The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 05, 1952, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Poge 4
NU Grad Of 1934 Wins
Honor Farm Family Title
Sanya, Chief Thailand Judge, To Visit jCosmo Club Announces Plans
kill I . rlUoA K1 r 71 C l f m mm. - I
inu, ureignron luw v.uut-ycj ixuv.
Dharmasaku sanya, vntet JUflKe.cnmmai nu juvt-mic
th 'iiio WaldA famiTv liv near DeWitt is Nebraska's
1952 Honor Farm Family.
As recipient of the seventh an
nual Honor Farm Family Reooc
liition Award, which is sponsored
by the Lincoln Sunday Journa,
and Star, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo an.
riilrtren will spend
three davs in Lineoln as guests f
Kaeh member of the family
takes an active part in commu
nity civic club, 4-H Club, FFA
elud school, church, commu- A
nity civic club, 4-H Club, FFA.
and rrent-Teaehers
t bcV vr.roAc in l.he re ltt
vicinity whether the Waldo family
Wednesday, November 5, J 952
AIEE To Meet Wednesday J
for the 14 northern provinces of
rvioiUni visit Ijiw Colleges
lot the University of Nebraska and
Crcighton University between
Nov. 7 and 15.
three oavs in Liincotn . ---- .
ira . rpv,., n,iivj. Mmmiin iv leader, their an
the journal ana " " : "1 . " ,w -We iusv
SWCis Mini i iir- --
never think of tnem tnat way, wyi
.1 vnnA followers in
ini-v nic iiit.nT
all civic activity and they always
can pet others to follow along
with them."
Civil Service
Now Open
U.S. He is especially interested in
ih tm-v vstm He claims he
would like "to visit law schools at
livv lai-wA t vivtall universities
land exchange views with faculty
e- vi- ..,..;., wVc imWb whenever the OODOrtU-
UdC Oilll a 1 tt imrii - -
on criminal procedure, company nity presents itself,
law and property law, all of which A barrister-at-lsw in both Eng-
aretisod s text books by the w! and nA Judge Sanya
and lilitical Sciences in Thailand. lattended the Law School of the
ASSOrl- I 3,iA?a 'isV Xfinislmr of .Tiistie from 1924 to
to visit and observe courts of allj'28 and (he Inns of Court in Lon
viiirftfederaL state and city: don from 1930 to 'S4.
a. m.1 jMi'iMiMaiMiJji mm mm
also receive $500 as part ot tne
award presentation.
Willard, better known s
Biil" thronshmit his comnnity.
Is a former University student.
He graduated from A Collete
in 19S4. He and his wife first
lived in Omaha, here YVajdo
worked for Armour racklns
Company. Following his Job in
Omaha, he spent two years at
Stapleton as athletic coach and
vocational agriculture instruc-
1 orved as county agent of
Institute of EUh
tricial EnRineers will meet at 7:S0
p.m., Wednesday, in Room 217,
Ferguson Hall.
A film on Industrial Safety will
be on the evening agenda.
mopoutan .iuo, organizaimn , preceoea i o;ou " neiresnmenis wm c .-.v..---
foreign and American students ont visitmff rnod with Chan-Uftor the meeting.
the campus, said Tuesday thai R c Gusta-son, Dr. George ,
for 'CfianceWor's Recepffon'
.!4t r rc. Th dinner at 7:15 P.m. Will oe
v.iiion cinh. rtrpani?ation of mwpdvi at 6:S0 P.m. by an 111-
mani fhon inn lii'Vf !! nave neen : 1. , . n,4micciAn ana
sold to '"Chancellor's Reception j institutional relations and Dr.
I HOVt lioover, hcviiik i--
registration and records.
Following the dinner students
nwnwiwi hv the mono.
Th wvention will be held in
the Ballroom of the Lincoln Hotel,
Saturday. Its purpose, Bright
said, is to encourage a closer re
lationship between the foreign
students at the University nd
the administrative staff
from Latvia, China, Hawaii, Iran
.r. tmn will demonstrate
songs and dances of their respec
tive countries.
Washed and Dried
Chrap) rfcS'llI !-ry Rem
.4hmfc Machine -4ltrnJnl
16th AN Drive in Tarklnf
1940. It was at this " tn;nas 'announced the acceptance of ,
Waldo find his wife decided ,t'i"licatiors 0T a Student Aid.
move back to the farm, their de-! Iation jn the fields1;!
cision wins nx.. - f hvsics chvmistn maTnemt
vct r,WA irt rflisjo the family Ineyi-ot pnjwLN i , -imr
k.n-r-fc V.
i; SDnp ttlae Menu's Sflnip
5 TTBiinnirsdlavs 1 it S:3dD
I little things Add Up
now had.
But it was to be six more
years before their plan was
realized. During the war Waldo
served at Weeping Water as
county asrent of Cass County.
Waldo said, explaining the de
lay, "The war was on and 1 Just
..ij' tinU til arc to QUiv
vvruiuu w m I
They moved omo tneir prescni
lies, metallurgy and engineering J
for duty in Navy ana Arraj
tahlishments in Washington, D. Cn ;
and nearby Maryland and Mr- -,
ginia. . . 4 '!
Salaries range from $2,50 to J
!$3.175 a year. ,
This examination is iu u
to persons who have completed
.fMirth. one-half or tnree- ,
lofTO rminlv. Mf? TlOW owai "line iic ;
A Iways lop quality, always utmost value
for jour dollars, NOW von profit even
more dramatically in Miller's Men's Shop,
... a featured, inijclvertised, larpain
extraordinary ever;' Thursday, 6 to 8:30!
Don't miss a one!
More Mileage in Every Pair!
big Impression
four hundred, acre farm. He raises
a great deal of livestock, all pure-
October Form Due
& written test will be giwn.
Further information and apP!l"
jcation forms may dc
from the U. S. Ovu servic-t: v.- j j
mission and from post offices. Ap- ,
ligations should be sent to the ,
Executive Secretarj', Board of u.
For Homecoming
... .11.. 4. ITni
AU veterans S. vivu oeiviv-c .
versity under Public iaw ocu;Scientific ancl xecnnicai
Korean G.I. Bill) are requested, the p0,ornac River Naval Com- j
to sign Form 7-l996a MonthIymand? Buiiding 37, Naval Research
Certification of training) fyc-, borat Washington 25, P. C
tober in the Veterans Office,: I
Boom 106, Mechanic payment this j t;on dub's Banquet
le egJlHi :
h6fnt Scheduled For Nov. 12
fft-rm trmst. bp Rent tO the
v rtriano ' - -
-fK nf the Tnontn lor," . ftlft-nnfirTl
w h payment is being made n wm be he d'i"
To Continue training V in the Union
Public Law 550, veterans must; Nov. 12 at t p.m. in ...
turn in Fom 7-19 rtificationBm Education i
for Education and Training) M banquet is under the; !
Veterans Office, Room 106 in Pei-tJnfD tVesident Aaele Cor- :
Mechanical Arts building and pb
Form 7-1996a each month there- ;dL lentati ,
Delta Upsilon Announces l
Scholarship Competition
Spot Rrsilant
"U ter Rcpcllenl
Molh VrooC
Rayon for rich, porous texture ! Nylon for
-risp, handsome durability! Topether they
mean trousers a man can war 'round the
year with pride and confidence. Beautifully
cut and evpertly tailored in Tan, Brown, Grey,
Blue. Sires SO to 40 . . . nirk a pair Thurs
day 1
The set f or a W
moment to create
that look f special
grooming that sets
i-ott apart 1 The
neatly centered tic.
Smartness at the
cuffs. Above 1L
the casnal correctnes
ith vhich SVANK
jewelry rhicws
these effects. Ijook
at these SVAMK
wrts . , , an impressii-e
contribution to
any ensemble.
Leather and metal
dashingly blended
in your choice of
Brown, Blue, Grey.
Ghoose yours ...
choose pifts Thursday!
r-r--MIS In 1
pjut tax
Thi trustees of Delta upsiion io,
U SjaedofS A.W be P?wrltte .d toctad.
The scholarships were createo
to give financial aid to male
undergraduates in colleges and
universities in the United States
and Canada. They must have
leadership potentiality and have
demonstrated some actual con
structive achievement on the
campus. Each award is valued
at SMHI. i
The Foundation was established:13"5
in December, 1949, as a non-prom
corporation under the laws of
Ohio, with offices in Columbus.
The objects and purposes of the
corporation are purely educational
and charitable. Although its or
canizers were alumni of Delta
Upsilon, recipients of the scholar
I Be
M1UU1U .7 t- . S
biographical data, a transcript cfi
academic record in -coiiegc, mu-g
information as to college activities ;B
and honors, financial need of the
applicant, including scnoiarsmpt. s
and grants-in-aid now being re
ceived, a brief statement of the
reasons applicant believes he is
worthy of a scholarship, based on!
leadership potentiality and dem- ;
onstrated leadership on the cam-
ii.aisiisiiiiininiH m aw
Tl f
By the makers of BOSTOXIAXS
2. The letter of application
must be accompanied by a pic
ture of the applicant, two letters
of recommendation from faculty
members, and two letters of rec
ommendation from student lead-,
4 Annlirant should reciuest the
idean to write a letter of recom-
ships do not have to be members mendation or comment. This letter
has nn rnnnprtinn whatsoever with !
Delta Upsilon Fraternity. The applicant may be asked
Instructions to applicants are as
1. Applications will be re
ceived until Dec. 1 and should
be mailed to Delta Upsilon Ed
ucational Foundation, P.O. Box
to interview a representative of
the Foundation's Trustees at a
time and place suitable to both.
6. Successful applicants will be
notified in writing between Dec.
15 and Dec. 31.
If y
To place a classified od
Stop in the BuitineM Office Room 20
Student Union
Call 2-7631 Eat. 4226 for daaai
fied Service
floors 74:39 A1oa. thrw Frl
Mo. word! 1 day 2 day I dayi 4 daya 1 week
1-10 $ .40 f J8 1 $ -85 I 1M 11.20 v
11-1S I a) I M lM t 12S 1.45
10-20 I 0 I J5 I 1-25 j 1.S0 I 1.70
21-25 .70 I 110 I 1-4S 175 "lJS
230 j M 15 1 1.65 2.00 2J0
llllMsi 1 1 . 1 r
1 fr
Fit for a Sultan
but no premium in price!
Kasha flannel, soft and wonderful, h you
feeling like a Sultan for thousand-and-one
niehte and days! Luxury indeed, -a port
shirts, pajama, undershirt, tf, by Man
hattan . . . -ou know Manhattan famous
workmanship and comfortable fit! 1W enjoy
it in this uperb Dan RKer rinkl-Shed cot
ton flnnnel . . . unlike any other youVe known
. . . easily washed, fast color, and wrinkle
t .
1 t
Brown Moo from
-with Pillowfit
Sie to 12
rirftfc. A-B-C-D
immcr tuxdo, ROTC t
ionble. 3-175.
How come your feet don't feel the punishing
pavements any more?
Because you are now -walking in Mansfield Pillow
fits the hoe -with foam rubber built right into
the sole!
What nensational new comfort! What a shoe-
actually the most comfortable shoe that ever came
out of the brain of man.
Slop fo nee them. Try them. Wear them,
beginning TiOW"!
. . , ,
I iff y inf ii 7
;! ; ; -1 1 lay,
M w -2
S'SII Willi a
Shirts 3.95
Sport Shirts 4.95
Pajamas 6.95
Shorts 1.35
Ties 1.50
advertised In
LINCOLN'S QUALITY MEN'S 5H0P . . . First Floor
Tuxedo. ummer tuxodo, ROTC bloUK, ! i i,
3U. Beonable. 3-Hlb. l,
i I., mi nil r T')T1 -
CaU" Hit tor BtoekbovB who can work wv 'will the party who received the wrong
Z . -,.. Murine the Chrttm ch.rkstand return It and claim their 3
Apply employment off'se 7th floor
ADS FOR BEST RESULTS 1; : ; 1 iu uiilUUUiittiiuiiittuhtiii I Uiwuui iittlUiutth'.ri i .u, 1 1 nmm
..niii..'.Vii' .i'.iiiiii....ii'.:,ll,,..i,i;:,,:l..uiii,uilH I .UUi.iHIItliln
i o
: j !