I ThudaNovember 6, 95Z ' i 1 41 I I - 1 t Poge 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN EDITORIAL PAGE Nov. 4 Post Morfems A University student was overheard to remark Wednesday in an election post-mortem chat, "I can so out and work now and if I'm not a success, . it's my fault, not the government's." This remark seems to epitomize the feeling on the campus Wednesday of the Republicans students most of whom have never lived under a GOP administra tionin regard to the landslide victory of Dwight Eisenhower to the presidency. At 12:44 ajm. Wednesday morning Gov. Adlai - Stevenron told the nation "My fellow citizens have made their choice . . . and I gladly accept it." His words were music to Republican ears and ex- ..tremely hard to believe. After four unsuccessful attempts to return to political power, the GOPs found the right man to carry their party to victory. Eisenhower had done the hitherto Impossible. He had split the solid south. He had gotten a corner on labor and farm votes. He won the presidency by a landslide which no one dared . to predict His popular appeal had carried him to the White House far ahead of the governor, senator and representative aspirants of his party. A holiday was declared in Abilene, Kan., Ike's home town. Syngman Rhee, president of South Korea, said the American people had chosen the best man. Maj. John Eisenhower sent his heart iest congratulations to his parents from "some where in Korea. The secret service men moved into the Eisenhower headquarters in New York's Commodore Hotel to guard the president-elect Eisenhower, himself, stood quietly and with humility before the microphones and the TV cameras and accepted the highest office of this land with all due respect paid to the grave re sponsibility he now carries and a solemn pledge to the people he now represents never to slight the duties of his office. This nation woke Wednesday morning to more than a new president to more than the Republican party back in power. They woke to a nation united. They found as their presi dent a man whose enormous popular appeal has gained the faith and the trust of the nation and f the world. They heard of a united House of Representatives and a near-united Senate. The country found ia the day-after-election, a optimism not based on partisan politics. The optimism voiced and felt Wednesday was not a Republican victory. It was not cf a party in power. It was not of party against party nor of man against man. The feeling Wednesday, in this writer's opinion, was one of a country united, again after it had been split by campaign charges, by mud-slinging, by insinuation and by attack. The campaign is over the election is over our news columns and our every-day conversations may again return to fact not opinion. The country and its people can again return to a serious, thoughtful analysis of its problems and base its decisions not on political expediency but on reason. The Daily Nebraskan was nappy and grati fied to see the election of Eisenhower to the presidency and the policies of the Republican party able to be effected again. But more than this, this writer was thankful that the campaign and election are over, that the Democrat leaders took their defeat wtih such fine pledges of unity, and that the country can get back down to ser ious, non-partisan work toward a peaceful world. R. R, LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS ..... By Bibler Again TheyTry Again we have an attempt on our campus to further the cause of international good will. Again an organization known for its altruistic projects! to further understanding in our world is spon soring an event to better acquaint the native stu dent body with the 176 foreign students attending this University. The Religious Welfare Council is sponsoring a dinner this evening the International Friendship Dinner, an annual affair open to the entire stu dent body. Latvian food will be served at the dinner, Dr. G. W. Rosenlof s collection of foreign flags will be on display and members of Cosmo politan Club and Presby House will put on skits for the evening's entertainment l1 1 5x srug,v2 "Just forret about tenure for awhile It comes as a result of being a good teacher." Why They Won By CHARLES THONE (KDITOR'S NOTKi Taoat b imit of Ik, University now aarvini u Antslant Attornw General of At atatt of Nebraska. Last year he head 4 Hi. Vonni Republi can, art this year he U a national elector. Tto following ankle wai witten by Thon. loa the reonert of The Dally Nehra.kan as aa analysis of the Republican victory.) Why Ike? Why Ixnay-Adlai? WHY IKE? I am asked to write an article thereabouts. In one re spect I assure you that the as signment is a little tough. , A platitudinous query around Lincolntown last week centered around the Missouri victory. Then, and now. a simple categorical an swer to the. WHY was quite im possible. The Tigers bested N. u. because of several factors; ditto. relative to this national election. l Ike started out as a nationally known and respected figure a well liked guy. Since he re turned from Europe, he sold himself to the American people on sound principles. They be lieved he was speaking the very utmost In sincerity he hit home with "of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity religion and morality are indispensable supports," and an urgency "to inflame our gen eration with the spirit of the Founding Fathers," and "to lead Nl'CWA made the most recent attempt to further international understanding when it held a tea for foreign students during United Nations week. The Daily Nebraskan pointed out that of the 100 persons attending this tea, 7t were for eign students which meant that 30 persons in our University of 6300 enrollment found the time and the interest to meet and to become friends with the foreign students on the campus. Rented Land 'Whose Glory?' Is Question As Ag Students Donate To AUF They always get the breaks,"! remarked the Ag college students. Perhaps they were referring to. the 20 lucky individuals who are enrolled in a soil conservation' course. Wednesday these students ing the Union is completed an air tour of the of the dancing tor. I guess the students who are on the curious side will have to go and find out what this new Ag college activity is. One point of interest concern the postponing lessons for the' sniithpastprn nart rtt hf state min WoHnpHav evening. The This air tour was one which fol- lesson will be resumed the com-j lowed a ground tour of the same ing week. area. The air tour was made pos- Chuck Beam interest that the writer would like to raise Is the fact that the so-called "wheels" of the AUF failed to get into the spirit of the evening and bring the nec essary items to take part In the social. The question I would like to bring up is "just whose glory are we trying to obtain . . .? a crusaae lor a ms cuiiifio hension of what America is all about how It came to be, and wither It Is bound." Make no mistake about it, General Els enhower was "coming through" to the Americans in mass. What else? His appeal rallied many Ike working groups behind "the cause;" he accomplished party unity. He had Mamie and a son in Korea, and don't think for a minute that all voters passed over this but once lightly. He campaigned hard, and so did his influencial Veep, Dick Nixon. Many, many other contributing factors could and should be listed, but let us hurry on to a major reason for the landslide. You can itemize this major fac tor as graft, sheer stupidity, cor ruption, Communism, Korea, in flation, taxes, favoritism, etc., or you can call it "that mess in Washington." I prefer to lump it all under a dirty word, Truman ism. A Lincoln editor, Ray Mc Connell, noted in his column a few days before the election that "the two party system al lows people to apportion credit or blame and fix responsibility." He then pointed out that a vote for Stevenson was a vote to vindicate the Truman record. A record of playing politics with a deep-seated problem of social and racial adjustments, a seven year record of reckless disre gard for the simple truths and simple virtues, a record of happy abandon toward the rules of economics, the laws of ethics, and the letter and spirit of the Constitution itself. A record of bungling foreign policies; false sense of loyalties, cover up cor ruption, and influence peddling. The record of a man with the vulgarity and gall to insinuate that the Eisenhower who led the liberation of a continent from Hitler thinks and acts like a NaiL Tnimanism! Yes, you can fool some of the people some of the time, but the American people were simply sick ft sible by the air aid division of the Special days lor the month of are that the Bunders office in theThev were not going to The friendship dinner has usually been a sue-University's Teachers College. i November are few and far be-! union has been opened perma 'ered this time. They wer Other rumors about the campus ani tired of Little Harry Truman. re suck- eren't about cessful project Perhaps this has been due to the conscientious NUCWA menrbers, religious leaders and faculty members that find time in their busy schedules to take part in something worthwhile. The Nebraskan sincerely hopes that the Friendship Dinner this evening receives more support from the student body than did the NUCWA tea. The effects ef a sincere, concen trated interest in knowing people from othetr lands and understanding all our differences might have greater effects than we realize. F R. Have We Forgotten The faculty fcas not come through the mem bers have not met their goal to the Community Chest-Red Cross drive this fall. Lee W. ChaiSeld, assistant to the Deaa of Student Affairs, has beaded the drive to solicit funds from faculty members this f alL Faculty members f the University are asked to donate to the All-University Fund which, in turn, supports World Student Service Fund, iDascer research and the Lincoln Community Chest However, the faculty AUF donations of SSiiSO this year win be divided among WSSF and cancer research aud will net go to the ConuBunity Cbest, as student donations do. Chatfield told The Xebraskaa Wednesday at ternoon that the faculty members are about IL50J short cf their Comrnnni'.y Chest-Red Cross goal Tbe drive for faculty members fcas been extended by Chatfieli who attributes the lack of contribu tions to the combined Chest-Red Cross drive Earlier in the drive, when it appeared that the faculty would not meet its goal, it was sug gested that perhaps the pledge cards distributed to faculty members were buried under a mt papers on each instructor's desk. riff , hum ir,in and hark ,n-n Th viiocr has nnlv two nentlv for the semester and that ,. - : v;. -! 4K.. to the Ag Union. This seems schedules with one of these set a new publican jointly sponsored came t0 jje t0 bury him and for Friday at Hastings. The rn-;Dy trie Ag Builders and tne CM-the Democratic candidate who inual Wheat Show, sponsored by j lege is nearing the final stages forjcapjtJriated to tj,e Truman philos ithe Agronomy department, is be- publication. h Amen. tinz held at this time. The other! Well as we say out west, "so-,- special event is set for Nov. 14 long partner." I to 19. At this time the conference; 'under the direction of the. Exten-j Irked by rumors that the bath- sion Service will be held for ail room was the most dangerous spot homes, a plumber; investigate. Checkinj' to be the bee hive of activ ity as far as the Ag cam pus is con cerned. The Union is ini t i a t i ng a "Lucky Number Night" for S a t u r day night. The plans are la beled nop secret," for the event, according to Sirs. Peters, Ag Union direc- Beam WeU I am back to back pat ting for the Ag students. This congratulations goes to the stu dents who donated $35.75 to the AUF at the box social Sunday night However, this event also has a dark side. One point of New Impressions, Old Friends Greet '52 Grad in Amenacn decided . to with insurance actuaries, Ed J.I Massino, president of the Wiscon sin Master Plumbers Association,! found that the much-maligned bathroom was responsible for; only 3.5 per cent of accidents, i (Most accident-prone room is the i kitchen (30 per cent), followed; by the living room and bed rooms (18 per cent) and stairways (12 ,per cent). I. CATALOG FR WITH FUST 0I0EI By GEORGE WILCOX While strolling through The It is entirely possible that the faculty has for- here goes. HD'.'.en contributions to the Coramunity Chest. It 3 is also possible that re embers, cannot, at this time, combine their Red Cross and regular Chert dona tion in one contribution. Arsd it is also possible. that, cespile tie coterenuation ci money t:ace- raeut by AUF, list the faculty just cannot cm tribute t9 every cause however worthy. The Nebraskaa feels ia no position to chastise persons for not douatut,? to virions organiza ttons. If the faculty has forgotten Community Cnest pledges, a reminder might suffice. S. R. 10 p.m. appointment at the Crib ' or Earls. pile Daily Nebraskan cflice, the Edi-j At present I am in the Army, tor asked me If I would write I was recalled to active duty in down a few comments on my im-'July and was assigned to attend presaons ot me Lmiversiiy. o,,urancn aiuiiary fence acnooi ai jUamp ocrdon, ua. it was quite Georgia afternoons we would 'gather for Nebraska reunions the Richmond Hotel in Aueusta 'Bill Knudsen and his wife Jewel, "Hod lleyer. Jack ScovDie, Ray Swanson, Ted Jeary, Jack Cohen and others were all there and the .stories of our Nebraska experi- ONE HOUR Washed and Dried Ckeaa Tfcaa Scaaia Laaa4ry laaac AmtatmmtU Haehimea Attendant Service 16th AN Drive in Parking Margin Notes Panhellenk Achievement . . . Wednesday night climaxed a year's work ia regard to sorority aciiererrert at the PanheTJeric dinner. The top awards Elsie Ford Piper Axtieve ni Award Cup and Scholarship Award vere presented to Kappa Delta and Alpha Chi Omega, respectively. CoiratulatioHS to the recipients c the honors which are the highest forms cf annual tribute paid t University sororities. Also, older KK members always had to sell the ski tm asters on the importance cf keeping the skats ; w21 Lave the cpporturJty to create the feeling of clean and this year fraternities i-ntfrnstiemal frientshin it a ChsnrelZnr RfT- seemed to Beea loear aa ice- rr,.,. r .v- The many new faces will also be at the reception. The significance of this event has been realized by very few slightly more than 100. Apparently, the feeling to retain old friends instead of gaining new ones is predominate in too many students minds. Cooperative Spirit . At he time this peper is being dUstributea, w. Thanks To Them The home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schneider will be openei to all interested students Thursday eve tiinr far an election DOEt-martwn r-h.ni hv hnmn- TL Aiiden, Anglo-American poet, essayist and play- assistant political science instructor of the write, sffl be speaking at tl am. to Unrrersitr UojTersit7 YWCA and YMCA are sponsor- ar-4-r-.Aawrv. 4ft Tnfm llmOTTL . - , 2 m a. n4aw..J w aM 1X1 a? KLaXiTJ M. fcrim CJI IXiXrT TT LStl fPImPFT npr rwfl; - . i -1 - "Biwi-.'Ma , I ff i OMIl m FlrTaaTTaw.UfcUafcatTlaTa CrfiJtC'aJ At the same time, bow many students wi3 be &i)er u memhers tsTe consented to be 'smith Hall. Dining Room, 12 pra. jammed ia the booths cf the local cats pas coffee- hotU durinf j yvr Wrhip Workshop Ellen My first impression was of the social changes ia effect since last June. I got back into town late Satnrday afternoon in time to attend some of the "Tniver sity parties and my first Im pression was that the "Old Sol diers'" certainly have faded JJZZ .:T.rrVi something. In fact, it was a good , " - T ;. 'tnirig mat we were ail graduates Kosmet Klub show, I was qu: s secrecy because impressed tius year wi A jheong- aRf buriad were oi ine iDJ V soon dragged out of the closet vaous re2:; T'Z-S: and the real truth known. At present my ten daj leave is at the halfway mark. I hope that I can meet personally with friends to that time. However, if I don't my best wishes. I'm assumed to Fort Bragg. N. C. which is being alerted for the influx of basic trainees in Jan nary. So, perhaps I saay see the more Nebraska students then. When you are away from school your real memories are not of the nights spent without sleep trying to get by in Spanish or Econ. Its not memories cf coke dates or activities but your real memories 112 PAGES OF GREAT ARTISTS - ORCHESTRAS Sefecf Records Dtsind OPERA SYMPHONY BALLET JAZZ Tm 4traa prira raoreetf. De4ct Ji fraaa tfe aaukluktd list arica. Far dtaloc tr Soa1 tl i cavar tmt at auilnc. Bfas4 ita irK VS. j of stu dents we have just entered the University was a delight al though I would have given my right ana to see some of the old gang swinging along for that NUBB Thursday Builders Campus Tour Meeting T) ,15 Tvm4mn m Crubnsker pictures Photo f f " i"" --"" " Lab. West Stadium. f r.w ii -n nice people. The parlies, those midnight trips I discussions with favorite teacLent. Delta On. mm 12:45 pa Pa rick C r rri ril Mm Omkron Nu-Sis! r rtJtl 'j. net. TW Discnssiou EUecj Following the convocation ai which Chancellor Gustavson was chief rpeaker to only 1509 students, Stuart Goldberg, proprietor of Urd Sandries, nrote Tbe Daily ICebraiian that be would close bis es tabakhinent during AH-rnaverExty convocatiaris if citha" proprietors would. However bis move m-as to no aTzil lor the others were unwilling, for eco nomical reasons, to close for one tour. The Daily Kebraskan hopes that maybe this time students will realize that an bour cf Auden's time will prove far more valuable Sban an hour ever coffee. Future Cornhvikers ... Friday wEl bring more than 00 tlgh school JournaliitJ to the UniTersity to attend & Ke braiika High School Press Association convention. AI fbi time these students will bear talks by oul s4iniing joamaliEts and enter competitive writing contests. Betides taki&g a look at proieasional jcjrsal iBtn, they will be watching University rtadenls and deriiing wbetber or not this wd become Ibeir college abna mater. The yebraslcaa hopes that University students will look at the prepsters ia this !!ht and aid them in their future decMcm. International Friendship ... Saturday n!hl foreign and American students Daily Thougtit 7to wazll please all and please himself, too. JJvl (DaUi TMfiasJtarL FTJTT-FTXST TEAK Member Aauociated CoUegiato Press -tsteroollegfato Tretm EDrrOEIAL STAFF Tat ar aH at Siiaiiaiiri a ajtaaa u m aw sr-Law anna mm 'm r-krn m m a-aata raimi urn H k .umm a hituam am mm mttmmimrrmt dan mw m mm mm mm aiiWn winai. taw Mi la litiUma m--uM urn ttm m iiMmra i i lira mm mm fart mt Oat , m mm mm mm ml mm mmmtm mt tm imam mt aha faman, mm mi mt mt mm mt TW ItmHn Saawafc mrt ,i unaadi mt- mt aiwHila tat arhal mmt mm m mm mr ram a mm a In a," MaiW wmm an r minm. tZ-SO niBU mt am mm tm mmUrm amm. MM alalia ataaaa mam Sc. riltlnli mama manm am meat ram mmmm i a n am maamwrt, in;aiaai mm ranwiiiiatna .artnda. Oat mm aalia1ia f mil tm n t mt aaaaa k laa mt aamamX maam mat -mi mt Oat iMWtM ma OiiaMat eaMicaUaaa. amtmrnt m liml f,ima Mamm tat mt aalnai attmAat tm m mmt Ciaaa 111. ai mini n iai at mm fma trnVm aa t, trra. mam at amomt liua. mm at c a mt am Ik. iW. wmmm , ... ftjy M , , aiimuaiil 94mm ...................... ta faaaw JaaaatUaa SaCaMlaanna mmm ton ""fUk 1 alilialfcatiwliiat! 'V t iSt art mmm Kmrnr - CtarM Elaaat aatata atM If mm as hamar ... Omtda mmam momt mmmm . Xa OaaMaa alrt m mm Smith Hall Dining Hoom, 4 pjn. Student-Faculty Coffee Hour, Faculty lyxjr.ge. Unkm, 4 pm J TW Office Staff Eiien Smith; Hall. Dining Room. 9 pa TW Onparatrf Beligions EUea Smith Hall, Northeast Boom, S p.m. Alpha Zeta Agroncssy Build ing, Seminar Koom, 7:15 pJJw TtUzt Cornhnsker pietores Photo Lab, Wert Stadium. Intervarsity ChritOau Fellow ship 5 pm. KNU5 ZM-ZAS fnrpie Grotto Z:i-IM Shake Hands With The World 2:29-2:15 f. B y t m And Kbrme 2:45-4; Sports Parade 41-4: 15 4 O'clock Class 4:lS-4:li Songs f the Saddle t2l2l This I Believe 4:25-4:: World Of Wax 4-54-5:t News Big Show At MSC The "Eirrest Show of 1B52" h! lathigaa State CoSese Oct. 21, Tarn Waavara. Ju Ivrhaa. Ftal Sleaaw sn4 4Ha r;icr,t r,mmi,r I.TTrVI. mmrUm Trm. UJm u. U,((a- pamrr Gar), rat c.4- v.i , Lm, Cnuua M imam Vamaa. Cauk lmU. Kt ImKh. f u State IewS, bad tUJ tO Say Cai Kaaka. Carr Kaaniaa, tut Harmm. ttarvm tUAtlmz, Im4 about the performance: BMfifTua. uarwu wafae. iraa imvtum. rmatr mrmu "Urri "J jUrtftd with the miehtv Kenton crdiestra playing power-! j house arrangement ... then they' switched to rsowJy, compelling j works. ... Miss Vaughn's warm, imello voice mskes ber sound like she is singing to individual. . . J Jvat King Cole . . - carersed bis srkfw sin uim aui u.aariwtva 1 way Ujrough . . . tis lateit tstsr I ttmntm. braai tkartrf. tmtm bmcmam. Mantra k ma KJeieerl. tamer Cermsa. Bart Swvira. Jam mmm mm, ay rraataaa. BCEtXESS STAFF One impresioB f Nebraska I didn't like was the lack of awareness of the strful toll of the Korea war. Soon I win be shipped oversea but already one cau see the toll by eating the tremendous casualties I the overloading of bocpiUls. Whether the war is right or wrong only politicians know, but there Is a war and most mt ns now in the Army fondly hope that the ouUWt world realises this. if ! I II, I II. I I I ll II HS 4rVAE WTWc VOCLf) SIW27ED UDiitSZ FUG! Elf WOSPS WOOD WA2 TL mm Jvr4ii! JL. " 9n. Soldi, TTbm'i, SioM. BEAU BRUMMEL Thistle Plaid L gmmm04.i.dSj $ --mmmm. ? ' "'5ol o, ' I ' PI, U mmW&- o 0 UtuoIIy 5.95 Crease Resistant Washable A limited quantity of f.mooa, colorful Bea BrummeJ port shirt. n'ah and iron so eawly. Always look ad fre.li bwaaas tkey'r rinile rraUunu Many f in. Store Street Floor YEAR Q SERVH O ( c Q