Page 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday. November 7, 1952 EDITORIAL PAGE Harry From Here (The second of two articles on what hap pened to ex-prestdents after their retirement from office.) Ex-presidents, almost Invariably, are an un happy lot, a quick glance at history discloses. Even those who succeed in remaining active in member of the House of Representatives, died from a stroke suffered in the Capitol, died in the speak ers room. ( George Washington attempted to retire to Mount Vernon in peace and quiet, but was forced to accept command of the army in expectation of public affairs soon become discouraged and for- war with France. War never came, and George rotten. The majority either die within a few died within two and a half years. years or fade rapidly into obscurity and is illu sionment. The 24 men who have outlived their terms an president, have lived for an average of more than 10 years after their retirement from the White House. Five, however, have died within four years, 11 within eight years. Eight have lived more than 15 years, but only two, thus far, have surpassed the 20-year mark. James K. Polk died almost immediately upon leaving office his health undermined. Woodrow Wilson, as is commonly known, was a defeated, dying man when he left the presidency, although he lived for three years. Calvin Coolidge, al though writing a daily newspaper column, soon became depressed with the economic disasters which followed his administration. He died four years after turning the. White House over to Her bert Hoover. Chester Arthur died a year and a half after leaving Washington defeated and discouraged after being refused re-nomination to succeed him- . self. James Buchanan spent most of his remaining seven years preparing a careful defense of his four-year administration. He died in obscurity. Ulysses S. Grant attempted, after a trip to Europe, to gain re-nomination for the presidency four years after his retirement. But he was un successful and spent his remaining years "sad dened by lack of means, by positive misfortune, calumny and sickness." Although still a familiar figure in politics, Teddy Roosevelt spent his remaining 10 years - ranting, raving and running around accomplish nothing except killing lions and, ironically, insur- t ing the election of Woodrow Wilson. ; Thomas Jefferson retired to Montecello, dis- credited and disillusioned. He described himself as a worn-out mariner approaching shore and as - a prisoner emerging from the shackles. He turned the study of science and to the founding of the - University of Virginia. He died in debt ' Dying on the same day July 4, 1826 was John Adams, who lived some 25 years after leav- -ing the presidency. During that time, however, Adams did little except correspond and write of the men and events of his day. His memory un- certain, he remained isolated from public affairs. Martin Van Buren was offered a London mis sion upon his retirement but only as an attempt to exile him from the country. He refused. Later he ran for the presidency on the Free-soil party ticket but was defeated. In later years he was disillusioned by Pierce and came to despise isucnanan. Franklin Pierce became unpopular even at home and died in social and political obscurity. Andrew Jackson, James Madison and Henry Fillmore just faded away. John Quincy Adams succeeded in election to Congress eight times. He became an outstanding Only in the case of Benjamin Harrison, John Tyler and Hayes were ex-presidents able to re turn to their normal way of life. Harrison re turned to his practice of law, remarried and was the father of a daughter. He campaigned slightly in 1894 and 1898. , Tyler, too, managed to settle down, retiring to Sherwood Forest with his new wife. He lived there quietly, except for the seven child ren with whom he was blessed during his 17 years of retirement. . -. Hayes had acceptetd the presidential nomin ation with the understanding he would serve only one term. At the end of the four years he turned to his library, became a speaker and ex pressed interest in humanitarian causes. " . , What will happen to Harry Truman after next January?' No one knows, probably including the President himself. If the lessons of history are any indication, he should live at least 10 years. But these years, judging from the past, won't be very productive or encouraging. An ex-president has nothing to look forward to. Only memories remain for the poor fellow. He becomes a misplaced institution in American society. K. R. Age Of Anxiety ... To be young means . To be all on edge, to be kept waiting in A packed lounge for a Personal Call From Long Distance, for the low voice that Defines one's future. The "Age of Anxiety" poet that wrote these words for youth, as Miss Bernice Slote. English instructor, wrote in The Nebraskan Wednesday, brought out a combined faculty-student audience Thursday morning that nearly burst the walls of the Union Ballroom. Carl Schneider, political science instructor. phased the situation quite well when he said, at the beginning of the convocation, "You just don't know what will happen on this campus when you call a convocation." The audience to hear W. H. Auden would undoubtedly have been more com fortable in the Coliseum. Perhaps Auden's appeal to the student body was his simplicity, his honesty and his attempt to reach the truth. By the time he got to his last words from his own writing about read ing the New Yorker and having small views every face in the audience was lost in Its own thoughts prompted by those of Auden. Something about this man about what and how he writes, brought out a fine student audience perhaps anxious to glean some bit of wisdom to make their lives more meaningful. The im pression that Auden had made on his audience by 12 noon Thursday showed tjnat he had given University students some part of his understand ing of how to live. R. R. As I See It Just Around . ' Betas, llieta Ki, Love iraff Plan Only Weeh-lnd Parties It will be a poor cancel i party hopping unless you are in Kansas. For only three parties are scheduled for the Nebraska cam pus Friday and Saturday. But,the parties sound like the kind you won't want to "hop" from any way. The first is the Beta's "Roar ing Twenties" party, set for Fri- The Big Show In all their advertising, the Union kept prom ising that they were going to bring the Biggest Show of 1952 to the campus. And they did. The combined jass talents of Stan Kenton, Sarah Vaughan and Nat "King" Cole held the nearly-packed Coliseum under its blarinc influ- TC Banquet The annual Elementary Education banquet will be the main item on the social agenda for many of the Teachers College students next Wednesday night at the Union Ballroom. News items have carried the phrase that elementary ed students are "urged to purchase their tickets as soon as pos sible." This writer has noticed the slightest bit of coercion among the attitude of the Teachers College leaders in getting their students to buy the tickets. Of course, many departments and colleges of the University have social functions throughout the year which students are urged to attend. But it has never come to The Daily Ne braskan's attention that any other college of the University so emphatically "urged" its students ence. It was an opportunity for the student body to soak in some of that modern medium of mu sical expression classic Jazz. The size and enthusiasm of the crowd reminded several members of The Daily Nebraskan staff of another Union presentation two years ago when another type of classic was brought to the cam pus. For some reason maybe the academic at mosphere or the University the crowd for the Saddler-Wells ballet was larger, but not a great deal larger. In any evpnt, both the Big Show and the ballet were terrific successes. They are in dicative of the type of entertainment which the Union is always trying to bring to the University. The Union set-up on shows like this is in teresting. If it makes money on one show, they arrange it so that they lose money on the 'next and pay the difference from the profits of the success. This means that nearly every Union production is presented at almost cost or be low cost. This, of course, is as it should be. But The Nebraskan believes that the Union should be given some sort of special praise for undertaking By LARRY DUNNING Staff Writer "The moving finger writes; and having writ, Moves on: nor all your piety nor wit Shall lure it back to half a line, Nor all your tears wash out a word of It." I think that sums up most Dem ocratic opinions of the recent election. It was a long and ar duous campaign. It has ended and in the words of Governor Steven son, the rift caused by politics can be patched only by a unified trust in democracy. It will now be necessary for various persons to begin to live up to their campaign promises. Some Incompetent incumbents who succeeded in ragaining con trol of their office, of course, have no promises to fulfill as Jhey made none and since they have nothing to offer their con stituents to At seniority, it is doubtful if anyone will expect aught else. One of the recent issues of the recent campaign is the recent war in Korea. Since the Remihlionne will soon be in Dower. I choose to call it a war because they scoffed at the term "police action" and evidently would rather have it a war. It seems to me that many persons are laboring under the fallacy that America is omniDo- Russia is a country composedof Notes And Half Notes umerates and destitutes, with no mechanical ability and less rea soning ability. To you who think Of Russia as a backward tint let me point out the suDerior wea pons that the Russians have over the United States, their jet is su perior to the U. S. sabre jet, their low silhoutte tank is faster, more devastating and harder to hit than our best tank, their lap mortars are far superior to anything that we have to offer. Are these the weapons of a backward nation? Or are these the weapons of a strong foe? e. " Some people say why do we keep jumping around the anth parallel? Why don't we push them Jan Steffen weekend for! day night at the Lincoln Hotel, -umnist who is well informed on Satiirrlnv nlrht there Will Do Love Memorial Hall's annual fall party and a Theta XI house party. - Society column readers are in for a treat next week. They'll have a guest columnist with bcth eyes open (in the picture) and a col- campus 'fly p ! I ) ; . , irTtrwrririr-4 ' aWow'J ft ,JS i Steffan BALLOON BLOWING . . . One of the features at the dorm party last Saturday night was this contest. These four party goers seem to be getting a head start on the remaining students. Biggest Show Plays To 4,000 Jan km Danny Fogel The Biggest Show of '52 will be talked about for years to come by some 4,000 jazz enthusiasts who attended the concert WetJoesday night. The latest report from the Coliseum was that the rafters were still vibrating, both from the joy of the gallery and did "Route 66." Nat, whose home is in L.A., has the same views on traveling as Sarah and considers it a necessity for a musician's success. "The rumors that were circulat- exDlosive music of Kenton and mg about last year about the dis from the wild applause accredited banding of the Trio are absolutely affairs Marilyn Mangold. Be Ar a t V h ing for her pic ture and com ments. ' Now for the recent pin n i n g s. The newest attach ed couples are Orval Conner, Acacia, and Marlene Wall, Wilson Hall: Bob.Foote, Beta (now in the Afr Force), and Jane Fletcher, Theta; and Dick Bauermeister, Beta Sig, and Anne White, Sigma Kappa. A newly engaged couple, Lloyd Niemann, merchant ma rine and Marilyn Paneo, Wilson Hall, announced their betrothal Oct. 20. The TKE house was the' scene of a Mother's Club date dinner Sunday. Among those present were Dick Eusterweimann and Joy Wachal; Bill Mooney and Dorothy Quinn; Dick Horstmari and Jane Hansen; Byron Thomp son and Mary Taylor; Thorn Sny der and Murt Pickett; Al Mfchelet and Jo Kjelgaard; Randy Mc- Ewen and Faye Graham; Paul Thompson and Sheila Brown; Tom Hunton and Barb Akeson; Chuck Kuncl and Barb Clark; and Gary Jones and Betty Swanson. The Chi O Mardi Gras party last weekend seems to have been as much a success as usual. Some of the couples present were: Bobby Banks and John Shap per; Pat Buck and Carl Peter sen; Dottie Orchard and Cal Kuska; Yvonne Moran and Burt Lynn; Katy Kelly and Jack Soder; Yolanda Davis and John Lowe; Barbara Kissler and Dixie Peters, and Annie Lam mers and Fred Novak. Kappa Alpha Theta reported two social functions from last weekend. The sorority had a cof- iK?rea. why don't we bomb to Cole and Vaughn, not to men- false," says Nat. "They're as -thTFir Manchuria? Why don't we win it tion the supplementary acts. portant to me as Kenton's brass Sej" and get it over with? The answers Kenton mine the Artistry in' section is to him. I started with'?"Vw to thest are because if anvnne rt L.K?.nton: us,,ng AnAJAiilsl.v-m. the Trin nH t rfrtht if T-u PP. intramural football games. Satur- ican style using a tune called "Taboo." Bill Russo, first t r o m b o n ist, took the solo for the next number, "C o 1 1 a b o ration." Other greats played by Stan were "S e' p t e ru ber Song" and ' v.- ''f Foirel tn thocf i . . xvenvon, using uie niuauj iu hole68"!6 11. Rhythm band, opened the show 'v-- ai c niauutru whii. t A MAV t. uuiu nave vn uur lianas a mira world War. now. tomorrow everyone realizes that in Korea we are fighting some 500.000 Chi nese Communists. Are they going io quit iignung wnen we reach the Korean-Manchurian border? Then we'll be jockeying there. now can we win it and eet it over with? If we once started a full scale offensive we wouldn't be able to quit until we had conquered Asia or until we had so de pleted ourselves that we could be easily conquered. Ask any military man ... are we ready militarily to fight a third world war? They will answer all in accord, "NO." Some people say well its coming sooner or later so we had just as well get it over with. If we wait, until later, we have a chance for di plomacy working or some un foreseen factor which will serve our purpose, but if we fight now we will be doing Just what they query ... it will all be over with as far as America is concerned. to attend their activities. It usually impresses an the responsibility for bringing this type of enter- Instructor if a student is interested enough in his particular college to take part in its extra-curricular activities. But. with the Elementary Education students, the impression to be made by attending thia an nual banquet means more than being In the good graces of their instructors. In many Instances, r the Implication Is given, during ticket sales, that attendance at the banquet has some con nection with a grade or a recommendation. This writer could be entirely wrong could liave heard incorrectly when many students griped bout "what a way to get grades" when they paid Hie $1.35 for the banquet ticket. This writer could be mislead into thinking that attendance at college functions should be' voluntary. The attendance at the banquet will undoubt edly be extremely satisfying to the elementary ed leaders but we think it won't be to many of the students. R. R. tainment to the campus. We thank you. D. P. The Week Ends ... Today marks the end of the annual panhellenic week which has involved meetings, banquets and speakers. With the main purpose aimed toward closer sorority union, The Nebraskan wonders as to what results it will produce this year. Will the week prove that each individual group is reluctant to work outside of its inner walls, or will it have proven a week of closer relationship with lasting results." Daily Thought Be slow to make a promise but swift to keep it. Anonymous. Jul (DaiJU 7fai)AaAkcuL FIFTY-FIRST YEAR Member Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press EDITORIAL STAFF Tin Dally Nabmkaa It rabllsM hr Hi. MadrMi of Ow Catot tut tt Slrtnuk cuprascioa of mtitmuf mn ma4 . Holou mvly. Acnrdlaa to Artifl II af dw Hr-lmwt mmnimt mHtart MbUca- and tatattcntf to Dm Bnri f PoMicatiou, "II It Ih. tkmt poller f Ik Board IB wbllcaliOM. maim Hi HtrUdrittM tall fra Inm iUvriml num.). oa (h nut of th. Bmi. ar M Dw part af aw awartMr a tlx lacaltr of Oa CajwiHy, bal Dm mmbm ml tarn otelf af Taa Dili Koorakaa ar. aenoaaUr ajmuinla far what Ibey av or da ar caaw w a prtmui." Sabatrlpflaa rata aro SS.M a Haw air, ttM anlM ar S3.M lot taa call's raw. M.M anlM. Shad. nn Ke. P-Hirih 4tily aarlac tfca odMal roar oiccot FatanUn mmm Saadan, racatloai mmt ciamlaatioB ptrtttt, Oa. Inat aabliaboj aarlnt tb. araata af AaaM mt tfca Ualvanltr af Kabnufci aaoer th. raaerrliloa of B I'aainittM mm fttaataf PaMicatloai. Batentf Macooa' Clan Mattar ST..""" nroraaub oaaer Act af Coacraab 1ST, mmt at rr-tct.l rat. af poatm. provta for la S ! A10?' Caaaroa af Odobar S. 1817. aattorbal Saptear- aar 10. IMS. ( Batfe Banaaad Aaadata Editor Doa Picptr Maaadaa Kalian M Garlea, Ira Brum Mm fcditon Sail? Ball. Hal UaaMlbaica. Dick BlUtoa. gara fcuvkeuoa, ft Ball Spam Umitmt , Glen Hataoa At Sporti Editor Ckarlcf Kbnrk heat nr. K4ltar fat Faak Ai Editor Cb.c Beat Jaa atefiai aca.rtars . .... Tern WMdatrd. Jan Harriion. Paul Meant Stariljn Trioa, Nitall. Katl, Kortr Walt, Nuntj Gardiner, Pat byae, l.ennl. uooa, Jonn vonnes, Chuck Decker, Ed DoMar, Cal Kaika, Gary Hherman, Dal Bardinf, Darwin MeAffe., Del Snodrraaa, Daf.e, Dm Jaeki.n, Paddy Wrlfht, Mary Ana Hainan, Grace Hanrey, Jeey Dlnrman. Marilyn Rattan, Kath Klelntrt, Janey Carman, Bart Brawn, Tarn Bwker, Howard Vann. Bab Sarr, Gary Franden. BUSINESS STAFF mil ana Maaaaar Araold Stara Amt BaataMaa Manager! ., Staa Sipala, Pet. Bergman Doa Overboil ClrealsUoB ManaeTar B4 Bare Nlfht Newt Udltor .' Chaek Beam hrPnk nwpv frnm thpm Inns n W the Theta s went . th fs I'm in the business." At present, Nat is number one as far as sales go at Capi tol. He picks his own tunes and selects the studio orchestra for accompaniment. At the present he is using Nelson Riddle's great band. Nelson Is responsible for such hits as "Nature Boy" and "Too Younp." Following the tour, the Trio plays "Chi" and then back to the coast where the Trio will do a couple of pictures for MGM. They appear in the picture, "Small-town Girl" with Jane Powell. My sincerest congratulations to Duane Lake and all those con- souri football game with the Phi Gams. NUBB Friday ' Intervarsity Christian Fellow ship 5 p.m. Faculty Coffee Hour Faculty Lounge, Union, 4 p.m. Monday Cosmopolitan Club 12:30 p.m., Photo Lab, West Stadium. Why They Won fKDITOR'S NOTKi la Widncar'e Daily Kobnukaa. aa aaelruli of IK. Ke pabllcaa ilctorr at Ik. polU waa pahliiaed. ThU inatrtli wai writtra by t 'kaiiet Hinne, a active rUapabllcaa warfcer. Today, lb. Nabraekaaj anked Kea Hrttroia to te the vlewi of Dtaiocrat aa the fteaab liraa victory, Rmnn, a awaatlair editor of Tbe Kebradum, baa ertl.elr followed tb. Drmocralk tide of Ike meat cant. palca. He ! tbe ealbor af awet of lb. an trie at th. A blaaeat Views Politic They ask, "Why did the Demo crats lose?" The only logical answer is: js holding down the vocal spot iney man t lose nor ma tne ue- light, but she is far below par publicans win me ivoi election. Eisenhower's sweeping vic tory was simply a personal, popular victory over a man whom no one knew four months ago and who didn't claim to hold all the answers to the problems of the world. The Eisenhower victory was not a repudiation of Democratic prin ciple nor an endorsement of the planks of the Republican plat form. It was a translation, into political expression, of the ad miration and confidence the American people have for a truly great general. Many will disagree with this position. They will say that the Republican party soundly de feated its opponents and that the voters have embraced the Repub lican party as the saviour of the world. But the facts do not uphold this view. On the contrary, the truth is that the Republicans barely managed to obtain control of the two houses of Congress and that control is strong enough only lor oreanizational uurDoses. In every other election when a presidential candidate has received such a solid endorsement by the elector ate. his narty has been swept into office with substantial majorities. Not so in 1952. The gain of the Republicans in House and Senate is due almost entirely to the personal attraction of Eisen- bower. Indeed, it appears now that Ike's support of McCarthy and Jenner was perhaps abso lutely essential for their re-election. The Democratic party has noth ing to be ashamed of except that it could not successfully deflate the extreme popularity of the Re publican candidate. And, judging from the amount or support Eisenhower immediately received upon his nomination, the Demo cratic party, led effectively, if not brilliantly, by Adlai Seven son, succeeded in cutting Ike's initial lead by a substantial amount. ::! "Limelights." Maynard Ferguson, formerly with Charlie Barnett's band, amazed the audience with a trumpet solo that a flute player umtild hatrA Viarl rliffinllllv motpr. cerned at the Union for brincing Kenton supplied the background:"? ulc""'i" fccnaauonai eve miKi(, ning of fine music and entertain V. ... S4n hiiua to vn Ilium. on tour with the innovation or chestra. If some of you are wondering, if Stan still books night-spots for dancing, the an swer is yes. Immediately follow ing the tour, the Artistry In Rhythm Band plays the Rustic Room in New Jersey for two weeks. Some of you no doubt missed a couple of familiar faces in the aggregation. I'm speaking of vocalist June Christy and drummer Shelly Mann. They were standouts with the band when It skyrock eted to fame In the middle 40s, playing suck tunes as "Tam plco," "Willow Weep for Me," and "Come Back to Sorrento." Since that time the percussion department has been handled. i by Stan Levy; but on the other ;!! Haill, all KV VH-b-MI -"W Kentons been having trouble. After June left the crew, Jay Johnston was with them for about a year md was great. At this time, however, he is in L.A. trying to break into the movie business. Helen Carr followed and was av erage. At the present Kay Brown PRINTING When you need printing be sure to see the Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North Uth Street ::;:::::H:ii:i:;i;:;:;H:i:Uii::i::!:!;:i!:U:Ulu for Kenton. Stan himself quit the music field for a short while in '48 to continue his studies in medicine. He hopes to obtain a degree in psychiatry. Sarah Vaughan was every bit what the crowd anticipated, brilliant In her vocals and charming- In her personality. The quality of her wonderful voice is even more appreciated in person than on recordings. Such tunes as "Perdido" find "Tenderly" more than con firmed the fact that Sarah is America's number one female vocalist. While I was speaking to her during Intermission, I asked her why it was necessary for a personality with her repu tation and ability to have to knock herself out on tours when she could undoubtedly stay in one of the larger cities for an extended engagement. She said that if an artist wants to keep on top she must travel and keen in contact with the pub lic. To play one city month after';!; month is all right, but to make'lil an eight week tour such as this pi insurres a fresh audience and Hi gives the performer renewed con fidence that her work is appre ciated. At the close of the tour, November 16, she has a few re cording dates with Columbia and a few night spot engagements. Nat Cole well deserves the "King." He thrilled the audi ence with his new releases "Be cause You're Mine," "Funny" and "I'm Never Satisfied." Then he reached way back, to the 1 VVPC $ 29.95 vet 11 But this is all In retrospect. We now have a president-elect. It is up to all of us Democrat or Rpubllcan to support him in his efforts to fulfill his promises to the American citizens. He made enough of them. And, if he is to keep the confidence of the American people, he'd better produce results in a hurry. Let's hope he can. ... YOU . . . the Shining Star of the HOMECOMING DANCE In this swishy, rustling dress . . . full, black taffeta skirt high snug pleated "Empire" waistline and' white jersey "sweater look" top be-daled with sparkling pearls and rhine stones. Sizes 7-13. Just one from our new colltctio. College Shop Second Floor informal Homecoming Dance- Saturday Night . . . Nov. IS featuring Ralph Materia and his orchestra University Coliseum