The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 03, 1952, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Page 4
MnndovMjovember 3, 1 952
Q$ 0ffS
House To Serve"
600 Students
i f i
Pershing Rifles Convention
Dedication services for the newifloor lounge-library, pastor's of
$ 40.000 Lutheran Student House lice, student council room and
at 525 nrth 16St. were held Sun- kitchen. A chapel seating 75
day afternoon.
Eev. Donald Heires, Execu
tive Secretary of the Division
f Student Service, National
Latheran Council, presided over
the dedication ceremonies.
located on the second floor, along; 'sf
witn livins Quarters ior ine pasior, ,
and his family.
The basement has recreation
room aud another kitchen.
Grouad-breakin? ceremonies
He was assisted by the Rev. for the buildwr took puce on
Alvia M. Petersen. University May li. 1951. and the corner
Lutheran Pastor. The building is J stone was laid on Nov. 4.
of modern design, having a first The student house will be used
va.-nsr mn-ive Rihlp rlasses.
. 1V1 II 7 J-"- -J- . ' -
land tor instructional courses in
Christianity. Informal activities ,
for the more than 600 Lutheran
students at the University will in
clude coffee hours, and social ac
tivities. The building of the student
house was made possible by
National Lutheran Council do
nation of S,iW in 1947. Lots
were bought in the fall of 1918
and in January of 1951 an
architectural firm was con
tracted to design the building.
Aa open house was held fol
lowing the dedication ceremonies.
,. mm iphhwim '" "" "f y
is : k t" on. "v r .
I o ft c"z ' i p J J
XTIOXAL HEADQUARTERS DELEGATES ... Ten members of Pershing Riries National Head
quarters and two from the local company attended a National Assembly of the Society of Persh
ing Rifles in Columbus, O.
University students are el'.r
ible to try-out for "The Circle
Monday and Tuesday from 3
to 5 pjn. and 7 to 9 p.m. in
Room 2S1. Temple.
"The Circle, an English
Comedy, is the second of three
University Theater produc
tions to be given this semester.
David Hayes, who will pro
dace "The Circle," empha
sized that one does not have to
be a speech major to try-out.
Crib Notes
Pigskin Party, Cummings Show
Spark Union Activity Line-Up
Hurt Wheat
Soybeans May Help
Drouth-Hit Sandhills
Ac Editor
"There is r.o place like Ne
braska. li
The truth of this statement
is exhibited by the soil moisture (
conditioES of the state in a survey
just completed by the State-Federal
Divioa of Agricultural Sta
tistics. The soQ moisture conditions
of the state are compared with
those existing during the year
f 1939.
Kenneth Logan of the Statis
tical Bureau said that af ter his
tour of the slate on the survey,
that the winter wheat crop for
1953 is hurt.
He said three conditiocs existed
Li the winter wheat growing areas'
of Nebraska. The fields which
were planted before the Hessian
fly date, which was Sept. 15 this
year, bad eaotigh soil moisture to
germinate the seed and produce a
stand cf winter wheat.
In the second coradtion are the
fields planted after this date. Oniyj
part of the seed germinated and
produced plants. The remainder
nf thf in this trne f field
caused the seeds to rot in the DrofJsor cf jvsh said Friday. I FZ Tuesday noon.
grmd. producing spotty in the K- Jieh. veT5e rauch Wc..TJv .
; t nil ink. w our ran
Rise Off A King
Started Trio 13 Years Ago;
Got Nickname From Paper Crown
By CONNIE Gouu individual fame in 1948
Staff Writer when his record of "Nature Boy"
began hilWas released. It Became me larg-
nn nb- "St Min? recora 01 inai year.
This oemauu 01 in suuss
A voun2 musician
rarper in 1937 by formin
scure trio to make a living. To
day, 13 years later,, his trio re
mains intact, and this man, who
began playing with a paper crown
on his head, has emerged as one
of the brightest musical personali
ties in this country.
He has developed into a superb
pianist, and is one .of the nations
Trinst tvinular vocalists. His story
ifi him to more
with orchestral DacKgrounas.
'Mona Lisa" and "Because of
Rain" are examples of son's
made famous by the "King."
His recording of "Too Young
far surpassed any previous
American hit song introduced
in England and other nations of
the world.
He and his trio are among tne
mobi n;lNat featured stars of "The Biggest
"-"cT (Show of '52." currently touring
the nation. muiion mu;iis
are crowding auditoriums and
theaters to hear Nat "King" Cole,
whose talent, personality, and
artistry has become a musical in
spiration to the people who hear
Tickets Available
Guest Columnist
Well, it's another week and
what a week at Ye Olde Union!
SteD rieht up. guys and gals.
Tickets are still available for the
-Biesest Show of '52." starring
Sarah Vaughan, Stan Ker.ton and
Nat "Kine" Cole, one of the great
est combinations you're likely to
hear for a Ion time. Don't for-
Profound Writer Auden
Not Afraid To Be Funny
most influential poets of our time,
j; Knoll said. He probably ranks
second otuy xo i. a. jmiou
get: you have a date at eight together are fun.
Wednesday night at the Coliseum
King" Cole.
He learned his music early
by practicing on his own. and
after high school joined his
brother's Chicago ja band. He
then appeared in a musical
show, "Shuffle Along." on the
west coast. After the show
closed, he formed his trio, which
Is now, as music lovers say, "a
It took some time for the pub-
For Sunday Concert
lie to realize the talent of this , . the UniVersity
Their tux to the top MjnelArtivities office and the School
music world was phenomenal. - " j-
They smashed attendance records or mu contralto
iy-iouna iame cicu iuih c,.,. in th TTninn Rail-
U.111. cuiiuu; ---'
SUff Writer
nr. H. Auden is not afraid to A discussion of his own writing iL-niotL lf interested, contact Mari-!
assistant and that of his contemporaries. lvn jjoomey. activities director,'
for this "once in a lifetime" show.
vocation is scheduled for 11:00
The third AU-University
Convocation is scheduled for
11:00 p.m. Thursday in the
Union, Ballroom. . H. Auden,
distinguished Anglo - American
poet, essayist and playwright,
will lecture. Many people at our
Union have spent lots of time
organizing this convocation,
among them Jean Davis, Con
vocation Committee chairman
and Ann Skold. secretary. Let's
give them a break, as well as
ourselves, by attending this
very worthwhile lecture,
A luncheon will be held in
Auden's honor Thursday at the
and you can;
their recordings.
Nat sang his first vocal solo,
'Sweet Lorraine." early in his
career at the insistence of a cus
tomer, and it was so well-liked
that he has been the trio's fea
tured vocalist ever since.
His "piano artistry, combined
Tickets are free, but only a
limited number are available,
Marilyn Moomey, Union activities
director, said Friday.
The Union is sponsoring tha
watch the progress of the Huskers
as the plays are diagrammed and
scores are chalked up on the
boards. Note: popcorn and apples
will be on sale. It's almost like
being at the game yourself. All
&i i a '
uie cunuuris ut nome, ana Doner ill A I
otue jrXn together Committee Schedules Annual
and migrate to the Pigskin Party
in the Union lounge Saturday aft
ernoon, you'll make Norm Gauger
happy, (ties chairman of the; tn-.h, crr-h Wppk Is Search Week.
Search Week For March 15
In tie third condition is fields that of Ogdenash. But Auder
p5anted after this date in which is better known for his profound
the seed did not genaaiate at an. ver Knoll added.
Auden. distinguished Anglo-
Logan stressed that fields of this
nature woaJrf produce wheat in
the spring if snfficient moisture
was obtained duricg the winter
and spring months.
He also said that unless
enough moisture ts received to
pack the soil before the hard
water freexes many of the
fields with a rood stand will
suffer large percentages of win
ter killing.
This drwrtk condition seems
to be spotted around the state.
"Am far as I can see, the pan
handle counties have enough
winter moisture but the central
and eastern areas don't have
enotigh to start the crops,"
Logan commented.
He said one of the hardest hit , campaigning.
areas was the sanchiU area in
central Nebraska. Here a lack of.
tar along with a shortage of concents-ale
for the winter is facing
raacy ranchers. The or.!y promis
ing tfciag for these areas is the
large soybean crop which was
harvested this year. Logan said
Prairie fires seem to be the big
gest threat to the ranches in this
area, he states.
The Sack of
Anden. who received his edu'
ration at Christ Church. Oxford,
became known as a promising
English poet. He received the
Swint your partner, alle-
mande left! Grab your best gal
and join the rest of the gang
at the Union Friday night It's
American poet, essayist and
playwright, will speak at an
All - University convocation
Thursday at 11 ajn. in the Un
ion Ballroom,
Classes will be dismissed for
the event
General Entertainment committee.)
P.S. There's dancing in the
Roundup Room Saturday night
Instead of the usual Sunday
night movie, the Union is pre
senting some, extra-special en
tertainment for those of yon
who know you like good music
and for those who aren't too
sure, but would like to find out.
The University Symphony will
present its annual fall concert,
with guest artist Lucille Cum
mings, star cf the Telephone Hour,
at 8 p.m. in the Union Ballroom.
i There is no admission charge and
-n9v mnA YAtl'll liar
King's Gold Medal for the best j f.
imcirr 01 me jc,r . v e ve lo!d vou a lot about this tickets are avaiiaoie at ine scnooi
In 1939 he came to America an.t s,.tivitie h-it there are of Music or at the Activities
asusic corn-
scheduled this year for March 15
to 20. Plans are being made by
i the Search Week board for a more
I . . . 1 : . 1 .
inclusive ana cwroinaieu yiv
gram. Formally called Religion in Life
Week, Search Week was given
its present name last year, follow
ing the example of many other
universities in the country.
The purpose of Search Week
is to promote a week of religions
emphasis on the University
campus for both students and
faculty. During the week meet
ings and conferences are held
in the interest of students and
faculty members who can and
will participate in this one week
of religious activity.
Featured this year will be ad-
Also included in the week s
program will be musical presen
tations featuring religious music,
individual conferences for stu
dents, class addresses on re
ligion's relation to our modern
world, morning worship ser
vices and other programs which
will be planned in full at a later
According to Cathy Dill, chair
man of Search Week, committees
are being set up but have not
been completed.
Rabbi Joshua Stamfer, Hillel
Councilor, is the board advisor.
became a citizen of this country .:,, mf,rP thin coins on at vour Office. Mimi Hamer. J
Siace that time he has taught a. xjnj0n. Saturdav afternoon there's mittee chairman and Sherry dresses by two nationally known
1 PrccWn Partv in the Union Clover, secretary, sussest tnat you ministers ana several men noien
lounge for you loyal fans who get your tickets early the Ball
don't go to K.U." These get- room capacity is limited.
various universities and tectxirea
throughout the nation.
In his contact with youth en
university campuses. Auden has
Auden is considered one cf the, 1 hT hi honest, wit and I
- wisdom, Jean Davis, eonvoea- j
1 tion chairman, said. !
frn r f, I He is noted for his insight into;
GOr-uernouuarrel probiejns cf -2ge of
anxietv," Miss Davis added, and!
(Conttnued from Page 1) j$ regarded by many as the
spokesman for the "contemporary I
Hons ana cave spent no money srsiriual crisis.
li "While an undergraduate at
No organiutioa whose sole Oxford, Professor Knoll said,
tnces have been unspent," he ! "Auden w as the leader of a
group of young poets. Today
in the country for their interest
in religious projects such as
Christmas Cards
Large Selection
Singles Assorted All-Alike
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 North 14th Street
said, "have filed under the
statnte. The Young GOPs' con
tributions have been long hours
of labor. Is it necessary for
them to file a statement of the
umber of boars spent campaigning?
Tolman said that even af the of this country.
-r A im :Youcg Republicans had received j "Auden," Kno'l said.
many of these men are promi
nent writers."
Knoll pointed out that T. S.
Eliot who was born in the Unitei
States, became an English citizen,
and that Auden became a citizen
"felt ht
to keen thu campaign contrsbulions they could coaSd get more work
1 ?,w not have filed a statement "fifteen cour.try."
non'J-.t Las hel&ed
. 1 - c daj-s before ejection.
iS pto wi go vp I ke a pow-'-S Uiczm. received c
v-tu-n SfJCJaJ Ur.ivers:ty authorizati
done in this
University j
orJy last Thursday, he said, I
University Young Republicans,!
he said, have in their treas-
(ury. This money i the total re-!
Several of Auden's books are
"Nones," "The Age of Anxiety
and "On the Island." His play
include "The Dance of Death"
and "The Dog Beneath the
His most recent achievement Is
(ships minus money fpesst for new Igor Stravinsky opera, Th"
'rurjiisg expenses, 1 said. Rakes' Progress."
Daily. TMha&kan.
As Logaa sees it. the only
threat to the economy of the
state it the Uck of hay for the
eatUe indostrj. Cora and wheat
crops this year were some of the
largest that Nebraska has ever
produced, be said.
The bureau conducts to srjsJt
t'Ttej every year, ore in Octo
ber aid one ia ApriL
The whole midwest seems to be
r-iflerirg from the drouth, accord
feg to Logan. The states which
tare reported drvjth cor. ditiocs
vi far are Oklahoma, Texas, aad
Cclsrado. he said.
Thirty-Two Plan
To Make UN
Seminar Trip
Thirty-two. flu dents Lave
fgned-uj to go oa the YW
YMCA fponsca-ed seminar ia New
York City Nov. 1 to 15.
The students and two chap
er ernes will travel via chartered
bus, probably leaving Nov. 11 and
returning Nov. 18.
There ts room for "a few"
aore ltadents. Univers ty
TMCA director Sam Gibson,
said Friday.
Any student interested in going
must contact Gibson, Ext 3261.
The approximate bus transporta
tion cost is $55.
Living a ccorranoda lions wd be
reserved in the Hotel Diplomat
at a special student rate of $2 per
day. Room and board for the
three-day period will cost $15 to
$29. Registration fee for the
seminar is SS.
The Nov. 14 program will in
clude re titration and orienta
tieu, attending" sections of the
CM General Assembly, meet
tar with UK Secretariat mem
ber and Interviews with lead
ers of UK agencies.
Nov. 15 the delegates will visit
the Unite! States Mission to the
LN, interview UK delegates from
foreign countries, go on a tight
seeing trip, participate in a
panel with students from other
c.n.T.fjri" and attend an Interna-,
tonal Student party.
fi'&aday morning the student
wrlll itlr J rhnrrh at the ' Driving Salt Lt through PnTr, Vvt.IaIpu Omea fin between r;rnt HtmorM
. Li l-i - a m 1 M. rtor wt. M. CaJ -WM Rai awl Alja CM Uuam. Vlrtlnl Miun.
cunc. naiuu7 I 17. itait ttu or v Cr'J CaaOMri
afternoon the sen'nar Will ad- I im4r. WJitiJa atvenMKXta. If jn rtvaMy plrkvl up tha wrtre !thr
. i - -- - - - 1 Jaat. cntact K rn McMiitr, 2
Thert wiH be a meeting of in-' ROOM AND BOARD
wresnei r-yten:s at a p m. won-
and kcessory Organs not Adversely
Affected by Smoking Chesterfields
To place a classified ad
Stop fai dko BaajaMB Of flea
gtintfnt UaJoa
00 2-7631
fled Scrvtea
Cat, 4224 for Claaoi.
Eeort 1-4X0 Mob. thrw frL,
Ko. words 1 day 2 days I day t 4 days 1 wet
1-10 I M 1 9 J65 1 J5 1 11-00 11 0
11-15 Mi M 1X5 S 1-25 1.45
14-20 I IA Si 12 ISO 1.70
21-25 .78 L10 I L45 175 I I Si
24-20 I ifl IS I 1.M ,100 120
A responsible consulting organization has
reported the results of a continuing study by a
competent medical specialist and his staff on the
effects of smoking Chesterfield cigarettes.
A group of people from various walks of life
was organized to smoke only Chesterfields. For six
months this group of men and women smoked their
normal amount cf Chesterfields' 10 to 40 a day.
45 of the group have smoked Chesterfields con
tinually from one to thirty years for an average of
10 years each.
At the beginning and at the end of the six
months period each smoker was given a thorough
examination, including X-ray pictures, by the
medical specialist and his assistants. The exam
ination covered the sinuses as well as the nose,
ears and throat
The medical specialist, after a thorough exam;
ination of every member of the group, stated:
"It is my opinion that the ears, nose, throat and
accessory organs of all participating subjects ex
amined by me were not adversely affected in the
six-months period by smoking the cigarettes
'daily Nebraska:
y at tho University YMCA, r.,'.nx. luvnr u uum c-u. nu AD3 FOR BEST RESULTS
headquarters In Temporary I
i at.
sssrn ' .
f- f-. T - -' 1
KQKKHS.'- -""M-r- i L"" ! f Sv-f- t It it''
ask your dealkN AMmffi i1W !' I -contains tobaccosX
flps , u y
"iTOKuean 1 m loaxxp ca
f""""1"-" 1 "'i"11 iiii.iiiinniuii ii f nK-jS" " 11 'SSrr: . -i'3 -n,.,, p.,,., .
I . 1 , r t.. ..' - - ' t
CopTfih 1932. LkXLTT MVeu Tosacco Ctt