The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 05, 1952, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Wednesday, November 5, 1952
Paae 2
Approximately 30 University students will board
a bus at 2 p.m. next Tuesday and begin a trip
which will take them into the chambers of the
first reasonably successful organization of world
government. For these students, its is a chance of
a lifetime.
They will attend a YM-YWCA sponsored
United Nations seminar at the UNi world head
quarters In New York City. The Y's have
planned a program complete with Interviews
with foreign delations, International student
discussions, an International student party and
guided tours of New York. The sponsors have
also arranged for Inexpensive lodging olose to
the activities. At the University, Sam Gibson,
executive secretary of the campus YMCA, and
Janice Osburn, director of the YWCA, have out
done themselves In making- preparations for a
successful trip.
The Nebraskan wishes to congratulate the per
sons responsible both in Lincoln and New York
for making this trip available. Furthermore,
we wish to point to the response that Nebraska
students at the University of Nebraska, Nebraska
Wesleyan University and Doane College have
shown. When the Nebraska sponsors first planned
the event, they were hoping that they could get a
carload. Then, It looked as If it might be possible
to charter a bus; but bus companies required a
minimum of 25 passengers. Applications kept
pouring in and now it seems quite possible that 35
students will make the trip.
tTo The Nebraskan, this Interest In world af
fairs is highly significant. Nebraska has Ions:
had the label and It certainly has earned it
of being- ultra-conservative. We have elected
such senators as Hugh Butler and the late Ken
neth Wherry. The midlands are considered the
heartbed of Isolationism. Yet, more than 30 very
busy college students are Interested enough In
world affairs that they will drop their books and
their other activities to attend a United Na
tions seminar in mid-semester. Actually, It Isn't
Just a matter of dropping- the things that often
get tiresome anyway, the matter of cash Is very
important. Many of the students- attending the
seminar will have to sacrifice a great deal to be
able to afford the trip.
The purpose of this editorial Is not to work up
sympathy for the poor students who are sacri
ficing to make the trip they are to be envied
rather than given sympathy. The Nebraskan
rather, is trying to point out that maybe the iso
lationist midlands are in the process of corning
out of their cave. Maybe this younger feneration
has opened its eyes to the fact that the only way
to live with our modern technology is to broaden
our boundaries to include the whole world. Maybe
the hoax that America can get along just fine by
minding its own business is gradually disappear
ing. There are certainly evidences that this Is hap
pening. When the Republicans long the prime
exponents of isolationism decided to nominate
a man cognizant of world politics, the first real
step toward defeating this hoax was taken. The
fact that students agree with this new trend
can be seen by their votes during the mock
primary. They selected Elsenhower over the
symbol of GOP isolationism, Bob Taft. So did
the Republican Convention.
This trend is most healthy. It is aided by the
enlightened work of the YMCA and YWCA and
a myriad of other organizations who see that
today's problems are world problems. Opportuni
ties such as the Y's have offered Nebraska stu
dents in this trip, are just the thing to further in
fluence young Americans into the correct chan
nels of thought.
This movement is not partisan. It has a def
inite place in both parties today and we pre
dict that it will have an even more important
part in years to come. There just isn't any other
way. D.P.
Faculty Funds ...
Dear Editor,
On behalf of the All University
Fund Board I would like to thank
faculty members for the contribu
tions so generously given in our
drive. This year the faculty divi
sion contributed a total of $644.50
which is more than has been re
ceived in previous years.
Thank you again for your fine
Once Over Lightly
Just Around
'Biggest Social Weekend' Features
Costume Parties, Open Houses
Jan Steffen
Harry From Here
When President Truman retires next January,
he will join the list of generally forgotten, dis
illusioned men who have served their nation as
chief executive.
What he will do after his retirement is not
known, but the record' of his predecessors doesn't
indicate that the years ahead of him will be very
Of the 31 men who held the presidency be
fore Truman, 24 outlived their offices. And,
for the most part, they also outlived their usefulness.
Johnson returned to politics as Senator from
Tennessee In 1874. His courageous honesty stood
out in contrast to the low ethics of the Grant
administration and helped to erase some of the
bitterness connected with his four years as pres
ident. William Howard Taft also attained another
political office that of Chief Justice of the Su
preme Court. The last decade of his life, unlike
nearly every other ex-president, was the happiest.
Teddy Roosevelt attempted to regain control
of the presidency in 1912, but was defeated in his
camDaiffn on the Bull Moose ticket. Excent for
Only in the cases of Andrew Johnson, Grover bdng mentioned occasionally as a possible candi-
Cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard
Taft and Herbert Hoover have former presidents
been able to return to political limelight three of
them in an official capacity.
Cleveland's story is undoubtedly the most fan
tastic. He was returned to the presidency after
four years out of office. Even after his second
term he remained as one of the few outstanding
Independent and disinterested voices in America.
date in 1920, he spent most of his 10 years out of
office hunting in Africa and writing articles for
The last former president, Herbert Hoover,
has taken an active part in politics in recent
years but only as a rather far-removed spokes
man for the Republican party and as head of
the famed Hoover Commission.
The unhappy retirement years of the other 19
By 1904, eight years after his second term, he was ex-presidents, however, completely overshadow the
so popular there was talk of a third term but he moments of success of these five. A brief look at
had no intention of campaigning for the nomina- the disillusioned and forgotten will be made in a
tion. later article. K.R.
Margin Notes
Can TflS Be Jusfke? scandals will be back on page 1.
It seems strange that a student who parked his n01""1311
-front end toward the street in a right-angle
How dull Is this
Blood Sales
.;i in. w r f kl Another Halloween party was' Omega Mardi Gras, planned by
shifted with a bang' from thelheld by the Pi Kaps, but tneu
mountains to the Nebraska cam-jhouse was docorair-u as an Kgyp-
j it.. - i v,nA tho tion (nmh Acrnrnlne to Don L!On-
K sodal weekend for a long social chairman, the following the enterprising pledges stayed
At least 11 parties look place uests:
Yolanda Davis. "Sig Sercery," a
Sigma Chi pledge party, had been
planned for Saturday nignt, but
Joe Junior, is sick now so
sick that he wished he'd never
sold his blood to the hospital.
He wasn't sick because he
sold his blood once or twice to
the hospital that would never
have made him sfc't or that he
couldn't give blood he was
healthy enough.
Joe's trouble actually began
Friday and
Saturday and
five or six
were costume
parties. In
addition, five
AOri, Alpha
XI, Delta
Gamma, Theta
Theta and
Phi Gam ( v
had open "
house after Steffan
the game Saturday.
Residence Halls for Women and
Residence Halls for Men had a
Halloween party Friday at the
Girl's Dorm. The hall was decor
ated with pumpkins, goblins, etc.
b ,'iv-' $ -;::'-" jSt
couples were among the costumed tp.
In addition, the ZBT's opened
with his financial problems; ho'8 err w'ls Dn"se; .pmg 'ons
was always broke. He never hadlana aancing ior fn.uiuuini.L-ui.
enough money to do the things
that he wanted to do.
He always worried about his
finances, but never did anything
to better himself. He could have
gotten a job, but he was too lazy.
Jim Kirk and Dolores Donoven;
Les Ingold and Bonnie Nelson;
Don Smith and Janet Healey;
Dick Sehultz and Jane Brown;
Sid Mason and Jackie Miscek;
Douglas Henry and Donna Yung
blut; and Doug Innes and Vir
ginia Peterson.
Robber's Cave was the scene
of the International House Hal
loween party Saturday night,
nkht. Members of the Cosmo
politan Club were special guests,
according to Delores Clouse, in
charge of the party. A four h
Halloween party was held In
Acacia fraternity, with Gus An
derson In charge.
Costume parties Saturday were
their Club Zebra Saturday night.
with Sheldon Green as "man
ager." The Kapra Sig Barn Dance,
with Lowell Newmeyer in charge,
and the DU Stable Stomp,
planned by Jerry Barton, were
also held Saturday evening.
The marriage of Nancy Beal,
Alpha Chi, and Andy Schtzas,
Kappa Sig, has been announced.
The couple were wed at 10 a.m.
Oct. 25 in Chicago. They are
now living at Ft. Leonard Wood,
Last week's pinnings Included:
Al Naber, Pi Kap, and Phyllis
Nelson, AOPi; Tim Nelson, Delta
Sis. and Kitty Wilson, Kappa
Delta; and Kirk Lewis, DU, and
the Phi Psi "Hawaiian" party, Barbara Lucas, Theta. Jerry Mer
with Jim Masscy in charge; a Phi rit, Phi Gam, and Dorian Heins,
rfv Jim Mnnser. AHPi. have announced their, en-
'chairman; and the annual Chi gagement.
0 fv V J
T St. parking stall should receive a ticket while We Agree
another student who continually parks his car in
a faculty parking lot has never received a ticket.
The wrong-lot parker suggested that the reason
he has not received a ticket Is that the policeman
doesn't bother to look under his sun visor. If
we follow this line of reasoning, the tail-end-to
Then one day he learned how
to make a lot
of money for
practical 1 y no
work. All he
had to do was
sell some blood
to a hospital.
T h is appealed
to him.
He sold a
pint of n i s
blood to a hos
pital, and he
got $25 for it.
Joe began
to sell his blood more and more
frequently, and, since he was
a husky guy, it didn't hurt him.
Knowing that a hospital would
not take his blood except every
three months, Joe played It
smart. He sold blood to differ
ent hospitals, often under dif
ferent names.
To keep up his strength, he be
gan to take vitamins and eat
blood-building foods.
Even With this additional ex
pense, Joe still figured that he
came out ahead on his new-found
source of wealth. He drank quite
a bit, and now, in his weakened
condition, Joe could buy less beer
and still get the desired effects.
Joe's downfall was caused by
a woman.
He went dancing with her
when he should have been rest
ing to build up his blood sup
ply. He took her to the movies
when he should ha bought
himself special vltam. is.
So now he's sick.
You should have used your
head, Joe. Afte - all. It's the
little things In life that count.
You Can't Win
I have here a sfory for people
with tests coming up. Once there
were two little worms. One was
naughty and the other was good.
The first was- laty and Improvi
dent and always stayed In bed
late. The other was always up
early and about his business.
The early bird . got the early
worm, and a fisherman with a
flashlight got the night-crawler.
The moral, kiddies, is this: You
can't win.
Seats Still Remain
Koreans Have Guts, But Lack Men;
Our Dead Demand We Go On Helping
(Kditor'n Notes Th. foiiowtnn article is Korea could withstand the on-1 sit here and guess what they were
fVrb';" ir.dn.. m ih ini;,,,..,? tnlslaught of a mighty nation Uke.thihking uerore tney cnecKea out.
developing a fine army but a
small one by comparison. The
reason: Just not enough men or
y.eta iieta Tan rmemn' una is rrom iimam. . . ,
The Nrtnukan staff fmirnl Karher't lfltr In-1 people. If We Were tO pull Otlt. WIS
Dr. J. P. Colbert, Dean of Student Affairs, toldj- j. .
an assembly of Greek women Monday night, in TOT HOmeCOming
the inaugural address of Panhellenic week, that
college 3s not just a preparation for life. Dr. Col
bert reminded the sorority women that our col
lege years are a part of life. We heartily agree
parkef is Caught because his error can be seen vvith this theory and think that perhaps the life
without bending over.
If the parking regulations are Intended
merely to keep the parking areas looking neat
with all cars parked the same way they suc
ceed. If they are to aid In a fair balance be
tween faculty and student parking, we're not so
Auden For Youth
Miss Bernice Slote, English instructor, wrote
a criticism of W. H. Auden, contemporary author,
which appears on the front page of today's Ne
braskan. Miss Slote's analysis of some of Auden's
W6rk includes a few lines from Auden which
apply to the youth of today. Perhaps the rea
son young people are urged to accept the op
portunity of listening to their famous elders is
not for their Intrinsic value but because they have
something to add to the lives of youth.
Auden will hve much for a University audi
ence. The Nebraskan hopes students give him
the opportunity to add to their lives.
of this younger generation would have more mean
ing if college days Weren't just the preamble liv
ing in the "cold, cruel world."
After-Election Question
The big question after the campaign is: What
will now happen to Andy Gump and Pogo and
the other comic Characters who have been car
rying the presidential race to the funny pages?
Will they settle back Into their domestic ways
of pre-campalgn days? Or will they needle the
new president and his party? Or will they be
(Reported as undesirables?
Jhsi (Dmhf TbibhoAkan.
Associated Collegiate Press
Intercollegiate Press
Peacetime Uses?
Th Daltr Ntkraakaa li mMlKhol t Hi MndrnD at Oi. Diiiver-
fttf af NthraMa an .rilmi of itrtdrnli' new. and ilnnt nnl.
Une OI tne pUDllClly nonces concerning ine ,, and amlnlntrrcd h th. Boam of Pnbllrailtini, "II h th. da-
Marts wniKj
There are still bleacher seats
remaining for both the Missouri-
Nebraska game Saturday and the
Minnesota - Nebraska contest
November 15, Business Manager
A. J. Lewandowski SHid.
The Missouri-Nebraska bleach
ers are $2. tax included. The Mln
nesota bleacher seats are $3.50
and are reserved
3:00-3:15 Bands on Padade
3:15-3:30 Curtain Call
3:30-3:45 Fashion Fair
3:45-4:00 Linger Awhile
4:00-4:15 Spins & Needles
4:15-4:30 Town Crier
4:30-4:45 This I Believe
4:45-4:50 Robin's Nest
4:50-5:00 News
p.m. Southeast Room, Ellen Smith
ING 12:20 p.m., Sigma Kappa
rexponse to a Oct. 8 editorial which analrrMl
(he Itwtnhlican party conviction voiced
hy l)wleil KIenhovrer. that the V. 8. should
pull out of Korea after the Knreatta are
(rained and equipped. Farber, now an In
fantry liientenam In Korea, wrote a cohtntn
.'entitled "Karher's Folly" for The Nebrartan
In the spring of 1A5H. He Is affiliated with
Zefa lleta Tail fraternity and Is from Omaha
terestlna, to say the least, and also sig
I read with some interest, Hal
Hasselbach's article entitled "It's
Korea's War," in the Oct. 8 issue.
It seems that here at last we have
a believer in what, I'm not
quite sure. Some points as a
matter of fact, all of them were
I'm sure, well taken, but perhaps
a little Information will light a
flare for the uninformed people
who don't seem to know some of
the reasons for this thing com
monly called by us, the warriors,
"The' Korean Krudd."
Long have the American
people been renounced for their
big talk, great confidence or
over-confidence and the general
belief that we are invincible at
the hands of any or all enemies.
It remains for history that on
just about all occasions where
an overt act of war was thrown
in our faces, we've usually been
clobbered but good. Pearl
Harbor and our initial defeats
in Korea are a few examples to
bring out the sad point. It all
boils down that we aren't as
hot as we think we are. What is
to be done?
True. Korea is a tragic thing
Indeed we've lost a great deal
In casualties, material and pres
tlce.. slowlv to be sure, but it's
growing daily In experience and
combat know-how, which can't be
learned in the classroom or train
ing fields using imaginary bullets
and the time-honored field man
uals. It takes a fight to make an
efficient fighting man, and Ko
rea seems to be the Answer for
obtaining this priceless exper
ience. Rember ,the guys that have
returned home know how to fight
and stay alive and there are
more than a few of them.
This shocks you, I know.
Americans don't want a war, so
why spend millions and untold
lives preparing for one? South
Korea didn't want a war either,
but South Korea has had the
full course and it shows to all
of us here and It makes a man
A small town was here all
that's left of it is an open field
along the road. No buildings, no
farms, no people, just a small
sign with a few bullet holes in it
to show where the town was.
These people didn't want or pre
pare for war they left it to
the diplomats and isolationists.
Now the men have all been killed,
the women raped and the children
maimed, homeless and hungry.
Tell me why this couldn't be Lin
coln or Fremont or Scottsbluff?
Tell my Korean houseboy, aged
15, orphan, half blind, brother
dead, sister a prostitute (in Korea
a violated woman has no other
resource), that it couldn't happen
to his town he won't laugh!
Yes, we need an army badly
so badly that It's costing us
plenty to get It. I'd hoped to
leave the melodrama and "old
story" routine out of this, but
the truth at times Is Indeed
hackneyed In this Instance and
It's H so real and close that
trying to explain It Is exasperating.
Another point for consideration:
Can it be Imaglnerl that a smaii
extremely proud nation like South
China? It would be like trying to ! even though many were my men
mon ud Lake Michigan with a! and friends. But I'd feel like a
sponge. Korea, without help,
country would fold like someone
hit by Tom Novak in about the
same amount of time.
To win a war like this, it
takes a lot of guys in a lot of
holes with enough guts to stay
there and then press the at
tack to the enemy. Koreans
have got the holes and the guts,
but they haven't got the Ko
reans. Keep In mind that those
little people who are at this
particular moment dug In about
1,000 yards north of this bunker
and shooting at us with even a
sink or two are Chinese, and i
someone must have loved the
Chinese to make so damn many
of 'em.
And a third point: We aren't
division alone we have the French
the only force in Korea. In this
the Dutch and the Thailanders
fighting right along with us. Dif
ferent nations are represented
throughout Korea in relative
small numbers, I'll admit, but the
member nations of the UN are as
capable and equipped as we to
send an army. Practically all of
the nations represented here, with
the exception of the US, have
suffered ravages of war in their
own front yards. They know what
w3r is and have sent what they
We're a rich powerful nation
who firmly believes in the UN.
Isn't it just, that our share be
in proportion to what we're
able to committ to battle?
Wouldn't a withdrawal mean a
repudiation of the organization
which we led Into exlstance?
Remember Geneva? Are We to
throw our national pride to the
wind for the sake of the blood
we've committed to let flow In
preserving, not only the In
tegrity of one small nation, but
the principles of the entire free
I'm graves registration officer
of this outfit, and I've seen too
many men as dead, mutilated and
broken as a man can get. I'll not
bloody heel if American troops
were pulled out, knowing what
those fellas were here for and,
believe, me, they knew not in
so many words for most of them.
But in their hearts they knew.
We all want to come home. In
the last war the men sat in their
Inevitable bull sessions and
talked about sex. In this war
and It is a war regardless of the
term "police action" the main
topic of conversation Is of points
and the "The Big R," which is
Rotation home. We want
very much to come back to our
homes, our families, our friends
and our women, and most of us
will. But to toss aside, like an
old toy, our national commit
ments, our sense of fair play,
the helpless minority nations
and, perhaps most important,
the lives we've already lost is a
revolting proposal Incubated in
the minds of the narrow and
weak who talk of a beautiful
and peaceful world, but aren't
prepared to back it up with the
force necessary to establish it.
I hate war, there's no glory or
thrill in it, just fear, filth, blood
and death. When you think that it
could happen in your home town,
that your own people could be
butchered and outraged and sick
ening cold fear permeates the
very air you breath, you know
why there's a Korea. God willing,
and holler "UnclebsrwwaWiypao
we'll win this thing sometime
maybe a long way off, but not if
we quit or become squeamish and
sovft and holler "Uncle" when
we're hurting a little.
If we're going to have peace in
Korea or. anywhere, let it be an
honorable one and hold out for
nothing less. The dead demand it,
and we're in no position to argue.
Typing Paper
A Good Quality
As low as 100 sheets for 40c.
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 North 14th Street
f the Board that publications, ander lis lurlsdcttioa
hall he free from editorial eensnntilp nn the pan of (he Board, or
m (he pan of any member of the faculty of the University, hat the
members M (he staff af The Unity Nebraskan are personally r
sponsible Cot whai they say or a av Mas fa he primed.-'
SafrarWptlna rates are II.IID a . SI Ml tnallM m
tor the eollea year, M.llll mailed. Slnul copy 5c. Panllhd
dally ditrlap (he school feat escepl Hafordnv and rtiindnyt, s-acaiioa
and eaamlnailoa periods. Hat Issne published Sarin th Month of
Aaaasl hy th University of Nebraska ender Ik aapervlstoa of the
Committee Hrndeal Publication. Utrtersd s Htcnnd ('law Matter
at th Past Office fa Mncoln, Nebraska, ander Act of Coiwtm.
. M.rch , 1ST, and al special rat of posies provided for la Sec
tkm 110. Act af Ooacreat of October a. 117. euthorired Haptem
kw III. IMS.
KIHi , Ram ruymooo
AssoeiPit rMltor , Oat) ftepei
el .nodei Milan Se Ronton, tea Kystrom
Sews Mlran , ,. Sally Hall, Hal Hasselbalrh,
Diet Raletoa, Mara Hiapkensra, Pal Kail
aru MMex , Glea) NMtoi
Au'l Sports NMar ,, Caarles Rlasek
rmtnre Bdlvar fa4 Pa
news? For nearly a year now, they have depended SUtSS Mit , t tf?.a
UDOn the antiCS Of WOuld-be Statesmen for, if not Rrr Tom Waadwarf, Jan Harrison, Paal Mean.
Lean, Cimnl (loon, John Vonnes. Chock Decker. Ed llcMsr
Cat Kasha, Osry Sharman, Del Hardlnt, Darwin MeAffee, Del
Snedirasa, Charlotte Dafoe, Ilea Jaekaan, Paddy Wrlfht, Mary
Ann Hansen, Oraea Ilarrey, Joey Dlnaman, Marilyn llnlton,
Both Klelnert, Janry Carman, Bart Brown, Tarn Becker,
Howard Vanti, Bob Serr, Oarr Frandan.
atomic energy exhibit now on display at the
Military and Naval Science Building says that
tht exhibit shows the development of atomic en
ergy and reveals the possibilities of atomic power
In the fields of agriculture, medicine, science and
industry. Also listed, of course, is defense. It's
encouraging and heartening to see on occasion
the attempt to make us think of our atomic age
in terms of peacetime progress not of war.
Return To Normalcv
Now that tho political campaign is over, what
will the newspapers and radio broadcasts do for
the bulk, at least the banners, of their dally dis
Perhaps murders, robberies and ordinary
Doily Thought
A single fact is worth a shipload of argu
dent. Anonymous.
..and More!
T'ftift Sale Ends Sat., Nov. Bth
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TWO SALES DAILY 2s30-530 and 7.30-9.30
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Mrs. J, L Burhams
Mrs. Marie Coddington
Mrs. Ruth Davison
Mrs. George Engler
Jean Israel
Mrs. Jaye Ridnour
Mrs. Nina M. Searle
Mrs. Helen F. Warner
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Darid Barnes
Dick Beeohner
Barton Brown
John Chunka
Michael Derlgg '
Larry DePord
Jack E. Gotle
Martin Hobsrman
Bert Huggard
Jim Hyland
Robert B. Johnson
Richard Jlrorec
John Koran
Leo Kovar
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