The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 06, 1952, Image 1

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n Embryo Development
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Gift Uidwtfrm Mniwnity
VOL 52 No. 33
Thursday, November 6, 1952
Dinner To
Honor 176
Students To Serve
Latvian Cookery
One of the features r.f the fall
season, the International Friend
ship dinner, will be held at 6:15
p.m. Thursday, in the Union Ball
The banquet which will honor
all foreign students on the Uni
versity campus will be a get ac
quainted session lor 1V6 young
persons representing 46 difioreni
Sharon Cook, co-chalrmaa of
the Religions Welfare Council,
said that all foreign students
and all other students and fac
ulty may attend the function.
The dinner Is being held far
the fifth consecutive year. Cost
is $1 per plate.
Carrying out a foreign theme
or the aliair, Latvian food will
be featured at the dinner pre
pared by several students.
An all foreign student pro
gram, under the direction of the
Cosmopolitan Clab and the
Presbyterian Centres a
tional House, will provide the
entertainment. Dr. G. W. Kosen
lof. University registrar, will
preside as master of ceremonies.
One feature of the occasion will
be a flag display belonging to Dr.
G. w, Rosenlof which is a collec
tion given to him by foreign stu
Exhibit Of 18
Foreign Flags
Goes Up Today
Two years ago, G. W. Rosen-
loff. University Registrar, re
remarked at an International
Friendship Dinner that the Uni
versity should have a hall of flags
representing the foreign students
who came to this campus.
After suggesting (hat students
present him a flag symbolizing
their native eountry. Dr. Rosen
lof has IS banners and more
coining in (he future.
For the first time, a formal dis
play of these flags will be fea
tured at the International Friend
ship banquet 6:35 p.m, Thursday
in the Union Ballroom.
Rosenlof explained" that (he
flags will be formally accepted
as a group and those who have
mt contributed are urged to get
them as soon as possible.
There is hope that some day
there will be a plaque by each
banner which will display the
names of all the foreign students
that have attended the University.
Where they will be housed and
exhibited is not known but in the
planning of the rew wing of the
Union, Dr. Kosenlol saia, xnere
may be a suitable location to dis
play them at all times.
KK Royalty
Judging Set
Finalists of the Xosmet Xlub
Fall Revue skits, which were
judged Monday, Tuesday, and
Wednesday, will be announced
Friday in The Daily Xebraskan. ,
Thursday night Prince Kosmet
and Nebraska Sweetheart candi-!
dates will be judged in Parlor X
of the Student Union.
Candidate for Xebraska
Sweetheart are: Donna Folmer,
Alpha Chi Omega; Marlene
Bees. Alpha micron Pi; Mari
lyn Brewster, Alpha Phi; Betsy
Lteber, Alpha Xi Delta; Beth
Rohwer, Chi Omega; Crape
Burkhardt, Delta Delta Delta;
Ruth Raymond, Delta Gamma;
Agnes Anderson. Gamma Phi
Beta; Phyllis Colbert, Kappa
Alpha Tbeta; Marilyn Lehr.
Kappa Delta; Barbara Adams,
Pi- Beta Phi; Barbara Bell,
Kappa Kappa Gamma: Char
lene Kats. Sigma Delta Tau; and
Beverly Taylor, Sigma Kappa.
Prince Kosmet aspirants are:
riiariM! Anderson. Acacia; Joel
Meal, Alpha Gamma Rho; George
Code, Alpha Tau Omega; Paul
Scheel, Beta Sigma Psi; Jack
Greer. Beta Theta Pi: Elden Park,
Delta Tau Delta: Tim Nelson,
Delta Sigma Phi; Arnie Strasheim,
Delta Upsilon: Joe Edwards, Farm
House; Ed Berg, Kappa Sigma;
Irv Tbode, Phi Delta Theta; Don
Larson, Ph Gamma Deli: Bob
Sherwood, Phi Kappa Psi: George
Prochaska, Pi Kappa Phi; Joe
Good, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Ira
Epstein, Sigma Alpha Mu; Don
Pieper, Sigma Chi; Andrew Bun
ten, Sigma Nu; Pat Mallette, Sig
ma Phi Epsilon; Bernard Good
man, Tau Kappa Epsilon; Jack
rNickols, TtoPta Chi; Paul Laase,
Theta Xi; and Leonard Singer,
Zeta Beta Tau.
Palladian Society Plans
Meetina For Friday Eve
" ". ;n
Palladian literary society wui
meet Friday at 8 p.m. in Palladian
Hall, 301 Temple building.
Jack Lange and Jim Cllingson
have planned an evening of games
and debeating.
The meeting is open to all independents.
Ike's Majority Surprises Observers
" Post-election attitudes concern-1 ILvle Younc. lunior. said thatitin swinrincr tbe nation to Ik are
ing Eisenhower's sweeping vie-L.fic wt, ...Jin order of imnoriance? Kwa.
.... i "" " - - . ' ------ -:
.v.. j uiuikiic uni jih.m -v).ic vii aid jos some slceo over iU corruption ana communism. tari
the campus are genuinely aston
ished by the large margin of dec
toral votes which have gone to
the General.
Faculty .members .and .stu
dents alike who were quirted
about their reaction to the Re
publican landslide g e n e r a Ily
said that they were not sur
prlred at Ike's winning, rut
rather at the commanding de
gree by which be won,
Schneider, assistant professor oi
political science thought that Eis
enhower's personal popularity
plus his statement about going to
Korea were dicisive.
Some of the people quitted did
not share the jubilation of the
Republican majority. Rile
Goodrich, senior journalism stu
dent, said, "it looks to me like
the "hero' vote won, aided by
the evident dissatisfaction of
the American people in gen
eral." K"PrTi ncY-At Vva V? vtsvtisvv
fact, Stevenson backers in general s substantial win in Wiscon- to Eisenhower's victory, Robert
And lose sleep many did. i
Some instructors who had early
classes Wednesday morning felt
that more than just a few ab
sences were caused by the election.
Students who have never seen
a Republican president in office,
showed interest not only in Ike's
victory itself, but m the conse
quences which might be indicated
by other important contests. Sev-
txvrtini? tfc 1aw aii eral students spoke about the vos-
were bitter about the dcefat In sib,,e sis1 r Sen. McCar-
felt that the high feeling and emo-jsm
tions of the campaign would soon
subside and be replaced by sober
consideration of the nation's prob
Frank Redman, senior In
Teachers College, said, Tm
not surprised that Ike won since
be was the most popular candi
date. Even though Ike doesn't
have the political background
that Stevenson does, he will, I
believe, make a fine President."
William Rice, assistant pro
fessor f journalism, said, Tm
not surprised and personalty the
outcome Is very satisfying to me,
I'm also glad that the margin is
as great as it ts because it
should Indicate that the new ad
ministration will start with
strong public support some
thing that is needed at (his
Knoll, Assistant professor of Eng
lish made this cryptic remark
"Things are never as bad as wc
fear, nor as good as we hope."
Short and to the point was the
remark of Jean Henrel, junior,
who said, "Whoopee:"
Contrasting opinions came from
Burnett Hall. Hilario Saenz, asso
ciate professor of romance lan
guages, said Tm very happy
Hugo Ribeiro, assistant profes-i
The issues which students andsor of mathematics said. "Tm
faculty believed most important 'very unhappy."
Frosh Drama
Twenty-One Aspiring Actors
Prepare For Public Appearance
University Freshman Actingthree teams which work in sep-
Group, unique foundry for aspir
ing actors, has as its purpose the
development and molding of stu
dents who are interested in
theatre production.
Twenty-one students have been
selected for the group through
references and auditions on pre
pared material j
The members of the organisa- .
tion are: Joey Dingman, Bever- !
lee Engelbrecht, Mary Domingo,
Donita Brehm, Mary Kay
Beachler, Joyce Fangman, Rus
sell Gutting, Jo Anne Hsnlon,
Valerie Hompes, Margot Runt,
Carol Jones, Gloria KoUmorgan,
Sharon Manrold, Tony Mctia,
Martha Morrison, Phyllis Rasp,
Sandra Sick, Alice Todd. A. D.
Van Sickle, Roger Wait and
Sylvan Zwick.
The actors are divided into
arate classes. Each team takes up
basic elements of acting; stacci
movement, poise and deportment;
character creation; interpretation
of roles and the actor's dutv to
the playwright meaning and how
to express it.
Besides, lectures, the group
acts out scenes from plays and
will soon begin preparing for
public appearances which may
begin after Christmas.
The Freshman Acting Group
Set Nov. 8
Cosmopolitan Club
Plans Honor Dinner
Cosmopolitan Club, an organ
ization of foreign and American
students of the campus, will bold
their "Chancellor'! Reception" at
the Lincoln Hotel ballroom, Nov.
Set Sunday
Rudolph Norden
To Hold Services
The Rew Rudolph Norden,
member of the Student Service
Commission of the Lutheran
Church, the speaker at
the dedication sen-ices of the
University Lutheran Chapel and
Student Chapel (Missouri Synod)
Sunday at 3:S0 p.m. Student Pas
tor A. J. Norden has announced.
The new chapel is located at
15th and Q Streets.
The University Lutheran
Chapel Choir, under the direc
tion of Anne White, will sing
two anthems.
The chapel, when completed,
will seat about 230 and is
equipped with altar, pulpit, lec
tern. Communion rail of white
birch, and stained glass windows.
The pews will be of light oak fin
ish. "The public is inTited to at
tend iet Sunday afternoon's
dedicatory service at the
chipct," Xorden said.
The morning worshin will b
held in the Union, but all services
regaining with next Sunday af
ternoon's dedication will be held
in the chapel.
i , f
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Staff Writer
Joe: rm tired. I was out with a
nurse last night.
S. ) Jack: cneer up. Maybe vour
Cyril Bright, president, saidi wiJI moa out without
serves as a preliminary acting , mai xne purpose oi uus recepaon
class for interested students since; is to encourage a closer relation
no course in dramatics is offered; ship between the foreign students
to first-semester freshmen. I at the University and the admin-
-r-r j - . istretive staff. Ericht said that'
""""- n on iirtft Wt, enw t !Dont worry
speecn and oramauc an, awuuans ... o, . - - ;
and directs the actors.
one sometime.
T o morrow
will be moder-
iately cool.
Lookobaugh Elected
to Chicago Legislature
Robert Lookabsugh has been
elected to the student council of
the Chicago College of Optometry.
He is a representative of the
junior class.
He attended the University from
1946 to 3950. In 3950 he joined
the Armed Forces and following
affair so far. The reception, he jto much about
said, was a gesture of apprecia- irain or a cold
tion to the University for its past jw a v e. It'll
and present kindnesses. All stu-iwarm up by
dents and faculty members are laflernoon.
invited to the reception.
The reception will be preceded
at 6:30 p.m. by an informal visit
Major BiMmeyer
Cited For Service
Major Earl W. BMroeyer, as
sociate proiessor 01 nmiwy tag penod itk Chancellor Gus
ence ani racnes, ww jtavson, Dr. George Rosenlof. dean
Commendation JJ1?1 ! of admission and institutional re
Pmdant fnr tflzT , latmns and Dr. Floyd Hoover,
Korea from 3e l51 to Feb.! director registration and
5, 1952, according to the ROTC de- ret,ords
PVhe sward was iDresentecl by Dinner will be served at 7:35
Colonel Hardin C Sweeney. Chief P-- Foreign dinner jokes and
of the Nebraska Military District huinor will spotlight the af fan
in a ceremony at District Head-; followed by dancing and enter-,
ouarhters at Omaha. tainment Dances will be demon-
Major Bihlmever serx'ed as strated by natives of Latvia,
TWilitarv Advisor to the Thailand .China, Hawaii, Iran and Amer-
his discharge he enrolled in the Battalion in Korea from October ,ica-
Chicago College of Optometry 3951, to reoruary ne wasi jangni saia xnai we cress win
. . . .. . ,nt:. previously awarded a Bronze Staribe semiformaL The price is $2.25
Upon his graduation in 3954, - . meritorious service as;er slate. Students manning to
Lookabaugh plans to open prac- U member of the United Nations . attend should get in touch with
tice in "Lincoln. iRerentinn Center.
pretty good
looking for
a. nsrtd car.
What's the Cool
most yon ever rot out of it.
"Vine tiroes in one mile."
English Instructor: Arlington,
will you illustrate the difference
between verse and prose?
Freshman: There was a young
Udy named Lee, who waded
out up to ber ankle. That is
prose. If she bad gone a little
further, it would have beea
Money isnt everything. I refer
P.M. Headlines
Staff Writer
Americans Like Ike
Faculty Coffee
Friday from 4 to S p.m.. in
the Faculty Lounge in the Un
ion a faculty coffee hour will be
Swim Clubs
"NEW YORK Gen. Dwight Eisenhower proved that Americans
do like Ike. All voting records were smashed, as Eisenhower cap-
tiiriH 442 plertnral votes to win the presidential election. V,ith
29,000 precincts yet to be counted, Eisenhower had 27,976,106 votes
well over the Tecord of 27,751,597 set by Franklin D. Roosevelt
in 1936. Stevenson who conceded the election early weanesaayi
morning was leading or had won in only nine Southern states with MnmQ O C Maii;
a total of 89 electoral voles. I IC
Eisenhower carried two states the Republicans navenx captured i
since 1924 Massachusetts and Rhode Island. He won or led m VflrtrlrmaK
states where the Republicans haven't had a presidential victory , 1 lwl
cinw 1P2R Arizona. California. Florida. Idaho, Illinois, Minnesota. Twpntv-fivp women have been
iMontana. Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Ubosen as members of Aquaquettes
and Pre-Aquaquettes, University
swimming clubs for women.
The coeds were selected on basis
of ability to swim dive, and do
various stunts. Each was graded
by previous Aquaquette members.
Aquaquette meetings win
start Thursday at 7:15 p.m. The i
first meeting will ate be initia
tion. New members will receive
ribbons at a candle light cere
mony. Pre-Aquaquettes will have their
first meeting Tuesday at 7:15 p-m.,
which will also include initiation.
Members Of Aquaquettes are:
Marni Cook, Mort Dearick, Sara
Carveth, Libby Russell, Donna
Borgaard, Janet Healy, Gail
skee, Nan Engler, Jane Laase,
Janie Bohrer, Polly Souser and
Betty Thurman.
Pre-Aquaquettes include: Shir
ley HilL Jo Nelson, Suzie Good,
Ellen Pickett, Louise Owens, Mar
gon Beck, Kathleen Kerr, Mary
Clearman, Shirley Lentz, Mary
Taylor, Arline Harte, Joyce Taylor
and Doris Frank.
IVireinia and Washington.
Congress In Doubt
NEW YORK Republicans have only a narrow majority in the
fight to control the United States House of Representatives and the
Senate. There was nothing certain in ine ouieome in spue oi Eisen
hower's 5 million vote lead over Stevenson. Absentee oaiioxs migni
settle the control of both or either house.
House control hinges on the outcome in a half dozen or -more
districts created by Te-apportionment with only a vote or two likely
to separate total Republican and Democratic strength. Republicans
gained a new lead of one seat and need to win four of nine unde
rid.d races to seat 48 Republicans in the Senate. They also are
counting on the support of Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon who backed
Stevenson. If the GOP wins races in Wyoming. Kentucky, Arizona
and Michigan in which they lead, tney could control ine &enaie wixn
Morse's aid. . . .
Among the defeated senators were Henry Cabot Jjoaee jr.
(R-MassO, James P. Kem (R-Mo.) and Harry Cain (R-Wash.i.
Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin and William Jenner of Indiana were
both re-elected on the Republican ticket
State Offices Go To Republicans
LINCOLN Republicans swept aH their candidates Into Ne
braska state offices. Robert Crosby won 60 per cent of the vote
over his Democratic opponent waiter KaecKe. KaecRe coneeaea ine
election just three hours alter tne pons cjosea.
Crosby paid tribute to Raecke saying, "It is a great honor to be
chosen in a contest with as fine a candidate. To the very best of
my ability, I shall be the kind of governor of which aH Nebraskans,
Republicans ana uemocrais hukc, tm ue jjruuu.
Frank Marsh will be the only other new face In the statehouse.
He won the nomination for secretary of state. All other victors were
incumbents. Winning the election were:
l.t Gov. Charles Warner, State Auditor Ray C. Johnson, State
Treasurer Frank B. Heintze, Attorney General C S. Beck, ana Rail
way Commissioner Joseph J. Brown.
Nebraska Elects Republican Congressmen
LINCOLN Republicans are in control of ell Congressional of
fices in Nebraska. Sen. Hugh Butler received 342.9C3 votes to de
feat Stanley Long, Democrat, and Dwight Dell, Independent, for the
full U.S. Senate term. Dwight Griswold had almost a 2-to-l lead
over William Ritchie, his Democratic opponent, for the IJ5. Senate
short term. Elected to the House of Representatives were:
Curtis, first district: Hruska, second district; Harrison, third
district; and Miller, fourth district
16 Republican Governors Elected
NEW YORK Sixteen states elected Republican governors.
Thev are: Arizona. Howard Pule; Colorado, Dan Thornton: Deleware,
J Caleb Bogs: Illinois, wmiam j. miration; inuiana, ucwpc i.
Craig; Iowa, William S. Beardsley; Kansas, Edward Am; Maine,
T.,rir.n M. Cross: Nebraska. Crosby: New Hampshire, Hugh Gregg;
New Mexico, Edwin L. Mecham; North Dakota, Norman Brunsdale;
South Dakota, Sigurd Anderson; -uian, i. cracKen jee; vermom, Aee
E. Emerson; and Wisconsin, Walter J. Kohler. ,
Tagbe Kermani, 2636 N Street to- co to Confederate money.
mediately. Bright said. ;
Young Republican
Meet Set For 7:30
University Young Republicans
will meet Thursday at 7:15 in
Union Parlors A and B to go over
the revisions in the constitution
which has been temporarily ap
proved by the Student Council
and faculty members and to plan
future activities.
Announcements concerning the
date of the organization's elections
will be made. Dean Kratz, As
sistant Attorney General for the
state of Nebraska, and Robert
GuenzeL instructor of Business
Law and faculty adviser, will ad
dress the group.
McLaren's Movies
Scheduled Sunday
Seven of Norman McLaren's
experimental motion pictures will
be shown in Morrill Hall Sun
dav afternoon.
There will be no admission P""7
EMBRYO MODELS . . . Mrs. Kenneth Wall (left) curator of the
Ralph Mueller Health Sciences Galleiy points out one of the
plastic models showing the development of the human embryo, to
Kathy McMuOen, (right). The models are duplicates of the orig
inals at the Cleveland Health Museum.' The models are used for
the teaching of a class in mother and baby rare, (U of X Fhoto).
Health' Bis
II Hall
Exhibit Illustrates Cell Growth
Development Of Human Embryo
Feature Editor
You come upon it rather sud
denly and it is one of the most
pleasant surprises on campus.
It is the Kalph Mueller Gallery
f Health Sciences on the lower
floor of the Museum ia Morrill
HalL Perhaps the most surpris
ing thing about the gallery is
the amount of material and in
formation contained in the
small room. Yet the impression
a the observer is one of light
ariness and roominess.
The processes displayed in the
gallery are older than the
oldest relic of man possessed by
any museum. Still it is some-
thing refreshingly new in the
way of museum exhibits.
The exhibits in the gallery
are divided into groups con
cerning cell growth, the develop
ment of the human embryo,
child growth, life expectancy,
the history of pharmacy and
the process of dental health.
Startling and fascinating is the
full-scale plastic model tracing
the steps of an appendectomy.
The model is copied from the
original possessed by Mayo
Clinic in Rochester, Minn. The
observer can a 'most feel the
blazing lights above the oper
ating table as he looks at the
model, yet it would be much less
frightenening to undergo such
an operation if you know ex
actly what was goind to happen.
Included with the model is a
listing of symptoms of appendi
citis! as opposed to those of
common indigestion disorders.
Plastic models f the human
embryo from the moment of its
conception to the moment of
its birth are on display. These
models, done ia plaster -of-par is,
are duplicates of the original
display in the Cleveland Health
Mrs. Kenneth Wall, curator of
the health science gallery and
instructor in plblic health, prases
the value of these models in
teaching the course in mother
and baby care. Showing the
actual process of birth by means
of the models, she said, destroys
the fear of the birth process.
The color of the models, a
plain brown, increases the value
of the display as a teaching aid,
Mrs. Wall said. Models done in
grayish colors have an adverse
effect on the nerves of the stu
dents, according to Mrs. WalL
A series of cut-out drawings
of babies show the growth pro
cess from birth to the age of
two years. The drawings were
one by Iris Daughtery, th
artist under contract to do the
backgrounds for the museum
habitat groups.
Nathan Mohler, museum staff
artist, has done a large display
of the process of individual cell
growth for the gallery. And
just as a tip of you are cram
ming for a test, they show the
process much more clearly
than the pint-sire drawings ia
biology text books. Mahler's
artistry has been applied to a
picture diagram of life expect
ancy drawn as a mountain trail
with varying levels.
Mrs. TTan has as ber pet
project a dial en which joa can
determine your life expectancy,
in the United States. In Ne
braska now and ia Nebraska 39
years ago. For example, if you
are a male, SI years old, you
may expect to live to be 68 in
the Fluted States. ? in Ne
braska. In Nebraska SI years
are you mirht have reached S3.
If you are female yoa are more
fortunate, yon may live to be 71
tn the United States, 73 in Ne
braska, Thirty years ago your
life expectancy would have
been (.
The history of pharmacy is
traced from its beginnings in
Babylonia in 2,600 b.c through
its development in Egypt, China
and Greece. The picture-story
is illustrated with color plates.
There is still another set of pic
tures to finish the story of
pharmacy, Mrs. Wall reports.
A sample of the ancient clay
tablets on which prescriptions
were once written was bor
rowed from the museum collec
tion for the gallery. Ancient
surgical instruments from Pom
peii and Herculaneum are also
on display, proving that the
scalpel has been with us for a
long time.
According to Mrs. HalL In
structors in the health sciences
are hoping that such museums
will, if properly used, have
more value as teaching aids ia
the future. The models have al
ready been used in teaching
anatomical structure to the
blind, she said.
The health sciences gallery
will be expanded soon. Plans
are underway for expansion of
the dental exhibit in the very
(Continued on Page
iliMitiiiitfc I wit ifcim
: 4
AFFENWECTOMY IN PLASTIC ... The above model of a step-by-step appendectomy is a replica,
f the one possessed by the Mayo Bros. Clinic The donation for ibis model was made by E&lpa
Mueller as a part of the gift of the Health Sciences Gallery. The galleiy, which opened June L
features displays in cell growth, the history of pharmacy, dental health and life expectancy. (U of
N Photo.)
iSiggesf Shov Arouses
Enthusiasm In Coliseum
Staff Reviewer
Union Flans Dance
For Saturday Might
Informality will be the key
note of Dancing-in-the-P.ound-Up"
this Saturday from B-30 to
The Big Show moved next to 12 Vo. in the Round-Up room oa
out in a recording.
jne music oi inree great arxius Sarah Vaughan. With backing by the main floor of the Union.
rocKea me university touseum th Kmtrm -rwur -n,rt
Wednesday night as the Biggest magic speU OI) me audience aB
oiujw ul u c --;8he sang one of her biggest hits,
'Street of Dreams." Using the
"King" Cole, and the Stan Ken-ijob on Tenderly She gave the
impression that here was a gal not
charge to the program, vtfhicnwill . T1le entnusias' tu: auaience i- two octaves at her command to
r- held In Gallery B beginning inetL4, ,Sarah, au1?an'JNIat!the utmost Sarah did a masterful
at 3 pjn. The seven films aver
age five minutes in length with
ie cauauidii iJiuuucer u nuteu itypically "Kentonesque" interpre
for his "line movement" films. tations. Collaboration." one of
These color movies contain nojstan's earlier aceompliEhments,!
actors, only moving lines and!waB the first bic hit of the eve-
dots, which move rythemically to
music adapted to the films.
"This is one of the few oppor
tunities students will have to see
experimental films this year," ac
cording to Prof. Duard Laging, di
rector oi Morrill Hall Galleries.
ton band, the big stars of
Biggest anew s rau juuiuon. siname for or at vnu. rather r,h
The show opened with several wa. sineine richt in W
The biggest sufiienee pleaser
of she evening -was the inimit
able Kat "King" Cole. Kat drew
the "bobby-soxer" cheers, es
pecially from the female por
tion of the audience when be
started, "Walking My Baby
Back Home." Rat out-Marioed
Mario Lanza with "Because
You're Mine."
nmg. Something mighty unusual
happened when the band played
and sung "September Song." Al
though the Band's recording was
flawless mechanically, the real
thing had that audience appeal
which never yet has been brought j
"Danclng-ln-the-Eound-Cp" Is
a new feature sponsored by the
Union. It is a type of informal
date dance at which students -may
"come and srs" as they like.
Music for the dance is furnished
by records, and students attend
ing the dance may have their
favorite records played by re
quest. Dancing-in-the-B.ound-'Dp" 3s
a weekly feature of the Union end
will be held throughout the semes
ter. The dance is sponsored by the
Union Social Dance committee
under the direction of co-chairmen
Jack JJeteon and Delures
The dance is on the Union"
ami rcfreiihmeiits will be aexvtA