The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1952, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Thursdoy, October 30, 1952
indents Fatuity
semmess uv v
A quick survey of reaction to
the "Yardstick of Political
Philosophy" which appeared in
indicates that students and fac
ulty alike are wary of so-called
polls and opinion measuring
William Hice, assistant pro
fessor of journalism, said, "my
criticism of all such "yardsticks"
so commonly used by news
papers and magazines is that
too many are oversimplified and
essentially superficial.
"Although I do think that any
person could use such a device
to suil his own purposes, in this
particular instance I have
enough belief in Mr. Pope's (au
thor of yardstick) integrity to
know that such a factor was not
involved," Hice stated.
George Babilot, instructor of
economics, said that he felt such
a device has a "very limited
value as an indicator of political
Continuing he said, "this is an
attempt to put into isolated
compartments political views
which are actually incapable of
being sharply differentiated.
The numerical average obtained
does not reflect a clear view of
whether a person is liberal, re
actionary, or what-have-you,
because each category must be
considered by itself. The cate
gories do not lend themselves to
Rally On The Move
HERE'S HOW . . . This is how a rally crowd would look if it could
see itself coming. Two such crowds will merge after a start at dif
ferent places Friday night- This Is the first time such a split-personality
rally has been tried. Two pep bands will lead the rally
Rally To Split Friday; Groups
To Start At Union, Coliseum
The rally Friday night will have
a split personality.
The rally committee has an
nounced the following plan for
the pre-Missouri game rally.
All Tassels will meet at the
Union and launch half of the
rally from there at 6:45 p.m.
The Phi Kappa Psi pep band
will lead the group.
The Corn Cobs will meet at the
Coliseum and launch the other
half of the rally at 6:45 p.m.
The regular pep band will lead
off from the Coliseum.
'Circle' Tryouts Set
Monday, Tuesday
Tryouts for "The Circle" will be
held in Room 201 b the Temple
Monday from 3 to 5 p.m. and
Tuesday from 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to
9 p.m.
"The Circle," an English com
edy, is the second of three Uni
versity Theatre productions to be
given this semester.
The play was written by W.
Somerset Maugham who also
wrote "Trio," "Quartet" and "The
Razor's Edge."
David Hayes, who will direct
the production of "The Circle,"
invites and urges all University
students to try out for its cast. He
emphasized that one does not have
to be a speech major to try out
for the play's cast. In the past, he
said, some of the finest actors in
University Theatre have been
from all over city and Ag cam
The pepsters will go to the
Union if their squad leader is a
Tassel and to the Coliseum if their
leader is a Cob. The Yell Squad
will be divided, half starting from
each place.
The rally committee expects
the rest of the students to be
nearly evenly divided between
the two starting points. At each
place the group will follow the
band in a march to a point
where the two groups will meet.
After the two rallies merge they
will proceed to the rallying
The members of the pep squad
will line up directly behind the
bands when the rally starts.
Speakers at the rally will be
Kay Curtis, Bob Davis and George
Name Winkelmann
Air Cadet Colonel
Don Winklemann has been
named cadet wing commander of
the Air ROTC program at the
University for the first semester
Lt. Col. Alex C. Jamieson, pro
fessor of air science, and tactics
has announced.
Winkleman was chosen on the
basis of scholarship, leadership
and military bearing, Colonel
Jamieson explained. The new as
signment gives Winklemann the
rank of cadet colonel.
The University's air cadet
colonels serving as squadron com
manders are Richard Bierman,
Wayne Handshy, and John Greer.
(Daih TkbhaAkarL
To place a classified ad
Stop In the B unities Office Boom 20
rd stick'
being added together and then
George Karabatsos, physics
major, believes the "yardstick"
has value, but it depends en
tirely on how individual defines
and interprets the terms used.
Robert E. Knoll, assistant pro
fessor of English declared that
"It is an amusing parlor trick
and just about as significant as
a bridge game."
Marlene Willie, student at
Teachers College, said, "it is not
very exact, since you can't aver
age one possible extreme against
Nancy Weir, majoring in so
cial work, asks, "as far as it
goes it is very good but how
can you say that these are the
most important issues? Or, are
these necessarily the only ways
one might feel about the issues
Most of the interviewees felt
that one might easily read into
the phrases and understand
them to mean whatever suited
the individual. Also, some men
tioned that the standards given
as "estimated public opinion
1952," "Republican average,"
and "Democratic average" led
people into choosing those
categories which best fit their
preconceived ideas.
One person interviewed, who
did not wish his name to be
used, pointed out that one was
practically forced to use either
columns two or three because of
Chancellor's Reception
m-aM i lr -
Political Meetings
Set For Thursday
INVITATION . . . Cosmopolitan Club members deliver a personal
Invitation to Chancellor R. G. Gustavson. The club Is holding a re
ception and dinner in his honor Nov. 8. Members in native costume
are: (1. to r.) Janet M. Takauye, Hawaii; Tahlra Vahidy, Takistan;
Chancellor Gustavson; Cyril A. Bright. Liberia, president of Cos
mopolitan Club; and Yoshinobu Harushlma, Japan.
Professional Homemaher
To Speak On Thursday
The Ellen H.
Richards dinner, i and group singing will be lead
to bo held Thursday at 6:30 p.m.
in the Union Ballroom, will fea
ture Anna May Wilson as the
main speaker.
Mrs. Wilson, professional home
economist from Chicago and au
thor of a monthly article in the
the wording used In the "reac- , k ,h H of tneHome,"
tha kitchen.
The program will be announced
tionary and "radical" columns
Almost everyone contacted
said that the problem of over
lapping views was the most se
rious deficiency of the "yard
stick." Except for this, the de
ficiencies which people men
tioned most frequently were ex
plained in advance by Mr. Pope.
by toastmistress Jeanne Vierk,
president of the Home Ec Club.
Phyllis Zelinger will give the trib
ute to Ellen Richards. A flute duet
will be presented by Joyce Stelit
tergerber and Margaret Christy
by Connie Clark, accompanied by
Barbara Spilker at tha piano.
Mrs. Wilson received her degree
in home economics from the Uni
versity at Syracuse. Her career
consists of planning new kitchens
and remodeling out-dated ones.
Besides her career, she is a house
wife and mother of four children.
Dr. and Mrs. Wilson have made
their home in Winnotka, 111.
The bald monks of India Holy
Men of the Jain Sect must pluck
their hair from their heads with
their own hands.
le Ballot
For The YMCA-YWCA Mock Election
Oct. 31, 1952
Presidential Ticket
Young GOP's Plan
Paul Revere Ride
" The University Young Repub
licans will m' et at 7:30 pm.
Thursday at Republican Head
quarters on 10th St. between O
and P. It will be their last meet
ing before Tuesday's election.
Lincoln Republicans and the
campus GOPs are uniting to form
a car oool on election day. Resi
dents who lack tnensportation to
the polls are urged to take ad
vantage of this facility and cast
their vote on election day.
Committees will be working this
week on pre-election campaigning
such as calling all Lincoln KepuD
licans to bring out the vote and
scheduling the transportation for
the car-pool. Students have plans
for a Paul Revere Ride throughout
Lincoln the night before elections
to distribute campaign literature.
Meigs Accepts Job
At Connecticut U
Wnllcr Moil's, artist and mem
ber of the University faculty, has
been appointed associate profes
sor of art and head of the Art De
partment at the University of Con
necticut. President A. N. Jorgen-
son announced Wednesday.
A native of New York City, he
received a diploma from Fon
talnble in 1939, a B.F.A. degree
at Syracuse and an M.F.A. de
gree art Iowa State University.
Mr. Meigs' work has been ex
hibited at the Downtown Galler
ies in New York, the Whitney
Museum of American Art, the
Carneaie International Exhibition,
and the Museum of Art in New
He has been with the University
since 1949, and is now assistant
professor in the Department of
Mr. Meigs will assume his new
duties at Connecticut, February 1,
Vote in ONE Square Only
( ) Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican
Richard M. Nixon Republican
( ) Adlai E. Stevenson Democrat
John J. Sparkman Democrat
For United States Senator
(Full Term)
Vote for ONE
( ) Hugh Butler Republican
( ) Stanley D. Long Democrat
( ) Dwight Dell By Petition
( )
For United States Senator
(Two Year Term To Fill Vacancy)
Vote for ONE
( ) Dwight Griswold Republican
( ) William Ritchie Democrat
( )
State Ticket
For Governor
Vote for ONE
( ) Robert B. Crosby Republican
( ) Walter R. Raecke Democrat
( )
For Lieutenant Governor
Vote for ONE
( ) Charles J. Warner Republican
( ) A. Clifford Anderson Democrat
( )
For Secretary Of State
Vote for ONE
( ) Frank Marsh Republican
( ) Harry R. Swanson Democrat
For Auditor Of Public Accounts
Vote for ONE
( ) Ray C. Johnson Republican
( ) Gustav F. Beschorner Democrat
( )
For State Treasurer
Vote for ONE
( ) Frank B. Heintz Republican
( ) J. R. Farris Democrat
( )
For Attorney General
Vote for ONE
( ) Clarence S. Beck Republican
( ) Michael T. McLaughlin Democrat
( )
For Railway Commissioner
Vote for ONE
Butcher to housewife: "Two
pounds of steak! Would you like
it gift wrapped?"
Laase To Address
Stevenson Students
A Students For Stevenson meet
ing and rally well be held Thurs
day night at 8 p.m. in the Corn
huskcr room of the YMCA at 13th
and P Sts.
Main speaker at the meeting
will be Dr. Leroy Laase, chair
man of the University ovn
Don Knutzen, chairman of the)
University Students For Steven
son organization invited all inter
ested students to attend the meet
ing He said that students who
are interested but who have not
vet been active in the organiza
tion are urged to join since the
campaign is almost over.
All students attending the meet
in" are welcome to participate in
the rally directly following the
Wesley House
Plans Sunday
Night Services
Wesley Foundation will hold its
annual membership consecrauon
service Sunday evening at tha
Methodist Student House.
Forrest Stith, membership
chairman and Elaine Eddy, wor
ship chairman are in charge of
the service. The regular dinner
and fellowship hour will be held,
beginning at 5 p.m. The service
will follow, beginning at about
6:30 p.m.
' Wesley Foundation member
ship is open to every Method isl
student. Students who sign the
constitution and receive the mem
bership cards will determine the
policy and hold voting member,
ship in the group. ,
Activities of Wesley Founda
tion include sponsoring deputa
tion teams which conduct the
services in churches within a
150-mile radius of Lincoln and
planning parties and services for
the Methodist student group.
Austrian To Tell Of Russian
Rule In Vienna Thursday Night
Dr. Emanuele Mayr of Vienna
will speak in Union Parlor Y at
8 p.m. Thursday.
Dr. Mayr will address the
Fellowship of Reconciliation on
"Conditions in Vienna After The
Russian Invansion." The meet
ing is open to the public.
The American Friends Service
Committee, brought Dr. Mayr to
the United States on a fellowship.
Herbert Jehle, assistant professor
of physics at the University be
came acquainted with the Mayr
family in Vienna, where Dr. Mayr
received her doctors degree in
languages from the university.
He told the way In which the
Mayrs handled the problem of
living in Vienna under Russian .
occupation. Instead of hiding '
away, Jehle reported, they,
adopted the policy of friendli
ness toward the Russians. ThflL
even Invited them In for means
The element of surprise leftjthe
Russians in doubt as to how to
cope with the situation. Jehle
reported. The Mayr family es
caped harm.
According to Jehle, Dr. Mayr Is
one of the first persons to speak
on the handling of such problems.
) Joseph J. Brown Republican
) J. C. McReynolds Democrat
Congressional Ticket
For Representative In Congress
First District
Vote for ONE
( ) Carl T. Curtis Republican
( ) Samuel Freeman Democrat
Congrats To Union Judging Team;
Halloween Mischief Predicted
Student Union
. On 2-7631 Ext. 4226 for Q...I
fled Service
Hours 1-4:30 Hon. thru hi
No. words 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 1 week
1-10 $ .40 .65 85 M 1.20
11-15 .50 JO 1.05 1:25J1.45
1S-20 JO .95 1.25 1.50 1.70
21-25 .70 1.10 1.45 1.75 1J5
26-30 .80 1.25 1.65 2.00 2.20
Ag Editor
Students, alums and interested
ndividuals will pay tribute to the
founder of home economics at the
annual Ellen Richards dinner
Thursday night. This dinner cli
maxes a day of demonstrations,
tours and discussions about the
home economics department.
We of the Ag campus should
congratulate the members of the
judging teams and their coaches
for the fine representation they
gave the University at the judg
ing contests in Kansas City. In
the wool judging contest the team
won all but two of the ribbons
and trophies present for the con
test. Other teams which made a
good showing both individually
and in team competition were the
meats and senior livestock judg
ing teams. Even though the mem
bers receive college credit for
participating on these teams, this
doesn't cover the amount of Sat-j
urday afternoons and weekday
evenings they spend in learning
the finer points of judging.
While we are back-patting we
might add the Ag Union to the
list of good organizations. They
have instilled rood relationship
between the students and pro
fessors with their "Potluck with
Profs." The last of the first six
series was presented last Sun
day night but Mrs. Peters, Ag
Union director, said that the
second series would be started
some time late in November.
Other Union activities which
will take up where the dinners
left off are the dancing lessons,
Saturday evening shows and the
handicraft classes.
Oh, yes, before I forget, the All
University Fund will get financial
assistance from Aggie's when the
boy shells out for the pretty box
and lass at the Box Social Nov. 4.
Even though this is election day,
yours truly predicts a good return
for the effort of the AUF organl
The grapevine has revealed
that the Ag Builders and Coun
tryman's office will undergo a
facelifting in the near future.
Here's hoping, because any im
provement would surely be no
ticed by the students of the col
lege. While we are on the sub
ject of the Ag Builders it looks
like the organization is up and
coming by the attendance at the
mass meeting Wednesday night.
Even though no activities are
planned for the campus on Hallo
ween night, I will predict that the
traditional shack will appear on
the steps of Love Hall and the
sidewalks and windows at the
AGR house and Farm House will
receive their yearly bath of molasses.
,OST-Brwn bIWold nar Dirty Far t JL MW VMKU
Upturn pnera for REWARD. Chester STUDENTS
Coitn. 3-1446. UU Bo. 14th, Apt. 3S,
M you recently plckrd up ths wrong
H'tlmr jMkct, contact Ken Mrlnlnger,
BLnNflMTr A T . j
.......u. luuirt mirni noun Co-op. 1U3
J St.
rrnilU. Don't he luft out; cull ttrn
BunlnnM Office tomorrow for liny Item
you want acid, repaired, or traded.
;;' k By the way, the newest law
oi motion is move along
to comfort with
Jockettes (for (he rals)
95c & 1.19
i 1
WU"M HV ,'' .'I r'.i,,'iV.'!V,,.'nA(
i.2o 3Jr:j
Mod. anly by 2 a
Or. Newton Irtio, olly physics professor, says
"You'll lose your gravity
with Jockey brand Shorts!"
In one of his periods of child-like good humor, Dr. Ertia
told his class recently, "Why Mass around with sub
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Quantum, one by one!"
Enjoy the smooth, snug fit that is exclusively Jockey's!
Yi, Jockey brand Short are tailored to fit . . .
end have four exclusive features that insure
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13 contoured pieces are carefully
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Nwly-dvloBd heat resistant rubber in
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No tag or bind around the legs.
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1 on,
all underwear gives you
coverap but
Joekty Shorts
OCM)f T-ttm
AND 'hj lit
gives you lull com
Mod. only by
K.fwdn, WlKonthi