The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 10, 1952, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Mondoy, November 10, 1952
Poge 4
fur day ft
Pep Rallies Planned
Two pep rallies me in store for
the students during the Homo
coming week, Jim Collins, rally
chairman, said Friday.
The two rallies will be held
Wednesday and Friday evenings.
Both rallies are slated to start
from the coliseum and proceed to
the steps of the Union by the route
of cast on Vine St., to lGth, south
on loth to R St., and west on R St
to the Union. In case R St. is stilllteam's orthopedic physician, Dr
closed by rally time, S St. will bejStone. Coach Glassford is sched
substituted for R St. Starting time lulcd to talk at the Friday rally,
Bandleader Marterie Stars
As Trumpeter, Amateur Cook
Bandleader Ralph Marterie,
who will play at the annual
Homecoming dance Nov. 15, is an
amateur cook as well as a prof
essional trumpeter.
Marterie, sometimes called
"The Caruso of the Trumpet,"
and his hand were recognized
as "one of the most promising
and popular bands of 1951," in
Billboard's poll of the nation's
disc jockeys.
Recent hits, such as "I'm
Yours," "Street Scenes," "Goocl
. bye Sweetheart," and "Tenderly,"
which have been recorded by the
band will be played at the Home
coming dance. Dancing will begin
at 8 p.m. and end at midnight in
the Coliseum.
Kaye Carr, Marteric's fea
Vanishing Ad Buyers
Plaaue Business Staff
Feature Editor
"Coming soon" is a slogan ap
plied most often to movies, cir
cuses and the Student Directory.
The latter, in spite of bottle
necks, vacations and evaporating! hind his gold-lettered door. "I'm
. ,. . Anri!sorry," savs the receptionist, "but.
advertisers, is coming soon And,. M js
there will be 2,500 of them, lnats- conforence As you turn away
750 more than last year. jyoll hear his conference voice
The business side began work,driftinff lhrough ,ho koyhole in
during the summer, collecting ads,tho office dool ,.Yes (cai. vcs
for the directory. Jerry Barnes, I right away dc ves pct nQ t
business manager, had an aU-ginyos yes j2 i yes
staff. The business staffs of the: Vacations plagued the business
other University publications are , ff Wn solicito wor
the realm of men alone.
Selling ads when it's 110 in
the shade is picnic weather, but
no picnic. Considering the
amount of time the solicitors
spent melted down into pools
on the sidewalk they did a
pretty good job. According to
Terry it takes a lot of hoofing
to sell on ad. First you have to
find the ad manager. He is the
only man who can buy an ad.
So begins the search. The so
licitor goes to the office of the
manager before lunch in plenty
of time so the man's gnawing
stomach won't interfere with
his purchasing power. The re
ceptionist, with her pancake
make-up dripping off her chin,
smiles a h o t-summcr-morning
smile and says, "Sorry, but Mr.
Hesgotit, Is golfing this morn
ing. I suspect he's on the nine-
Drive To Open
In Neb. Nov. 16
A drive to discover unknown
braska is scheduled to begin Nov-
ember 16. The Nebraska State:3" "ken are those tilled out by
Medical Association, sponsor oftne students at registration time,
the Diabetics Detection Drive,iThe freshmen fill theirs out on
will be working in conjunction ; the campus. The upperclassmen
with National Diabetics Week. receive theirs by mail. Let us
r. Morris Margolin, Chairman trace the fate of a card for the
of the Nebraska State Medical;student directory. Mailed out to
Association, claims this drive to an upperclassman, it is picked up
be one of the most important by his father and tossed on the
Junctions of the Association. Hejdesk with the rest of the mail,
said "Diabetes is a disease of com- Sis, scrambling for her letter with
plications. Any person suffering a service return, knocks the letter
from Diabetes is highly suscept-on the floor. Mother, rearranging
ible to many other diseases." jthe furniture, accidentally pushes
During this fourth annual dnveithe platform rocker over it
the N.S.M.A. urges all Nebraskansi
tr visit, thpir farm v nhvsician Tor
a simple checkup that can de-1
termine the extent of Diabetes, if ,
any, xnax ne nas contracted. ine10n it. A month later it arrives in
rfisoaso if Hicrnvornri onriv ran :
ease, if i
-'v-"tJ, .......j, I
Ki;r,cf Ihn
properly treated enabling the;
patient to resume normal living!
habits, Dr. Margolin.
Dentists To Hear
Lecture By Phone
One hundred forty faculty and
students of the University College
of Dentistry will participate Mon
day in the first series of dental
courses given over closed circuit
long distance telephone wires
from the University of Illinois.
The Nebraska dental group will
assemble in Love Library Audi
torium at 7:30 p.m. to hear a 90
minute panel discussion by doc
tors from various universities.
More than 100 different pro
fessional study clubs and colleges
are taking part in the telephone
classes which deal primarily in
post-graduate work.
The Nebraska arrangements are
under the supervision of Dr. Don
ald T. Waggener, chairman of the
department of oral pathology.
AID Offers Help
To Remove Downs
Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman
women's honorary, has planned a
program to help freshman women
remove down hou and raise
The members of the organiza- when a new telephone line was
tion will be available to aid 'put. through in Lincoln, changing
freshman girls in subjects with 'the telephone numbers of evcry
which they have trouble. lone in a certain area and that of
Housemothers of residences the Alpha Phi house. In fact, the
bousing freshman women will be 'Alpha Phi number was changed
contacted this week and given
lists of the girls who will assisti But the student directory, crea- ing on Ag Campus,
the freshmen. tion of blood, sweat and tears, is Tickets may be purchased from
Additional information may be scheduled to appear in our midst' Home F.c Club members or at the
obtained from Marlene Reese. Isotnetime next week. '.wath in Ag Union.
for the rallies will be 6:45 p.m.
Complete programs for the
various rallies are being keep
secret, Collins said. One of the
rallies, he said, will feature the
burning of the "Golden Gopher,"
Introducing the football team
and roaches, and presenting a
letter to the team from the stu
dent body.
The only definite topic for the!
Wednesday's rally is a talk by the
tured vocalist, will occupy the
spotlight position for part of
the evening.
IMarteric's skill with the skil
let may have been the origin of
the slogan which the advertis
ing company threatens to use
in advertising his records
"good enough to eat."
Marterie played with band
leaders such as Paul Whitemnn,
Percy Faith, John Si-olt Trotter
and Frank Black before signing
a long term contract with Mercury
Tickets for the Homecoming
dance may be purchased from any
Cor Cob or Tassel and are on
sale at booths in the City and Ag
Unions, Ticket price is $3 per
teenth bole now and will soon
be back."
You turn to drag yourself away
when Mr. II comes caroming into
the office, lets you have it with a
bag of golf clubs as he goes by
and disappears with a slam be-
path up the stairs to the office of
the ad manager, the manager was
in Florida. When the business
manager came whooping into the
office with the announcement
that the maanger was back from
Miami strange silence greeted her.
The solicitors were scattered to a
dozen different camps in the north
Once you catch an ad man
ager the ad is as good as gold.
Managers like to sell to the di
rectory because they get a copy
of the book. For purely busi
ness reasons of course they
seem anxious to have the ad
dress of every student on cam
pus. Of course the advertiser
can still furnish a rut for his
ad that was three times as big
as the ad he ordered in which
case he may find only half of it
in the directory. Or he may
want it set up in a way that is
impossible from a printing
standpoint. But the ads were
all sold at last. Nothing re
mained but to have a proof of
the ad pulled and begin anew
the hunt for the ad manager for
his autograph on the bottom of
the proof the final OK.
The work of the editorial side
began at the first of the fall term
Tne cards from which the names
if umuuriii rotRur over 11.
At 11:55 p.m. the night before
th rio.iHlinn ho ctnrlont tinrf tr.
fill it out over a midniehfTsnnck.
accidentally spills strawberry jam
41 tr. u c..j4
I : i j
bearing a sicnature. labeled
veaLiiin a siuiiuLurt:. lant'ieu
"please print," that is about at!
legible as Egyptian hieroglyphics.
The cards filled out by the
freshmen lack the touch of mid
night revels. However, fresh
men fill out so many forms that
they have difficulty in turning
out legible script on the last
Once the cards arrive in the
office the real fun begins. "Do!
you think this is an "i" or an "c?"
"Is this a "n"" "Nn it must hp an
"al." "If it's an "e" his name
Montred." "Yeah, an if it's an "al"
it's Montreal." "Must be an "al."
This is the type of headache
that became the responsibility
of Nita Helmstadter. Between
the Johnsons and the Johnsens
and the Petersons and Petersens
things were confusing. All cards
were translated into neat lists
and turned over to the printer.
When the proofs were finished
the readers had just two days
to get them read and returned.
They dreamed of drowning in
alphabet soup for weeks after
ward, but they got it done.
Tttm V.n441nnnl.n ...UlnU nlnr...n
u ,u:. ....
me tuuuiiai siuc were uie jciiei u , r.u aaa
registration after rush week. Alll1" 8 lmitatlons- t0- she addod
boys who went through rush week
had their addresses listed as
downtown hotels. After rush week
ended all the addresses had to be
corrected. Another set-back came
twice. Why editors get gray.
Who Will
V v
BARBARA HERSHBERGER ... as Tep Queen? Although Miss
Hcrshberger will reign over Homecoming activities this year, her
successor will be revealed at the Saturday dance.
She Will Be One 0 These-
FIVE CANDIDATES . . . who were announced at a pep rally
Oct. 31. Following the rally the student body voted for its 1953
Pep Queen, who will reign at next year's festivities.
Students Whistle Biggest Show Tunes,
Praise Kenton-Vaughn-Cole Performance
Staff Writer
On a short trip through the
Crib, singing, whistling, and hum
ming of tunes that had been pre
sented in a little more professional
manner in the Biggest Show of
1952 program Thursday, were
This sudden outgrowth of mus
ical talent led this reporter to be
leive that the show must have
caused quite an impression on an
those who attended.
Those who were rendering
their versions of the songs were
quizzed as to what they thought
of the show and all the opin
ions seemed to have one thing
in common the show was
very good.
Gary Sherman, when asked
what he thought of the show,
put it briefly by saying, "Best
$2 I ever spent."
Barb Adams did not give her
Sown opinion of what she thought
. u... v,,,'
: .: . .
should be proof of the show s
.Tnnp Mnnps eave her ooinion'lar music courses.
of the show as u whole by saying,
, t, 1
"flnp (if thP llPqt ShOWS 1 Ve Den
tn in a nne t me 1 liked it "
She went on to say that, "I liked,
King Cole's singing the best, but
I thoueht that the imitator :
(George Kirby) was very good,
Sarah Vaughn was very good, but
T think that she is definitely bet-
ter at night club singing." miss
Mapes said that she wished that
Stan Kenton would have played
more of the music he is so well
known for.
Dorin Jacobs also had a brief
comment about the show. He
answered the, "What did you
like about the show" question
by saying, "Everything." He
added, "Because I'm a vigorous
male I should have liked Sarah
Vaughn best, but I think that
Vino- A ,..-ic 41, o Hoc nf all "
u v i, u i j
Sue Browlee. when button holed
in the Crib, came up with this
comment, "I thought that the Big
Show was the best show ever
brought to the University, and I
hope we have more like it." She
added that she thought Stan
Kenton's September Song was
very good, and she would like to
have heard more Kenton music
I ked'crgel
during the show.
LJC Cmnrnncnorfl
' ,u ",,v', y viawi u
ICKeT OUI6S 080111
The annual Swedish smorgas
bord is being sponsored by the
Home Economics Club on Thurs
day, November 20, from 5:30 until
!7:30 p.m. The event will be held
i in the Foods and Nutrition Build-
Arnie Stern said, "Though
I'm not a Stan Kenton fan, I
liked the whole show, especially
Sarah Vaughn and Nat King
Cummings Notes Work
Involved In Voice Career
"Learning to sing and to sing
well is hard work!" Lucille Cum-;
mings, contralto who appeared;
with the University Symphony:
Orchestra Sunday, said in an in
terview Saturday morning.
Miss Cummings, a native of I
Salem, Oregon, besan her mu
sic career at home, and at
tended Willamette College for
her degree in music. She at
tended college on a piano
scholarship, but in her junior
year, decided to concentrate on
Miss Cumtninfis said that her
n .....j..
ir'Z V -
Italian, Geihian, Spanish, and
(Russian, in addition to her regu-
. . .....b-(,.
a singer nas 10 do in gooa
0;i .r.r. nc 117r.Il no Kn nrf ,v 1 1
Mcany wuiiiuu, miu saiu. -my
. , ... i,..
daily schedule, while on tour, in-
-eludes catching mnny 6 a.m.
trains, and leaving two or three
nours aner a concert.
When asked how she got her
"break" to begin her career.
she replied. "I didn't have what
you could call a break. I don't
think that any of the successful
people in the entertainment
world had one, and I think that
the break is highly over-rated.
The road to success is traveled
by preparing oneself for roles
of all types to be ready for op
portunities that do come along.
Miss Cummings participated in
a nation wide contest held in New j
York. She placed third, and)
barely missed appearing at the
Metropolitan Opea
t ,
r wnen
two girls were selected.
"The publicity and encourage
ment I received after appearing
in the contest was enough to
make me stay in New York. My
next chance came as a result of
'pounding the pavements' to hun
dreds of auditions, and I got a
role as featured singer a; the
Radio City Music HalV' she said
schedule was very hard with five
aviiD iuiiiiimiKa aaiu moi
shows daily for 67 weeks.
Her next big role came when
she appeared on the "Telephone
Hour" radio company. After her
first performance on the pro
gram she was offered a part in
the City Center Opera in New
Miss Cummings said that she
would like very much to talk to
University students that were
interested In making a career
in music. "Many students don't
realize that for every minute of
glamor behind the footlights,
there arc years of hard work
...In Spite Of Polio
"There will be house decorations
!at the NU campus during nome-
comlng," said Don Noble, Innocent
society president.
The house decorations will be
lacking at some houses because
of their donation to the polio
fund, he said, but many of the
houses are planning to have a
display along with giving to the
polio fund.
Points which will be used in
judging the decorations will be
size, originality, movement and
the centering of the theme around
the game of the Week and wel
come to alumni. Judging will be
done Friday evening immediately
following the rally.
Winners of the two divisions
of the house displays will 'be
awarded the traveling trophy by
the presidents of Innocents at
the homecoming dance. Last
years winners are for the fra
ternities, Sigma Chi and for the
sororities, Alpha Xi. Delta.
The regulations governing the
decorations set a limit of $50 ex
penditures for the displays and a
deadline of 5 p.m. Friday night for
completion of the entries.
ffC Parade
Homecoming lesuvnics win dl-
gin with the Homecoming parade,
Saturday, at 10 a.m.
Thirty floats are entered in tne,
paracie in uiu men , wuun.n a w
honoraries division.
Judging of the floats will 1e
based on the art work, unity,
originality, good taste and wel
come grads theme. The marquee
of Magce's Department Store
will be used for the judge's
The judges will be Dr. Josephine
Brooks, associate professor of
Homo Economics; Leroy Burket,
assistant professor of art, and
Don Lodge.
A traveling plaque will be
awarded to he first place winners
in each division at the Homecom
ing Dance, Saturday night. Honor
able mention will be given to the
Winners in last year's parade
were: Men's division, Delta Sig
ma Phi: women's division,
Towne Club, and honoraries,
Cosmopolitan Club.
The floats will line up at Avery
Laboratory, start at 12th and U
Sts., proceed down U to 14th St.,
travel north on 14th to Vine, east
on Vine to 16th, south on 16th
to O St., west on O to 11th, north
on 11th to R, east on R to 12th,
north on 12th to campus where
the parade will disband.
Jim Adams, stopped while run
ning full tilt down a corridor of
the Union, said, "Greatest thing
in this section of the country for
a long time,"
and effort. Many prospective
artists don't realize that they
can make just as great a con
tribution to themselves and cul
ture if they don't try to gain
national recognition, but strive
for success in their home area."
Miss Cummings noted that there
is no way to become a success in
the entertainment world without
much hard work and great effort.
"Success is not having your
names in the lights, or the heights
you reach, but making the most
of your opportunities," she said.
PN I Ml 1
u a . l
For Meeting
A panel of six participants will
be the main feature at Thursday's
NUCWA meeting in Parlor Z of
the Union at 7:30 p.m
The panel, made up of
foreign students attending the
University, includes Gerd Man
fred Hoffend, Germany; John
Methusaleh, India; Kassa G.
Michael, Ethiopia; Takashi Shi
mada, Japan; M. Marlcna Shu
man, Poland, and Heinz
Schreiner, Austria.
Each will give a five-minute
talk on the particular position of
! his nation how the change to Re-
publican power will affect his
country, what attitude his nation
will take, and his own personal
opinions on the matter
Joan Krueger, NUCWA pres
ident, said those attending the
meeting will vote on what type
of spring conference to have.
Dates for the session are March
3, 4, and 5. The steering com
mittee has chosen several pos
sibilities, and the group will dis
cuss them and decide at the
Miss Krueger also said that to
be eligible to hold office and to
vote for officers next spring,
members must meet two require
ments, in accord with the execu
tive board ruling.
They must be paid members
by Jan. 16. The one-dollar dues
may be paid at Thursday's
meeting. Secondly, they must
have attended at least three
meetings between now and
then. Miss Krueger said that at
tendance will be recorded from
now on.
Members attending this meet-
ing may sign up for committees
linclu ling various spring confer
i ence wor.-.
splay W
Who Will
ALPHA XI's ... as the winner In
nomci'iimiUK uiiiu.y tuuirni.
winning theme, will stop on the
urday's Homecoming Dance.
p- y
1 J
wpssfr ..-,.v ' " .$r
, - ---- - - -
SIGMA CHI's ... as winner in the fraternity Division; """v
Em in the End" will retire as king when the displa y Judges,
Including two women (a new addition to the team), pick the 195
For 8 NU
By Tat Peck
Feature Editor
Students at the University last
week were given an opportunity
to hear a new lecturer in some
of their classes.
He was Henry A. Fosbrooke,
senior sociologist to the Tangany
ika government in East Africa.
While on the campus he lectured
to two sociology classes, a geo
graphy seminar, a political science
class, a community development
group, a class in ag economics,
an anthropology and a social
science seminar. The political
science class, and the anthrop
ology and social science seminars
were open to all interested stu
dents and faculty members. Fos
brooke spoke at a faculty lunch
eon on Wednesday.
Fosbrooke was graduated from
Cambridge University, England,
in economics and anthropolgy.
In 1931 he took a position with
the Tanganyika government as
district officer and district com
missioner. In 1948 he took the
research job as senior sociol
ogist. His trip to the United States
was made possible by "Fulbright,
Carnegie, the Tanganyika govern
ment and the British Colonial
Office" according to Fosbrooke.
Fulbright provided the means of
bringing him to this country;
Carnegie provided for local travel
the Tanganyika government gave
him a leave and the British
Colonial Office nrovided the con-
version of pounds sterling into
His purpose in coming to the
United States, Fosbrooke says.
(Djctllif (YlsJ)haAkarL
Classified Ads
To place a classified ad
Stop in the Business Office Room 20
Student Union
CD 2-7631
fied Service
Hours 7-4:30
No. words 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 1 week
1-10 I $ .40 .65 r.85T$iT00 TL20
11-15 .50 JO 1.05 - 12b I 1.45
16-20 .60 i5 1.25 1.50 I 1.70
21-25 .70 1.10 I 1.45 1 75 1J5
26-30 .80 1.25 1.65 t 2.00 2.20
Unnily Phtlco Cur Itadiu. Fits any cur.
L'f,. Culi Univ. xt. ar,;i.
l'.in N:ish. Forrtor Rulan. Top openitlnK
eondillcin. K.nllo, hpiiter, ovenlrlve. See
Um. Kami, lti M. JO, Apt. .
sunnier s
the sorority division at the 1951
f Pnrlnnft" last vear 8
name of the 1952 winner at Sat
'JLM iviV -"til
is to establish contact with uni
versities to learn the current
trend in anthropological and
sociological thought, to give
potential research workers in
Africa an idea of projects in
which they can profitably en
gage and to give them an idea
of working conditions in the
field. His visit to the University
was under the auspices of the
University Research Council.
Fosbrooke indicated that he
would be happy to correspond
with prospective applicants for
Fullbright Scholarships or other
awards, who are considering pro
jects on Tanganyika. He said that
in his contacts with students in
the United States he had found
them lacking in the knowledge of
local conditions in Tanganyika.
This knowledge is not easily ob
tained from texbooks he said.
Students wishing to correspond
with Fosbrooke may write: Henry
A. Fosbrooke, Box 308, Arusha,
Tanganyika. He will be at this
address after January 1, 1953.
Following his visit at the Uni
versity, Fosbrooke will travel to
Sante Fe and Albuquerque,
N. M., where he will make con
tact with the Indian department
and the university museum. He
plans to visit such Negro insti
tutions as Tuskogec and Fisk.
Tanganyika, the country in
which Fosbrooke works, has been
under the Trusteeship Council
since the establishment of the
United Nations. Forbrooke defined
the British position in the country
as working toward self-rule for
Tanganyika within the Common
4226 for QmI-
Won. thru Fri.
Tuxedo, summer tuxedo, ROTC blouse, ilze
38. Reasonable. 3-817S.
Weuls for girls nt An living near 37th and
Jluldreye. Call iirs., (J-17J1.