The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 03, 1952, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Monday, November 3f 1952
Page 2
, 1
Baseless Claims
Since the Democrat party of Lancaster county
has seen fit to indulge in what they call "Chris
tian charity" in bringing an alleged statute viola
tion to the attention of the Young GOPs, this
writer would also like to take the opportunity to
indulge in some of fhe same and show Mrs.
Dorothy Diaz, Demo chairman, and others of her
partj some convictions that are followed as
stringently as the bingo laws."
The Young GOPs are conducting aver this
weekend a telephoning campaign urging peo
ple to make that all-Important (trip to the pons
next Tuesday. In the course of the conversa
tion, the Young GOPs plan to ask people if they
are able to get to the polls and if they are sick
or disabled, the young party members win then
offer to provide such persons with transporta
tion to the polls.
Which cannot be construed in any way al
though the county Democrats are trying in every
An unintentional error in the news columns
of The Daily Nebraskan indicated that all per
sons regardless of physical condition should
he transported to the polls, if they so desire, by
Yonng GOPs. From this unfortunate happen
ing came the Democrats virtuous attempt at
U.S. Behavior . . .
Dear Editor,
As a foreign, student it is pos-
sible that my question is decidedly
out of place. According to all the
best handbooks on "How to be-
ihave in the USA" mention of, let
'alone active interest in American
politics is definitely beyond the
pale. Therefore in fear of the imm
inent revival of taring and
; feathering or "the receipt of an in
'vitation from McCarran to step off
Christian chalrty. Ithcse shores, I step in. apologet-
The Democrats have .also brought out another jl11?- 'here the British and
... , . .. . , .. V. French delegations to the UN fear
Nebraska statute which defines the "committee ' t0 Treacj an(j crave your indulg-
referred to in the section of the Corrupt Prac-i once as a fellow student.
A Student Views The News
War Is Biggest Issue
In Last Minute Campaign
Ann Griff ra
way they know to be a violation of Section 32
1128 of the State Corrupt Practices Act which
reads as follows:
tices Act. This is defined as "every two or more
persons . , , who shall be associated . . . to further
ar defeat the nomination . . . of any person or
class of persons . . shall be deemed a political
committee , . ."
Even in view of an opinion from the State At
torney General's office, the Democrats -are continu
ing their ridiculous attempt to bring some charge
of smear or corruption against members of that
party pledged to rid our government of the cor
ruption of the past 20 years. Dean Kratz, As
sistant Attorney General, advised this paper that
Section S2-1128 of the State Corrupt Practices Act
would have no application to volunteer groups
who desire to aid in the drive to "Get Out the
Vote" by providing transportation to the polls for
aged or disabled voters.
The Democrats who rail against Sen. Jo
seph McCarthy's tactics are guilty in this very
practical instance of the same smear, insinua
tion, statements taken out of context one in
stance taken to represent the entire picture. In
their last-minute panicked attempt to bring dis
repute to that party that might bring a halt to
their gravy-train, they are making a mountain
out of a molehill, trying, vainly, to make state
law point the finger of guilt at a situation com
pletely void of illegality.
The Young GOPs have just as much right as
anyone else to make a sincere attempt to help
get out the vote on election day and just be
cause they are Young Republicans does not mean
that they cannot have the same altruistic motives
about -urging everyone to use their sacred right
to vote bs any other citizen of this country does.
The Democrats of this county and of this cam
pus are making themselves look mighty silly in
bringing charge after charge to the offices of lo-
1 am wondering why the
Daily Xebrask&n "'fervently
hopes for the election of Dwight
Eisenhower to the highest of
fice," according to your issue of
Tuesday, By what process of
reasoning has this official organ
of (is to 7,000 or S.000?) stu
dents arrived at this state of in
toxicated excitement which
leads to the employment of such
an adverb in behalf of one can
didate. Is it that he is but one
state removed from being a
native son? Does the corn grow
so huskily and irresistibly
around him? Is it that flashing
smile arguing so conclusively
the superiority of unsocialized
dentistry? Or could it be that
super-confidence in Eisenhower
that convinces you with him
that at his appearance in Korea
the difficulties and the Reds will
disappear with the gunfire?
Terhaps you follow on the other
hand the philosophy 'in Re
publicania do as the Hepubli-.
cans do."
But I write not to ask you to
chance candidates (for that
would indeed be out of place)
but methods.
It would seem fairer to the level
of political intelligence and inter
cut nf what must be an almost
exclusively academic clientele to
refect the "'I like Ike" or "gladly
! Adlai". briebt - button - -wearing
method which is almost indecent
In the closing hours of the campaign, the Ko
rean war has been revived as the top election issue
while charges and countercharges fly ihick and
Eisenhower returned the issue to prominence
by charging that the Democrats want the war
forrotten. He maintained that American forces
can be brought home if the fall potential of
South Korean manpower is utilized.
Stevenson countered by ac
cusing the Republican nominee
of promising a quick and easy
Ipeace that he will not be able
To deliver. He suggested that
lEisenhower was "playing pol
itics" and that the GOP stand
may actually have delayed an
Earlier in the campaign.
Democrats brought up Gen.
Eisenhower's 1947 statement
that "the military occupation of South Korea is
not essential to the military security of the
United States." Eisenhower replied in turn that
the administration a4 "abdicated- its ctrillaa
authority if a secret military estimate waa the
nly basis upon which policy had hee deter
' mined.
Then came the most publicized development on
the subject Eisenhower promised to visit Korea
personally upon his election in order to arrange
the transfer of responsibility from U.S. and UN
forces to South Korean troops. Stevenson called
the offer a "desperate, bid" for support and Tru
man charged that as top military advisor to the
administration, the General should have turned
over any plans for shortening the Korean m-ar
to proper agencies.
But in the meantime a letter from Gen.
James Van Fleet bleb concurs with Eisen
hower's views on the cse and intensive training
of KOK replacements has bee mad public, and
the Democrats bare even more to al with
than threats and promises.
"Wednesday, Foreign Soviet Minister Andrei
Vishinsky rejected the recent US proposal for a
UN truce plan as "utterly un satisfactory." Thus
the wars go on in political circles, in Korea, and
in the campaign.
Election Day is Nov. 4.
A Student looks Toward Politics
Communism Threat Or Politics?
sitting in the U.S. Senate. General in industry and government, they
Eisenhower, on the other hand, is have been ferreted out . . . The
willing to support the ccySr'SiSSte
gerous word in America today is-of Joe McCarthy even while dis- man, utilized the FBI to screen
undoubtedly "Communism." To agreeing with his method. Thus each and every person on the pay-
in its frivolity, when we consider have the word linked .directly or he says, in effect, that Joe's end oi uie xeaerai sovernmem.-
Managing Editor
The most powerful and dan-
"Conveying voters to polls by candidates or cal newspapers in an attempt to make people
committee forbidden; exception; penalty. It shall
be unlawful for any candMate or committee to
run or cause to be run any conveyance for the
purpose of conveying voters to the polls, and any
person violating the provisions of this section,
shall, upon conviction, thereof, be fined in the
sum of $50, or imprisoned In the county jail for
not less than 30 days; provided, nothing in this
section shall be construed to interfere with con
veying sick or disabled persons who are not able
without assistance to attend the election."
the seriousness and complexity of DT implication, to one's name is a justifies his means and that, we
the problems confronting e it means 'believe, is as dangerous a doctrine
American Executive. .... I . ..
An impartial discussion of the automatic ana complete ostracism as any tne wmmuniiis chpuuse.
from the worlds of business, so-j The Republican press, however,
ciety, teaching and writing. j has taken a different view of the
The threat of Communism to Eisenhower statement. The 'Wash-
the American way of life without mgton Post, has said:
swallow their baseless claims. In each instance,
people of authority and may we add not iust
those of authority in the Republican party have 1 better of any of us. being so much
shown the claims of the Democrats to be falla
cious. This writer would like to suggest that the
Lancaster County Democrats find more to do
with thoir spare time than pouring through the
statute books trying to find some way to in
diet that very party that is capable of clean
ing np the mess they started. U.K.
proposed programmes and their
feasibility in relation to the
Tealities of the situations at
home and abroad, the political
and administrative experience
of the two major candidates a
propos the office of President
might be worthier objectives for
the editorial column of a campus
newspaper in this "time for
greatness. jmunist or Communist propaganda
This should release student. ... . . .
votes from the emotional mob ap.
proach which is apt to get the
4. "The Democratic racceas in
fighting poverty and repres
sion has aided immeasurably in
the vight against Communism
and its efforts to control men's
doubt justifies the concern of our
citizens and their efforts to check
it both within and w-ithout the
country. The presence of a Corn-
easier than Coinc through the un
comfortable process of breaking
down our prejudices and thinking
clearly and independently.
On Their Own
Professor of Civil Engineering, G. C. Ernst,
said, "We would rather get off, but there just
isn't any place else to go."
a. . Assistant Professor of Military Science and Tac-
tics, Maj. John L. Tanner, said, "If the motion
were to go through, it would definitely make it
rough, especially to assemble our troops. We
would have to have some place else."
. ..... Director of Athletics, George, "Potsy," Clark,
said, "I don't see how we could let you count
on using the practice field (north of the Coli
seum)." Director of the Division of Buildings and
1 , Grounds, Charles Fowler, said, "If they use con-
- ' Crete, it will probably cost not less than $1 per
square foot. With grading, that cost might go
r, tip."
Assistant Dean of the Division of Student Af-
fairs, Frank Hallgren, said, "There is a limit to
I'making the campus a completely utilitarian af
'""fair." Chairman of the Student Council Parking
"V" Committee, Rockford Yapp, said, "We want to
do what is best for the whole student body."
These persons were discussing the Student
Council's proposal to make a concrete lot out of
the mall south of the Coliseum.
Yapp moved and Eldon Park seconded a mo
tion Wednesday that this area be converted into
parking space. However, the Council decided to
table the motion and let a committee look into the
details. Council president Wayne White, ap
pointed, Yapp, Park and Dick Peterson.
Now, there is nothing really unusual about a
motion being made in University Student Coun
cil meetings. Nevertheless, this is an unusual
motion, because it has a little rebellion in it.
Its author and several of his friends on the
Council had been worried about the fact that
everything that their governmental body did
war subject to faculty approval.
When Yapp got the idea to look into the pos
sibilities of turning the mall area into a parking
spot his first inclination was to go to the faculty
and see if it would be all right. But, after a
little thought, he decided that the Student Coun
cil was an autonomous body and capable of mak-
Free Men ...
CFMlm't ante pw limlfannn made If
nerefisarv to delete email sections of the fol
Inwtnc letter.)
Dear Editor:
The spirit of free men is in- 'threat.
dispensable to the survival of our
societv. Transcending the bound
ary of party politics, the concept
of "free men" implies the Tight of
all Americans to independent
thought and freedom of inquiry
and, above all, to rise above the
muddle of conformity and express,
freely, fresh and liberal conclu
sions. We must guard this sacred
t-rtict -iotilniiqlv nnri wrunulouslv or
ing a mature decision on this subject and heUak'p nnr -nlarp in historv's cham
ber of fallen democracies m
company at Athens and the Roman
is a threat to the continuance of
our liberties, we all know.'
Both Democrats and Republi
cans agree to this. Both declare
war on Communism and pledge
ourselves to a wholehearted effort
to clear the government from
Communists and Communist sym
pathizers. But they do not all agree on the
methods of fighting the Red;
would take it to them first.
Therefore, in his regular parking committee
report. Yapp made his suggestion into a motion.
The Daily Nebraskan wishes to congratulate both
he and Park for their healthy view of the place
of a council of students. However, we are not
so sure that their idea for more parking space is
The special committee is doing a great deal
of research to find the possibilities of the new
lot. Yapp has talked with Charles Fowler of
Buildings and Grounds and Sgt. John Furrow,
head of the University Police. Peterson is getting
tentative plans and estimate cost for the lot
surfaced in gravel, crushed rock, asphalt or con
crete from professional contractors. Park is
working to find student and faculty opinion or.
the idea. They will meet before the Council meet
ing next Wedn- y and prepare a comprehensive
report for presentation then.
Meanwhile, your Daily Nebraskan has been
doing some research too. We have found that
there are three primary objections to convert
ing the mall into a parking lot:
1) The military courses need to use the area
for drill practice.
2) Civil Engineering students studing survey
ing need to use the area for lab work.
Z) The cost is prohibit! ve. DJ
Herein lies the danger ana
Teason for our serious concern
over the tactics bared in the
"rabbit punches" of the men
tal litrhtweirhl from Wiscon
sin. With the "old guard"
cronies in his corner, his lark
of concern for rules of fair play
and respsct for justice would
seem as- well the result of his
environment as of his own stu
pidity. His victims have to date
come from the ranks of liberals,
especially those who dared cheat
the garrote of the China Eobhy
and went on to spit out the
truth regarding post-war poli
ties in the Tar East In blatant
disregard of the inherent ripht
of every American to disagree,
McCarthy has lowered his iron
glove on these loyal Americans,
and today they stand as grim
testimony of a tragic betrayal
of our treasured constitutional
richt the lrand of "Commu
nist?" smeared across their
dro -e
On one extreme are those
who exact loyalty oaths from
college professors, government
employees and laborers, who
set op loyalty boards to check
the record of thousands and
thousands of Americans, who
invade public libraries, burn
books and label and censor lit
erature as being "subversive,"
Politically, their effort, accord
ing to Columnist Dorothy Thomp-1
Republicans, however, point to
a "shameful" Democratic record in
.resisting Communism, T b e y
I charge that the Democratic Party
has "coddled" top Communists,
that Communists have influenced
decisions particularly in foreign
.policy of the government and
that the Democratic Party has per
jsisted in calling "red herring" any
attempts by the Republicans to
fight Communists in the government.
"So mock remains to be
done in the way f recovering
the ground lost by the Demo
cratic Party's failure to under
stand and to check the Com
munisi menace, that only a com
pletely new administration .
with no ties to the old will be
able to restore stabflitv and
peace,' goes the Eepnblicaa ar
gument. In regard to their candidates,
the Republicans say. "The record
.the means" theory, if the Senator proves that Richard Nixon is an
ranmiTB eXDerienCfid .and -rptnIpoc fn r,f
communism, a scourge of the
we expect. .Eisenhower has the eTrperienee in
The Chicago Sun-Times, anmaking the right decisions in a
avid Ike supporter, has -expressed I orld .contest and the stature and
its desire for McCarthy's defeat, 'f"iceI1 organizing ability to
u.. u , - ,finJrce the right decisions"
"General Eisenhower met one
of the severest tests of bis can
didacy in Wisconsin, and be
handled it in a typically Eisen
hower fashion. While continu
ing to support Senator Mc
Carthy, because he is the candi
date of the Republicans in Wis
consin and because the general
naturally wants the backing of
a Republican Congress, he nev
ertheless opened a wide gulf
between himself and the notori
ous mudslinger ... We think
that Ike has left Wisconsin
without any taint of McCarthy-
ism on his shoes.'"
Whether Eisenhower did or did
not surrender to the "ends justify
tickets to Washington, what can
but has added: "If (McCarthy re
turns to the Senate),, it seems to
us that the last best hope for -ex-
son, -"is described as an attempt ,tr acting his fangs lies in the elec-the real threat of Communism. Ike
to 'control' thought' by character tion of a president of McCarthy's declared that its penetration "con-
assassination and organized pres-party. That is on the theory which laminated in some degree . .. vir-
sures to remove from public in- Ike himself has expressed that a
fluence persons with opinions dif-jGOP victory naturally would build
ferine from one's own. usine for up almost irresistible nressures
that purpose smear and slander; it for party regularity among con-'sized. thc broader aspects of Com-
stultifies honest opinions; it threa-lgressional Republicans regard- , " 1, ,fJ maBB
-i ., Ii u . ,, 1 mind, embittered and frustrated
tens civil liberties." .less of their past records. On the by -unemployment and want
It is known as McCarth yism. ! other hand, if McCarthy wins in I Eisenhower has declared:
Designed to meet the threat of Wisconsin and Adlai Stevenson "Let every person distributine
wins nationally, we could expect,!"1 P erature through the
... n i j . . t . ' mails be made to disclose its
witn almost creaa certainty, six, source of funds and It
establish guilt by association and more years of uninterrupted and ship. Let everr orcaniratinn nf
accusation. I irresponsible ranting by the Wis-jS our political life be com-
In recent speeches tbe eanrii-
dates placed different emphasis oa
tuaDy every department everr
agency, every bureau, everv er
tion of our government Steven
son, on the other hand, empha-
Communism within our govern
ment, it has employed efforts to
Senator McCarthy, its chief ex- consin wild man."
Margin Notes
The Beautiful Season
D'espite early warnings that the dry spell
would prevent a colorful fall, Lincoln's trees are
now dressed in magnificent shades of red, yellow,
orange and a still-persisting green. One campus
personality, from New England where the falls are
perhaps the most beautiful in the nation, said the
other day that Nebraska's autumn has been much
more colorful than she had ever imagined it could
Daily Thought
have the habit of looking on the bright side
lunatic frinee of his party, in
this moment the refreshing words
of Adlai Stevenson that "liberals
are not Communists, and that so
cialists are not Communists, and
that radicals in the American tra
dition are not Communists" make
their deepest imprint.
Finally, we gasp in awe at
those of both parties who view
McCarthy as a great leader of
the anti-Communist religion.
Admittedly, ,nis concern over
sacrificing the basic principles
of American justice" and his
avowed feelinf that It is "im
portant to keep alive in the
world the principle of dignity of
nan" do express a deep, divine- ,
like reverence. However, these
words were echoed In defense
of the Nazi murderers of de
fenseless American soldiers and
many civilians in the Ma.lme.dy
massacre. Now when the Sen
ator from Malmedy mounts his
"antr-Communist pulpit, he
abandons notions of justice and
fairness and issues forth, in the
name of the holy desire to sup
press the Democrats, the sum
mons to stamp all liberals and
free think era as Communists or
Russian espionage agents.
While his proclamation of In
auisition runs over with GOP joy,
Cfcw bra l nary a single Communist has been
Jm Sleftw j x Kolninrl Vor hv b lark nf
Mailt Tr. . w.t.iw k.h b . k.i, r'.Ai ... goodness ana lovinE-Kinaness. i
l'T". Cranle timmA. Jehn Vmei. Chuck Oeeker. td brMtr. I submit then that We repudiate the
.!. Omt Sherman. Iel H.rdln. Irwln McAffw. Hel buJJ 0J tnjg pelf-anointed pope of
SnadmH, Charlotte I. lire J.ob, l-add Wright, Mary f , -urnrm. onrl-
Ann Ha.en. Harrey, Jeey Itinirman. MartlT. Htt.n.ltte faith of Smear poltroons and
Hath K If inert. Jane? Carman, Bart Brawn, Tarn Booker, look forward to the great day
Jtewara Vann. Baa Serr. Gary Franden. I when We Can, OUt Of Eympathy,
grant the GOP brainchild Mc
. lr.:irth'iF;m an undeserved inter-
It is Worth a thousand pounds a year to ., ti-.w .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .. r Bmum ment with other creatures of
baa (nK Oily.
Ea Ban I Sincerely yours.
of things. Johnson. w hub ratrk konald ray rader (
ponent has continually attacked
the Democrats and their record
and advisers for being, if not pro
Communist, at least a knowing aid
to Communism within the envern-
w.'.s a genuine optimism t; t Last week he
liberal minds to view Gen-;
eral Eisenhower, especially in arraee 01 cnarges against me
lirht of McCarthy's slander of 'Democratic candidate for the
General Marshall, as the glorious presidency
figure who wouia suppress
Jhn (Dothf VkbhaAkai-L
Associated Collegiate Preat
Intercollegiate Press
The naUr Mektaakaa to tarhllibati tor the truaenti at fla tlnfver
ttr af ti ikiaeka aa anmulna af aataenu' utrnn and a Mutant ml.
Aaeardtm la Article II af the Br-Lami amrerplat atntlsal aahUca
tfcani and adiaaiUniad a the Beard af Publication, "It tt the dr
ctaraa aanea af the Bnard that panUentioH, under lea lurMcltMti
aH he free fim aanarial aanennain aa the nan of the It nerd, ar
am the pan af any awaihar of the facallr af the Unnereltr. hal the
nam af the ataff af The Dally babtMlum are aennaaltr a
aaaaalbh) lot araM ie av ar a ar tmaat to he prratea."
fMiacrtataB rata, are tlMO a 1 .1.11. MtM and lad at tx.aii
tar tee eelJean feat. M.IW aaaAaa. Stnale rmr, fcc. eattMhed
arit anrinc the arhnal rear ascent Malaroari and Hunaan, vacation
eant axaatlnatlaa aertodi. One inae awhhitied darhw the month af
A""" hr the UWvenir, af Nebraaka under the anacrvlihia af the
.naiailHee aa ftraaent Pnhiicatiea. ifiaterad at second !laa Matte,
a tku Hani Off ire hi Iriacatn. Nabraaka. ander Act of Coram.
March S, IK7b. and at ajuiial rate af panaa ararata far hi Mac
Man HAS. AM af Ceaaran af Octohar a. JUI7. aiifnia'la id heptea.
hat la. 1CZS.
aaarh) Sidttot
A art ftanrtt Editor
ran tare fcaltar . ...
Aa adttar
Madetr MMar , . .
lias fieaei
Sot Gartaa. Sea Kntrnm
Sail, Hull. Hal Haawihalea,
Cat ball
Glaaa Kalana
Charlet Klaaek
On the Republican side. Gen
eral Eisenhower has been forced,
by whom no one seems to know,
to reconcile himself at least par
tially to the junior Senator from
Wisconsin. His reason, undoubt
edly to unite the Republican
party both in the campaign and
in his hoped-for Republican
Congress, was justified, Eisen
hower said, because he agreed
with the purposes of McCarthy
if differing with the Senator's
The sttaement has since been a
source 01 frequent Democratic
charges that Eisenhower has sur
rendered his principles for politi
cal expediency and that, ii he has
not become an advocate of Mc
Carthyism, he has at least given
it room lor existence in his cru
sade. Democratic press and politicians
have attacked Ike's reference to
"methods" as Indicating the sur
render of the candidate to the
pelled to make public its finances,
membership and affili
short let us use every legal re
source to insure that all groups
which enjoy the right to free
speech extend that right to talk
ing about themselves plain? and
Stevenson lias said similarly
that he would "'use all power of
and identify Communist activity. V
to remove Communists and their
tutus irom places of position and
prestige in our society and to pro
tect our free institutions from
The Democrats counter with
the fact that McCarthy wiH not
only have access to government
files and information concern
ing employees, hut he will also
be chairman of the expenditures
committee, which must approve
the budgets of all departments
of government. Both positions
would boost his fascist cam
paign, they say.
. , , j l"-ommunist espionage, sabotage
Efforts have been made during and subversion."
Both candidates appear to havo.
the same goal. The questions then
are two:
"Who win more closely follow
the principles of our democracy
in fighting the threat of Communism?''
the campaign to avoid unneeded
discussion of McCarthy particu
larly en the Eepublican side. But
the efforts have been in vain, for
frequently, when Democrats at
tack McCarthy, Republicans, many
of whom do not approve nf the
Senator's methods, immediately
jump to his defense. Or, on the
other hand, even though certain
Republicans have attempted to re
move themselves from arr con
nection with McCarthy. Demo
crats continually speak of McCar-
thyism as a plank in the GOP
If McCarthyism is not the an
swer to internal Communism, what
can we do to protect our liber
ties? The Democrats point to the rec
ord of the Administration:
1. 'As a result of patient In
vestigation and aggressive and'
skillful prosecution by the Depart
ment of Justice, the top leadership
"Who can do the better Job?
Let us hope that the voters cor
rectly answer these quesaons
come Nov. 4. All of v have a
stake in the outcome.
3:00-3:15 Jay's Junction
3:15-3:20 Treasury Show
2:30-4:00 Authors of the Age
4:00-1:15 Spins and Needles
4:15-4:25 Garretson's Wax
4:30-4:35 This I Believe
4:35-4:50 Kobin's Nest
4:50-5:UC Kews
Communistic and fascist -principle . th Communist Party has been!
of "the end justifies the means."
Methods "also exactly describes
the differences between Joe Mc-
Caoxp Counselling Ellen
Carthy and Adlai Stevenson in
the matter of Communism," the
Arkansas Gazette said. . , . The
who is irresponsible enough to at
tack the patriotism of, to cite only
the most spectacular example,
tried, convicted and jailed, and the Smith Dining Room, 4 p.m.
secondary leadership has been in- W Commission Christian Be
dieted. Conspiracy directed by a jlies Ellen Smith Dining Room, S
foreign power has been suppressed P- rn. pictures "VVest Sta
dium photo lab.
Varsity Dairy Club 5 pjn.
Cornhusker pictures West Sta-
but political freedom has remained
2. "Prompt prosecutions have
supported Congressional investitra-
Democrats do not feel that a man ; tions of Communist activities. The
citizenship of Harry Bridges was
revoked. Large numbers of alien
Communists have been deported."
3. w nere Communist agents
dium photo lab.
Block and Bridle 4:45 p.m.
Corn Cvbc 5 p.m.
Kosmet Klub Activities maet.
George C Marshall . . H should be have Infiltrated into key positions ; ing Room 3 OB Union, 7:30 pa