The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 10, 1952, Page Page 2, Image 2
t Mondoy, November 10, 1952 Page 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 0 EDITORIAL PAGE Student Holiday 9. This next weekend will bo on of those times that on the surface is crepe paper end music and laughter and fun. Underneath the frivolity of its surface, however, will be a time when University alums return to the campus, parents come down to see their sons and daughters in school, many high school students parade around the campus a time when people are impressed enough to en courage others to attend the University and them Eclvest impressed enough to financially support their alma mater. Friday night the colorful displays around the Dream World There are many dream worlds existing on this campus those of the intellectuals those of the Idealists those belonging the persons who don't study and rationalize in the meantime. But this writer has noticed a dream world in which the lives of the Builders' Student Directory workers live. Each fall at the beginning of the semester, The Daily Nebraskan announces that the head of the Student Directory has announced that the Invaluable little books will be ready for distribution at such and such a time. Further stories carry the news that the Directory work ers are going to meet their deadline are going to have the Directory out on time. This writer realizes all the situations that can come up during the attempt to publish anything particularly a book that carries the name of every University student. It's not difficult to realize the problems that make the Directory deadline later than first announced and Builders is not to be criticized for such. However, Instead of saying "The directory will be out Nov. 1 for sure this year," It would perhaps be more realistic if the Directory man agers would say "The Directory won't be out until Nov. 11." Less griping about the publica tion deadline would result if Builders would stop kidding themselves and their anxious clients about when the Directory will be ready for distribution. R.R. campus Will announce the opening of the annual Homecoming weekend. A parade Saturday morning will lead off the day's activities, the Cornhuskers will battle the Gophers In the aft ernoon and the Homecoming dance climaxed with presentation of the Pep Queen will be the grand finale to the weekend events. Homecoming is one or the few traditions on our campus College Days failed, we have no offi cial migration, the Innocents Society tries valiantly to begin traditions with other Big Seven schools but the Carillon Tower still seems to be the only "collegiate" mark on our campus. Homecoming Is successful each year but could be much more so with the declaration by the Chancellor of an official "Student Holi day" on Saturday classes dismissed, everyone urged to attend the parade, the football game, the dance. Perhaps few students are affected by Saturday classes but University band mem bers who have Saturday classes will not be able to march' In the Homecoming parade. The officials of the Homecoming celebration must try to arouse the needed spirit and enthusl asm for their project with business as usual on our campus. Homecoming, in the eyes of many, is Just another weekend with the majority of the University family making no special attempt to greet the thousands of visitors to the campus and, in the long-run, encouraging more students to enroll here and more alums to make out checks to the University, This writer feels strongly that the Homecoming weekend is one that could and must take prece dence over all other special weekends on this campus. It must be the most important traditional celebration of the entire year. This may sound trivial but an academic approach is very often not the thing that encourages people to support an institution. The Daily Nebraskan feels that declaration of a Student Holiday for the Saturday of Home coming must be worked into the University calendar. We hope that It will be. R.R. LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler Hard To Say No Fred A. Seaton says: "I have no plans for any work in the government." But he added: "Ike is a hard man to say 'no' to." This leaves the political future of the Hastings Tribune publisher hanging right in president-elect Eisenhower's lap. Seaton was appointed to the Senate by Gov. Val Peterson after Kenneth Wherry died in office. According to the Constitution, the governor of a state appoints someone to fill the unexpired term of a senator who dies in office excellent publisher. braskan can hardly Although The Daily Ne- speak for the people of Nebraska, we are almost sure that we echo the thoughts of nearly everyone when we urge the Senator to' accept any offers which the new president might dangle before him. The last Nebraskan to serve on the Cabinet was the late Francis Matthews, of Omaha, Secretary of Navy under Truman. Seaton is an able and willing politician, and The Daily Nebraskan congratulates him on his hard work. Furthermore, he would give a Cabinet I 1 w . "f ' J m JT-S - ... T-A I Kswrnexsexseaas- . . I l.i- Crib Notes 'Homes, USA', Dancing, Bridge On Union Agenda Shirley Murphy Do you happen to know what'sons fill the Tuesday agenda for UlC UlUUlli James Porter conducts brldee classes from 5 to 8 p.m. in Union "We're scoutln' for th wrestling team and th' coach here Is quite taken with yer style Interested?" "eclectic" means? It's one of the divisions of Ull tnntlirnA in American nrciuiia;i.uio ,"" nrt. oia the Life exhibit opening in the.Room 316, Union lounge ,,s ,mm IVluuuujr. The exhibit is titled "Houses, i U.S.A." Forty- ! tl y j seven panels of I plans, drawings and photo graphs will de pict the Ameri c a n architec tural scene from 1607 to 1046. The division of housing types o rt houses, colonial, houses of the new republic, Greek revival, Gothic revival, eclectic ana modern. Bridget Watson's house commit tee is in charge of the display. Murphy Dancers in Donna McCandlcss'. class will take up the basic stops In the Charleston, Bhag, Jitterbug, Inngo and rhumba from 7 to 9 p.m. in the ballroom. After viewing the house deco rations Friday night, drop in at the Union "Pep" dance in the Round-up room. Dolores Carag and Jack Nelson are co-chairmen. Dance time is from 9 to 12 p.m. Also, getting in the homecoming spirit, Bob Mechan, Union special activities chairman, John Gourlay and Jan Harrison have been busilv constructing a Union homecoming noat. Following the Minnesota Husker tussle Saturday, Union will hold coffee hour in the main By the way, eclectic means i0Unge. Be sure and drop in. bo ort in i? or cnoosina wnai jj thought best in opinions, doe trines . . ." Dance lessons and bridge les- A Student Views The News German 'Economic Boom' frightens European Powers Ann Griffis ... t r i J1 x i. Ji until the next general election. This means that Position tne vigor ana miawesxern navor mai Rpatnn wae nnnnintd in siaxr in thA Snnt until deserves. D.P. the people of the state could elect a successor to Wherry Nov. 4. They elected Dwight Griswold, who will serve for two years. After Seaton was appointed, he became one of the most outspoken men In the Senate. Since he did not have to worry about re-election, he could speak out the way any senator should. His record has been praised by. a great many Democrats as well as fellow Republicans. When General Eisenhower was nominated for the Presidency by the Republican party last July, he immediately chose a staff of campaign advisers. Seaton was one of these and a great bulk of the press has forecast that the Nebraska publisher will be rewarded for this service with a Cabinet ap pointment. It certainly is within the realm of possibility despite the fact that Seaton claims he has "no plans for any work in the government." He may have no plans of his own but it is not his job to make plans, he merely has to accept offers. He definitely hasn't closed the door to offers. Seaton has been a worthy Nebraskan and one who could make a great name for himself in the Cabinet. The Hastings Tribune could probably survive without him although he has been an Gone Are The Days Gone are the days when the University sta dent's life was a purely academic sanctuary. He no longer spends the night in supposedly scholarly analyses of abstract philosophical questions. The smoke-filled discussion room is becoming a lost institution. The "outside world" with all Its attendant confusion, hustle and bustle has invaded the campus. We race madly from this to that and back again. We talk hard, work hard and play hard. We don't do things one at a time if we are doing anything, we are doing six things. And we never stop doing things. One of the few remaining areas in which we could sit back, relax, and watch things one by one, used to be half-time of football games. For many minutes we tried to watch 22 men do 22 different things, keep an eye on the football, and check the striped shirts. Then we could relax and calmly watch an orderly sequence of events. Now even this small consolation is being denied us. We had to figure out a two-ring circus at half-time, Missouri. This Is a plaintive plea to the powers that be please give us back our orderly, one-event-at-a-time half-times. Please. S.H. k Margin Notes t No Rest For the Statue Russian people are "prepared to fulfill the task Again the Statehouse site for "the statue of of defending the peaceful labor of the Soviet William Jennings Bryan is a controversial subject PePle" for Nebraskans. At the time it was erected on The RMilu apokesman did not complete his the Capitol grounds, heated protests were heard by syin the "peaceful labor" against the location. Now Gov. Val Peterson and was the Production of destructive military weap- his successor, Robert B. Crosby, doubt that Bryan's ons to Protect the,r country from invaders, of stature in the history of Nebraska justifies singling cour8e- him out for the prominent position it now holds and they recommend he be moved to the new His- "7 St . VI torical Society Building. 1 JIlSL UJCUjUL iUWhildJLCLtL Poor William. Toward the end of his lifetime, he lost his feeling of security in Nebraska and FIFTY-FIRST TEAR now, even after his death, the people whom he Member so well represented are moving him from one Associated Collegiate Press 1 place to another. Intercollegiate Press I'll Buy Tickets, If . . . editorial staff Trywif j,.. iri x n .... . Th Dally Nebraska Is eoblliaee by lb stsaeats t 6 t7ahee With the next King and Queen title Coming ,tf, at Nebraska as expression o indents' acrn and felon omtj. up Nov. 20, unofficial figures show that one ErST AJB&iSS'tttt fraternity has promised four different sororities Me7 ZSUtn'",: SaTO. that the entire chapter will back their candl- " an meusner of the tanitj of the Utiiu, bat taw ...... ..... members t the staff of Tie Dally Nebraska, are aereoaalb; ra- dates If the sororities in turn will back theirs, sponsible ri what te w or nw be mated." Workers are alstn favnina- th vcjr.Mr..r SabsertVAes rats are fS.OO a seaseutar. It 10 arafleei or Kt.on turners are also issuing me year-aiier-year , ,nt rtn. m.oo atalM. Siaate cope Jte. PabMbeel ery that for selling so many tickets in the house ,!, -uri? ch2"' " m aaodan. .uoa. " " aad esamlnatiou periods. One issue published during Ike Bomb of Of S finalist, their Chapter Will give SO many a tk talrersity of Nebraska under tba snpcrrlslo of tfeo . J Committee oa Htudeat Publications. Eatered as Beet) ad Class Matter VOteS. at the Poet Office la Lincoln, Nebraska, seder Art of Caatrcse. im,i !v4. v. 11. . . . Marcb S, 1879. aad at special rate of poetase pravMee) for fee Soc- ThlS might be the major reason Why Kosmet lion 1103, Act at Cessans of October S. leir. aathortsed Septeea- Klub has never lost money on a Fall Revue. At JJ,0 Rvawe the rate ticket-voting has increased, houses will Editor i, .".".'. '..'. ' " " Doe piwr . . . .. , . Maaadnf Editor! Sat Gorton. Eea Rrstrom soon be having another item on their budget News EdUora su Hau, Hat Hasseibaicn. ,,. . Dick Rabtea, Sara otepfcensaa. Pal Ball queen purchasing fund. tvortt 4ttm OUm ntlmm Peaceful Sovfp f"'1 8port E4Jtor Charles Klaeek reiilCJUI JU ;CI o a reotnra Editor Pat Poos A military parade to mark the 35th anniver- gjjj". Sary Of the Bolshevik revolution Was Climaxed Reporters . ... Tom Woodwsrd. Jn Harrison, fanl Means with th rlArmnMntlnn nf "nmrmnnoorc" -,un j. muujn Tyson. Natalie Katt, Borer Wait, Nine? Gardiner, rai WlUl Uie denunciation Ol warmongers WhO dream Ljen, Connla Good, John Vonnee. Chuck Deeker, Ed DeMar. of a new world while-carrying on a "barbarous c Knak. Ri.rin.ii. Dei Hrdinr, Darwin MeAfee, Doi gnodfraea, Charlotte Dafoe, Dee Jackson. Faddy Wrifht, Mary War against the Korean people." However, the Ana Hansen. Grace Haner. Joey Dlnrmsn. Marilyn Hatton. D..w a e antk Kleinert, Jmney Carman, Bart Brawn, Tom Becker, ' "jpl I Howard Vann, Bob Berr, Gary Franden. Of IV I nOUCUll BUSINESS STAFF Business Manaser Arnold Stera He's of the same opinion still. Gay. BMh,e" 8ll Ber" ' Lookina difficulty squarely in the face Clnulham Mmnwr will often kill it. Anonymous. Night Editor su7 Han Seven and a half years ago, Nazi Germany, one of the greatest war machines in history, fell to the Allied powers of Europe and North America. The process of rebuilding began again for the second time in a half-century. Germany had been smashed industrially, eco nomically and ideologically by the most destructive warfare mankind had ever achieved. And adding to those vast problems, she found herself a cats-paw in the struggle between her two most powerful conquerors Russia and the United States. Griffis Now, amazingly, Germany has made a re covery so striking that she is threatening to be come the top European economic power. The German industrial genius which created such a formidable enemy has been re-applied to peace time economy with, spectacular effectiveness. Production figures for October are 59 per cent above the same figures for 1936. Building and construction are booming. The coal and steel industries, foundation of the German economy, have reached their highest levels since war years. In the trade circles of the world, German ex ports during September exceeded imports by $36,- 500,000. Increased amounts of money are being placed in savings institutions and Marshall Plan statistics indicate that although the cost of living has risen eight per cent, the industrial wage aver ago is 13 per cent, higher. In contrast, the U.S. cost of living has increased 13 per cent and the wage average has risen only four per cent. Rather than encouraging other European na tions to allow Germany to regain her pre-war status In continental affairs, the economic boom seems to have made them more wary. Particularly tension is arising in Franco-German relations. Negotiations of the future control of the Saar have been strongly hampered by fear of Germany's growing trade and production in other sections of the world. One of the main aims of West German Chan cellor Konrad Adenauer has been to build a na tion capable of playing an active role in a uni fied Europe. But paradoxically the strength that has been developed is now acting as a detriment to the Schuman plan and other proposals for European unity. Some of woman's feline charac teristics show up in the Sunday movie, "I Can Get It For YoiTl Kansas Kiss Meter (EDITORS NOTE: The following- was stolen from the pages of the Dally Kansan.) In 1950 the electrical engineers offered a kissing trophy "in the interest of more and higherqual- ity kisses" to the men's organiza tion amassing the highest team score. Fraternity teams, pick-up teams, or single couple .were eligible to enter, but every man had to provide himself with a partner. The kissing contest was held on the second floor of the electrical engineering laboratory during the Engineering Exposition. The de partment's kiss-testing machine The Nuclear Transmutational Os- culometer carefully recorded the kissing potential of contestants. The machine was built from parts of five old pinball machines. plus incidental bells, flags, relays, and wires. The contraption classi fied curious kissers into five cate goriesexperts, lovers, neckers, buddies, and lousy. A couple when being kiss-ana lyzed both held an electrode in each hand as they embraced. When their lips touched the cir cuit closed, a small current flowed between them, and the score mounted. The secret of a good score lay in the eargerness with which the partners entered into the em brace. A bashful peck netted the couple's score. That Is, if the anxiety caused the partners' hands to perspire. The pers piration served as an electrical conductor and upped the count. Lipstick tended to lower the score by acting as an insulator The greasier the lipstick, the bet- Wholesale." Susan Hayward plays a model who works her way up to a de signer's position and connives with Dan Dailey, salesman, to purchase a store of their own and go into partnership. Love can be fickle and Susan gives Dan "a dirty deal" which fouls up the partnership. Don't know about the shop. Anyway, all ends happily. It should be a good movie for any one interested in the clothing in dustry. Exhibits To Show Nebraska Settings When completed, the Hall of Nebraska Wildlife in Morrill Hall will represent 16 Nebraska loca tions showing topography, floral settings and animals. This will extend one side of the basement. Work has begun on the Habitat group with the window showing a bobcat and natural surround ings completed. Next finished will be the whooping crane erouD of the sandhills in North Central Ne braska and the rironehorn antp- lope window. In this collection skills of the educator, scientist, artist, crafts man and lighting soecialist are combined to recreate natural win dow scenes. KNUS 3:00-5:15 Jay', Junction 3:15-3:30 Treasury Show f 3:30-4:00 Authors Of The Age- 4:00-4:15 Spins A Needles 4:15-4:30 Garretson'a Wax works 4:30-4:35 This I Believe 4:35-4:50 Robin's Nest 4:50-5:00 News the score. participants a decisive "lousy" on Iter the insulation, and the lower the sensitive machine. The harder the couple kissed, the more cur rent flowed between them, and the higher their score became. An apprehensive attitude to ward the contraption boosted a NUBB Monday YW CAMP COUNSELING El len Smith, Dining Room, 4 p.m. YW COMMISSION, CHRIS TIAN BELIEFS Ellen Smith Dining Room, 5 p.m. CORNHUSKER PICTURES West Stadium, Photo Lab. COSMOPOLITAN CLUB 12:30 p.m. ALPHA ZETA 4:30 p.m. ALPHA EPSILON RHO 4:45 p.m. VOC AG 5 p.m. Open For Business ppwimiMiiinnuiKiiHwwHMuir'": ; J-'nnenusawajaa 'Pl 9mtmimmrfmmmM inm,.,,,:.,;.,,, .;.y, .,. $ I ONE HOUR Washed and Dried Cheaper Thaa Sendlnj Laandry Home Automatic Machine Attendant Service 16th & N Drive In Parking Courtesy Lincoln Star APPLES FOR SALE . . . Looking Into the future, Tom Pearson, University student, has decided that he will soon be In the apple and pencil selling business with the Republicans regaining control of the government after 20 years of defeat. Pearson is not alone In his prediction of hard-times ahead. Many die-hard Democrats were certain on Nov. 3 that the future would bring prosperity while the following day they were pre dicting depression, war and corruption. With this defeatist at titude, people may quite easily be talking themselves directly into these conditions. V:: baton's connnsnnLE bond has a high faculty rating it erases without blur, blear, or blemish o You're "grade A" on Ibis magical typewriter paper 1 It banishes your mistakes forever, finishes up with a clean groomed look that just can't fail to impress favorably. Test it: make a mistake, flick it off wiih a pencil eraser, type over it see how Corrasable erases without a traCel Try ii: nole faculiy reaction to such clean precision. Use it for keeps: save lime, temper, money, and watch your grades hit that upward zoom! Available in 100-ahool paekooj and boxoa ol 500 shoots la cor. act weights lor all youi neecW IF YOUR REACTION IS: "THIS I GOTTA SEE" Stop In noon lor a demonstration or to malt your own lad. only Eaton makes Corrasable Bond twBOOK STORE mm J,