is rather confusing. "I
hope I can do my best to make it
a successful year for the Activi
ties Office," she said when asked
her plans for the future.
Those who remember "Fanta
sia," may recognize some of the
abstract designs used in that Hol
lywood production as comparable
to those used by McLaren. The
films have titles such as "Loops,"
"Hen Hop," "Stars And Stripes"
and "Begone Dull Care." "Hen
Hop" features square dance music
to which the designs move in
rhythm. "Begone Dull Care," the
most recent of the films done by
McLaren which is being shown,
features the music of the Oscar
Peterson Trio. The movie is an
expansion of "Fiddle Dee Dee,"
also included in the series.
The rrovies, which received their
initial showing Sunday, represent
a new experiment in cameraless
movie making.
Cosmo Club
To See Slides
Of Europe Trip
Colored Slides, called "Glimpses
of Europe," will be shown to the
Cosmopolitan Club Wednesday in
Room 316, Union.
The pictures were taken by Ne
vada Wheeler and her sister, Ge
neva Wheeler, during their second
trip to Europe. They flew from
Lincoln to Amsterdam and visited
seven countries during last sum
mer. The Wheelers say, "The peo
ple of these countries are as
interesting as the scenery."
Countries visited were Holland,
Belgium, Germany, Austria,
Switzerland, Italy and France.
it happened at nu
"To show you Just how far
students go to be excused from
exams," the Instructor explained
to his class before handing out
test questions, "one student
came to me with the excuse that
he couldn't take the test he
cause a bee had stung his right
"Any bees around?" a student
in the classroom shouted.
Debate Squad
Scores High
In OU Meet
Debating as one team unit, Paul
Laase, Jack Rogers, Ken Phil
brick, and Dave Gradwohl cap
tured the highest rating of any
team in the conference in the pre
liminary rounds of the "kick-off"
debate held at Omaha University
Nov. 7 and 8.
However, they did not partici
pate in the finals because no two
speakers had debated the re-
The team of Paul Laase andiMul;pny'
Jack Roners won two debates and, chairman.
lost none in the conference. The
other three University teams,
composed of Dave Gradwohl and
Ken Philbiick, Marvin Friedman
and Reed Belden, and Norman
Alexander and Russell Gutting,
each won one debate and lost one.
Paul Laase was one of ten
finalists in discussion. Midland
College was the final winner of
the tournament, defeating 9 other
participating schools.
Crew Spots Open
For 'The Circle'
university theatre is now re
cruiting crews for the second pro
duction of the year, "The Circle."
John Tolch, stage director, said
that the theatre is interested of
people of many talents and that
regularly enrolled students who
have some knowledge of lighting,
properties, sound, costuming and
makeup should apply.
Those interested should see
Tolch at Room 153 in the Temple
building before 5 p.m. Friday.
People without experience will be
trained and developed. He said
that the first ones there would be
chosen for the crew.
Mrs. Gaddis
Dies Sunday
Mrs. Agnes Gaddis. Kanna Al
pha Theta housemother, died from
a heart attack early Sunday morn
ing, in a local hospital.
She had been housemother of
the sorority since last fall. Before
that, she served as housemother
for the Theta Xi fraternity.
Mrs. Gaddis was graduated from
the University where she was a
member of the Chi Omega soror
ity. She was past president of the
Chapter CS of PEO.
Mrs. Gaddis was active for
many years m the Westminster
Presbyterian church where her
husband was elder and head
Surviving are her husband, Al,
of Chicago; a daughter, Patricia
Van Burgh of Long Beach, Cali
fornia; and a sister, also of California.
Route Outlined for Homecoming Traffic
The Innocents, co-operating
with University police, have
mapped a route for all cars to
follow Friday, to facilitate the
heavy traffic expected to view the
Homecoming house decorations.
Traffic will enter from 17th and
R to 16th and R, turn right
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FINAL CHECK , . , Reading proofs, the final step before The
Builders Directory Staff could give the go-ahead signal to printers,
are (left to right) Barbara Biba, Ting Lilly, Dianne llinman, Cyn
thia Johnson, Norma Lothrop, Nita Ilelmstadter and Terry Barnes
standing by press. (Daily Ncbraskan Thoto by Glenn IMace.)
Visit At Hotel Monday
The Bloodmobile will be inLin-,tion about Red Cross can be ob
coln at the Cornhusker Hotel tained from: Corliss Kruse, secre-
according to Shirley
, , , . ...
blood donor recruiting
Miss Murphy said that the
need for donors is great,
and all persons who wish to
give blood, but have not yet
filled out pledge cards are
urged to do so.
Donor cards may be obtained
from the bulletin board at the
Military and Naval Science Build
ing and the Ag and City Unions.
Miss Murphy reminded don
ors of a contest to determine the
Blood Donor
of the month.
The winner
will be chos
en on the
basis of how
many people
he enlists as
blood doners.
To win the
contest each
entrant must
give blood I ' yl
himsclt and '
leave the list Murphy
of names of his donors in the
Red Cross box in the Union
basement by 4 p.m. Monday.
The goal for the University this; Reclamation "Engineer and Engin
month is 35 pints of blood andeer Trainee positions in the West
uonurs are uueut-u n uie gum
to be met.
Miss Murphy reminded pros
pective donors of the require
ments to give blood: 1) must
be at least 21 years old or have
written permission from par
ents, 2) must not have given
blood in the last three months,
3) must weigh at least 110
pounds and 4) be in good phys
ical condition.
Cards and additional informa-
Pfeifer To Speak
To NU-Med Society
Dr. Lavern F. Pfeifer, Lincoln
physician, will talk on "Medicine
as practiced at the Korean front,"
at the regular meeting of the NU
Med Society, Wednesday, 7:30
p.m., in Love Library Auditorium.
Dr. Pfeifer spent some time
with the marines in Korea. He
will give an account of his ex
periences in the combat zone.
16th to Vine, left on Vine to 14th.
Cars will proceed from Vine to R
on 14th, from 14th to 16th on R.
Turning right, they will exit at
16th and Q. Signs will be posted
giving directions, and all traffic
will be one-way.
No cars will be allowed to park
on R St. from 17th to 14th, along
r l!i 1 1 It
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Wilma Kindhart and Nan Bnndly,
mnn'c Hn;c au niW
iu.. J" 1 T- 1 "I . .11 .
newspaper publicity; Sandra Cir
ran, posters; and Phyllis Meyers,
correspondence to donors chair
man. Kappa Alpha Mu
Initiates 8 Members
Kappa Alpha Mu, honorary
fraternity in photo journalism, in-
Jane Jordan, Janet Beran, Rex
Ross and Shirley Posson are the
new actives.
The pledging . ceremony was
read to prospective members fol
lowing the initiation. New pledg
es are Bradley Crowe, Imogene
Barry, Greta Craig, Sylvia Kam
per, John Vonnes, John Terrill,
Jack Memtt and Charles
Kla -
Coffee and donuts were served
at a social hour following the
business meeting.
'L. J
U.S. Civil Service Commission To Fill
Engineer, Trainee Positions In West
mi tt o ii r r
me u. o. oivii oervice uora-i
mission is trvinp to fill 'Rnrpnii of
-i'and Midwest
The Engineer Trainee exam
ination is open to sophomore
and junior engineering students.
Trainee applicants mu't take a
written test. Engineer appli
cants will be rated on the basis
of education and experience.
Further infarmation and appli
cation forms may be obtained at
most first and second class post
offices or from the U. S. Civil
Service Commission, Washington
25, D. C.
Applications for Engineer
'Hanging Of The Greens'
Scheduled For Dec. 2
The annual YW Hanging of the
Greens is scheduled for Dec. 2 in
Ellen Smith Hall at 7 p.m.
Nancy Hegstrom, chairman of
the committee in charge of dec
orations, says that all members of
YWCA are invited to attend this
event. A program will be given
and all members will help dec
orate Ellen Smith Hall. Refresh
ments will be served.
! 14th Street from R
to Vine, on
Vine from 14th to 16th, or along
16th from Vine to Q. Any cars!sPnsor during the school year;
found parked on these streets
after 1 p.m. will be hauled away.
Chief of Police Joseph T. Car
roll urges everyone's co-operation
in eliminating a possible traf
fic snarl.
Books Ava7abe From
House Representatives
The Student Directory is
Nebraska Builders will
rectories through representatives from the organized houses
'luesday. House representatives may pick up their direct
ories at the Builders office from 4 to 5 p.m. Directories may
be picked up from representatives in organized houses.
Students who purchased their I m
directories from the booth in the
Union may obtain the book by.
presenting their recipt at that!
Jack Gillespie, sales man
ager, said that about 2,500 di
rectories have been printed the
the supply Is not expected to
last long after distribution
opens. Gillespie set a tentative
closing date for sales on Fri
day, but definite word will be
given when house sales are
tabulated. House representa
tives must turn in their total
receipts before they will be able
to distribute directories.
The directory will have several
new features this year according
to Terry Barnes, business man
ager. The book is printed in two
colors for the first time this year.
The fraternity sections are listed
on yellow pages and the womens'
organized houses are listed just
after them on white pages.
The student section is divided
from the faculty listing by a tab.
The new directory lists all
the honoraries and their presi
dents and phone numbers. A
calendar and several blank
pages for additional telephone
numbers are also included
Miss Barnes said that the 12
per cent increase in printing
rates and the lack of a corre
sponding rise in advertising
rates had made it necessary to
raise the price of the directory
to $.65.
The directory bears the new of-
ificial seal for Nebraska Builders.
The design was adopted following
i a University-wide
contest last
year and is being
I first time.
used for the
Trainee will be accepted until
Dec. 2, 1952, and for Engineer
until further notice.
All applications should be
mailed to the Executive Secretary,
Board of U. S. Civil Service Ex
aminers, Bureau of Reclamation,
Denver Federal Center, Denver.
Board To Hold
Tuesday Meet
Junior-Senior Class Board will
meet in the Student Union Tues
day at 8:30 p.m. to discuss tenta
tive suggestions from the Student
Council concerning the Board's
new constitution.
The board will work on tl-ir
plans for their spring picnic and
the Junior-Senior Prom.
SoinP tn amarrt a ,,r in iU
o o ' . WJ t-V fcllC 111(111 ,
ana woman with the highest ae
cumulative averages lor seven
consecutive semesters. A vote is
to be taken to decide on the cup
to be used. Samples of cups froml;trmuC0ts out'
weal jeweiry store will De voted;;; v.', ,7
, the high won't
Letters are being sent to the
class officers of all Big Seven
schools by the Board. This letter
will be a questionnaire to find
out what officers these schools
;nave; what activities the officers
what powers and duties the of
ficers have; and how much money
they have and where they get it.
Rocky Yapp, president of the
Junior Class, will preside at the
meeting in the absence of Don
Pieper, president of the Senior
Sanyo Plans Law College
Visit While In Lincoln
Judge Dharmasakti Sanya has
come all the way from Thailand
to gain a better insight into the
American Law system.
Sanya, chief judge for 14 north
ern provinces of Thailand, is here
as a guest of Justice Robert Sim-
jmons of the Nebraska Supreme
I Court. Simmons met the Thailand
ijudge while he was visiting in
j the Far East under the auspices
of the State Department.
The Thailand barrister will
remain in Nebraska until Sat
urday. He visited the Supreme
Court of Nebraska on Friday.
He plans to visit the University
College of Law. Sanya's trip to
the United States Is sponsored
by his own government and the
V. S. State Department.
The judge, who is a member of
the English bar as well as that of
Thailand, studied law in London.
While in this country he will ob
serve procedure at county, dis
trict and municipal courts. He will
visit the law college at Creighton
and will attend the annual meet
ing of the State Bar Association
Thursday and, Friday.
Judge Sanya seems impressed
by the trials by jury in the
American system, which Thai
land does not have. However,
Thailand's judicial system is
similar In principle to that of
begin distribution of the di
Dr. Brewer
Will Speak
At Banquet
Dr. Madison Brewer, head of
the elementary Education depart
ment, will be the guest speaker
for the 1952 Elementary Educa
tion Banquet Wednesday at 6 p.m.
in the Union Ballroom.
The banquet, sponsored ny
the Elementary Education Club,
Is an annual event started in
1950 by the Elementary Educa
tion Department.
Jack Greer, master of cere
monies, will introduce Dr. Brewer
and other guests. Brewer, for
merly of Cheney, Wash., will
speak on different aspects of
The Elementary Education
Club is a student organization
headed bv Adelp Cnrvpll. "Th.
purpose of these banquets Is to
bring together all of us in Ele
mentary Education for one eve
ning of fun," Miss Coryell ex
plained. Lynn Holland and Carol Unter-
seher will present several musi
cal numbers and Nancy Thompson
ana Nick Amos will sing.
Tickets for the banquet can
be purchased in Elementar Ed
ucation classes for $1.35.
Other committee members are:
Mickey Walt, Union arrange
ments; Sue Holmes, tickets; Amy
Palmer, publicity; Jane Calhoun,
decorations; Lee-Ellen Creasman,
program, and Virginia Jewett.
Staff Writer
"What's the matter, little boy?
Haven't you anybody to play
'Yes," said the little boy, "I have
one friend, but I hate him."
Two fellows were standing
outside Kansas' stadium Satur
day. One said, "What are those
holes in the boards for?"
His friend said, "Those are
knot holes."
To which the first replied,
"Well, if they are not holes,
what are they?"
The weather
.Will be like Our
professors' lec
tures contin
ued dry. Better
keep your
be much over
60 degrees.
I'm sorry, but
I'm all out of Cool
Girl in chair Ye gods! Do
dentists pull that old stuff, too?
Philosopher (a KUer this
week): One who doesn't cry
over spilt milk, and consoles
himself that it was four-fifths
the United States. The judge
also expressed an interest in
the family relations court in this
He has observed jury trials in
Washington, D. C, New York
City, Charlotte, N. C, and Buf
falo, N. Y.
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
Judge Sanya lodks over a copy
of the Nebraska statutes in the
offices of the clerk of the Ne
braska Supreme Court. He will
be in Nebraska until Nov. 15.