THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, November 6, 1952 A STUDENT LOOKS TOWARD POLITICS MM mil Hiegffa Point fe Page 4 hs Of lEmidls Ait M U '"-"X."- ;'-""-'-n I i - ? i Courtesy Lincoln Star KEFAUVER. . . Sen. Estes Ke fauver from Tennessee made a favorable Impression on Univer sity students last spring as he spoke to them at a University convocation. His coonskin hat and cries of "Estes is Bestes' " becamte institutions on the campus. Courtesy Lincoln Star BUTLER. . . Sen. Hugh Butler was opposed by a strong vote getter Gov. Val Peterson. De spite his absence from the po litical scene during most of the primary, the septuagenarian de feated the three-term governor by a comfortable margin. He had no real trouble in the Nov. 4 election. k V " . Courtesy Lincoln Journal CROSBY. . . Robert Crosby, for mer state senator and lieutenant governor, bad quite a tiff with a X fellow Republican last spring when, he ran against Lincoln's mayor for the GOP nomination for governor. He was successful.- v V v Fifty Students To Manage Journalism Convention More than 50 University stu-iup dents have volunteered to assist! with the Nebraska High School ,. . , T . ' . t Press Association, Nov. 7 and 8,BeI!' Jlm Clark Lyle Denn'stn. according to Director Will ij vn Hice, assistant professor of nalism, Student chairmen and organiza tions they represent for the con vention are: Gerry Kirk. Theta Sigma Phi; Ken Rystrom, Sigma i Delta Chi; and Shirley Murphy,1 Gamma Alpha Chi. Builders members assisting are: Joy Wachal, convention committee chairman; Sue Brownlee, tours committee chairman; Dennis Knopik, res ervation head; and Dick Ral ston, who is in charge of fi nancial receipts. Committee members who drew Sunday Show To Feature Cumminas Lucile Cummings, concert artist!- and "Telephone Hour" soloist, wilJ Union Ballroom at 8 p.m., in the annual fall concert of the'Univer-4 sity Symphony Orchestra, Miss Cummings was graduated from the University of Oregon, and since then has received wide acclaim from eoast '' to coast. She made her first ap pearances on the West Coast, and then came East to appear or three consecutive seasons at the Kadio City Music Hall. . Following her appearance on the University campus, Miss Cum mings will be heard again on the "Telephone Hour," Nov. 24. Conducting the Symphony Or chestra will be Emanuel Wishnow, Director of the University's String! department. Wishnow who has 1 been conductor of the University Symphony Orchestra for 10 years and head of , the University's string department for 13 years, will appear this winter in a series of chamber music recitals in Lincoln Mid Omaha in a effort to bring ensemble music before the public, v Courtesy Lincoln Star KERR. . . Sen. Robert Kerr, with his long arms and loud voice, charmed his University audience when he spoke last spring. But the log cabin-born Democrat couldn't make the hit his Southern opponent made. Kerr began campaigning as Truman's stand-in, but ended as a candidate in his own right. Courtesy Lincoln Journal PETERSON. . . Gov. Val Peter son starred in the primary with his attacks on Butler for his absences from the Senate. He lost. This fall he turned his at tention to campaigning for Gen eral Eisenhower ended up, at least momentarily, in a Missouri corn field. Courtesy Iincoln Star ANDERSON. . . Victor E. Ander took time off from his job of be ing Lincoln mayor to argue with Crosby over basic state issues. He attempted to convince the Nebraska voters that what they needed was a businessman. For some reason, he fell before Crosby. and prepared the convention contest were: Sally Adams, Barb Ron Gibson. Hile Goodrich. Norris r . . jt . r fv jour-'Hfiniman. Jerry Krieger, Miss Kirk, Joan Krueger, Don Picper, Ruth Raymond, and Bill Tor rencc. Most of :he contest committee members will proctor for the con- tests. A Critical Service Evaluation Committee has been organized for the purpose of informing the delegates how they can im prove their school newspapers. Members of that committee are: Miss Kirk, Barb Wylie, Pat Bechan, Pieper, Miss Krueger, and Goodrich. Kappa Alpha Mu, honorary rraternity in photojournalism, i in charge of photography work. They will evaluate the school newspaper pictures and suggest methods of improvement, "At least 20 or 30 more students have volunteered time for helping with the convention, Hice said. Friday afternoon delegates of h.e "ZlfJPj,, Ie Day Htoto off ee a Aft v. . wv 1 vy Brui IV! Pw which will be distributed Saturday morning. "Although the regular staff will be in charge of copy reading and headline writing," Hice said, "the Saturday morning issue of The Daily Nebraskan is being ublished explicitly for the per sons attending the convention." ; Each school will have one rep resentative reporting for the Saturday morning paper for each 10 delegates attending the .convention. , V "' To date more than 552 delegates have requested reservations for the convention. Forty-six schools from all sections of. the state are being represented. According to Hice, about 650 delegates are ex pected. More than 700 attended last year's convention. Reasons for the smaller atten dance are that some of the dele gations are smaller and high school activities conflict that weekend. By KEN RYSTROM Managing: Editor The nation sighed with relief Wednesday as the last votes of the 1952 election were counted. University students prepared to return to their long-neglected books after more than an eight month struggle to balance books with politics. Although the prospects for the coming two results, however, did not influence out-state vot- ycars appear rather dull and unexciting, the mud- ers sufficiently to duplicate the University's pref- slinging and political wrangling of a primary elec- crences. tion, a national convention and a national election . -fa will always stick in the memories of University This fall the heat was on from the word "class." students, even though the majority of them were The national presidential campaign was already unable to vote. rolling along, and University students were in no To have watched and heard the campaign position to resist popular sentiment, antics of under-age students, one would have Although no rough-and-tumble gang fights guessed that the decisions of the election de pended entirely upon them. They forgot their studies and classes as they became lost in the swing of thunder-and-blood politics. They at tended and sponsored speeches, they organized rallies, they signed and circulated petitions, they participated in panel discussions and question periods and they argued no end night and day. Campaigning got into high gear something around the first of March last winter a month before the state primary election. Students found particular interest in the presidential battles on both Democratic and Republican tickets and in the I long-term senator's and the governor's races on the GOP side. Crime Investigator Sen. Estes Robert Kerr, General Wedemcyer man Howard Buffett spoke to University audiences carried on in in attempts to sell students, in the cases of Ke- Again, as a climax, YWCA, together with fauver and Kerr, on the speakers themselves, on YMCA, sponsored a mock election. This time, Robert A. Taft, as were Wedemeyer and Buffett. however, the University picked every winner Young Democrats for Kefauver sprang up on both in the state and in the nation, campus, donned coonskin caps and strutted around As Tuesday approached, campaign haranging the University, yelling, "Estes is Bestes'." When became vociferous, posters grew more numerous the famous senator came to town, his youthful and ominous predictions multiplied in number supporters escorted him during a full day of cam- and blackness. paigning. Mammoth orange and blue badges distin guished Taft enthusiastis, but they failed to im press many University students. They were solid for Eisenhower. The remainder of the state, however, leaned toward the gentleman from Ohio. v-uuoiviii Mits iui u uiL ngni luiueu on meir 1 v sets ana went to Dea or re well with students and their voting parents out- mained at their posts, not believing that the fight stae could be over so soon. In state races, Gov. Val Peterson challenged Wednesday morning was a new day the be incumbent Sen. Hugh Butler to his seat in Wash- ginning of a new period unknown by University ington. .From Val's side, the political charges students for eight months. There was no cam flew hard and fast perhaps bolstered by a paigning, no mud-slinging, no candidates, lengthy petition signed by University students in Some students slept until noon. Some had which they declared their allegiance to him. long, grey faces. Others ate their breakfast Nothing much came from the elder statesman, however, who was in Washington much of the campaign. Again University students disagreed with out-state voters as they gave Peterson a sub stantial majority. Butler had little difficulty among his real constituents, however. Perhaps the most exciting part of the prt- mary was the all-out battle between former Lt. Gov. Rbert Csosbr aad LineoIivMayo Viei derson. Sponsored by the YWCA Battle Ballots commission, the candidates fired pot- ; And now back to the books but with won shots and compliments back and forth before!" derful memories. STUDENT PROBLEMS Adequate Sunday ! Financial Status Could Solve Sunday night has three draw backs: ( 1 ) It comes before Monday morning (2) It calls for the lock-up of women at 10:30 p.m. (3) It means you forage for your own supper if you live in an or Union Dance Instructions 1 : To Reconvene Uniohrsponsored dance less? nionrsponsored dance .-tenons I will resume again Tuesday; ffsm to 9 p.m., in the Union Ballroom, The last two lessons in this current series will deal with basic steps in such dances as the Charleston, jitterbug, tango, shag and rhumba. Donna McCandlass, dance in structor in Lincoln, is instructing the dancing classes. She has al ready instructed students in the more basic ballroom , dancing steps. If after these 4wo advanced dance lessons, students are in terested in a six-lesson series of advanced bailoroom dancing, they may contact Delores Carag or Jack Nelson, co-chairmen of the Social Dance committee of the Union. Lessons in the current series will continue through Nov. 18. Students wishing to learn the more advanced dance steps need not have attended the four former lessons in this current series. it happened at nu Election night woes did not 'all pertain to the outcome of presidential, senator! al, and local elections at least one in dividual had memory difflnil ties. After leaving his pinmate, he decided to buy an apple at the stand across from the womens dorm. He parked his car in front of the stand (wrong side of the street), left the lights on and the motor running. He chatted a few moments with friends as he bought the apple. The friends wandered across the street he followed. Finding himself almost home, he ambled across the street and went peacefully to bed. Awakening in the morning with a hideous thought, he leaped out of bed and into a pair of trousers and raced to find his car. Some kind soul had moved It to the right side of the street, turned off the motor, turned out the lights, and rolled up the windows. Kefauvcr, Sen. and Congress- But the most dents and the denness of the jjointed, political forover. Supper-Time ganized house or an unorgan ized one for tbat matter. The first two drawbacks are easily survived ;with a reason able amount of action or finag ling, but the third requires fore thought, decision and action to survive. . Dinner at fix1 prevails from Monday through Saturday at most houses, but Sunday is skipped to save money, filve the cooks a rest aad jar the student out of routine, whjeh is bad for his soul. Cme SuodAy !at six the stu denVsjiitomacll. which adheres to routine fceeauae it doesn't have a ithat tVchr&tim Th r mmdr ,aio conct & sirnply a silent pang', that, cuts through twentieth century .Jystory. ;. The moment of decision is at hand. The decision? Where? How? What? Hw much? Where generally depends on what, how and .particularly how much. 4 ' Some students! have the happy faculty of forgetting to write a check on Saturday or forgetting, night or to putht bluntly, being broke on Sunday night. This rules out the swankyvhaven which must be reached by. taxi or bus. If he is lucky maybe' . he can borrow enough from his roommate to man age a Tastee, if- he is willing to walk Sifter it. i ' Those fortunate ones in the middle group, who manage to have enough so that the wolf (proverbial not collegiate) is not beseiging the door on Sun day night may'dine on cheese- Gamma Alpha Activities Thrill "Quite a convention!" That was the comment voiced Tuesday by Shirley Murphy, who with Connie Gordon represented .he University at the 11th Bien nial Convention of Gamma Alpha Chi, National Professional Adver tising. Fraternity for Women in Norman, Oklahoma last week. The Nebraska Chapter of Gamma Alpha Chi, she reported. Vocational Homemakers To Meet At 7:30 Tonight The first business meeting of of..' the year for the Vocational Homemaking Education Associa tion will start at 7;30 p.m., Thurs day. Florence Corbin and Mrs. Rhea Keehler are faculty sponsors for the meeting to be held in the Vo cational Education Parlors of the the Food and Nutrition building. , several hundred University students. Crosby, had less difficulty carrying the mock University vote than he did the primary election among voting citizens. The YWCA commission provided the climax for University political campaigning with a mock election a few days before the April primary. The were recorded, partisan feeling ran high. Pictures of candidates were torn down, mutilated and be mustached. Campaign stickers were pasted in nearly- every vacant window and on every other car bumper. Badges of every size up to the 25 cent special flashed from every shirt and sweater. Democratic Vive-Presidential Nominee John Sparkman addressed University students as did Crosby, but, except for them, students saw and heard little from candidates on campus. A dele gation traveled to Omaha to hear Eisenhower; groups assembled at Presby House and other places to see and hear leading candidates on television; students hastily read articles and edi torials to determine what the candidates were saying and what everyone else was saying about them. active part of the campaign was bull sessions or on street corners, Tuesday arrived, a few elderly students went to the polls and then everyone settled back for what was expected to be a long, long night of suspense. But by midnight the trend was obvious. Stu nation were shocked at the sud political decision. They either with new zeal. For some the day was long it was hard to meet their classmates. For others shaking hands and slapping backs were the m st wonderful experiences in the world. But by Wednesday night the campus was settl ing down. Everyone had presented his angle on the reason for the outcome of the election and had heard at least 15 or 20 other angles from self-ap- observers. The campaign ,w Drawbacks burgers and French fries in a middle group restaurant. The wise student, who skips cokes and coffee during the week or gets someone else to buy them for him can save enough to splurge on Sunday night. He can be reasonably sure of seeing lew people that he knows if he can afford atmosphere and food at the same meal. The Sunday attitude has a definite bearing on student ap petites. It is a reasonable cinch that if you can afford the best steak in town yon won't feel like swapping your jeans for a suit to go and get it, so you'll settle for soup and coffee at the Union. Or you'll just feel like getting away . from people so you'll dash to the Tastee and haul your dinner home with you. If you are a girl you may pool resources with a few of your neighbors and buy something to cook. What could be more fun than making cocoa in a teakettle and drinking it out of the spout? Or heating soup in a skillet and drinldng lt out of a pie plate? It gives you sucn a competent, housewifely feeling. Some students may nse the opportunity of buying a meal away from the house to try dif ferent foods which are not in cluded on the house menu. In cluded under this heading are pizzia, ravioli, French fried shrimp and thick T-bones. One small group is composed of dieters, who skip Sunday night supper because it's too much work to go after it. Chi Convention Two NU Coeds Won the Chapter Reporter Award, which is given to the group contributing the "most news, and the best news" to the Fraternity's national magazine over a period of two years. The program for the two-day convention included, an address by Dale Rodgers, vice president of The American Federation of Advertising, panel discussions con cerning advertising, radio and television; activity reports from 17 university chapter representa tives and a discussion by Bea Adams, "Advertising Woman of The Year" for 1950. A war dance performed by the Sequoi Indian Club, a tour of the University of Oklahoma School of '. Journalism and a visit to the home of Oklahoma's governor were other highlights of the convention. Courtesy Lincoln Star CROSBY. . . Crosby, again, had a long trip to governorship. After defeating Anderson, he had to face Walter Raecke, a popular Democratic attorney. His insistence upon cutting gov ernmental functions and federal aid finally won him the spot in the Capitol. Courtesy Lincoln Journal SPARKMAN,.. Sen. John Sparkman spoke to University students when his hopes for vic tory were high. Although he failed to figure prominently in the campaign, as did his GOP counterpart, Sparkman drew a usual number of criticisms from the opposition. EISENHOWER. . . Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the man of the year, didn't get to the University during the campaign, but he did get as close as Omaha at about the time he was having worries about his running mate and his finances. A number of students were attracted to Omaha to hear j j -Tj r 1 : : ( Ti fir Cx.Ij faff)!1!, (T: ,F I VI-;' f "k v- I : aMlniuiinlHMi'iHHliii. torn.. n-.ilirwr..i - ....' i V - . . -i i - 5 f . Library To Honor Memory Of Chilean Scholar, Medina Love Memorial Library is one of the fifty-two libraries and in stitutions throughout the United States which is arranging exhi bitions of their Medina holdings in honor of the hundreth anniver sary of the birth of the Chilean scholar, Jose Toribio Medina. The exhibition, under the sponsorship of the Pan Ameri can Union in collaboration with the Library of Congress and the Embassy of Chile, is on display in the Social Science Reading Room. The display includes many interesting brochures cov ering his private and literary life. Although known especially as a bibliographer and historian, Me dina has contributions which ex tend to the fields of numismatics, lexicography, literary criticism. geography, cartography, editing, priming, puousnine and collect ing. He has been referred to as tne greatest Christendom." bibliographer ; in Health luimnuea irom rage X) near future, Mrs. Wall reports. Many people have had a part in giving the Health Sciences Gallery to the University. The money for the displays was given by Ralph Mueller, grad uate of the University and donor of the Mueller Tower. Bertrand Schultz, director of the museum coordinated the prep aration activities of the dis plays. Dr. Joseph B. Burt, dean of the College of Pharmacy, and Hugh D. Bryan, instructor in pharmacy gave their cooper ation in preparing the pharm acy exhibit. Dr. Bert L. Hooper, dean of the College of Dentistry, and Dr. Earl L. Lampshire, instruc- Courtesy Lincoln Journal RAECKE. . . Walter R. Raecke was drafted by state Democrats to be their candidate against Crosby. He had no trouble In passing the primary, despite his pleas for citiTcns to vote for someone else. Rated as a definits threat to Crosby, he fell before the Republican landslide. Courtesy Lincoln Journal TRUMAN. . . President Harry Truman, whistle-stopping to his heart's content passed through Lincoln on his way east. But the hour was early and H.S.T. was still in bed when the train stopped momentarily in the Lincoln station. i the general, and were impressed, as was all America. One of the students, Del Harding, took this picture of Ike, perhaps one of the best of the entire campaign. By Wednesday, Eisenhower, was no longer a candidate. He was the president-elect. A private collection of books and manuscripts, which he be queathed to the National Library of Chile, is considered one of the best sources for research in the colonial civilization of Spanish America." KAM To Initiate Four On Thursday Four new members will be ini tiated into Kappa Alpha Mu. hon orary fraternity in photojournal ism Thursday. The initiation ceremony will h held in B-5 Burnett Hall at 7 p.m. for Rex -Ross. Jane Jordan. Janot Beran and Shirley Posson. Following the initiation a short business meeting will be held. Pledging ceremony for new pledges will be held at 8 p.m. Cof- , fee and denuts will be served aftpr thp nlpHcrintr Tlorlcrnc; welcome to attend the business meeting. Display tor of peGodontics. aided in set ting up the dental health dis play. Dr. S. I. Fuennlng, director of Student Health Service and aassociate professor in public health, has srved as consultant. The plans -were laid for the gallery long before, but the ac tual work began on May 1, one month before opening date. The entire staff of museum do nated labor and ideas to the preparation and completion of the displays. The gallery was opened on June 1, for the 1952 Commencement. The result of these combined efforts is the Health Scienc Gallery, something new in mu seums in this part of the nation.