1 I; t I I 'J u : 1) . j . Page Z THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday. October 16, 1952 EDITORIAL PAGE What Do You Mean, So Long? A former football player was asked, In a kid ding way, if he were the boy who was out of action because of a shoulder separation in Saturday's fame. He said, "No, that guy was killed by Kansas State and buried by the sports writers." And that is exactly our attitude to the "So long, Champ" feeling which has permeated every column and story written about a swell my, Bob Reynolds. Although he has to' carry his left arm in an awkward support. Reynolds ia still very much alive. The Daily Nebraskan object to the obituary atmosphere which Is taken on when the Reynolds mishap is discussed. Bob really loves baseball best and it has been indicated by the experts that he has passed up a lucrative career by staying at the University and playing football. In The Nebraskan's view, this is entirely true except that we do not think that Bob missed out on a baseball career just to romp through opponents' secondaries. He did not come to school with a big blow up; during his freshman year, he was a relatively unknown player. If Bob Reynolds came to the University for football glory he certainly had no indication that he would get it until that sunny afternoon in 1950 when he baffled a visiting Indiana team. Since that afternoon, Bob Reynolds has been bafflinr teams on fall afternoons regularly. During his sophomore year he made most All- American teams and was chosen the riayer of the Year. Last year a series of injuries one to his right shoulder similar to the one he has now on Ms left side kept him out of championship form until the last came of the season, i And this year, the Grand Island flash showed every thing needed to assure another All-American selection except a full season. It is because of the record Bob Reynolds has piled up during these three seasons that everyone is crying now that he is lost for the gridiron. It is also because Bob Reynolds is an awfully swell guy and carried the responsibility of national pub licity well. ; The Nebraskan wishes to emphasize that Bob Reynolds the athlete or the man is not dead. He should not be mourned. He still has possi bilities for tremendous professional and col legiate careers in baseball and could possibly go out for basketball this winter. He is still walk ing around with his friendly smile. The Ne braskan wishes to congratulate rather than mourn Reynolds. He has served his University in a way that no other man has ever been able to do. For this, he should be thanked. The Nebraskan knows that it is speaking for the school and the state as a whole when it says, "Bob, we appreciate what you have done, and get well quick." D. P. LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler 1 STUPE NT Student Solution Needed The administration of our University is caught a "raid" conducted during a house party and hav- between the devil and the deep blue sea on a sub- ing several University students taken to the city ject that possibly" affects the social life of the ma- jail. Such an occurence, as is obvious, would r- jority of University students. And the adminis- suit in extreme publicity for the University. tration, from its parental position in regard to University students, would like a solution. it was pointed out to us tnrougn a leuenp mar The problem that seems in need of a solution the University, in its un-compromising position on " is the recently-enforced University regulation drinking, was driving the students to road houses " that no drinking of alcoholio beverages shall and cars for their alcoholic activities. The Uni . take Place In an organised campus house. Which versity officials realize what the consequences oi means, in light of present developments, that enforcing the no-drinking rule might be. t organized groups may not serve liquor at their A state-supported institution has no alterna -house parties. tive than to enforce state law even though they might object to certain phases of such law. The Administrative officials have told the Daily University, although caught in the middle of this Nebraskan in all honesty that they have no control student situation, must only abide by the law- over whether University students drink. And and appeal to the students for a solution, they have also said that fhey are fully aware of the fact that many University students do drink. n i .t-1 Lefferip "I wanna buy one book "Forever Amber." An' how's 'bout throwin' in book-jackets of "Economics One," "Business Math," an' "Psychology?" Reynolds' Day . . . (Editor's Note A discussion of the proposal below may be found in "The Lineup" on sports page.) Dear Editor, Thanks a lot for using the Bob Reynolds piece, although the credit all goes to Bob. It s a cinch to write about a guy like him. Here's something you might get together with me on: How about getting behind a Bob Reynolds' day, to be held during one of the Buskers two remain ing home games? He deserves one last big hand and. heaven knows, the crowd wants to give it to him. Get the card section, the band and everyone in on it and maybe have Bob say a few words I've written to Potsy about this and further action by you would help. Best and thanks again, NORR1S ANDERSON Sports Editor, The Lincoln Star Injustice . . . Dear Editor, In the article on the front page of your Oct. 3 edition, both your reporter and your headline writer were decidedly unfair to Chan cellor Gustavson, in tailing xo Quote him fully and accurately. The c-nanceuor oia not an A strict enforcement of the no-drinking rule has begun on campus this year motivated, as we see it, by state law against persons under 21 ." years of age buying or having in their posses sion alcoholic beverages. The majority of the student body is not 21 -years of age. Therefore, when an organized ""campus house serves liquor at its house parties, it would seem that a state law is inevitably to be violated sometime during the evening. And the It appears to The Nebraskan that the only solution lies in the organized houses recognizing the position of the University, realizing that they, too, must abide by state law, and taking it upon themselves to abide by the University's decision until such time as the Nebraska legis lature is moved to lower the drinking age-limit or to make provisional amendments in view of the University's problem. Administrative officials have asked for a solu tion and it can come only from the students. University officials stood in great fear of having R. R. Parking Fines Rented Land Vandals Shatter Sign, Ag Builders Restore Glass, Begin iVeiv System Chuck Beam Ag Builders had just completed their project of last year when the parties and convention com mittee erected the bulletin board on the south entrance to the campus. However, some individ- the "aristocratic atmosphere" of "Greek Fraternities." He merely commended FarniHouse Fra ternity for maintaining Its lead ership in fraternity scholarship and demoeracy. He did not criti cise anyone else. During 13 years on the Univer sity campus as a student and staff member, serving in various stu dent organization capacities in cluding the presidency of the In nocents Society, and later as a member of the Interfraternity council, the Lincoln Lions Club and the Chamber of Commerce, I formed 'a wide acquaintance and many friendships among leaders in all fraternities. Among us the problem of keeping our younger fraternity brothers "on the ball" scholastically and otherwise was a topic of friendly and coopera tive discussion. I am chagrinned to have had my name and fraternity associ ated with such an unfair inter pretation of what the Chancel lor really said and meant Very truly yours, LEW T. SKINNER (Editor's Note: The following letter was written to The Lin coln Star and a copy was sent to The Nebraskan. The Nebraskan carried the story of Chancellor R. G. Gustavson's speech to the farmHouse eonvention the week preceding Oct. S. On Oct. 6, in a telephone interview with the Chancellor, The Nebraskan elarified, to Its readers, the con troversy regarding Gustavson's remarks.) NUBB Thursday YW NOON DISCUSSION GROUP Dining Room, Ellen Smith. 12 p.m. YW COMMISSION. CHRIS TIAN BELIEFS Dining Room. The Ag Union has started their "Better Living" series and the dancing lessons for the next six Dnnrinp instructions are riven every Wed- nesday night while the "Better Living" series it ?-ra- ual took the "honor" of being the first to deface scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons jH Faculty iWnge, 4 p.m. YW OFFICE STAFF Dining the sign. The student or stu dents politely heaved a soft drink bottle through the glass of the case undoing all the work that was accomplished by the Ag Builders in trying to improve the campus. With the replacement of the glass on the case a new sub-committee will start to function on the campus. A branch of the publicity com mittee for the builders will offer their services in making standard signs for the new bulletin board. The sub-committee will be headed by M. J. Niehaus. AH material for the sign mak ing committee must be turned in to Miss Nie haus or at the Ag Builders office on the Friday preceding the week in which the poster is sched uled to be displayed. Beam at 5 p.m Block and Bridle Club's application to the Ag Exec Board to change their spring show name to the Block and Bridle show Instead of the Jr. Ak-Sar-Ben has been approved by the Ag Exec Board. The application bow must go to the faculty committee and be approved by the administration to make tbe change possible. Other spots on the campus that are buzzing with activity are the vocational education depart ment and the tractor testing lab. The Voc Ed de partment is holding its fall short course for Vet Ag instructors. The conference is being held Oct 13 to 17. The International Harvester Company is con ducting tests with their propane burning tractors at the laboratory. Saturday night is the annual Coll-Agri Fun night at the college activities building. Room, Ellen Smith, 5 p.m. YW COMMISSION, COM PARATIVE RELIGIONS North east Room, Ellen Smith, 5 p.m. Mother Jimmie I wish you would run over and see how old Mrs. Smith is this morning. Jimmie (returning) She said to tell you it was none of your business. Mother Why, Jimmie, what in the world did you ask her? Jimmie Just what you told me to. I 8ld you wanted to know how old she was. Elderly passenger (who objects to tobacco) If you were my hus band, I d give you poison. Man (next to her on bus) If you were my wife, I'd take it. Two On The Aisle 1 Student Look Toward Politics To The Daily Nebraskan, the Student Council made a mistake Wednesday afternoon. It was not a large mistake and a good many people believe that it wasn't a mistake. It was brought up in the regular Council proceedings that negotiations with Dean of Student Affairs Phillip Colbert in regard to parking fines had come to the point that the Council's opinion was needed. Dean Colbert told a Council representa tive that he could not go ahead and try to put through a parking fine system without approval of the student legislative body. So, this representative read to the Council a pair of suggestions and asked that they be ' submitted to Colbert with Council approval. These suggestions Included the fact that nominal fines would be levied to parking violators with more than two University tickets. If the fine was not paid within a week, the suggestion con '" tinned, the violator would be rusticated (the same punishment given habitual violators now). The other suggestion said that the money col- Campaign Literature The presidential campaign is running full steam ahead. Nearly every printed and spoken word these days is the brain-child of a politician or a politician's helper. Irrevelant issues are being spotlighted in the campaign arena and ap peals to the voting public made on the basis of anything but intelligence. To date, most of the campaign attack has ' ' concerned itself with mud-slinging, character assasinatlon and other such unpleasant activities. The Nebraska Republican State Central Commit tee has, perhaps unwittingly, introduced an ele ment of sweetness and light into this presiden tial battle. From Republican headquarters, Room 220, -Cornhusker Hotel, Lincoln, Neb., has come a small, printed card that, at first glance, has nothing to do with politics except for its sponsors. in- Further examination, however, might reveal the depths of political significance on the card. A basic tenet for the views advanced in the liter--ature is seen at the top of the card with directions for us. Following this are three variations of use for the basic tenet thus set forth. The variations un- doubtedly make the political fodder more tenabje to various elements of the party. This certain piece of campaign literature will probably never repose on the bulletin boards of ward headquarters. It seems highly impossible " that it will bringr forth many more Republican votes at the polls. ' , In fact, this latest piece of propaganda, might T Cry well keep the nation's female voters in their titchens on election day instead of at the polls. It ia none other than a recipe for "Mother Eisen hower's 0001066." R. R- lected would be placed in a scholarship fund sponsored by the University Student CounciL It was moved, seconded and passed that these suggestions be submitted to Dean Colbert. Factually, this is what happened. The Ne braskan does not wish argue now whether or not this idea is legal or not. What we do wish to say is that it looks to us like there is a very defi nite possibility that this suggestion will not be found legal. If we are right, it will mean that a lengthy Council discussion will have been for naught. Where we feel that the mistake was made was in the failure to see whether the suggestions were legal before they were submittd. It seems like the Council put the cart before X the horse by stamping approval on something that might be proved illegal. All that would have needed to have been done, was a check with legal authorities before the suggestions were brought into the public spotlight. The Univer sity has not only lawyers but a Law College where this could have been done. Any time fines are mentioned, a very delicate and im portant subject has been brought up a subject that has the possibility of touching every student driving an automobile on this campus. It looks like this fining idea will stir up a lot of con troversy. We feel that no controversy should have been allowed to appear until the legal basis had been established. Certainly, the author of the plan had no in tention of hurting the students; conversely, he thought he would be doing them a service. We are not arguing with his sinceriiy. The' Nebras kan believes that the plan may be illegal because it oflers no appeal to the violator. Common law justice has long maintained that the charges of the police should be subject to the review of a neutral observer. XIo provision is made here. Again, the mistake is not large and final, but it is there and maybe a controversy will arise that needn't be. D. P. Comical Pirates Do Back Flips By JANE SAXTON SUff Writer Mix acrobatics and buccaneer ing. Then add a dash of eighteenth century inventiveness. Result: "The Crimson Pirate," now showing at the Varsity Thea ter. Stars Burt Lancaster and Nick Cravat as pirate chieftain and loyal mate respectively, team up to enliven the old villain-hero-heroine theme with a new comical twist. Lancaster and Cravat do a good job of eluding the troops of Span ish nobleman Baron Gruda with their back flips off window ledges and posing as village dancing girls. Chief and mate even go so far as to pose as the evil Gruda and co hort in a Spanish colonial court. But when Gruda decides to take Conseulo, a native beauty, as hos tage on his ship, the pair rigs up a huee balloon with a suspended basket. Thus the land-to-ship junket necessary to free the her oine is made possible. The scene of action, filmed at Ischia near the Bay of Naples, supposedly takes place in the capital town of a Spanish is land, breeding place for rebel lion. This buccaneering pair and their crew seem to be on the side of the villagers in revolt against the crown. But, amidst the hodge-podge of luugh-pro-d urine antics, it is sometimes hard to telL American Labor KNUS 4 1 ;ily Thought An intense hour will do more than dreamy jears. Beecher. JJisl (Daihf TkLhaAkcuv FIFTY-FIRST TEAR Member Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press EDITORIAL STAFF TIM ftnllT NebrkM! to imtillhcfl tn fix ftmltHtf of Sw Culver slty of N Abrosfc u expression of uldenu' oews mud 6won ealr. According in Article 11 of the ByLnwi governing etmleiit publica tions and prtmifiiitc red b the Board of Publiatiom, "1 it the de clared nailer of tne Boa id that nttblleatlom. ander Na tnrtMleltmn thai! be free from editorial ceiuorehip on the ran at the Board. r an the part of mm member of the faculty of the University, bnl the members at the itnff of The Dally kebnulun are nniinolli a MMNMlble tot what they eay or do or eniue he printed." MntMcriptlon ratal are S2.0U a entenor, SZ.M mailed m R3.il tar tbe coliene year, mailed, eihula copy frc Patblsthed dally dnrhn the achnol year except Hatordan and Anndvn. vexation aad aiamination periods. One ioMie putitMhed nurina the anonle of Autut by the Imtvenity of Nebraska under the supervision of the Committee on fstndent Publications, tiimered as Second Claaa Matter at me Post Office bj Lincoln. Nebraska, nuder Art of Cfeeureat. Harch X, IR7H. and at special rate of pootane provided lor m Met Iwn 11113. Act of Conanas of Mclobar , 113. anttartsed gsr-seas-bar lu, IB2S. HAium . . Bath fUsrnoad Associate Kdltar Daw Pwaer MaaasiM Kditurs ftae Gorton, Ren Rystram haws tkdltors Saily Hall, Ual UawMliMlch. m Dick RalAoe. turn bunaoiunn. Pal ball "oris Wllor tilena Kelson Ass'l tieorts Kditor Charted blase reauura sumor sTM trnUt Editor Chncfc Bean wciety Cdilor jam Hultee Benorters .. Tom Woodward. Paul Means, Marilyn Tyson.: Phil Patterson. Natalia a.att, John Trenerrejr. Jan Harrison, Joe Moran. stoger Wait. Scott Cblles. Den Smith, sttarihs.ll sleeker. Dick Ceffey. Money Gardiner. Pet Lyon, Connie bead.; John Vonnes, Chuck Keener, fed KeMar. Csl Kaskn, ry Sherman, Del Harding, Darwin McAfee, Ual Snedgrnna, Bart Brown. Tom Becker. Howard Vann, Boh Sorr, Gary Frt-ttdaen-1 BUSINESS STAFF j Hnstness Manage, Arnold Stern i Ass't Basinoss Managers ... ft tan nipple. Pete Bereflen j lion vertnlt rtrmiHttton Manager KA Berg riight News Editor ................. .. .Sara StopBenson 3:00 2:15- 3:30. 4:50- Wlth -3:15 Purple Grotto -3:30 Shake Hands The World -3:45 Songs Of The Saddle -4:00 Sports Parade 4:15 4 O'Clock' Class 4:30 AUF Show 4:35 This I Believe -4:50 World Of Wax 5:00 News By AL CROUKSE Staff Writer Samuel Gompers, founder of the American Federation of Labor, once said, '"There is no such thing as a labor bloc vote'." The Democratic and Republican parties do not seem to concur with this opinion, for both are trying for the vote of the common man "en masse." For the Democrats, it is a problem of re taining the same votes that have helped to swing the election their way for twenty years. The Re publicans, however, are using a different line of strategy. Their strategy now calls for Eisenhow er's popular appeal swinging enough labor votes so that this 'bloc' will not be able to influence the outcome of the election. The main issue concerning labor is, "What are we to do about the Taft-Hartley Act?" The Democrats, in their platform, call for repeal of the present law. The Republicans advocate amending the law. c n.:s. Gov. Adiai Stevenson, in a speech given in Detroit on Labor Day, set down five general prin- j ciples for a new labor-relations law. As he said, Labor and management can agree on these prin ciples too, if they will throw their guns on the table." He continued to present his five-fold plan, "Point No. 1 is that the law must accept labor unions, like employer corporations, as the respon sible 'representatives of their members' interest Point No. 2 is the other side of Point No. 1. Ii labor unions are to be accepted as the full repre sentatives and guardians of employee interests ia the collective bargaining process, then labor unions must conform to standards of fair conduct and equal protection in the exercise of their steward ship." Point three of Stevenson's suggestions, " is that SJ AMYWWECE IN THE WOCLO CNCETUE KOGEAN CONFLICT STACTED NOW ABE EUGI8LE tOZ GI LOANS CNTrSE SfiM CASTAS WORLD WAS H VE-TECANS Hum fr - ""igrTt i 1 rFil vf-v- : a new federal labor law must outlaw unfair bar gaining practices by companies or unions." "Point number 4 is rejection of the labor in junction." " The Governor's fifth and last point "is that new methods must be found for settling national emergency disputes." Republican Reply Immediate reply came from the Republican side cf the fence. Robert N. Denham, former Seneral Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board said in a press statement, "These proposals ignore our national work force of 62 million people, of whom less than 16 million are union members. They are addressed to the advancement of the unions. They ignore the protection the law accords each of these 62 million people against the abuses of union officers and union rule and their right to determine for themselves whether they will join or refrain from joining a union. These proposals would withdraw all such rights and pro tection and try to force 46 million into industrial serfdom. They would restore the "closed shop" as the first medium for withdrawing this protec tion and freedom of croice. They would condone the picket-line violence and abuses that have re ceived the nod from the NLRB in its Wagner Act decisions. All they would do would be to aggra vate the conditions Congress was seeking to cor rect." The Republican Party still states that the Taft Hartley Act protects the workers as well as the employer. They also condemn sekure of striking plants and industries, a plan offered earlier by Governor Stevenson. Both sides have offered new proposals, but, in all probability, there will be many points carried over from the Taft-Hartley Act no matter which plan of revision is used. Notes On Half-Notes Georgia Can Enjoys Rapid Rise Jo Success With Canitol Three months ago a new sing ing sensation was discovered tn the person of Georgia Carr. Since that time Georgia has enjoyed a rapid climb to popularity in the music field. Here's thirty-two bars on Georgia Carr, Sometime last July, bandleader Nelson Little and songwriter Arthur King heard Georgia sing in a night spot in Frisco. They were very 6 impressed. Ar- , 5 thur thought jv she should re- turn with them to L. A. a n d ' make a test re- v. , cording for Capitol, who at Fojel the time was in need of a female vocalist. She decided to give it a try. King was so confident of her Success that ho vi'rnto o ennn Ar peciaiiy to fit her style of singing. iiut bung is me currently popular She recorded the same for the teat and the board ef directors were very satisfied 'itb the re sult. A few days later, she made a platter with Kelson Little-; band and featuring- as the top side, Arthur Kint's "Softly." .Now the mala problem was to ret Georgia In front of the pub lic The first KtPD wbk an infsrviatu With Nat P.nlo nsrssv fVia Tn mA ' - ww w. . VJ fU ams jockey show. This happened J while Cole and trio were playing at the "Paramount" in L. A. Joey played her new record, asked a iew questions ana signed off. These few moment wsrs nil u took as far as music city was con cerned, capnoi eiecldea to con tinue doing' thn isms tvno nf - m ft- v. j , moting for Georgia and since that; Dannv Fooel Ume, she has don nnw. , -!.. u.l V, travelling around the country in- -iuui" ucn places as Detroit, St Louis and Chicago. is this writer's opinio that W girl is going places. (Pun, Pun). JUSt to Irson k 1 i rh-i.oe t0,u clear UP misque on the H!r :Vin, ST . - that fx. ""weej? r - ""'"u m an prooaouity solo. Since that time I've learned iZTf irl, accompany him o Nat Cole and Trio. K Here's: tho ui ' ... Ta-rri - "uirs lor mw Vet, r? Cncert Bt Tech High, Omaha, October 24th: Ella Fite gerald. Flip Phillips, Lester Young, n-i i r-i ' -""iie onavers, nor Eldridge and the great Gene Kru pa Jazz Trio. Also featured on the Rama. nw-.. 41 ..... 7 uie mucn talked about "Oscar Peterson Trio." O Q o fS